#Principle Damocles Salt
Encantulous AU Headcanons Part 1
Camilo is a Dramatic Theater Kid™ and A Prankster™ and he would influence Marinette this way.
He would, in my professional opinion, encourage Mari to learn more about her mom's side of the family.
Forget Catdrien we have CatMilo. He's better at it too.
He banters and distracts at the Expense of the Akuma's.
He tries the playful flirting thing but Shuts It Down™ when rejected.
Catmilo puts in just as much work as Maribug so their considered equal.
His hero suit starts out the same as Catdrien but he Hates It™ so after the first fight he asks plagg and learns he can change it.
He lets Maribug know the second time they meet up to fight Stone Heart.
After origins CatMilo's outfit is loose pants boots and a hooded poncho with Fucking Cat Ears™.
Maribug wears an outfit like an Ancient Chinese Princess™. How she fights is a mystery but she looks cool doing it.
In civilian life they are that Tumblr post about "Best Friends Who Are So Comfortable With Each other They're Basically Married".
Adrien is still in the class.
Camilo runs for Class Representative and Marinette is his Deputy.
He helps Marinette set boundaries and shuts down any attempts to make a joke out of her anxiety.
I'm of the Opinion that Marinette's Adrian Crush only got creepy and obsessive because Alya and the Girl Squad actively encouraged her worst habits and I just can't see Camilo doing that.
He suggests starting a blog the one in LadyBugOut!au as CatMilo and then hands it over to Aurore and Mereille.
He wound up in the ML universe through some Magical Shenanigans that he was in no way apart but Dear Miracles he will Make This Work™
Part 2 Part ?
Camilonette Height Chart
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sailormoonandme · 2 years
ANOTHER crazy Miraculous storyline I came up with this morning: Adrien dates Chloe
I don't mean in a 'what if' scenario.
I'm thinking like this is at least an episode or the status quo of the show for awhile.
See, whilst I want Adrien and Marinette to wind up together and be together, if this show is going to last 12-55 seasons, lets at least explore different angles. Lets at least see the characters in different relationships, including bad ones.
Sure, you could argue Marinette and Luka or Kagami and Adrien were bad relationships, but that's not quite what I am talking about. I'm not talking about people who could make Mari and Adrien happy (at least in the short term) but between emotional baggage and extenuating circumstances it doesn't work out. I'm talking about relationships where it is plain and obvious it is never going to work out and in fact be a train wreck. But, like many people (too many people, lets be honest), Adrien and Marinette make a bad, naive choice led by their hearts not their heads.
Of course, this scenario is so wacky you'd need to write it carefully to sell it. This is, off the top of my head, how you could maybe make it work.
On a weekend and there is some kind of social event that the school is participating in, Miss Bustier and Principle Damocles are attending too but it is optional.
Adrien is in two minds about going as it would have been his mother's birthday today. Obviously, Adrien is very low, but things go extra bad today. His father outright rejects him when he tries to do something with him to commemorate the day (it being just too painful for Gabriel). Nathalie is also busy, but, in one of her more selfish moments, side steps Adrien's attempts to talk about his mother because she is of course in love with Gabriel so it makes her feel uncomfortable/she has the opportunity right now to comfort Gabriel. Deciding that he is not in the party mood he opts for fencing practice instead and calls up Kagami for a sparring session.
Adrien loses at fencing bad due to being distracted. This has been happening a lot recently and Kagami has outright given up on him at this point. He tries to seek comfort from her, to open up but she also rejects him, throwing in his face how he's frankly not been all that nice to her (from her POV anyway, she doesn't know his secret) and now has the audacity to seek her out to make himself feel better, which was the real reason he called up Kagami today in the first place. She admits she wanted to instead go to the social gathering with Marinette and the others but chose him instead.*
Adrien next tries to seek out comfort in Nino, but he's too busy loved up with Alya to spend time with him, perhaps he is also at the gathering. Marinette is also seemingly unavailable, not returning his texts or calls, but this is because she is dealing with a villain, something Adrien is too down in the dumps to realise for awhile, forcing LB to fight alone.
When Cat Noir finally goes into action, they stop the villain but Ladybug rejects him for the umpteenth time, or maybe does it a lot more harshly than usual (if you wanna set this pre-season 5, he could also be redundant to the victory as LB has called in the other heroes, perhaps including Ryuko to rub salt in the wound).
Basically, Adrien is in an uber low and vulnerable place.
As for Chloe there are a few ways you can play this. But, what if her father is running for re-election and isn't around as much right now. Simultaneously her mother leaves for New York without telling Chloe, even taking Zoe with her. This pisses Chloe off big time obviously and when she and Sabrina gatecrash some kind of weekened social event involving her class, or the school, she sees everyone is displeased to see her there and is lavishing praise and affection on Marinette.
So, like in Penal Team, she actively invites Hawk Moth to akumatise her to ruin the day for everyone. In the course of the battle she very nearly kills everyone, including endangering Miss Bustier (who is still pregnant). The battle doesn't go well for her and Hawk Moth can tell she is going to lose. He actively withdraws the Akuma and tells Chloe he will never Akumatise her again because she has proven that she is simply incompetent.
When she is stopped everyone has had enough of her crap. The class, and school at large make it clear as crystal that they hate her. Even Miss Bustier can't bring herself to defend Chloe or implore the class into forgiving her this time. Principle Damocles suspends her from school, willing to risk the Mayor's wrath. Except her father doesn't intervene this time. He is actually furious because her antics have made his campaign all the harder and he isn't sure he is going to win. Her butler, aware of what she did, is cold and formal to her, having given up on her. Finally, even Sabrina walks away, saying enough is enough.
Basically, Chloe has been deconstructed, everyone having given up on her.
On this same bad day for both of them that Adrien and Chloe have a chance encounter. Both are lonely and desperate in this moment. In her vulnerability, Adrien sees not Chloe the mean girl queen bee of the school, but his first (and for the longest time, only) friend. Chloe of course has always been attracted to Adrien, but his status as her childhood friend right now is particularly important to her. Even if they were on the outs before, events have formed a perfect storm and they get together, Adrien now being too distracted to notice Marinette has begun replying to his earlier messages.
Obviously, Adrien and Chloe dating could cause turmoil amongst Marinette and the supporting cast. But at the same time, you could explore the full trainwreck between the two of them. Adrien could be turning a blind eye to instances of Chloe's bad behaviour (which there are fewer instances of since she is not going to school for the time being) and might even delusionally believe he can 'make her better'. Simultaneously, Chloe, having finally gotten Adrien like she always wanted, is starting to find he in fact isn't her type.
Obviously, it ends in tears but both have grown wiser as a result. Chloe might resolve to be a bit nicer or at least not go for boys like Adrien. And Adrien will try to be more wary of people like Chloe, realising it is foolish to try and change them
*Or, if you'd established this status quo beforehand, they might've been dating and she dumps him here.
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Lila Gets Exposed 6
This is a one shot series I’m doing that is also posted on Ao3 here I’m fine with getting recommendations for other chapters
[part 1] [part 2] [part 3] [part 4] [part 5] [part 6]
Madame Rossi - And here come the Consequences
note: this is a continuation of part 3
   Lila was sitting happily in class. Marinette by herself had widened the scasm between her and her former friends. Adrien still seemed to be on Lila’s side, doing nothing to stop her and of course wasn’t helping Marinette. Everything was going perfect. Well, it was until a knock at the door.
   Principal Damocles walked into the room, making everyone look over at him. A substitute teacher showed up next to him, panting slightly. “I suppose this is the class?”
   The principal nodded. “Yes. I would like Lila, Marinette and Mlle Bustier to come with me to my office.”
   “Is something wrong?” Mlle Bustier asked, looking between Damocles and her students.
   Lila did her best to keep a poker face. She hadn’t mentioned anything to their teachers or the principal. But likely it may have been one of the other students who told the principal about her trouble with Marinette.
   Marinette on the other hand was panicking. What had Lila claimed she had done? She looked towards Adrien hoping for support but he didn’t seem to be helpful, though she supposed there wasn’t much he could do.
   She Lila and Bustier followed Damocles to his office. Lila and her were both asked to be seated while their teacher stood nearby, and then their principal asked a simple question to her. “Mlle Bustier, I’ve received a few reports of conflict between these two girls from you. Can you summarize them as a review?”
   “Yes. Apparently Marinette has been treating Lila unfairly. She constantly claimed Lila is lying about her help and connections and recently it seems Marinette has begun to bully Lila.”
   Marinette tried to speak up to refute the claims, but Damocles quieted her. “Lila, what do you have to say of this?”
   Lila put on a sad act. “She’s right sir. I’ve just tried to be nice, but she doesn’t want to be friends. It’s like she’s trying to turn the class against me. And then recently she pulled me into the bathroom and threatened that she would take all my friends away.”
   Marinette stood up. “You did that to me and said you would if I didn’t stop trying to reveal your lies.”
The principal hushed Marinette. “You will get your chance to talk.”
   The designer slumped in her chair, crossing her arms as Lila continued to tell her lies, painting Marinette in a bad light. Then finally, it was her turn to speak. “Now what do you have to say about everything?”
   “When Lila first showed up, she told a lie that I knew was false, but I wasn’t allowed to share why. Instead I was trying to prove her other lies false. They had all seemed too good to be true. When she returned from her supposed trip, I was surprised to find everyone had moved me to the back. I would have been fine if I had been asked to be moved, but instead everyone got to move where they wanted but me. Everyone in the class thought I was jealous when I just felt ignored instead. At the same time she was making promises to the class of meeting with famous people. I wanted everyone to realize her lies both so that when her empty promises didn’t come true, the class wouldn’t be hurt and also because of how everyone was mistreating me because of it. When I wouldn’t stop, Lila tried convincing me one last time and when I didn’t give in, she threatened that she would take all my friends away from me, which she was already managing to do. From then, it’s been getting worse and my parents have been thinking of moving me from the school because of how toxic the class seems.”
   Damocles did not respond anymore than quieting Lila as she tried to speak. After a few moments, he gestured for someone to enter the room. Marinette has no idea who it was until Lila spoke. “Mama! What are you doing here?”
   “Your mother is here because she called me this morning to clarify some things. She says you were not away traveling during your absence from school and have no illnesses or disabilities.”
   “And now I am learning you have been bullying one of your classmates? Lila what is the meaning of this?”
   Lila gave a sad and worried look. “No! Mama! She’s lying! I’m not the bully, she is!”
   Gia shushed her daughter. “After what I have learned today, I am more likely to believe this girl than you. Because of your lies becoming well known news, I nearly lost my job today!”
   After this, Damocles stood. “You claimed to your mother the school was closed due to akuma attacks that were not solved. With your mother’s job, the supposed inability to stop these attacks could have been told to other countries and damaged France’s relationship with them. As it did not happen, there are no consequences other than what your mother may give you. However, what is punishable is forging documents such as these medical papers for the disabilities you do not have.”
   Damocles continued, but at this point Marinette zoned out from her own thoughts. She didn’t realize the lies were this severe. If she did, she would have tried harder to find proof and what not. It was also surprising that her lies had been found out at all. But the main concern was how Lila looked right now. She was definitely upset and angry. Marinette didn’t care that Damocles was still talking, Marinette still jumped up to stop him. “Sir! I don’t mean to be rude, but we may want to take precautions before Lila is akumatized again!”
   Damocles was stunned but nodded in agreement. Gia on the other hand looked back and forth between the principal and the two girls. “Again? What do you mean again? I was unaware she had been akumatized before!”
   “I’m sorry, but Lila has likely been akumatized three or four times already.” Marinette explained to the woman, leaving her speechless. “When she first appeared at school, she was akumatized into Volpina.  Since she was actually in Paris, she was most likely reakumatized on heroes day since most people were. Also since we’ve only had one illusion making akuma, and there was an illusion on heroes day before everyone was reakumatized, that was most likely Lila. Then the day she came back from her trip, she was affected by the akuma that originally went have me and became Chameleon.”
   Gia looked at Mlle Bustier and M Damocles to see if this was right. The teacher nodded. “I have been watching when my students are akumatized and the two that occurred here are true. On heroes day many people were reakumatized if someone was not able to reassure them which was hard if you were someone who believe that the illusion of an evil Ladybug destroying Chat Noir was real.”
   Gia just stood there with her mouth hanging open. She may have known some of what her daughter had done, but this was too much. “I guess there is only one thing left to do. You will be going back to Italy to live with your grandparents. Your father’s grandparents.” She added when she saw Lila’s eyes light up. “Mine are too lenient so you have likely already used your lies to get on their good side. I didn’t let you see your other grandparents because they treated you so harshly but now it is obvious to see why.”
   “No! Mama you can’t be serious!”
   “I am! What you have done is extremely serious. You have crossed too many lines and now that I know about it, you will not be able to get away from the consequences.”
   It was then that an akuma came into the room phasing through a window. The adults moved back, Marinette tensed and Lila moved forward. The second it was within the liar’s reach, Marinette jumped at Lila and pushed her away from the butterfly. Mlle Bustier moved next and did her best to shoo it away from the others, especially Lila as it was going after her and from Gia, who was blowing up after what just happened. “Lila! This is too much! I saw you going after that! You know what it does and you went after it! Willingly! This was the final straw. I mean, the forging notes and the skipping school was bad enough, but this villain is a terrorist! And you were about to willingly help him! You aren’t just going to be going to your grandparents anymore, this is much worse! The only thing protecting you is the diplomatic immunity you have from me. But with what you just pulled, I am revoking that from you.”
   Lila looked horrified. Not only had her lies been found out but she was receiving some of the worst punishment she could get. Marinette guessed it was sort of a mental whiplash for Lila.
   As the people of the room argued, Marinette quickly slipped out of the room and transformed. She circled around and came by the window of the office and was let in to capture the butterfly, letting Mlle Bustier rest. “Is everything alright here? I was contacted about an akuma being here meaning something must have happened.”
   “It seems one of my students had been manipulating my class and we just learned she was about to willingly let herself be akumatized because she reached for the akuma.” Bustier quickly explained.
   “That would make sense. Lila seems to have a grudge against me when I stopped her from manipulating someone by using lies about us being friends. Plus even though she has proclaimed our friendship, Hawkmoth has not gone after her while he has gone after Chloé Bourgeois. If it weren’t for the fact that Chloé is the daughter of Paris, I would have said it would be because of your political status, but obviously it must not be the case.”
   With that, the pieces fell in place within the minds of the adults. Not much later the police had been called and Lila was taken away for her various crimes. Ladybug followed them as Lila was escorted out of Paris and further to out of Hawkmoth’s range to make sure that no akumas went after the liar.
   Fortunately no one noticed Marinette’s disappearance as once the police arrived, none of the classes were able to focus from the commotion it caused and classes were ended early for the day.
   Even with Lila gone, Marinette ended up changing schools as the fallout of what happened was just as toxic towards her as when Lila was seen as innocent. Though it was Lila’s mother who started the reveal, Marinette was seen as the cause of what happened. Bustier’s class went downhill from there, but as the principal had improved and none of the other classes were problems, they were seen as just a fluke within the otherwise well run school. By the next year, many of the students were taken elsewhere and Bustier was changed to a substitute teacher rather than full time.
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trickstermiraculous · 4 years
Lila salt prompt where after Marinette switches schools a new girl comes in and shes better than Lila and class forgets about her and Lila tries to ruin only backfire and have the class turn againist her (ill send u a sequel idea when I get it together)
Better Lies
It started a couple of months when I had finally gotten Marinette to leave this class and Adrien alone. These sheep were hanging off my every word, they were turning into servents instead of classmates. I sadly never got Adrien attention since he still was waiting for me to come clean...ha as if I would ever do that, it was all great until one Monday…
“This is our new transfer student from America, I hope you all make her feel welcome” stated Miss Bustier,“My name is Amy Rivers, it’s nice to meet you all,” said the girl, I decided to be the first one to introduce myself as the class president should,“It’s nice to meet you, Amy, my name is Lila Rossi and I’m the class president, if you need any help, please come to me for help” I replied,“Of course” replied the girl her eyes turn cold and calculated for a split second before returning to eyes filled with kindness.The next few days were normal, Amy was a doormat and not someone to worry about even if she gave off a different impression when I had introduced myself. Amy surprisingly had a lot of connections with pop stars and actors in America which was nice and of course, the perfect opportunity to get free things and the girl did it happily. Until one day Amy had given me concert tickets which I planned to give the class with the lie that concert runners had given it to her as a gift, I already knew that Amy didn’t have the guts to argue with her but when she walked into the class, me sheep were surrounding Amy as she sobbed.
“Uncle John gave me the tickets as a birthday gift and I was going to give them to you guys but they went missing at lunch” Amy sobbed,“Do you have any idea on where they may be?” asked Alya while Rose and the rest of the girl squad hugged her in comfort,“they were in my bag which I had with me at all time which I didn’t open at all” responded Amy. Oh hell, no was this brat going to frame me like this with something so simple,“Are these yours, Amy, I found them in the corridor?” I said with a look of fake concern on my face,“Yes, thank you so much” exclaimed Amy,“Wow, Lila you’re a lifesaver” stated Nino, “those are tickets are something people will die for”.
As Amy came over to get them back, she had the most spiteful look on her face hidden from the clueless class as she practically ripped the tickets from my hands. The next few days, I was on watch to try and figure out her next move but everything went back to normal until three weeks later which is when Amy ramped up her plans by eleven as day after day she started to accuse someone stole stuff from her only to be found by me or found in my bag, it was getting increasingly hard to lie my way out of it especially when she kept winning the class by giving them free gifts, she had turned them against me so much that they started treating me like they had with Marinette.
It all boiled over when I got called into the headmaster’s office, there waiting was Amy and my mother. “Mum, what are you doing here?” I asked panicking a little,“I’m here because imagine my shock when my own daughter was being accused of stealing and intentionally bullying other students which went so far as to make her transfer out” responded my mum as my blood ran cold,“I never-” I was cut off by Mr Damocles,“That is enough we have video evidence which includes security footage” the man stated clearly regretting himself for falling for my lies,“It’s not my fault that you lot were to gullible to fall for my lies” I snapped,“Lila, that is enough” retorted my mother glaring at me so hard I thought I would set on fire,“You are going to apologise along with Amy for the lies you both have told but whereas Amy will be doing detention for a month, you are hereby expelled” the man stated giving no room for argument as we were both sent to class.
The class are been angry but no one was angrier than Alya who had tried to attack me with Nino and Adrien, who looked at me with pity, holding her back as she shouted profanities. As mother was finishing with the principle, Amy joined me as she had forgotten her bag in the office. “Why did you do all this with your skills we could have ruled this school?” I asked glaring at the girl,“Because I only used those skills for good” Amy responded making me gag,“Good, you got yourself in trouble for no reason when you could have just given you evidence without lying” I snapped,“True true” Amy muttered before looking straight in the eye, “I lied so you would know what it is like to not be believed, to be the victim for once in your pathetic life”.
Amy had said that with so much hatred in her voice and eyes, it made me step back in surprise, “I get revenge for my love ones like both my parents taught me too” she continued,“Loved ones,” I asked confused, “I’ve never hurt your family before”,“You did, my cousin, in fact, Marinette” she answered as shock washed over me, “unlike her and her parents who are known for their kind, my part of the family is well known for our sympathetic nature and trust me when I tell you that I wanted payback for what you did to her” she sneered before skipping back to class, leaving me there stewing in anger with no purple butterfly insight.
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Notes:  Here's my first oneshot of the year.  My sleep schedule when to shit towards the end of the year so my writing hadn't been the best it could be but I hope that by getting it back on track, I can make better-written chapters.
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ao3feed-ladynoir · 5 years
Caught in a Trap
Caught In A Trap by MidnightKitKat
Called into the principle's office, Marinette isnt surprised when she finds Lila already waiting inside, eyes watery as she makes up another lie to get her in trouble. When the principle walks out of the room however, Lila is quick to change her tune, and Marinette finds herself caught in Checkmate with seemingly no way out
Words: 2922, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Lila Rossi, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Alya Césaire, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Principal Damocles
Additional Tags: Lila Gets it, Salt, salt fic
Read Here: http://archiveofourown.org/works/20033167
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waltzofthewifi · 5 years
Kota Chapter 1: A New Start
Table of Contents | Chapter 2 | AO3 | Fanfiction
So this story, at least at the start, takes place mainly in Paris with the Miraculous Ladybug characters. More PJO/HoO/KC characters will show up, and eventually there'll be things happening in America and at Camp Half-blood, but it builds up to that. For now, it focuses on Lacy and the MLB cast. That being said, there is a lot of references to events that happen in PJO/HoO/KC, specifically Lacy's friendship with Sadie and her relationship with her sisters Piper and Silena.
Mild amount of angst, some Lila/Bustier salt (and a very small pinch of Alya salt), lots on dealing with anger/grief (which is great because I know nothing about that), more character development than I've ever written before, and whole ton of headcanons on the miraculous, their origins, intended use, who can use it, and backstories for Fu/the butterfly and peacock miraculous. Adrinette endgame with some Lukanette, as much DJWifi as I can work in because they're cute. and mild amounts of Julerose.
There will be no redemption arc for Lila or Gabriel, but possibly for other characters. We'll see.
Lacy will eventually get a miraculous, as will some not-yet-confirmed Miraculous Ladybug characters, a few other PJO/HoO/KC characters, and few a OCs.
Oh and chapters will be much longer than my standard in this story.
Chapter 1: A New Start
Lacy Hatzi, for once in her life, was awake when her alarm clock went off.
Of course, it wasn't like she slept much that night. Her usual nightmares combined with the unfamiliarity of her new room and nerves for the day ahead of her made her restless. When her alarm went off, she was laying face down on her pillow, trying to block out the impending morning.
With a groan, she pushed herself out of bed and pulled herself downstairs.
Her dad was eating oatmeal calmly at the kitchen table, while her stepmother Elisabeth stared intensely at the coffee machine.
"Good morning, squabby," her father said, giving Lacy his most affectionate smile. "Ready for your big day?"
"No," Lacy admitted. "I'm terrified."
"You'll do fine, dove," Elisabeth said, coming up behind her. She squeezed Lacy's shoulder. "You'll see."
"You tell me that every time," Lacy replied, leaning against Elisabeth. "And it's never worked so far."
"You likes your last school," Elisabeth said. "Got along with Sadie and -"
"Elisabeth, love, Lacy has every reason to be nervous," her dad chimed in. "Starting a new school is always nerve-wracking, especially in a new country. Don't try to pretend to not be nervous."
"Right," Lacy replied. "I'm nervous. That's okay. Everyone's nervous - bad school record or not."
"Principle Damocles didn't mind your school record, Dove," Elisabeth said. "And neither did any of your teachers. Or anyone at BAG."
Lacy nodded. "Right."
Her dad stood up and placed his hand on her shoulders. "Remember to breathe."
"I'm breathing," Lacy said. She took a deep breath to prove her point. "I'm also starved. Did you find that cereal?"
Her dad chuckled. "It's next to the oatmeal."
"Thanks." Lacy walked into the kitchen, looking over the apartment's cabinets. "One question. Where's the oatmeal?"
One bowl of cereal, a quick shower, and three changes of clothes later and the start of school was almost there.
Lacy eventually settled blush pink shirt, light blue jeans, and her pink Toms. She pulled on her gray jacket and reached to pull her hair back into her usual ponytails.
She hesitated. New country, new school, should she try a new hairstyle? Her sister Piper always had her hair in such beautiful braids, and Lacy had been wanting to try it out. Making her decision, Lacy brushed it her hair out again and started on a French braid.
It didn't look as good on her as it did on Piper, but she was willing to give it a day.
Finally satisfied with how she looked - and thankful she looked like someone who had a normal sleep schedule - Lacy reached for her new knapsack. She double-checked she had everything. Textbooks, snacks, sewing kit, first aid kit, the Swiss Army knife Valdez made for her, emergency nectar and ambrosia.
None of which she needed to hide. To her surprise, her new school had a lax rule on sharp objects - something about wanting to encourage emergency supplies? It fit well with the habits she learned from Camp Half-blood, and the instructions Piper had drilled in her head.
Any big city like Paris had lots of magical threats. Stay armed. Stay aware. And don't get involved.
Getting involved was the reason she decided to switch schools in the first. Sure, it coincided with a major need for her father's job in Paris, but her family wouldn't have moved across the ocean just for that.
With Camp Half-blood running into more and more different magical beings and people, it was much more important to stay away. Especially for someone like Lacy, who wouldn't be able to hold her own the same way Piper or Clarisse could.
No, she just needed to keep her head down, even if that meant she had to leave her school, and her friends.
Still, Lacy hesitated to put her real weapon - a celestial bronze dagger she definitely didn't know how to use, disguised as a sunglass case - in her bag, even with the special pocket Piper made for it. Was it worth bringing a weapon she didn't know how to use with her?
But Piper had said to stay armed.
With a sigh, Lacy followed her older sister's instructions. Besides, monsters did have a habit of masquerading as teachers. She needed to be prepared.
Lacy secured her pack over her shoulder, flicked the lights off on her room, and headed down the steps of the apartment.
Her dad had already left, having a full day of work ahead of him, but Elisabeth offered to walk her to her new school. They lived close, and after that incident, Lacy was wary about public transport.
Elisabeth was dressed for work, in her blue slacks and blazer and black shell, but there was still a warmness and casualness to her as she walked beside Lacy. She bumped shoulders with Lacy as they walked, teasing her about every "handsome European" boy they saw.
They were technically early, but the outside of the school was already bustling with students. A teacher stood off to the side, checking something on a tablet.
Lacy felt a pang of anxiety in her chest, like an alarm going off in her head. teacher teacher teacher teacher
Lacy forced herself to take a deep breath. She rolled her shoulders a few times, trying to release the tension building in her chest.
"Are you Miss Bustier?" Elisabeth asked. Her obviously accented French reminded Lacy how grateful she was that she magically spoke French.
"Yes," the teacher replied. She smiled at Lacy. "You must be the new American student."
Lacy nodded. "Nice to meet you."
Miss Bustier smiled, and Lacy could tell that the warmth was genuine. She knew that she had been placed in Bustier's class because the teacher had a high record of helping students like Lacy, but that could mean anything. Meeting her now, Lacy could tell Bustier had a passion for teaching.
Good intentions only went so far, but it was a start.
Lacy watched her teacher's facial expressions as she talked with Elisabeth, and then she was walking with Bustier as her mom headed to the metro.
"There's no need to be nervous," Bustier told her. "Our class is really nice."
As far as you know, Lacy noted. She didn't know how fairly Bustier appraised her class. Teachers didn't always see everything.
A few moments before they reached the classroom, another girl skidded in front of the door.
"Miss Bustier! I'm so sorry I'm late!" The girl huffed.
"It's okay Marinette," Bustier said. "I know I asked you here really early." She looked at Lacy. "This is Marinette, our class president. Since you're new to the city and your parents said you were nervous about starting school, I thought you'd like to meet her."
The first thing Lacy noticed about Marinette was that her hair was in pigtails, and she looked with them. Oh, I knew pigtails would still look cute, I should have-
Marinette reached out a hand. "It's nice to meet you, Lacy."
Lacy smiled and took the hand. "You too."
"The rest of the class should be arriving soon," Bustier said. "Let's go in."
Marinette's usual seat mate was on vacation, so she offered the seat to Lacy.
"It must be scary, moving to another country," Marinette said.
Lacy nodded. "It is. But it's such a great opportunity. I try to remind myself of that when I get too homesick."
"My best friend Alya moved here recently," Marinette said. "I know she still missed her old friends for a while, but she fit in fine here too. I'm sure you will too!"
Lacy chuckled. "Thanks, but I've already heard enough pep talks today. Doesn't help with the nerves much."
"No, I guess it doesn't."
More students began filing in, some coming up and introducing themselves, others too interested in what they were doing to notice Lacy. Lacy was thrilled to meet an adorable couple - Mylene and Ivan - who always looked at each other with admiration. The romantic in Lacy awwed every time they looked at each other.
Wish I had my camera, she thought wistfully, before turning back to the front of the class just to see another student approaching her.
"Who are you?" She asked, hands on her hips.
Lacy blinked. She'd heard that attitude a thousand times in her cabin before - snotty, possibly spoiled, and definitely an incoming headache.
"Chloe, be nice," Marinette said, exasperation bleeding through her voice.
Lacy looked over the other girl - Chloe, was it? Yeah, she would fit right in with some of Lacy's sisters, with her expensive clothes, bratty expression, and face full of high-quality makeup. Better just ignore her, she figured.
"I'm the transfer student," Lacy said. "No one important."
"Obviously," Chloe replied, before heading to her seat.
"Ignore her," Marinette said.
"I was planning to," Lacy admitted.
"She's not always that bad," the blonde hair, generic-facial-expressions student in front of them - Adrien, or some other European name- commented.
The student next to him made a face. "Dude, she kinda is."
"I'm used to people like her," Lacy said. "Just duck your head and don't say anything."
"You don't have to hide here," Marinette said. "Chloe or not. Don't let her scare you."
"Sorry I'm late," another student said as she walked in.
Marinette tensed up immediately, almost like a cornered animal.
"It's okay, Lila," Bustier replied. "Just go take your seat."
Lila smiled and turned to the class, and Lacy could see a million red flags in her facial expression. If Drew had any Italian relatives, she was she was meeting one.
And then Lila looked at her, and Lacy wanted to run.
"Oh, are you new?" Lila asked.
Lacy nodded. "First day." She pulled on her jacket sleeves nervously.
"Welcome," Lila said. "I'm Lila. I'm fairly new here too."
Lacy forced a smile. "I'm Lacy."
"I'd love to show you around later," Lila said, before walking to her seat. Lacy felt herself withdraw into her seat.
"Are you okay?" Marinette asked.
Lacy nodded. "Just... reminded me of someone. That's all."
Lacy gripped the strap of her bag as she scanned the cafeteria.
"You can sit with us," Marinette offered, stepping up beside her.
Lacy nodded. "Thanks."
Most of the class sat together - three had gone home to eat, and another was calling his girlfriend, and thankfully Lila seemed otherwise occupied - and they all greeted Lacy nicely. She ended up squished between a girl named Alix and Marinette.
"I love your hair," Lacy said after they introduced themselves.
"Thanks," Alix replied. "So, what brings you to Paris?"
"I calculate there's a 90% chance her parents are Kumer boomers," another kid, Max, said.
Lacy frowned. "I'm sorry, what?"
"Kumer boomers," Marinette replied. "It's what the media's been calling all the new workers coming in. Therapists, teachers, social workers, politicians, any job that's in more of a demand thanks to Hawkmoth."
Lacy spluttered. "Hawkmoth? What kind of name is that?"
"I ask myself that every day," Alix replied with a chuckle.
"A lot of people have been complaining that no one has warned the boomers what they're getting into," Marinette noted. "The Hawkmoth situation hasn't been publicized much outside of Paris."
"Don't worry about," a student named Rose chimed in. "Ladybug and Chat Noir have the situation under control."
"Ladybug and Chat - did I step into a Marvel movie?"
"I ask myself that every day," Marinette admitted. "But yeah, they're superheroes."
"And Hawkmoth's a super villain?" Lacy questioned. "Great. I live in the same city as a super villain."
"Rose is right," Alix replied. "You have nothing to worry about. Being Akumatized sucks, but Ladybug fixes everything in the end."
"Okay, whats being akumatized?" Lacy asked. "Because that doesn't sound fun."
"Hawkmoth has the ability to create super villains out of ordinary people," Marinette replied. "By capitalizing on negative emotions."
So much for safer.
Then again, Lacy's father was a therapist. Even with everything she's been through, Lacy always had an advantage with dealing with negative emotions. Maybe she'd fly under the radar. After all, Paris was huge city - there was no reason for super villains (or superheroes) to notice her, was there?
"Besides, all the Kumer boomers are helping us handle those emotions," Rose said.
"Or replacing those who don't want to deal with it," Alix added. "A record number of teachers have quit because of Hawky."
"Thankfully, we have Ms Bustier!" Rose said. "Who's been so helpful with dealing with our emotions."
"Like that compliment thing we started with," Lacy remembered. "That was cool."
"You have the best teacher in the school," Alix added. "Trust me - she's awesome."
"So what-" Lacy was cut off by a loud boom.
"Akuma," Alix said.
"It has been a while," Marinette muttered.
"Sources say it's on the other side of - no, wait, it teleported," Max read. "It's getting close."
An alarm went off, with purple flashing lights.
"That's the akuma alarm," Alix said. "If you live close enough, you should head home."
"But where is it exactly?" Lacy asked.
Max helped her find it on the map on her phone.
"Okay, and that's about..." Lacy scanned the map helplessly. "I don't actually know where I live."
Max asked her for her address, and he typed it in.
"It's on the other side from you," Max said. "You should head home."
Lacy nodded. Most of the table had already begun scattering - Marinette had been the first person out the door - and now only her, Max, and Alix were there.
"I'll walk you there," Alix said.
"Don't you-"
"It's too far for me. I'd be stuck waiting it out here, and that can get boring fast. Besides, you're still new - I don't want you getting lost."
The walk back to her house was quick, and Lacy let Alix into their tiny living room. Alix sat down on their couch and Lacy on a box of... something.
"Sorry about the mess," Lacy said. "We haven't finished unpacking yet."
"That's fine," Alix replied. "Spend enough time on the Liberty, you get used to anything."
Lacy frowned. "The liberty?"
"Juleka's House boat," Alix replied.
"Juleka has a houseboat?" Lacy asked. "That's so cool!"
"I know, right? Plus her mom is super chill," Alix added. "Lets Juleka invite us over whenever. Some of us are going over there tonight if you want to come."
"I'll have to check with my parents," Lacy said. "But I'm sure they'll say yes."
"Great!" Alix replied. "Marinette said she'll bring snacks - have you been to her parents bakery yet? They have the best pastries in Paris."
The akuma attack lasted for 2 hours, a long time according to Alix.
"It's probably because she could teleport," Alix guessed. "Those always last longer."
The classes they missed would be made up the next day through a load of homework - "Hawkmoth's doubled our load of homework," Alix had complained. "He's truly evil." - but they still had history with Miss Bustier to end the day.
"Would anyone be willing to let Lacy work with their group?" Bustier asked. "American ciriculem doesn't focus on French history as much as we do, so I'm sure she'll be happy to have help catching up."
"She can join me and Alya," Marinette offered.
"Unfortunately, Alya already has to catch up herself after she comes back tomorrow," Bustier said.
Adrien raised his hands. "History is easy for me. I'd be willing to help."
"But you're already helping me," Lila said. "I mean, I think I'm fine by myself if-"
"Me and Nathaniel can work with her," Alix offered.
"We can?" Nathaniel asked.
Alix flashed him a grin. "We talked over lunch. I think she'd work well with us."
"Alright, now that that's settled-"
Bustier reviewed some of the major parts of the homework, and Lacy did her best to pay attention and keep notes. But paying attention was not her strong suit, so she hoped her new partners had longer attention spans than she did.
Well, she already knew Alix didn't. But maybe Nathaniel did?
When Bustier dismissed the class, she asked for Lacy to stay a little after.
"Yes?" Lacy asked.
"I was just wondering if you were okay," Bustier replied. "This was your First Akuma attack."
Lacy nodded. "I was surprised. But, I'm fine. I went home, and it didn't get close to me."
"Good," Bustier said. "The school has plenty of resources if you ever need them. Just let me know."
Elisabeth had bought tea bags on her way home to work, saying they were famous for calming people down after akuma attacks.
"Your dad is stressed from it," she said as Lacy sat down across from her. "It's no wonder they're hiring so many therapists."
"One of my classmates, Mylene, told me about he therapist she and her boyfriend went out after the first attack," Lacy added. She sipped the tea, surprised at how good it tasted. "She also said our teacher is putting in extra effort to help us stay calm."
"I've heard nothing but good things about your school's response," Elisabeth said. "Still, I can't imagine going to school like this."
"When does Dad start seeing patients?" Lacy asked.
"Friday," Elisabeth said. "I guess he knows why they're putting him through so much orientation now."
"His job must be so much more stressful here," Lacy said. "I mean, what if one of his patients gets akumatized and targets him?"
"That's part of the training," Elisabeth reassured her. "I think he's more worried about you."
"Me?" Lacy questioned.
"We moved here to get you away from this type of thing," Elisabeth said. "But he's starting to think he put you in something worse."
Lacy shook her head. "Magic like this is everywhere, it's just so much more obvious here. I left BAG not because the Egyptian demigods were there, but because I was starting to become involved with them. If I keep my head down and not befriend anyone too involved, I'll be fine." Lacy took a shaky breath. "Besides, whats the chances of me actually meeting Hawkmoth or one of the superheroes?"
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Camilo takes Alya's place as the new student, best friend, and cat holder AU
I am accepting asks about this Au that I still haven't named. Though I am open to suggestions.
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Lila Gets Exposed part 3
This is a one shot series I’m doing that is also posted on Ao3 here I’m fine with getting recommendations for other chapters
[part 1] [part 2] [part 3] [part 4] [part 5] [part 6]
Madame Rossi - Consequences for your Actions
   Gia Rossi was confused when she was called into the head office at the embassy. She had no idea why, but it sounded serious and she couldn’t help but be a little nervous.
   “Madame Rossi.” the man sitting at the desk began moments after Gia sat down. “It has come to my attention that you have been misusing the abilities your job has given you.”
   Gia Rossi was shocked. She didn’t know what he meant. What had she done?
   “Your job as a Project Organizer, while allowing you to travel between countries, is only supposed to happen with our approval. Especially because we need to know beforehand to set up travel, boarding and the like. Going on your own not for embassy work would need to be considered as vacation time, so we may end up docking your pay for the next few weeks because of this. If we hear of you leaving the country with no notice again, we will have to terminate you.”
   For a few moments, Gia was unable to speak, but was soon able to regain her voice. “I’m sorry, but I don’t know what you are talking about. I haven’t left the country since I moved. I’ve been working here in Paris, helping with efforts to work on the akuma problem. I’m glad the issue at my daughter’s school was rectified since I nearly transferred her to another, thought it would have been tough with the faculty all akumatized.”
   The man in front of Gia gained a confused look on his face. “No one has been akumatized more than a day since they first appeared. What are you talking about?”
   “My daughter informed me her school was closed due to so many people being akumatized. I’ve only left the house when extremely necessary because of the threat they pose.”
   “You’re daughter is Lila Rossi, correct?” the man asked, and when Gia nodded, he explained that another worker had seen a video of her daughter talking about how she had been travelling all around and had been in dangerous situations. She claimed to know many celebrities through her mother’s job. The worker had finally made the connection between Lila and Gia and had spoken with HR, who contacted the Project Manager, who was the man sitting in front of Gia now.
   After talking for a while, Gia assured that what Lila said in the video and others were lies and she promised her daughter would be punished for these things. Madame Rossi left the embassy office and immediately called the school. As it dialed, she thought about all her daughter’s claims. School out for so long? There should have been some message sent by the embassy about something so important. Lila going on a runway to save a cat? People would ask where she was and why she let her daughter in such a dangerous area. And the claims of travelling had just nearly cost Gia her job.
   “Hello? Principal Damocles speaking.”
   “This is Gia Rossi. I would like to set up a meeting with you, my daughter, her teacher and I. She has been missing from school for a while, yes?”
   “Correct. I would think it would be hard to be at school with your daughter and you travelling. I know I had trouble contacting you.” the principal explained.
   “That’s the thing. I have not been travelling at all. My daughter claimed the school was closed and I would like a meeting going over this.”
   There was a pause before the principal spoke again, taking a moment or two to realize what Gia meant. “I see. How soon would you be available for a meeting?”
   “I am on my way to the school now. Would a meeting in half an hour work fine?”
   “Yes yes. With a matter this important, the sooner we can have the meeting the better. It also lines up with the student’s lunch time so her teacher will be available.”
   “Thank you, and I shall see you soon.” Gia Rossi hung up the phone and continued to the school. She may have been lenient on Lila because of the move, but her daughter had taken too much advantage of that, and now she needed to realize her actions have consequences.
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