#Prosciutto Fig Pizza with Arugula
peculiar-potato · 9 days
Among Us animated series trailer analysis post!
(+ a theory on who dies first and who the impostor might be!)
here’s the trailer if you want to watch it yourself :)
This is going to be pretty long, whoops.
Firstly, overall impressions on the tone/artstyle!
I mentioned a lot about the art style and everything in my first analysis post, but I just want to reiterate that it’s fun and I like it, and I like seeing how they take details of the game and translate them into the show.
From what I can tell the tone seems pretty lighthearted, well, as lighthearted as a murder mystery can be. It’s a little silly but in a charming way- but with a slight hint of dread. Kinda what I expected.
I think there’s still probably a little way to go before the show is ready considering there were no voice lines in the trailer, and it seemed more like “these are the characters look how fun they are” then actual plot/scenes, but that’s okay I actually really like that we’re not really seeing any glimpses of the plot or voice acting yet!
Anyways, now to the actual trailer!
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So opening shot here is The Skeld. We already kinda knew it was going to be set there, but confirmation! At the moment I don’t think the planet/moon/asteroid thing behind them is important, it’s probably just to fill up the background, but who knows, it could be something!
Maybe impostor(s) come from there or something… or maybe it’s just a rock in space.
(My theories get better I promise)
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With this image, we finally have an answer to my question from last time- what kind of pizza do the beans eat?
I noticed immediately that there was prosciutto and arugula (a specific kind of bitter lettuce) on the pizza, and with a little googling and a few subsequent suggested searches, I managed to find recipes for fig and prosciutto pizza with, you guessed it, arugula and cheese. (There were multiple kinds of cheese it could be- goat, gorgonzola, mozzarella to name a few)
So those round things are figs. Who would have thought?
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Next up we see our first glance of the additional room they added to the Skeld for the show- the kitchen! And the first glance at a depiction of an impostor!
Yellow and Brown seem like good buddies. I wonder how long that friendship will last when impostor stuff starts happening.
My guess is the depiction of the impostor here is a bit more figurative- Nobody really notices them (expect one bean, but we’ll get to that later), and they just kinda seem to be lurking around being scary. Feels more like, idk the idea of an impostor than the actual impostor? I don’t know if I’m explaining that super well.
Maybe this is like the impostor checking out the crew before they start actually impostoring. Idk.
Also, seems like one shadow (although who knows honestly). Maybe it’s a sign of there just being one among the crew? …or maybe I’ve flipped the other way and am interpreting this too literally now.
Regardless, the impostor(s) do/does certainly seem very alieny.
(Alternate impostor conspiracy theories- impostor switches between crewmates/they’re all impostors (which would kinda defeat the purpose tho) or everyone’s just paranoid and there is no impostor (I feel like people would get disappointed by that though so they wouldn’t do it)).
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After that we head to navigation.
Here, Red is slacking off playing video games (oddly enough with a human in them- as someone pointed out in the Innersloth discord server, which has some interesting implications. To expand on that myself, it seems like a kind of ancient-civilization human, which is interesting. I tried to figure out what game this is with a reverse image search but I couldn’t, I wonder if it’s a real game or something one of the devs made or something else.)
Anyways Red receives a call from a shadowy figure, presumably a boss of some sort, and scrambles to look like they’re doing what they’re supposed to. The image looks kinda similar to how they’re animating the impostor, but this could be an intentional red herring or just how they’re showing an unrevealed character or an “everyman” type being. Regardless, vaguely ominous.
As for navigation itself, I like the vibes honestly. I want to go there. I love the little headslug bobble head and a lot of the details in the background. Can’t assign everything there directly to a task, but it does have the three consoles and the chair. Also I noticed the bright yellow sticky note- like the “dum” visor cosmetic! I wonder what those papers on the floor say.
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Next we’re in the cafeteria. (You can tell by the coloring of the wall, this is probably the vent near weapons)
A couple things I noticed here!
First of all, everyone’s very nonchalant about Lime venting. That seems to mean it’s established that Lime is an engineer like the role in the game (honestly I’m a little surprised a new role was included here!) and that the crew knows this and doesn’t think Lime traveling though vents is a big deal. Will this extend to other crewmembers? Will this put suspicion on Lime as things progress? Who knows!
Also, small thing here, but Cyan signs Orange’s waiver (on the clipboard they seem to carry with them everywhere) simply as “Cyan”. I assumed they would just be going by colors the whole time and not have names or anything, but this kinda confirms that.
(By extension, maybe colors aren’t even codenames or anything for them lore-wise, maybe their names are literally their colors. Also makes me think there may be just one of each color in the entire series if they sign simply as a color. Then again, here I am over analyzing small details again.)
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We follow Lime through a vent and into the reactor, which is being watched on the cameras by Purple.
I don’t have a ton to say about Purple, they just seem to be doing their job here. I do find it interesting that the shadow blocks out the reactor camera and then makes it malfunction (is something going to happen in there?) but it may just be a kind of moving the trailer forward type thing.
Also, side note, what’s Lime’s deal with the reactor? They run up to it and snuggle it with hearts floating above them. Engineer really loves their engine I guess haha. I know people have to have already been meming this.
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Next is a scene in the medbay.
They do seem to have the medical scanner in the background there, so I wonder if that visual task will ever come into play.
Also I see the MIRA logo on a poster in the background, so my guess is they are somehow under/related to the MIRA corporation.
Green is blushing as Blue checks their reflexes. I remember Blue’s character being described as very attractive, so it could be possible that everyone gets that way around them, or it could just be Green. Idk I’m not here to navigate the minefield that is shipping beans.
White is busy swirling around wine(?) until of course, the impostor shadow thing creeps in as with all the other scenes.
This time, however, someone notices. White.
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My guess is White is going to die, and they’re going to die pretty early on.
I was already kinda suspecting White was going to die first simply because of how their character is described. Rich, here because they won some kind of contest, seems to be a bit of a jerk. Feels like the kind of person who would die first idk, just a vibe I’ve had for a while.
Also, I was thinking that 11 is kind of an interesting number, especially considering there were 12 original colors. (Side note, my guess is they’re waiting to include Pink alongside Coral and Rose as “the pinks” or something if they add the new colors in a later season). I feel like maybe they wanted a main crew of ten (because that is what the original lobby size is and thus what a lot of people associate with the game), but needed someone to die early to set up the plot so they needed up with 11.
Now, White being the first and only one to notice the shadow creeping around, and to immediately look terrified and be overtaken by it on screen? My guess is they’re the first to go.
One could also argue that this is an indication of them being an impostor, but idk that feels too obvious of a way to reveal that. (Also I have a different theory as to who it could be). My guess is we won’t know who the impostor is as the audience for a while.
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Finally we have this image. I have quite a bit to say about this one!
First of all, I just love this image in general. Makes me so happy to see all the beans!
Anyways, the impostor shadow thing comes in and covers the “not” in “we’re not dead” and I love that I think that’s fun. Also, again, love the falling apart blinds (why are there blinds on a spaceship?) and the balloons duct taped to the window.
We also see them eating the aforementioned fig and prosciutto pizza. There are also a lot of red spheres on the table, which I haven’t quite figured out yet. Fruits of some kind? Or decorations perhaps? Maybe all red gumballs? Whatever they are, Orange is holding one. There’s bologna or summer sausage or something near Brown, and a gray disk in front of it. Not sure about that either, looks kinda like a giant coin, or one of those round lights you tap to turn on and off. Red’s reading what seems to be a rule book (they really don’t seem prepared aha), and there’s also an image of a crewmate on the other side. I can’t tell if it’s supposed to be Pink or Tan.
Blue has a piece of paper with a skull on it which looks pretty ominous, and Brown is holding a knife, but I think those are just red herrings related to their professions. Blue’s a doctor and Brown’s a chef, and Yellow is also holding a cooking implement.
Also, once again, no sign of an emergency meeting button. (Unless the weird gray circle is related somehow?)
With that I was almost ready to wrap up the analysis…
but then I noticed something.
Idk if it’s just me but this image is giving the vibe of the Leonardo Da Vinci painting The Last Supper. I don’t know where my mind pulled this from, but I just kinda looked at it was like… wait this looks familiar. At first I thought it was just my brain making connections, but when you look at the two images right beside each other, it seems like a pretty deliberate parallel.
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If it is intentional… Orange is in almost the exact same position that Judas (the betrayer) was in in the painting.
Just saying ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Maybe the red gumball thing made them an impostor /s
Also, just spitballing here, not really part of the theory, if Orange is working against the crew (either as an impostor or an accomplice), and they’re apparently affiliated with HR… what kind of implications could this have for the lore as a whole? Red’s probably just talking to their boss or something, but it feels ominous- what if MIRA (assuming that’s who’s in charge here) is in on the whole impostor thing?
But again, this is also kind of obvious of a hint, so I’m slightly skeptical of it.
Anyways, lots to think about with this, as you can tell I’m pretty excited.
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hells-musing-along · 8 days
What your favorite pizza topping?
"If we're talking about a singular topping, then pineapple. It's a nice combination between sweet and salty. If we're talking about multiple toppings, then fig, arugula, and prosciutto are also a nice combination."
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frankievito · 4 months
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Fig, Goat Cheese, Prosciutto, Arugula and Balsamic Vinaigrette Pizza
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deluxepizzaengadine · 10 months
Cronulla's Crispy Pizza Secret: Get Ready for a Pizza Experience Like No Other
Prepare to embark on a pizza journey that will redefine your taste buds in the charming town of Cronulla! In this guide, we unveil the crispy pizza secret of Cronulla's renowned pizza delivery services, poised to deliver a pizza experience like no other. From classic favorites to innovative creations, get ready to indulge in a culinary adventure that will leave you craving more.
1. Deluxe Pizza: Taste Italy at Your Doorstep
Deluxe Pizza brings the flavors of Italy directly to your home with their exceptional pizza delivery service. Savor the Neapolitan Margherita, where the harmony of ripe tomatoes, melted mozzarella, fragrant basil, and a drizzle of olive oil transports you to the heart of Naples with every bite. Let Deluxe Pizza's pizza delivery sweep you away to the cobblestone streets of Italy.
2. Cucina Creativa: Culinary Artistry Delivered
For those seeking culinary innovation, Cucina Creativa offers an artistic pizza delivery experience. Relish slices adorned with unexpected combinations like figs, prosciutto, arugula, and balsamic reduction. Each bite is a masterpiece of flavors that elevates your meal into an unforgettable culinary creation, igniting your taste buds with excitement.
3. Nonna's Kitchen: Tradition and Love, Delivered
Nonna's Kitchen extends its heartwarming touch to your home through their cherished pizza delivery service. Experience the wood-fired oven's essence as you savor the Quattro Formaggi—a tribute to generations of treasured recipes. With each bite, immerse yourself in the authenticity and love that define Nonna's culinary creations.
4. Green Garden Pizzas: Wholesome Indulgence to You
Indulge in guilt-free pleasure with Green Garden Pizzas's delivery service. Their commitment to locally sourced, organic ingredients shines in every slice. From whole wheat crusts to a vibrant medley of vegetables, the Garden Harvest pizza is a celebration of health and taste, conveniently delivered to your doorstep.
5. Your Pizza Haven: Crafted for Perfection, Delivered to You
Your Pizza Haven empowers you to be the architect of your pizza masterpiece through their personalized pizza delivery. Whether you're drawn to classic flavors or crave bold innovations, their delivery ensures that your dream slice arrives exactly as you imagined it.
6. Coastal Crust: Oceanic Flavors to Your Doorstep
For seafood enthusiasts, Coastal Crust brings the essence of the sea to your home through their seamless pizza delivery. Savor slices adorned with succulent shrimp, tender calamari, and briny mussels atop a garlic-infused crust. Each bite transports you to the coastal shores, where the flavors of the ocean come alive.
7. Piazza Elegante: Gourmet Elegance, Delivered
Indulge in opulence with Piazza Elegante's gourmet pizza delivery. The Truffle Temptation, adorned with black truffle shavings, velvety ricotta, and delicate prosciutto, is delivered to your doorstep as an epitome of culinary excellence. Savor gourmet flavors and elevate your dining experience to new heights.
Uncover Cronulla's Crispy Pizza Secret Today!
Pizza delivery Cronulla services hold the key to a crispy pizza secret that promises an unparalleled pizza experience. Whether you're in search of traditional flavors, innovative combinations, or gourmet elegance, these pizzerias are ready to introduce you to a world of pizza delights like no other.
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littlefeatherrrecipes · 10 months
Fig-Prosciutto Pizza with Arugula Recipe | Ree Drummond | Food Network
Pizza dough recipe
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laveranapoli1 · 1 year
Adelaide Wood Fired Mobile Pizza: Bringing Authenticity to Your Doorstep
There's something magical about the aroma of freshly baked pizza wafting through the air, tickling your senses and making your mouth water. In Adelaide, South Australia, pizza enthusiasts are in for a treat with the Adelaide Wood Fired Mobile Pizza. This unique culinary experience brings the art of wood-fired pizza directly to your doorstep, offering a taste of authentic Italian flavors right in the comfort of your own home.
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What sets Adelaide Wood Fired Mobile Pizza apart from the rest is their commitment to quality and tradition. Each pizza is handcrafted using only the finest ingredients, ensuring that every bite is a burst of flavor. The secret lies in their wood-fired oven, which imparts a smoky, charred essence that can't be replicated by conventional ovens.
The mobile aspect of this pizza business allows them to cater to a wide range of events and gatherings. Whether you're hosting a birthday party, corporate event, or even a wedding, Adelaide Wood Fired Mobile Pizza brings the pizzeria experience to you. Their skilled pizza chefs create a lively atmosphere as they toss dough and carefully top each pizza with a combination of fresh vegetables, premium meats, and mouthwatering cheeses.
One of the standout features of Adelaide Wood Fired Mobile Pizza is their commitment to using locally sourced ingredients. Supporting local farmers and producers not only ensures the freshest ingredients but also contributes to the sustainability of the community. From the rich, vine-ripened tomatoes to the aromatic herbs and spices, every bite tells a story of the region's bountiful produce.
The menu offered by Adelaide Wood Fired Mobile Pizza is diverse, catering to different tastes and preferences. Classics like Margherita, Pepperoni, and Capricciosa are available for those who appreciate the simplicity of traditional flavors. For the more adventurous pizza lovers, specialty pizzas like Prosciutto and Fig, Mediterranean Delight, and BBQ Chicken with Caramelized Onions provide a delightful twist on the familiar.
One of the greatest joys of Adelaide Wood Fired Mobile Pizza is the customization option they offer. Guests have the freedom to create their own pizzas, choosing from an array of fresh toppings and cheeses. This interactive experience adds a personal touch and allows everyone to satisfy their unique cravings.
Besides their delectable pizzas, Adelaide Wood Fired Mobile Pizza also offers a range of appetizers, salads, and desserts to complete the dining experience. From bruschetta topped with vine-ripened tomatoes to fresh arugula salads drizzled with balsamic glaze, there's something to complement every palate. And for those with a sweet tooth, delectable desserts like Nutella calzones and tiramisu are the perfect indulgence.
Adelaide Wood Fired Mobile Pizza has gained a loyal following of pizza enthusiasts throughout the region. Their commitment to authenticity, quality, and customer satisfaction is evident in every pizza they make. Whether you're craving a traditional Margherita or an innovative specialty pizza, their wood-fired oven brings out the flavors that make each slice a delight.
So, the next time you're looking for a unique culinary experience in Adelaide, let Adelaide Wood Fired Mobile Pizza take you on a flavorful journey. With their commitment to authenticity and their mobile service, they bring the art of wood-fired pizza directly to your doorstep, ensuring a memorable dining experience that will leave you craving more.
For More Info:-
Adelaide Wood Fired Mobile Pizza
Pizza Pizzaiolo in Adelaide
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basilpizzabar · 1 year
Unconventional Pizza Toppings: Exploring Creative and Surprising Flavors
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Pizza catering
Pizza is a versatile dish that can be customized to suit a wide range of tastes and preferences. While classic toppings like pepperoni and mushrooms are beloved by many, exploring unconventional flavors can elevate your pizza catering experience to new heights. Let’s dive into the world of unique pizza toppings that are sure to surprise and delight your guests at catered events. Get ready to tantalize taste buds with unexpected combinations and discover exciting flavor profiles that will leave a lasting impression.
Sweet and Savory Fusion:
Combining sweet and savory elements on a pizza can create a delightful contrast of flavors. Explore the possibilities of toppings like figs and prosciutto, caramelized onions with blue cheese, or even pineapple with bacon. These unexpected combinations can add a new dimension to your pizza catering menu.
Global Inspirations:
Take your guests on a culinary journey with globally inspired pizza toppings. Experiment with ingredients like tandoori chicken, Thai peanut sauce, Moroccan spices, or Mediterranean-inspired toppings like feta cheese, olives, and sun-dried tomatoes. Introducing international flavors can add a unique twist to your catered events.
Gourmet Vegetarian Delights:
Vegetarian pizzas don't have to be limited to the usual assortment of vegetables. Explore gourmet vegetarian toppings such as roasted butternut squash with goat cheese and arugula, truffle oil drizzle with wild mushrooms, or caramelized pear with balsamic glaze and gorgonzola. These combinations showcase the depth and complexity of vegetarian pizza options.
Seafood Sensations:
Seafood lovers will appreciate the addition of oceanic flavors to their pizzas. Offer options like shrimp scampi pizza with garlic butter sauce, smoked salmon with dill cream cheese, or crab and artichoke pizza. These seafood-inspired toppings bring a touch of luxury and elegance to your catered events.
Bold and Spicy:
For those who crave heat & bold flavors, incorporating spicy toppings can be a game-changer. Explore options like jalapenos, sriracha-infused sauces, spicy chorizo, or even exotic hot peppers. Add a kick to your pizzas and let your guests experience a fiery taste adventure.
Seasonal Surprises:
Celebrate the flavors of each season by incorporating seasonal ingredients into your pizza toppings. Fresh asparagus and peas in spring, heirloom tomatoes and basil in summer, roasted pumpkin and sage in fall, or caramelized Brussels sprouts with cranberries in winter. Embrace the bounty of each season and create pizzas that reflect the time of year.
Are you planning a special event in Orange County and looking to delight your guests with delicious and customizable pizzas? Here at Basil Pizza Bar, we offer tailored best Pizza catering in Orange County for all special occasions and events. Call us at (800) 430-2420!
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carpetcleaning143 · 1 year
Best Places to Eat in Baltimore
Baltimore, MD is a city of neighborhoods, and no one neighborhood has it all. But each neighborhood has its own distinct vibe, and those vibes are best explored through food. I've found the following places to be some of the best for eating in Baltimore—I've tried them all, and would recommend them if you find yourself in town!
Woodberry Kitchen
Woodberry Kitchen is a neighborhood restaurant that serves farm-to-table food. It's located in the Woodberry neighborhood of Baltimore, so you can expect to find all sorts of local produce on the menu here. The seasonal menu changes regularly and features dishes like braised pork belly with buttermilk biscuits and sorghum butter; wood-roasted quail with root vegetables; or butter-poached lobster with ramp mayonnaise and potato chips.
Woodberry Kitchen has been named one of America's best new restaurants by Food & Wine magazine, so you know it will be worth your time!
The Helmand
Helmand is a great place to get your Afghan food fixed. Located in the heart of Hampden, this restaurant serves up some of the best Middle Eastern cuisines in Baltimore. The Helmand also has a full bar and craft beer selection, so you can grab drinks with friends while you wait for your table or order takeout from their extensive menu options.
The Helmand offers several lunch specials daily. You can find everything from falafel sandwiches to kebabs on their lunch menu from 11:30 am-3 pm Monday through Friday! If you're looking for something more hearty than soup after work or school, try one of their kabobs; they come served with rice pilaf and salad greens for only $16 during happy hour every day between 4 pm-6 pm (regular price is around $19).
Bo Brooks Bar-B-Q
Bo Brooks is a great place to eat if you're looking for some good Southern food. It's located in South Baltimore, so it's not super close to any other attractions but the food makes up for it. When you walk into this restaurant, it feels like you're stepping back in time and entering someone's home kitchen. The service is quick and friendly, and their specialty dishes are delicious! I recommend getting the fried chicken wings or ribs with beans and rice--you won't regret it!
Birroteca is a modern Italian restaurant in Baltimore's Hampden neighborhood, serving traditional Italian food in a casual atmosphere. It's owned by the same people who own Birroteca DC and Birroteca Halethorpe.
Birroteca has an open kitchen where you can watch your meal come together, plus plenty of seating at long tables or bar seats that face out onto the street. The menu includes pizzas (with toppings like prosciutto, mushrooms, figs, and arugula) as well as pasta made from scratch daily--you'll find dishes such as linguine with clams or rigatoni with pork sausage ragu on offer here too. The wine list includes over 200 bottles available by the glass or bottle; if beer's more your thing then there are 10 drafts available too!
La Cuchara
La Cuchara is a Spanish restaurant that serves authentic and delicious food. It's located in the heart of Hampden, so you know it's going to be good! The service is great and the waitstaff is friendly, too. The atmosphere at La Cuchara is warm and welcoming; you'll feel right at home here!
Dooby's is a great place to get a burger and fries. Their breakfast sandwiches are also delicious, as are their sandwiches. The atmosphere is nice and the service is good, so it's a place you can take your family or friends when they come into town.
Glen Oaks
Glen Oaks is a restaurant in Baltimore. They serve brunch on the weekends, and they're known for their crab cakes. Their outdoor patio is great for summertime dining, and they have a great brunch menu with inventive dishes like crab Benedict and kimchi pancakes.
New Northwood
Located in the Canton neighborhood, New Northwood is a great place to eat if you're looking for something new. The menu features American food with an international twist, including dishes like Korean fried chicken wings and Hawaiian poke.
The restaurant has received positive reviews from customers who appreciate its atmosphere and friendly service. It's also very affordable: most entrees cost less than $20!
I hope you've enjoyed this list of some of the best places to eat in Baltimore. If you have any favorites that I didn't mention, please leave them in the comments below!
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Carpet Cleaning
Carpet cleaning is an essential part of home maintenance. It can help keep your home looking great and smelling fresh. But it’s not something that everyone knows how to do themselves! Even if you have the best carpet cleaner in Baltimore at your disposal, there are still a few things you should know before hiring them (or trying them yourself). Carpet cleaning in Baltimore is a great place to spend some time. We know that you want to make sure that your room looks as good as it can be, so we’ve put together this list of the best bed and breakfast spots in Baltimore. Priority Carpet Cleaning has been providing the best carpet cleaning in Baltimore for over 20 years. We’ve seen a lot of changes in that time, but one thing has remained the same — our customers love us! They offer carpet cleaning, steam cleaning, and deodorizing services. They are a locally-owned company, and its number one priority is customer satisfaction. Priority Carpet Cleaning has been providing the best carpet cleaning in Baltimore for over 20 years. They offer carpet cleaning, steam cleaning, and deodorizing services. They are a locally-owned company, and its number one priority is customer satisfaction. You may find us online using these keywords carpet cleaning, carpet cleaning Baltimore, steam cleaning, tile and grout cleaning, steam cleaning Baltimore, tile and grout cleaning Baltimore, and carpet cleaning near me.
Priority Carpet Cleaning
5109 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212, United States
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foodandcrypto1 · 1 year
I got a pizza oven for Christmas, so I've been trying out a couple of flavor combos to see what works. This was good: fig, garlic, olive oil base with gouda, prosciutto, and arugula toppings.
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dagonborn · 1 year
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Fig, Prosciutto, and Arugula Pizza
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tosisrestaurant · 1 year
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Evening Features
for Friday February 10, 2023
Dine-in & *Curbside Doors open at 5
*Curbside can Call after 4 p.m. for pickup after 5 p.m. (269) 429-3689
Menu Subject to Change
Charcuterie (Antipasto) | 13 (pictured) Assortment of specialty meats & cheeses, served with nuts and berries.
Beef Short Ribs | 14 (pictured) Boneless short ribs, slowly braised in a vegetable ragout. Served over rutabaga puree.
Prosciutto & Fig Pizza | 15 Pesto base, figs, & Blue cheese Topped with arugula and prosciutto
Tosi’s Golden Wedge | 11 Iceberg wedge topped with buttermilk dressing, Golden raisins, red onion, tomatoes, croutons, and Everything Bagel seasoning
Ribeye | 46 Bone in Ribeye pan seared in a cast iron with butter and rosemary. Served with mashed potatoes, mushrooms, and vegetables.
King Crab Legs | 75 1 pound of split King crab legs steamed and served with dill redskin potatoes and vegetable.
Pollo Andreas | 25 Chicken breast stuffed with Artichoke spinach dip, breaded and pan fried. Topped with pesto cream sauce. Served with house made fettuccine and vegetable.
Cheesecake topped with cherries
Mixed Berry Cobbler
Red Velvet Cake
Triple Chocolate Mousse
Crème Brulée (GF)
Zabaglione (House-Made) With Raspberry Sauce
Ice Cream - Vanilla, Coffee, Peppermint Stick, & Spumoni
Affogato-Espresso over Ice Cream
Entertainment - Valentine's Day with Anna James!
Our regular dinner menu can be found at -
Our wine and drink menu can be found at -
Planning an event? Visit our Gatherings To-Go menu -
Tosi's Restaurant 4337 Ridge Rd. Stevensville, MI (269) 429-3689
Our Winter hours are - Monday, Tuesday, Friday & Saturday Doors open at 5 p.m.
Closed - Sunday, Wednesday & Thursday along with most holidays
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jsw029 · 2 years
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Went out to Salvatore's new restaurant for dinner and drinks with a couple of friends. Ended up seeing over a dozen other friends there [evidently it's a popular place]. It's got a good vibe—kind of a Miami feel IMO—with a DJ providing the beats. It's a little more casual than the Chandelier Bar but still upscale. The food and drinks were both good [my favorites were the Tuna Tacos and Bee Sting Pizza]. I'd definitely go back again.
Tuna Tacos, Philly Cheese Steak, Tuscan Chicken Wings, Clams Casino, Oysters, and Fig & Prosciutto [Asiago, Mozzarella, Fig Jam, Fresh Herbs, Arugula Salad, Prosciutto di Parma] and Bee Sting [Red Sauce, Mozzarella, Soppressata, Blistered Banana Peppers, Mike's Hot Honey Drizzle] Brick Oven Pizzas
I'm Still Standing [Patron, Agave Bitters, Coconut Water, Fresh Lime Juice, Pineapple Juice], Dill or No Dill [Sipsmith Dry Gin, St. Germain Elderflower, Fresh Lemon Juice], and Lychee Martini [Tito's Vodka, Soho Lychee Liqueur, Lychee Berries]
When: Dinner Where: Perla Seafood Bistro at @salvatoresbuff Who: Lynn, Jamie and Steve Constantine
Amount Spent: $323.56 Amount Spent YTD: $11,311.32
#myterriblediet (at Perla Seafood Bistro)
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petnews2day · 2 years
Full Guide to 2022 Holiday Food & Drinks at Disneyland Resort
New Post has been published on https://petnews2day.com/pet-news/small-pet-news/full-guide-to-2022-holiday-food-drinks-at-disneyland-resort/
Full Guide to 2022 Holiday Food & Drinks at Disneyland Resort
Disneyland Resort has released the full guide of 2022 holiday food and beverages.
Disneyland Park 
Alien Pizza Planet (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8; mobile order available)
Charcuterie Pizza Slice topped with pesto cream sauce, fig marmalade, prosciutto, capocollo, Spanish chorizo, caramelized onions, cornichons, cheese blend, and arugula (New) 
Holiday Green Alien Macaron filled with marshmallow creme and chocolate ganache
French Market Restaurant (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8; mobile order available)
Haunted Mansion Cake: Purple sponge cake, raspberry mousse, raspberries, and cocoa nibs
Peppermint Hot Chocolate: Smooth, rich hot chocolate topped with whipped cream and crushed peppermint (New) 
Galactic Grill (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8; mobile order available)
Cranberry BBQ Chicken Sandwich: A fried chicken sandwich with cranberry-flavored BBQ sauce, provolone, onion ring, arugula, and citrus bacon aïoli served on a toasted brioche bun (New) 
A Cup of Cheer: Orange cranberry cake with cream cheese icing topped with an orange cream-filled cream puff, dried cranberries, and holiday sprinkles (New) 
Christmas Punch: Pomegranate, cranberry, and orange juices with Sprite served over ice and garnished with fresh pomegranate seeds, cranberries, and a rosemary sprig (New) 
Gibson Girl Ice Cream Parlor (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8; mobile order available) 
Peppermint Holiday Sundae: Two scoops of peppermint ice cream, whipped cream, crushed peppermint, and chocolate crème cookies (New) 
Cinnamon Brown Sugar Ice Cream (New) 
Ice Cream Cookie Sandwich: Cinnamon brown sugar ice cream between oatmeal raisin cookies (New)
Jolly Holiday Bakery Cafe (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8; mobile order available)
Thanks-mas Sandwich: Roasted turkey, stuffing, gravy, and cranberry sauce on rustic bread served with house-made chips
Turkey Pot Pie Soup
Sipping Chocolate with a Dipping Waffle: Thick and rich sipping chocolate with a sweet waffle for dipping 
Snowman Cinnamon Roll Cheesecake: Cinnamon roll-flavored cheesecake, cream cheese icing, milk chocolate nougatine arms, and snowman chocolate decoration (contains nuts) (New) 
Santa Hat Macaron: Almond macaron shells with white peppermint cream filling and rich chocolate ganache 
Christmas Brownie: Dark chocolate brownie with white chocolate mousse Santa hat, sprinkles, and chocolate ears (New) 
Mickey Mouse Gingerbread: Soft gingerbread Mickey Mouse-shaped cookie (Limit 5 per guest per transaction)
Chimney Sweep Cold Brew: Cold brew coffee with hickory-smoked syrup, chocolate and caramel sauces, cream, and smoked salt-sugar sprinkle (New) 
Apple-Pecan Donut: Specialty donut with spiced icing, apple compote, candied pecans, and cream cheese frosting (New)
Peppermint Cookie Donut: Specialty donut with peppermint icing, crushed peppermint, chocolate crème-filled cookies, and whipped topping (New) 
Holiday Demitasse Ceramic Cup (Available beginning Nov. 11 while supplies last)
Market House (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Mickey Mouse Gingerbread: Soft gingerbread Mickey Mouse-shaped cookie (Limit 5 per guest per transaction)
Mint Julep Bar (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8; mobile order available)
Maple Beignets rolled in maple-flavored sugar
Maple-bacon dipping sauce‌ (New)
Plaza Inn (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Gingerbread Bundt Cake: Gingerbread Bundt cake with apple cinnamon filling, vanilla glaze, and holiday sprinkles
Holiday Cake: Devil’s food cake with swirled white chocolate mousse filling, buttercream frosting, and holiday sprinkles
Vanilla Pear Honey Lemonade: Lemonade infused with honey and pear nectar (New) 
Pooh Corner and Candy Palace and Candy Kitchen (Available Nov. 11 through Dec. 31)
Holiday Milk Wand: Three marshmallows dipped in caramel, enrobed in milk chocolate, and drizzled with green and red colored chocolate (New)
Peppermint Mickey Mouse: Mickey Mouse-shaped marshmallow dipped in dark chocolate and covered in peppermint crunch  
Mickey Mouse Holiday Apple: Green Granny Smith apple dipped in caramel with marshmallow ears enrobed in milk chocolate, drizzled with green and red-colored white chocolate, and sprinkled with holiday cheer (New) 
Snowflake Mickey Mouse Apple: Green Granny Smith apple dipped in caramel with marshmallow ears enrobed in white chocolate, covered in blue sugar, and decorated with a white chocolate snowflake
Mickey Mouse Gingerbread Crisped Rice Treat: Mickey Mouse-shaped crisped rice treat dipped in white colored chocolate, embellished with a dark chocolate face, and decorated with green and red white chocolate 
Mickey Mouse Holiday Crisped Rice Treat: Mickey Mouse-shaped cereal treat dipped in white-colored white chocolate, drizzled with green-colored white chocolate, and sprinkled with holiday cheer décor 
Holiday Cake Pops: Round chocolate cake pop dipped in milk chocolate and sprinkled with holiday cheer décor 
Holiday Minnie Mouse Cake Pop: Vanilla cake with marshmallow ears, dipped in red-colored white chocolate, drizzled with green-colored white chocolate, and topped with a white chocolate Minnie Mouse bow
Rancho del Zocalo (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8; mobile order available)
Caldo de Pollo: Savory soup with chicken, rice, and vegetables
Chile Verde: Slow-cooked pork with spicy tomatillo sauce served with Mexican rice and refried beans (New) 
Pan Dulce Ice Cream Sandwich: Colorful Mexican sweet bread with eggnog ice cream, hot buttered rum-flavored sauce, whipped topping, and chocolate skull (New) 
Hot Chocolate
Red Rose Taverne (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8; mobile order available)
Holiday Flatbread: Pepperoni, sausage, and ham flatbread topped with arugula (New) 
Holiday Cold Brew: Cold brew coffee with eggnog flavor
Refreshment Corner (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8; mobile order available)
Spicy Beef & Cheese Sandwich: Beef steak, cheese sauce, sautéed peppers and onions, and spicy pepper spread on artisan bread (New)
Caramel-Pecan Cream Cheese Pretzel: Cream cheese pretzel topped with caramel sauce and candied pecans (New)
Peppermint Cream Cheese Pretzel: Cream cheese pretzel topped with white chocolate and crushed candy canes (New)
Butterscotch Soda: Sparkling water with butterscotch syrup, caramel drizzle, and cream (New)
River Belle Terrace (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Pear Oat Cobbler: Spiced pears, oat streusel, and cranberry sorbet (New) (Plant-based)
Stage Door Café (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8; mobile order available)
Peppermint Mocha Funnel Cake with cold brew sauce topped with chocolate sauce, peppermint dust, and whipped topping (New)
The Tropical Hideaway (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Holiday DOLE Whip Sundae: A swirl of DOLE Whip cherry and lime topped with festive decorations
Churro and Lemonade Cart in Critter Country (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Bride Churro: Elegantly dressed churro in a bouquet of vanilla and sugar
Churro Cart near “it’s a small world” Holiday (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Churro with holiday apple spice dipping sauce (New)
Churro Cart near Sleeping Beauty Castle (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Candy Cane Churro (New) 
Peppermint Bark Dipping Sauce: Chocolate fudge infused with peppermint and topped with crushed candy canes (New) 
Churro Cart in New Orleans Square (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Chocolate Cherry-Pistachio Churro: Classic churro rolled in chocolate cookie and pistachio dust, drizzled with cherry sauce, and topped with chopped pistachios (New)
Churro Cart in Town Square (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Mint Chip Churro (New) 
Mint-Chocolate Dipping Sauce: Marshmallow creme infused with mint and topped with crushed chocolate cookies (New)
Pretzel Cart in Frontierland (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Holiday Cookie Pretzel: Ginger snap cookie-dusted pretzel with vanilla icing dipping sauce (New) 
Outdoor Vending Carts (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8) 
Christmas Cotton Candy: Apple flavor
Available at Various Locations throughout Disneyland Park (Available beginning Nov. 11 while supplies last) 
Musical Rotating Popcorn Tin
Reindeer Parade Sipper
Disney California Adventure Park
Award Wieners (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8; mobile order available)
Pastrami Reuben Dog: All-beef hot dog topped with thinly sliced pastrami, caramelized onions, pickled cabbage, Thousand Island dressing, spicy mustard, provolone, and pickle spears on a toasted baguette (New)
Bananas Foster Funnel Cake Fries topped with cinnamon-banana sugar, caramel sauce, whipped topping, and fried bananas (New)
Embolden Beer Co., Beyond Borders (New) 
Bing Bong’s Sweet Stuff and Trolley Treats (Available Nov. 11 through Dec. 31)
Holiday Milk Wand: Three marshmallows dipped in caramel, enrobed in milk chocolate, and drizzled with green and red colored chocolate (New)
Peppermint Mickey Mouse: Mickey Mouse-shaped marshmallow dipped in dark chocolate and covered in peppermint crunch  
Mickey Mouse Holiday Apple: Green Granny Smith apple dipped in caramel with marshmallow ears enrobed in milk chocolate, drizzled with green and red-colored white chocolate, and sprinkled with holiday cheer (New) 
Snowflake Mickey Mouse Apple: Green Granny Smith apple dipped in caramel with marshmallow ears enrobed in white chocolate, covered in blue sugar, and decorated with a white chocolate snowflake
Mickey Mouse Gingerbread Crisped Rice Treat: Mickey Mouse-shaped crisped rice treat dipped in white-colored chocolate, embellished with a dark chocolate face, and decorated with green and red white chocolate 
Mickey Mouse Holiday Crisped Rice Treat: Mickey Mouse-shaped cereal treat dipped in red-colored white chocolate, drizzled with green-colored white chocolate, and sprinkled with holiday cheer décor 
Holiday Cake Pops: Round chocolate cake pop dipped in milk chocolate and sprinkled with holiday cheer décor 
Holiday Minnie Mouse Cake Pop: Vanilla cake with marshmallow ears, dipped in red-colored white chocolate, drizzled with green-colored white chocolate, and topped with a white chocolate Minnie Mouse bow
Boardwalk Pizza and Pasta (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Four-Meat Pizza: Tomato sauce with ham, Canadian bacon, sausage, and pepperoni topped with mozzarella 
Mexican Chocolate Cheesecake: Spiced chocolate cheesecake finished with white chocolate mousse and chocolate decoration (New)
Boudin Bread Cart (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Snowman Sourdough Bread (Plant-based)
Candy Cane Sourdough Bread (Plant-based)
Christmas Tree Pull-Apart Sourdough Bread (Plant-based)
Clarabelle’s Hand-Scooped Ice Cream (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8; mobile order available)
Chocolate-Peppermint Sundae: Chocolate and peppermint ice cream in a waffle cup topped with whipped cream and peppermint candy (New) 
Pomegranate Hard Float: Pomegranate hard cider with lemon sorbet topped with pomegranate arils (New)
Pomegranate Hard Cider (New)
Cocina Cucamonga (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8; mobile order available)
Winter Margarita: Black cherry margarita (New)
Cozy Cone (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8; mobile order available)
Luigi Chicken Pesto Cone: Creamy pesto alfredo pasta, marinated chicken, balsamic glaze, bruschetta tomatoes, and Romano cheese
Esquite Corn Fritters: Fried corn fritters tossed in chile-lime seasoning and topped with cilantro-lime dressing, cotija cheese, and pico de Gallo (New) 
Pumpkin Pie Churro: Churro rolled in pumpkin spice sugar with pumpkin pie dipping sauce (New) 
Christmas Tree Cone: Peppermint soft-serve decorated with holiday sprinkles
Stereo Tangerine Express IPA Michelada with chile-lime seasoning and lime (New) 
Stereo Tangerine Express IPA (New) 
Peanut Butter Whiskey Cocktail: Peanut butter whiskey, peanut butter syrup, vanilla ice cream, almond milk, and cinnamon sugar topped with whipped cream and peanut butter drizzle (New) 
For more information on booking your next trip with our official travel agent sponsor, the Vacationeer, visit wdwnt.travel.
Fairfax Market Fruit Cart (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Seasonal Agua Fresca: Christmas punch (New)
Fiddler, Fifer & Practical Cafe (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Mickey Mouse Gingerbread: Soft gingerbread Mickey Mouse-shaped cookie (Limit 5 per guest per transaction)
Flo’s V-8 Café (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8; mobile order available)
Gingerbread Shake with whipped topping and a gingerbread cake doughnut (New) 
New Motion, Blueberry Insight, Hard Sparkling Black Tea (New) 
Hollywood Lounge (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8; mobile order available)
Churro Delight: Horchata garnished with mini churros (Non-alcoholic) (New)
Everything Spice: RumChata, horchata, spiced rum, and butterscotch liqueur garnished with mini churros and dusted with cinnamon (New)
Pineapple-Fresno Chile Michelada: Tomato-based michelada with pineapple-fresno chile lemonade and Modelo garnished with chile-lime seasoning and lime (New)
Gingerbread Mule: Cinnamon whiskey, ginger beer, lemon juice, and gingerbread syrup garnished with a maraschino cherry (New)
Harland Brewing Co., Winter IPA (New)
La Bodega Azteca Stout (New)
Calidad Hibiscus Watermelon Agua Fresca (New)
Smog City Brewing, From LA with Love (New)
Lamplight Lounge – Boardwalk Dining (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Braised Beef Poutine: Steak fries, braised beef, cheese curds, beef gravy, and tomatillo-serrano salsa garnished with Fresno chiles
Peppermint-Vanilla Vodka Hot Chocolate: Hot chocolate with peppermint schnapps and vanilla vodka topped with whipped cream and peppermint
Holiday Martini: A festive twist on a classic vanilla vodka paired with peppermint, chocolate liqueur, and Frangelico
Lamplight Lounge (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Braised Winter Beef: Slow braised beef with carrot risotto and pea tendrils (New) 
Peppermint Donuts: Hot cocoa-dusted donuts with toasted marshmallow crème and peppermint-chocolate dipping sauce
Peppermint-Vanilla Vodka Hot Chocolate: Hot chocolate with peppermint schnapps and vanilla vodka topped with whipped cream and peppermint
Holiday Martini: A festive twist on a classic vanilla vodka paired with peppermint, chocolate liqueur, and Frangelico
Pixar Ball Sipper (Available beginning Nov. 11 while supplies last)
Lucky Fortune Cookery (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8; mobile order available)
Thai Iced Tea with sea salt cream and brown sugar boba
Mortimer’s Market (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Christmas Tree Pull-Apart Sourdough Bread (Plant-based)
Pacific Wharf Cappuccino Cart (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8; mobile order available)
Salted Caramel-Mocha Bundt Cake: Coffee Bundt cake filled with salted caramel, finished with ganache, sprinkles, and white chocolate mousse (New) 
Mickey Mouse Gingerbread: Soft gingerbread Mickey Mouse-shaped cookie (Limit 5 per guest per transaction)
Pym Test Kitchen (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8; mobile order available)
Atomic Pretzel: Apple-Bacon Soft Pretzel with cinnamon-sugar salted pretzel with apple-bacon compote, cranberries, caramel sauce, cream cheese, and candied pepper bacon (New) 
Schmoozies! (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8; mobile order available)
Dulce de Leche Mickey Mouse Shake topped with whipped topping, caramel sauce, and vanilla crème cookies (New) 
Chocolate-Cherry Yule Log Shake topped with a slice of hazelnut-chocolate yule log (New) 
Smokejumpers Grill (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8; mobile order available)
Maple-Bacon Shake: Maple-flavored shake topped with whipped cream, bacon bits, and maple drizzle (New) 
Pineapple Limeade: Limeade, pineapple juice, and sour green apple syrup with a red sugar rim (New) 
Holiday Punch Cocktail: Vodka with cranberry and orange juices garnished with fresh cranberries (New) 
Karl Strauss Brewing Co., Tangible IPA (New)
Anchor Brewing, Christmas Ale (New) 
Honest Abe Hard Apple Pie Cider (New) 
Churro Cart on Buena Vista Street (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Caramel Apple Churro: Churro topped with spiced apples, caramel sauce, and whipped topping (New) 
Churro Cart near Goofy’s Sky School (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Abuelita Hot Chocolate Churro with condensed milk dipping sauce
Churro Cart near Grizzly Peak (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Peppermint Churro: Churro coated with crushed candy canes and drizzled with chocolate and vanilla sauce 
Churro Cart in Hollywood Land (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Chocolate Cherry-Pistachio Churro: Classic churro rolled in chocolate cookie and pistachio dust, drizzled with cherry sauce and topped with chopped pistachios (New) 
Outdoor Vending (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8) 
Available at Various Locations throughout Disney California Adventure Park (Available beginning Nov. 11 while supplies last)
Light Up Holiday Swizzle Stick
Light Up Toy Story Christmas Tree Bucket 
Available at Various Locations throughout Disneyland Park and Disney California Adventure Park (Available beginning Nov. 11 while supplies last)
Holiday Base Bucket
Holiday Travel Tumbler with lanyard
Holiday Stainless Steel Tumbler
Blue Mickey Mouse Jingle Bell Glow Cube
White Mickey Mouse Jingle Bell Glow Cube
Gingerbread Bottle Topper
Holiday Kermit Straw Clip
Wreath Mickey Mouse Ear Hat Bowl
Gingerbread Mickey Mouse Ear Hat Bowl
Disney’s Grand Californian Hotel & Spa
GCH Craftsman Grill 
Mickey Mouse Christmas Cookie
Holiday Minnie Mouse Donut
Holiday Mickey Mouse Donut
Snowman Donut (New)
Peppermint & Dark Chocolate Cupcake
GCH Holiday Cart (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Mickey Mouse Gingerbread
Poinsettia Cookie
Snowman Cookie 
Christmas Cookie 
Hanukkah Cookie 
Holiday Cookie Box
Assorted Macarons (New) 
Kwanzaa Sweet Potato Loaf (New) 
New Year’s Cookie (New) 
Crisped Rice Treat
Hot Chocolate 
Hot Apple Cider (Available with Bailey’s Irish Cream, Captain Morgan, Grand Marnier, or Rumchata)
Waffle Shot (Available with milk, low-fat milk, chocolate milk, or eggnog) 
Waffle Shot (Available with Bailey’s Irish Cream, Captain Morgan, Grand Marnier, Rumchata, Amaretto, Butterscotch Schnapps, Rumple Minze, Crown Royal Apple, Screwball Whiskey, Fireball Whiskey, Louis the 13th) 
Downtown Disney District
California Churro (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Gingerbread Churro: Churro coated in gingerbread sugar, drizzled with white chocolate sauce, and covered in red and green chocolate candy pieces (New) 
Catal Restaurant and Uva Bar & Cafe (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Mistletoe Mule: Vodka, cranberry juice, lime juice, ginger beer, and sugared cranberry garnish (New) 
Chilly Chata: Cream liqueur rum, cinnamon whiskey, house-made horchata, whipped cream, and cinnamon stick garnish 
Home for the Holidays: Whiskey, bitter Italian aperitif, lemon juice, simple syrup, and rosemary garnish
Santa and the Beach: Tequila, triple sec, coconut milk, cream of coconut, lime juice, simple syrup, and rosemary garnish
Kayla’s Cake (Available Nov. 11 through Dec. 31)
Peppermint Ganache Macaron with peppermint dark chocolate ganache
Gingerbread Macaron with gingerbread buttercream 
Snowman Macaron: Milk chocolate ganache with custard vanilla cream 
Naples Ristorante e Bar (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Arancini Dolce: A traditional Sicilian savory snack reimagined as a sweet treat for the season (New) 
Marceline’s Confectionery (Available Nov. 11 through Dec. 31)
Holiday Milk Wand: Three marshmallows dipped in caramel, enrobed in milk chocolate, and drizzled with green and red colored chocolate (New)
Peppermint Mickey Mouse: Mickey Mouse-shaped marshmallow dipped in dark chocolate and covered in peppermint crunch  
Mickey Mouse Holiday Apple: Green Granny Smith apple dipped in caramel with marshmallow ears enrobed in milk chocolate, drizzled with green and red-colored white chocolate, and sprinkled with holiday cheer (New) 
Snowflake Mickey Mouse Apple: Green Granny Smith apple dipped in caramel with marshmallow ears enrobed in white chocolate, covered in blue sugar, and decorated with a white chocolate snowflake
Mickey Mouse Gingerbread Crisped Rice Treat: Mickey Mouse-shaped crisped rice treat dipped in white-colored chocolate, embellished with a dark chocolate face, and decorated with green and red white chocolate 
Mickey Mouse Holiday Crisped Rice Treat: Mickey Mouse-shaped cereal treat dipped in red-colored white chocolate, drizzled with green-colored white chocolate, and sprinkled with holiday cheer décor 
Holiday Cake Pops: Round chocolate cake pop dipped in milk chocolate and sprinkled with holiday cheer décor 
Holiday Minnie Mouse Cake Pop: Vanilla cake with marshmallow ears, dipped in red-colored white chocolate, drizzled with green-colored white chocolate, and topped with a white chocolate Minnie Mouse bow
Ralph Brennan’s Jazz Kitchen (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Maple & Bacon Glazed Beignets served with butter pecan ice cream and a marshmallow drizzle
Salt & Straw (Available Nov. 25 through Dec. 25) 
Enjoy various limited-time holiday flavors! 
Sprinkles (Available Nov. 28 through Dec. 25)
Christmas Cookie Cupcake: Vanilla cake studded with sprinkles and lined with a green sugar cookie crust topped with vanilla buttercream frosting, red and green sprinkles, and a homemade sugar cookie coated in even more sprinkles 
Gingerbread: Spiced ginger cake topped with cream cheese frosting, dusted with cinnamon sugar, and topped with a gingerbread man 
Chocolate Peppermint: Belgian dark chocolate cake topped with bittersweet chocolate-peppermint frosting and sprinkled with crushed peppermint candies 
Snow Cute Vanilla: Vanilla cake topped with vanilla frosting and rolled in snow sprinkles
Santa Baby Red Velvet: Sprinkles iconic red velvet rolled in Santa sprinkles  
Tortilla Jo’s (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Candy Cane-Rita: Tequila, peppermint schnapps, and organic margarita mix with a splash of grenadine and garnished with rosemary and cranberries (New) 
Purple Mistletoe: Tequila rose, tequila blue, agave nectar, and organic margarita mix with a splash of lemonade and garnished with rosemary and cranberries
For more Disneyland Resort news and info, follow Disneyland News Today on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. For Disney Parks news worldwide, visit WDWNT.
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boney-lizette · 2 years
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Labor Day 2022 BBQ done Italian Style with Coal Fired Pizza Angela and Sammy provided the coal fire, stone, and toppings. Ma and I made the dough. Pizza Menu: -Shredded Cheese and Sauce -Lactose Free Shredded Cheese, Ground Bison, Mushrooms, Caramelized Onions, Olives, and Anchovies -Shredded Cheese, Ground Bison, Prosciutto, Caramelized Onions, and Olives -Fresh Mozzarella, Sweet Basil from our garden, Tomatoes from our garden, and Rosemary Ham -Fig, Prosciutto, Fresh Mozzarella, and Arugula- this pizza featured my homemade Fig Jam Of course, no BBQ is complete without S’mores. Best of all was the blessing of the wonderful company of my family. God is great. Life is good. https://www.instagram.com/p/CiEORetj6WVeZ_sEgFtAFHRC4AXyo9hbKujphY0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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deluxepizzaengadine · 10 months
From Engadine to Everywhere: Dive into a Pizza Adventure You'll Love!
Embark on a pizza adventure that transcends boundaries, starting from the heart of Engadine! In this guide, we invite you to dive into a culinary journey that will redefine your pizza experience, taking you from Engadine to everywhere. With pizza delivery services that know no limits, get ready to indulge in a flavor-packed odyssey that will leave you craving for more.
1. Deluxe Pizza: A Taste of Italy Brought to You
Deluxe Pizza brings the flavors of Italy right to your doorstep with their exceptional pizza delivery service. Savor the Neapolitan Margherita, where the symphony of ripe tomatoes, melted mozzarella, fragrant basil, and a drizzle of olive oil transports you to the heart of Naples with every bite. Let Deluxe Pizza's pizza delivery whisk you away to the charming streets of Italy.
2. Cucina Creativa: Culinary Artistry at Your Fingertips
For those who crave culinary innovation, Cucina Creativa offers an artistic pizza delivery experience. Relish slices adorned with unexpected pairings like figs, prosciutto, arugula, and balsamic reduction. Each bite is a masterpiece of flavors that elevates your meal into an unforgettable fusion of creativity and taste.
3. Nonna's Kitchen: Tradition and Love Delivered to Your Home
Nonna's Kitchen extends its heartwarming touch to your home through their cherished pizza delivery service. Experience the wood-fired oven's warmth as you relish the Quattro Formaggi—a homage to generations of cherished recipes. With every bite, immerse yourself in the authenticity and love that define Nonna's culinary legacy.
4. Green Garden Pizzas: Wholesome Indulgence, Delivered to Your Doorstep
Indulge in guilt-free pleasure with Green Garden Pizzas's delivery service. Their commitment to locally sourced, organic ingredients shines through in every slice. From whole wheat crusts to a vibrant medley of vegetables, the Garden Harvest pizza is a celebration of health and taste, conveniently delivered to your home.
5. Your Pizza Haven: Crafted for Perfection, Delivered to Your Desires
Your Pizza Haven empowers you to be the architect of your pizza masterpiece through their personalized pizza delivery. Whether you're drawn to classic flavors or crave bold innovations, their delivery ensures that your dream slice arrives exactly as you envisioned it.
6. Coastal Crust: Oceanic Flavors Brought to Your Table
For seafood enthusiasts, Coastal Crust brings the essence of the sea to your home through their seamless pizza delivery. Savor slices adorned with succulent shrimp, tender calamari, and briny mussels atop a garlic-infused crust. Each bite immerses you in the coastal aura, where the flavors of the ocean come alive.
7. Piazza Elegante: Gourmet Elegance, Delivered with Care
Indulge in opulence with Piazza Elegante's gourmet pizza delivery. The Truffle Temptation, adorned with black truffle shavings, velvety ricotta, and delicate prosciutto, is delivered to your doorstep as an epitome of culinary excellence. Savor gourmet flavors and elevate your dining experience to new heights.
Embark on Your Engadine Pizza Adventure Today!
With pizza delivery services that transcend borders, pizza engadine scene is ready to take you on a flavor-packed adventure that knows no limits. Whether you seek traditional flavors, inventive combinations, or gourmet elegance, these pizzerias are your ticket to a pizza journey that spans from Engadine to everywhere.
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wabicreations · 2 years
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Wabi Cooks a favorite pizza a la Bainbridge Island … figs, mozzarella, walnuts, prosciutto chips and fresh arugula added at the close. Let’s do Sunday night dinner. Good energy, good eats. @wabicreations . https://www.instagram.com/p/CgsgCkLJhov/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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