#Prince of Lanling (FGO)
chaoticcandies1 · 1 year
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(gestures) prince of lan ling's summer costume!
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magicallygrimmwiccan · 3 months
Em and Lan, prime numbers :)
My favourite couple, thank you person I totally don't spend too much time writing with. :)
2.) Who gets up to cook at 2am? Lanling! He does it for more elaborate meals, but he cooks a lot anyway.
3.) Are they into PDA? Who initiates most? They’re not really into PDA, but occasionally they’ll hold hands and kiss and use pet names and stuff. They initiate about equally, in that case!
5.) Who is the cheesier one of the two? Lanling. See his Valentine’s scene for proof.
7.) Who's clumsier? Emrys. The man has two left feet. 
11.) Who leaves notes in the other one's lunch? (Bonus: what do they say?) Lanling! They’re usually something sweet about how he loves Emrys, and how Emrys can do anything he puts his mind to. 
13.) Stay home/go-out? What are their date nights like? They prefer to stay home for the most part, but will go out every once in a while. Mostly watching movie musicals or opera recordings, or just doing things in the same room together.
17.) Who is more competitive? Emrys, unless someone manages to poke Lanling’s one button.
19.) What do they fight about most often? (Alternative: what was their biggest fight?) They mostly fight about their mutual self-sacrificial tendencies, but they very rarely have big, blow-out fights. It’s just a lot of Pained Disappointed Pointed Stares.
23.) Who initiates cuddling more? Lanling. He’s a heat-seeking missile.
29.) First date? (Give as much or little detail) They were doing Summer 3 (the timeloop one in Hawaii), and after their first kiss, which was very awkward and salty because of almost falling into the ocean, they shaped up and went to get ice cream together before going for a romantic, moonlit walk by the ocean. This was totally in no way part of the last timeloop where they then kicked BB’s face in, I have no idea what you’re talking about. :)
31.) How do they spend their anniversary? Dressing up in cute little outfits, while Lanling made a nice dinner and Emrys gives a lovely musical performance, and then they hold hands and go for a nice walk afterward. 37.) Who wanted to see Oppenheimer; who Barbie? Did they switch opinions after? They both wanted to see both movies, actually, although Emrys wanted to see Oppenheimer just a tad more. They both agreed afterwards that while they preferred Oppenheimer, Barbie was genuinely a really fun watch, and they’d love to see it again in the future.
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raliciel · 1 month
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girl brings the whole horror genre to a fucking computer server.
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giltori · 3 months
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Lan Ling will always be a beautiful butch he/him lesbian to me.
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goldenwitchmami · 5 months
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Crypters & Servants
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fatedtime · 9 months
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I took some requests from friends using this expression meme over here by Catgoat! I did enjoy these, so if anyone wants to send me more characters + expressions feel free to do so.
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idliketochill · 11 months
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The budget stall team
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It works :))
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ibuki-lotus · 5 months
Neil Armstrong: rider np: support aoe art
Prince Lang Ling rider: np quick st
Young Bruce Lee berserk: np: buster st
Goku Foreigner : np: arts st
Superman foreigner : Omni cards st
Finnster caster: support arts aoe
Eve/lilith pretender: buster st
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thexvthmember · 1 year
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9 out of my (currently) 13 Grailed Servants
Kotarou is currently at Level 104, but I’m planning to go all the way to 120 (saving up Coins for his last Append Skill)
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dailyarturiartfgo · 2 years
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Inktober days 21-24: a lot of contradictive ideas
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magicallygrimmwiccan · 3 months
Lan and Tai, Fibonacci sequence :)
Thank you for more chances to ramble, Totally Not My Writing Partner. :) 
1.) Who is the better cook? Lanling. Taikoubou’s not awful at it, but Lanling’s the better cook.
2.) Who gets up to cook at 2am? Lanling! Taikoubou’s awake at 2 am still, but he’s making coffee or tea that late, not cooking.
3.) Are they into PDA? Who initiates most? Taikoubou is very into PDA- Lanling doesn’t mind it, but does get flustered easily by it.
5.) Who is the cheesier one of the two? Lanling, and it is still not a contest.
8.) Who is a morning person? Who is a night owl? Lanling’s a morning person with chronic anxiety-induced insomnia, while Taikoubou’s a night owl who refuses to sleep and so is up at the wee hours of the morning.
13.) Stay home/go-out? What are their date nights like? They go out about half the time, and stay home about half the time. Their date nights are either sitting at home, cuddling, eating dinner that one of them made, and watching some kind of documentary, or going out and doing something nerdy, like going to an arcade or a bookstore.
21.) Any routines one has that the other had to get used to (ex. morning, nighttime, sleeping habits)? Lanling has a habit, when he can’t sleep, of getting up and starting on a knitting project- but if they were cuddling, Taikoubou would notice and wake up on his own as well. Taikoubou, meanwhile, has a complicated ten-step nighttime routine including hair, skincare, and a few other things, so that delays the two of them getting to cuddle! Don’t worry, they’ve worked it out. 34.) How do they cheer the other one up during sad times? Lanling’s a very gentle and kind person in general, so cheers Taikoubou up with nice treats, food, a comforting shoulder to cry on, and a nice lap to nap on. Taikoubou, on the other hand, is a very cheerful person, who likes to be silly to try and get Lanling to giggle, and will gladly pull him all around to multiple places to try and get his mind off of everything.
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raliciel · 2 months
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FGO Fanarts if I care the game enough
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pollyxart · 1 year
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fgo pride day 5 - ace lanling!
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