#Pot o' Gold
photozoi · 3 months
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The Brother does NOT feel lucky as he is wearing a hat and someone Stole his Pot o' Gold and he is Done With It.
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Who could have done such a Dastardly Deed?
the Brother, the Imp- Silken Windhounds
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gleecontext · 5 months
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GLEE S03E04 Pot O' Gold
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sillyname30 · 7 months
I just listened to the latest episode of and that's what you really missed on Glee.
Jenna and Kevin were going on and on about how nice and sweet Damian is. (I'm a little disappointed that they didn't adress the Irish jokes. I thought Jenna would be sensitive about it. I hope when Damian is a guest he will say something about it. He couldn't back then in his first episode.)
Last Friday Night: The Katy Perry video was already out. When Kevin heard that Darren was singing the song on Glee he was like 'guys, you do know that we were both in the music video and I was in the music video a lot. ' And then they added him for a little thing. (This is a good example for the difference between Darren and Kevin. I don't remember Darren talking about the Katy Perry video, but I bet his reaction was: 'Wow. I can't believe I'm in a Katy Perry video. My life is great.' And not 'Why has Kevin a bigger role than me.')
Jenna was a little jealous that she wasn't in the Troubletones. She felt left out, but then she thought this was a chance for Tina to get more songs.
Kevin was in panic. He thought with Darren and Damian he would never sing again.
Then they were going on and on about Vanessa. Kevin said the Sugar/Santana diaglogues are gold. Jenna said that when Vanessa had just one line she made the best of it. (Did Jenna forget that she is always complaining that she had just one line?)
Kevin and Jenna liked that Finn was stepping up and told Blaine that he was new and has no say because of it. (I didn't like it. It's not just because I like Blaine. I thought it was weird. Finn was a nice guy and he was mean to Blaine for no reason until we found out a couple of episodes later that Finn was jealous – not stepping up.)
best dance move: Candy Man
best song: Candy Man (and Damian)
performance mvp: Damian with a shoutout to Cory
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badn3w · 9 months
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i think about mac and charlie's chardee macdennis team photo too often
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lizztaylor · 1 year
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“I'd like people to remember me as someone who was good at his job and seemed to mean what he said.”
Happy 115th birthday, James Maitland Stewart! May 20, 1908 - July 2, 1997
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vintagehollywood1 · 2 months
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James Stewart and Paulette Goddard in Pot o' Gold 1941 🎥❤️
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silvermarmoset · 4 months
meditating on the @hotvintagepoll bracket again, specifically looking at cary grant and james stewart and being like what is the appeal here?. Because running the bracket, you see a lot of people who have never met any of them before, so they're voting purely on looks—and looking through their eyes, yeah, what makes square-jawed Cary or chinless James worth watching?
and I think what I've come to is that Cary Grant is always outside whatever movie you're watching him in, which is his particular appeal, while James Stewart is always deeply inside the movie, and that's his. Cary Grant plays every role with a little wink and a smile, always a slight touch of artificiality, and he's always Cary Grant™—the suit, the hair, the tone. He could turn to the screen and wink at you because he never seems that trapped in what he's doing at any given time. He could step out of the screen and still be this creation Archibald Leach made.
And James Stewart, meanwhile, is always playing the same handful of characteristics—the voice, the swallow, the slight awkward tallness, the lowered brow—but no matter what is happening to him, he always conveys that he believes it. There's not a soul of a wink in his performances. He believes the 6' tall rabbit, the angel on the bridge, the murder in his lens. No matter how insane the story, Jimmy Stewart conveys that he is entirely involved in it, grounded to the point of no separation.
Maybe that's what makes The Philadelphia Story such a magic experiment in onscreen chemistry—Cary standing on the sides of the action, seemingly never that bothered that his former wife is running off with two different men, always a slight smile away; Jimmy, meanwhile, immediately entangled in the story, immediately getting into fights and bungling into things and 100% inside.
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boydswan · 1 year
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James Stewart in Pot o' Gold (1941) dir. George Marshall
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gleetournaments · 5 months
The Ultimate Episode Tournament: Round 1 Match 12
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temiree · 1 year
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This was the Patreon thank you image from March 2023! I still love how Ryan turned out here - this might be one of my favorite drawings of him ever, if not my favorite. He looks so dashing in that outfit, and with that pose and expression. <3
A full-res copy of this is available on Patreon for $3/mo patrons!
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blairwarbler · 1 year
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Glee TV Chris Colfer Kurt (+Quinn) 11 Rare Unpublished Wardrobe Photos Ep119,304 (x)
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gleesongtournament · 11 months
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gleecontext · 7 months
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GLEE S03E04 Pot O' Gold
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sillyname30 · 7 months
I rewatched Pot o'Gold and the bts videos as preparation for the next recap episode.
Brittany thinks Rory – an exchange student from Ireland –  is a Leprechaun and plans to let him into her Pot of Gold after he grants her three wishes. (I hope they will address the Irish jokes and stereotypes. I want to know how Damian felt about them.)
Quinn and Puck offer to babysit Beth, so that Shelby can get some alone time and relax. But in reality Quinn just wants Beth back. She plants items in the apartment to prove Shelby is an unfit mother and calls Child Services. Puck removes the items secretly.
Figgins cuts the funding for Westside Story after Sue got people riled up about it. Burt steps in with some friends and they buy ads in the programm to get it funded. Later Burt decides to run against Sue for office.
Mercedes tries to win Santana over to join her glee club. Santana doesn't want to go without Brittany, but is concerned that the New Directions are gonna be the Blaine and Rachel show. With Rory's help she convinces Brittany to leave with her. (I guess the Santana scene and Finn's jealousy of Blaine is based on how the cast felt about Darren. I hope Jenna and Kevin will adress it. I know they like Darren. I won't be angry when they admit they were worried.)
Last Fridy Night is Darren's first song in the choir room. Kevin and Darren were in the Katy Perry video. I think Kevin will talk about that.
cringe moment that isn't Glee's fault: Mark singing for a little girl with what I know now is beyond cringey for me. I can't even watch it.
Cringe moment that is Glee's fault: This kiss between Shelby and Puck. This affair is wrong on so many levels. Shelby is a teacher, Puck is a student. Puck dated Rachel – Shelby's daughter. Shelby adopted Puck and Quinn's daughter. What were the writers thinking?
Best song: for me it's a tie between Last Friday Night (because it's Darren and it is a fun number) and Candyman (that is just good)
best dance move: again Last Friday Night (no real choreography, but fun to watch) and Candyman (because the choreography is good)
favorite line: Santana: „Every time he opens his dreamboat a capella mouth, you're just itching to kick him right in the Warblers.
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jauntilyplacedcaps · 9 months
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datshitrandom · 1 year
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Blaine D. Anderson in every episode | 3.04 Pot O' Gold
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