#Pro-Abortion Tomi Lahren
Conservative News Media Promotes "Christianity." Is Conservative MAGA News Media Christian?
The Conservative MAGA News Media is Phony: They are all Actors playing a part. A Massive Talking point with “Christian” Conservatives is that the USA is now and always has been a Christian Nation. The False Claim is that Republicans are almost All Christians. The Democrats are Nearly all Non-Christians despite what they Claim, I agree with this last point. You thus cannot have a Conservative News…
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mothsocks99 · 5 years
*Tomi Lahren with a bunch of other white conservative men*
Old white republican man #1: okay so we’ve pretty much stripped down poc, lgbt+, and immigrants rights
Tomi: yes yes good
Old white republican man #1: so what next?
Old white republican man #2: we forgot to strip all women of their rights too
Old white republican man #1: including the white women too, correct?
Old white republican man #2: yes of course, including the white women
Tomi: the what
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awkward-sultana · 5 years
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oceanmonsters · 5 years
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usa-on-three · 5 years
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anamericangirl · 2 years
Tomi Lahren is pro baby murder. I knew that dumb bimbo cunt was untrustworthy and you can tell by looking at her that she's a fucking slut
Yeah I saw her say abortion shouldn't be banned because it won't ban abortion, just safe abortion. Women will die. All the fear mongering reasons pro-choicers typically give. And that's no surprise because she's pro-choice.
But there's nothing to be gained by calling her disgusting names. We need to be better than that. She's just a woman who, like many women, has been mislead by pro-choice lies and I really don't appreciate the disgusting attitude you have towards her.
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How do you feel about Tomi Lahren's pro abortion views? I think the right should abandon her and this is what we get for allowing worthless bimbos with no sense of morality on our side.
I stopped paying attention to anything about her years ago. I forget what specific thing happened, but I've knows she was nothing more than an opportunistic attention seeker for years.
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dhaaruni · 3 years
i remember back in 2017 when tomi lahren came out as pro choice and got fired for it a lot of liberals/leftists tried to frame the issue as somehow being about white feminism? which is so strange because literally everyone knows that fucking tomi lahren is not a feminist. i remember lot of liberals/leftists were dunking on “white feminist tomi lahren” and acting like white liberal women were like… idk celebrating tomi??? which obviously it would be fucking awful for liberals/leftists to (1/2)
celebrate a disgusting white supremacist like tomi, but for the most part i didn’t see any feminists defending her??? like idk maybe a few people defended her but the main sentiment i saw from liberal feminists was “yeah it’s fucked up that she got fired for being pro choice, but she’s still a shitty person and a misogynistic white supremacist”. i just think it’s incredibly weird that leftists are acting like feminists are pro republicans or pro trump when that is obviously not the case (2/2)
Right it's like how when Amy Coney Barrett was being confirmed, leftists kept on yelling that liberal women were supporting ACB as some kind of girlboss and they were just not enlightened enough to understand that ACB was bad for women despite being a woman. But, it was just a misogynistic strawman to shit on liberal women since even if women acknowledged that some Democrats were not great about Barrett and her family in a way they weren't to Gorsuch, every single liberal woman I know was completely devastated that Ruth Bader Ginsburg had died and even more upset that she was being replaced by someone who was on record saying that abortion was evil!!
In addition to blaming random liberal women for ACB, leftists also blamed Senate Democrats (who all voted in unison against her confirmation after staying up all night giving West Wing speeches against it), Ruth Bader Ginsburg for not retiring when Democrats still held the Senate and serving out her life-term until her death (since she wanted to be replaced by the first woman president), Barack Obama for not forcing RBG to retire, and Hillary Clinton for not winning the 2016 election, because they just refuse to admit that they really fucked up not fully supporting Hillary in 2016 and they're much more responsible for ACB being on the Supreme Court for life than me or Hillary or Obama or RBG herself. I for one realized that Trump could nominate conservative Supreme Court justices and I wanted to keep my bodily autonomy, which is why I wholeheartedly supported Hillary but I guess that's not what's happening anymore, is it?
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micdotcom · 8 years
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Tomi Lahren said she's pro-choice on 'The View’ and proceeded to get dragged by conservative Twitter
Strident conservative mouthpiece Tomi Lahren may finally have said too much.
In a Friday segment on The View, the 24-year-old political commentator, who has offended many with her spirited defense of President Donald Trump, gun rights and reverse racism has alienated much of her fan base with her defense of a less predictable issue: a woman's right to choose.
”I'm pro-choice and here's why," Lahren told The View co-hosts, when prompted to speak on the subject of Trump's subpar treatment of women. Read more. (3/19/2017 10:13 AM)
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Title1:https://youtu.be/Br9oJYhzj6o Title2:https://youtu.be/dUmXWsAS9rE Title3:https://youtu.be/ONWhXu9X6EA Title4:https://youtu.be/EpoPfrrNl-k Title5:https://youtu.be/TaoBfOQbqV0 Title6:https://youtu.be/GyhFidTlLtc Title7:https://youtu.be/ViTWvMgRQHU Title8:https://youtu.be/MvXC-HZMHDw Title9:https://youtu.be/E_6ci5Wb2mU Title10:https://youtu.be/iZgJnowEdCo Title11:https://youtu.be/m7NmqEDnYbc Title12:https://youtu.be/99fWbYPjg2o Title13:https://youtu.be/z9OIyoX77oA Title14:https://youtu.be/w1tyyyLWPJ8 Title15:https://youtu.be/7xinKm6ISGM Title16:https://youtu.be/KZRFtL1llsA Title17:https://youtu.be/c03R8ypVChU Title18:https://youtu.be/J9NDySeZg1g Title19:https://youtu.be/-fJRtw_Jiyc Title20:https://youtu.be/-JVGqklV9l4 Title21:https://youtu.be/PSPW7VKp_3Y Title22:https://youtu.be/xrH9ZbhLmOE Title23:https://youtu.be/_0DW_WdFnVk Title24:https://youtu.be/_Q1NBswes6U Title25:https://youtu.be/yZ5p4V6xpjk Title26:https://youtu.be/xEnyFdqk6k8 Title27:https://youtu.be/BdPwOTLlN1c Title28:https://youtu.be/ODl-Bl5MoeU Title29:https://youtu.be/y1Oaxmr_pIc Title30:https://youtu.be/sQPeQVGiY1U Title31:https://youtu.be/nkQrns3GCuQ Title32:https://youtu.be/LJU-Kyi7228 Title33:https://youtu.be/Hc_ZU8_BvCE Title34:https://youtu.be/pM_VLZ_SWTg Title35:https://youtu.be/DjQj8J1lEw8 Title36:https://youtu.be/w5aFTJIsaTo Title37:https://youtu.be/B4Ml_ayJU08 Title38:https://youtu.be/0mhxfAmSmFQ Title39:https://youtu.be/lefl31N2wG4 Title40:https://youtu.be/2Y9awD48Ab4 Title41:https://youtu.be/-tjN_Ils2rM Title42:https://youtu.be/RIJPXW0wRfo Title43:https://youtu.be/L6Hjugq6sYc Title44:https://youtu.be/juHkKsyTlDI Title45:https://youtu.be/_RAHrIXdXNQ Title46:https://youtu.be/iP8kVVyhP0M Title47:https://youtu.be/W3urlwwrn0E Title48:https://youtu.be/9iUtCgfRUpI Title49:https://youtu.be/lAT_iyAd0Sw Title50:https://youtu.be/2dFOG3mELgc
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wdshow · 8 years
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(via Rebel Media's Faith Goldy Just Shared A Teachable Moment With Tomi Lahren!)
Faith Goldy of the Rebel Media is one of my favorites over there because she breaks down an argument with precision and facts and she did it with Tomi Lahren.
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celinaxd · 5 years
Remember, Roe vs. Wade was decided by an all male Supreme Court and later the plaintiff in that case as well as women around the country who have been affected by abortion joined the pro life movement. I don’t like to get political, but Alabama did the right thing. 8 weeks is plenty of time. Most women find out they are pregnant when they miss their period. Therefore, they would have 1 month to get an abortion and plenty of abortions will still happen in Alabama because that’s around the time frame women usually end the pregnancies.
Abortion is not just the ending of a child’s life, it is the ultimate act of violence against women. Abortion is a scar women wear for the rest of their lives. It’s often a haste decision pressured by a man. Only 1 percent of abortions are from rape and incest, maybe even less. Some women will never get chances to be mothers again because with age naturally come more gynecological conditions. Half of women by their 20s and 30s will get fibroids which can make conception difficult.
I believe in ending ALL state sanctioned killings. Abortion, death penalty, euthanasia, etc. When does it end with deciding which lives are valuable? Let people live and die naturally as they always have... Sex out of wedlock and promiscuity also need to stop being promoted in this country. Then unplanned pregnancies will not be a problem.
Furthermore, conservatives like Tomi Lahren who support abortion only do so for reasons of eugenics and wanting a society in which there are less poor people. As a Republican, she should respect the rights of the states.
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reallybradjones · 6 years
Any chance you'll watch the pro-abortion Roe Vs Wade movie, starring Milo Y and Tomi Lahren.
Absolutely I will.
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demetragiblin · 6 years
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Does this journalist appeal to you because you are a digital immigrant or a digital native? Why?
It actually appeals to me because I can agree to disagree with Tomi Lahren. I am a digital immigrant, however, the only news I actually watch on television is WGN morning news as I get ready for work which is a wonderful credible new source full of factual information about what is going on in the world. Tomi is very opinionated and sometimes can seem extremely rude or mean when it comes to describing people that she doesn’t agree with. Tomi does put factual information out into society and she is basically marketing herself and promoting herself by how she speaks and comes off to others. I sparked an interest in her after reading an article and watching an interview she did about being fired from her network TheBlaze. She was fired for speaking her mind about how she feels about abortion being pro-choice. I am not saying I support abortion - but on the other hand, if you are sexually assaulted by a family member, father, son, brother, I think the woman should have the right to whether she wants to have that child or not.
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Include the number of followers the journalist has on Twitter. Based on the number of followers, do you think the journalist has a lot of online influence? Do you think the journalist is savvy on social media? If so, why? If not, why?
Tomi Lahren has 1.1M followers. I absolutely do believe she has a lot of online influence, especially with young millennials. I do think she is very savvy on social media. She is extremely blunt and in your face type of woman. I believe this is what draws people to her! She says what she means and means what she says. Tomi is humble as well and if she makes a mistake or gives false information she will correct herself to everyone!
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Does this journalist help market their news organization online?
Of course, she markets herself. She is currently working for Fox News and she is constantly posting about Fox News in her social media accounts and alerts people when she will be on the air and what she will be talking about!
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kennedyaesthetic · 7 years
I thought both speeches last night we're good.As a JFK fan, I find it ironic that JFK probably would like trumps speech more than joes because of how conservative JFK is in today's political spectrum. The only thing is I wish I knew his views on things like immigration and social issues like abortion and gay marriage. From what I've read, he probably would've been conservatives on these issues as well bc he saw things logically, not emotionally. Anyway, Joe did a good job. I like him a lot now.
With issues like gay marriage and abortion, his views aren’t known because they weren’t frequently debated issues yet, of course. By many accounts, however, he was pro-immigration. He wrote A Nation of Immigrants, pointed out that all Americans are immigrants, and spoke out against the demonizing of illegal immigrants by saying “However, under the guise of warning people about the impact of illegal immigration, these anti-immigrant groups often invoke the same dehumanizing racist stereotypes as hate groups.” This is common rhetoric amongst the Kennedy family since they were often reminded of the hardships their Irish ancestors faced simply for being Irish. This isn’t to say that there aren’t any flaws in the current system or that he would be completely satisfied with it but he still would’ve recognized the importance of immigration in our history and our future. I don’t think it’s the best idea to look at issues like these on a purely logical basis and completely disregard any emotional elements as they concern human lives. Now, on to Joe’s speech, because I need to rant again. Obviously, there were going to be some people that would hate whatever he did or said because it’s not uncommon to act like a bunch of junior high students who think anyone in their opposing party is stupid and/or evil (this attitude applies to some on both sides). However, it’s completely obvious that many people are finding the most irrelevant facts to try to insult him for basically just existing. The chapstick thing probably would’ve been a meme for anyone and, yeah, maybe someone should’ve given him a heads up but of course it doesn’t stop there. Many people are simply insulting him for being young. It’s really sad when the worst thing you can say about someone is that they’re really young when compared to many of their colleagues. Plus, we really need to get some younger people out there. People that have new ideas and lack decades worth of personal political baggage. There were people saying he can’t mention the Me Too movement because of “what his family is known for.” Of course, people were calling him an entitled, rich guy as if that doesn’t apply to the majority of politicians ever. Some people brought up Chappaquiddick because that’s just what you do. Some posted a picture of the house in Palm Beach, that the Kennedy family doesn’t even own anymore, because it has a wall so he can’t say crap about the border wall. Like, omg, it’s called a sea wall to prevent flooding because it’s on the ocean, fools. And don’t even get me started on what Tomi Lahren spewed (Maria called her out on it, though, so yay Maria!). There were also people on the far left hating on him when it was announced he would give the speech because some of his views are more moderate than entirely to the left. I could go on about this but I’ve ranted enough at this point. I’ve just been clearly feeling pretty weirdly protective when it comes to him lately so I’ll just be a mess if he ever does run for President. But anyway, I thought it was a good speech and hopefully this is the start of many. Many of his speeches or interviews I’ve seen are very articulate and passionate and we need that.
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anamericangirl · 2 years
What do you think of Tomi Lahren by the way? The bitch is pro abortion so she's no conservative lol
I'm not going to say she's not a conservative because she leans left on one issue that conservatives usually have a very strong stance on, but I'm not really a fan either. I listened to her sometimes when she was just becoming a name in the political sphere but I don't really like her.
She might be a conservative, but she's wrong about a lot. Especially when it comes to abortion.
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