#Prettywitch Reads Comics
prettywitchiusaka · 18 days
Evil "Blade": Mwahaha! I've turned your husband into one of us! Can you truly create The Montesi Formula knowing you will kill the man you love, Clea?
Me: Yeah...You don't know Stephen and Clea Strange very well, do you, "Blade"...?
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Chapter 12: Double Double
Whoo! I know it’s been a while people, but the meta-fic lives! Everyone just needed to do some life stuff, but we’re back! Here’s the latest chapter. Enjoy!
TRIGGER WARNING: Mention of eye injury, mention of depression
*My sleep is still troubled.  It’ll probably be a while before the nightmares completely subside.  Though at least my legs are a bit better today.  Lab work isn’t as strenuous as scrambling through an abandoned mine.  They’re still aggravated, but it’ll eventually calm down in another day or two.  Trix and Stephen are still making sure that Tear and I are recovering.  Tear, although still recuperating from the shock of her near-death experience, looks a little better today after having some actual sleep.  Stephen has us meditate again after breakfast to help us continue to stabilize.  He stays behind once more to continue his work while Tear and I go to our shifts.  I get back on-time this evening, at least.  Though I’m starving because I had worked through my lunch break to make up for yesterday and catch up.*
Me (tired):  Back.  I finally fixed everything at work.  What a day…How’s everyone else?  *I’m squinting slightly because I have a headache.  So, I wander off to the bathroom to get medication while listening to my friends.*
Tear: *Looks up from her laptop and removes her earphones* Today’s been easier, I guess. The café and bakery are still standing, and I’ve been doing a few ingredient cost corrections. We might have to change providers for our egg supplies and those negotiations are always tiresome.
Trix: I’m doing fine. I’m still on vacation and haven’t heard anything from work about things going catastophic.
*Stephen is quiet and tense.  He seems to be concentrating while staring at his hands.  He gingerly lifts one up to check it for something…It’s trembling.  Not too badly, but ever so slightly.*
Stephen (trying to hide his fear and desperation):  This…This shouldn’t be happening.  My spell isn’t working.  
*He utters the incantation, trying again.  It fails.*
Stephen:  Why isn’t this working?  *He stares at his shaking hands.  His voice gets quiet.*  Shit…
*We’re all fully alert now.*
Tear:  Stephen? *I place my laptop down and uncurl from my position on the couch, eyeing the research he had spread around him to see what had prompted his actions*
Trix: What’s going on?
Me (worried):  Stephen, are you okay?  *I peer out from the medicine cabinet.*
Stephen:  I…I don’t know.  My abilities appear to be fading.  *He pauses for a moment to think before the realization dawns on him.*  I’ve been outside of a non-magical universe with no real mystical sustenance for too long.  Damnit…  *He’s at a loss as to what to do.*
Trix: By magical sustenance…do you mean that the thing about not being able to sustain yourself on just human food is a real thing? Because I don’t read the comics but I heard…things.
Stephen (trying to contain the mounting anxiety and despair):  …I can usually just channel mystical energies from the multiverse around me to cast spells.  Though the more you use magic, the more dependent on it you become.  Eventually, your body starts to require intake of magical substances to maintain your abilities…I have nothing here.  As a human sorcerer, I still need to maintain my normal self through regular food, but to actually use and maintain my abilities, I need to absorb magic from other things.  *He sighs harshly.*
Me:  …Could we do anything for you?  Like, maybe we could each cast the spell that PrettyWitch from the group text used on you?  It could be us taking turns with one of us casting it each day.
Stephen (trying to be patient):  That would only buy me a few days at most and you would all be heavily weakened.  It takes too much out of a normal person and even rotating, you wouldn’t have enough time to fully recover.
Trix: I mean, it’s worth it if it can help get you home. Aren’t there things we could use to, I dunno, boost the power? I’ve always heard of moonlight boosting crystal energy, is there something like that that could help?
Tear: Yeah! Besides, buying you a few days could prove to be pivotal. Out of everyone in this room, you are the one with the highest chance of finding a way back home through your magic. I’d gladly use my energy to give you that extra time.
Stephen:  All of you have already done so much for me.  I can’t let you do that to yourselves.  Especially with multiple people in your group still recovering from the last major incident.
Trix: I guess…but are you sure?
Me:  I’m fine.  Please let us help you.
Tear: Come on. If there’s something superheroes have taught us, is that we must rise to the challenge. We’ll always have time to rest up and recover once the problem has been resolved.
Stephen:  No, ladies.  You’ve all done enough.  Just…I need to be alone right now.  
*He has since grown past outbursts.  Now, he’s on the brink of despair.  Stephen needs some time to himself to think about what’s starting to happen.  To somehow steel his courage and keep looking for some way, any way, to get home.  We let him have some space and time to himself.  A while after Stephen has some time to himself, he gets a text.*
PrettyWitch (text):  Hey. How are you?
Stephen (text):  Not good.  I’m losing my abilities and given the level of energy drain you’ve experienced, the group’s proposal of rotating individuals for the spell would not be sustainable.  Your group has done more than enough for me.
PrettyWitch (text):  Okay. Well we can find some other way of helping you. There has to be one.
Stephen (text):  How?  Your group and I have been tirelessly researching and attempting all possibilities in this forsaken universe…Even to the point of two of you almost dying.
PrettyWitch (text):  I didn’t almost die.
Stephen (text):  No, but Tear and Steward were nearly killed in the last attempt at finding a source of magic a few days ago.  There was a collapse in an abandoned mine and Tear nearly fell down a chasm while Steward suffered a psionic assault from an interdimensional rift.
PrettyWitch (text):  😧Oh my God…
Stephen (text):  I can’t let more of you sacrifice yourselves.
PrettyWitch (text):  So what? You’re just gonna try fixing this all by yourself, now?
Stephen (text):  What choice do I have?  It’s only getting worse.
PrettyWitch (text):  Yes, but if you don’t get help then where will that leave you?  Do you really wanna be stuck here forever?
Stephen (text):  No…I just need to think so I can figure something out.
PrettyWitch (text):  Okay. Let us help you.
Stephen (text):  How?
PrettyWitch (text):  Well, maybe we can start looking through other Wiccan books or books on alchemy, those must have something.
Stephen (text):  Are there any that we’ve missed?  Here is the list of the ones I checked.  *He gives an incredibly long list.*
PrettyWitch (text):  Oh damn! That’s a lot.
Stephen (text):  …Yep.
PrettyWitch (text):  Alright. I’ll just keep sending you protection magic until you find something.  Hell, maybe try manifesting your magic back!
Stephen (text):  No…Teach the others.  Rotate.  The spells you’re doing will keep draining you.  If you keep it up, it’ll start taking years off of your life.
PrettyWitch (text):  Okay. Fine, I’ll do that. In the meantime look into manifestation.
Stephen (text):  …Okay.  Thank you.
PrettyWitch (text):  You’re welcome.😊 but please don’t hesitate to ask for help. You have a bad habit of trying to fix everything yourself so you don’t hurt other people.
Stephen (text):  I know.
PrettyWitch (text):  Yay! 😊🫂Good luck! and don’t hesitate to text me if you need a pick-me-up. Also say hi to Cloakie for me.
Stephen (text):  Will do.
*At this point, the only reason Stephen hasn’t been as stubborn lately is because he feels more and more ground down by his predicament.  There’s only so much willpower that he can continue to muster as his ability to act diminishes further.  Meanwhile, the group members get a ping in the group text.  PrettyWitch has called an emergency meeting via Discord video chat so we can learn the ritual she used to help Stephen.  When people are available, we get online to figure this out.*
Me:  Okay, PrettyWitch.  Let’s see what you got.
Tear: Do we need to get anything ready for this ritual? I’ve no idea how any of this works…
Me:   I have some sage, crystals, salt, essential oils, incense, and a few basics if needed on my end.
Stephen:  I’m here to observe.  *The Cloak is on him as usual.  It seems more clingy than normal.*
Trix: I do more tarot and crystals myself but I’m willing to do more to help.
PrettyWitch: (staring in awe at Stephen…Before she realizes how creepy she seems and snaps out of it.) Sorry. First time seeing you in the flesh.
Stephen (awkward, but no longer as snarky as he once was):  Erm…?  Ah, right.  Well, nice to meet you, PrettyWitch.
Prettywitch: It’s nice to meet you, too.
*I show up on his screen momentarily because I’m hooking his iPad up with the charger*
Me:  Sorry.  Old iPad.  Needs power.
*I go back off his screen and back onto my own on my laptop.*
Stephen:  So, what’s first?
PrettyWitch: Well, the first thing you need to do is imagine yourself conjuring a little ball in the palm of your hands. I usually envision mine as a white, transparent ball.
Me:  Okay.  We’re following you.
Stephen:  One at a time would be better so you don’t all burn yourselves out.  Who wants to try this?  PrettyWitch, not you yet.  You still should take time to recover from your first time.  It’ll take a few days before your energy gets back to normal.
Prettywitch: Okay.
Trix: I can try it first since the rest of these guys did the mine.
Tear: *I cross my arms and slouch back on the couch, pouting* It’s not like we ran out of turns to help though…
Me:  What’s the next step?  *We watch her.*
PrettyWitch: Next step would be to think of the person or object you’re looking to protect and envision them inside the magic ball you’re casting. 
Me:  Okay.
Stephen:  Sounds reasonable.  
Trix: Got it.
Tear: So picture Stephen in a hamster ball, got it. *I immediately close my eyes in regret and pinch the bridge of my nose* Great, now that’s one image I won’t be able to get out of my head.
*We await further instructions.*
PrettyWitch: Then you say the phrase, “Protect [insert person’s name], who I deem needing. As I say it, so mote it be.” Then you can just cast the spell out into the ether. That’s what I do. Then to get rid of excess magic energy, just brush your hands off to the side, like you’re sweeping away dust.
Me:  Huh…That’s pretty straightforward.
Stephen:  Effective, though.  I’ll admit that.
Trix: Well, some of the most effective things are simple to keep its potency. *follows PrettyWitch’s instructions* Protect Stephen Strange, who I deem needing. As I say it, so mote it be. *brushes hands off to the side as instructed*
Tear: *Watches Trix cautiously* …Well, at least you didn’t combust or anything.
Me:  Anything else we should know or is that it?
PrettyWitch: (shrugs) Not really. Magic, the way I understand it, basically works if you visualize it in your mind, first. Though incantations still exist.
Stephen:  Depends on the type of magic, yes.  Though in your universe, it seems that this is the only way to make it work.  Even then, with mixed results.
Trix: Well, I think it worked! *slightly swaying*
Stephen: Thank you, PrettyWitch, for teaching us this spell…and thank you, Trix, for providing me with energy.  *He’s sincere.*
PrettyWitch: You’re most welcome. Anything to help my Marvel Boy.
*Stephen turns slightly red and coughs.*
Stephen:  Haven’t heard THAT nickname before…
Prettywitch: Eh, when you’re terminally online, you tend to pick up the lingo.
Me:  Any other news from anyone or should we call it an evening?  It kinda looks like Trix is about to pass out…Are you okay?
Trix: It feels like college when I was too stubborn to sleep and forgot to eat at the same time. Or one of my ocular migraines because I cannot see properly.
PrettyWitch: Oh dear. It’s probably cause she’s not used to it.
Stephen:  We should probably call it a night so Trix can rest.  I’ll check on her.  *He’s genuinely concerned.*
Me:  Yeesh.  Okay.  So, let’s note when each person does it so we can rotate and not burn ourselves out.
Tear: That would be smart. It can also help us ensure Stephen always has a constant flow of energy, small as it may be.
*Stephen has gone onto Trix’s screen and is checking on her.  He’s being quite gentle.*
Trix: I’ll be good eventually! You’d be annoyed with how often I get like this on a normal day with no magic! *tries to make light of the situation*
Stephen:  Take it easy for a while, okay?  
Me:  I noted the dates that PrettyWitch and Trix did the spell.  I’ll go next when it’s time to do it again.  Tear can go after me.  Are you okay with this, Tear?
Tear: *I bite my lip and eye Steward carefully* Maybe I should go first. I didn’t have such close contact to the negative energies within the cave. You could use a few extra days to replenish properly.
Me:  Are you sure, Tear?  You got rattled pretty badly too…
Tear: Physically, for sure. But not mentally…spiritually? I should be fine to send Stephen some good vibes.
Me:  Okay.  If that’s everything, we’ll say good night for now.  Thanks, PrettyWitch.  You’re a lifesaver.
PrettyWitch: No problem, love.
Tear: We’ll text you and ask for help if Trix doesn’t get better or has other odd side effects.
Stephen (carefully helping Trix to the couch):  Good night.
Trix: Night! *Attempts to wave but kinda flops her arm around*
*I wave before ending the call.*
*Over the next few days, we rotate through performing the spell to sustain Stephen while the research continues.  Tear heads back home and we both continue juggling our work with helping Stephen. Though unfortunately, another wrench in the gears shows itself on Sunday.  The Cloak, it seems, is becoming more and more sluggish.  It doesn’t leave Stephen at all now and it moves ever so slowly and slightly.*
Stephen (worried):  Not you too, Levi…
*He looks the relic over, concerned.  It gives him a small, reassuring wave.  The Cloak unfortunately requires magical energy to sustain itself too.  So, in a desperate attempt at self-preservation, it has been siphoning whatever remaining dregs it can from Stephen when he isn’t using magic.  Stephen’s hands continue to tremble.  Though he can still somewhat control it when he needs to.  We do what we can to comfort him.  He flatly refuses to let us double our energy donations.*
Stephen (protective of us):  This is risky enough as it is.  Plus, you have jobs and lives outside of this.  Please.  I want you all to be healthy and safe.
Me:  You have a life too, Stephen.
Stephen:  Yes, but you’re all doing more than enough for me.  Just get to work safely and do your best, okay?
*I look at him for a moment before nodding sadly and heading off to the lab for some experimental data collection.  A few hours later, there’s a text on the university’s safety alerts.*
Text:  ***Incident in the Biological Sciences Dept.  2 injured.  Labs closed for the rest of the day.***
*There’s a scrambled text from me on the group thread.*
Me (text):  Need ride.  Eyes huer.  Burmt.  Gas.
*Stephen reads it over and over, anxiety starting to flood him.*
Tear (text): Anyone else with a car can go pick up Steward? I can’t leave the bakery yet.
Prettywitch (text): I can. I will pick up Stephen too. *A few minutes later, I arrive in the driveway and ring the doorbell.* 
*Stephen answers*  
Stephen:  Okay.  Let’s go.  *He’s already ready to go.* 
*PrettyWitch nods and helps him pick me up. When I get into the car, I stink of ether gas and am half-conscious.  The smell eventually fades.  A few minutes later, we get to the hospital.*
*Stephen is pacing.  He’s frustrated that he can’t do anything here.  He doesn’t have an MD in this universe.  So, no authority here.  After being checked and treated, unfortunately, my eyes and the skin around them have been burnt by a UV sterilization lamp.  I’m currently blind, but since the cornea heals relatively quickly, I should regain my eyesight in a few days.  I still need to take medicated eye drops to ensure the healing process works properly.  Stephen goes to lead me to the car and we get back to my house.  I’m sitting in my chair.*
Me (voice shaking):  I…Oh God…I-I know it’s temporary, but it could have gone so much worse…*I’m trying to stay composed.*
Prettywitch: It’s alright, love. Just go with the flow. It’s okay to feel scared, even if it’s temporary. I know I’d be freaked, too if I were you.
Me:  How am I supposed to help now?  I can’t work either…*I’m trying to calm down.  Hundreds of thoughts are swirling around in my head right now.*
Prettywitch: You can still help. My magic requires visualization in your mind.
Stephen:  She needs to conserve her energy to heal more quickly.
Me (protesting):  Stephen!
Stephen:  No buts.
Prettywitch: No, he’s right. You need to conserve energy.
*I sigh*
Me:  Fine…Just…What do I do now?
Prettywitch: Just relax for awhile, we’ll keep an eye on Stephen and Cloakie.
Stephen:  I’ll help you when you need it, Steward, okay?
Me:  Okay…
Stephen:  You’ve lost a bit of weight, PrettyWitch.  Eat something while you’re here.  *He’s making sure she’s okay too.*
Prettywitch: Okay. I’ll have some cheesecake, then.
Me:  It’s in the freezer.  Just microwave it for like 30 seconds.
*He sits with me and PrettyWitch, keeping us company.*
*PrettyWitch is uncertain of what to say as she eats her cheesecake. She thinks of things to say, but she always feels like any questions she has for the Good Doctor would seem inappropriate at this time and she doesn’t want him humoring her when he’s pretty bummed, too.*
*I fiddle around with the edge of the tablecloth.  It seems to be a sort of soothing action so I can at least sense something near me since I can’t see.*
Stephen:  I’ll let the rest of the group know that we’ve sorted everything out.  
*He pulls out his phone and dictates the text.  His hands are shaking worse than ever right now.*
Prettywitch: Do you need help?
Stephen (getting slightly frustrated with autocorrect):  *sighs*  …That would be nice, yes.  *He reluctantly hands his phone over to PrettyWitch.*
*She quickly types in a message and holds Stephen’s phone out to him.*
Prettywitch: Here.
Stephen (grateful):  Thank you.
Prettywitch: You’re welcome…
Tear (text): Thank you for the update and getting Steward! I’m finishing a meeting with the accountants and then I’m heading over to help. Be there in a bit.
*Trix comes to the house to check on the situation, but she’s a bit drained because she just finished donating energy to Stephen.  So, she stumbles as she enters the house.  The sorcerer helps her get to a chair so we can all hang out together.*
Prettywitch: Are you going to be okay, Stephen?
Stephen:  Honestly, I don’t know.  I’m losing my abilities, albeit more slowly thanks to your help, and we’re running out of ideas to get me home.  That and more of you are getting burnt out or hurt as this continues.  It seems as though things keep getting worse.
*He’s tired of his usual confident guise and teetering on the brink of severe depression.*
Prettywitch: *Gently places her hand on one of his wrists to avoid hurting his hands.* Hey. We’ll get through this, you’ll see. You can’t give up now.
*He accepts the comfort and lets her get close.*
Stephen:  I know…I don’t know what more to do yet, but I’ll have to keep looking…
*He looks tired and wracked with guilt and helplessness.*
Prettywitch: Look, if there’s one thing I know about you, it’s that you’re one stubborn son of a bitch. You never give up. Even if it’s at risk to yourself.
Stephen (small chuckle):  That, I’ll admit.
Prettywitch: Good. Then use that to your advantage. If the multiverse exists and you can perform magic here, then there’s no reason to assume that you can’t find a way to contact Wong.
Stephen:  Just a matter of figuring out how, yeah.  If your manifestation spell can work here, then there HAS to be something…
*Trix and I have just been listening quietly the entire time.  Honestly, hearing other people nearby is comforting.*
Prettywitch: (With sparkly eyes) Yes! There’s the Stephen I know and love!...Umm…sorry, I’m kinda weird like that. The important thing is that you don’t give up…Uh, you too, Steward…
*She feels bad for not talking to Steward much.
*I grunt.  I’m kind of in my own thoughts at the moment anyway.*
Trix: We’re just chillin’ there’s no prob! *she tends to get pretty loopy after donating energy and is camped out next to Steward*
*I can feel Trix close by and lean slightly towards her, appreciating the company.*
Me (grim, but staying strong as best I can):  We can’t give up anyway.  There’s no other way but forward whether we like it or not.  So, we have to work with what we’ve got.  It’s a hard lesson to learn, but it can get you through tough stuff.
Stephen:  You’re a better sport than me.
Me (sincere):  Admittedly, I’m only as calm as I am because this condition is temporary.  If this were permanent, I probably would have broken down by now.  However, one thing I always try to keep in mind regardless of what’s happening to me is that we’ve all got something going on.  It’s more a matter of making an effort to try and make things suck a bit less for everyone by being there for each other.
Trix: *slightly more serious* One of the best things I learned in college was that there will always be something that doesn’t go as planned and you just gotta be ready to troubleshoot. Running weekly live tv shows for your degree really hammers that in hard. We’ll all be okay, we just gotta figure out the newest puzzle!
*Tear arrives from her work then, carrying bags of groceries and a tray full of hot drinks for everyone gathered.*
Tear: I’m sorry I couldn’t come earlier, but I thought I could help lessen the load around the house. I got you a few extra groceries to ensure you wouldn’t have to go out while you heal, Steward. And I wasn’t sure if you could drink caffeine with your new meds so I brought some fruit tisanes for everyone instead. *I place the hot drink cups in the middle of the table where everyone can go through the flavor labels before I proceed to put away the groceries* Are there any new advancements I missed?
Me:  Thanks, Tear.  *I’m genuinely grateful for her and my other friends being here.*
Stephen:  Well, there’s one last thing I saw in one of the books your group found.  Something about harmonic resonances of different metals used as conduits for cosmic energy…It sounds very similar to how certain relics work.  Maybe…Hmmm…Seeing as you guys are fans of movie props, do any of you happen to have a replica of a Sling Ring?
Tear: Sorry, I do but the size would be too small for you…
Trix: *flops hand almost drunkenly around but makes sure not to hit Steward* I am a sucker for merch!
Stephen:  So, that’s a yes?
Trix: *grins goofily* Yup! I can’t walk right now but it is in my office in my house!
Stephen:  What is it made of?
Trix: Mine isn’t one of the real props so it’s a base metal so it’s a bunch of random scrap metals mixed together. It’s what most fashion jewelry is made of. You either need to make a mold of that and get whatever metal you need or we need one of the actual props from the movies~
Stephen:  Hm.  The best ones for resonance are a mix of silver, copper, and gold.  
Me:  I’ve got some souvenir 24 karat gold from an old class field trip to Sacramento.  Could donate that to be melted down.  It’s not much, though.  Maybe we can get some gold leaf from a craft store to get more?  Silver, I’m allergic to nickel and such.  So, most of my jewelry is made with silver or at least plated with it or gold.  Copper, I can probably buy some off of the chemistry lab.  They use it as a reagent sometimes.  So, that’s the metals covered.  
Trix: Fuck, my boss and the goldsmith at work like me enough. If I send you with the sling ring to get a gold one custom made we could get the gold at cost. 14k would probably be the sturdiest as 18k might be too soft. If you make it in 14k rose gold, that would bring the copper into the mixture and would leave out other impurities. I’ll just pay him back when we’re not trying to send Stephen home. Shouldn’t be over $800 at least…I think. Just say you’re my brother in law and you came over to help while I’m injured.
Stephen:  All right.  Is there anything else you want or need me to do?  *He’s being nice and genuinely wants to repay us for our kindness.*
Me:  I’m good for now, but might need help with the burn medication later on.  I don’t want to fumble around and spill it everywhere.
Trix: Snaaaaaacks *back to being unfocused because blood sugar is low*
Stephen (gentle):  Will do.  In the meantime, here.  *He offers Trix some fruit.*
Trix: *grins* Thank you~ Key to my place is in my mini backpack near the door. Ignore the fact that it’s Marvel themed. Go forth sorcerer on your side quest!
Stephen:  Wait a minute, I don’t have a license here.  PrettyWitch, could you please drive me to the jewelry store after I get the replica from Trix’s house?
PrettyWitch: (Salutes) You got it!
Me:  Please be safe, you two.  
Stephen:  For now, since we don’t have the money or all of the metals yet, I’m just grabbing the replica and requesting a mold.  Trix, you may need to call your boss and the goldsmith to confirm so they don’t get suspicious of me.
Trix: *holds up phone* Way ahead of youuuuu~ Texted my boss already and said I’m sending you his way for a special project. They won’t question making a ring like this because they know all about how I’m a marvel nerd and wouldn’t question ‘family members’ being the same. If they ask, my migraines are worse than normal and that’s why I can’t stop by with you.
Stephen:  Okay.  Will do. Tear, please look after Trix and Steward while PrettyWitch and I are out.
Tear: *Salutes playfully* You can count on me, Cap’n. I had laser eye surgery last year, so I’ve got all sorts of ideas to make sure Steward rests and doesn’t get bored. I’ll make something to eat for when you guys come back, as well.
Trix: *grins* Godspeed! 
*He goes to change into normal clothes, grabs Trix’s key, and heads out with PrettyWitch.*
***To be Continued***
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prettywitchiusaka · 3 months
Also, this is a minor nitpick, but I cannot believe that Professor X of all people is actually arguing, "Well, maybe The Goddess is doing a good thing!"
Leans in...
No, Charles! No, she wasn't! I know your whole schtick is that you're a Martin Luthor King Jr. expy and so you'd rather things be peaceful, but you're a telepath with limited mind-control abilities. You should know some woman brainwashing your friends into being her loyal subjects and making villains docile (without their consent) is a bad thing!
This is like arguing, "Well maybe Doctor Doom did a good thing when he kidnapped The Purple Man and turned his mind-control powers into a frequency that he used to brainwash the world and made himself Earth's Emperor! He was doing things to improve humanity!". Yeah! And he still kidnapped a man and brainwashed the entire world into being his slaves! Zebadiah Killgrave might be a monster! But he still has rights!
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prettywitchiusaka · 1 year
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Oh yeah, forgot to mention I picked up Issue 3 last week.
And for once I got the variant cover I wanted. Go me!
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prettywitchiusaka · 18 days
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Because I picked up the first volume of Rainbow Rowell's (currently) on-going She-Hulk run, that's why!
And having read the first ten issues, I must say I'm enjoying it so far. It's not my favorite run on the character (that remains at the time of this post to be the original Sensational run), but but I like the more laid back approach to Jen's life in this run, and the romance between her and Jack is just so sweet it's hard not to love it.
Plus, Jen looks good in a fancy, yellow dress which is something I never thought I'd say...
Also, I love that Jen and Tatiana have Fight Club and it's something I'd like to see adapted into the MCU (you know, assuming we ever get to see Shulkie in the MCU again, anyway...)
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prettywitchiusaka · 2 months
Speaking of Blood Hunt, I have a theory about what will happen in the Doctor Strange tie-in issues.
Jed Mackay said in a recent interview that they've been setting up what will happen to Stephen since the end of the General Strange arc, and after re-reading Issue #10 I think either one of two things will happen.
a) General Strange will make the ultimate sacrifice by giving the conscious that was grafted onto him back to Stephen, not exactly curing the vampirism, but preventing our Stephen from becoming an unholy monster, permanently.
b) Stephen's astral body/soul will merge with General Strange, meaning that they are now whole, again. This means the vampirism is no longer an issue...except Stephen now has all of General's memories of the war, so he's gonna have to deal with that.
The second scenario also leads into what (I think) Jed's been building up to with Clea's whole "I'm warlord born" schtick; that Clea (when she didn't remember who Stephen was) did some shit she's not proud of and doesn't want him to know about for fear he won't love her, anymore. Which, hey, if I'm right and they go that route? It means we have an excuse for trauma bonding between the two that'll make their marriage stronger! 😊
But that's just my belief. I'm almost never right about these things, so who the hell knows?
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prettywitchiusaka · 2 months
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Picked up a copy of this month's issue of Doctor Strange, along with a few Teen Titans issues from the dollar bin at Galaxy.
Because it looks like we'll never get a trade collection for the last 130 issues of the Wolfman/Perez run or the short-lived Titans run from the late nineties/early 2000s, and at this point, I'd rather buy them in back issues when I can.
Also, can't wait for next month's issue for DS! I am simultaneously nervous/excited for what these tie-in issues have in store for my boy and his waifu and I can't wait!!! 😁
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prettywitchiusaka · 3 months
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Yeah...Let's get the big one out of the way. I fucking LOATHE the way Stephen is written in this book!
I get that The Goddess is using cosmic cubes to brainwash heroes into being her servants, that's why reasonable people like Stephen and even Steve Rogers are acting like righteous zealots. But if I may ask...WHY THE FUCK DO ONLY NORIN (Silver Surfer) AND THOR SNAP OUT OF IT!!!!???? The implication seems to be that they're farther away from Paradise Omega, so The Goddess's control over them isn't as strong, but so what!? Stephen KNOWS The Goddess is a bitch in sheep's clothing! He LEAVES in his astral body TWICE during his tie-in issues! You'd think that one failed attempt at stopping her + failing to save his brother would be enough to weaken his resolve to this Grade A cunt, but nope! Apparently, Stephen's perfectly okay with dehumanizing his friends and trying to kill them!!!
Best I can figure is that he was having doubts off-panel, but Moon Dragon kept zapping him with the Mind Stone to keep him under her control. But that's just it; it's a fan theory! Not what the actual comic says, which is...NOTHING!!!
And no, I'm not saying this because I'm overly bitter and demand that Stephen be some perfect Gary Stu who never has anything bad happen to him! One of the reason's I like the character is because he's so flawed! It just really bothers me that someone as loving and kind as him is brainwashed into being a bloodthirsty zealot, and not only does he not have a moment of clarity where he realizes, "Oh my God! I've gone too far!", but nothing comes of it!
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prettywitchiusaka · 3 months
So, Infinity Crusade bugs me! So much so that, as I just mentioned, I'm dedicating not one, but two one-shots to it! That's how much this event irks me!
Not because if the story itself, but because if the execution or implications presented by certain characters in the book.
I intend to cover them all over the next few days, so let's go!
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prettywitchiusaka · 4 months
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Oh boy! Here we go!
Today I begin my trek through Infinity Crusade; the story of a narcisistic false deity hypnotizing half the Marvel Universe into being her slaves to cleanse the universe of sin. A story where you'd think more of these characters (like Doctor Strange) would snap out of it, but apparently, it was more important that Jim Starlin have his favs. take out the villain instead of letting the regular heroes do it and get some vengeance for having their minds violated!
Okay, I say that but I have nothing against the event itself. It's the lack of conclusion that frustrates me. You would think that more of these heroes would be traumatized, or have a serious existential crisis we see play out in their own books. But nope! Business as usual! I know! I know! It was during the speculator boom and the bubble was about to burst, but still! Or maybe I'm just annoyed because my boy didn't get a chance to have a moment of awesome during this event (whereas the tie-in issues featuring Stephen work well).
Oh well, at least it's good fanfic fodder! 😁 Assuming Jed Mackay doesn't revisit this in Blood Hunt or the current DS book (given what happen in this month's issue).
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prettywitchiusaka · 8 months
Speaking of TOS, I'm thinking I might read the Year 4 & 5 comic series after skimming through them the other night. Particularly the annuals and mini-series tie-ins.
I love Dorthey Fontana, and I'm happy she got to finally incorporate Mccoy's strained relationship with his daughter, Joanna, after the colossal re-write that turned her original script into (the infamous) The Way to Eden. Not to mention the Year 5 annual is a cute love story between Kirk and another Captain....I know, I'm a sucker for a love story. 😁😅
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prettywitchiusaka · 1 year
I’ve also decided that I’ll be reading one book a week from now on. Between all the books and comics I’ve been purchasing recently, plus a few more I’d like to buy soon I’m reaching burnout and I’d rather not have that happen.
So unless I’m reading a mini series or listening to a short audio book, thus giving me time to consume something else, one book a week from now on.
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prettywitchiusaka · 9 months
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Forgot to show the copy of Doctor Strange #7 I picked up this past Wednesday.
And having read the issue (and now that a few days have past), yeah...I don't think Clea's trading in her hubbie for General Psycho. If anything, I think this is part of her's and Stephen's plan to bring him down. I mean, we've established General is still simping for Clea. I think it stands to reason they might be using his love for her against him. You know the old saying; all's fair in love and war!
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prettywitchiusaka · 2 years
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I think this has to be my favorite image of Clea from this week’s issue.
I mean, I know in context she’s resisting the urge to tell Umar to get the fuck out of her house (I would too if I my own mother was insinuating I was involved in my hubbie’s untimely demise). But out of context, I see that face and all I can think is;
Yeah, I know. 😅
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prettywitchiusaka · 1 year
Not gonna lie, but these are the two things that’ve been on my mind since reading the finale to Strange Volume 3 the other day.
Holy shit!!! They did the fusion dance! They did the fusion dance!
Oh and yes, this little dittie popped into my head while reading that moment:
So...I was right in thinking that Clea would save Stephen with the power of love. Sort of.
Still, I do love that I can sum up Director None’s defeat with a single, dumb yet relevant phrase;
“Drat! I’ve been FOILED by the power of LOOOOOOVE!!!!
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prettywitchiusaka · 2 years
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Picked the first two up last Friday (my friend actually bought me Clear Card Volume 10), while the other I got on Monday.
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