#Mixter Casual
projectyayhem · 5 months
So Many New Games Update (04/13/2024)
Hey! Missed a few weeks, but we got some exciting stuff! Name, we got 3 new games going on now! How exciting!
Bioshock 2 really started off with a bang, if you know what I mean! Sure, things are bad in Rapture, but that's kind of what the city is all about, right?
Not gonna lie, the opening to Ori and the Blind Forest is fucking rough. Game seems promising, but hot damn, hope you like hearing me cry for this one!
Gris starts off and maintains a very gorgeous experience, so come check it out! There are weird bird things!
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orange-orchard-system · 5 months
When I think of how I prefer to refer to myselves and how I want others to refer to me-us, my plurality takes precedence over any kind of gendering.
I don't want people to look at me and see a man, woman, or anything else. I want them to see a system. I want them to refer to me in the plural. I want my plurality to be explicit, up-front, bold and in your face each time you talk about me. Make it as casual, as undeniable, as sure as stone; I am a system and that is just as, if not more, important as anything related to my gender(s). It's a core part of who I am.
I'm not just a sibling, brother, or sister; daughter, son, or child; niece or nephew – I'm a system, and that colors my relationships with family. I'm not just a boyfriend, girlfriend, joyfriend, datemate, partner – I'm a system, and that colors my relationships with potential partners. I'm not just a miss, mister, mistrum, mixter, masteress, or any other kind of honorific – I'm a system, and that colors my relationships with everyone who crosses paths with me; with everyone who knows me well enough to refer to me in such ways. My plurality heavily impacts how I navigate the world, and how the world navigates its relationship with me – so why not reflect that?
If I could, I'd be requesting people use not just plural pronouns to refer to me, but an entire category of plural explicit language. There are some words like that here and there, but I hope in the future we'll be seeing more coined and built and carved from the languages we use, as systems become comfortable and confident enough in being openly themselves that they can push not just for acceptance, but explicit inclusion.
The future is plural. And that future includes language for systems like We-I, who – to put it lightly – are dissatisfied with our current options in how we are referred to.
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I honestly can't believe that Don's whole intention with Chucky's backstory was to imply that he was born evil and nothing else could have caused him to become a killer (like being bullied, abusive parents, etc.) and that he was just born that way from the start... only to show that he did have a normal childhood, loving parents, and someone coming in and killing his dad in front of him (which is traumatic, idc what Don says 🤨), and then now in season 2 just somewhat casually revealing that Chucky did have innocence in him as a child and was basically full on groomed by his therapist into becoming what he is today
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God, I don't know in what way she groomed him (she definitely did mentally and emotionally but I'm scared that she may have done..... The Fucked Up One), but I REALLY hope we get a flashback on it AND I hope that Scout is the one that kills her out of vengeance in a future episode!
Sorry for going off pal, just have so much to talk about with this, it really affected me as well so yeah! Hope you come back soon my friend, thank you so much and have a awesome day!!
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nicascurls · 2 years
What if Dr Foley in Cult was working with Dr Mixter and Chucky?
It's obvious that both Dr Foley and Dr Mixer were both terrible people and complete creeps.
With Dr Foley though he really seemed pretty calm about a killer doll even when people were being killed. Think about it, Andy even showed Dr Foley the severed Chucky head and he seemed uninterested at best, no matter how much of a terrible person someone is surely they would be at least slightly intrigued if they saw a bloody dolls head laughing and moving.
Not to mention, this could just be a lack in continuity with the show but it's clear Good Guys we're pretty rare still in 2017 as we saw when Jake looked online and saw the price he could sell Chucky for yet Dr Foley brings one out in Cult called Chucky and casually says he asked for a Chucky from Hot Topic? Something isn't matching up, I'm thinking Dr Mixter got it for him.
Chucky wouldn't want his survivors working together and neither would Mixter. Surely if Andy had brought that head insisting Chucky was alive, given his past he would at least be assessed but they wouldn't want 2 Chucky survivors in the same place. It would be too risky for Chucky, so Mixer knowing Foley's creepy tendencies has him work with Nica in Lochmoor and dismiss Andy but without getting him locked up too.
This would also keep both Andy and Nica too far away or distracted to know what was happening with Alice. Allowing Chucky to test out the new spell. Tiffany said the doll she gives Nica was used in Alice's therapy and Mixter gave Caroline the Belle doll so what if Mixter was also the one treating Alice which is why she still trusted Chucky and believed Nica killed her parents?
Skip ahead 4 years later and Chucky is ready to start his plan. So Foley has Nica moved to Harrogate so that she can finally have visitors and that day Tiffany arrives? Not just that but with another Chucky doll telling Nica her niece is dead, at this point Foley has manipulated and hypnotised Nica enough for her to believe she was responsible for the murders. That would leave Nica vulnerable enough for Chucky to attack since she was able to get the upper hand by taunting him before. When Tiffany says Alice is dead Foley sounds more annoyed that he 'didn't know' rather than concerned and then just sat there as Tiffany continues to traumatise Nica.
Even when Nica is telling Foley that Chucky is going to kill him he doesn't even seem slightly concerned, probably because working with Mixter he believed he was safe and that was probably the plan before Chucky possessed Nica in which case Chucky probably killed him to try and make Nica fight him less.
Anyway it's just a theory but the chance is Chucky's plan wouldn't have gone anywhere if Nica had been under the care of a doctor that wasn't a corrupt creep that had her hypnotised and going through shock therapy for 4 years. So I think it is definitely a possibility.
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megamixter · 2 years
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[Image ID: Digital drawing of a brown cartoon lioness dressed like Spongebob and mopping the floor of the Krusty Krab. The lioness has a happy expression on her face and is looking towards the viewer. /. End ID]
Time to clean up! I wanted to create a new pinned post for my blog, so here we go!
My name is Mixter, but I also go by Shrimp!
My pronouns are she/her
I've been casually drawing since about 2007
Lately my main drawing program has been CSP, but I've also used FireAlpaca and Photoshop in the past
This is my personal blog, so I use it to share my art and reblog things I like! If you'd like something tagged, please send me a message.
Please check out my art tag, and check out my carrd for all the other places to find me and my art!
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thekimspoblog · 3 months
But ok here's the deal with "Good Chucky".
Season 1, we get some insight into Charles Lee Ray's backstory. And for the most part it does seem like he was just a bad seed. Which is good, because it's not like I wanted some sob story about how society is to blame anyway. But we do get the suggestion that maybe things would have turned out differently if he hadn't fallen into the care of Dr. Mixter. Because Dr. Mixter is a horrible pediatric psychiatrist, who is traumatizing her patients and giving them bad advice on purpose. She was the one who encouraged Charles's natural "gifts".
In Season 2, Jake Devon and Lexi manage to capture one of the dolls. And Jake (way too quickly, in my opinion) gets the bright idea to torture Chucky clockwork-orange style. As a result, the doll regresses to a child-like state and seemingly becomes friendly and helpful. Jake concludes that this means he managed to turn the doll good, but this hypothesis is disproven when the doll playfully manages to lure a character named Nadine up to a third story balcony and tosses her off.
In spite of all evidence to the contrary, in Season 3, Jake still insists on traveling to the spirit world to make contact with "Good Chucky" in the hopes of doing some Steven Universe "reach his heart" bullshit. This also backfires horribly just like the previous attempt. So clearly it's not like the narrative is SIDING WITH Jake. But I'm not clear on what this subplot is trying to say, if anything.
Devon has been telling Jake this entire time that he thinks this is stupid, but Devon's objections mostly center around the premise that Charles Lee Ray is pure evil and has no humanity to appeal to. None of the characters actually challenge whether - if a kernel of good in him exists - torture was the best method to reform him. And like... it can't be because Don Mancini unironically believes torture works, right?? I really hope not; when another character named Andy talks about torturing Chucky, it's rightfully depicted as a sign of Andy's deteriorating mental health. And it's not like Jake is necessarily SUPPOSED TO BE the most well-adjusted protagonist in the world. Jake talks about brainwashing his enemy so confidently and casually, there's no way the writers aren't aware how insane this character looks. Right?
I would have accepted this as a dumb plot point which got dropped, but if they keep bringing it up, I want to believe this is going somewhere. If this is building to a Holden Ford type arc where Jake loses his romantic partner because he was too preoccupied trying to understand a criminal mind, that could be pretty darkly funny. But we won't know until Season 4 whether he's going to keep screwing up like this.
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moonstone27ls · 2 years
Chucky finale...
Spoiler warning...
....you’ve been warned....
....warning you...
last warning....
Okay thoughts....
.......welp a lot happened. But mostly felt like Mancini was trying to wrap things up in case this got cancelled/or he’s ending? (again if he choses to end this show I won’t judge.)
Some drama... and some head confusion... a couple of twists.
On the upside Kyle/Andy are still alive.... so if the show ends here I’ll take that as a plus. Thought it was a little rude of Lexy to compare the pair as something bad. I’m like “Uhh kid they saved your ass on a couple of occasions at least be grateful”. And to be fair.... (although Mancini never gives a scene where they all chill/be buds), Andy was the only really obsessed to well be TRAUMATIZED on multiple occasions. Kyle I feel only went to protect him.
I have a couple of issues with the finale not so much issues just tiny nitpicks. Like when the kids reveal to their old teacher about Chucky, they do that while the cops are still in the house. I mean don’t they usually worry someone will hear/and think their nuts? Uhh feel a bit mixed with G.G. Not so much the change/and their new name. More of how and I’m going back as Glenda seemed okay with they mom being a killer/and embraced being a killer. I mean last episodes they were complaining/fighting that issue. And again going back as Glenn, Glenn was fully against killing. Sooo with G.G. being so casual what does that mean? 
Is G.G. going to embrace being a killer? Now that they are “one” being I guess? Or was that the whole point of their travels. Self discovery, find out what their role is, away from their toxic parents. I mean I do give Tiff points for loving and embracing their identities.... but yeahhh still a killer. Improving as a mom but its hard for me to embrace her as an anti-hero. Specifically again even though the show has split her and Chucky (kinda miss them sorry). She’s still very much a killer. I mean I’m sorry but suddenly she cares about how murder effects people? Where was that when literally ANY TIME she’s killed .And she did still willing kidnap Caroline so nah not totally rooting for her.
Though that being said considering how the show ended (not counting breaking fourth wall/meta Chucky)... was that Mancini’s intentions? Heh I dunno I kinda thought Tiff would possess the old doll and she and Chucky would either reconcile (sorry they’re both killers they kinda suit each other) or become rivals as killers
The drama between Jake/Devon felt like it dragged on a bit but heh at least it finished.
Uhh am I shocked that Chucky possessed and kept switching dolls? Not really. Didn’t feel sorry for Dr. Mixter she put herself in that situation, guess it makes sense now why Chucky picked those kids from last season.
Am I shocked Caroline was brainwashed?/or manipulated... uh no. I mean I the kid was literally too quiet through the ENTIRE season with no real change to her personality. Though question does her choosing evil make it bad on people with autism? Not that I know she’s autistic.... I mean felt like the show hinted but I dunno. ANyways back to that... soooo...  if the show is continued what was Chucky wanting from Caroline then? Is she a replacement for “G.G”? Would kinda explain why Chucky told her Tiff was her real mother. 
Dunno how Nica found Tiff or was able to move around so fast but dang a bit obsessed much o3o;. I mean granted I get it. But hmm.. and did G.G. help her find Tiff? Was that why they kinda left? They agreed to help but wouldn’t see it?I dunno was hoping Nica would heal and be with Andy/Kyle. I dunno what with the young three survivors, I figured Nica would be with Andy/Kyle and try to heal.
And then the Belle doll being secretly Chucky... hmm I guess I was surprised. Explained why they kept focusing on that dumb doll. Feel like they ripped that off of Sleepaway camp.
Heh do I have any thoughts? Or hopes for next season if Mancini gets one? I dunno other that the kids and Andy/Kyle/Nica surive. Heh no thats it.
Not interested in Tiff, I mean I love Tilly. But either way unless Manicini’s really okay with saying goodbye to Tilly, I don’t see her being left alone. Cause like Chucky, she’s a KILLER. Any of the 6 survivors would go after her like Chucky too.
And as mean as it is to say I don’t care about Caroline. Heh I just don’t unless next season has her missing Lexy or more sympathic eps. There isn’t much to her. I don’t hate the character just isn’t much to her for me to miss.
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projectyayhem · 3 months
Streaming Hiatus Announcement Update (06/15/2024)
Hey folks! Been really busy lately with a lot of stuff, and with that comes stress, and with stress comes a bad time to stream, so I'm gonna be taking a little break from streaming. Should be back in a couple weeks, but in the meantime, episodes will be going up regularly still! Like these ones!
Everyone loves bees! Or at least, they better. They ought to. Bees are great!
Yoshi's Story was a really fuckin' good game, right? I played the hell out of that. Anyway this episode vaguely reminded me of that game, which was great
I was gonna make a joke about someone looking vaguely like a bandit and that gives you free reign to kill them, then I realized that just makes me sound like a cop. Oh god what is this game doing to me
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projectyayhem · 4 months
Oh Gamers I'm Eepy Update (06/08/2024)
Yo folks, sorry I missed last week! I've been busy, 'cause life is a nonstop cavalcade of tasks and chores and errands and such things!
Ya know, in most cases, if you have to specific that something is not a slur, you probably just shouldn't say it. That probably would've been the smart route to go here
I live for danger! Or, well, in games I do. Except when I want to or need to be careful. Then I'll avoid danger to the best of my ability
Yo I wish I could just reach out my hand and make a sword appear. Can you imagine how sick that would be? Very. It would be very sick
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projectyayhem · 9 months
My Life Is Crumbling But Still We Update (12/17/2023)
Hey y'all! My life is completely fucked and everything is bad, but at least the episodes are still happening!
The cool thing about being a vampire in a place where you're surrounded by angry people with guns is that anything goes! You can do whatever you want, so long as you don't end up riddled with bullets!
Look, I'm gonna be honest, while pears are okay, I would not eat one that looks like a nose. If a fruit has nostrils, I am not consuming it
Like yeah, sure, all cats are magic, obviously. But sometimes a cat will actively display that magic and do magic spells, and those cats must be appreciated
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projectyayhem · 4 months
Clever Title Update (05/25/2024)
Yo folks! It's a new week and look, I'm actually making a post! That's 3 in a row, I think!
I wonder what the news ecosystem was like in Rapture. Like, how many journalists were there? How many papers? Be interesting to know
Sometimes we hate it when a frog respawns. Sometimes we hate it when it doesn't. You just can't win, if you're a frog, sometimes
Several games have you ride giant bugs and stuff to get around and hoo boy, lemme just say, not a fan. Like, I'll take a cat bus any day, but a bug car? I'll pass
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projectyayhem · 4 months
Two In A Row Update (05/18/2024)
Been a couple of busy weeks, but what's new, am I right? Anyway, new episodes!
I understand why it's called "Daddy Sense" but also good lord I hate that. Like, eugh, disgusting
Does a creature made of light have bones? Does it have skin, or blood, or meat? Or is it just light all the way down? Who can say? Not me, that's for sure
Love when a game has a town that's upside down. An upside-town, if you will. Just cool shit
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projectyayhem · 4 months
Look I've Been Busy Update (05/11/2024)
Boy howdy has it been a wild couple of weeks! But hey, the episodes keep coming!
I wish I had the ability to scream and like, break things. Though, admittedly, that does sound dangerously cathartic, so it's probably best that I don't
It's not always clear what stuff does and does not heal you in games. Most of the time, no, it does not heal you
This game is really pretty and I've heard it's very sad but we haven't gotten there yet. But baby I'm always ready to start sobbing
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projectyayhem · 7 months
Oh Wow There's Actually An Update (02/18/2024)
Hey folks! Lot been going on lately, which is why I've not been doing updates. But there have still been videos!
Oh wow, the finale of DARK! And boy howdy does it get stupid!
So I definitely remember what happens in this episode, but boy howdy do I not remember why I called it that! So, uh, I guess you should watch to find out!
Yeah, sure, having ornamentation on your melee weapon is impractical, 'cause it's probably gonna get banged up and ruined in combat or whatever. But like, can't slay if you ain't cute
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projectyayhem · 5 months
Final Fundraising Day!
Hello, gamers! It's the final day of my 3-day fundraising thing! Gonna be playing some Cult of the Lamb, then we'll see where the day takes us! Come check it out!
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projectyayhem · 5 months
Fundraising After A Car Crash!
Hey folks! Today is Day 1 of the (hopefully) 3-Day Fundraiser that I'm doing to hopefully help offset all the costs of us getting in a car accident the other week (don't worry, no one got hurt, thankfully)! Today I'm gonna be playing a bunch of different games with a bunch of cool streamers (most/all of whom I consider far outside my weight class so I'm honored they've decided to help)! Come check it out!
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