#Pure Saiya-jins
leftpostwerewolf · 1 year
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Gohan vs Kefla.
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alienzgenixyt · 2 years
Dragon Ball Super Heroes VS Moro Arc, which one is more interesting?
Now, even though, Dragon Ball Super Heroes is just an advertisement of Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission, produced by Dimps Corporation on Nintendo Switch and any kind of PC and its abbreviations and released by Bandai Namco Games, it still produced some of the greatest moments. Same applies for Moro Arc. It's in manga, and fan-animated, but showed the first extremely powerful non-god destroyer, surpassing Jiren by tens and thousands the power. Sometimes called The All-Destroying God, he was able to best Son Goku, or Kakarot, even when he was in SSJG (Super Saiya-jin God or Super Saiyan God), and bested Vegeta in Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Evolved or Super Saiyan Blue Enhanced. Putting all of this aside, the main question at hand is, is Dragon Ball Super Heroes more interesting, or does that apply to the Moro Arc?
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Reviews by individuals for the Moro arc: -"At first, I didn’t think much of it, but with each chapter it just gets better and better. If it wasn’t for the Goku Black arc this would be my favorite and it is better than the Black are objectively speaking." So was quoted by omega_king13
"It's okay, not terrible but far from DB/DBZ arcs. I like Vegeta being the main focus but I feel this story would fit better right after Buu. It's weird to come back to single universe exploration and villains when just not so long ago we had a multiverse tournament taking place." So was quoted by Gaoron
Reviews by individuals for Super Dragon Ball Heroes: - "As 'Dragon Ball Super' temporarily ended with the Tournament of Power arc in March, fans were elated when news came of a new anime to hold them over until the main show returned. As pure filler fluff and glorified advertisement for the currently Japan-exclusive arcade game of the same title, "Super Dragon Ball Heroes" does its job but ends up being kind of a detriment to the rest of the franchise as it basically spoils us." Quoted on IMDb by DJ Pilkington. Total Review here: - Review 1. This review gave it a 5/10 despite the fights
"Episodes are too short but the concept is amazing the throw everything in together. Lots of enemies versus lots of Heroes is great but wish you would turn into a bigger series like super and z" Review by fear20. Link for review here: - Review 2. This person gave this a 9/10
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So, you are here to hear about my review. Captivated by the reviews, I decided to watch the fan-animation and manga of Moro arc, as well as the official anime for Super Dragon Ball Heroes. Links for accessing them are given below: - mangareader.io (For Moro Arc, manga 43 to 67), Fan-animation for the same (YouTube), Official Super Dragon Ball Heroes from Episode 1 (Zoro.to, Subtitles, Japanese). Oh boy, were they right! The manga itself was enticing, fan-animation on another level! Whereas the same can't be said about Super Dragon Ball Heroes. It was pretty boring, except for the fights, which were, meh alright. They never showed Goku in his normal behaviour. The only good part was when Goku was in Grand-Ultra Instinct. So there you have it folks! The title "More Interesting" goes to Moro Arc. This is it. This was small, but hope it suffices. Do follow me for more posts. Meet you later!
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vulcanlsj · 7 years
Rightful Heir Chapter 1 (DBZ Alternate timeline fanfic)
Imagine a world where Goku didn't hit his head as a child, and took over Earth. In such a world, Vegeta decided to take Earth as his own, and enslave the humans. My OC Vulcan and Vegeta spar, with Vegeta having secret plans...
Two metal balls hurtled through space from the only area of the north galaxy that the iron grip of the Saiyan Empire didn't reach. One of the balls had a small round glass window, and the sigil of the Royal House of the Saiya-jin. Inside the ball, laid a large man, roughly built, with a scar on his left biceps. He wore silver and red chest armor, with a red cape attached to his shoulders. On the left breastplate was the sigil of the Royal Family. That signaled that he was not only a Saiyan but related to the royal bloodline as well. A brown tail was wrapped around the waist, and red hip guards that ran down his thighs. He wore light blue pants, and silver armored boots, the same style wrist protectors accompanied his arm.
His face was his most interesting feature. The first was the unusual dark brown hair, which might signify that he was a Demi-Saiyan, including its short nature. It was parted up the middle, and was barely half an inch in length. He had three noticeable scars: one on the left side of his neck. It was as though the maker tried to puncture his jugular.
The other ball held a young woman, with equally unusual violet hair. She might have been a Demi-Saiyan as well, her straight hair didn't betray that aspect. She was wearing similar armor to the man in the first ball, minus the royal sigil on her breastplate.
The occupants were concentrating on a task that they would soon be putting into action. She seemed more calm than he did, as his face had a look of pure determination. In his mind, he though about a day 27 years ago, that brought about this day.
He entered the atmosphere, and landed on one of the landing cushions. A couple of guards came out, and opened his space pod.
"Hai, Vulcan-sama, it is nice of you to visit Earth," one of the guards said as Vulcan got out.
"Today, is something supposed to happen that I wasn't told about?" Vulcan asked with a stern face.
"Y-yes sire, Vegeta plans on beginning a tournament for the humans to prove themselves to us. He hopes it to bring some form of entertainment to the planet."
Vulcan tensed at that statement. He never liked holding entire races that had very similar appearances below his own race. He based his opinions on the person, like in the case of Zarbon or Dodoria.
"You think forcing people to make a bloodbath is called entertainment? That is just a disgrace!"
"Y-y-yes Vulcan-sama, but Vegeta-sama wishes that you attend. He wishes to talk with you over certain matters."
"Alright, but first, tell me why he called me here in the first place. And don't test my patience," Vulcan stared down at the guard.
The guard stepped back, and tried to think, but couldn't get anything. "I don't know, the sire did not tell me any information about your arrival, just that you were coming, and to tell you to come to the arena. I will have some escorts take you there." The guard just looked scared out of his wits, and reached to his hip. He grabbed a communicator, and turned it on.
Vulcan turned away and stopped paying attention. He looked down to the streets of the city. There were many humans in ragged clothing, straggling around trying to clean up through slave labor.
The guard tried to get Vulcan's attention by tapping him on the shoulder, which was a bad move for him. Vulcan instinctively swung his arm backward and smashed his fist into the guard's face, breaking his nose, and fracturing his cheekbones. The guard fell to the ground holding his face. Vulcan stared down at him with a look of irritation.
"Never startle me. Understood?" Vulcan belted at the fallen guard and everyone else that was there.
"Y-y-yes s-sir Vulcan-sama, it won't happen again," the guard stammered back. "But what I was going to tell you was that your escorts are here, follow them through that door, and to Vegeta-sama's palace arena."
Vulcan followed his escorts without saying a word. He looked at them both, and learned that one of them was female, a rarity among Saiyans. He looked at her with amazement. She had long, wild black hair, wore a dark blue suit, with the normal shoulder guard armor with white gloves, and toed boots. At her hip, she had a restraining collar gun. She was pretty strong looking for a Saiyan, appearing as though she could take a few Saiyans on at once, and come out the victor. She probably could take more, but Vulcan couldn't tell at the moment.
"Excuse me miss, can I ask your name?" Vulcan asked the woman as they were walking.
"What, oh, my name is Lenora, why do you ask sire? Have I done something disrespectful?" she questioned him with a puzzled look.
"No, its just that you look like you could handle yourself in a big fight, and not a lot of female Saiyans I've seen can."
She blushed slightly, and turned away. "Thank you sire, I appreciate that."
"Good, I like a woman that can accept a compliment. Why don't you see me after the tournament today? I'm not sure where I'll be, but I'm sure Vegeta has a special place for me." Vulcan emphasized the word "special."
"Hai, sure Vulcan."
"Yeah, but when you visit, you don't have to call me by my formal name, alright?"
"Okay, um, this is the place, Vegeta is through this door."
"Thank you, I'll see you later." Vulcan opened the door, to see the short prince sitting on a throne, looking out to an arena, where spectators were screaming for something to begin. The prince turned to look at Vulcan, and then a wicked grin grew on his face.
"Welcome Vulcan, I'm glad you could come. I see that you decided to join me at the arena to watch what I hope to be a magnificent tournament. Please, sit down next to me and Kakarot, we have the best seat in the house," Vegeta welcomed Vulcan as he offered him a seat.
"Thanks, but no thanks, I'd like to stand if you don't mind."
"Oh, no, I don't mind, as long as you are comfortable. I mean, I don't want you to strain yourself."
"I'll be fine Vegeta."
Then came the signal to begin the tournament. The tournament consisted of 32 people in two sets of brackets. Which makes for a total of 16 qualifying fights. The first fight was between a small bald headed man, and a large bear of a human that was nearly three times his size. He performed many back flips to show off his amazing agility. Then the small one leaped at the large one, and hit him with a roundhouse kick, sending the large one into the wall. Vulcan looked at this with a surprised look on his face.
Vegeta saw this reaction from Vulcan. "Yes, I see that some of these humans are much stronger than they look, especially that little one," Vegeta commented. "Kurilin is his name I believe. He stands to show that some of these human may have some potential. Don't you think so Kakarot?"
Kakarot nodded, "Humans like that one may make for good soldiers that we can exploit."
Vulcan interjected with a demand, "Why do you have to treat every other race as though they are inferior? You make them into slaves for just that reason."
"They are inferior because of their weakness, but I am trying to help them make a reputation by having this tournament. They just have to prove themselves to us," Vegeta assured Vulcan.
"Yeah, and what exactly does the winner of this tournament get?"
"They get a chance to fight an elite of my choice. If they survive, they get made into a ranked soldier."
"Humph, sounds like a death wish to me." Vulcan just crossed his arms, and leaned back against the wall, looking out towards the arena, just in time to see Kurilin snap the neck of the fat man. The crowd roared and cheered, and called for the next fight.
The next fight turned out to have another big man, although not as big as the last. His opponent was a bulk man, with an average height. The big one yelled out his name in show of quick victory, Spopovitch. The average man fell into a defensive crouch, as Spopovitch charged at him. He attempted a sweep, which didn't stop or slow Spopovitch. Spopovitch then grabbed him by both of his arms, and gave him a crushing hug.
"Die, Stiener, be a quick death, and you will not regret it," Spopovitch said. Stiener passed out from the pain, and Spopovitch let him fall to the ground. He then picked him up by his head, and smashed his head between his hands.
"Now that was interesting," Kakarot said.
"Yes, he would make an excellent soldier. He reminds me of Nappa, so large, and well built," Vegeta remarked. "All he would need is to train in my newly constructed gravity chambers." He then looked to Vulcan. "Don't you find this entertaining Vulcan? This is the reason that I asked you to come here."
"Not all that much. I only find true joy in personal fighting," Vulcan replied.
"Well, that's odd. I thought that this would be entertaining. What exactly do you want to do?"
"I want to go back to Planet Vegeta, that's what I want."
"I can't let you do that, that wouldn't be very host like me. You're my guest, what would make your stay more enjoyable, hmm?"
"I'd like a challenging fight, that would help." Vulcan looked down to the small section of elite watching the fights. "So which of your elite are you going to have me fight? Will it be the hulking Nappa? Or the sick sadistic bastard Raditz? Or even Kakarot here? Any others I'm forgetting?"
Vegeta thought for a few seconds. He didn't think Raditz would give Vulcan much of a challenge, though it would be fun to see Raditz's tactics put up against Vulcan's legendary fighting skills. Nappa fought Vulcan years ago, before Frieza put distance between the Saiyans and the Ice-jinns, and Vulcan easily took Nappa down. He wasn't sure if Nappa was now stonger than Vulcan or not. And Kakarot had been getting a lot stronger and had tactics that Vegeta thought even compared to his own. But he needed someone to kill Vulcan, after all, that was the real reason he had summoned Vulcan here.
"No, it will not be any of my elite," Vegeta decided, "as a matter of fact, I think I'll fight you." Vegeta smirked as he pondered over how he was going to kill Vulcan. He needed to take him out before he reached something that Vegeta was on the edge of himself. That and he planned on taking his father's place as leader of the Saiyans. Vulcan could complicate things. Of course, Vegeta would have to have a couple of training bouts, to judge how strong Vulcan really was.
Vulcan was surprised as he responded, "You're gonna fight me?"
Vegeta killed his smirk, "If it keeps you happy and on Earth for a week or two, then yes. Your sparring partner will be me." He kept his emotions of elation to himself.
"OK, but I need to get prepared first, where is my room?"
"I'll have one of my guards show you to your room," Vegeta raised a hand to signal for his guards to come forward. They led him out of the room, as Vegeta and Kakarot discussed Vulcan's desire for a fight.
"So Vulcan is actually becoming part of your plan for the throne?" Kakarot asked quizzically.
"Yes, sooner than I had expected." Vegeta smirked again, and watched the next fight.
Outside of Vulcan's room, Vulcan turned to the guard before he left his sight. "Excuse me, but before you leave, find the guard known as Lenora, and bring her here. We have a meeting that needs to be held ASAP."
"Hai sama, I'll be right back." The guard continued down the hall as he checked his hand held scanner. Vulcan just looked around the room, and decided to rest. He'd wait for Lenora to show.
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son-tatso · 4 years
// oldest (noob) daft of Tatso, as Gosan (son of Future Gohan/Videl) as my first DBZ OC from 12 years ago at least lmao, this was for a web based DBZ RPG where you gain PL for sending ‘training’ in the chat room every half-one hour, and by RPing in the chat room too haha
email sent on: Mon 5/5/2008 11:02pm // Australian Eastern Time
Picture: http://tn3-2.deviantart.com/fs6/300W/i/2005/047/b/8/Gohan_by_Psicopatico.jpg
Name: Gosan Race: Half Saiya-jin Gender: Male Age: 18, July 10 Birthplace: West City, Earth Eyes: Black Hair: Black hair that is spiked up and outward, one bang hangs down over forehead.
Alignment: Pure Good
Appearance: Gosan is a spitting image of his father, Gohan when fighting Super Buu. However he does have some minor differences, having a scar on his cheek like Yamcha had, his pointy hair spreading out a little like Goku’s yet to a lesser degree, and there not one but a bang of hair falling to his forehead. Despite all this, he wears the traditional turtle style fighting outfit, an orange gi with navy blue undershirt, fighting boots, wristbands and belt. The back of the gi carries the ‘son’ symbol, his family name that he carries with pride.
Ki Color: White
Ki Description: A transparent yet white crackling flame with jagged edges, spreading the shadows form attire and muscles to be more defined and visible than without it.
Personality: Gosan seems to see and try to exploit any light towards any tainted people that he meets; pure evil is an exception to this obviously. He is a proud Saiyan that enjoys training and fighting like his full blooded counterparts, though would not kill unless his opponent was pure evil and was a big threat. Among strangers, he presents himself to be a polite individual. He puts himself above others, willing to risk his life for them without hesitation as long as it does some good.
History: Gosan is the son of Gohan and Videl in an alternate future timeline, one ravaged by the infamous Androids 17 & 18 who were created by Dr. Gero who had a grudge against Gohan's father Goku. The twin androids eventually killed off all resistance until the genius scientist and friends of Goku's, Bulma created the time machine. Gosan by then had grown into a young teenager and took it upon himself to travel to the past to retrieve the emergency stop device for the androids in the past, come back and then using it on the androids of his timeline before destroying them for good. As a reward he has been granted free use of the time machine in which he has used to save many worlds and make many friends along the way. Several years passed before a new threat arrived, the monster known as Majin Buu created by the evil wizard Bibidi and resurrected by his son Babidi. Gosan was granted the unlocking of his true potential in order to destroy the demon, in which he did with flying colours. However this came at a terrible price as the wizard Babidi put a curse on him that did the reverse of unlocking potential. This weakened Gosan to such a risky state that he had to flee via his time machine, into this timeline where his story continues …
Friends:  None Rivals: None Clan: None
Discipline: Kame-Sennin Ryu: A balanced martial arts style passed down by Master Roshi which excels in physical combat by the application of strength and speed for offence and defence. Ki is often used to boost the martial artist’s attributes and to form attacks as well as strategically using techniques to give them an advantage in battle.
Occupation: Super Hero
Zenie: 0 Items: None
Power Level: 1,000 Defense: 100 Combat: 100 Strength: 100 Speed: 100 Intelligence: 100
Experience Points: 0
Custom Attacks:
Splitting Sphere Shot: With the left hand gripping the right wrist, ki is transferred into the right hand to form a hovering white ki orb the size of tennis ball. This ball’s movements can be easily directed by Gosan’s arms so its best used as a long distance or an attack used when hidden, since it allows for minimal leg movement in order to keep concentration. The ball is extremely hot and razor sharp in its making, being best used to shave at the opponent from the side from than directly. When the ball hits a solid object, instead of exploding like regular bombs, they split into two. This can be done many times, however the power of each ball is also divided with each split. Whenever Gosan wishes, the balls may explode before vanishing for good.
Comet Eruption: Gosan raises his arms into the air with his palms faced up and spread; he shoots off a large beam of white energy into the sky and sees to it that it disappears from the opponent’s site. With energy up into the air, this does not allow him to use any ki attack but he could still use hand to hand combat to a lesser degree. A waving down of his arm will direct the now large blob of ki shooting to the ground, the speed that it rushes in making look like a comet. Now this comet of energy doesn’t necessarily have to go right to the opponent, it can alternatively burrow underneath the ground around the opponent instead and will shoot up at the opponent from below. Though with this manoeuvre, Gosan can’t move at all whist his mind his concentrated fully on the silent movement of the ki underneath.
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wolfsand9 · 7 years
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---Dragon Ball--- Genre: Adventure, Martial arts, Science fantasy Manga: Volumes 42 score: (9/10) Dragon Ball is  manga series written and illustrated by Akira Toriyama. The series begins with a  boy named Goku befriending a teenage girl named Bulma, whom he accompanies to find the seven Dragon Balls, which summon the dragon Shenlong to grant the user one wish. This story is about Goku who fight with strong opponents to protect world, Namek and his family. We can see his growing up and how he beame stronger.
The journey leads them to bandit Yamcha and later he becomes an ally; Chi-Chi, whom Goku unknowingly agrees to marry in near future; and Pilaf, an evil man who seeks the Dragon Balls to fulfill his desire to rule the world. Goku then has got training under the martial arts master Kame-Sen'nin in order to fight in the Tenkaichi Budōkai.Kuririn becomes his rival and training partner, but they become friends. After the tournament, Goku searches for the Dragon Ball his grandfather left him and he fight with the Red Ribbon Army. Goku reunites with his friends to defeat the fortuneteller Baba Uranai's fighters and to locate the last Dragon Ball. At the Tenkaichi Budōkai  Goku and his friends oppose Kame-Sen'nin's rival and his students Tenshinhan and Chaozu. After the tournament Goku tracks down and is defeated by  Piccolo Daimao. The samurai Yajirobe takes Goku to the hermit Karin, where he receives healing. Piccolo fights with friends of Goku, and uses the Dragon Balls to regain his youth before destroying Shenlong. Goku then kills Piccolo Daimao, who, just before dying, spawns his reincarnation Piccolo. Karin then directs Goku to Kami-sama, the original creator of the Dragon Balls, to restore Shenlong and revive his friends. Goku trains under Kami for the next  the Tenkaichi Budōkai, where he narrowly wins against Piccolo before leaving with Chi-Chi to keep his promise to marry her. Goku is father to his son Gohan, when Raditz arrives on Earth, identifies Goku as his younger brother 'Kakarrot' and reveals to him that they are members of a nearly extinct extraterrestrial race called the Saiyans, who sent Goku to conquer Earth for them, until he suffered a severe head injury and lost all memory of his mission. Goku refuses to continue the mission, sides with Piccolo, and sacrifices his life to defeat Raditz. In the afterlife Goku trains under the North Kaiō until he is revived by the Dragon Balls to save the Earth from the invading Nappa and Vegeta. In the battle Yamcha, Chaozu, Tenshinhan, and Piccolo are killed, and the Dragon Balls cease to exist. Kuririn and the galactic tyrant Freeza learn of another set of Dragon Balls on planet Namek whereupon Bulma, Gohan, and Kuririn search for them to revive their friends and subsequently the Earth's Dragon Balls, leading to several battles with Freeza's minions and Vegeta, the latter standing alongside the heroes to fight the Ginyu Force, a team of mercenaries. The long battle with Freeza himself comes to a close when Goku transforms into a Super Saiyan (超サイヤ人 Sūpā Saiya-jin?) of legends and defeats him.
A group of Androids (人造人間 Jinzōningen?, "Artificial Humans") created by a member of the former Red Ribbon Army, Doctor Gero, appear three years later, seeking revenge against Goku. During this time, an evil life form called Cell also emerges and, after absorbing two of the Androids to achieve his "perfect form," holds his own fighting tournament to challenge the protagonists. After Goku sacrifices his own life to no avail, Gohan avenges his father by defeating Cell. Seven years later, Goku, briefly revived for one day, and his allies are drawn into a fight against Majin Boo. After numerous battles, including destruction and re-creation of the Earth, Goku destroys Boo with a Genki-Dama (a sphere of pure energy drawn from all intelligent beings on Earth) and wishes for him to be reincarnated as a "good person." Ten years later, at another Tenkaichi Budōkai, Goku meets Boo's human reincarnation, Oob. Leaving their match unfinished, Goku departs with Oob to train him to be Earth's new guardian.
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leftpostwerewolf · 2 years
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leftpostwerewolf · 2 years
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Laid-back dad vibe outfit
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leftpostwerewolf · 2 years
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Broly on Beerus' planet.
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leftpostwerewolf · 2 years
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leftpostwerewolf · 2 years
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Vegeta being a complacent idiot.
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leftpostwerewolf · 2 years
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Righteous Fury
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leftpostwerewolf · 2 years
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leftpostwerewolf · 2 years
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leftpostwerewolf · 2 years
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leftpostwerewolf · 2 years
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Innocent G eating nimbus clouds despite the fact that he's dead.
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