#Premium Whiskey Bars
archangeldyke-all · 9 months
Outlaw cowboy sevika who fell in love with a good woman or a woman she is partner in crimes with?
i'm done writing the big fic, so i can finally start doing requests again!! starting with this GENIUS idea tysm anon <333
men and minors dni
the parlor doors swing open, and a shadowy figure wanders into the tavern. behind the bar, you bite your lip, watching patrons scatter as the cloaked figure struts over to the bar, a jingle decorating every one of their footsteps as their spurs twirl on their boots.
they knock on the bar top to get your attention, like you haven't had your eyes trained on them since they strolled in. you grin.
"how can i help ya?" you ask, already reaching under the counter to pull out a glass and bottle of whiskey. you pour them a big glass and slide it across the bar, not moving your hand when they reach forward to grab it.
when your fingers meet, you gently brush yours against theirs, then slowly, slowly trail your fingers up their arm, before grabbing the rim of their hat and flicking it up.
there she is, you think as sevika's face is finally revealed to you. she's smiling just as wide as you are.
"got any vacancies?" she asks. you chuckle.
"fully booked, sorry miss." you tease. she snorts. "but maybe if you work for it i can arrange a place for you to sleep." you add on. sevika rolls her eyes as you grab two buckets and gesture for her to follow you. she does. she always does.
you wander out of the tavern and into the small side garden you tend to in your free time. shoving a bucket into her arms, you gesture at the well. she meanders over to it and begins pumping the spout until water comes spurting out. you watch in amusement as she gets sprayed and curses.
you walk through your rows of crops, harvesting a few ears of corn, a couple of potatoes, a handful of carrots.
your tavern/inn is located on the main street of a small shanty town in the middle of nowhere. the only people who travel through these parts are up to no good, so when you came to own the place after the previous owner died and left it in your name, you made a few policy changes.
for one thing, you don't ask questions. patrons can come in riddled with shrapnel and bleeding, their faces identical to the 'wanted' sketches that are plastered around town, and you simply turn a blind eye and serve them a hearty bowl of stew, fill 'em up with liquor, patch their wounds, and give them a bed. in exchange for your discretion, you've made plenty of shady friends, who often pay for their time spent in the tavern with stolen and smuggled goods like pretty jewelry, gold bars, or premium cuts of meats or cheeses.
the locals don't give you much trouble, too scared to piss off any of your friends, too happy with the imported rare goods they bring to town with them to complain about the occasional stand off or shootout.
you wander out of the garden, stopping by the small stables and greeting sevika's trusty mare shimmer. the horse whinnies at your appearance, tail swinging happily as you scratch her ears.
"hey, shimmer." you whisper to the horse. "here, baby." you say, hand feeding her a few carrots. "how much trouble'd she get you in this time?" you ask the horse. shimmer doesn't respond, too busy crunching on her treats.
behind you, sevika's hand wraps around your waist. you smile as she presses a kiss against your head.
"missed you." she mumbles against your temple. you laugh and gesture to the tavern.
"c'mon." you say. "i'll canoodle with you once these chores are done."
you and sevika spend the afternoon tending to the tavern. she distributes the water evenly among bedrooms, filling the wash bowls and pitchers patrons can use to hydrate and clean themselves.
you tend to the stew, chopping and stirring in your vegetables, adding a few pinches of dried garlic and onion powder to the bubbling pot of perpetual stew, stirring and tasting and adjusting until you're happy with how it tastes.
it's the slow season. travelers are rare in these parts, but even more so during the scalding hot summer. a few neighbors wander in for a quick drink, and the few patrons you have retire to their rooms once sevika's done refreshing them.
once the sun sets, the tavern is empty, except for you and sevika.
she's staring at you adoringly from across the bar, her chin propped up in her hand as she watches you sweep. you scoff at her expression.
"what kinda trouble'd you get yourself into this time, huh?" you ask. sevika chuckles.
"you didn't see it in the papers?" she asks.
"that train robbery?" you ask. sevika shrugs with a smile. you laugh. "you're gonna get caught up one of these days." you say as you begin wiping down the bar top. sevika rolls her eyes.
"you got no faith in me, darlin', it breaks my heart." she says. you laugh and turn off the oil lamps, before starting up the stairs. sevika follows behind you.
the second floor is where your patrons sleep, but you get the whole attic/third floor to yourself. it's a nice little studio space, two windows on either side, big enough to hold a double mattress and two sets of drawers, a few chests stuffed full with treasures and valuables sevika's brought back to you.
sevika sighs as she enters the space, hanging her hat and poncho up on two nails you'd slammed into the walls for her years ago, shoving off her boots and stripping down to her undergarments. you sit at your desk and watch her strip with scruitny, making sure she doesn't have any new wounds or scars. she washes herself down with a wet rag, sighing as the grime and dirt of her travels slowly washes away. once your sure she's not injured, you allow your gaze to become appreciative, taking in her muscular back and arms as they scrub her body down.
you rise from your seat and approach her, slinging your hands around her waist and tucking your chin over her shoulder. she sighs and leans back against you.
"three weeks is too long." you mumble against your lover. sevika hums.
"i know, darlin'." she says. you take the washcloth from her and begin to scrub her back for her, occasionally kneading and massaging at the knots and tension that riddles her muscles. she melts. "i missed you." she sighs. you kiss the nape of her neck.
"i missed you too. had me worried, you know." you mumble against her. she turns in your arms to wrap her own around your waist, gently swaying the two of you back and forth as she soaks in your features.
"i've been yours for how long?" she teases. you roll your eyes. "five years now?" she asks. you smile and nod. "and you're still worried about me? you know i always come back to you darlin'." she says. you sigh and roll your eyes. "gonna give yourself an ulcer at this rate." she teases. you chuckle.
"wouldn't have to worry if you stuck around." you say.
you and sevika have had this conversation a thousand times now. she's made more than enough in her time as a bandit for the two of you to live comfortably together until the end of time.
still, she always leaves. you don't blame her, before she met you sevika spent her entire life wandering the west, all alone, never staying in one place for longer than a week.
but then, one fateful night all those years ago, she stumbled into your tavern bloodied and battered, staring at you with a sparkle in her eyes as you patched her up. and since then, she's been circling back to you after each and every one of her jobs.
the longer she's had you, the more time she puts between her heists. you'll get her to stay eventually, you just have to be patient. but patience is hard when the love of your life has such a dangerous occupation.
sevika swoops in to kiss the frown off your lips. you sigh against her and wrap your arms around her shoulders as she slowly uncinches your corset and helps you out of your layers.
when you're both naked, you guide her to the bed, plastering yourself to her side as you continue to kiss her. tears well up in your eyes as you get your hand in her hair, and she notices, pulling away with a frown.
"'s wrong darlin'?" she asks. you hide your face against her shoulder.
"what if you die out there, sev? a hundred miles away all alone in the desert... nobody'd find you until you were just bones and dust. and i'd be here waitin' for you to come home for the rest of my life." you say, your voice wobbly. sevika wraps you up in her arms and sighs against you. you reach up to gently trace the scars littering her left cheek.
"fuckin' ruining the surprise." she grumbles against you. you blink.
"what surprise?" you ask. sevika rolls her eyes and darts forward to kiss your forehead.
"the train... it was a cargo train. one of the cars was headed to a bank, padded wall to wall with cash 'n gold. enough for a hundred people." she says. you gulp and blink at her, hesitant to assume lest you get your heart broken.
"so?" you ask. sevika chuckles.
"so, i'm retiring." she says simply. "fuck do i need to keep robbin' and lootin' for if i'm already filthy rich?" she asks. you blink at her, your heart swelling, tears falling down your cheeks as you soak in her words. "plus... i met a girl i'm hopin' to settle down with." she says, smiling shyly at you.
you let out a shaky breath then launch forward, pinning sevika to the bed as she laughs and gathers you in her arms.
"are you serious?" you ask against her. she chuckles and kisses your head.
"deadly." she responds. you melt against her, clinging to her like your life depends on it. "you think you might need a new employee here?" she asks. you snort against her.
"i can figure somethin' out." you say. "gotta work on your people skills, though." you tease her through your tears. sevika laughs and smacks your ass.
"y'know..." she starts. you pick your head up from her shoulder to look at her, and she looks away, nervous. you kiss her lips and she sighs, her anxiety melting away under your touch. "i met a pastor while i was out wanderin'." she says. "said he wouldn't be opposed to marryin' two women if someone were to give his chapel some donation money." she whispers.
you study sevika for a moment as she anxiously nibbles on her lip. "you askin' me to marry you?" you ask. sevika shrugs.
"i mean... i've already given you hundreds of rings." she says. you smile.
"you have." you say. she smiles up at you.
"so?" she asks. "his chapel's a day's ride from here. figured we could go now during the slow season, make it a little vacation?" she asks. you grin and launch down to kiss her, and sevika sighs against your mouth.
"there's nothin' in this world that would make me happier, baby." you whisper against her lips. sevika grins.
"sure you won't mind bein' an outlaw's wife?" she asks. you laugh and smack her shoulder.
"a former outlaw." you correct her. she chuckles. "and no, i won't mind. 'specially when that outlaw's as handsome as you." you say. below you, sevika blushes.
"fuck off." she grunts. you laugh.
"that's no way to talk to your wife." you tease her. sevika grins.
"you're right. 'm sorry, darlin'."
@lesbeaniegreenie @fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @ellabslut @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666
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queenshelby · 8 months
Our Little Secret (Part 19)
Pairing: Cillian Murphy x Reader
Warning: Infidelity
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Following mediation with Danielle and, within a short ten-minute walk, Cillian and Siobhan arrived at a bar downtown which was well known for its delicious cocktails and extensive wine lists. 
As they entered the bar, the scent of premium liquor and appetizers lingered in the air as if conjuring a promise of pleasure to come and Siobhan was quick to order two Whiskey Sours for them, which was a beverage that her brother would not usually drink.
"What is this, Siobhan? Are they out of beer?" Cillian chuckled as his sister handed him a drink, causing her to roll her eyes at him.
"You're such a lightweight, aren't you?" she giggled as he sipped his whiskey sour and grimaced slightly before responding, "Oh, please, I can hold my own. Just not...whatever this is..." Cillian chuckled and Siobhan laughed heartily, her blue eyes sparkling with amusement before she spotted a familiar face, namely her colleague Amanda. 
Amanda was quick to wave at Siobhan, who immediately abandoned her conversation with her brother to greet the older woman. Amanda wore a sleek black dress that hugged her curvaceous form, her short dark hair framing her angular face like a striking portrait. She looked like a model and Cillian watched Siobhan approach her and exchange whispers with her before pulling her over towards Cillian. 
"Cillian," she began. "This is my workmate and friend, Amanda O'Connor. She is from Cork too," Siobhan then explained and Cillian's interest piqued.
Amanda's gaze fell upon him, scrutinizing him with a mix of surprise and intrigue. "It is a pleasure to meet you Cillian," Amanda said, biting her lower lip. 
"Likewise," Cillian replied, offering her a warm smile, which caused Amanda's pulse to skip a beat.
"So, what brings you here, Am?" Siobhan asked, her voice softening as she studied her friend. "I mean, it takes a lot to drag you away from your work."
The corners of Amanda's mouth curled upwards, her eyes glinting mischievously. "Well, I thought I needed a break from the case I am working on and decided to unwind a bit. I actually have taken two weeks off now," she explained while looking at Cillian directly, sending an irresistible vibe that even the dullest person could notice.
A few moments passed without any sound but the soft hum of music playing in the background creating a comfortable silence between them and then all three of them talked, about work, legal cases and politics while sharing a bottle of wine before, after a little while, Siobhan called it a night, leaving Amanda and Cillian to their own devices. 
For some reason, Amanda seemed intrigued by Cillian. The way he carried himself, his self-confidence, and that unique aura about him that attracted her instantly were all factors driving her feelings wild, and she couldn't help but find herself wondering how things might turn out if she allowed herself to enjoy a little flirting with him. 
"So, Cillian," Amanda started, her tone low and husky now that Siobhan had left, "Tell me, how do you spend your time outside acting? Any other hobbies or interests?" 
"I like music, jogging, reading," Cillian replied casually, "meeting up with my sister and her attractive friends," he teased, his piercing blue eyes met hers, and Amanda felt an electric charge pass through her body.
"I take this as a compliment, Mr Charming," Amanda remarked jokingly, unable to mask the sudden spark of attraction that ignited beneath her skin.
"I am just being honest," Cillian responded, grinning boyishly and Amanda raised an eyebrow, amused by his boldness.
"Speaking about honesty, I live just around the corner from here," Amanda offered, taking a sip of her wine and winking suggestively. "And I am about to go home, so..." she paused before asking "would you care to join me? For company, I mean."
"Yeah, sure, why not?" Cillian replied, shrugging nonchalantly, yet inwardly he knew that something exhilarating lay ahead, especially considering the sultry tension simmering between them.
As they exited the bar, the cool breeze caressed their faces, carrying the intoxicating aroma of blooming flowers. Their eyes locked momentarily, each sensing the palpable chemistry brewing between them as they walked side by side, the moon cast its ethereal glow on their path.
Amanda led Cillian down a dimly lit alleyway lined with graffiti-laden walls. The flickering shadows danced on their faces, adding an air of mystery to their encounter.
Amanda, with her athletic build and green eyes, exuded confidence and poise, while Cillian's rugged charm and piercing blue eyes radiated an undeniable magnetism. As they continued walking along the cobblestone streets, the scent of damp earth mingling with the sweet perfume of blossoms filled the air. Amanda gently brushed aside a loose strand of dark hair, exposing her graceful neck. Her fingers grazed Cillian's arm, and a shiver coursed through his veins as he felt the heat of her touch.
"How much further?" Cillian queried, breaking the silence that followed their last exchange.
Amanda smirked. "Not far," she said. 
"Good, because I don't know how much longer I can keep my hands of you," Cillian replied flirtatiously, peeking sideways at Amanda whose green eyes sparkled playfully under the shadowy street lamps.
"Oh really?" Amanda gasped, feigning shock. "That so? Well, I guess we'll see about that." Amanda chuckled, brushing past Cillian's shoulder as they reached the entrance to her apartment building.
"Ready?" Amanda asked, turning back to look at Cillian who stood only a couple steps behind her.
His presence made her feel like the ground beneath her feet was shaking, and the intensity of his gaze made her knees weak. "Sure, let's go," Cillian replied, reaching out to gently grasp Amanda's hand, intertwining their fingers together. His grip was firm yet gentle, sending a surge of electricity coursing through their bodies.
As they ascended the stairs leading to Amanda's apartment, the air thickened with anticipation and unspoken desires. The creak of footsteps echoed in the stairwell, each step closer to her destination feeling like an eternity.
Amanda hesitated for a second before opening the door to her apartment, her heart pounding against her chest. In the dim light, she gestured for Cillian to follow her inside, and he did. Once inside, she turned to face him, their gazes locking in a heated stare. The air crackled with anticipation, and the room seemed to get smaller with every passing second.
"Would you like something to drink?" Amanda asked, trying to hide the anxious tremor in her voice but he shook his head and simply closed the gap between them.
His lips pressed firmly against hers, his tongue slipping past her parted teeth with a slow, sensual kiss, their bodies melding together as one. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer as he ran his hands up and down her exposed thighs underneath her dress. It felt like they'd been making out forever, standing there in the middle of her living room while the wind whistled loudly outside, threatening to expose them both to the world beyond these four walls.
"You know what, Cillian?" Amanda murmured breathlessly, pressing her forehead against his.
"I want you. Right now." Cillian kissed her again, deeply and passionately, his hands roaming across her bare shoulders and back. He lifted her effortlessly onto the kitchen counter, spreading her legs with his knee. She gasped, clutching his shirt as their tongues dueled furiously.
"I need more than kisses, Cillian," Amanda whispered hoarsely, her voice barely audible. "I want you inside me."
He nodded, his breathing ragged as he pulled her dress over her head, tossing it aside. Her bra followed, revealing her luscious breasts.
Cillian's eyes widened, his breathing growing heavier as he stared entranced at her naked flesh. He reached out, cupping her bosom, squeezing gently as if assessing their weight. Amanda moaned softly, her nipples stiffening beneath his touch. She grabbed his belt buckle, undoing it hastily, revealing his erect cock.
"Fuck," Cillian muttered, running his fingers through her silken hair while staring intently at her tits. "I want every inch of you." Amanda arched her back, presenting herself willingly to him.
Her hands slid down his chest, tracing lines of desire as they explored his toned torso. She reveled in the sensation of his skin beneath her fingertips, the rippling muscles flexing in response to her touch. The intimacy of it all overwhelmed her senses, and she eagerly awaited his next move.
"Cillian," she murmured, her voice hushed and seductive. "Fuck me. I need you to fuck me hard."
He obliged, swiftly removing his clothes until he stood fully naked before her. His erection stood proudly, evidence of his arousal for her.
Amanda reached out, wrapping her fingers around his hardness, guiding it towards her wet pussy. Cillian groaned, his hips thrusting forward, entering her with a single forceful plunge. Amanda cried out, her body arching back as she savored the exquisite sensation of his massive cock filling her tight hole.
"Harder, Cillian," she urged, clutching his backside, urging him deeper. "Fuck me harder!"
Cillian complied, his powerful strokes driving Amanda wild, her cries echoing through the apartment. Each thrust sent shockwaves coursing through her body, intensifying her pleasure. She clawed at his muscular arms, her nails digging into his flesh as she struggled to maintain her balance on the countertop.
Each thrust brought them closer to the edge, the raw power of their connection overwhelming them both. Cillian gripped her waist tightly, his movements becoming faster and more urgent. Their bodies slapped together rhythmically, their sweat mixing in a potent cocktail of lust and desire until, after almost an hour, they both reached their release together.
"Fuck," Cillian growled through gritted teeth, his entire body convulsing as he pumped his seed deep inside of Amanda.
She threw her head back, screaming with ecstasy as her orgasm consumed her whole being. Her nails dug into his back, her fingers gripping him tightly as her muscles contracted violently.
Afterwards, they collapsed onto the countertop, panting heavily, their bodies slick with sweat.
"Wow," Amanda managed to utter, her voice strained and broken. "That was amazing."
Cillian merely nodded, too exhausted to speak.
His breath came in shallow gasps, his muscles still quivering from the intense workout they'd just shared. After several minutes, they finally mustered enough strength to separate themselves, stepping away from each other and allowing their bodies to cool down.
"Thank you," Amanda whispered, her voice still hoarse from their passionate encounter. "That was incredible."
Cillian smiled tenderly, his gaze never wavering from her face. "No, thank you," he replied sincerely.
"You took me completely by surprise tonight. I wasn't expecting...this."
Amanda smiled shyly, her cheeks reddening slightly. "Neither was I," she admitted quietly. "But sometimes life throws us curveballs, you know? And we just have to swing for the fences."
Cillian laughed softly, nodding in agreement. "Indeed," he agreed before suggesting another round in her bedroom. 
Meanwhile, you were alone at your new house for the first time, expecting Cillian to come over for a bit to help you settle in, just like had promised. You couldn't stop thinking about the mediation session earlier today and how upset Cillian must have been.
"I just wished I could be there for him," you thought to yourself, pacing restlessly around the living room. "Maybe I should call him?" you mused, glancing at your phone but, when you did, he did not answer.
Frustration gnawed at the edges of your consciousness, but you tried to push it away, focusing instead on the task at hand - settling into your new home.
You tried to call him again a little later and, again, there was no answer, which was something that worried you. 
It was unlike Cillian to ignore your calls and you feared it meant something had gone wrong during mediation. So, you decided to text him. "How did it go?" you asked and, eventually, after about half an hour
of calling and texting Cillian, he finally called you back.
"Hey," he sounded tired, but he quickly changed his tone to show he was happy hearing from you. "I am sorry I didn't let you know earlier, but all went well," he confirmed, his voice still sounding exhausted as, in the background, you heard some music and a woman calling his name. 
The woman did not sound like Siobhan, which instantly confused you. Yet, you knew that Cillian's personal affairs were really none of your business.
"Are you still coming over tonight? I made lasagna," you asked before telling him that the kitchen in your new house was well equipped, so you took advantage of it. "It's almost ready. Do you want to drop by?" you invited him, adding that it would be great to see him.
"Shit, I am sorry," Cillian stammered. "I wish I could, but I can't make it tonight," he apologized, his voice growing softer and more apologetic as, unbeknownst to you, he was with Amanda, the woman he had met at the bar.
"I am meeting with my agent," he lied, his voice strained and desperate. "Sorry, Y/N," he breathed heavily, his thoughts racing frantically as he searched for words to comfort you. "Perhaps I can swing by tomorrow in the morning?" he attempted to soothe you, his voice quivering slightly.
Your heart plummeted at his words, and you swallowed hard, struggling to find any words to respond. "It's fine Cillian, don't stress. I have classes in the morning," you informed him, swallowing down the disappointment that washed over you since, over the past week, you felt as though you had connected with each other again somehow.
"I will see you at the ultrasound appointment at 3 o'clock tomorrow though, right?" you added brightly, hoping your cheerful tone would convince him that everything was okay.
"Of course," Cillian replied before wishing you a good night. "I will see you tomorrow afternoon," he repeated before hanging up the phone and returning to his rendezvous with Amanda while you decided to put on the TV.
The house you were in came furnished and whilst everything was beautifully arranged and designed, you couldn't help but feel a little out of place in home like this.
You were young, now living on your own in a house not even most middle aged people could afford. 
It was beautiful, with high ceilings, large windows that overlooked the city, and rooms filled with modern furniture. Everything seemed perfect, except for the fact that you were alone. Your friends all still lived with their parents or at shared accommodation in town, except for Cillian of course.
Cillian was much older than you and lived just around the corner, but you knew that you could not expect his company regularly, even in spite of your little arrangement. 
You could not help but feel a twinge of longing for him, but you brushed it away, determined to enjoy your newfound independence. "I have to learn to let go," you reminded yourself, watching the evening news with a glass of your favorite soda in hand while wondering how, on earth, you will cope bringing a child into this world.
To be continued...
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romione-trope-fest · 6 months
The Girl From The Bar
Title: The Girl From The Bar
Author: Be11atrixthestrange
Trope: Muggle AU
Summary: While studying at a coffee shop, Ron spots a missed connection from years ago. 
Word Count: 2015
Rating: M
-Four Years Ago-
The Leaky Canteen was a total dive. As much as the Weasleys wanted it to be a high-end establishment, it simply wasn’t, and it would never be. Grime and dirt lived on the floor permanently, no matter how hard Ron scrubbed and mopped at bar close. The upholstery on the booth benches ripped and frayed, revealing the discolored foam underneath, the paint peeled from the walls, and there was a permanent smoky stench that permeated the air, even though there were strict rules against smoking indoors. 
That aside, the bar managed to remain a hot spot on Friday and Saturday nights. Maybe it was the centralized location, the event calendar that was always too packed to staff appropriately, or the fact that they offered half-priced cocktails to all hen and stag parties. Scratch that, it was definitely the half-priced drinks. That was the reason that it was always bursting with loud, messy, disrespectful patrons, yet still struggled to profit enough each month to pay the lease. 
“Another Gold Rush please!” 
Ron glanced over his shoulder to see a blonde girl, probably mid-twenties, leaning against the bar. The bartop, which was still wet with a combination of beer, vodka, and water, left a dark mark across her dress, but she didn’t seem to notice. One hand held an empty cocktail glass, while the other clutched the countertop for stability as she teetered to the side. 
“You doing okay?” Ron threw his dish towel over his shoulder and propped his elbows onto the bar to look her in the eye. As he had predicted, her pupils were as wide as saucers. 
“Sogood,” she slurred, flashing him a smile. “Havingsomuchfun.”
“Gotcha,” said Ron, rising to his feet. “One Gold Rush, coming up.”
He reached for a coupe glass and a boston shaker, and filled the shaker with lemon juice, orange juice, and honey syrup. He eyed the bourbon whiskey, which the cocktail would normally call for, but instead traveled to the refrigerator, where a small container of chopped jalapenos was waiting. He used a pair of tongs to plop one into the shaker, and a muddler to smash it up. 
A bit of ice and a few shakes later, the blonde was happily shuffling back to the dance floor, her drink dripping down her hand. 
While rinsing the shaker,  Ron half watched the flock of girls clad in feather boas and sparkly dresses laughing and bouncing in the middle of the bar. It wasn’t technically a dance floor as the Canteen wasn’t a nightclub, but the weekend crew didn’t seem to notice or care that there wasn’t an official DJ. In fact, Ron was just playing a random Spotify playlist, complete with the internet’s favorite early 2000’s dance hits. He didn’t even pay for the premium subscription, and the crowd was too drunk to notice they were dancing to car insurance advertisements between songs. 
“Interesting choice with the jalapeno.”
Ron looked toward the voice to see another girl sitting at the other end of the bar. Her phone was lying on a towel on the counter, screen up, as she scrolled with one hand. 
“Shit, didn’t see you there.”
The girl laughed. Ron took in her appearance. Like the other girls on the dance floor, she was wearing a sparkly dress, but the way she tensed up underneath the fabric suggested she’d be more comfortable in a pair of jeans. Her long brown hair formed tight curls that landed halfway down her back. Her makeup was simple and natural, and her deep brown eyes looked like he could get lost in them. She was beautiful, in an effortless, understated way. 
“When you’re completely smashed, it’s hard to tell the difference between the kick of a jalapeno and the bitterness of bourbon.”
“And she was completely smashed.”
The girl nodded. “I agree. I was actually coming over to suggest she drink water for the rest of the night, but it looks like you were on it.”
Ron smiled. “Part of the job.”
The girl turned back to her phone, and Ron felt a flash of disappointment. He frequently craved sober conversation during his long weekend shifts, and the fact that she was beautiful was a plus. 
“So, how’s the hen party?”
She glanced up. “It’s fine. I was actually about to head out soon. We’ve been partying since noon.”
Ron snuck a peek at her phone and recognized the uber app. “They’ll miss you if you leave.”
She laughed. “No they won’t.”
“I take it you’re friends with the bride?” asked Ron.
“Hannah? She’s my roommate.”
“But not your friend?”
The girl shrugged. “Well, both. Since she got engaged I don’t see much of her, to be frank.”
So, she’s single. “I know how you feel. Well, sort of.”
The girl raised an eyebrow. 
“My roommate just proposed to my sister. But now I see too much of them.”
She smiled. “That must be awkward.”
“A little. Part of the reason I take Saturday night shifts so often.”
The girl looked back at her phone, and Ron’s stomach sank, willing her to keep talking. He felt his palms sweat when she closed out her phone, plopped it into her pocket, and looked back up at him. “Rideshare surcharges are insane right now.”
“It happens,” said Ron, trying to sound casual, and not overly excited. “Probably best to wait on the uber.”
“You’re probably right.”
“So, can I make you a drink?” he offered.
Her face brightened. “I’ll try that jalapeno one that you made for Hannah.”
“Coming right up.”
Ron disappeared behind the back door to gather his ingredients, and hoped he had managed to hide the blush creeping up his neck. There was a lightness in his movements that he hadn’t felt in a very long time, and he formed a genuine smile at the thought of spending more time with this girl. 
Frankly, things weren’t going so well in the relationship category as of late. He and Lavender had broken up just a few weeks ago, and she was still in the process of moving out of Grimmauld place. They were only living there temporarily while they searched for their own apartment together, much to Harry’s annoyance. They had been looking for the perfect flat for months, and finally found one close enough to school and work that miraculously fell within their budget. But the day before they were supposed to sign the lease, she left him. 
He honestly didn’t know why, but he assumed she had met someone else. All the talk about it being too big of a step, and her not feeling comfortable living together felt like reasons to postpone apartment-hunting rather than end the relationship entirely. But what was he going to do, beg her to stay? He didn’t want to be with someone who didn’t want him. 
But it didn’t make it hurt any less. 
Now Lavender would get to live in that big apartment by herself, and Ron would still be stuck at Grimmauld Place with Harry. As if to rub salt in the wound, Harry proposed to his sister a few days later Now he found himself third wheeling with the star crossed lovers almost every weekend since then, which only served to remind him how single he suddenly was. 
That was the reason he had taken so many Saturday shifts at The Canteen. 
Fred and George insisted he needed a rebound, and working at the bar was the perfect way to do that. Ron disagreed. He wasn’t one to take a random stranger home with the intention of using her to forget about someone else. He just wanted a distraction. Someone to talk to. 
The non alcoholic Gold Rush nearly made itself as Ron got lost in his thoughts. He garnished the edge of the glass with an orange slice sandwiched between two jalapenos. An added touch for the girl at the bar. 
“Voila,” he said as he emerged from the back. “A gold rush for the lady.”
“Why thank you very much.” She carefully pinched the stem of the glass and took a tentative sip. “Wow. It does taste alcoholic.”
“And I promise you it’s not.”
“Well done, sir. Compliments to the chef.”
Ron felt his cheeks turn pink. “Thank you.”
“I like the garnish.” The girl pulled a jalapeno slice from the edge of the glass and plopped it into her mouth. Her eyes watered under the heat of the spice, but at the same time, she gave a satisfied smile.
“It’s all about presentation.”
She smiled and extended her arm toward him. “I’m Hermione, by the way.”
Ron wiped his hand on the dish towel that was still hanging around his shoulders, and shook hers. “I’m Ron.”
“Nice to meet you, Ron.”
-Present Day-
Saturday mornings were usually busy at Flourish and Pots, the coffeehouse and bookstore where Ron practically lived at the moment, but he didn’t mind. The commotion helped him focus, while also providing a distraction from his tedious economics textbooks when he needed one. The cafe’s close proximity to the airport meant it was frequently visited by tourists and provided the perfect people watching opportunity. And the fact that it was far away from the Leaky Canteen was a plus. No family members would crash his study sessions and insist on burdening him with administrative work that no one else knew how to do. 
His intention behind obtaining his business degree wasn’t necessarily to fix the family bar or turn it into a profit machine, but to hopefully run a better business in the future. Something completely unrelated. But his family didn’t quite understand that. 
Ron reached for his latte and brought it to his lips. He hated to disturb the intricate leaf pattern the barista had formed with the foam, but his second year of graduate school required sufficient caffeine, and his admiration for latte-art would have to come later. 
As he put this mug down, a flash of red caught his eye. A young girl, no older than three had plopped down into an armchair that was way too big for her. Based on her hair alone, she could have been one of Ron’s nieces or nephews, and if Ron wasn’t absolutely sure she was a new face, he’d be looking for Bill or Percy in the bookstore. 
Where are your parents, little girl?
The girl picked up a newspaper from the side table and opened it. The fact that it was upside down made him smile. Her red hair frizzed out at all angles, and her eyebrows furrowed at the newspaper in a way that was strangely familiar. 
“Rose?” came a frantic whisper from across the room. “Rosie, where did you go?”
The voice lingered in Ron’s mind like a once-forgotten song. He’d heard that voice before. 
“Rosie, there you are!” 
A woman came sprinting around the corner and breathed a heavy sigh of relief upon finding the little girl. 
“Mama!” Rosie popped out of the chair and wrapped her arms around her mother’s leg. The newspaper glided gently to the floor as if falling in slow motion. 
“You scared me! Don’t run away from me again.” The woman picked up the newspaper, folded it back up and set it on the side table. “Ready to go sweetheart?”
The little girl nodded and reached for her mother’s hand. The pair turned toward the entrance of the shop and Ron’s stomach felt like it turned to stone as he watched them walk away. 
He didn’t even need to see the woman’s face. Her voice, her hair, the way her hips swayed as she walked away. It was all too familiar. That was the girl from the bar. 
Holy shit. Ron’s whole body immediately tingled, and his heart pounded like a bird trying to escape his chest. He felt like he was observing himself from outside the room. How long ago was that? Three, four years? Give or take a few months? 
Ron lifted a hand from his textbook to find that his palm had stuck to the page, leaving a sweaty handprint behind. He reached for his latte and took a sip, but his hand trembled so much that he nearly spilled it. The timeline matched. And Rosie’s flaming red hair was unmistakable. Unless the girl from the bar shagged one of his brothers too. Or maybe she just had a thing for gingers? 
Who was he kidding? So much had happened in his life since that encounter, and maybe he didn’t even know the half of it. 
But, fuck, he had to find out. 
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captain-mj · 1 year
Price finds out Graves listens to Dixion Dallas(Good Lookin, Whisky, F150), and decides to listen to see what kind of music Graves listens to and is thoroughly shocked by the lyrics lmao
This so fucking goofy yeah I'll write it
Does this count as a song fic? I don't know but it's super short and mostly song lyrics
Price looked at the spotify mix. It was one that Graves had made that was public. He was pretty sure it was because a few shadows asked for it. Seemed to be some sorta country music? Price wasn't that big on it, but most of the Shadows were from the south and seemed to really enjoy it.
Especially Carrie Underwood and Luke Bryan.
He had never seen so many military personnel sing a song about smashing something windows because of a person cheating so... aggressively before. Even Soap, a man who sang Scottish songs at top volume specifically to annoy his British squad mates, was taken back.
So he assumed that's what this was, but there were names and songs that he didn't recognize. So he turned it on and listened. Graves had let him add himself to the Spotify Premium that they had. The rest of the 141 had to share an account, but Price got special treatment. He claimed it was because he was their Captain, but nah, Graves just liked him better.
Price turned the playlist on, trying to give it a shot.
Summertime in the blue sky, your hand in my hand Cold beer with some Moonshine and our toes in the sand That look in your blue eyes, it makes me lose my mind I pull you closer, I'm so glad you're finally mine
Price blushed. He was positive that Graves couldn't know he was going to listen. His blue eyes were probably not thought of when this song was put in this playlist.
He put his hands up on my body, made the room a little hotter I'm sippin him like whiskey, got me wetter than the water, oh Swimmin' in, wanna swim in him too Make a little love, show you what my booty do Boy, turn around, lemme hit it from the back Yeah, I know how you love it when I do it like that
Price choked on his tea, blushing. He knew Graves listened to a little more.... for lack of a better word, raunchy music. But that was a shock.
He closed his mouth and kept listening.
Even though I hate to see him go, I love to watch him leave Levi's on top, what a sight, I love them booty cheeks And now he's grinding on my lap like it's the last night that we have I said, "Baby, make it clap, I wanna make this loving last"
Price paused the music.
"What the hell..."
Graves messaged him at almost that exact moment. "Do you want to go out later?"
"A bar."
Price stared at the song title and looked back at the messages. "In the mood for something specific?"
"Whiskey." Graves responded. "Bar nearby has some top shelf stuff for your refined tastes."
"I don't want it to taste like mouthwash." Price glanced at the song lyrics.
I can't take it, that boy drives me so damn crazy He got me catching feelings, I think it's too late to save me I said I can't take it, that boy drives me so damn crazy He's got me catching feelings, I think it's too late to save me
Graves responded. "You want sweetness, you get good company."
"You listen to a lot of Dixon Dallas?"
"Only with good company who buy me drinks."
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fadingreveries · 7 months
The Royal Romance, Bk1 Ch1: Once Upon a Time (Pt. 2)
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Click here for the TRR retelling series masterlist for more chapters! 🏰
Story Summary: In this novel-style retelling of TRR, beloved scenes with original commentary from the Choices stories including your favourite group of royals and friends will be expanded upon. Contains extended commentary and scenes from the original story, in-depth descriptions of bonus scenes, and premium choices and outfits.
Chapter Synopsis: Love awaits in the royal court of Cordonia as Riley competes for the Crown Prince! Will she accept his proposal, or will someone else win her heart?
Word Count: 2k
Disclaimer: All rights to original commentary, scenes, and characters from The Royal Romance series reserved to Choices and Pixelberry Studios. No copyright infringement intended.
~ ~ ~
A short time later, they all found themselves outside the restaurant address Maxwell provided. He promised Liam and Drake nothing but the best for his two best friends, so they had no choice but to trust in his plan and follow him to where the night would supposedly begin.
However, it was an odd location to have a restaurant, considering it was squished in between a car dealership and a gas station. They thought it would have at least been surrounded by other well-known, swanky restaurants. 
“I know this looks like a closed auto shop, but I’m sure it’s part of the theme,” Maxwell added, as they gazed up at the building wondering why it wasn’t busy at this time of the night. 
Liam had never seen a restaurant with decor for that specific theme. New York was filled with surprises. “How intriguing.”
Drake banged on the door, but no one answered. The building’s windows provided a chance for them to peek inside and see the cars, tools, and tires inside. Something wasn’t right about this so-called “restaurant” Maxwell had bragged about on their way over. Where were the people? Where was the food?
“These rust stains are so authentic,” Liam remarked, brushing his hand over one of them. The attention to detail was very admirable for the authentic auto shop environment. 
Maxwell glanced down at his phone with confusion, tilting his head to the side. “I don’t get it. I searched for ‘Michelin,’ and this came up…”
Of course. Now it made sense. Drake looked at Maxwell, slowly saying, “You do know Michelin also makes tires.”
“Why would the same company that controls the most prestigious food ratings also make tires, Drake? That doesn’t even make sense,” Maxwell answered, a bewildered look on his face as he scratched his head. 
Drake sighed. What did a man have to do to get some whiskey at that moment? “I’m too hungry to explain this to you, and I don’t want to eat a tire for dinner.”
Looking around in their surroundings, Drake spotted a hole-in-the-wall bar on the other end of the street. There were a few patrons heading in and out but compared to the restaurants further down the road, it didn’t seem as crowded or stuffy as he would have thought for a Friday night. Plus, it was the closest one they could find, anyway. 
“That place is open and empty. Let’s go,” Drake suggested, gesturing to Liam and Maxwell to follow him down the street. 
In the host area of the bar and restaurant, the men all met up with Tariq. The restaurant had a rustic feel to it with exposed brick and pine panels around them on the walls. There were numerous booths with shiny red leather seats and oak tables. 
Several French wine barrels served as decor on the walls. There was a particularly large sign listing the establishment’s special of the month was plastered near the main bar area where the beer taps and shelves of alcohol were set out on display. 
“You know, I’m not sure this is the best restaurant in New York,” Maxwell remarked. The place wasn’t bad or anything, but he expected a place with more ear-splitting tunes and drunk partying for a bachelor party. How else were they supposed to let loose? 
Taking note of the relatively smaller number of people in that building compared to others nearby, Drake simply said, “I didn’t say it was the best. I said it was open and empty.”
Liam, on the other hand, was fascinated by his surroundings and smiled to himself. While the bar had its charms that not everyone would have valued, he thought it was rather refreshing. Very different from the polished palaces and mansions he had grown used to, almost like it was a brand new place to discover. “I find it charming… Shall we—”
But whatever he was about to say was cut off by his phone ringing. Fishing his phone out of his pocket, Liam peered down at his phone’s screen. At the sight of his father’s name on the caller ID, he knew it might have been an urgent matter. It didn’t feel right for him to ignore his father for his own night out. What if something had happened back home? What if he was needed?
“Go on ahead, I’ll be there in a minute,” Liam insisted to his friends, walking away briskly to take the phone call. 
Meanwhile, Riley glanced at the door as a group strolled in. Tariq was dressed in a luxurious dark grey suit and tie with a lavender dress shirt that most likely cost more than Riley’s monthly earnings. Maxwell was the definition of a smooth, polished man dressed in his long-sleeved black shirt, dark brown khakis, and brown derby shoes. On the other hand, Drake gave the impression of being both down-to-earth and dignified with his light denim shirt done halfway up, a white shirt, black pants, and mahogany dress boots. 
“Waitress, there you are. We need your best table!” Tariq called out, spotting Riley with an excited grin. 
Drake chuckled, running a hand through his chestnut-coloured hair. It was easy now to get excited about the bachelor party when there was a very humble place serving his favourite drink of all time on their menu. “Forget the table. Just bring us whiskey, and lots of it.”
Riley headed to the main counter of the bar where she swiped a few menus from the shelves underneath. When she popped her head back up, she was met face-to-face with a stricken-looking Daniel who briskly typed away on his phone. 
“Riley, please take this one. I’ve got a date tonight, and I’ll never make it out of here in time.” Daniel pleaded, glancing down at his watch as if he was tracking down the seconds to his date. 
“You really want me to take the bachelor party?” Riley asked, raising her eyebrows in surprise. Then she snuck a peek back at the group of men animatedly talking to one another as if the night had only just begun for them. She grinned. “I’m on it. The tip will be insane! I’ll have those guys eating out of my hand in no time.”
Daniel let out an enthusiastic whoop, before placing his hands on Riley’s shoulders with a sigh of relief. “You’re the best!”
“Are you still talking? I’ve seated them already. Now get over there before I dock your pay!” The manager threatened, his mouth turning down in another stern frown. 
Once past the front doors, Liam was outside by himself. The streets were fairly busy on the side of the road they were on with groups heading to different bars and restaurants. Many of them appeared to be intoxicated and caused ruckus by hollering out lyrics to songs he had never heard of. It made him smile, however, seeing how carefree they were and how they didn’t have to overthink their responsibilities to simply have fun for one night. 
Liam answered the call on his phone, pressing his phone up to his ear. “Hello?”
“Son, I’m so happy to reach you. The news coming off your American tour has been quite positive,” Liam’s father, King Constantine, greeted him. “Though, I’m surprised you’re not back at the palace. Your team said your flight was leaving this morning.”
One month earlier, Liam had been sent to America to embark on a tour on behalf of Cordonia. Now that he was the new Crown Prince, his father insisted that he have a hand in international affairs by meeting with various American ambassadors and leaders to forge more alliances between America and Cordonia. 
For weeks, he had sat through endless conferences, meetings, galas, and dinners all in the interest of improving Cordonia’s relations with other American dignitaries. The one positive shining light in it was he had Drake and Maxwell by his side the entire time, but he had never been able to put his responsibilities in the back of his mind until this night. 
Liam pursed his lips together, attempting to word his answers properly. “I know I was supposed to be back earlier, but…we took a detour to New York.”
“A detour?” Constantine asked in surprise. Liam heard the sound of a chair’s legs screeching against the floor, a sign his father had stood up from his spot in shock. 
“Nothing to be concerned about,” Liam quickly brushed off, keeping his voice as neutral as possible. 
He had gotten very good over the years learning how to mask his emotions to maintain stoicism, a skill he used frequently in times of distress and danger. His father’s worrying was harmless but if he heard of any potential danger, Liam knew he would be ordered immediately to return to Cordonia. 
Constantine, however, remained unconvinced at Liam’s response as he solemnly commented, “You’re the Crown Prince of Cordonia. Anything unexpected is a concern.”
“Not in this case. Trust me, I can handle myself,” Liam reassured his father. He knew his father was merely looking out for him, and he loved him very dearly. The last thing he would want was to worry him from halfway across the world. 
“Of course you can. But be cautious,” Constantine advised his son. There was a brief pause on the phone, then he spoke again, “I’m proud of you. I just want you to know that.”
“Thank you, Father,” Liam beamed, a grin on his face although his father couldn’t see. He wanted nothing more than to be a son worthy of his father’s praise. 
Constantine continued, “I know you won’t do anything to disappoint me or the Crown.”
Liam stiffened, almost as if the guilt ate at him for disobeying orders and going out on a whim with agreeing to this bachelor party the guys had planned. He politely answered, “Of course not, Father.”
“That’s always been your brother’s specialty, as you know,” Constantine remarked. 
At the mention of his older brother, Leo, Liam was no longer in the mood to make conversation. Constantine rarely praised Leo anymore as much as he did before he abdicated, which made Liam feel conflicted. Leo was his roguish older brother who had his back at every moment when they grew up in the palace together. 
He admired Leo and Constantine more than anyone could ever know. He knew the three of them had always been so close before and to see the bond weaken between Leo and his father knowing he couldn’t do anything to mend it was hard on him. 
Liam thought to himself once more, before saying, “Mm. Well, I must get back. Take care.”
With that, Liam hung up the phone. For a moment, he stood underneath the pale light from the streetlamps and imagined himself as one of the young college students he saw passing by had he been in an alternate universe where he wasn’t born as a prince of Cordonia. 
He pictured himself walking freely around campus to go to classes with Drake and Maxwell, not having a bodyguard on standby 24/7. Liam imagined going out to clubs with the two of them without asking for permission and being able to enjoy himself without worrying about how it affected his representation of his country. It would be much easier for him to meet more people of his age over an unsupervised drink or two compared to how many other noble ladies he’d met before at previous formal dinners. 
A dull ache filled Liam’s chest, the way it always presented itself whenever he dreamed of a distant universe where his life was not his own. In previous therapy sessions, he had learned that dwelling in the possible outcomes in the past had no place in his busy life as a Cordonian royal as it only brought him stress and disappointment. With a shake of his head, he sighed and headed back inside. 
~ ~ ~
Click here for the TRR retelling series masterlist for more chapters! 🏰
Tag list: Turn off "exclude from Tumblr search" for your account in settings and comment if you’d like to be tagged! @kingliam2019 @princess-geek @karahalloway @twinkleallnight
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joshslater · 2 years
Sucker Punched
Similar stories and bonus material on my Patreon.
I was the last one from the crew left at the bar. Andrew had left early, Jon and John had to catch a bus, and in the end it was just Michael and I for a last whiskey. I had finished mine quickly, and was halfway through my second “last” whiskey when he left. He had some contractor he needed to meet in the morning, leaving me to empty the remainder of my glass alone. I reckoned I should take a piss before walking home as well, to avoid having to make a stop in the park.
Just when I was headed to the men’s room I saw one of the girls from the annoyingly loud table at the other end of the bar walking toward the ladies’ room. In my tipsy state I thought it would be a fun joke to follow her and give a funny one liner. "Is this where I pick up ladies?" perhaps. That wasn't really funny, but I was sure I would have something great to say. I didn't have time to find out. As soon as I entered the ladies’ room she pivoted around, shouted "CREEP" and slapped me. At the same time someone exited a stall, grabbed my shoulder, and swung me around.
In front of me was a petite, goth-looking girl with raven hair, black lips, and a nose ring. "Go back to the boys’ room and play with their toys, you fucking creep!" she shouted, and kneed me in the groin so hard I blacked out.
When I came to I was sitting on the floor of the ladies room, with my groin in agonizing pain. I staggered into the men’s room and emptied my bladder under excruciating pain. As I exited the bar everything looked pretty much the same as before, so I could not have been out for long. I walked home and crashed in bed. Had I not been so drunk I would probably have tossed and turned in pain, but instead I went out like a lamp.
Waking up was something differentl entirely. Besides the normal trappings of hangover, I rocked a massive erection that screamed in pain. All morning I was contemplating just being naked all Saturday, but eventually managed to slip on some basket shorts. You know the brag warnings for penis pills "Seek medical attention if your erection lasts longer than 3 hours". By lunchtime, meaning 3 pm on a Saturday, I was seriously considering going to the hospital. I kept running the conversation in my head though. "Hi, a goth girl kicked my junk and now I have a chronic hard on. Do you have any remedies for being a pervert" Fearing my medical premiums being erected as well, and the fact it slowly hurt less and less made me decide to tough it out. Thankfully I had enough food at home to not leave the apartment, and went to bed that evening still with a considerable tent.
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He was in his early twenties, dark hair, boyish face, pale skin. His lithe body was smooth, save for a faint treasure trail just below the belly button. There was a hint of a six-pack, but less from lifting weights and more from having very little body fat. He wore skimpy, swim diver trunks that hugged the body. Like a bright blue shrink wrap they highlighted his firm ass and average size bulge.
He smiled as he walked towards me next to the swimming pool. I looked around and realized that we were the only people in the massive swim arena. He was only a few steps away now.
"Good you came. I'm so happy I can help you." "What?" "It has to be a first time for everyone. I'm so honored to be doing this with you. I'll guide you slowly. Just do what I tell you."
He held out a thick, white shower towel to me. I took it.
"Put it on the floor and get down on your knees."
I realized that I too was almost naked. I had nothing on except for similar, white, body-hugging speedos. I put the folded towel on the tiled floor next to the swimming pool and kneeled on it, staring right into his belly.
"First, the best is if the other guy stands or sits straight. Make sure he can see everything you do. You want to involve as many senses as possible."
He put both of his thumbs inside the swim trunks and pulled down several inches, exposing a clean-shaven, semi-erect penis and scrotum.
"Try to always have more than one thing happening. Have at least one hand touching him at all times, even if it is just holding him. Here, place your hands on my hips."
He had a really soothing voice. I did as he said and put my hands on his sides, running my thumbs up and down his V.
"You don't want to just put it in your mouth. You want to at least start with a hand job. But do it in one direction, from the tip to the base, so there is a big upgrade when you put it in your mouth. If there is no lube, like now, start by licking it."
I started licking his dick from top to base, over and over. After doing that a few times I made sure the underside and balls also were wet.
"Great. You don't want to be too quick, but you also don't want to tease too long. A few minutes at the most. Now, the most important part, until you really know what you're doing, is that the teeth should never touch. For now, just curl your lips around them and start working on the tip. You decide how deep you want to go, but keep it slow and steady."
I did as he said and started doing shallow strokes, in and out. In and out.
"Yes, you got it. Focus on what you do with your mouth and lips. The tongue doesn't really matter nearly as much. Now, at this point you can start using your hands a bit more. Try tickle the balls or the perineum. That's the part behind the balls going toward the back.
Yes, like that. Be careful about pulling. Many times it is a safer bet to lift the balls and let go. Remember, it's all about creating as much sensation as possible, so move your hands around, stroke the upper, inner thighs. Keep the rhythm though. Slow and steady."
It was like playing some coordination game. While I was trying really hard to not mess up the actual blow job, my hands were going all over the place, trying out the different suggestions he was giving.
"Now let's go for a neat trick. Take one hand, make an O with your fingers, and do a hand job in sync with the blow job. Keep it just in front of the mouth so I can't feel which is which. Oh boy, yeah, that's it. You got it."
I was feeling really good about how everything was coming together and I could tell that he was getting close to his finish. Instead of giving any directions now he was just moaning, and he had placed one hand on my head, teasing my hair. For some reason hearing him moan made me glow with pride.
Then suddenly, without any warning, he just started pumping cum into my mouth. I hadn't really thought about what to do. Swallow? Pull out? Hamster? At the same time I could feel my own dick shooting load after load.
I woke up, almost gasping for air. In a confused moment I wondered where all the cum had gone. It had all been a dream. Well, not all of it. I turned on the light and checked the sheets, and I don't think I've ever had that much cum on me before. Whatever my dick had saved up during the weekend was all dumped on me now. It looked like someone squeezed a bottle of shampoo all over my mid section. Well, at least I didn't have to go to the ER for my erection, because that problem was solved. But what a fucking dream. I’ve never been tempted to do any gay shit before. The clock showed 4:14, so I did the least I could. Changed the bed sheets, showered the lower part of my body, and went back to sleep, this time wearing boxer briefs.
I slept until well after 9, and to my relief I could take a piss like normal. If anything my dick felt small and spent after its heroic act as a flagpole for 28 hours straight. At least it felt like things were getting back to normal, and I could spend the entire Sunday putting things back together as you would after any heavy party weekend.
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Despite the overcast it is a suffocatingly hot day. The concrete ground and tiled buildings around us radiate heat, and the shade roof keeps the hot air stale beneath it. A chainlink fence separats us from the empty street. The black man has worked up a thin sheen of sweat dribbling the basketball, though his high tech blood red Nike Jordan baller shorts fabric looks the same wet as dry. He stops juggling with the ball and looks straight at me.
"Hey Boy! Come and suck black cock!", he demands loudly. I look behind me, but we are alone in the court. I hesitate. "Don't make me wait! It'll just be worse for you if you let me wait", he continues to shout. I walk towards him. I'm wearing basket shoes, calf-high crew socks, and basket shorts, but no shirt as well. I, too, am sweaty in the heat. As I approach him he makes no attempts to move closer or do anything at all. "Yo, get on with it".
I kneel in front of him. The rough concrete is uncomfortable, but not painful. Still with hesitation I lower his shorts. His body is tall and toned, athletic without being overly muscular. Once the glossy fabric passes his large dick and balls the shorts falls into a heap around his ankles. He is not wearing any underwear, so I’m almost getting slapped in the face by his long penis. I start licking the shaft of the dick, and then down to the tip. Just as I’m about to work the underside he suddenly grips my head and thrust his dick deep into my mouth, making me gag. “This is for me to enjoy, not you, slut boy!” and starts thrusting his dick back and forth, while holding my head in place.
Every thrust he makes is painful, forcing its way through my gag reflex and down my throat. He just kept going and going and going. My body makes the most horrendous noises of slurps and wet gagging. I try every way I can think of to make it better. Relax, adjust my breathing, position myself better, move with him. It gets better, or perhaps it is just my gag reflex giving up, but in the end I find that the best I can do is to attempt to take over. To stroke him, the dick, the balls, and to control how deep his dick goes. It seems to work, and for what feels like an eternity I work his dick. Suddenly he grabs my head with both hands, pushes as far in as possible, and buried my nose deep in his pubes. I can feel him pumping load after load after load deep inside my chest.
I was almost angry as I lay in bed. It was still an hour until the alarm would go off, but I had thoroughly creamed my boxers. As I stepped into the shower and pulled them off I thought my cock looked spent. My dick and balls were definitely smaller than usual. Just a thumb sticking out over a pair of balls running scared up into the groin. As if I had already had a long, cold shower.
I was off my game the entire day at work. Had the girl done something to me? It must have been her. Did she give me something while I was blacked out? On my way home I swung by the bar for an after-work beer, but couldn't see them.
Back home I decided to do something, anything to get things on track. I pick the normal items, position myself in front of the computer and load up pornhub top list. “Daddy Lets Me Ride His Cock”. Ten minutes and forty seconds later my dick isn’t harder than my earlobes, but I am getting horny. I spend another 20 minutes hopping the top list, personal favorites, and random suggestions. Step siblings, truck stop gang bang, and big tit ebony babe nympho only made things worse. I was going to bed as upset as when I woke up, but now it was more out of frustration and exasperation. What the fuck was happening to me?
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It's a slow day in the diner, perhaps the lunch crowd already left. As I enter I recognize the patrons sitting by the bar from the truck stop gang bang video. "Look y'all it's him cocksucker" one of them says loudly as I approach the bar. "I reckon we all up for a good ol' BJ before we're on our way" he continues, before he starts to unbuckle his jeans.
He's neither caring like the swim diver nor assertive like the baller, but just stands there, passive, leaving the entire blow job up to me. I work and work on his fat, short dick, but he is taking forever to cum. I try all the different tricks, and finally after an eternity he shots a load in a few, small dribbles. That's a lot of work for very little fireworks. It feels like a chore. I move on to the next guy, who’d continued eating while causally observing me blowing the first trucker.
*meep* *meep* *meep*
I push the phone silent. Finally a full night’s sleep. I check the bed. Dry. The boxers however have like a teaspoon of cum. My dick has shriveled even further, down to   prepubescent   size. Is this the new normal now? And what the fuck is up with the gay shit? This is sick! I somehow managed to push it aside and not give it much thought during the day, but I desperately need to get hold of the goth girl. I decided to make another go at finding her at the bar after work.
It's after-work happy hour and not many patrons are in yet. I recognize the bouncer from last Friday. A tall guy that looks like an Irish rugby payer. Strong and athletic, without aiming for a six-pack. I walk up to him. "Hey, you probably get this a lot, but I was here last Friday and met a girl I need to get in contact with. Short, black clothes, black hair, black lips, white skin. Very goth feel. Oh, and a nose ring I think."
He gives me a long look before responding. "Yeah, I know who you mean. She said you would come asking. Left a message." My mood went from Yes! to Shit! in half a second. What did she tell the bouncer? "Nothing bad I hope." I'm trying to gauge him, but he is all poker face. "Not bad at all. Come with me. Sam! Take over five!"
We walk inside the bar and he leads the way. My head is spinning with thoughts on where this leads. What did she leave me? A bit too late I realize that we are not going to the kitchen or any staff area, but he is taking me to the men’s room. "After you," he says, holding up the door. He makes a quick glance that all stalls are empty and locks the door.
"Now, suck my dick, boy!"
Immediately I kneel in front of him, on the restroom tile floor, unbutton his city camo pants, and tease out his cock from his 2(x)ist underwear. I take command and try to be as active as possible, and he follows my lead. It's clear that he isn't used to someone doing all the things I do to him. He doesn't really know what to do with his hands, but judging by the moans he doesn't care. Not wanting him to come too soon, I pace him, switch around techniques, so he can come at exactly the right moment. There is that pride again, as I control his moaning and he is overcome with pleasure. Finally he pumps rope after rope of cum down my throat.
At exactly the moment he pulls out the dick with a final slurp, as I suck it clean on exit, the spell breaks. I realize that I've just given head to a real man. I'm on my knees on the floor in a bar bathroom and, apparently, have just jizzed my pants through the fabric. I stare at his work boots in disbelief over what I’d just done, too ashamed to look up.
"Dude, she was totally right. That's the best blowjob I've ever had." He pulls a well circulated $5 note from a pocket, tosses it on the floor in front of me, and leaves.
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the event has officially started, here a few things to note:
dash interactions for the event can take place between sep 2nd - sep 6th.
there will be a plot drop coming soon.
you have until sep 6th to get your event tasks done and tag them with eversleyevent.
new starters for the event can be posted, even if you already have an active starter.
16:30 – Guest Arrival
Welcome Drinks: Champagne and signature vineyard cocktails will be served as guests enter the grand entrance.
Live String Quartet: A live string quartet will play classical and contemporary pieces in the garden, setting the mood.
17:00 – Wine Tasting
Wine Tasting: Guests will sample a selection of the vineyard’s finest wines, accompanied by gourmet hors d'oeuvres during the tour.
18:00 – Sunset Viewing
Sunset Terrace: Guests will gather on the estate’s sunset terrace, which offers panoramic views of the vineyard and surrounding countryside.
Sunset Toast: Charles Eversley will lead a toast as the sun begins to set, offering a moment of reflection and gratitude for the evening.
18:30 – Charles Eversley’s Address
Important Matters: Charles Eversley will address the estate, sharing significant news and updates concerning the future of the Eversley family and the estate.
Announcements: This segment will include key announcements that will impact both the family and the staff.
19:00 – Dinner Service
Al Fresco Dining: A lavish dinner will be served in the vineyard’s main courtyard, with long, candlelit tables set under the stars.
Menu: The multi-course meal will feature local and seasonal produce, expertly prepared by the estate’s head chef, with wine pairings for each course.
Live Jazz Band: A live jazz band will perform throughout dinner, creating a sophisticated and relaxed atmosphere.
20:30 – Dancing & Entertainment
Dance Floor: The evening will transition into a dance party on the estate’s grand lawn, with a DJ spinning an eclectic mix of modern and classic hits.
Special Performance: A surprise performance by a well-known artist or entertainer, arranged by Charles Eversley, will take place as the evening progresses.
22:00 – Dessert & Nightcap
Dessert Bar: Guests will be invited to indulge in a selection of decadent desserts, including a custom cake created for the soirée.
Cigar & Whiskey Lounge: A dedicated lounge area will offer premium cigars and a variety of top-shelf whiskeys for those wishing to relax and unwind.
23:00 – Fireworks Finale
Fireworks Display: The soirée will conclude with a spectacular fireworks display over the vineyard, illuminating the night sky in a breathtaking finale.
23:30 – Event Concludes
Farewell: As guests prepare to leave, they will be gifted with a curated selection of wines from the vineyard as a memento of the evening.
Shuttle Service: For guests who have arranged transportation, shuttles will be available to escort them safely back to their accommodations.
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fantomcomics · 1 year
What's Out This Week? 8/30
Come aboard and bring along all your hopes and dreams this Thursday to our One Piece Live Action Watch Party and Craft Event!
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Ancient Enemies: First Responder #1 - Dan DiDio, Mario Guevara, & Joe Prado
Trapped inside the shattered hull of an alien spacecraft and imprisoned for over twenty years, firefighter Sonny Palmer is transformed into something greater than and less than human.   He is THE FIRST RESPONDER and dedicated his life to saving others while unable to save himself.  In this one shot, we learn his origin and set up the world-shattering climax to the ANCIENT ENEMIES series.  
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Everything's Coming Up Beatrix! GN - Georgia Dunn
Join Elvis, Puck, Lupin, Tommy, Beatrix, and the whole team for spooky tales around the space heater, daring hairstyles, not-so-hilarious sweaters, an Easter egg hunt disaster, new cat foods, "Heck on the Deck!", something called a papasan, and the first ever celebration of St. Catty's Day! Tune into a ghostly broadcast when Puck makes a harrowing journey to the attic and gets in over his head.... Can Elvis and Tabitha work together to save him?
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The Devil's Cut One-Shot - Mirka Andolfo, Elsa Charretier & Jock
The Devil's Cut is your introduction to DSTLRY, a new publisher redefining creator-owned comics. In the aging process, the whiskey that evaporates is called the Angel's Share. But the most potent spirits are captured in the wood-the Devil's Cut.
This is The Devil's Cut - unfiltered stories from the most fearless creators, offering a distinct taste of the quality to come. 88 oversized pages printed on premium paper, featuring a flight of high-proof work from our Founding Creators including Scott Snyder, James Tynion IV, Tula Lotay, Mirka Andolfo, Jock, Becky Cloonan, Brian Azzarello, Marc Bernardin, Elsa Charretier, Lee Garbett, Joelle Jones, Stephanie Phillips, Ram V, Jamie McKelvie, Junko Mizuno  and friends including Francesco Francavilla, Ariela Kristantina, Eduardo Risso, Christian Ward, and more. Edited by the legendary Will Dennis.
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Displacement SC - Cullen Bunn, Alison Sampson & Ray Shappell
Dr. Rachel Anderson treats those who suffer from the most extreme phobias. Fear of crowds. The fear of the outdoors. The fear of death. But after a session with a violent patient goes awry and her daughter goes missing, the only way Rachel will survive the night and save her daughter is to face her own fears.
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Eden II TP - Kenny Wroten
A blistering critique of digital media and a kaleidoscopic depiction of consumer culture, Eden II is both fanciful and satirical, a combination of deft cartooning and virtuosic storytelling.
In the grungy, punk-inflected world Kenny Wroten creates, a cast of disaffected young characters struggle to find their purpose in life. Faced with a dying Earth and numbingly useless jobs, protagonists Ellis and Dr. Otis Heck invent an immersive virtual reality game, Eden II. But when Heck betrays Ellis and sells the game to a mysterious corporation, the lines between fantasy and reality begin to blur. As each chapter highlights a new character in the ensemble, the game's impact grows as the world becomes consumed by fantasy.
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Far South: The Great Union Score - Rodolfo Santullo, Leandro Fernandez & Matias Bergara
Whatever the hell happens in the Far South stays in Far South! Montoya's bar has seen it all. Everyone who lives in the area frequents it, and those who don't, won't take long to do so. Everyone's a regular: scoundrels, prostitutes, thieves, truckers, bandits. There's wine and grappa to last for ages. Darkness is the only color you see there. So when the Police is looking for a culprit, they know where to knock first.
The hardboiled brutal land of the Mobsters and Gauchos continues to unfold, as bestselling international author Rodolfo Santullo and THE OLD GUARD superstar artist Leandro Fernandez present a new set of blood-soaked Noir tales, a must-read for fans of gritty crime fiction.
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The Great Gatsby: The Essential Graphic Novel HC - F Scott Fitzgerald & Jorge Coehlo
An all-new faithful and beautifully illustrated graphic novel adaptation of F. Scott Fitzgerald's classic novel, The Great Gatsby. Adapted by Ted Adams (The Island of Doctor Moreau) and illustrated by Jorge Coelho (Loki, Rocket Raccoon). Whether you already love the book or are experiencing it for the first time, we've got you covered. It's all here, the roaring '20s in all its glory --the decadent parties, the gangsters, the car crashes, the love triangle, and so much more. Young and old can appreciate the dedication of veteran comic creators, Adams and Coelho, as they adapt this American classic story into the classic American art form of comics. "So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past."
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It's Only Teenage Wasteland TP - Curt Pires, Jacoby Salcedo & Mark Dale
In the first days of the apocalypse, a group of high school boys may be the last alive in the city. When his parents go out of town for the weekend, Mexican-American high schooler Javi decides to throw a party-one that'll launch him and his buds into popularity! Or at least get them noticed by some girls. But no high school party goes off without a hitch. Javi can only watch as his friend takes a beating from the school bully, but then-BAM! The apocalypse has the worst timing. With few survivors-and even fewer sane ones-Javi and his friends will have to learn to survive together, and mend the fallout from the last party before the end of the world.
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Kaptara: Universal Truths #1 (of 6) - Chip Zdarsky & Kagan McLeod
Back because YOU demanded it! Yes, you! Don't you remember? We were having drinks and you said, "Hey. Whatever happened to... was it KAPTANNA?"
CHIP ZDARSKY (PUBLIC DOMAIN, Batman) and KAGAN MCLEOD (Infinite Kung Fu, Cobra Kai) are BACK with a BRAND-NEW STORY ARC of their "beloved" "science" fiction series! Astronaut KEITH KANGA, trapped on the planet of Kaptara, is trying to find his way home, but first he needs to solve a mystery: who is stealing all the adorable CAT-TANKS? Who would DARE??? This wild and colorful series full of heart and chuckles could be yours for the low, low price of $3.99!
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Kariba GN - James Clarke, Daniel Clarke & Daniel Snaddon
An African fantasy-adventure graphic novel inspired by the mythology of the Zambezi River and the history of the Kariba Dam, one of the largest dams ever constructed. Siku has always called the Zambezi River her home. But things are changing on the river-a great dam is being built-and things are changing in Siku, too, as her ability to manipulate water grows out of control, and visions of a great serpent pull her further from reality and her loving father, Tongai. When Tongai ventures to the Kariba Dam to find a cure for Siku and never returns, she sets off to find him with the help of Amedeo, the young son of Kariba's chief engineer. With the future of the Shonga resting on her shoulders, Siku must journey to the source of the river to understand the ancient power hidden within her.
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The Knight Captain Is The New Princess To Be GN Vol 1 - Yakinikuteishoku
In this shojo rom-com tale, a dashing female bodyguard pretends to be engaged to her childhood friend, the prince... but is their fake betrothal really just an act to him? Christina, a.k.a. "Lady Chris," was born into a noble family and treated more or less like a boy growing up. Now a dashing young woman, Chris is not only captain of the imperial guards-she personally protects Prince Leonardo, who has been a dear friend since childhood. When his father, the king, demands he find a suitable girl to marry, Leo insists that he's already found one: Chris! Chris is shocked, but figures that Leo doesn't really love her like that; it's probably just some ploy to keep the king happy. Chris decides to play along, but as the charade goes on, she starts to wonder if maybe her princely pal has actually fallen for her!
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Memoirs Of A Man In His Pajamas TP - Paco Roca
Spain's answer to Seinfeld, these observational, relatable autobio vignettes by Spanish cartoonist Paco Roca poke fun at the vexing tribulations of modern life. At 40, cartoonist Paco Roca has finally achieved his childhood dream - to spend all day at home in his pajamas! However, his blissful, loungewear-clad reverie is beset with a host of mundane problems: He dreads small talk with "the world's biggest bore," but his excuses and white lies are finally catching up with him. When a good friend breaks up, taking either side could lead to social disaster.
The simple mission to change his train ticket descends into an impossibly complicated, Kafka-esque affair. And worst of all, his partner keeps hanging the toilet paper roll the wrong way! In the vein of sitcoms like Seinfeld and Curb Your Enthusiasm, Roca's comic vignettes brilliantly satirize the pesky pitfalls of modern-day life. Like most of us, Roca's alter ego just wants to be liked and to do the right thing, but finds that through crippling indecision, cowardly behavior, and the absurd machinations of the universe, he is usually thwarted. The ensuing situations he finds himself embroiled in are as hilarious as they are often painfully relatable.
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Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers 30th Anniversary Special - Ryan Parrott, Hendry Prasetya & Dan Mora
A landmark celebratory special featuring 5 brand new stories paying homage to the legacy of Rangers with stories by Ryan Parrott (Rogue Sun), Mat Groom (Inferno Girl Red), the original Mighty Morphin Pink Ranger Amy Jo Johnson and Matt Hotson (Titans), and young adult author Maria Ingrande Mora (Fragile Remedy), along with current Mighty Morphin Power Rangers superstar scribe Melissa Flores!
Joining the celebration are returning fan-favorite Power Rangers artists including Hendry Prasteya, Eleonora Carlini, and Marco Renna!
Between a spotlight on Ernie in Angel Grove, Alpha 5's struggle to find his true purpose, a mind-bending "What If?" story about Tommy's powers which introduces an all-new alternate universe, an additional tale about his marriage to Kat, and a deeper look at the Ranger Academy, this anniversary issue is truly packed full of content worthy of the 30-year legacy.
Along with 40 pages of brand new morphinominal material, celebrate 30 years of Power Rangers with an additional 24 pages of classic material that fans new and old will be delighted to experience!
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The Plot Holes #1 (of 5) - Sean Gordon Murphy
THE PLOT HOLES are a squad of fictional warriors who transport themselves into the pages of other books, using their unique skills to save the plots in order to stop them from being destroyed. And Cliff is their newest recruit, a comic creator who's just realized his world isn't real-in fact, it's a complete fiction that literally exists inside a novel. The other members are misfits like him, pulled from unpublished books that couldn't be saved: a manga samurai, a barbarian tiger, a kid from a comic strip, and a vampire assassin. Outclassed by the other members, Cliff sets out to prove his worth to The Plot Holes as they fight to save as many books as possible.
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Punch Up GN Vol 1 - Zachary Sterling
Young orphan Pitch is an aspiring tournament fighter who has big dreams of traveling to the city and competing in the Wide Plains Fighting Tournament. He also harbors a secret wish-to be trained by aging tournament fighter Sonny Chan. Can Pitch make it in a big city filled with unsavory types that want to do him harm? And is Emperor Jayson, host of the fighting tournament, one of those people? Will Sonny decide to act decent . . . for once? Find out in this exciting blast of battle energy!
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Star Wars The High Republic Adventures: The Complete Phase I GN - Daniel Jose Older & Harvey Tolibas
"For light and life!" Set hundreds of years before the Skywalker Saga, Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures chronicles a time of galactic renaissance when the Jedi are at the height of their power and the Republic is experiencing unparalleled peace... until a mysterious force known as the Nihil, threatens to cast its shadow over all the free worlds of the galaxy!
Follow the adventures of Lula, Farzala, and Qort, untested Jedi Padawans, with their Masters, Torban Buck and Yoda, on their first mission to rescue the inhabitants of the planet Symant IV in the wake of a deadly Nihil attack. But the Nihil are not the only opposition they will face. Many of the planet's citizens resent and fear the Jedi, and two of those citizens will have to decide whether to go against all they believe and trust the Jedi lest they fall prey the Nihil's evil plans. Perfect for readers of all ages, The Complete Phase I collects the entire Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures (Phase I) series, with 6 never before collected issues, a new epilogue story, and of course, fan-favorite, The Galactic Bake-Off Spectactular one-shot!
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The Witch's Marriage GN Vol 1 - studio HEADLINE
Opening the Door of Truth is the ultimate goal for many a witch. Gathering enough power to do so is no easy feat however, and a popular method is entering into a "Witches' Marriage," a contractual bond that generates more power the closer they grow. Melissa is one such witch-but is her heart truly immune to the adorable Tanya as she claims?
Whatcha scooping up to close out August, Fantom Fam?
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@oh-three thanks for the ask! Putting it here on this blog
Omg like if we put HRH in the Whiskey and Teeth bar specifically, like that place was so seedy and sticky and there was a space rat there...
So already we know how Gaverick feels about Imperials, so if this Imperial walks in with two Royal Guards, I imagine he would definitely be displeased.
HRH is definitely pretty sheltered, but also fancies themselves more worldly because of their occupation- you can see this when they drink the caf on Nur, and in a scene in yet-unreleased Explored and Worshiped where they are admiring their exploration clothes in the mirror and styling themselves a "filthy rebel". It's kind of like that French Aristocracy trend right before the revolution where they would build themselves fake little villages and play at being peasants. So I imagine they might be like, "oo, novel, look at me now, being in a filthy little dive bar, I'm so rebellious, my father would loathe to see me here" meanwhile Renson and Vanyiel would just be palming their pikes, waiting for any of the patrons absolutely glaring them down to make a move.
I don't think that would happen. I mean, HRH isn't a monster. Just a bit aloof and ideologically indoctrinated. They aren't looking to cause any trouble.
As for Utapau, I think they would love it, because from what we've seen, everyone there absolutely respects formality and makes a big affair out of it. I also think it would remind them of their little clandestine encounter to be so close to Nur and surrounded by people who physically remind them of the Inquisitor.
I do like to envision a version of their story where they have a son and take him to Utapau as like, a 7 year-old boy and just let him run around and experience not looking like a "freak" once he's old enough to actually be aware of how his parent's contemporaries treat him, and he's just fitting right in with everyone around him. I do think they would pay a premium to dress him in clothes from Utapau and buy him whatever he wanted from there. Maybe stopping shy of a Varactyl, because that is just not practical when you live in an apartment on Coruscant between dig seasons.
(I also maybe went down one rabbit hole for HRH where they took their son to an event with a bunch of Senators, it caught the attention of the representatives from Utapau, who recognized they weren't married. After some inquiry, they realized HRH somehow managed to accidentally have a Pau'an baby, which shocks them because it normally takes decades or even a century of trying on their end because of low fertility rates.
The conversation leaves HRH feeling a little awkward and uneasy. Very soon afterwards, the Emperor contacts them to tell them he's received a marriage request for HRH to wed a Senator's son from Utapau. He basically tells HRH you shouldn't have a problem with this, this is better for your son because he'll be around his own people, you're spent goods with no better prospects and clearly a particular taste, and you are not supposed to have an individual attachment to the boy's father- definitely not one that gets in the way of my plans. So you're doing this.
The problem is that HRH isn't just into Pau'an men in general, they're absolutely hung up on the individual, but they have no choice. So arranged marriage it is, and they end up moving with their son to Utapau, and kind of their only solace is that their son is happy and they are really close to Nur for visits.)
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slvrdlphn · 1 year
Jack Daniel’s® and Coca-Cola aRTD debuts in the Philippines
MANILA, April 28, 2023 – Jack Daniel’s® and Coca-Cola are launching Jack Daniel’s and Coca-Cola alcoholic ready-to-drink (aRTD) in the Philippines. Made with Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Whiskey and Coca-Cola, Jack Daniel’s & Coca-Cola aRTD premium cocktail is inspired by one of the most popular bar cocktails around the world. Last year, Jack Daniel’s and Coca-Cola announced that they would be teaming…
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noisycowboyglitter · 2 days
Top 5 Beer, Bourbon, and BBQ Events to Attend This Year
Beer, Bourbon & BBQ is a mouthwatering trifecta that brings together three beloved American culinary traditions. This combination represents a celebration of bold flavors, rich history, and Southern-inspired hospitality.
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Beer offers a refreshing counterpoint to the robust tastes of bourbon and barbecue. Craft brews, ranging from light lagers to hoppy IPAs, complement the smoky, savory notes of barbecued meats. The carbonation helps cleanse the palate between bites, enhancing the overall dining experience.
Bourbon, with its complex flavors of oak, vanilla, and caramel, adds depth to both the food and the experience. It can be enjoyed neat, on the rocks, or as an ingredient in barbecue sauces and marinades, infusing dishes with its distinctive character.
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BBQ, the heart of this trio, encompasses a wide range of regional styles and techniques. From slow-smoked brisket to pulled pork and ribs, barbecue represents a time-honored cooking tradition that brings people together.
Events and festivals centered around Beer, Bourbon & BBQ have gained popularity, offering enthusiasts the chance to sample various brews, spirits, and barbecue styles. These gatherings often feature live music, cooking demonstrations, and a convivial atmosphere that celebrates American culinary culture.
Drinking Food and Spirits Gifts combine the pleasures of gourmet snacks with fine alcoholic beverages, creating an indulgent experience for recipients. These carefully curated packages often feature a selection of artisanal foods designed to complement specific spirits or cocktails.
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A typical gift might include premium nuts, artisanal cheeses, charcuterie, chocolates, or savory crackers paired with a bottle of craft gin, small-batch whiskey, or aged wine. Some sets focus on a particular spirit, offering various expressions along with appropriate snacks and garnishes.
For cocktail enthusiasts, these gifts might include mixers, bitters, and bar tools alongside spirits and finger foods. Gourmet jerky or dried fruits could accompany bourbon, while olives and tapenades might pair with vodka or gin.
These gifts are perfect for special occasions, corporate presents, or as a treat for food and drink connoisseurs. They offer a sophisticated tasting experience that can be enjoyed at leisure, making any gathering a bit more special.
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Beer Gifts for Father's Day offer a perfect way to celebrate dads who appreciate a good brew. These thoughtful presents range from curated craft beer samplers to personalized beer steins and innovative bottle openers. For the home-brewing enthusiast, kits and equipment make excellent choices. Beer-themed apparel, unique glassware, and beer books add variety to gift options. Some popular picks include beer subscription services, delivering new brews throughout the year, and beer-infused snacks or condiments. These gifts not only show appreciation but also invite dads to relax and enjoy their special day with a cold, refreshing beverage in hand.
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dmablogs · 4 days
Innovative Premium Catering Concepts to Try for Your Singapore Event
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When planning a high-profile event in Singapore, the catering can set the tone for an unforgettable experience. From opulent feasts to unique culinary experiences, innovative premium catering services concepts can elevate your event to the next level. Here are some cutting-edge catering ideas to consider for your next event:
1. Interactive Live Cooking Stations
Transform your event into a culinary adventure with interactive live cooking stations. These stations allow guests to engage with chefs who prepare dishes on the spot. Options include sushi-making stations, gourmet pasta bars, or even a teppanyaki grill. This interactive element not only delights the taste buds but also entertains and engages your guests.
2. Themed Culinary Experiences
Immerse your guests in a specific cultural or thematic experience with a themed culinary event. Whether it's an extravagant French Riviera-inspired soirée or a chic Mediterranean feast, themed catering can transport your guests to different parts of the world. Custom menus, decor, and entertainment will enhance the overall ambiance and create a memorable experience.
3. Gourmet Food Trucks
Bring a trendy touch to your event with gourmet food trucks. These mobile kitchens offer a variety of high-end, street-style foods, from artisanal burgers and gourmet tacos to exotic dishes. The food truck trend adds a casual and fun atmosphere to any event while delivering top-notch cuisine.
4. Elegant Food and Drink Pairing
Pairing food with the perfect beverages can elevate your event’s dining experience. Work with a premium catering service to create bespoke pairings, such as wine and cheese, craft cocktails with gourmet bites, or rare whiskey and artisanal chocolates. This sophisticated approach ensures that every dish is complemented by the ideal drink.
5. Customizable Menu Experiences
Offer your guests a personalized dining experience with customizable menu options. Allow guests to choose their dishes from a curated selection or provide dietary accommodations to suit individual preferences. This flexibility ensures that everyone has a memorable and enjoyable meal tailored to their tastes.
6. Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Catering
Showcase your commitment to sustainability with eco-friendly catering options. Use locally sourced ingredients, biodegradable utensils, and minimal packaging. You might also consider plant-based menus or zero-waste catering practices to align with modern environmental values and make a positive impact.
7. Decadent Dessert Bars
End the event on a sweet note with a decadent dessert bar. Offer a variety of gourmet sweets, from artisanal pastries and handcrafted chocolates to custom-made cupcakes and exotic fruits. A beautifully designed dessert bar not only satisfies guests’ sweet cravings but also serves as a stunning visual centerpiece.
8. Personal Chef Experiences
For an ultra-luxurious touch, hire a personal chef to create a bespoke dining experience for your event. This option is perfect for intimate gatherings where the chef can design a customized menu based on your preferences and dietary needs. The personal chef can also provide a unique interactive experience with cooking demonstrations and personal interactions.
9. Fusion Cuisine Creations
Blend different culinary traditions to create innovative fusion dishes that tantalize the taste buds. Combining elements from various cuisines can lead to exciting and unique flavor profiles. Imagine sushi tacos, truffle-infused risotto, or kimchi-stuffed croissants—all crafted with premium ingredients and culinary expertise.
10. Luxury Plated Meals
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For a classic touch of elegance, opt for luxury plated meals with exquisite presentation. Each course can be beautifully plated and served to guests, ensuring a refined dining experience. Work with your caterer to design a menu that features seasonal ingredients and artistic plating techniques.
Incorporating any of these innovative catering concepts into your event will not only impress your guests but also create an extraordinary and memorable experience. For the best premium catering in Singapore, consider collaborating with a top-tier catering service that can bring these ideas to life with creativity and excellence.
Whether you’re hosting a corporate event, wedding, or private gathering, these concepts offer a blend of sophistication and excitement that will leave a lasting impression.
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smokysipspirits · 5 days
How Can You Choose the Right Whiskey Smoking Kit for Your Needs?
Several important factors must be taken into account while selecting the best whiskey smoking kit to guarantee a pleasurable experience. Examine the kit's ingredients, accessories (such as wood chips and torches), smoker type, and other parts first. Seek for designs that make things easy to use, especially for newcomers. Think about the range of wood choices available; each wood adds a distinct flavor that lets you personalize your whiskey. Analyzing customer feedback might reveal information about the effectiveness and longevity of the kit. In order to explore the world of whiskey smoking without sacrificing experience, make sure the kit fulfills your quality standards and meets your budget.
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Invest in Premium Smokers to Boost Your Whiskey Experience
Whiskey lovers are aware that adding the correct accents may elevate an ordinary drink to a remarkable experience. Using quality whiskey smokers and infusion kits is one of the most interesting things in the whiskey community. You can enjoy this cherished spirit to a greater degree by using these tools to discover new flavors and scents.
Uncover the Advantages of Whiskey Infusion Packages
For those who need to try out new flavors, whiskey infusion kits are a must. Typically, these kits come with everything you necessity to add unusual flavors to whiskey, like fruits, herbs, and spices. You can make personalized blends that appeal to your taste by combining these components. Easy-to-follow instructions are a common feature of infusion kits, making the procedure approachable for both whiskey aficionados and beginners.
The Function of Infusers of Whiskey Smoke
Popular for imparting deep, smoky tastes to drinks, a whiskey smoke infuser elevates the experience. It is possible to add the scent of different woods, such hickory, cherry, or oak, to your whiskey using this gadget. The outcome is a nuanced taste profile that turns your beverage into a delightfully smoky experience. An easy-to-use design is a feature of many whiskey smoke infusers, so you may enjoy this sophisticated procedure hassle-free at home.
The Best Whiskey Smokers to Choose
Think about things like material, size, and adaptability when choosing whiskey smokers. High-end materials are used in the construction of premium whiskey smokers to assure their longevity and successful smoking. Seek for solutions with customizable features so you can try out various wood varieties for a distinct flavor profile. Furthermore, some smokers include built-in features that make smoking easier, which makes them perfect for novices.
Expert Advice on Whiskey Smoking
Whiskey smoking experts frequently advise getting started with a simple kit to get a feel for the procedure. Essential instruments including a smoke chamber, wood chips, and a torch are usually included in these packages. Experts stress that you should try out a variety of wood flavors to see which ones go best with your whiskey. To become an expert smoker, they also advise practicing with a variety of methods.
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A Cocktail Smoker Can Help You Make Better Cocktails
Additional great tool for people who like to make drinks is a cocktail smoker. You may put a characteristic spin on traditional recipes by adding Smokey aromas to cocktails. A cocktail smoker gives your drinks more intricacy and interest, even ifyou are making an Old Fashioned or a Smoky Margarita. As of their small size and ease of use, these smokers are perfect for use in both home bars and business environments.
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jamessmith64 · 25 days
Stainless Steel Reusable Ice Cubes Set
Enhance your drinking experience with our premium 4/6/8 Pcs Stainless Steel Ice Cubes Set, designed to keep your beverages perfectly chilled without dilution. These reusable chilling stones are ideal for whiskey, wine, cocktails, and more, making them the perfect addition to any home bar or party.
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catreringdubaiblog · 25 days
Party Catering Ideas for Exclusive Events in Dubai
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Dubai is synonymous with luxury, and when it comes to hosting exclusive events, catering plays a pivotal role in creating a memorable experience. For those looking to elevate their gatherings, whether it's a high-profile corporate event, a lavish wedding, or a private celebration, the right catering can set the tone and leave a lasting impression. Here are some exceptional party catering ideas for exclusive events in Dubai that are sure to impress.
1. Gourmet Canapés and Butler-Passed Hors d'Oeuvres
Nothing says elegance like gourmet canapés and hors d'oeuvres served by professional butlers. This catering style is ideal for cocktail parties, product launches, or art exhibitions, where guests mingle and network. Think along the lines of smoked salmon blinis with caviar, truffle arancini, foie gras mousse on brioche, or mini lobster rolls. The key is to offer bite-sized delights that are as visually appealing as they are delicious. Pair these with signature cocktails or fine wines to enhance the experience.
2. Chef’s Table Experience
For a truly exclusive event, consider a chef’s table experience where guests enjoy a multi-course meal prepared and served by a top chef right in front of them. This interactive dining style is perfect for intimate gatherings or VIP events where personalization and exclusivity are paramount. Each course is carefully curated and paired with fine wines or craft cocktails, offering a sensory journey that delights the palate. This experience not only provides exquisite cuisine but also allows guests to engage with the chef, adding a unique personal touch.
3. Luxury Grazing Tables and Charcuterie Boards
Grazing tables and charcuterie boards have become a popular trend for sophisticated events in Dubai, combining style and substance. These elaborate displays feature an array of artisanal cheeses, cured meats, gourmet dips, fresh fruits, nuts, and bread, beautifully arranged to create a visual masterpiece. Ideal for both indoor and outdoor events, grazing tables encourage guests to explore and savor a variety of flavors at their own pace. Add premium elements like truffle cheese, honeycomb, and edible flowers to elevate the experience.
4. Themed Fine Dining Stations
For a blend of luxury and variety, themed fine dining stations are a fantastic choice. Guests can sample different cuisines and dishes, each presented in an elegant setup. Imagine a Mediterranean station with fresh seafood and paella, an Italian station with live pasta-making, or an Asian station featuring sushi and dim sum. These stations not only cater to diverse tastes but also provide an interactive element that enhances the dining experience.
5. Opulent Dessert Bars and Custom Confections
For an unforgettable finale, consider an opulent dessert bar featuring a selection of decadent sweets. From chocolate fountains and macaron towers to custom-designed cakes and artisanal pastries, dessert bars add a touch of indulgence to any event. Personalization is key—think monogrammed chocolates, branded cupcakes, or desserts infused with gold leaf. For a more interactive touch, add a liquid nitrogen ice cream station where guests can create their own frozen treats, adding a dramatic flair to the evening.
6. Bespoke Beverage Experiences
Exclusive events in Dubai call for bespoke beverage experiences that match the event’s sophistication. Consider setting up a luxury champagne bar, a craft gin station, or a whiskey-tasting lounge complete with a sommelier or mixologist. For a non-alcoholic option, a mocktail bar featuring exotic flavors like saffron, rose, and passion fruit can be equally impressive. Offering personalized drink menus and custom glassware adds another layer of exclusivity to the event.
These catering ideas are perfect for creating an unforgettable experience at exclusive events in Dubai. With the right mix of creativity, quality, and presentation, your event will be the talk of the town, leaving guests impressed and satisfied.
#catering dubai#catering companies dubai#best events catering
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fadingreveries · 7 months
The Royal Romance, Bk1 Ch1: Once Upon a Time (Pt. 3)
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Click here for the TRR retelling series masterlist for more chapters! 🏰
Story Summary: In this novel-style retelling of TRR, beloved scenes with original commentary from the Choices stories including your favourite group of royals and friends will be expanded upon. Contains extended commentary and scenes from the original story, in-depth descriptions of bonus scenes, and premium choices and outfits.
Chapter Synopsis: Love awaits in the royal court of Cordonia as Riley competes for the Crown Prince! Will she accept his proposal, or will someone else win her heart?
Word Count: 1.8k
Disclaimer: All rights to original commentary, scenes, and characters from The Royal Romance series reserved to Choices and Pixelberry Studios. No copyright infringement intended.
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On the other hand, Riley headed over to the table where the three guys sat, talking. She put on her best smile and set down a few menus in front of them. 
“Hello, gentlemen. I’ll be taking care of you this evening,” Riley politely introduced herself, pulling out her pen and notebook to write down their orders. 
Maxwell grinned at her, bouncing in his seat with excitement. “Waitress, steaks for the table.”
“How about some filet mignon, medium rare and prepared with a bearnaise sauce?” Tariq suggested, before pondering his choice for possibly something much more extravagant than he initially asked for. 
Riley laughed. Clearly, this group had never been to a casual New York dive bar before. They were a breath of fresh air, compared to the drunk locals who also came in at the same time demanding pints of beer and sloppy Joes. “The closest thing we have to filet mignon is the deluxe burger.”
Tariq frowned in disappointment, hesitating to look over the menu to see if the unfortunate news was true. “Dare I ask for your wine list?”
Back in the restaurant, Liam noticed that Maxwell, Drake, and Tariq had found a table and were talking to a waitress. Her dark brown hair hung in waves almost like a waterfall down her back. She wore a cream-coloured work shirt, black leggings, and a red work apron around her waist. 
“We’ve got an excellent vintage house red,” Riley slowly answered, having the feeling his frown would continue to turn downwards with her reply. 
Tariq gasped as if he couldn’t believe the words that came out of Riley’s mouth. “House red?”
Riley shrugged her shoulders, smiling sheepishly at the three men at the table. “It also comes in white.”
Drake laughed at Tariq’s woeful reaction, turning to Riley. “We’ll be fine with a bottle of whiskey… and four deluxe burgers.”
Glancing at the three men at the table, Riley furrowed her eyebrows in curiosity. Who was the fourth person? “Four?”
In response, he nodded behind Riley and Liam took that as his cue. There, Riley turned to see the man walking towards the bachelor party and her eyes widened. 
He had eyes as blue as the deep sea, a straight pointed nose, and a hint of a stubble on his face. He was dressed in a black blazer, white dress shirt, navy blue cravat, black dress pants, and black Oxford shoes. His copper blonde hair was neatly swept into a right-sided part and his thin lips were already working into a smile that radiated such genuinity and charm that Riley’s stomach immediately filled with butterflies. 
Whoa. He’s really cute, Riley thought. 
“Sorry I’m late,” Liam apologized with a shy laugh, making his way towards Riley. “Thank you for your patience, Miss…?”
Riley blinked before snapping herself out of her daze, mustering out a simple, “Uh, Riley.”
“My name is Liam. Charmed to make your acquaintance, Riley,” the handsome stranger flashed a dazzling white smile.
“Trust me, the pleasure’s all mine. It’s nice to meet you.” Riley shyly replied, her cheeks flushing. Liam had looked down, biting his lip with a smile as bashful as her own. “Now let me go put your order in. Be right back!”
Liam watched as Riley walked away towards the restaurant kitchen window. She tore away the paper where she had written the guys’ order in her notebook, sticking it on to a steel order wheel where other orders hung in preparation and letting kitchen staff know what their order was. 
For some reason, he couldn’t help but observe in almost a trance-like state how Riley almost seemed to float across the room. She was handing out menus to new customers one moment before balancing dishes on her arms and gracefully setting down plates in front of other tables. 
“And now that I definitely am down to get a face tattoo, that’s how we’ll end the night!” Drake exclaimed, noticing how Liam had hardly said a word during their conversation at the table. 
Maxwell excitedly grabbed his friend’s shoulders. How exciting was it that Drake had finally come around to his wonderful idea! “Yeah, Drake! That’s the spirit!”
“What do you think, Liam?” Drake questioned, arching an eyebrow in curiosity in his direction. 
With his eyes still fixated on Riley, an autopilot response slowly came out of Liam’s mouth. “Sounds great…”
“Okay, now we know he’s definitely not listening,” Drake stated, taking a swig from his whiskey. It wasn’t hard for Drake to know when something else had preoccupied Liam’s mind. Not when he had known his best friend for his entire life. 
Maxwell pouted, letting out a disappointed sigh. “You were kidding about the tattoos, weren’t you?”
“Hush, Maxwell. Something’s going on with Liam. He’s distracted,” Drake informed him, keeping him in the loop of things. 
Liam’s eyes widened, as he sat up straighter in his seat and cleared his throat. Why had his throat suddenly gone dry? “What? No. Of course not. Brotherhood. Bonding. Where were we?”
“You can tell us what’s wrong,” Drake offered to him, knowing that every once in a while Liam needed to confide in people he trusted. “Is it the rumblings in Lythikos? The water rights over the Royal Orchard? The controversy over the location of next year’s Art Festival?”
“The fact that Drake’s not going to get a tattoo with us?” Maxwell added. Maybe Liam could possibly change his mind? Drake was known for going along with things the second that Liam took an interest in them. 
There was no use lying to his two closest confidants. If anything, perhaps they had some wise words for him to help deal with these newfound emotions. Liam took in a deep breath before quickly exhaling. “It’s… our waitress, Riley.”
“I knew it!” Maxwell triumphantly cried out, looking at him with a smug look. “Now it’s a bachelor party!”
Drake leaned back in his spot, thinking to himself for a few seconds before speaking up, “Huh.”
“What?” Liam asked, wanting to know what he was thinking. 
“I’ve never seen you get this way about a girl before,” Drake commented. It was true; Liam had met so many ladies at court over the years as a prince, yet this was the only time he seemed genuinely interested in one before. Especially one who was across the ocean in America working in a New York dive bar. 
Suddenly feeling embarrassed, Liam sat up straighter in his spot. He felt a warm blush across his cheeks and he was certain that he looked absolutely flustered. “I’m not any way. I’m just worried that we’ve imposed on her good nature.”
Finally catching on to what Drake meant, Maxwell commented, “Uh-huh.”
“Sure…” Drake added, as he and Maxwell exchanged knowing looks. 
“I’m sure she wouldn’t mind being impositioned on further…” Maxwell noted, waggling his eyebrows in a playful manner. Hopefully they knew what he meant to say…
Maxwell could be clever, but this was unfortunately not one of those times. Drake sighed, running his hand down his face. “Maxwell…”
“Or you can just leave her a nice tip when we pay the check! You know a Beaumont never shorts a bill!” Maxwell briskly suggested, with a hint of nervous laughter. “Water bills, phone bills, car bills, dinner bills. We’ve never shorted any of those before! With all the money we have, of course. But even if we did, that wouldn’t be a bad thing…”
That was an uncharacteristically long answer for one simple suggestion. Drake eyed Maxwell suspiciously. “Of… course…”
Maxwell knew he had said too much. If Bertrand was there, he would reprimand him with words like, “Maxwell Percival Beaumont, why must you expose the true nature of House Beaumont’s finances in front of important company?” He could feel Bertrand’s glowering gaze at him all the way from Cordonia. Giving another uneasy chuckle, Maxwell fiddled with the collar of his shirt before taking a giant bite out of his burger. That should shut him up for now. 
Drake leaned over to Liam, whispering with a concerned expression, “Is Maxwell acting weirder than usual, or is it just me?”
“It’s hard to tell what the baseline weird level is…” Liam admitted, though he did notice that Maxwell had been quite anxious whenever money was mentioned. 
Drake stared at Liam hard for a moment. Of course Liam was still absentminded, his eyes following Riley across the room. Drake stated, “You really are distracted.”
“Perhaps…” Liam replied, only half listening to his friend. Riley giggled in front of a table of elderly women who had complimented her, making his heart warm at the sight of her smile. 
Drake noticed the look in Liam’s eyes, before he advised him, “Okay, go. Talk to her.”
“I couldn’t,” Liam declined, shaking his head. There was absolutely no chance he could talk to her without making a complete fool of himself. 
Moving on from his little comment about his house’s money, Maxwell asked, “What’s stopping you?”
“What’s stopping me?” Liam repeated, before instinctively saying, “The crown.”
“There’s going to be a revolution if you have one conversation with a waitress?” Drake responded, trying to put things into perspective for Liam. “Besides, none of that matters tonight. If only for one night, this is the moment when you get to be human.”
“Also, the tattoos…” Maxwell quietly suggested, taking a sip from his drink. 
Drake groaned, as he lightly smacked his friend on the back of his head. “Maxwell! Anyway, it’s just a conversation. What harm could there be? It’s not like one little choice here is going to change the entire fate of Cordonian history.”
Feeling enlightened by their conversation, Liam answered with relief on his face, “You’re right.”
“I usually am,” Drake plainly responded, knowing for a fact that he was right. It was very rare for him not to be. 
Liam breathed in, feeling a slight hint of nerves coursing through him. “I’ll… go talk to her.”
“Perfect. And then we’ll be on our way,” Drake responded, setting the plan in motion. 
“It’s a plan,” Liam stated, before placing a gentle hand on Drake’s shoulder. “Thank you, my friend.”
Drake smiled, reciprocating with his own hand on Liam’s shoulder. “What are friends for?”
Liam nodded, grateful as always for Drake’s steady presence. Drake had been through the best and worst times that Liam had ever experienced in his life. He always knew what to say whenever he doubted himself and this time was no exception. 
Liam stood up, feeling oddly nervous for an inconsequential interaction with an almost stranger. “I’ll be back. This’ll just take a moment…”
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Click here for the TRR retelling series masterlist for more chapters! 🏰
Tag list: @kingliam2019 @princess-geek @karahalloway @twinkleallnight @tinkie1973 @tessa-liam
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