#Private Detective Singapore
rohitbrainfoster213 · 2 years
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logicthink12 · 2 years
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cheatingspous · 2 years
Catch a Cheating Spouse
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As the best Private Investigators (PIs) in Singapore, we possess the professionalism in carrying out our assignments in the most effective manner with discreet surveillance, astute observations and persistent follow-ups to uncover the truth with concrete evidence.
Phone: +65 8877 9200
Business email: [email protected]
Website: https://www.catchacheatingspouse.com.sg/
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KOKUSAI Catch Cheating Spouse, Catch Cheaters™ (Since 1984)
Posted with the consent of our client
Catch Cheating Spouse, Beyond Social Media
Call 24/7 helpline 1800-3399001
(Direct line: +65 62929293)
WhatsApp +65 81821221 or +65 98885545
KOKUSAI Catch Cheating Spouse, private investigation and counselling services, founded since 1984 with strong network worldwide.
Managed by ex-police superintendent, former Commissioner of Prisons and ex-Law Enforcement Officers with loyalty and integrity.
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logicthink8562 · 2 years
We have zoomed into the 2 best Private Investigators in Singapore who specialized in Matrimonial Cases and are well trained in Surveillance skills.
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brainfoster55 · 2 years
We have zoomed into the 2 best Private Investigators in Singapore who specialized in Matrimonial Cases and are well trained in Surveillance skills.
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mariacallous · 2 years
TikTok is spelling out to its European users that their data can be accessed by employees outside the continent, including in China, amid political and regulatory concerns about Chinese access to user information on the platform.
The Chinese-owned social video app is updating its privacy policy to confirm that staff in countries, including China, are allowed to access user data to ensure their experience of the platform is “consistent, enjoyable and safe”.
The other countries where European user data could be accessed by TikTok staff include Brazil, Canada and Israel as well as the US and Singapore, where European user data is stored currently.
TikTok’s head of privacy in Europe, Elaine Fox, said: “Based on a demonstrated need to do their job, subject to a series of robust security controls and approval protocols, and by way of methods that are recognised under the GDPR [the EU’s general data protection regulation], we allow certain employees within our corporate group located in Brazil, Canada, China, Israel, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, and the United States, remote access to TikTok European user data.”
Data could be used to conduct checks on aspects of the platform, including the performance of its algorithms, which recommend content to users, and detect vexatious automated accounts. TikTok has previously acknowledged that some user data is accessed by employees of the company’s parent, ByteDance, in China.
In a letter to Republican senators disclosed in July, TikTok’s chief executive, Shou Zi Chew, said a “narrow set of non-sensitive” US user data could be viewed by foreign employees if approved by a US-based TikTok security team. He added that none of the data were shared with Chinese government officials.
The privacy policy update, which applies to the UK, the European Economic Area, and Switzerland, and which goes live on 2 December, takes place against a backdrop of political and regulatory pressure over use of data generated by the app, which has more than a billion users worldwide.
The US President, Joe Biden, has scrapped executive orders from his predecessor, Donald Trump, ordering the sale of TikTok’s US business, but in their place he has asked the US commerce department to produce recommendations to protect the data of people in the US from “foreign adversaries”. The Committee on Foreign Investment in the US, which scrutinises business deals with non-US companies, is also conducting a security review of TikTok.
Ireland’s data watchdog, which has jurisdiction over TikTok across the EU, has also launched an investigation into “transfers by TikTok of personal data to China”.
Michael Veale, an associate professor in digital rights at University College London, said that under a recent EU ruling data transfers between the bloc and China would have to be vetted for security. “It is extraordinarily difficult to routinely send EU user data to China because contracts between a Chinese and a European company can’t prevent state access.”
Under an European Court of Justice ruling dubbed Schrems II, certain data transfers outside the EU must take account of “the level of protection”, with particular focus on access by state authorities, afforded to the user’s data at the other end.
Veale said China’s data laws could lead to questions being raised over the security of even limited data transfers. However he added: “I’m not convinced that the Chinese government’s focus is currently on spying on individuals’ TikTok data. They have other means to obtain private information. Growing and deepening an influential platform is itself a powerful goal.”
In a blog post last year TikTok said it was “aligned” with the regulatory direction set out by the Schrems II ruling.
In the UK, the Information Commissioner’s Office, the country’s data watchdog, is consulting on new guidance for data transfers post-Brexit. However, the government has paused a new data reform bill.
In October, TikTok denied a report in the business publication Forbes that it was used to “target” US citizens. Forbes had reported that it planned to track the location of at least two people via the video-sharing app.
In the privacy policy update Fox said TikTok did not collect “precise location information” from users in Europe, whether based on GPS technology or otherwise. In its current iteration the privacy policy states: “With your permission, we may also collect precise location information (such as GPS).”
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continuumss · 2 years
Bound states in the continuum
Bound The Continuum states in the continuum (BICs) are waves that stay restricted despite the fact that they exist together with a consistent range of emanating waves that can divert energy. Their very presence opposes the customary way of thinking. In spite of the fact that BICs were first proposed in quantum mechanics, they are a general wave peculiarity and have since been recognized in electromagnetic waves, acoustic waves in air, water waves and versatile waves in solids. These states have been concentrated on in a great many material frameworks, for example, piezoelectric materials, dielectric photonic gems, optical waveguides and filaments, quantum specks, graphene and topological separators. In this Survey, we portray late improvements in this field with an accentuation on the actual systems that lead to BICs across apparently altogether different materials and sorts of waves. We additionally examine test acknowledge, existing applications and bearings for future work.
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Photons with turn rakish energy have natural chirality, which supports numerous peculiarities including nonlinear optics1, quantum optics2, topological photonics3 and chiroptics4. Characteristic chirality is feeble in regular materials, and ongoing hypothetical proposals5,6,7 planned to expand round dichroism by full metasurfaces supporting bound states in the continuum that improve considerably chiral light-matter cooperations. Those adroit works resort to three-layered refined calculations, which are too difficult to be in any way acknowledged for optical frequencies8. In this way, the majority of the trial attempts9,10,11 showing solid round dichroism depend on bogus/extraneous chirality by utilizing either slanted incidence9,10 or primary anisotropy11. Here we report on the trial acknowledgment of valid/characteristic chiral reaction with thunderous metasurfaces in which the designed inclination math breaks both in-plane and out-of-plane balances. Our outcome marks, as far as anyone is concerned, the main perception of natural chiral bound states in the continuum with close solidarity round dichroism of 0.93 and a top notch factor surpassing 2,663 for noticeable frequencies. Our chiral metasurfaces may prompt a plenty of utilizations in chiral light sources and finders, chiral detecting, valleytronics and deviated photocatalysis.
The joint endeavor between Hoi Hup Realty and Sunway Improvements has gained the Thiam Siew site, a package of land between Tanjong Katong Street and Haig Street at Thiam Siew Road, Tanjong Katong D15, in Singapore.
The $815 million arrangement, which got through a serious offering process, will see the joint endeavor get responsibility for two plots, which are reserved for private turn of events. The land has an area of 263,794 square meters and a plot proportion of 2.8, per the 2019 Ground breaking strategy URA.
Taking into account the price tag and assessed advancement expenses of roughly $284 million, the land cost is around $ 1,488 for each square meter. Counting the assessed 7% overhang region, or around $39.3 million, the land cost is $1,440 psf ppr.
As per the undertaking designers, two extravagance skyscraper edifices with in excess of 800 private units will be based on the site. Because of its essential area in prime Locale 15, the undertaking is supposed to be generally welcomed on the lookout.
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violetsystems · 2 years
Outside of looking for jobs and hanging out with mutuals here, I lead an extremely boring life. Or so it would seem. I've tried to increase my visibility on social media a bit but it seems like I'm not important enough to bleed through any algorithmic wall. My old job was getting sort of long in the tooth and I had been networking to find another path. But I come from an era where if being too weird on high profile social media would interfere with those kind of career goals. For as under the radar I am, people do single me out and target me often. And the last few weeks, it's been a certain type of person who apparently got my number off my CV. Everybody down here knows I've written at length about bizarre shit in my own cringeworthy way. It's half trauma dump and half police blotter. But how it all shakes out is what I pay attention to. And while people might stalk my Tumblr, I don't really interact too much with people I don't really know. Seeing as how random women from China and Singapore just casually text me like it's the wrong number. I had to put the kibosh on that by impersonating a field agent. It doesn't really register to people when I tell them that my current job is somewhere between private detective and cybersecurity professional. You'd have to be Columbo to find a job in this market at my age. But Tumblr to me always resembled the house parties I used to frequent back in the day when I worked at an art school. People were more focused on a community back then. Although I remember the fateful halloween when I was stuck in a corner at a party by myself scrolling through this app on my phone. The etiquette and culture of Tumblr these days has evolved as we've all aged maybe. I still don't really know who anyone is. And it's in this anonymity that you really connect with people in an honest way. Talking through images rather than beating people over the head with sales pitches and commercial networking is a lot more intimate to me. Like being on a couch at party with friends, leaning over to whisper in someone's ear over all the noise. And then there's Linkedin where it seems only rich Asian women find me interesting enough to text out of nowhere and berate me for being poor. But for all the crazy shit I've written on here, I've only really been hazed and bullied in real life almost every day of it. But I think it has more to do with people's perception of me outside of here. Nobody but my real friends read these. Nobody in my past life really even bothers to check in on me to see if I'm ok. So all I really have is the peace and quiet of this platform. And how dead to the world I am because of it.
I bring up this Hiroshi Fujiwara quote every six months to explain how I feel about this site. He said because of the internet there aren't really any more revivals anymore. The punk way of finding out what you are into via the internet is very close to the house party scene that vanished into clubs. You'd go to a basement show and see some sick ass fucking shit. You'd meet some people and it would be a chaotic mess of noise, art, and free spirit. Now everything needs to be monetized. I keep hearing about all these people dj'ing now that have to sell tickets or promote fake plants who might just be undercover police. How nobody makes music really or it's not important enough to listen to. I had one person I fell out of contact with tell another friend I'm sort of falling out of contact with that I needed to "get back on my social media grind." I was a great producer. But there was something missing. I didn't expose my facial features to the Instagram AI enough to be a real person. Instagram isn't going to pay me. Neither is Tumblr but it's the thought that counts. I spent most of the last two and a half years trying to maintain a professional presence on the professional website where you can get a job. And I hung out in not so much the vip lounge but the smoking section of Denny's comparatively when you think about my time on Tumblr. People aren't afraid to be seen because nobody is watching. And when people come down here to watch, I wonder sometimes if the algorithm just throws weak shit out of orbit. If I wanted to meet new people, they seem to think my resume at this point is a dating service. Pete Davidson can't even get a number at the Met Gala. I have a different problem. But it's something I'm trained professionally to deal with as a cybersecurity contractor nobody seems to want to admit breathes or has fiscal needs beyond my own passive income. I'm everybody's favorite punching bag by proxy for something I'm not even part of anymore. Art School hired me for two decades then shunned me like I wasn't cool anymore. And I ended up down here cash positive while everyone else is worried about resuming their student loans. That's not something I make light of. But I have a hard time feeling sorry for fake ass bullshit when it tries to pretend I died instead of acknowledging the pain I put behind me.
For whatever it's worth I write here week after week because I choose to. If I really believed in fate, then the scientific method has taught me it only nudges you in a general direction. You have to make the choice to focus on what you really want. That bit about evil I was going to write about in Time Bandits is mostly from that catfished WhatsApp storm of messages. Do I believe in fate? Do I believe that the people I've grown close to on Tumblr and off have nothing to do with me making a choice to change my own orbit? No. I could have sat here and been the person everyone out there wants me to be. Weak. Complacent. Never questioning anything. Afraid to speak my mind in fear someone will make fun of what I say. We are way past those red lines. What I walk through every day is nothing more than some ghetto ass catwalk slash commercial for an under appreciative audience of people ready to throw tomatoes at the world stage. The culture has fallen into atrophy. CEO's think they can become social media czars and turn entire platforms into a standing meeting or SCRUM. And that person had the money to buy it out completely. I was on Linkedin the other day and Yahoo had a poll about what other social media were you going to choose like it was the Pepsi Coca Cola wars all over again. Obviously Tumblr wasn't listed. I said the one you let get away. The reality that Tumblr is weird has a lot more to do with being shunned, abandoned and left to grow. Nobody wanted to pay attention to our wants and needs or what we thought was cool. And now what we all thought was cringe is just the unassuming and honest embrace of the underground. There's nothing really to keep weird other than the vision of what we've all become. Ourselves. The book True Names by Vernor Vinge embraced the ethos of what Cyber "Punk" was supposed to be about. You never gave your true name unless you wanted them to find you. And in my case, I've always been on main. That's been my ideological choice to be hardcore. Even if my name isn't my own. Just like the samples I've used in my music has gotten me excommunicated by Pitchfork and Hyperdub as some divine punishment for following the rules of a music called Jungle which sampled the Amen Brother so many fucking times that it's the idea and not the intellectual property. Do I fucking care? No. Everybody knows me in the She-Hulk sense of the word. Violet Fucking Systems. And I run the hazy strategically ambiguous culture that has connected me in bizarre ways to people I love without saying a word. Nobody will ever understand it or get close enough to it if only to throw rocks. And the cringe shield around me is about as thick as the ass I focus on daily. Poetically speaking of course. I don't know how fat your ass is, baby. Though I'm sure it's juicy in the exotic burger sense of the word. But I love you for it just the same. In the gyakusou sense. Which in Japanese means reverse cowgirl or something. I dunno. It's the only one for me. Just like Tumblr. <3 Tim
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royal-premier-pac · 17 days
Comprehensive Guide to Choosing the Right Audit Firm in Singapore
In today's dynamic business environment, auditing plays a pivotal role in maintaining financial transparency, accuracy, and regulatory compliance. Companies in Singapore, a leading global financial hub, are required to adhere to strict financial standards. Hence, choosing the right audit firm is crucial for the long-term success of any business. This blog will explore the importance of auditing, what to look for in an audit firm, and how audit firms in Singapore, such as Royal Premier PAC, ensure that companies meet all their regulatory obligations.
Importance of Auditing in Singapore
Auditing ensures that a company's financial statements are fair, accurate, and compliant with the regulatory framework. Here’s why auditing is indispensable:
1. Financial Transparency
Audits help verify the accuracy of financial reports, providing stakeholders with confidence in the company’s financial health. Investors, lenders, and shareholders rely on audited financial statements to make informed decisions.
2. Regulatory Compliance
Singapore has stringent laws regarding corporate governance and financial reporting. The Companies Act mandates that companies meet specific auditing requirements based on their size and structure. Regular audits ensure adherence to these regulations, helping businesses avoid legal penalties.
3. Fraud Prevention
An external audit is an essential mechanism to detect and prevent financial mismanagement and fraud. By identifying discrepancies, audit firms help businesses protect their assets and maintain credibility.
4. Tax Reporting
A thorough audit ensures that businesses comply with tax regulations, reducing the risk of inaccurate tax reporting or underpayment. This also helps identify any potential tax-saving opportunities.
Types of Audits Conducted by Firms in Singapore
There are different types of audits that a company might require, depending on its industry and size. Here are the most common ones:
1. Statutory Audits
A statutory audit is legally required for most companies registered in Singapore. This audit involves examining financial statements to ensure they provide a fair and accurate view of the company’s financial standing. Small exempt private companies (EPCs) may be exempt from statutory audits if their annual revenue is below SGD 5 million.
2. Internal Audits
Internal audits focus on a company’s internal controls and governance procedures. These audits are often commissioned by management to assess the company’s operations, risk management processes, and compliance with internal policies. The goal is to improve operational efficiency and reduce risks.
3. Tax Audits
Tax audits help businesses ensure their tax returns are accurate and comply with the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) regulations. It identifies potential areas where companies can improve their tax strategy and avoid penalties for incorrect filings.
4. Forensic Audits
Forensic audits are conducted when there’s suspicion of fraud or financial misconduct. This type of audit requires specialized skills to investigate financial irregularities and support legal proceedings if necessary.
5. Compliance Audits
Compliance audits assess whether a company is adhering to regulatory standards in areas such as labor laws, environmental regulations, and industry-specific guidelines. This is essential for companies in highly regulated sectors such as finance, healthcare, and manufacturing.
Key Factors to Consider When Choosing an Audit Firm in Singapore
Selecting the right audit firm can be a complex decision. Here are essential factors to consider:
1. Reputation and Experience
The audit firm’s reputation in the market is crucial. Look for firms with a proven track record and strong experience in your industry. Well-established firms, such as Royal Premier PAC, offer expertise across various sectors and can handle complex auditing needs efficiently.
2. Qualification and Licensing
Ensure the audit firm is licensed and registered with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) in Singapore. ACRA monitors auditors' performance and ensures they comply with professional standards. Only licensed firms are authorized to conduct statutory audits.
3. Industry Specialization
Every industry has unique auditing requirements. Choosing an audit firm with experience in your specific sector ensures they understand the nuances of your business. For instance, companies in the tech, manufacturing, or financial sectors will benefit from audit firms that specialize in those industries.
4. Range of Services
A comprehensive audit firm should offer more than just statutory audits. Look for firms that provide internal audits, tax audits, forensic audits, and risk management services. This allows you to work with a single firm for all your auditing needs, ensuring consistency and efficiency.
5. Use of Technology
Modern auditing requires the use of advanced technology and tools to analyze large data sets efficiently. Audit firms that invest in data analytics, automation, and cloud-based solutions provide faster, more accurate results. Technology also helps in detecting potential fraud or risks earlier in the audit process.
6. Fee Structure
Cost is always a consideration, but it’s essential not to compromise quality for price. While some audit firms may offer lower fees, they may not provide the level of detail and expertise your company needs. It’s crucial to find a firm that balances cost with quality services.
7. Communication and Client Service
Effective communication is key to a successful audit. The audit firm should maintain transparency and keep you informed throughout the process. They should be accessible, approachable, and able to explain complex financial concepts clearly. High-quality client service ensures that your concerns and questions are addressed promptly.
8. Global Reach
If your company operates internationally, you may need an audit firm with a global network. Firms with international affiliations can offer advice on cross-border regulations and ensure your business complies with foreign financial laws.
Why Businesses in Singapore Choose Royal Premier PAC
Royal Premier PAC is one of the leading audit firms in Singapore, trusted by businesses across industries. Here’s why they are a top choice for auditing services:
1. Extensive Experience
Royal Premier PAC has years of experience working with businesses of all sizes, from small startups to large multinational corporations. Their auditors are skilled in providing accurate and detailed audits, ensuring financial transparency.
2. Industry Expertise
Royal Premier PAC specializes in various industries, including finance, healthcare, retail, and technology. This means they understand the specific challenges and regulations relevant to your business.
3. Comprehensive Services
In addition to statutory audits, Royal Premier PAC offers internal audits, risk management, tax audits, and compliance services. Their wide range of services allows businesses to consolidate their auditing needs under one roof, saving time and resources.
4. Innovative Technology
Royal Premier PAC utilizes the latest auditing software and data analytics tools. This technology enables them to conduct audits more efficiently, with higher accuracy and faster turnaround times.
5. Commitment to Compliance
Royal Premier PAC ensures that every audit is conducted in strict accordance with Singapore’s regulatory framework. Their team of auditors stays updated on the latest legal requirements, ensuring your business remains compliant with all relevant laws.
6. Competitive Pricing
While providing top-tier auditing services, Royal Premier PAC offers competitive pricing packages. They understand that businesses have budgets to manage, and they work to provide cost-effective solutions without compromising on quality.
Benefits of Partnering with a Reliable Audit Firm in Singapore
Partnering with a reputable audit firm like Royal Premier PAC offers numerous benefits:
1. Improved Financial Accuracy
By working with skilled auditors, businesses can improve the accuracy of their financial reports, which builds trust with investors and stakeholders.
2. Risk Mitigation
Audits help identify potential risks, including operational inefficiencies and compliance gaps. Addressing these risks early on prevents them from escalating into larger issues.
3. Enhanced Corporate Governance
Regular audits encourage companies to maintain strong internal controls and governance practices, promoting accountability and transparency.
4. Better Decision Making
Audited financial statements provide reliable data, enabling management to make informed decisions on financial strategy, expansion, and risk management.
5. Long-Term Sustainability
A commitment to regular audits demonstrates a company’s dedication to sustainability, ethical practices, and regulatory compliance, ensuring long-term success.
Choosing the right audit firm in Singapore is critical for maintaining financial integrity and compliance with the law. With a firm like Royal Premier PAC, businesses can trust they are receiving accurate, reliable, and comprehensive auditing services tailored to their specific needs. From statutory audits to complex forensic investigations, a reputable audit firm ensures your business remains compliant and positioned for long-term success.
As you evaluate audit firms, consider their experience, reputation, and range of services to ensure you partner with a firm that aligns with your business goals. Whether you’re a small business or a multinational corporation, the right audit firm will play a pivotal role in your financial well-being.
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logicthink12 · 2 years
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"AI-Enabled Imaging: Enhancing Precision or Just Expanding Surveillance?"
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This market's growth is driven by increasing awareness of the early detection of chronic diseases, improved clinical decision-making and accuracy through AI, a shortage of healthcare professionals, advancements in AI technology, and rising regulatory approvals for AI-enabled devices. Additionally, the expanding therapeutic applications of AI-enabled devices contribute to market growth.
Market Lifecycle Stage
The AI-enabled medical imaging solutions market is currently in its development phase. Opportunities within this market are being fueled by the increasing adoption of AI and deep learning in imaging systems, technological advancements in imaging devices, and the growing use of AI-enabled medical imaging solutions in emerging markets. Key market trends include numerous collaborations among industry players, the adoption of machine learning and deep learning technologies in medical imaging, the introduction of new products, and the expansion of companies into the global market.
Impact of COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic initially shifted the focus of healthcare systems towards managing the crisis, leading to reduced hospital budgets and slower growth for AI applications. However, AI has been increasingly deployed in radiology departments worldwide to combat COVID-19. AI-based tools played a crucial role in diagnosis, prognosis evaluation, pandemic prediction, and drug discovery related to COVID-19, as highlighted in a September 2021 study published in Frontiers titled "Artificial Intelligence for COVID-19: A Systematic Review." This led to a positive impact on the adoption of AI in clinical settings and decision-making processes during the pandemic.
Sample pages of Report: https://www.infiniumglobalresearch.com/form/919?name=Sample
Market Segmentation
By Modality:
Computed Tomography (CT)
Magnetic Resonance (MR)
Multimodality Imaging Systems
Other Modalities
The CT segment is expected to dominate the global AI-enabled medical imaging solutions market.
By Product:
The software segment holds the largest share in the global AI-enabled medical imaging solutions market.
By Deployment Model:
Cloud- and Web-Based Solutions
On-Premises Solutions
Cloud- and web-based solutions dominate the global market in this category.
By Workflow:
Image Acquisition
Image Analysis
Diagnosis and Treatment Decision Support
Predictive Analysis and Risk Assessment
Reporting and Communication
The image analysis segment is expected to lead the market based on workflow.
By Therapeutic Application:
Specialty Imaging
General Imaging
Specialty imaging is anticipated to dominate the global market.
By Region:
North America: U.S., Canada
Europe: Germany, France, U.K., Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden, Netherlands, and Rest-of-Europe
Asia-Pacific: Japan, China, India, Australia and New Zealand, South Korea, Singapore, and Rest-of-Asia-Pacific
Rest-of-the-World: Israel, Brazil, Mexico, and Rest-of-the-World
North America is the leading region in the global AI-enabled medical imaging solutions market.
Recent Developments in the Global AI-Enabled Medical Imaging Solutions Market
November 2022: Aidoc received U.S. FDA approval for its CT-based AI solution for diagnosing aortic dissection (AD) and all vessel occlusions (VOs).
September 2022: Aidoc partnered with Sana Klinikum Lichtenberg, Germany's largest private hospital network, to integrate its AI solution for pulmonary embolism (PE) across all facilities.
June 2022: Blackford Analysis Limited partnered with Us2.ai to bring advanced echocardiography analysis tools to the Blackford Platform.
May 2022: Butterfly Network, Inc. partnered with the Medical University of South Carolina to work on transforming patient care, health education, and medical research.
August 2021: Blackford Analysis Limited partnered with Qlarity Imaging to bring QuantX Diagnostic AI to radiologists via the Blackford Platform.
September 2021: Aidoc and Subtle Medical partnered to establish end-to-end AI solutions for medical imaging.
December 2020: Agfa HealthCare launched RUBEE for AI, a product that helps hospitals integrate AI into their imaging networks.
May 2020: Agfa HealthCare partnered with Northwest Clinics to expand the imaging platform of clinics with RUBEE for AI.
November 2021: Butterfly Network, Inc. formed a distribution partnership with Abdul Latif Jameel Health to distribute its Butterfly iQ+ ultrasound device across the Middle East, North Africa, Turkey, and India.
August 2021: Caption Health partnered exclusively with Butterfly Network Inc. to enhance early disease detection and management with AI-based diagnostics.
Report Overview : https://www.infiniumglobalresearch.com/market-reports/global-ai-enabled-imaging-solutions-market
How This Report Adds Value to an Organization
Product/Innovation Strategy: The report provides a comprehensive understanding of the various AI-enabled medical imaging solutions available for hospitals and diagnostic centers. It covers different modalities (CT, MR, X-ray, ultrasound, mammography, multimodality imaging systems, and other modalities), products (software and hardware), deployment models (cloud- and web-based solutions and on-premises solutions), workflows (image acquisition, image analysis, detection, diagnosis and treatment decision support, predictive analysis and risk assessment, triage, and reporting and communication), and therapeutic applications (specialty imaging and general imaging).
Growth/Marketing Strategy: The global AI-enabled medical imaging solutions market has witnessed significant developments, including business expansions, partnerships, collaborations, mergers and acquisitions, product launches, and funding activities. Partnerships, alliances, and business expansions make up the majority of developments in this market, followed by regulatory and legal activities and new product offerings.
Competitive Strategy: Key players in the global AI-enabled medical imaging solutions market are analyzed and profiled, with a detailed product benchmarking based on workflow, modality, and therapeutic application. This helps the reader understand how players compare against each other, presenting a clear market landscape. Additionally, the report provides insights into competitive strategies such as partnerships, agreements, collaborations, product launches and approvals, and funding scenarios, aiding in the identification of untapped revenue opportunities within the market.
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Understanding Educational Psychologists in Singapore: Supporting Learning and Development
Educational psychologists play a crucial role in helping students overcome learning challenges and achieve their full potential. In Singapore, the demand for educational psychologists has grown as parents, educators, and institutions recognize the importance of addressing the diverse needs of students, especially those with learning difficulties or developmental disorders. This article explores the role of educational psychologists in Singapore and how they contribute to the educational journey of students.
What is an Educational Psychologist?
An educational psychologist Singapore is a specialized professional who focuses on understanding how students learn and develop within educational settings. They assess and support students who may be struggling with learning difficulties, developmental delays, behavioral issues, or emotional challenges. Through a combination of assessments, interventions, and consultations, educational psychologists work to create an optimal learning environment for each student.
Why Seek an Educational Psychologist in Singapore?
Assessment and Diagnosis: Educational psychologists are trained to conduct comprehensive assessments to identify learning disabilities such as dyslexia, ADHD, and autism spectrum disorders. These assessments provide detailed insights into a student's cognitive, emotional, and behavioral functioning, which are critical for accurate diagnosis and effective intervention.
Personalized Learning Plans: Based on the assessment results, educational psychologists develop individualized learning plans that cater to the specific needs of the student. These plans may include specialized teaching strategies, accommodations, and tools to help the student succeed academically.
Behavioral and Emotional Support: Students with learning difficulties often face emotional and behavioral challenges. Educational psychologists provide support in managing these issues, helping students develop coping strategies, improve self-esteem, and enhance social skills.
Collaboration with Educators and Parents: Educational psychologists work closely with teachers, parents, and school administrators to implement effective strategies in the classroom and at home. They provide guidance on how to support the student's learning and emotional needs, ensuring a collaborative approach to the student's development.
Early Intervention: Early identification and intervention are key to helping students overcome learning challenges. Educational psychologists in Singapore often work with young children to detect developmental delays or learning disabilities early, allowing for timely and effective support.
Where to Find an Educational Psychologist in Singapore
Singapore offers a range of services for students who need educational psychological support. These services are available through:
Public Schools: Many public schools in Singapore have access to educational psychologists who work with students identified as needing additional support. These psychologists assess students, consult with teachers, and help develop individualized education plans (IEPs).
Private Practices and Clinics: Numerous private clinics and practices in Singapore offer educational psychological services. These clinics often provide more personalized attention and specialized services, including in-depth assessments and ongoing therapy.
Special Education Schools: Schools dedicated to students with special needs, such as the Dyslexia Association of Singapore (DAS), employ educational psychologists who specialize in supporting students with specific learning disabilities.
Government and Non-Profit Organizations: Organizations like the Ministry of Education (MOE) and the Singapore Association for Mental Health (SAMH) provide resources and services that include educational psychological support for students and families.
Educational psychologists Singapore play a vital role in supporting students who face learning and developmental challenges. By providing comprehensive assessments, personalized learning plans, and emotional support, these professionals help students overcome obstacles and achieve their full potential. Whether through public schools, private clinics, or specialized organizations, educational psychologists are essential partners in ensuring that every student receives the education and support they need to thrive.
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sparticlem · 1 month
Astrol Security Engineering Pte Ltd - Guarding Singapore's Spaces: Ensuring Security Services in Singapore
With a comprehensive network of security services in Singapore, the nation has assumed the role of a formidable global sentinel, leaving no stone unturned in safeguarding the sanctity and serenity of its populace and guests. From bustling shopping malls to iconic landmarks and vital transportation hubs, Singapore's commitment to physical security is unwavering. In this article, we delve into the importance of these security services and explore the measures taken to safeguard Singapore's spaces.
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A Multifaceted Approach to Security
Securing public spaces and critical infrastructure requires a multifaceted approach that combines technology, trained personnel, and effective strategies. Security services in Singapore encompass a wide range of areas, including:
a. Surveillance Systems: Singapore's public spaces are a true symphony of vigilance, orchestrated by cutting-edge surveillance systems featuring CCTV cameras at every strategic note. These systems not only serve as a deterrent but also provide real-time monitoring and evidence collection.
b. Access Control Systems: Critical infrastructure and high-security areas are equipped with access control systems that regulate entry and exit. These systems employ technologies such as biometric authentication, smart cards, and facial recognition to ensure only authorised personnel have access.
c. Security Personnel: Trained security personnel, both uniformed and plainclothes, play a vital role in maintaining the safety and security of public spaces. They conduct regular patrols, manage crowd control, and respond swiftly to any security threats.
Protecting Public Spaces
Singapore takes great pride in its public spaces, which are designed to be inclusive, welcoming, and safe for all. The security services in Singapore prioritise the protection of these spaces, ensuring that residents and visitors can enjoy them without fear. Here are some key initiatives:
a. Enhanced Police Presence: The Singapore Police Force maintains a visible presence in public areas, providing a sense of security and deterring criminal activities.
b. Emergency Response Readiness: Emergency response teams are strategically stationed across the city, ready to swiftly address any incidents or emergencies.
c. Community Vigilance: Singapore encourages its residents to play an active role in maintaining public safety. Community-based programs and campaigns promote vigilance and reporting of suspicious activities.
Safeguarding Critical Infrastructure
Critical infrastructure, including transportation systems, power plants, and water treatment facilities, forms the backbone of Singapore's economy and daily life. Security services in Singapore take significant measures to protect these vital assets:
a. Advanced Perimeter Security: Critical infrastructure facilities are fortified with advanced perimeter security systems, including barriers, intrusion detection sensors, and surveillance technologies.
b. Cybersecurity Measures: Recognising the growing threat of cyber attacks, Singapore has implemented robust cybersecurity measures to safeguard critical infrastructure from digital threats.
c. Collaborative Partnerships: The government collaborates closely with private sector organisations operating critical infrastructure to ensure a coordinated and comprehensive security approach.
Ensuring Safety in Mass Gatherings
Singapore is no stranger to hosting large-scale events and gatherings, ranging from international conferences to major sporting events. Security services play a critical role in ensuring the safety of participants and spectators. Measures such as crowd management, bag checks, and enhanced security screenings are implemented to mitigate potential risks and maintain order during these events.
Embracing Technological Advancements
Singapore's security services continuously embrace technological advancements to stay ahead of evolving threats. Innovations such as facial recognition systems, drone surveillance, and artificial intelligence-driven analytics are deployed to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of security operations. By leveraging cutting-edge technologies, Singapore reinforces its position as a global leader in security services.
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Singapore's commitment to guarding its spaces through robust security services is commendable. The nation's emphasis on technology, trained personnel, and proactive strategies sets a high standard for security worldwide. By prioritising the safety of public spaces and critical infrastructure, Singapore continues to thrive as a safe and secure destination. Whether it is through advanced surveillance systems, enhanced police presence, or community involvement, security services in Singapore work tirelessly to maintain peace and stability.  Contact Astrol Security Engineering today to learn more.
Read More: https://civicsystemslab.org/guarding-singapores-spaces-ensuring-security-services-in-singapore/
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mihirahir · 3 months
Going Global: Why International VPS Hosting Matters for Your Website's Success
The internet has shrunk the world, making it easier than ever to reach a global audience. If your website aspires to break geographical barriers and connect with users worldwide, choosing the right virtual private server (VPS) hosting provider becomes crucial. This article delves into the world of VPS hosting with international servers, explaining its significance and guiding you towards making an informed decision.
What is VPS Hosting and Why is it Ideal for Global Websites?
VPS hosting offers a sweet spot between shared hosting and dedicated servers. Unlike shared hosting, where multiple websites share resources on a single server, VPS grants you a dedicated portion of the resources on a physical server. This translates to better performance, security, and control over your website's environment compared to shared hosting. However, VPS remains more cost-effective than dedicated servers, making it a popular choice for websites experiencing growth.
For websites targeting a global audience, international VPS hosting becomes a game-changer. Here's how:
Improved Website Speed and Performance: When users access your website from a location geographically distant from your server, it can lead to slow loading times. By strategically placing your VPS server closer to your target audience, you significantly reduce latency (delay) and ensure a faster, more responsive website experience.
Enhanced Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Search engines like Google prioritize websites that deliver a good user experience. Page loading speed is a critical factor in SEO rankings. International VPS hosting can improve your website's speed in different regions, potentially boosting your search engine ranking and visibility globally.
Reduced Content Delivery Network (CDN) Costs: CDNs are geographically distributed networks of servers that cache your website's content and deliver it to users from the closest server location. While CDNs are a powerful tool, they can come with additional costs. By strategically placing your VPS servers in key regions, you can potentially reduce your reliance on a CDN, saving on costs without compromising performance.
The Power of Geographically Distributed Servers
Many VPS hosting providers offer servers located in various countries and continents. This allows you to choose the server location(s) closest to your target audience. Imagine your website catering to users in Europe and Asia. By opting for a VPS provider with servers in Frankfurt (Germany) and Singapore, you can cater to both regions effectively.
Choosing the Right VPS Hosting Provider with International Servers
With a plethora of VPS hosting providers offering international servers, selecting the right one can be overwhelming. Here are some key factors to consider:
Server Locations: Ensure the provider offers servers in the regions where your target audience resides. Look for a good balance between coverage and cost.
Server Performance: Consider factors like CPU core count, RAM capacity, and storage space. Choose a plan that aligns with your website's resource requirements.
Network Connectivity: A reliable and high-bandwidth network is essential for fast content delivery. Look for providers with strong network infrastructure and uptime guarantees.
DDOS Protection: Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks can cripple your website. Choose a provider offering DDoS protection to safeguard your online presence.
Security Features: Look for a provider with robust security measures in place, including firewalls, intrusion detection/prevention systems, and regular backups.
Customer Support: Reliable and responsive customer support is invaluable. Opt for a provider with 24/7 support channels, such as phone, live chat, or email.
Pricing: VPS hosting plans vary significantly in price. Compare plans based on features, server specifications, and location before making a decision. Consider providers like Nexonhost, known for offering good value for money on VPS plans.
Remember, there's no "one size fits all" solution. Evaluate your specific needs, target audience, and budget to find the best fit.
Beyond Server Location: Additional Considerations
While server location is crucial, other factors also influence your website's global reach. Here are some additional considerations:
Content Localization: If you cater to diverse audiences, consider translating your website content into their native languages. This can significantly improve user engagement.
Cultural Sensitivity: Be mindful of cultural nuances in your website design and content. Colors, symbols, and even humor can have different meanings across cultures.
Payment Gateway Integration: Make sure your website accepts payments from your target audience's preferred payment methods.
Conclusion: Reach the World with International VPS Hosting
By choosing the right VPS hosting provider with strategically placed international servers, you can equip your website to thrive in the global marketplace. Remember, a global audience requires a global approach. Invest in the right tools and resources to connect with users worldwide and achieve your online success goals.
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Esophageal Cancer in Singapore: Awareness, Risk Factors, and Treatment Options
Esophageal cancer, also known as oesophageal cancer, develops in the esophagus, the muscular tube connecting your throat to your stomach. This cancer disrupts the smooth passage of food and liquids, causing a range of uncomfortable symptoms. While not as common as other cancers, esophageal cancer can be life-threatening if left undiagnosed or untreated.
Understanding Esophageal Cancer in Singapore
In Singapore, esophageal cancer ranks as the 19th most common cancer, with a higher incidence among men. Though the exact causes remain unknown, several risk factors contribute to its development. Early awareness and understanding these factors are crucial for prevention and timely intervention.
Risk Factors for Esophageal Cancer
Smoking: Smoking is a major risk factor, damaging the cells lining the esophagus.
Heavy Alcohol Consumption: Excessive alcohol intake irritates the esophageal lining, increasing cancer risk.
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD): Chronic heartburn and acid reflux can lead to Barrett's esophagus, a precancerous condition.
Diet: A diet low in fruits and vegetables and high in processed foods may contribute to esophageal cancer risk.
Obesity: Being overweight or obese increases the risk of GERD, indirectly impacting esophageal cancer risk.
Genetics: In some cases, a family history of esophageal cancer can indicate a genetic predisposition.
Symptoms of Esophageal Cancer
Early detection significantly improves treatment outcomes. Here are some common symptoms of esophageal cancer to be aware of:
Difficulty swallowing (dysphagia), starting with solids and progressing to liquids.
Painful swallowing (odynophagia).
Unintentional weight loss.
Persistent heartburn and indigestion.
Feeling of food getting stuck in the throat.
Chronic cough or hoarseness.
Vomiting blood or bloody stools.
Diagnosis of Esophageal Cancer
If you experience any of these symptoms, consulting a doctor is crucial. Early diagnosis involves a combination of tests, including:
Upper endoscopy: A thin, flexible tube with a camera is inserted through the mouth to examine the esophagus.
Barium swallow: An X-ray using a contrast liquid to visualize the esophagus for abnormalities.
Biopsy: A small tissue sample is collected during endoscopy and examined for cancerous cells.
Imaging tests: CT scans, PET scans, or X-rays may be used to determine cancer stage and spread.
Treatment Options for Esophageal Cancer in Singapore
The course of treatment depends on the stage and type of esophageal cancer. Here's an overview of the common treatment options available in Singapore:
Surgery: This is the primary treatment for early-stage esophageal cancer. Depending on the extent of the cancer, surgery may involve removing part or all of the esophagus and reconstructing the digestive tract.
Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy uses powerful drugs to kill cancer cells and shrink tumors. It can be administered before or after surgery or as a standalone treatment for advanced stages.
Radiation Therapy: High-energy radiation beams target and destroy cancer cells. Radiation therapy may be used before or after surgery, or in combination with chemotherapy.
Endoscopic therapy: For early-stage esophageal cancer, minimally invasive procedures like endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) or radiofrequency ablation (RFA) can be used to remove the tumor.
Living with Esophageal Cancer
After treatment, regular follow-up appointments with your doctor are essential to monitor for recurrence. Depending on the type of treatment received, dietary modifications and swallowing exercises may be recommended to manage side effects and improve your quality of life.
Singapore’s Healthcare System and Esophageal Cancer
Singapore boasts a world-class healthcare system with advanced medical facilities and highly skilled oncologists specializing in esophageal cancer treatment. Several public and private hospitals offer comprehensive treatment options, ensuring patients receive the best possible care.
Support Groups and Resources
A cancer diagnosis can be overwhelming. Fortunately, various support groups and resources are available in Singapore to help patients and their families cope with the emotional and practical challenges of esophageal cancer. The National Cancer Centre Singapore (NCCS) https://www.ardenjrsurgery.com.sg/esophageal-cancer-singapore provides patient support services, including counseling and support groups. Additionally, organizations like the Singapore Cancer Society [visit website] offer valuable information and support services.
Esophageal cancer, while a serious condition, is treatable with early detection and proper medical intervention. By understanding the risk factors, symptoms, and treatment options available in Singapore, you can empower yourself and your loved ones to make informed decisions about your health. Remember, early diagnosis is key to successful treatment. If you experience any concerning symptoms, don't hesitate to consult a doctor.
Disclaimer: This blog post provides general information only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor for personalized
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