#Proud to Support Ontario Special Olympians
ontarionewsnorth · 6 years
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SAULT STE. MARIE, ON –  The Huron-Superior Catholic District School Board (HSCDSB) is proud to support the upcoming Ontario Special Olympics Winter Games in Sault Ste. Marie by adopting seventeen athletes.
Leading the schools in the Adopt an Athlete program was St. Mary’s College who adopted six athletes. The Sault Ste. Marie elementary schools who collected funds to sponsor an athlete were, Holy Cross, Our Lady of Lourdes and St. Mary’s French Immersion.
Our Lady of Lourdes and Our Lady of Fatima in Elliot Lake each sponsored an athlete as did St. Mary in Massey, Sacred Heart in Espanola and St. Mary’s in Blind River. The board’s four northern schools, St. Joseph French Immersion in Wawa, St. Basil’s in White River, Our Lady of Fatima in Chapleau and Holy Name of Jesus in Hornepayne, combined to sponsor an athlete.
Staff at the board office and HSCDSB trustees also adopted an athlete. “I am very grateful and proud of the support that our students, employees, and trustees have demonstrated to these athletes,” said Rose Burton Spohn, HSCDSB’s Director of Education.
“This commitment is a natural extension of the care, service, and support we offer every day to our students with special needs,” added Burton Spohn.
Today, at the board’s main office in Sault Ste. Marie, representatives of the Special Olympics organizing committee were presented a cheque for $8,517 for the sponsorship of the seventeen athletes.
The Ontario Special Olympics Winter Games take place from January 31 to February 3. To find out more about the games visit http://ssm2019games.com/.
@HSCDSB #WawaON #WhiteRiverON #ChapleauON & #HornepayneON Schools Proud to Support Ontario Special Olympians @SOOntario #WinterGames @SpecialOCanada @CitySSM @Wawa_Ontario @MHornepayne @VisitChapleau @ExploreON SAULT STE. MARIE, ON -  The Huron-Superior Catholic District School Board (HSCDSB) is proud to support the upcoming Ontario Special Olympics Winter Games in Sault Ste.
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timetravelingheart · 6 years
My Side of the Fence Chapter Nineteen: A.M. Imagine
It had been nearly three weeks and Savannah had done absolutely nothing. 
Actually, that’s not entirely accurate if you consider active avoidance to be something, which Connor definitely did not, but Savannah herself thought the idea had some merit to it. She was actively choosing not to contact Auston and she was actively choosing to distance herself in an attempt to stay the course and not give in to her feelings. Connor was trying, and failing, to get her to talk to Auston, so Savannah had resorted to pretty much avoiding him as well. 
It was nearing the end of November and she hadn’t spoken to Auston in nearly three weeks. It was the longest they had gone without seeing or speaking to one another since the day they met. Fortunately, being an Olympic athlete was all about willpower and mental endurance, so Savannah was well-versed in not acting out on her emotions. 
Not speaking to Auston also meant that she hadn’t interacted with any other players on his team, included very limited interactions with Mitch who was told by Stephanie in no uncertain terms that he was not allowed to meddle. Mitch was unimpressed to say the least, especially as he watched his best friend grow moodier and moodier by the day, but he knew better than to ignore both Steph and Savannah’s wishes - that was double the wrath that he definitely did not want to endure. Stephanie was torn between wanting to support her best friend and wanting to kidnap her and lock her in a room with Auston until they both finally admitted their feelings for and to one another. 
All of the tension Savannah felt every time she woke up and stepped foot outside her apartment led her to taking an early escape to the family home in Kingston. She told her parents that she just felt like spending more family time with them during the holiday season given how many years she spent away from them. Her dad bought it partially, knowing that something else spurred this decision but not really caring if it meant he got to spend more time with his baby girl. 
Her mom, on the other hand, was an entirely different story. Sylvia had long suspected that Savannah was hiding something from her and had been patiently waiting for her daughter to seek her out whenever she felt it was necessary. Raising an Olympian had given Sylvia a new perspective on motherhood. While she was almost too involved in the decisions of her older children, who still constantly sought her out for advice, she had the polar opposite experience with Savannah who lived and trained a great distance away from her protective eye. It was a tough learning curve, but eventually Sylvia learned to respect the space her youngest child needed to work through any problems or challenges and trusted that if she really needed her mom, she would come to her. 
And so, as they were bundled up in this November cold-front hitting Ontario out shopping for Christmas presents, Sylvia waited patiently for the issue to come up, opting instead to talk about the Christmas special Savannah would be skating in the following week and Christmas plans with their extended family. 
With large bags in tow, they stopped at a nearby cafe for hot beverages and to give their tired feet a rest. Setting up shop in the back corner of the cafe next to the fireplace and with a beautiful view of the snow falling outside, they sat in comfortable silence before Savannah spoke. 
“I think I’m in love,” she stated, but not in a lovestruck happy way. She sounded downright disappointed and Sylvia had to bite back a knowing smile. Savannah hated anything that moved her out of her comfort zone when it came to relationships, and it was clear she was about as uncomfortable as Sylvia had ever seen her. 
Oh, boy, she thought. Her youngest child was definitely in love.
“Well,” Sylvia took a sip from her mug and then set it down, resting back in her comfy chair, “you don’t sound very happy about that.”
“Let’s just say that it was unexpected and entirely unplanned,” Savannah responded, mirroring her mother’s actions subconsciously. She had always admired her mother. Sweet and kind, but unsuspectingly strong and determined. Whiskey in a teacup, her grandmother, who herself was a firecracker, used to always say. Savannah came from a long line of strong women who didn’t find strength in doing everything alone, but in leaning on other women and supporting other women. Savannah was used to doing things for herself, knowing that in her business it was important to always look out for yourself and watch your back. But being around her mother reminded her of just how much strength she drew from their connection, from their love for one another. She was in need of that strength today. 
“Honey, love is usually unexpected and unplanned. That’s what makes it so wonderful.”
“That’s also what makes it so terrifying.”
Sylvia smiled sympathetically and reached over to squeeze Savannah’s hand three times. “This is about a certain tall, handsome, leading goal scorer Maple Leaf player, isn’t it?”
Savannah simply nodded. 
“We should return the gifts you bought your dad today. You dating Auston Matthews will be the best Christmas gift he’s ever received!” 
“Mom!” Savannah gasped. Her mother laughed. 
“Oh honey, I’m teasing,” she leaned back in her seat, proud of herself for having predicted this a while back. “So what is the problem?”
“The problem is that I’m pretty sure I’m in love with him and I can’t be with him.”
“Why not?”
“Because,” Savannah sighed, tired of explaining herself to everyone. “I need to focus on this quad and being in a relationship is a distraction. I can’t give everything to it and it’s not fair to him to not have the girlfriend he deserves.”
“What does he have to say about this?” Sylvia asked, choosing to tackle one issue in her daughter’s statement at a time. 
“Nothing,” Savannah shrugged. Sylvia raised a skeptical eyebrow. Savannah relented. “He says that I shouldn’t assume I know what he thinks he deserves but he also said that us keeping things casual was fine with him.”
“So you’ve been sleeping with him?”
“Mom!” Savannah gasped again, mortified at her mother’s bluntness. 
“Oh, honey, I’m not that old-fashioned,” Sylvia waved her had dismissively. “So explain to me how sleeping with him is not a distraction but a relationship with him is?” 
“If it’s just casual, then there’s no real investment from either of us which means we can’t hurt one another, which then means I won’t be distracted when it all inevitably ends, as it now has.”
“But you seem pretty upset right now for someone who just ended something that wasn’t supposed to mean anything.”
Savannah paused, taking a sip from her now lukewarm tea. She knew her logic was flawed the entire time, but it meant that she got to have Auston and still keep him at a distance, telling herself that she wouldn’t get hurt this way. And now nearly three weeks without him, she was starting to see how wrong she was. 
“Bear with me here because I know this is a radical idea,” her mother started conspiratorially. “You could just tell him how you feel and see what happens. It could all work out. Crazier things have happened.”
"You make it sound so simple.”
“Oh,” Sylvia laughed, decades of relationship experience behind her, “it definitely is anything but simple. But you can’t let your life be dictated by your fear of getting hurt. If this boy feels about you the same way you feel about him, he is going to do everything in his power to not hurt you.” Savannah opened her mouth to speak but Sylvia raised her hand to stop her. “But, and I hate to tell you this munchkin, you will hurt each other. You probably already have. It’s about the intention behind that hurt and how you recover from it - together. You just have to give him a chance.”
“I don’t even know if he feels the same way about me,” Savannah held her cool palms to her sore eyes to soothe them. 
Sylvia moved from her seat to sit on the edge of Savannah’s chair, wrapping her daughter up in a side hug, her chin resting on the top of Savannah’s head. 
“Oh, honey,” she whispered, and all at once she understood everything. “The question isn’t if he feels the same - it’s if you’re willing to let him love you for who you are, flaws and fears and all.” She felt Savannah sigh in their embrace. “I guess there’s only one way for you to find out now, isn’t there?”
Savannah nodded, squeezing her mother closer to her body. 
“Oh, and honey?” Savannah looked up at her mom, seeing the smirk teasing at the corners of her mouth. “Figure it out before Christmas? I can’t wait to tell your dad!”
Back in Toronto, Auston was miserable, to put it lightly. 
The first week following their ‘break-up’ if you can call it that, he didn’t try to contact Savannah at all. He knew that she often needed her space and he felt it was best to give it to her. He thought maybe she would miss him enough to come around and reach out to him. By the second week, he realized that he had greatly underestimated Savannah’s willpower. Or, maybe, and this was a hard idea to swallow, maybe Savannah really didn’t feel as deeply for him as he felt for her. It was that idea that kept him from messaging her that second week. 
As the third week started, he was just becoming angry. Angry with her for writing him off as if what they had didn’t matter. Angry with himself for not fighting harder for her and telling her how he felt. Angry with the fans for posting those photos and speculating about their personal lives. Angry with Mitch who refused to talk to Savannah for him. He was just angry all the time. 
And so that was how Auston found himself at Patrick’s house with Mitch, this time after decorating gingerbread houses with the four Marleau boys. After the boys had gone to bed, Christina also retired to bed, leaving Patrick, Mitch, and Auston to clean up the mess in the kitchen. 
Mitch and Patty had been making small talk while Auston silently collected extra candy pieces from the houses and wiped down the counter. Catching one another’s eye, Mitch nodded at Patty, urging him to go through with the plan they had discussed earlier.
“So when do you plan on telling Savannah that you’re in love with her?” Patty skipped the pleasantries. Mitch gawked at him. This was definitely not the plan. The plan was to ease into it. Patty shrugged. It was time these two figured their shit out. 
Auston dropped down at one of the stools at the kitchen island and buried his head in his arms on the counter, groaning loudly. Mitch and Patty shared a smirk at their friend’s expense; they had to admit that while the back and forth between the two had been frustrating to watch, it was mildly funny just how difficult they were both making it. 
Auston lifted his head and slouched back in the chair. 
"Not any time soon, that’s for sure,” he shrugged. “She made it pretty clear that she couldn’t see me and hasn’t even tried to contact me in almost three weeks. She called what we were doing ‘just friends and sex’ and made it look pretty easy too. Why would I tell her how I feel now?”
"Because maybe if you told her how you really felt, and tell her that you lied, it might change things?” Mitch moved to sit in the chair next to Auston. 
“What did you lie about?” Patty asked, as he leaned on the counter across from the two younger men. 
“After Naz’s birthday, Sav asked him if he was still okay with them just keeping things casual and he said yes,” Mitch offered, when it became obvious that Auston didn’t feel like speaking. “Actually, he said ‘it’s not more than that’ for him, and she believed him.”
Patty didn’t say anything, and was somehow able to keep a straight face even though on the inside he was cringing. Lies very rarely helped any situation, especially one with Savannah, who already had trust issues. Auston sighed, catching Patty’s attention. 
“I know what you’re thinking,” he felt like he had to defend himself. “I shouldn’t have lied to her, and I agree. But it’s not a total lie. I am okay with it as long as it means I am with her. The rest will come in time. I don’t need a label.”
“But it’s also not just casual for you, right?” Patty asked. “I mean, it’s been about more than that from the very beginning for you, hasn’t it?” Auston simply nodded, not knowing what else he could say. Patty had a plan. “Look, you definitely shouldn’t have lied to her, but I get why you did it. Are you really okay with it though? Don’t you think you deserve to be with someone who shows you how much they want to be with you? Who doesn’t make you feel like you have to prove yourself?” 
“What do you mean?” Auston asked, now on edge and not liking the direction this supposed pep talk was taking. 
“It just seems like from the beginning she’s been hot and cold with you, letting you in just to back off again, putting you through the ringer. It seems like you spend most of your time just trying to wade through what she’s actually been willing to give you. What makes her worth that?” 
Mitch and Auston stared at him in shock. Mitch was not expecting him to go off on Savannah like that, but when he caught the subtle wink Patty threw in his direction, he knew what was happening. 
“What makes her worth that? Are you serious?” Auston could feel his anger building again, but didn’t really want to take it out on his friend and a man he respected. 
“I’m serious. Make me understand why someone who makes you question how they feel about you is worth it.”
“Sav is the most amazing person I’ve ever met. She is the most kind-hearted and generous person. Do you know how many charities she’s involved in and how many under the radar things she does for other people without even being asked? She is also unexpectedly hilarious and sarcastic, always ready with a clever response. She is obviously beautiful, but that’s not even what I love most about her. She makes me a better person. She pushes me to be better at communicating with my family and friends, always reminding me to call home and check in with people. She makes me think about social issues that I would usually just tune out because I don’t feel smart enough to get involved. If I’m wrong or uninformed, she doesn’t act like I’m some dumb hockey player, but she’ll take the time to explain things and will send me articles that will help. She also drives me absolutely insane with how stubborn she is and yet I still just want to be around her all the time. It sounds so stupid, but she makes me feel lighter and warmer and just...happy. Like I can do anything with her by my side,” he paused, shaking his head at himself. He really was a goner for her. 
“And yeah, I’m so fucking scared all the time of doing something that will make her run away. I don’t even know if she feels the same or if I’ve just made up all of those moments with her where I believed she did, trying to make myself feel better. But man, when she’s actually let me in, it’s meant the world to me. I get where her fears come from and why she holds herself at a distance. I get it and I want to prove to her that she doesn’t have to do that. She deserves the world and yet refuses to ask for it. Man, don’t even ask me if she’s worth it. She’s worth everything.”
Mitch stared at his best friend in shock, mouth hanging open. Patty just nodded simply, standing up straight. 
"All right, that was exactly what I was hoping you would say,” he rubbed his hands together. “So now that I know that, I feel like I can tell you the next part in good faith.” He paused for effect, watching as the two men stared at him expectantly. “Savannah is in love with you. Today, right now. Not later, not in time. Now. And I absolutely do think she is worth it. So now we have to figure out what you’re going to do to get her back.”
Mitch could not have been more enamoured with the guy who was a hero of his who had quickly become one of his best friends. Don’t ever say Patrick Marleau is only good at hockey. 
“How do you know she feels the same?” Auston asked, his own doubts crowding his mind. His doubts had immobilized him, keeping him from reaching out to Savannah and tell her just how much he loved her and wanted everything with her. How could Patty be so sure?
“Let’s just say it’s obvious to some of us,” Patty shrugged dismissively, but relented once he read the skeptical looks being directed at him. “And, Christina has taken a sort of vested interest in your relationship and is the one who told me that she knew Savannah loved you.”
Mitch and Auston laughed in surprise. 
"So you let me think you had all of these pearls of wisdom and all along they’ve been coming from your wife?” Auston asked, surprised and yet also not after the past couple of years of getting to know the lady of the Marleau house. 
“Yeah, pretty much,” Patrick moved back to finish loading the dishwasher, leaving the two younger men to just shake their heads at one another, knowing they still had so much to learn. 
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frontproofmedia · 7 years
Richard Schaefer brings stacked card to Los Angeles with Olympic standouts
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By Anthony "Stacks" Saldaña
April 7, 2017
LOS ANGELES - This Sunday afternoon Ringstar Sports, Richard Schaefer, and Premier Boxing Champions on Fox Sports 1 (FS1) will bring fans a fully loaded fight card from The Novo at L.A. Live in downtown Los Angeles. A card that will showcase four former Olympians who will be making their professional debut, a former female world champion, and some Southern California fan favorites.
Although the 10-round main event of Premier Boxing Champions on FS1 and FOX Deportes will be headlined by the “Riverside Rocky” Josesito Lopez (34-7, 19 KO’s) as he takes on Mexico's Saul "Navajo" Corral (22-8, 13 KO's) -- the focus is on the rising stars that are set to make their debut. Stars that include former U.S. Olympian Karlos Balderas from Santa Maria, California, Mexican Olympian and bronze medalist Misael Rodriguez, Mexican Olympian Lindolfo Delgado, and Lithuanian Olympic welterweight Eimantas Stanionis, who is trained by Hall-of-Famer Freddie Roach. Also making his professional debut is amateur star Money Powell IV of Fort Mitchell, Alabama.
The 20 year old Balderas is the son of Mexican immigrants who came to the United States in order to provide a better life for the family. Balderas had an impressive amateur career that included a 2014 Youth National Championship, four National PAL championships and an impressive run in the World Series of Boxing. His amateur career culminated in a trip to the 2016 Olympic Games where he represented the U.S. and defeated fighters from Kazakhstan and Japan before a decision loss in the quarter finals. At a recent media workout Balderas detailed his plans for his career.
"I'm really looking forward to this fight. I've prepared well. I'm taking this as seriously as a championship fight. I definitely want to make Los Angeles my home for as many fights as possible. That's where everything is happening. I want to make Los Angeles mine. I want to be in exciting fights as a professional. I'm proud of what I did in the amateurs and the Olympics, but I know this is an entirely different game. I'm looking to do even bigger and better things. I want to build a perfect record and build my fan base. I hope to be fighting for a world title in a few years. I know that I have the right team to get me there."  -- Karlos Balderas
Another highly touted prospect making his debut, is Misael Rodriguez, who won a bronze medal for Mexico in 2016. Rodriguez, who is managed by Abner Mares and trained by Robert Garcia, wanted to be a boxer and attain a world title since he was a child. 
"I knew after the Olympics that it was time to turn pro. Growing up as a Mexican child, all I wanted was to be a world champion. I want to be a fan-favorite for Mexicans. Los Angeles is like a second Mexico. It will feel like Mexico to me. I know that I will have a lot of fans coming from my hometown to support me. I’m excited to work with Richard and put on more great fights."  -- Misael Rodriguez
In what many believe will be fight of the night, former female WBC Middleweight champion, Maricela “La Diva” Cornejo (6-2, 2 KO’s), will step into the ring against the undefeated Sydney “Ginger the Ninja” LeBlanc (4-0-1) from Gretna, Louisiana. As a special gift to her Southern California fans, Cornejo, who is from Los Angeles by way of Grandview, Washington, will have Chiquis Rivera, who is daughter of the late Mexican superstar and singer Jenni Rivera, walk her into the ring. Cornejo, who is now trained by Joel Diaz and managed by Nancy Rodriguez, looks to come away with a victory and setup a huge year for herself and her team. A year that includes plans to avenge her highly controversial loss to Kali Reis and fight Raquel Miller. If Cornejo has a successful year, a fight with the unified WBC and WBO world middleweight champion, Christina “Lady” Hammer (21-0, 9 KO’s), could very well be in the works for the fall or early 2018. One other fighter that we could possibly see Cornejo matched up against is the two time Olympic gold medalist Claressa Shields. Shields and her team have shown interest in a Cornejo fight, however, the offers they have made to Cornejo have been as low as $3000. When asked about a future fight with Shields, Cornejo responded with a price she feels is respectable for a fight of this magnitude. 
"My price to fight Claressa is 1.5 million. "  -- Maricela Cornejo
Many boxing insiders Frontproof Media has spoken to believe the time has come and a fight between Cornejo and Shields could easily be a Showtime main event and generate that type of purse for both fighters. When asked about her upcoming bout with LeBlanc, Cornejo expressed her desire to keep winning in the ring.
"Boxing means a lot to me. I’ve overcome a lot of obstacles. Getting in the ring and getting hit in the face is a lot easier than what I’ve had to go through. I love boxing because it’s all about going for the win, no matter what is thrown in front of you."  -- Maricela Cornejo (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
Another Southern California prospect fighting Sunday is John “Bang Bang” Delperdang (10-2, 9 KO’s) of Ontario, California, as he battles Roberto Marroquin (25-4-1, 18 KO’s) from Dallas, Texas. Delperdang, who last fought in December and lost a unanimous decision to “Hammering” Hank Lundy, looks to get back to winning ways against Marroquin. Delperdang and his team, which includes former heavyweight champion Mike Weaver, manager Bernie Valenzuela, and Cutman Sergio Estrada, knows how important a victory would be for Delperdang’s career to keep rising. Delperdang recently spoke to Frontproof Media and stated he is ready for whatever fight this Sunday will bring. 
"I’m a fighter, and fighters fight. I’m well prepared and that’s going to show Sunday. I know that a victory would give me a great opportunity to sign with a major promoter so I’m ready for whatever type of fight Marroquin wants to make it. It can be a strategic boxing match or an all out slug-fest -- I’m ready."  -- John Delperdang
In the co-main event of the evening, unbeaten lightweight contender Alejandro “El Charro” Luna (21-0, 15 KO's) of Bellflower, California takes on former title challenger and Russian native, Andrey Klimov (19-3, 9 KO's), in a 10-round bout. 
"More than anything I think that the fans can expect fireworks. I’m fighting a crafty veteran guy in Klimov who has fought the best. He’s fought guys like Terrence Crawford and Jose Pedraza. Our styles are meant for each other and I think they’re going to clash. The fans are going to be the real winners."  -- Alejandro Luna
Tickets for the live event, which is promoted by Ringstar Sports, are priced at $30 general admission, $60 balcony reserved, $100 VIP balcony reserved and are on sale now. Tickets can be purchased through AXS.com.  
Fans can live stream the fights on FOX Sports GO, available in English or Spanish through the FS1 or FOX Deportes feeds. The fights are available on desktop at FOXSportsGO.com and through the app store, or connected devices including Apple TV, Android TV, Fire TV, Xbox One and Roku. In addition, all programs are also available on FOX Sports on SiriusXM channel 83 on satellite radios and on the SiriusXM app.
Anthony "Stacks" Saldaña is a contributing writer for FrontProofMedia.com. You can follow him on Twitter @StacksRingside 
(Feature photo: Willie Romero/Team Balderas)
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