22nobody-here 4 years
You are good enough
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22nobody-here 4 years
Who spilt the first beans?
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22nobody-here 4 years
Being in quarantine makes you see the other side of the cage at a zoo, or animal enclosure.
Just think, some are in those confined spaces for years.
And even worse, most die in those lonly cages.
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22nobody-here 4 years
You first learn to listen
then you listen to learn
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22nobody-here 5 years
Why do i always feel the need to cry after i finish puting mascara on
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22nobody-here 5 years
If child is cheeting:
["Booklet" can be exam paper, test sheet, ect.]
If a teacher suspects a child is cheeting, one very easy way to solve that. What you do is; get 2 kinds of booklets, different problems for either of them. Print out 1 of booklet 1 and for booklet 2, print for as many student you have in the class (i.e 26).
Write the names of your students on booklets 2. On booklet 1 - write the name of the kid cheeting. (This stage is so you give the student the correct booklet)
Hand out the booklets.
If the stident with booklet 1 has the ssme anwsers as the other students, you now have proof of him/her cheeting.
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22nobody-here 5 years
Sucks when you think of something hella funny to ad to the convo', but you're to anxious to say it out-loud
And just sit there being mad at yourself.
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22nobody-here 5 years
For someone with an ugly face, i sure do take a lot of selfies
Lololol damn
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22nobody-here 5 years
Getting given excuses to hug your crush>>>>>
is the best thing
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22nobody-here 5 years
You ever get to a long-ass post and can't be bothered to read it, but feel like people might do the same to yours, so you-
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22nobody-here 5 years
I think i have something here....
Tumblr media
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22nobody-here 5 years
Friends who hear you say a joke but was too quiet to get heard by anyone else, say: "aye____ said ___" . Are the best.
True friendship there
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22nobody-here 5 years
Why does every device in Australian schools have spell check that tells you your correctly-spelt words are wrong because they aren't spelt the american way?
'Cause that shits confusing.
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22nobody-here 5 years
Friends who try to have a conversation, without having to be the one too always start it >>>>>
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22nobody-here 5 years
Anyone else been so bored at a child and just started pulling out leg hairs?
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22nobody-here 5 years
It's funny how people be suprised when children from films they watched in their childhood, is now grown up.
Like????? That's how age works. Is it THAT hard to realise?
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22nobody-here 5 years
Okay. People keep saying it is impossible that you would ever be willingly to sleep in a pair jeans. But have y'all ever considered that you have never warn a compfy pair of jeans before?
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