#Princess Petunia the Royal Aleum
shadowfoxsilver · 2 years
New story on dA!
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shadowfoxsilver · 2 years
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A fun concept of Princess Petunia in Guardian form~
Royal Aleum with gems can turn into fluffy noodles.
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shadowfoxsilver · 3 years
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Princess Petunia I made in MSPaint.
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shadowfoxsilver · 3 years
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Princess Petunia headshot
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shadowfoxsilver · 3 years
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Somewhat lazy headshot doodles of my Aleum! Anything off is due to trying to keep them all the same size. Bellevender - Water Aleum Cerul - Royal Aleum Princess Petunia - Special Royal Aleum (Daughter of Amethyst and Kwan) Hallowseam - A spooky Aleum (Designed by LunarLilac !) Aleum are a closed species by KhleoX0 !~
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shadowfoxsilver · 3 years
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Meet Princess Petunia, a rare and quite special Royal Aleum!
Princess Petunia may seem somewhat familiar in her appearance, and this is simply because she's actually a child from KhleoX0 's Kwan and Amethyst! Though her title is Princess, she remains quite humble towards other Aleum and doesn't let her title put her over anyone else. She harbors an adventurous spirit, a trait that allowed her to befriend Cerul. Thanks to her, the elusive traveler of the lands has started to be seen more often. She also enjoys the riverside he stays at, and she even chats to Bellevender whenever she sees her hanging out. Princess Petunia will still answer when she's called for, but she enjoys the company of others just as much as anyone else. She admires Cerul for being a Royal Aleum born outside a known line, and sometimes wonders how he was raised far outside the world. As for her, she thinks highly of her parents too.
Butterfly Dragons and Royal Aleum are a closed species by such, and you can find more in the group Butterfly-Dragons !
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shadowfoxsilver · 3 years
Some art I commissioned of my royal aleum, Princess Petunia!
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shadowfoxsilver · 3 years
Petunia appears!~
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shadowfoxsilver · 3 years
A grim celebration
Mother's day was near, and the two Royal Aleum parted ways to celebrate it in their own ways. One returned to where her mother often stayed, while the other made a trip to the last place his mother rested. While one journey was of joy, the other was less than grand. Petunia had a living mother, the Queen of Aleum. Cerul, however, did not have parents to celebrate with.
It was always a tough event to celebrate in the past since his mother had been gone for some time now. At least his friend had someone there to shower in gifts, something he couldn't do besides what he usually left behind. Petunia and Cerul were both of Royal lines, yet they had differing families with one being outside.
Such a fact was hardly an issue, Petunia found it curious but knew Cerul didn't want to feel like he had to be treated like royalty. Maybe that's why they got a long so well, neither let their status give them advantages. Yet at the same time, Princess Petunia felt a bit bad that Cerul had no mother living. Amethyst, her mother, was someone she admired.
Cerul arrived at the land he once called home, far away from common sight and hidden out of reach to those who didn't know it well. He was born here, raised here, and had spent so much of his life here yet had never gotten to explore it until his parents passed. There used to be Aleum here, his adopted siblings, yet now it seemed.. Empty. He had been away for so long that it seemed like they had decided to leave for a better home, to a place where they could find more company then eachother. Cerul sighed softly, oh how he missed their cheers....Their laughter...The greetings to him were missed greatly.
But maybe it was better to find no one here. Maybe their new lives were nicer and the past didn't hold them back like it did for him. His task here was to find the grave of his parents, surely it was still untouched.
Before long, Cerul located it outside the ruin of what was once his home. Two small graves, placed in the garden his parents tended to in their last few years alive. Royals who bonded and stayed bonded, loyalty that never wavered even when they grew older. Cerul always feared finding love, knowing his parents stayed together as they became too old to get out an about. He always remembered their caring smiles, the gentle hugs, and the snacks he was fed when he was upset.
Distant memories that remained of his parents, memories that he didn't want to forget. At least they were still together now, wherever they may be. Royalty never bothered them, he never knew where they came from or how they ended up so far away from others. Maybe it was for the better and they wanted him away from their own past.
Cerul looked around the garden, seeking some flowers that still bloomed. Once he found where they grew, he carefully plucked them and placed them on the graves. It wasn't much, he wished he could do more, but alas it was all he was able to do. His mother would have appreciated the effort regardless, gave him a kiss on his cheeks, and patted his head with love as she always did.
But now, he felt...Emptiness. She wasn't there to hug him, to comfort him. To tell him he was doing the best he could do, and that he didn't have to do too much to thank her. He missed her. Her songs, her stories, and her personality. All were things that were now impossible to have. Cerul rubbed his eyes with another sigh, his webbed ears drooping slightly. Surely she was still proud of him.
He heard wings beating, and looked up as someone flew over. Yet no one was there, just the vast empty skies that were somewhat clouded. Someone had to have made that noise, but no one was there at all. It was quite strange, they had sounded so close but as far as he could tell there was no other Aleum here besides his parents resting place. Shaking his head, Cerul placed some more flowers on the graves before he bid them farewell.
As he left yet again, he thought he heard his mothers soft laughter. But he knew, surely, that couldn't be. She wasn't around anymore, but the laughter had sounded so heartwarming. Maybe it was best not to think about it too much as he flew back to his new home once more. The graves were left silent, a gentle breeze filled the air with a scent of flowers.
As he landed back at his favorite place, he found Princess Petunia waiting on him. She told him all about the flowers she had given her mother, and how she had even spotted her father while she was out an about!
But she must have noticed his sorrowful look, for she stopped speaking and cupped his head in her own hands as she sat down. ''I'm sure if your mother was still around, she would have been very proud of you for leaving your only home to seek a better life in traveling. You've surely seen so many sights that if she was still alive today you'd tell her all about it!'' Princess Petunia beamed as she brought his head closer to hers. Cerul just looked at her quietly, but tears were already starting to run down his chin.
Petunia's gaze softened as she brushed his eyes with a gentle sigh. ''You might think you didn't do anything to honor her life, but even the smallest memoir counts.'' She remarked, with a gentle grin though it was somewhat hard to see.
At least Cerul smiled a little, enough to assure her he appreciated the thought.
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shadowfoxsilver · 3 years
Long story is long so here’s a link
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shadowfoxsilver · 3 years
Another adventure
Cerul was up to his usual ways; He was eager to explore the land again and find some new trinkets to add to his small collection. Honestly, it wasn't very much that he owned but it was enough to make him happy. After all, he had obtained these by himself! And what more could anyone want? But despite all of that his treasured trinket was a shell his mother had given to him. It shone like the starry night skies and was smooth to delicate hands. She had claimed she too was an adventurous soul but eventually settled down with his father as they eventually stayed together. To him, this trinket was priceless and something he held dear to his heart. Perhaps someday he would share it to someone else..But for now, he placed it back in the clothe he kept it wrapped in. Today was another wonderful day to explore!
If anything, he wasn't expecting company on his trip. But yet, there she was. The princess, even though she preferred to not be referred to as such, Petunia. Princess Petunia. Daughter of Amethyst and Kwan, the Royal Aleum was the kind who also adventured when she saw fit. Despite her elegant stance, with finned ears spread proudly, she always seemed to know where he would be. Cerul wasn't sure how she knew where he would land; But he certainly didn't mind. Ever since he had first met her, he started to come around more often and staying longer. ''Hi Cerul!'' Princess Petunia beamed with glee as he landed in front of her; The name was his own, yes, but her voice was still as calm as ever.
''I take it your here to follow me on another adventure?'' Cerul asked as he sat down, wearing his small satchel that was weaved with tender hands for harsh travels. ''Of course! I know you go all these neat places, and their always so neat to see! I mean, my siblings usually stay around...But I like to see what you see out there.'' Princess Petunia replied with a flutter of her wings, her tail wags slightly. Cerul chuckled a little. He too was a Royal Aleum...But from a line no one knew of. A mystery that he still was solving and often the reason for his outings. ''Fine....Fine...Just promise you won't get into too much trouble.'' He remarked. Princess Petunia nodded, eager to join his travels. This was nothing new; She seemed to want to learn more about him. Before long, the two royals took flight and disappeared into the distance.
A few hours later, and as night fell, the two returned as they always did. Cerul had a few new trinkets on hand too. Some flowers, a few pieces of weathered pottery, and colored glass that shimmered in the summer heat. Princess Petunia didn't seem to have found anything, but she did seem quite happy. She had learned one new thing about Cerul: His spirit to find answers was strong enough that he would traverse even the harshest lands to seek the truth. But they had returned back home safely at least; Cerul was sleepy as he yawned slightly. He looked at Princess Petunia, worried about how she didn't find anything. But then, he had an idea.
She seemed confused when he led her to the area where he kept his trinkets stored. Cerul explained that he would store only his most prized possessions here. Things that brought him closer to those he no longer could see. Princess Petunia figured out quite easily that he meant his parents and others that he may have met once but no longer could go to. It was a bit..Sorrowful? To see a Royal Aleum who knew no family and travelled for a purpose.
Cerul then stopped at the weathered fabric that held something he had held onto since his youth. He opened the wrappings, showing Princess Petunia the shell that his mother had given him. ''I suppose...This could be your treasure now.'' He stared at it, then sighed a bit and carefully placed it in her hands. ''My mother always told me those who adventure take a little bit of their soul wherever they go...'' Cerul explained. ''She was an adventurer too, you know. Before her and my dad settled down.'' He added with a weak smile. ''Maybe you can see this as a little bit of my soul for the adventure we had.'' He finished.
Princess Petunia gently brushed the shell, feeling the smoothed texture on it's starry surface. Cerul must have took great care of this trinket; It clearly was not an object he would give just anyone. She looked up at him with her green eyes, smiled, and hugged him. Gingerly, of course.
''I'll take great care of it! I'm going to show mom! Thanks!'' Princess Petunia said with excitement as she soon took off back to her mother, the shell wrapped in it's fabric again and held in one hand. Cerul watched as she left. He felt..Happy? It was a strange feeling....As if he had made the right choice.
Night soon fell, and Cerul was back at his favorite spot. He soon dozed off. Another adventure that ended as they all did. He had found no answers, but maybe the friendship between him and Princess Petunia was all the reward he could ever ask for. Maybe adventuring with her wasn't so bad after all.
Another adventure was always out there for those traveling souls.
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shadowfoxsilver · 3 years
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shadowfoxsilver · 3 years
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