#Project Yayhem
projectyayhem · 5 months
So Many New Games Update (04/13/2024)
Hey! Missed a few weeks, but we got some exciting stuff! Name, we got 3 new games going on now! How exciting!
Bioshock 2 really started off with a bang, if you know what I mean! Sure, things are bad in Rapture, but that's kind of what the city is all about, right?
Not gonna lie, the opening to Ori and the Blind Forest is fucking rough. Game seems promising, but hot damn, hope you like hearing me cry for this one!
Gris starts off and maintains a very gorgeous experience, so come check it out! There are weird bird things!
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Hey, so I don't know if you really do like boosts/recommendations/whatever, but given the current state of the LP community (and the actions of certain individuals) I kinda want to get the word out about my LP channel, Project Yayhem. It's run by me, an agender ace person and I'm trying to focus on just, like, positivity and good vibes. I've also always got at least one game running that has a female protagonist, since I feel games like that need more focus and attention. Bigotry is not allowed.
If you fancy it, check it out. :)
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writingfish · 7 years
chronologicalimplosion replied to your post “I wish lets plays would show us the failures. Like is there a cutscene...”
I've seen a lot of lets players keep their fails in, although it tends to be those playing more ragey genres or doing more longform/less edited videos. And I suppose it's rare they won't just skip through any sort of death cutscene. Is there a particular game/youtuber you're talking about?
I’m watching this one youtuber, project yayhem play a game and they kept resetting the pendulum puzzle every time it got close to killing someone. I guess they wanted to remain upbeat because in a later episode they’re like “sorry the last one was a downer”
I just really wanted to know what would happen if that pendulum fell
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projectyayhem · 3 months
Streaming Hiatus Announcement Update (06/15/2024)
Hey folks! Been really busy lately with a lot of stuff, and with that comes stress, and with stress comes a bad time to stream, so I'm gonna be taking a little break from streaming. Should be back in a couple weeks, but in the meantime, episodes will be going up regularly still! Like these ones!
Everyone loves bees! Or at least, they better. They ought to. Bees are great!
Yoshi's Story was a really fuckin' good game, right? I played the hell out of that. Anyway this episode vaguely reminded me of that game, which was great
I was gonna make a joke about someone looking vaguely like a bandit and that gives you free reign to kill them, then I realized that just makes me sound like a cop. Oh god what is this game doing to me
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projectyayhem · 4 months
Oh Gamers I'm Eepy Update (06/08/2024)
Yo folks, sorry I missed last week! I've been busy, 'cause life is a nonstop cavalcade of tasks and chores and errands and such things!
Ya know, in most cases, if you have to specific that something is not a slur, you probably just shouldn't say it. That probably would've been the smart route to go here
I live for danger! Or, well, in games I do. Except when I want to or need to be careful. Then I'll avoid danger to the best of my ability
Yo I wish I could just reach out my hand and make a sword appear. Can you imagine how sick that would be? Very. It would be very sick
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projectyayhem · 9 months
My Life Is Crumbling But Still We Update (12/17/2023)
Hey y'all! My life is completely fucked and everything is bad, but at least the episodes are still happening!
The cool thing about being a vampire in a place where you're surrounded by angry people with guns is that anything goes! You can do whatever you want, so long as you don't end up riddled with bullets!
Look, I'm gonna be honest, while pears are okay, I would not eat one that looks like a nose. If a fruit has nostrils, I am not consuming it
Like yeah, sure, all cats are magic, obviously. But sometimes a cat will actively display that magic and do magic spells, and those cats must be appreciated
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projectyayhem · 4 months
Clever Title Update (05/25/2024)
Yo folks! It's a new week and look, I'm actually making a post! That's 3 in a row, I think!
I wonder what the news ecosystem was like in Rapture. Like, how many journalists were there? How many papers? Be interesting to know
Sometimes we hate it when a frog respawns. Sometimes we hate it when it doesn't. You just can't win, if you're a frog, sometimes
Several games have you ride giant bugs and stuff to get around and hoo boy, lemme just say, not a fan. Like, I'll take a cat bus any day, but a bug car? I'll pass
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projectyayhem · 4 months
Two In A Row Update (05/18/2024)
Been a couple of busy weeks, but what's new, am I right? Anyway, new episodes!
I understand why it's called "Daddy Sense" but also good lord I hate that. Like, eugh, disgusting
Does a creature made of light have bones? Does it have skin, or blood, or meat? Or is it just light all the way down? Who can say? Not me, that's for sure
Love when a game has a town that's upside down. An upside-town, if you will. Just cool shit
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projectyayhem · 4 months
Look I've Been Busy Update (05/11/2024)
Boy howdy has it been a wild couple of weeks! But hey, the episodes keep coming!
I wish I had the ability to scream and like, break things. Though, admittedly, that does sound dangerously cathartic, so it's probably best that I don't
It's not always clear what stuff does and does not heal you in games. Most of the time, no, it does not heal you
This game is really pretty and I've heard it's very sad but we haven't gotten there yet. But baby I'm always ready to start sobbing
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projectyayhem · 7 months
Oh Wow There's Actually An Update (02/18/2024)
Hey folks! Lot been going on lately, which is why I've not been doing updates. But there have still been videos!
Oh wow, the finale of DARK! And boy howdy does it get stupid!
So I definitely remember what happens in this episode, but boy howdy do I not remember why I called it that! So, uh, I guess you should watch to find out!
Yeah, sure, having ornamentation on your melee weapon is impractical, 'cause it's probably gonna get banged up and ruined in combat or whatever. But like, can't slay if you ain't cute
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projectyayhem · 5 months
Inconsistent Weekly Update (04/28/2024)
Yo folks! Gonna be doing some special streams this week, most notably on Tuesday and Wednesday! Starting around noon probably, but keep posted here for specifics! Get hyped!
Guns ought not to melt, if you're trying to use them. Like, I wouldn't mind if all (or at least most) guns were melted down into scrap, but that's also a whole other issue
Orbs look delicious in like, 90% of games. I always wanna eat orbs. More food needs to come in orb form
The opposite of the orb, the cube, can also be a friend. Less edible, generally, but still rad
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projectyayhem · 5 months
Happy Birthday, Weed Update (4/20/2024)
Hope y'all are having a good and Saturday on this most auspicious occasion! Let's look at this week's videos!
Look, not gonna lie, I'm starting to think this Lamb lady might not be so great. Something about her making me shoot myself in the head in the opening just, I dunno, kinda put a bad taste in my mouth, ya know?
I hate icky grubyubs. They're just the worst. Always being so icky, and grubyub-y. Eugh, just terrible
Butterflies are cool, but I don't think I'd trust them to rocket me out of a cave, ya know? They just don't seem strong enough, no matter how many there are
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projectyayhem · 1 year
7 Years Ago (Yesterday), I Posted My First Video!
And it was dogshit. But since then, I've made at least a few good ones! You should watch them! I've played almost 120 different games, some of which were really, really good (and others which were not so good)! Check out my stuff!
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projectyayhem · 8 months
Definitely Remembered This Update (01/28/2024)
Whoever keeps telling you that I'm forgetting to do these updates is lying. Tell them to stop reading my diary
Look, there are lots of ways to pronounce words, and language is fake and all that really matters is that it's understood. That being said, wow they sure said "stasis" wrong, huh?
I actually just beat Underhero the other day and boy howdy does the latter like, third or so go fucking WILD. Like holy shit
Do people still say "spoopy"? Am I the only one left? Well, you can pry "spoopy" from my cold, dead, spoopy skeletal hands
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projectyayhem · 8 months
Almost Forgot This Weekly Update (01/21/2024)
Heyo heya I definitely didn't almost forget to make a post this week why would you even think such a thing that'd be wild haha anyway
Look, I'm just saying chess would be a lot more interesting if they doubled the size of the board and also added some new pieces. I mean, it's been the same game for how many years now? 'Bout time they added a dreadnought or something
Whacha gonna do with all those lumps, all those lumps and weird-ass bumps? Probably go to the dermatologist, if I can get my insurance to cover it
I am, as a general rule of thumb, not very decisive about pretty much anything. When it comes to exploration, however, I have one solid rule: Always Be Lefting
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projectyayhem · 8 months
Updately Update (01/14/2024)
Meant to do this yesterday, since I generally try to do these on Saturdays, but oh fuckin' well!
See a handheld minigun sounds like a cool thing, until you realize that oh, wait, how does it have bullets? Like, shooting 300 bullets a second or whatever is great until you realize you need to carry 300 bullets for every second you fire your gun, and that's a lot more weight than I wanna have
Personally, I love the spice. Making up some buffalo chicken right now. Salsa, though? Not a fan
Just when you think you've got a handle on things, there's always something around the corner to surprise you. Most often a powerbear. You'd think I'd start seeing them coming
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