#Pre Sale Cleaning Service
presalecleaning · 1 year
Consider These Home Cleaning Ways Before Finally Selling Your House
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Are you planning to list your home for sale? You may not get an ideal value for it if it is not properly cleaned. Since the main thing about selling is the value, you simply cannot compromise on it by keeping your home cluttered and untidy. You should act now with the best home cleaning methods and then list your home for sale. Look for the best professionals offering house cleaning for sale in Melbourne if you want the process to be extremely efficient and effective. But if you feel confident enough to pull the work off, look below and get well-versed in the best home cleaning methods now.
Decluttering Your Home
Avoid treating dirt, dust, and grime in the beginning stages. This is not how you keep your home clean. You should first consider decluttering the spaces to make your home look more spacious. Toss unnecessary items out of the pavilion to make a good impression.
Removing Dust and Dirt
Focus on improving the indoor air quality and, thereby, making your home clean and fresh. Remove all accumulated dust and dirt from every corner of your house. Don’t leave a single space or corner in this regard! From ceiling fans and ceiling walls to door tracks and upholstery, everything should be cleaned thoroughly and efficiently.
Getting Rid of Pet Stains and Smells
If you have pets in your home, you need to make sure that you keep it fully clean before showing it to a prospective buyer. Precisely, clean pet hair, stains, and smells from carpets, floors, and rugs using high-quality products. Avoid using chemically induced products to keep your home and its environment safe and sound. Professional cleaning before selling a house in Melbourne is crucial and, thereby, can undoubtedly increase its value.
To impress every prospective buyer with your home, you should adopt and use these home cleaning methods. But the best way is to call a professional for help. With them, at least you don’t have the risk of getting anything wrong done in your home. Their expertise and experience are undoubtedly your best bet!
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thatcleaningcrew · 27 days
Transform Your Property with That Cleaning Crew’s Pre-Sale Cleaning Services
Selling a property is a significant event that requires meticulous planning and preparation. One of the most impactful steps in this process is ensuring that your home or commercial space is immaculately clean. First impressions matter, and a pristine environment can significantly boost the perceived value of your property. That Cleaning Crew specializes in pre sale cleaning services designed to make your property stand out in a competitive market.
Why Choose Pre-Sale Cleaning? When potential buyers walk into a spotless property, it creates a positive impression that can influence their purchasing decision. Here are several reasons why pre-sale cleaning is essential:
Enhanced Aesthetic Appeal: Clean spaces appear more inviting and well-maintained, making it easier for buyers to envision themselves living or working there. Increased Property Value: A well-kept property can justify a higher asking price. Cleaning can highlight the best features of your property, making it more attractive to potential buyers. Faster Sales: Properties that are clean and well-presented tend to sell faster. Buyers are often more willing to move quickly on a property that looks move-in ready. What Makes That Cleaning Crew Stand Out? At That Cleaning Crew, we understand the nuances of preparing a property for sale. Our team is dedicated to delivering top-notch cleaning services that cater to the unique needs of each client. Here’s what sets us apart:
Comprehensive Cleaning Solutions: We offer a full range of cleaning services, including deep cleaning, carpet and upholstery cleaning, window washing, and more. Our goal is to ensure every corner of your property sparkles. Attention to Detail: Our trained professionals pay close attention to every detail, ensuring that even the often-overlooked areas are spotless. From scrubbing grout lines to polishing fixtures, we leave no stone unturned. Eco-Friendly Practices: We use environmentally friendly cleaning products that are safe for both your property and the planet. Our green cleaning methods ensure a healthy environment for future occupants. Flexible Scheduling: We understand that preparing a property for sale can be hectic. Our flexible scheduling options are designed to accommodate your timeline and minimize disruption. Our Pre-Sale Cleaning Services Our pre-sale cleaning services are tailored to meet the specific needs of each property. Here’s what you can expect when you choose That Cleaning Crew:
Initial Consultation and Assessment: We start with a thorough assessment of your property to identify areas that need attention. Our team will work with you to develop a customized cleaning plan that addresses your specific needs. Deep Cleaning: Our deep cleaning services cover all areas of your property, including kitchens, bathrooms, living areas, and bedrooms. We clean and sanitize surfaces, ensuring a hygienic and inviting environment. Specialized Cleaning: We offer specialized cleaning services such as carpet and upholstery cleaning, window washing, and power washing. These services are designed to remove stubborn stains, dirt, and grime, leaving your property looking fresh and new. Final Inspection and Touch-Up: After the cleaning is complete, we conduct a final inspection to ensure everything meets our high standards. We also offer touch-up services to address any last-minute cleaning needs. Success Stories Conclusion Preparing your property for sale is a critical step in ensuring a successful transaction. That Cleaning Crew’s pre-sale cleaning services are designed to enhance your property’s appeal, increase its value, and speed up the sales process. Trust us to deliver exceptional results that will make your property shine.
Ready to transform your property? Contact That Cleaning Crew today to schedule your pre-sale cleaning service and take the first step towards a successful sale.
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brightboosters · 3 months
Commercial buildings are a part of our modern society and serve as the hub for various businesses and organizations. These buildings experience a continuous entry and exit of employees, clients, and visitors. It is, therefore, essential to maintain a clean and hygienic environment in commercial space. It is even more important to maintain cleanliness or arrange for professional pre-sale cleaning services in Granville when these spaces are up for sale.
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To know more about us and our services directly give us a call at +61 04782 86100, or mail us at [email protected].
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gummilutt · 10 months
Directory of downloads
Since Tumblr is now where I share my stuff when I do share, I suppose there will come a time when scrolling through would get tedious for you, the reader, and Origami suggested I make a directory post to make it easier for people to find what they may want. Great idea, so here we are :)
If you have problems you can reach me through discord, my username is gummilutt. You can also find me in the discord server Sims Crafters (click for invite). PM on MTS will reach me, but discord is fastest :)
Custom memories library and object
Monique's computer update - price editing friendly
Modified Cyjon Loan Jar
Simulated sales in OFB business made optional and lot-based
Autonomous background crafting
AL Gear City window made closeable
Updated Inge table and counter controller
No saturday landlord party in apartments
Landlord leaves leaf piles during autumn
Backrub gives comfort
Crystal ball computer dating service
Stuffed animal enabler and autonomy fix with traits incorporation
Teens and pregnant Sims do not drink autonomously
Towel rack dresser actions
Toddler memory nursery rhyme
Cat nip toy cleanup enabled teens/elder
Check out self on mirror enabled adult/elder
Pregnant Sim BV activity sanity - Log roll, axe throw, massage, hot spring and sauna changes
Takemizu ninja success chance raised to 75%
Uni skill scholarships lowered to 5 points
Sell lemonade want age restricted
Snuck out memory made repeatable
No autonomous cleaning of dishes/trash
Pet career wage edits
Slacker chance card edit
Debug "make harvestable" made more user friendly
No hunger decay for birds
Bodyshop content
Acne Taurus pantless heels
Raonjena 103 Pooklet recolor
Updating pre-AL pet food bowls for Midge's butler/nanny refill mod
Fixes of other peoples stuff
BO's multi-key dorm door mod diagonal door add-on
Cyjon debugger menu fixed for non-english installations
Potty Fixes and Potty Use Bin mods merged for compatibility
For more of my creations I also have a library of 84 uploads over on MTS, mostly game mods with some bodyshop and the occasional lot sprinkled in. My username there is gummilutt :)
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striderl · 2 months
Okay, I'm scared to ask but how Foley find his owner's robot pornography stash.
Heck, where the F^(& did his owner even GET robo porn??????
As a matter of fact, my world-building ideas for the pre-war Skibidi Toilet universe mostly come from the game Detriot: Become Human. If you look up the exact definition of porn as well as the statistics, owning robot porn isn’t that far-fetched.
You know, the majority of humans have the instinct to exploit others when they are given the opportunities and authorities, forcing Foley to play housemaid is just one of them. Foley came across his owner’s stash when he was ordered to clean up the office, where he found the porn under a pile of newspapers.
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Foley’s owner is the type of human willing to buy a robot to satiate their sexual fantasy, owning pornography is just a minuscule amount compared to the multitudinous crimes he had committed. He is also a person who knows how to navigate the shadow society and black market, which is extremely dangerous. Evading the law and government is a much greater concern for the ones involved in the shadow economy, and killing is a lesser concern. And when you think the black market is illegal? Nope, there are hundreds of countries out there that thrive on the shadow economy. These underground markets deal with the sale of illegal drugs, weapons, organs, goods and services, etc. These markets also avoid taxes due to these transactions are never reported. Evil never goes away despite how lawful and safe a society claims itself, it simply lurks deeper. Just when you think world domination is bad enough? Heck, you’ve seen nothing yet.
And how do you think Foley’s owner can own Foley in the first place? How does Foley get 1500+ kill counts for humans alone without breaking the law or getting decommissioned? He saw an opportunity as Foley was unwanted by the directors as well as the faction itself, so smuggled Foley away through a deal with the faction executives. Money is a rather powerful influence on humans no matter how legal or benevolent you claim yourself.
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spookyserenades · 1 year
Trouvaille - Chapter One TEASER
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Pairing(s); BTS OT7 x Reader
Genre/Themes; Hybrid!AU, themes of the supernatural and the occult, religious themes, violence, hurt/comfort, horror, romance
Rated; 18+ for swearing, violence/gore, future sexual themes. Reader discretion is advised.
Word Count; 3.1k
Trouvaille playlist
Updates on the 7th of each month
This is a teaser for Chapter One of Trouvaille! The whole chapter will be 20k words and posted on February 7th. If you'd like to be added to the taglist for the first few chapters, let me know. Any comments, questions, and feedback will be lovingly received. Please enjoy!
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The place was entirely gray. The walls, the tin desk with an ancient register, the old guidebooks lining dusty shelves, all radiated a depressing emotion. Even the man behind the desk, still watching a noisy pre-season Patriots game, had dull gray hair and a sagging complexion. Stifling a smirk at how out of place ritzy Ben looked, Y/N pressed a hand over her mouth as she sifted through a rack of hybrid-specific clothes that were about as old as she was. Roy cleared his throat, standing before the desk, Ben uncharacteristically silent as the man grumbled with annoyance, peering up at the three of them. 
Setting his phone down, the man stood arthritically before painting on a customer-service smile. 
“And how can I help youse today?” Y/N nearly snickered at the man’s Quincey accent, alcohol making her a little giddy, until she realized this man just might be the saving grace of her Friday night. “We’re havin’ a sale on them jeans over there,” the man pointed to the rack Y/N had steadied herself on.
“Uh, okay, good to know. Actually, we’re here to potentially adopt, if you have any hybrids available, that is,” Roy took the lead, Ben’s eyes glazed over as he stared at a cobweb on the ceiling. The man made a noise of understanding in the back of his throat, grabbing a key ring from the desk drawer. 
“Got just one, follow me,” the man motioned to them with a finger, unlocking the door at the back of the shop behind a shelf of books. Roy looked a bit disheartened, the chances of the lone hybrid at the shelter being a child slim to none. The trio stepped through the threshold anyways, the back room filled with what could only be compared to empty jail cells sans doors, the scent of cleaning products heavy in the air. Y/N was shocked by Ben’s continued silence, analyzing his stony expression as they reached the back of the room. There was a slim hallway to Y/N’s right, dimly lit, but they did not go down that way.
“Got this one in about two hours ago. She’s the smallest of her siblings, apparently… too hyper for them fancy shelter’s customers, or so’s I’ve been told by the person who dropped her ‘ere. Name’s Daisy, up-to-date on her doctor’s visits, guaranteed,” the shopkeeper rattled off, scratching the back of his head. He stepped to the side, allowing Ben and Roy to peer into the chamber Daisy was in. 
Sat on the little bed in the corner, engrossed in a colorful picture book, was a little girl about four years old. She had beautiful white blonde hair, long white lop ears sprouting from her crown, and was wearing a sundress with strawberries on it. She looked very well taken care of, a teddy bear clamped under her arm and hair neatly brushed. One of her ears twitched at the sound of the man’s voice, large chocolate eyes darting upwards. A tiny, toothy grin stretched across her precious face as she jumped up from the bed, book clattering to the floor. 
“Oh my gosh!” Ben gasped delightedly, the little bunny hybrid gathering a fistfull of his pant leg. Y/N was flabbergasted at the sight of such an angelic little girl in such a drab, depressing place. How in the hell did nobody adopt her?
“Hi! Hi, you’re here! They’re loud…” Daisy practically vibrated with energy, shaking the material of Ben’s pant leg excitedly. Her eyes darted down the narrow hallway Y/N had spotted moments before, one of Daisy’s ears lifting in that direction. 
“She’s beautiful! I can’t believe it – we were looking for a child just like her! Ben, what do you think?” Roy was so happy, his face was entirely pink as he bent down to say hello. The hybrid seemed to not have an ounce of shyness in her body, thrusting her teddy bear into Roy’s hand and telling him the bear’s name. 
“I think that this place was harboring a miracle after all,” Ben said in a disbelieving tone, simply glowing at Roy and Daisy’s interactions. She was chattering on about her morning, what she wanted to eat for dinner, and her new book. 
“I don’ think she’ll be here for very long,” the shopkeeper called from next to Y/N. He looked like he was aching to get back to his Patriots game. “If you wanna adopt, I suggest you do it tonight.”
“What breed is she? How old, and how much, and where do we sign?” Ben asked rapidly, blushing furiously as Roy picked Daisy up when she stretched her arms out to be held. Y/N could hardly believe the events unfolding in front of her; she knew that the couple was prepared to adopt that very night, but she was sure they wouldn’t be able to find what they were looking for right away. Suddenly, she felt like she was intruding on a private moment, no matter how close she was to Ben and Roy. 
“Uh…” the man pulled his eyebrows together, checking a clipboard velcroed to the wall. “She just turned four. Lionhead rabbit, the fancy Latin name ‘ere too if you want it. Adoption fee for her…” looking thoughtfully at Ben’s Gucci loafers, the man smirked. Y/N turned away, feeling ill from her martini, stalking off slightly down the mysterious hallway. “... $2,500. I’ll print up them papers in the office.”
Slinking down the short hallway, Y/N took a deep breath. Daisy was like a gift from some cosmic entity, and it almost seemed too good to be true. She felt warmth spread through her chest as she thought about the spare room in Ben’s townhouse, already decked to the nines with children’s toys and furniture. Daisy would want for nothing, and it was as if Ben and Roy had already fallen in love with her. Dragging her fingertips along the cinder block walls, she made a surprised sound at the heavy metal door a few feet away from her. Further down the hall, there was a normal wooden door left ajar, an office, from the looks of it. Humming, she turned her attention to the safe-like door, a big red sign nailed to the left of it. The sign read: Exotics and Aggressives - Do Not Enter. 
Now that sign certainly caught her attention – all she had to read was Exotics before a happy sensation flooded through her. Giddy, she began to rise on her tiptoes to peek through the small square window of the door, when she heard a throat clear behind her. Startled, she whipped around, guilt painting her features as the shopkeeper eyed her suspiciously. 
“I wouldn’ get too close to them, if I were you, young lady,” the man said, hands on his hips. “They’ll take off your arm in a second.”
Arching an eyebrow, Y/N’s curiosity was piqued even more with this statement. The man sighed, pointing at the window. 
“Go ahead, take a look. They’re all vicious, the jaguar bastard bit me yesterday,” he muttered, tenderly rubbing a bandage on his left forearm. Staring at the man, as if to decipher if he was egging her on or not, Y/N turned back to the window, finally peering in. 
The room was large, but all divided by iron bars, like giant cages they would keep big animals in at the clinic. At first, she had to squint to see anything other than iron, but then she let out a startled gasp as her eyes focused. 
She counted four hybrids, fully shifted into their animal forms. First, her sight landed on a gorgeous, albeit underweight, leopard, laying on its side, asleep. In the cell next to it was what appeared to be a coyote, turned away from the door and shaking like a leaf in the corner. 
“My God,” Y/N whispered, taking in the third animal, a black jaguar, most likely the one that had bitten the shopkeeper. It was asleep, breathing labored, as blood oozed from a jagged cut on his side. 
Anger welled up inside of her, beginning to turn to the shopkeeper in wrath, before her breath was cut off by the sight of the final animal she could see: the biggest Northwestern wolf she had ever seen, and it was staring right back at her. Undoubtedly a male, the wolf’s amber eyes bored into hers, ears swiveling forward in alert and teeth baring immediately. The creature’s expression sent shivers down her spine, even as he was laying down in his cell separated by the heavy door Y/N was pressed against. Unable to tear her gaze away from the wolf, she forgot all about her bed calling her name, about Ben and Roy, and about Daisy. 
“Who are they?” Y/N asked, eventually breaking eye contact with the wolf. Looking at the shopkeeper, who had pulled out his phone to check on the Patriots, didn’t even spare the door a glance. 
“Bunch o’ bastards. We get the unadopted hybrids that are found wandering the streets, the ones that are rejected by other shelters, sometimes from circuses or zoos if they stop doin’ what they’re supposed to,” he replied, sounding bored. He began to walk away, heading towards the office, when Y/N pulled herself away from the door to urgently grab his wrist. 
“Wait! I– oh,” she let go of his wrist, blushing in embarrassment. “What’s going to happen to them?” Y/N asked, fearing the worst. The man scoffed, beginning to get annoyed with her questions. 
“Listen, lady, I’ve got a guy from Manhattan coming in tomorrow morning to pick up them animals. He’s offering seven G’s for all seven of em’... for hunting or something, I don’ really care what for. It’s payday tomorrow. Now if you don’t mind, I’d like to send that rabbit on her way with your buddies so I can finish the game in peace,” with that, the man stalked to the office, muttering something about “women”, the sound of a stuttering printer filling the hallway. 
Affronted, Y/N felt her heart begin to race, thinking about the beautiful leopard being hunted down, and the chances of the injured jaguar living past tomorrow evening. Feeling more ill than ever, the disgust for the world she lived in infiltrated every cell of her body. She peeked back into the room once more, immediately searching for the other three animals, but could not strain her eyesight into the far hidden corners of the room. A pained wheeze came from the jaguar, tail limply beating the floor. She looked at the wolf again, but to her surprise, he had turned around from her view and curled himself into a ball. Her heart sank, palms sliding down the door. If she didn’t feel powerless to help animals before, she certainly did at that moment. 
“Y/N? Where did you go?” Roy inquired, voice raised. She blinked rapidly, ears picking up Daisy’s childish giggle, and huffed sadly for the seven hybrids behind the locked door. While her heart was breaking for them, she wouldn’t allow herself to dampen her friend’s spirits on such a wonderful night for the two of them. 
She stiffened as the shopkeeper brushed past her, a packet in hand, grumbling in her direction. Curling her lip up in a snarl of disgust, she begrudgingly followed him, glancing at the metal door once more. 
“The papers. Let’s sign em’ up front, come on, now,” the shopkeeper grunted, stepping into the light of the main hybrid holding room. Roy still had Daisy on his hip, his face confused as it landed on Y/N. She brightened up in the best way that she could, smiling sweetly at Daisy, who had begun to sleepily nod her head against Roy’s shoulder. Ben held her teddy bear and picture book, pacing around the space she was in as if to check for any other of her belongings. 
“Sorry, guys! I had to run to the bathroom in the back,” Y/N lied, watching the shopkeeper carefully to see if he would rat her out. He rolled his eyes disinterestedly, already making his way to the storefront. Roy easily bought the lie, trusting and easygoing, face dissolving into understanding. She felt rotten about the deception, but she would feel even worse if she robbed her friends of the happy glow around them with the news of the exotic hybrids only feet away. 
Ben straightened up from where he was crouched over by the bed Daisy had been sitting on, face a touch melancholy. 
“Honey, is this all that you brought with you?” Ben asked Daisy, brushing a strand of hair away from her cherubic face. She cracked an eye open, peering at Ben’s outstretched hands holding her teddy bear and book. Nodding twice, she buried her face into Roy’s neck, sleep threatening to pull her under. Ben tutted, a look of adoration on his face. 
“I think she likes you, Roy,” Ben whispered with glee. “Let’s go sign the papers and get her home,” Ben took Roy’s free hand, flashing a brilliant smile towards Y/N, face clear of all stress from earlier. She trailed after the new family, no longer filled with exhaustion from her eventful day, but instead was consumed with cyclical thoughts. 
She felt dazed as she watched Ben smoothly sign his name on the papers, eagerly pushing them towards Roy once he finished, nearly tossing the packet off of the tin desk. The shopkeeper went back to his game on his phone, yawning, as Ben excitedly joined Y/N at the front of the store. 
“Can you believe it? Y/N, what are the chances?” Ben gushed, fingers fumbling along the bookshelf stocked with the hybrid guidebooks. Digits dancing along the spines, he carefully selected one while scratching his close-cut beard thoughtfully. The book was specific to hybrid children. 
“I can’t believe it. I also can’t believe it’s this easy to adopt – I mean, there’s no interview? Or background check?” With this statement, Ben turned to look at her curiously.
“Well, I know that the other shelters have at least one quick interview, but I’m not one to look a gift horse in the mouth,” Ben said slowly, sensing something off about Y/N’s countenance. “Besides, look at this place. Sadly, I don’t think Belichick over there is very concerned with who walks out of here with a hybrid. What’s up? Why do you look so upset?” 
Y/N shook her head, spotting a rabbit hybrid booklet and pulling it off the shelf for Ben. Her fingers paused, noticing a thicker book for wolf hybrids a couple of spines over. She snapped out of it, sensing Ben’s probing gaze, and handed him the booklet with a grin. 
“I’m not upset, that martini just made me feel a little sick. I think today has just been a little crazy,” Y/N explained. Ben softened at her response and her offering of the booklet, pulling her into his side tightly. 
“I haven’t thanked you yet for coming along with us today. It means more than you know, having you be here for this,” Ben confessed, squeezing her once. 
“Always,” Y/N replied, tears threatening to fall for the second time that day. He let her go, lifting the books in the air, heading to the register to pay the final fee before they could leave with Daisy. 
“That’ll be $3,000 even – with the tax an’ the books,” The shopkeeper punched numbers into the noisy cash register, cursing as the sport’s broadcaster announced a foul from his phone. Ben handed him his thick black credit card easily, and with the flimsy bag for the books in hand and credit card securely back in his wallet, the four left the dreary shelter without any complications. 
Unlike when Y/N left the clinic earlier in the evening, exiting the shelter and breathing in the nighttime air offered no relief to her current anxiety. Roy was busy ordering a cab for their ride back to their townhouse, carefully shifting the sleeping bunny hybrid on his hip. Ben was busy blathering on about what he should whip up for Daisy’s dinner, or if he should call in some takeout. Y/N tried to steady her breathing, checking her slim wristwatch for the time. It was only 9 PM, but it felt like midnight. She considered leaving her car in the spot seven blocks away in favor of jumping on the Red Line, but wasn’t thrilled about a ticket likely being tucked under her windshield wiper come morning. 
“Guys, I’m gonna get going. My car’s a little ways away, so I should start walking now,” Y/N piped up through Ben’s cooing at sleeping Daisy, both men turning to face her. 
“Do you want me to walk you to your car? I can order another cab for myself after,” Ben offered, ever protective and concerned for her walking alone at night. She shook her head lightly, reaching out to stroke the back of Daisy’s head. She was irresistible and her hair was impossibly soft, and Daisy leaned into the touch even in her sleep. 
“No, no, don’t worry about me. I have a taser and a knife. And my clogs are heavier than they look, for kicking some nuts. You guys should get home as soon as you can, settle her in,” Y/N said slowly, trying her best not to wake the child. Ben looked like he wanted to protest, but was cut off by the pulling up of the cab Roy ordered. Y/N pushed him towards the passenger side door, eager to spend some time thinking on the walk to her car. 
“I’ll call you in the morning to check in, and I’ll even come and stop by tomorrow if you want, and ask my dad to schedule a check-up for Daisy,” Y/N offered, opening the doors for both of them. Roy gave her a swift kiss on the cheek, mouthing a thank you sincerely, carefully maneuvering his way into the backseat. 
“Thank you, Y/N. Text me when you get home,” Ben hugged her once more, folding himself into the passenger seat and closing the door softly. Y/N waved as the cab drove away, waiting until it turned the corner before sparing another glance at the shelter behind her. Brushing a sticky piece of hair from her forehead, humidity pressing down on her, she set off down the street to her car. 
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Taglist; @blancflms @grazysf @sbromp
Please do not repost or translate my work. Thank you!
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asthevermincrawls · 2 years
I dont see enough advice for beginners in the vulture culture tag, so I figured id share some links and resources ive found in my past few years of experience and research
quick disclaimer: this will be more focused on bone cleaning and wet specimens because those are my areas of interest and therefore what I feel the most comfortable giving advice on
if you specialize in pelts or taxidermy feel free to add on your advice or resources!
the migratory birds treaty - a must read if you're in north america
birds that are exempt
places for tips/advice:
mickeyalicekwapis.com - has great blog posts from a professional taxidermist. covers everything from basic advice to ethics to advice on starting your own business
taxidermy.net - the og forum for taxidermy and bone cleaning advice. ive found questions answered here that I havent been able to find answered anywhere else on the internet. the members of this forum are like the old gods of vulture culture
r/vultureculture, r/taxidermy, r/bonecollecting, and r/wetspecimens - the reddit community can be kind of toxic but ive found some great advice and friendly people here. you also dont need an account to browse which is a plus
I also recommend @earthenremains' pinned post for some great articles and info on laws. in general dont be afraid to ask myself or someone else in the vulture culture community if you have more questions or need advice! most people will be happy to help if they can
wet preservation:
wet specimens by mickeyalicekwapis
useful thread on wet specimens
wet specimens: important note about formalin
more info on wet preservation
bone cleaning
bone cleaning guide from a forensics doctor
how NOT to clean bones
bone whitening by @roadkillandcrows
bone cleaning masterlist
skinning guide part 1 and part 2 by @blackbackedjackal
face shaping guide by @blackbackedjackal
buyers guide by @blackbackedjackal
buyers/sellers guide by @earthenremains
places to buy bones, taxidermy, wet specimens, and vulture culture art:
skullstore.ca - can be pricey if you're outside Canada or the USA but these guys are extremely reputable and have a pretty insane range of oddities
darlingdeadadorments.com - some of the most beautiful jewellery and pre-made displays ive ever seen
pacificremains - bone cleaning services, etsy - super experienced and they have some really cool wet specimens on their etsy page
animalautopsy - super cool bone jewellery
demon kitty designs - makes some incredibly cool curio necklaces with insect wings, bones, shells, and other trinkets
places where you can acquire dead animals:
local parks, roadkill, woods and rivers - look in undisturbed places, on the sides of busy roads (remember to be careful of passing cars), underneath powerlines and near bodies of water
pet stores - from what I've heard chains will be more reluctant to give/sell to you than smaller businesses, but it never hurts to ask as long as you're professional and respectful
breeders, especially breeders of feeder animals like mice and rats
other places to get bones and taxidermy:
• estate sales - heres a handy guide I found on mickeyalicekwapis.com
• thrift stores, oddity shops, and antique stores
feel free to add tips or advertise your small business!
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mamamittens · 2 months
Well, we have a game plan but the coming weeks will be quite illuminating about if we'll need to take out loans to consolidate pre existing debt.
The "Oh Shit Sale" is still ongoing btw, which basically means half off commissions and the chance to sponsor a chapter of a fic I haven't updated for $20 bucks (ABSOLUTELY A LAST RESORT FOR ME AND NOT IN ANY WAY GOING TO CONTINUE ONCE I FEEL COMFORTABLE IN MY CURRENT FINANCIAL STRIFE).
I will be very glad to announce the sale has ended but for the moment, it is still very much active.
Anyway, time for something less depressing! Like rambling about my new pokemon OC until I feel able to go to sleep!
So, I have a very definied look for Edna during work hours. Very... Althetic chic? Idk, she's wearing leggings and sleeveless mock turtleneck, it's very much A Look. So I was trying to figure out what her 'comfy' wear would be.
Personality wise it would make sense for her to prefer comfy, soft fabrics. She doesn't like conflict despite being very fit, as her workout routine is stress relief, which is why her normal outfit is so athletically inclined. My roomie suggested sweater dresses? But I'm not committed yet.
Whatever style it is, I want it to be cute and very... Soft? Like, cuddling would be so fucking amazing. Perhaps sweats and thick sweaters. Like a lazy librarian?
And her hair... It's already down for her main look, save random braids from her Pokemon friends. And that much hair would be heavy as shit so idk if she'd pull it up. Doubt she'd bother wearing her Togapi beanie though. Maybe one big braid with little braids throughout since she has time to let them actually do her whole hair. Just a thick, chunky braid lol
I also put some thought into how her job works. I doubt they'd be so slave driving she'd drop off a package and immediately return. She'd likely have a bulk delivery to a region she needs to complete in a certain time frame and as long as she's not late, it's fine. So in her off hours she'd likely be cleaning out whatever housing she owns in the area of her aunt's personal affects, saving them for her folks when it's sentimental or donating. I like to imagine her ordering local, sometimes with her most recent troublesome client as an apology for making her jump through hoops to deliver a package THEY ORDERED.
I imagine all of her aunt's properties are decked out for housing pokemon and eggs. So she's well prepared for the shenanigans her aunt's charm brings.
As for why she doesn't do pokemon breeding, well aside from ruining the egg gag if it's on purpose, she just doesn't have the eye for it. Edna really loves pokemon so she wouldn't have the heart to critically evaluate a Pokemon's worth the way her aunt did. She could absolutely do it if given time, but she'd just end up adopting all the 'failed' attempts, which isn't viable. She also wouldn't be able to stand people that would pay for such services as they'd likely be very dismissive of any perceived lack in a pokemon.
For sleeping arrangements, Yolky has preferential treatment as a rule. And also because they wind up as the smallest in her party, even by Togepi/Togetic/Togekiss standards, being slightly smaller than the smallest known measurement. (I may fudge numbers a bit cause it's infamously unclear how tf these professors are measuring these pokemon, so maybe Yolky's final form is measured by wingspan?) And Baby and Danny sleep nearby depending on where they are. For storms, Danny likes to keep watch with Helper (who never really sleeps to begin with, literally keeping ghostly vigil and watching over any eggs) and Baby likes to sleep on Edna's legs if Danny is present. Particularly once they evolve into an alpha Sylveon (as yet another joke on Yolky's expense, he's so mad about that).
Parcel has insomnia so they often stay up with Helper but do enjoy napping as they travel on trains and such. If they can manage, they like sleeping against Edna's back/hair.
As part of the universal weirdness concerning people casually carrying around incredibly heavy pokemon, there are many times where Edna doesn't even notice one of her Pokemon are asleep in her hair, using braids as footholds or securing points. Usually Yolky, especially once Danny starts braiding her hair with his poison spit to prevent frizz. Accidentally boosts all of their poison resistance with this stunt but he's not sorry, just embarrassed.
If it's Yolky in her hair, he's often mistaken for a massive bow, not helped by his unique, shiny-bred appearance.
Ah, for reference, Baby is a shiny Eevee that evolves into Sylveon. Danny (Cadenza) is a shiny Toxitricity. Parcel is a shiny Delibird (from work, she doesn't hatch or find this one). And Helper (Little Helper) is a shiny-bred Chandelure from her aunt that she inherited with many properties and a 'Happy Egg Charm' that unbeknownst to Edna, spawns increasingly rare eggs on top of determining viability of eggs, compatibility of two pokemon, and if an egg is shiny.
It's the main gag, it's a whole thing and I'm having a blast imagining it.
Edna usually gives the Pokemon or eggs to local professors, fueling a massive conspiracy in every region about how tf she gets these rare eggs. Only the professor from her home region knows the truth cause he's familiar with her family and aunt. But he just never seems to get the chance to explain. Whoops.
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dollsonmain · 3 months
Ok so this:
Physical Requirements:
Ability to use computers and other communication systems required to perform job functions
Perform repetitive hand and arm motions
Bend and lift products weighing up to 15 lbs. continuously, 25 lbs. frequently, and 50 lbs. on occasion
Pull or push up to 75 lbs. on occasion
Stand 100% of the time, frequently walking short distances
Be able to handle a variety of substances associated with cleaning and packaging materials, fresh fruits, vegetables, house plants/flowers and household cleaners
Use hands to frequently/continuously handle currency (paper and coin) as well as operate a variety of equipment such as cash register, lottery machine (where applicable), scanner, computer, and calculator
Frequent reaching and grasping at waist level: occasionally above shoulder or below waist level
Meet established volume activity standards for the position
Tolerate working in extreme hot/cold temperatures for up to 20 minutes at a time
Have sufficient visual ability to check ID cards, checks, invoices and other written documents
Is from a listing for a person that runs a meat grinder and manages perishables at the grocery store.
Duties and Responsibilities:
Maintain an atmosphere of enthusiastic customer awareness with primary emphasis on fast, friendly, and accurate customer service to create a positive shopping experience
Courteous and helpful to other associates
Understand and use company tools such as; average cost inventory system (ACIS) and ordering (CAO)
Receive deliveries, code where applicable, rotate and put in appropriate storage area
Ensure that ordering, receiving, preparation, conditioning and displaying of merchandise is done in accordance with policies and guidelines
Maintain proper product levels in all areas within the Perishable Department including meat, lunchmeat, frozen, dairy, ice cream
Process beef and grinds as directed from the planned production tool and as requested or needed
Wrap, label, weigh and stock meat case as requested or needed
Assemble, disassemble, and clean the grinder as requested or needed
Properly clean and sanitize the department
Maintains variety and layout standards
Ensure that all advertising and sales promotion materials applicable to the department are properly utilized
Maintain a complete understanding of and adherence to company guidelines, policies and standard practice
Understand and follow Food Safety and Workplace Safety guidelines and procedures
Observe and correct all unsafe conditions that could cause associate or customer accidents
Report all associate and customer accidents in accordance with established Food Lion procedures to the
It seems odd to me that the perishables person that's running the grinder would be pulled to a register. Ever. That's not their job.
Though it does have the big red flag of "other duties as assigned".
This is the first full time job listing to pop up at literally any of the grocery stores in my area but it's also not one I want to do. One of the things I hate the most about cooking is handling meat.
If there's an opening in their cheese dept. though....
Actually, I don't think they have a cheese department. The other grocery does, but got rid of most of the staff and started stocking only pre-packed cheeses mid-pandemic.
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presalecleaning · 1 year
Obvious Reasons to Opt for Pre Sale Cleaning
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If you have made up your mind to sell your home, there are certain things that you need to keep in mind to gain maximum value from it. Try to prepare a house ready-to-sell checklist and give topmost priority to its cleaning. A clean house sells faster and can quickly help you earn a good amount of profit. If you are unaware of this fact, this blog post is just for you. Here are a few reasons why opting for pre sale cleaning can fetch you brownie points:
Pre sale cleaning boosts your home value:
All you need is to rely on professionals and get your pre sale cleaning in Point Cook done just in time. There might be instances when potential buyers will view your property but might reject it due to its unkempt state. Pre sale cleaning will boost your home’s value and, at the same time, attract potential buyers who will show eagerness to buy your property. 
Professional cleaning can make a lot of difference: 
Little do people know that opting for pre sale cleaning in Kooyong will enable you to get things done just in time. Selling a house comes with a lot of challenges that are unexpected most of the time. This is why it is always better to rely on professional cleaners because they will deliver high-quality cleaning and the best of customer service to their clients. They will address every nook and corner of your property to give you a pristine-looking house ready for sale.
The professional cleaners offer precise cleaning as per your preferences:
One of the obvious reasons to opt for professional pre sale cleaning is to get customised service as per your preferences and requirements. You may ask the cleaners to pay special attention to the kitchens and bathrooms or even the attic space to make your property presentable to the buyers. 
Pre sale cleaning is stress-free!
All you need is to rely on professionals so that you can get the best pre sale cleaning in Hawthorn, and you’re good to go. Getting ready to sell your house can be an emotional and stressful job, and cleaning it at the same time brings a lot of headaches. Relying on professional cleaners will help you get the job done in a worry-free manner.
These are a few reasons that make it evident for you to look for a professional cleaning company that offers precise cleaning services to make your property spotlessly clean.
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thatcleaningcrew · 8 months
Boost Your Property's Appeal with That Cleaning Crew's Pre-Sale Cleaning Services
Selling a real estate asset can present both thrilling opportunities and formidable hurdles. One of the key factors in attracting potential buyers and securing a successful sale is the overall presentation of your home. A clean, well-maintained property not only makes a great first impression but also adds significant value to your sale. That Cleaning Crew's pre-sale cleaning services can be your secret weapon in achieving that picture-perfect presentation and ensuring a smooth property sale.
Why Pre-Sale Cleaning Matters
First impressions matter. When prospective buyers walk into your property, they want to envision their future in a clean, welcoming space. A cluttered or dirty home can deter potential buyers and significantly impact the perceived value of your property. Pre-sale cleaning is more than just tidying up; it's about presenting your property in the best possible light.
That Cleaning Crew understands the importance of pre-sale cleaning, and their professional services are tailored to enhance your property's appeal. Here's why it matters:
Maximize Property Value: Clean, well-maintained properties are more appealing to buyers. By investing in pre-sale cleaning, you can potentially increase the perceived value of your property, leading to a higher sale price.
Faster Sales: Clean homes sell faster. By ensuring your property is in its best condition, you reduce the chances of buyers encountering turn-offs that may delay the sale.
Positive First Impression: Buyers are more likely to feel positive about a property when it's spotless. This can lead to better offers and a smoother sales process.
That Cleaning Crew's Pre-Sale Cleaning Services
That Cleaning Crew offers a range of pre-sale cleaning services to cater to your specific needs. Their team of professional cleaners is dedicated to making your property shine. Here's what their services typically include:
Deep Cleaning: That Cleaning Crew goes beyond the surface. Their deep cleaning services ensure every nook and cranny is thoroughly cleaned. This includes kitchens, bathrooms, floors, and all living areas.
Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning: Clean carpets and furniture can make a significant difference in how your property is perceived. That Cleaning Crew can revitalize your carpets and upholstery, eliminating stains and odors.
Window Cleaning: Clean, streak-free windows can enhance the overall appearance of your home. That Cleaning Crew can make sure your windows are crystal clear.
Pressure Washing: Exterior cleanliness is just as important as the interior. That Cleaning Crew offers pressure washing services to spruce up driveways, decks, and other exterior surfaces.
Customized Packages: Every property is unique, and so are its cleaning needs. That Cleaning Crew can tailor a cleaning package to meet your property's specific requirements.
The Benefits of Choosing That Cleaning Crew
When you choose That Cleaning Crew for your pre-sale cleaning needs, you benefit from:
Expertise: Their experienced team knows how to make your property shine and create an appealing atmosphere for potential buyers.
Time-Saving: Selling a property can be time-consuming. By outsourcing the cleaning to professionals, you can focus on other aspects of the sale.
Increased ROI: Investing in pre-sale cleaning can lead to a higher return on investment by attracting more buyers and better offers.
That Cleaning Crew's pre-sale cleaning services are a valuable asset for anyone looking to sell their property. A clean and well-presented home can make a world of difference in attracting potential buyers and securing a smooth sale. Don't underestimate the power of a spotless property; it could be the key to achieving your real estate goals. Choose That Cleaning Crew and watch your property's appeal and value soar.
For more information please visit the website
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brightboosters · 3 months
If you are looking to sell your property, you must present it in an attractive and presentable condition. You cannot expect anyone to be interested in your property if you keep it dirty and disorganised. You can ensure a thorough cleaning of your entire property before the sale with our expert pre-sale cleaning services in Granville. We are a reputed and reliable cleaning specialist dedicated to offering the best property cleaning attendance to our valued clients. Each of our cleaning experts is licensed and police-vetted, so you can attain peace of mind knowing your property cleaning needs are in trustworthy hands.
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daemonmatthias · 11 months
despite my best efforts at a schedule and socializing... it’s been one of the hardest summers I’ve had in a while.
some of it is big things, like struggling to stick to any kind of schedule I set for myself due to this being the first year my husband’s work schedule is hybrid (he is home every other week, then I am home alone every other week; if it were just one or the other, I’d be fine), and not being able to go on walks due to the heat.
some of it is nebulous things, like needing to save money but then Sales keep happening on things we kinda need/weird things pop up, and my husband is bored af all day at work and then his mood affects mine because i just am sensitive to other people’s moods, and the fact that we need to formally decide if we are moving out of state soon (husband knows his answer, but I am scared/overwhelmed and will have to quit teaching), and that all this weirdness is making it So Hard to Concentrate on Reading, which is usually my solace in the summer.
but honestly, a lot of it is stupid little things and I don’t understand why so many of them are happening all at once. Just since yesterday morning:
the new avocado I needed to quarter for my usual breakfast smoothies refused to yield the pit, which ended up breaking, and I spent a solid 5 min scraping and slicing to be sure there were no remnants
immediately after I finally got that situated, I grabbed the new carton of almond milk, and it was... somehow sealed wrong?? idk how, but it would NOT open. so I tried opening the side to make a spout (like the little milk cartons from school), but that also would not open cleanly. I ended up needing a knife to slice into it. And then I had to go digging for a pitcher we never use to keep it in since the carton was destroyed.
then my nook crapped out on me. [backstory first: 2 months ago, my nook started randomly resetting itself, which deletes all of your side-loaded content. I ended up having to call customer service. They wanted me to hard reset. It took like 1.5 hours on the phone with them because it SAID it was connected to the wifi but then it wouldn’t do the next step of the set up process because it couldn’t find a wifi connection. Finally the set up process actually went through and they were like “ok all good now!” (right. ok. magically fixed the resetting issue by resetting it. yeah.)] Yesterday, while I was in the middle of reading a library book (considered side-loaded content), it reset itself again, which, of course, deleted the book I was reading.
We agreed last time that if it kept happening, I could get a new nook. Unfortunately, the new model doesn’t come out until september and I’m wary of buying another of the same model in case it has the same problem 2 years in (which is past the warranty period, of course). I did decide to pre-order the new one and pray that hard resetting would again “magically fix” the problem for another 2 months.
This morning, I finally made myself start cleaning the porch. This is terrifying because our porch gathers leaf litter like a mofo and I haven’t cleaned it in ages. There are all sorts of spiders and bugs out there. 
AND of course my gardening gloves have been in an unsealed cart out there. they are shot. i will have to do all this bare handed...
I successfully get the pots of dead plants thrown away. I begin to gather the open bags of dirt to throw them away, having to be extra careful of spiders with my bare hands. A wasp starts flying around me. I try but fail miserably to remain calm and run inside. That chore will not get done today, and today was the last day of below 100F/some cloud cover for who knows how long.
Since I can’t do that chore, I check my amazon cart to see if anything we need got put on prime sale. basically... no. I buy it anyway. or try to; the shipping page keeps crapping out on mobile. I move to my computer and finish the purchase on desktop.
now time to pre-order that nook. except it won’t let me sign in. b&n’s website has so many trackers and shit that it breaks firefox sometimes. (is2g i use nook only because others don’t let you completely turn the backlight off, and as soon as my free year of premium membership is up, I’m going back to using bookshop.org for everything.) I switch to chrome (blech) and sign in.
i press “pay with paypal” and then “complete purchase”. It never pulled up my paypal to let me choose which card to pay with. I have to get into paypal to even figure out which card it payed with. It paid with not the credit card I wanted, not even my default card as selected in paypal, but with our shared checking account. (annoying but no damage done.)
time now to hard reset my nook... oh look, it’s doing the same connected/not connected to the wifi thing. goody...
all this in only the last 30ish hours. and it feels like the whole summer has been like this!
I can’t pretend good things haven’t happened. I visited my family, my bestie visited me and we did a fun craft together, I joined a new public library and love it more than my old one, I hung out with a friend to eat good food and visit a thrift/record store, we FINALLY framed/hung some art and it looks GREAT, I reorganized most of our music so its easier to access, husband made an htpc (home theater computer) so we no longer get youtube ads and he set up plex on it so I can watch the shakespeare plays I have downloaded, I finally made our new 9 delights tracker and it’s almost perfect, I joined my coworker-friend’s book club (bingo card system- good-, but the group read is an author I hate), I crocheted a dog sweater that actually worked (but idk yet if it fits cuz it’s for my parents’ dog), I began the process of switching away from google drive/gmail to something more secure (proton, which I got for almost 50% off).
And there are SO MANY good things coming up: we leave in a couple days to visit the city we might move to, we have tickets to barbie & oppenheimer, we’ll go to a friend’s daughter’s 1st bday party, my besties are coming to visit (museum, escape room, and musical all purchased and lined up!), we’re spending labor day weekend in a luxury cabin in the mountains with friends (owned by one friend’s rich aunt who is not charging/excited to host us), we have tickets to see my fav studio ghibli in theaters in sept., I have tickets to see To Kill a Mockingbird with a coworker-friend, we have ballet tickets for the season...
and yet, I’m struggling daily to complete basic tasks and maintain a positive attitude due to the onslaught of Stupid Little Grievances. :/
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forlornmelody · 1 year
Shepard as a Companion
I was tagged by the amazing @alyssalenko
I will tag: @bardofheartdive and @swaps55, if you want to play.
Gonna go a bit AWOL here and do my Clone Shep instead. Cause I can. :P
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Shepard’s full name: She has many names, including: Ana Fields, Jane Shepard, Jane Doe, and Alison Gunn.
Class: Vanguard
Pre-service history: Uh, she didn’t exist yet. :P
Psychological profile: Initially a blank slate, The Shepard Clone was conditioned by Cerberus defector Hope Lilium. 
MASS EFFECT 1:  Clone Shep isn’t available as a companion until ME2 :P
When/how are they recruited: 
Where are they on the Normandy: 
Are they romanceable: 
Personal quest: 
Who are their friends: 
Trained with remedial Asari in New Serrice, co-lead the Cat6 merc squad on Pragia.
What does their dossier say: “The CLONE. 
Project Gemini
Genetic Duplicate of Shepard. Programmed with Shepard’s memories and likely trained to match Shepard’s abilities. Inexperienced and volatile.
Highly dangerous. Recruit or destroy. Marked for potential sale to the Collectors. Do not allow asset to fall into the Shadowbroker’s hands. Known associate: rogue agent Hope Lilium. Current status unknown. 
When/how are they recruited: “Ana” is first spotted in Eternity, near the Nos Astra exchange. Matriarch Atheyta remarks “that one isn’t all that she seems. Mark my words.” Ms. Fields provides intel that helps locate Miranda’s sister, and then Shepard invites her to join the crew, seeing her as a potential ally against the Illusive Man.
Where are they on the Normandy: Shuttle bay. Probably looking for weak points. And yes, you can get the shutle bay via the elevator once the Clone is recruited.
Are they romanceable: Absolutely, by either Shepard, but you gotta unlock the romance with a hard to reach dialogue tree. 
How do they react to the PC returning: Oh, she’s real upset about it, for obvious reasons. But Hope Lilium tells her to join the Normandy crew at all costs. And to kill Shepard before she goes on the Suicide Mission (to stop it from happening.)
Personal quest: One of her old classmates in biotic training, Dreya T’Vasi, has been kidnapped and is being held for ransom. Travel to Hyetiana and free the hostage.
The tricky bit is Dreya is being held by a Justicar. Cause Dreya is an ardaht yakshi. So Shepard has to choose between saving Dreya for the clone’s loyalty or siding with the justicar for Samara’s. 
Do they fight with any other companions: Just Shepard. She corners them in the Normandy cabin on the eve of the suicide mission. Pulls off her wig and demands Shepard argue why she should be allowed to live. 
What files does the Shadow Broker have on them: Training footage on Hyetiana. The Illusive Man’s plans for the Clone should Shepard fail. Her journal entries about Shepard and Dreya.
Can they die in the suicide mission, and how: You absolutely do not want to select the Clone as team leader. She does not command loyalty and the B team will end up being taken out by the Collectors.
When/how are they recruited: Being a ME2 character, The Clone only shows up in the Citadel DLC. The DLC runs as normal, but you can choose to save her from falling. As you should. (But you only get to save her if you earned her loyalty in ME2)
Where are they on the Normandy: Right in front of the galaxy map. Oh you mean after her and Shep make up. She doesn’t tend to stay in one spot. But she’s most often found in the lounge, staring out the window as if the stars have the answer to her questions.
Are they romanceable: Yup, but only if you started the romance in ME2.
Citadel meetup (during the game, where do you meet them on the Citadel and what do you talk about): The Clone is naturally cleaning the mess in the Archives. She’s surprised that Shep accepted her invitation, but definitely doesn’t begrudge the help. It quickly devolves into a contest of who can clean the fastest, with a few dialogue options that turn flirty if you romanced her in ME2.  
How does the PC relax with them in the Citadel DLC (ie, buying gifts with EDI, watching the game with James and Vega, etc.): The Clone will suggest a Paint Your Own Pottery place, where they can get to know each other better. It quickly devolves into a rivalry of who can paint better/faster. The finished plate ware will show up in the kitchen of Shepard’s apartment upon their return. If romanced, the cut scene ends with a kiss that lands clay on Shepard’s face.
What do they say to the PC before the final battle: “If you’re expecting me to take your place, you’re full of shit, Shepard. But thank you, for everything. I owe you my life three times over. Crazy, huh? But don’t you dare get yourself KO’d, alright? Or I’m gonna come Lazarus your ass just so I can kill you myself. So don’t get any crazy ideas.”
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mahamid110 · 7 months
👉 Googenie Review ✅ SEO Made Magic 🔔 Make Money With Googenie
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Make Money With Googenie!
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Googenie is an all-in-one SEO suite that helps individuals, small businesses, and medium-sized businesses improve their SEO and get more traffic from search engines.
VIRTUALLY GUARANTEED TO SELL Googenie is essential for anyone with an online presence who doesn't have the money, time, or inclination to study SEO or hire someone. Its interfaces are clean, beautiful, and easy to use. Best of all, it works like a charm!
HIGH CONVERSION RATE Googenie's price is very accessible, so no one will miss out on its benefits for a few dollars. A great product at a low price ensures a very high conversion rate. Plus, your referral customers will see their traffic skyrocket! NEVER ENDING COMMISSIONS It's simple. The product is affordable, easy to use, and produces magical results. Your customers will be hooked on Googenie and will renew their subscriptions as long as it keeps producing results. And since it always produces results, you're in the right business!
We value each affiliate as a long-term partner and an important part of our team. We believe that our success is dependent on the success of our affiliates.
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Googenie is an all-in-one SEO suite that includes some of the best tools to help you improve your SEO and get more traffic from search engines.
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Yes, you can use one domain for the SEO tool and another domain for the extra features.
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We accept all major credit and debit cards, as well as PayPal. Our system is powered by JVZoo.
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