#Pure Vanilla is Gingerbrave's father
kousaka-ayumu · 1 year
Lost Memories
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Pure Vanilla can't remember anything besides from waking up in a soft bed with Dark Enchantress, who introduced herself as his wife. 
At first he is confused as he doesn't remember having a wife until.
"We're married for some time now Vanilla. You just got into an accident and you can't remember anything."
That's what she said, until she told him to meet her at the throne room and told him to get dressed.
He obeyed her much to her happiness.
Dark Enchantress looking at the window of the Five heroes. 
Pure Vanilla, Hollyberry, Dark Cacao, Golden Cheese and hers- no White Lily. 
No, she shook her head as she is no longer that soft-spoken, weak fragment of her past. 
Ah Pomegranate, Dark Enchantress's most devoted and loyal minion. 
"Pure Vanilla has arrived."
"Alright, let him in."
As the red haired priestess bowed her head in respect as Red Velvet opened the door. 
She blushed a bit as soon as she saw him entered the room. 
He wore the opposite of what he originally wear. God, he's bea- no he's always beautiful even before losing his memories. 
"You can leave now Pomegranate, Son."
Both of them nodded as they left the room leaving both of them alone. 
"Ah! Vanilla you're here."
She said he is walking towards her. 
"As you requested. Why do you want me here?"
"I sensed that something is troubled you my dear. Pomegranate told me that you have been tensed up at the moment."
"Oh, it just that I have been prossesing that I'm you're husband."
Suddenly he yelped at the soft touch on his hip, practically jumping out of his skin. Her hand slowly sliding down from his back unto his hips while her other hand was holding his. 
"Surprised, my dear."
He nodded as both of them started dancing(remember the Beauty and The Beast finale where both Belle and Adam danced? Yup it's the exact same one here except replaced Belle with Vanilla and Beast with White Lily/Dark Enchantress). 
As the duo danced slowly and quietly Enchantress has need staring at Vanilla the entire time, oh how happy she is of finally getting rid of those other heroes especially Dark Cacao who is always get in her way. 
Even though she's happy that she defeated The Five but that doesn't mean their dead. 
Both Golden Cheese and Dark Cacao was still alive ruling over their kingdoms with an iron fist, Hollyberry left her kingdom in shame of not being able to protect it, and her past self White Lily who is an illusion is still out there somewhere. 
But that doesnt matter right now as not only she is finally have the Soul Jam to herself but also the most powerful healer of them all to herself.
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thedarkcircuswritings · 5 months
Hey...got a cute request I got from these two prompts!
Imagine well...when seal breaks, instead of shadow milk just popping out and immedietly confronts the group...first thing shadow milk does? Take his baby out in a stroller or baby carriage in cookie size. Like all his focus is on giving his baby a new, fun experience. Like gingerbrave and his group jump back in fear? Shadow milk is distracting the baby with a rattle! Elder faerie demanding shadow milk go back into the tree? Not now, he is looking for a baby-safe flower his baby could hold so he could try to encourage them to say "flower"...like how his baby's first word was "puppet" (or some form of dad...your choice! Lol!)
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"Everyone, brace yourselves!" Elder Faerie announced as the seal broke apart, nearly collapsing into a magical mist. White Lily and Pure Vanilla prepared their staffs, both equally nervous, but trying to keep a calm facade. GingerBrave prepared his candy cane, Wizard's staff sparked with electricity, and Strawberry shakily had her lollipop out.
Through the rubble, and out of the slightly broken tree, they could see a shadowy figure with piercing blue eyes. The form was intimidating... But who would've expected any less from a Beast of old: Shadow Milk Cookie! One of the fallen heroes who bowed down to inner corruption, and now has escaped the seal, and- "We're... free?" Elder Faerie was caught off-guard for a split second, seeing the once-powerful jester step out into the light. His eyes widened though once he saw the small, newborn dough safely wrapped up in Shadow Milk's arms. Impossible, it was impossible... He thought nothing could get through the seal. This must be some sort of ruse, or a trick! He wouldn't expect anything less from Shadow Milk, using such disgustingly underhanded tactics! "Stay back, Shadow Milk. Get back into your prison, or else!" Elder Faerie shouted. Shadow Milk flinched, stepping back, but not towards the tree, but instead towards nature. Protectively, he kept the baby close, who cooed naively, unaware of the situation. GingerBrave paused. "Wait, does Shadow Milk have-" "Do not fall for his tricks, it is merely a doll!" Elder Faerie claimed. "He wants us with our guard down." "W-Wait, wait! Hold on, I... I come in peace!" Shadow Milk stated, seeing how the cookies looked like they were ready to pounce. "And we should believe you why?" Elder Faerie asked. Shadow Milk opened his mouth for some desperate answer, but a tiny "papa" squeaked from the baby. Shadow Milk's gaze shifted down, as did Elder Faeries. That voice... It didn't sound anything like a doll's. But if it was truly a child... After a moment of Shadow Milk shushing the baby a bit, he looked up at the other cookies and made one simple request: "Please... won't you help me with my child?"
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Can you please rant to me about how much you hate GingerBrave smut and Pure Vanilla? I hate GingerBrave smut too
OML YES PLEASE. For starters, it's clear that pure vanilla cannot handle his own problems alone and I'm honestly sick of people not talking about it, people be saying that he's one of the strongest ancients but I'm not seeing it, it's no shit people see him as a TWINK because he fucking acts like one, He can't face his own problems and relies on others to do so, like white lily with shadow milk cookie and GingerBrave for the cookie of darkness + dark enchantress cookie, it's also clear he gives no shits about his own people nor about his own fucking family, let's talk about how his youngest descendant was left in a forest to fucking die by his own family and pure vanilla didn't even know, also, you get how pure vanilla is ONLY involving GingerBrave? Talking about taking him to war and everything? Like what the fuck makes him think it's okay? Even if GingerBrave wants this, why the fuck would he still do it?! GingerBrave is a three year old in a twelve year olds body, and also I'm pretty damn sure GingerBrave was being sent into this, the others were given a choice and he couldn't even be there for his friend. If he had just heard her out he would've prevented this, GingerBrave had no reason at all to be thrown in this, and also im sick of people victimizing him, like "ohh poor pure vanilla" or "pure vanilla is a good guy!" Even if he regretted his past mistakes, he is clearly training GingerBrave to be his tool only to toss him out when he's done, he doesn't care about GingerBrave or anybody that isn't himself, I'd actually argue he's worse than dark enchantress cookie, pure vanilla is dumb and that's saying a lot for the supposed ancient of wisdom, then when I say this to his fans about why I don't like him they want to get all mad and shit, pure vanilla cookie failed to represent and lead his people which was why the raisin village was being invaded by waffle bots and the vanilla kingdom became timeless and over taken by DE, I'm surprised everyone forgave him after everything he did, it's like he has everyone wrapped around his finger, in my opinion pure vanilla is the WEAKEST ancient I ever fucking seen, at least the other ancients can handle their own fucking problems and not send a literal child into this, pure vanilla is supposed to be this peace maker and voice of reason but I feel like people are glorifying him way too much. Pure vanilla lacks general remorse and emotion towards his people and those around him. Better yet, I'm sick of people making pure vanilla cookie seem like a father figure for GingerBrave, like dark cacao or dark Choco or the other ancients I can see that but pure vanilla?
And as for GingerBrave smut, I fucking hate it, people are generally sick in the head, especially the bitches who would age him up to make it okay, like when will they learn that it isn't fucking okay, people would proship this boy, draw him pregnant and even make jokes of the one ad, if it was someone like sorbet shark cookie or sherbet cookie, there would be absolute out rage, but the minute it's GingerBrave all of a sudden it doesn't matter. People had pair GingerBrave up with everyone, his fucking brother included, I swear if it was some other character there would be actual cancelations. When it comes to other characters being proshipped, they wanna scream, get angry, start an actual outrage, rant on how their minors but the minute it's GingerBrave who is one of the most shipped fucking characters is the victim of this, people wanna make jokes or not care, it's actually hard to find people who would actually act out on proshippers who'd proship GingerBrave to no end, like people would do it for cream puff, people would do it for wizard cookie, hell people will do it for strawberry crepe cookie but the minute it's GingerBrave it's fucking SILENCE. Like not a word, NOTHING. I hate how people turn a blind eye on GingerBrave, hell I swear the only reason people are even talking about it is because their favorite adult cookie is in it, hell some people would say they like it when it comes to GingerBrave, you notice how they would age GingerBrave up in some aus to ship him with adults, even making some rape him it's wrong and fucking nasty but people are acting like it's okay because it's fucking GingerBrave.
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thealphavoidofficial · 6 months
So new CRK Au idea, guess what! it’s a SWAP AU! :D
So I still gotta draw the designs down but here is a chart showing all the roles that are swapped:
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And here are some fun facts before I make the actual lore and story with them :)
GingerBrave: He has scars and burn marks from his time in the Witches Castle and a Shit-Tom of trauma :), his brother Dozer had died, being burnt alive and eaten in front of him, he has Pyrophobia.
Wizard Cookie: His backstory is kinda similar to Licorice Cookies, and he has OCD
Licorice Cookie: Like OG Wizard Cookie he was baked in the Witches castle, he is rather skittish and rather attention seeking, like his OG counterpart he feels like nobody takes him seriously and always feels like he has to prove himself as a valuable member of the team, he has abandonment issues,
Crimson Velvet (Evil PV): In this Au he went with White Lily to the witches feast and fell into the Ultimate Dough instead of her, however due to mental trauma and slight amnesia from being in a slumbering state in the Void for so long she doesn’t quiet recall it that well.
Pure Vanilla: After falling into the Ultimate dough it had split him in 2, creating Crimson Velvet, after sealing him away he was teleported to the Faerie Kingdom in Beast-Yeast, where he had sacrificed most of his Half-life to strengthen the seal, going in a half-dead comatose state.
White Lily Cookie: She plays a similar role to her OG counterpart and OG Pure Vanilla, like the OG universe she does not have a Kingdom and preferred to wander the land and visit the other kingdoms, she had assisted Pure Vanilla in casting the Dark Moon Magic spell that sealed away Crimson Velvet, getting sent to the Void in the process.
StrawBerry Cookie: Much like OG Pomegranate Strawberry Cookie is very devoted to Crimson Velvet, willing to do anything for him. She also has a slight insecurity when it comes to their looks, preferring to hide her face in her veil.
Pomegranate Cookie: She is rather shy in this Au, like OG Strawberry she was baked in the Witches Castle, she prefers to hide herself in her cloak and rarely takes the hood off.
Chilly Pepper Cookie: She was found and adopted by Crimson Velvet and had her body modified with Cake parts, she sees the cake beasts as her partners in crime and performs several raids with them.
Red Velvet Cookie: After Crimson Velvet exploded The Oven he ran from the Witches Castle and into the world, having to steal to survive, soon meet and befriending a young Cake Hound, whom he named Chiffon, he has trust issues.
Dark Choco Cookie: Like in the OG universe he attack his father Dark Cacao Cookie with the Strawberry Jam sword, however after being banished he abandoned the sword immediately, instead wandering the land as a sort of Vigilante protecting villages from Cake Beasts.
Custard Cookie III: He was found as a mere infant and raised by Crimson Velvet inside of the Tower, although his Healing magic is stronger then his physical Attacks, he can be a formidable opponent in battle, do not underestimate his young and small appearance.
(Also note: might make a Fic of this ;) )
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chaoticm0therfvcker · 3 months
The Realization (Red Velvet Redemption AU Part 1)
Summary: It had been six months since Dark Choco had left the cookies of darkness behind to reunite with his family in the Dark Cacao Kingdom, and Red Velvet Cookie is starting to have his doubts about just how genuine Dark Enchantress is with her feelings towards him. After a very harsh realization, Red Velvet makes the decision to run away as well, hoping to find Dark Choco and ask for guidance through this new chapter of his life
Six Months Ago
Dark Choco quietly packed his things in the dead of night, shoving his minimal belongings into the old, tattered messenger bag that had followed him through all his adventures with the Cookies of Darkness.
When he first joined the cookies of darkness, he was but a broken, slightly reckless, young adult, his better judgement being clouded by that damned strawberry jam sword he picked up in an attempt to become as powerful a hero as his father, Dark Cacao Cookie. He was broken, traumatized, desperate for approval thanks to his not-so-great upbringing, and Dark Enchantress gave that to him. She had taken him in, cleaned his wounds, showed him that he wasn’t alone in the sense that there were cookies just like him; ones that were turned to the dark side in the pursuit of power. In a way, she was caring towards him, more so than Choco’s father seemed to be.
Despite going on mostly solo missions, he was a Cookie of Darkness through and through, and while he didn’t love it, he felt welcome there.
Growing up, Dark Choco didn’t have the greatest childhood. He grew up without a mom, the closest thing he had to a mother being his aunt Hollyberry which he only saw once in a while, and while he wasn’t necessarily abusive, Dark Cacao wasn’t the best father. He was hard on Dark Choco, training him hard to be a tough yet kind warrior. He was very emotionally reserved, the only time Choco ever hearing and “I love you” from his father being when they succeeded in battle. Cacao was so emotionally reserved, in fact, that the only time Choco ever saw him smile was once during an outing with Pure Vanilla. Despite this, Dark Choco grew up grateful for his father, grateful for his luck being able to grow up in a mostly safe environment, and that thankfulness fueled his motivation to make his father proud, and bring as much protection and security to the Dark Cacao kingdom as he could. Unfortunately, he couldn’t shake the feeling that he would never be good enough for Dark Cacao; that he would never be able to make him proud or happy or make him care for him in the way that Choco so desperately craved. This pain, this passion, this motivation to make his father proud is what led him to pick up the Strawberry Jam sword, the intense power of the blade driving him to madness, and in turn driving him to attack his own father.
Dark Choco lost two things that day: his eye, and his home.
Then, one day, he was required to go on a mission to the Dark Cacao kingdom. One of his fellow Cookies of Darkness, Affogato Cookie, was in the kingdom, posing as a royal advisor to Dark Cacao in an attempt to take over the kingdom. However, a group of bright-eyed, plucky adventurers led by a cookie named Gingerbrave were traveling to the Dark Cacao kingdom as well. While their reasoning for their expedition was unclear, it was obvious that once they caught on to Affogato’s true intentions, they would do anything within their power to stop him. Therefore, Choco took it upon himself to stop them.
Then, he saw it.
He saw his father, the king, with two younger warriors. Choco recognized them as Caramel Arrow and Crunchy Chip, though they were much older now than they were when he had left. They had defeated Affogato Cookie with the help of Gingerbrave and his friends, then defeated some berserk, corrupted form of Dark Cacao that struck fear in the heart of Dark Choco, though when the king returned to normal, Choco noticed something.
Dark Cacao took pride in Caramel Arrow and Crunchy Chip, gently clutching their shoulders and giving a small thank you. Choco could see a faint smile on his lips. It was clear that he cared deeply for these two warriors, almost as if they were his son and daughter, though Dark Choco noticed something else about their relationship. Dark Cacao was acting the same way with them as he did with Choco; kind, yet emotionally reserved. It was clear he cared, but it was also clear that the smile on his face was a rare occurrence, and although he was proud of them and cared for them and most likely loved them as his own children, he didn’t express it in the way that most parental figures do. He was stern, yet kind. Affectionate, but without the ability to show much of this affection. It was in that moment that he realized that he had been wrong about Dark Cacao. Of course Dark Cacao loved him, of course he was proud of him, of course he was as caring and affectionate as Choco had always wanted; he just never showed it in the typical way!
Tears pricked at the corners of Dark Choco’s eyes, and he clutched his sword tightly. He had been fighting the overbearing power of this blade for a long time, but this was the breaking point, that final burst of emotion and motivation that he needed to break free from the sword’s control.
In that moment, Dark Choco’s mind was finally clear of the swirling darkness inside of him, the echoing voices telling him to attack the innocent cookies he had worked so hard to protect in the past. Most of all, his head was clear enough to realize that he needed to leave the Cookies of Darkness, return to his home, and make an attempt to reconcile with his father.
Suddenly, Dark Choco was snapped out of his thoughts at the sound of his door creaking open. He quickly spun around, covering his bag with his body, then let out a sigh of relief at the sight of his friend, Red Velvet Cookie.
“Hey.” He greeted, letting out a shaky exhale.
“Hey Choco,” Velvet replied, taking a step into the dark bedroom, “what are you doing up so late?”
“It’s nothing. None of your business.” Choco snapped, his tone much harsher than he had intended. He wasn’t usually this harsh towards Red Velvet- in fact, he was Choco’s closest friends- though he was incredibly stressed out in this moment, not to mention trying to hide the fact that he was leaving.
“Yeesh, you don’t need to snap at me,” Red Velvet responded. Then, he saw the bag. “Are you… packing? Are you going on another mission or something?”
Dark Choco let out a defeated sigh. “Sort of… I’m leaving. For good. I’m going home.”
For a good minute, Velvet stood in stunned silence, a look of surprise, fear, and confusion on his face. “Home…? But this is your home!”
Once again, Dark Choco could feel tears forming in his eyes. “No, it’s not. The Dark Cacao kingdom is my home, and I am done pretending that it’s not.”
“What about your father, huh? Isn’t the whole reason you left because he neglected you?” Red Velvet retorted, desperation in his tone.
“He didn’t neglect me!” Choco snapped, scowling, “Yeah, maybe he pushed me too hard at times, but after my last mission in the Dark Cacao kingdom, I realized that that’s just his way of caring for people. He cared about me, he protected me, he raised me to be strong and kind! And this stupid sword ruined it all!” He grabbed the Strawberry Jam Blade and pointed it at Red Velvet, defensiveness in his eyes.
At the sudden motion, Red Velvet put his hands up defensively. “Choco, put the sword down.” He sighed, “look, loving father or not, Dark Enchantress took care of you, took care of us. She showed us kindness when society cast us aside.”
Dark Choco sighed and lowered the blade. “I know… but these past few months, with a clear head and the realization about my father… it just feels fake.”
“What feels fake?” Red Velvet inquired.
“Her kindness!” Dark Choco exclaimed, “She has hurt so many cookies, destroyed so many homes, tried to convince us that we were doing the right thing in that sticky-sweet tone of hers! I just feel like…”
“I just feel like she’s just showing us love to make us do her bidding.”
Red Velvet gasped, a tense silence filling the air. Tears filled his eyes, blurring his vision and causing a familiar tightness to form in his throat. He wanted to say something, to scream at Dark Choco in defense of Dark Enchantress, but he just… couldn’t.
He had nothing that he could say.
“Look, you can’t change my mind on leaving, but you’re free to join me if you’d like.” Dark Choco started, “I know your relationship with Dark Enchantress is really good, but you’ve seen what a monster she could be. I care about you a lot, more than anyone else on Earthbread, and I would hate to see you fall victim to her manipulation. We’ve all done such bad things under her command, but it’s not too late to make things right.”
“Choco… I’m sorry, I just can’t.” Red Velvet replied glumly, “she’s been so kind to me, gave me an arm, let me keep as many cute little cake hounds as I wanted… maybe one day I’ll see through her so-called ‘fake kindness’ but for now, I want to stay here.”
Dark Choco nodded in understanding. “I understand.” Climbing up onto his windowsill, about to jump out, he added “if you ever decide to leave the Cookies of Darkness, you know where to find me.”
And with that, Dark Choco Cookie was gone.
Present Day
Red Velvet sat on his bed, sipping a jellybean latte as a cake hound slept in his lap. It had been six months since Dark Choco ran away to return to his home kingdom, yet his words still echoed through Red Velvet’s mind.
“I just feel like she’s showing us love to make us do her bidding.”
Ironically, ever since that day, Dark Enchantress had been even more of a doting mother than ever before. She cooked meals for the Cookies of Darkness, bought all the fabric needed for licorice to make Choco Werehound’s dress for the princess games in the Hollyberry kingdom, and when things didn’t go according to plan and Choco Werehound became friends with a girl named Blueberry Cookie, she didn’t seem mad at all. Usually, she would be enraged by a failed mission, and yet she was able to stay calm this time. Red Velvet wanted to believe that it was all true, that all of this was a part of her role as the motherly figure of the Cookies of Darkness, maybe it was even her alter ego, White Lily, poking through, but Red Velvet couldn’t shake the feeling that all of this was fake.
Was Dark Choco… right?
Of course, there were a few red flags. All of Dark Enchantress’s sweet smiles were more like menacing grins, and she would always get a bit snappy if the topic of Dark Choco came up, but then she would chuckle lightly and shake her head, then in that sticky-sweet tone that Dark Choco had previously mentioned, she would say “oh, I’m getting ahead of myself again, he’ll come back. He always does.”
What the hell was that supposed to mean?
Red Velvet looked down at his arm, the large, furry, monstrous one that Dark Enchantress gave him when she first took him in. It was much larger than his other arm, with a palm almost as big as his face and even larger red and white claws. He often used it to pet his beloved cake hounds, occasionally using it to attack cookies on missions, though he would usually just use his saw for that. In their time together, Dark Enchantress spoiled him rotten, giving him as many cake hounds as he wanted, made him the commander of the giant tower they took residence in, and in return, he devoted his life to her.
As he looked at his arm, he realized something.
Was this his version of the Strawberry Jam Blade? The item bestowed upon him as a source of power, just to cloud his judgement and make him want to side with the bad guys? He was just a child when Dark Enchantress gave it to him, so he barely knew who he was without it, without her.
Was he really anyone at all?
Taking a deep breath, Red Velvet stood up from his bed, cradling the still resting cake hound in his arms. He needed to talk to Dark Enchantress. However, as soon as he walked out of his room, she was standing before him, a smile on her face.
“Oh, Red Velvet dear, I was just coming to look for you,” she started, “we have a new mission today.”
Red Velvet perked up at the sound of her voice, his decision to go talk to her regarding his past quickly becoming a second priority.
“If you weren’t already aware,” she explained, “the ancient cookies have decided to share their soul jam with the world, lending their power to insignificant cookies in an attempt to destroy us. They’ve already shared their power with the Crème Republic, and a very talented scientist there has turned a portion of their magic into special candies to give cookies special abilities.”
“It sounds risky.” Red Velvet remarked.
“It is,” Dark Enchantress agreed, “however, with this new information, it gives us the opportunity to not only invade the Crème Republic and possibly steal these magic candies for ourselves, we will also be able to attack while the power of the ancient cookies is weakened. What do you say, are you willing to do this for me? I’m sure your lovely cake hounds would love to stretch their legs a bit.”
Red Velvet smiled weakly and nodded. “Of course. I will stand with you until the end of time, mother.”
That all too familiar menacing grin formed on Dark Enchantress’s face, and she clasped her hand onto Red Velvet’s shoulder.
“I knew I could count on you. You never fail to make me proud.”
After she had walked away, Red Velvet released a shaky breath of air that he didn’t realize he had been holding. He felt ill, nervous feelings swirling in his stomach and making his head spin. He wanted so desperately to believe he was just paranoid, but he had finally come to the horrible realization he had been trying so hard to suppress.
Dark Choco was right, and he needed to get the hell out of here before he did something he knew he would regret.
Taglist: @janayuga @katsunemillennium @c00kietin @cedric-my-beloved @lovelettersinc @undeadvinyls
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snowleopardcrk · 5 months
Moonflower Cookie's First Anniversary
Hello! I am NovelSora, or Snow and I am here to celebrate Moonflower Cookie's first anniversary (April 27th). To celebrate this occasion, I have completely overhauled her current set of sprites with more on the way. I did plan on this being a little more extensive, but I am SWAMPED with finals at the moment.
Without further ado, here are the new sprites.
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You can also find her sprites on Comic Studio.
Some other upcoming content for her is: - Remake of her gacha assets - Lobby splash art - Decorations for her - Additional sprites - Hopefully at least 1 sprite animation (no promises)
But thats content that only includes her, on her wiki (here) you can find the interactions where there is only two, Pure Vanilla Cookie & Sea Bunny Cookie. So, here's a sneak peak of additional characters (canon only or my OCs). Keep in mind, these are NOT complete and may change once fully released.
White Lily & Moonflower: Moony: ... White Lily: Moonflower..? Moony: Go. White Lily: ...
Golden Cheese & Moony: Golden Cheese: Well, well! If it isn't the nights treasure! Moony: Auntie Cheese.. Hi. Golden Cheese: its time a chin up a little, I'm taking YOU to the park. Moony: sure...I don't mind.
Hollyberry & Moonflower: Hollyberry: Wonderful to see you out and about! What brought you to this kingdom? Anything mystical that caught your attention? Moonflower: Yes, and no.. My father pulled me along to socialize a little. Hollyberry: Since I don't see him around... I am sure he won't mind if I burrow you for a little while! Moonflower: I- Hollyberry: I'm buying you raspberry muffins of plenty! But eat them safely, we don't want another repeat of the Berry Barrel Holiday incident. Moonflower: of course, auntie holly...
Dark Cacao & Moonflower: Dark Cacao: Moonflower Cookie? Moony: Uncle Cacao..? What brings you here? Dark Cacao: It has been a while. Moony: You seem to be moving around a lot more.. Dark Cacao: ...I suppose. Moony: You are thinking about something. Dark Cacao: After everything, you still stand as rigid as the most experienced cacaoian warriors. Moony: Yeah.... Still standing after everything....
GingerBrave & Moonflower: GingerBrave: Moonflower! There you are! Are you enjoying the kingdom? Moony: oh, gee... You really do come out of nowhere. GingerBrave: sorry if I surprised you, hehe... Moony: its fine... I suppose this is alright. GingerBrave: if you need anything, I am always here to help!
Black Raisin & Moonflower: Black Raisin: Moonflower, what are you doing out here? Moony: ...! Black Raisin: *Sigh*, Pure Vanilla is worried about you. Come on, let's go and find him. Moony: yes, Black Raisin Cookie...
Elder Faerie & Moonflower: Moonflower: ... Elder Faerie: I sense many conflicts within you. Moonflower: She told you things, didn't she..? Elder Faerie: ...Yes, she did. Moonflower: do you think...Nevermind. Elder Faerie: ...
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Another costume concept for Moonflower
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also included an animation concept thingy for unique animations
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some skill ones too!
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starkaiwrites · 6 months
Dark Enchantress Cookie kidnaps one of PV’s kids from a young age and then years later the father and child reunite and something something angst
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I’ll make reader his child so you get father Pv <3 I’ll just make this some angsty hcs
Child! Reader + Pure vanilla cookie
Angst and fluff
• You were probably kidnapped at some point during the dark Flour war, pure vanilla was distraught at the news, how could dark enchantress take you away?!
•you knew very well she wasn’t your actual parent, so during timeless kingdom you managed to sneak away to get with gingerbrave and the gang
•which of course results in a heart warming reunion between you to, let’s say you were kidnapped when you were about 5 or so and now your a teenager, so he hasn’t seen you in a LONG time,dudes fucking crying
•you totally beat dc’s ass for trying to manipulate your actually parent and you rip her a new one to!
Bonus stuff!
•calls you his little star
•he totally sneaks you candy from time to time
•will fucking die just to protect you
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hugemilkshake · 3 months
This is for all my X reader stuff so you can find any fics I have made!
Romantic 💕
Platonic 🌸
Angst 🫧
Yandere 🥀
Platonic or romantic 🍁
Silly 🍡
Unsure ❓
Beaten Longan Dragon🌸
Yandere Shadow Milk🥀🍁
Yandere Shadow Milk part 2🥀🍁
Corrupted white lily with twin reader🌸
Naga Shadow Milk🌸❓❓❓
Forbidden lovers with Marble Danish💕
Dragon Admirers💕
Yandere Shadow Milk part 3🥀🍁
Naga Shadow Milk 2🌸❓❓❓❓
Friends to lovers with Raspberry Mouse💕
The mermaids Siren🥀💕
Meeting the dragons💕
Just Relax- Self Aware Au🌸
Your local hero!🍁
Clumsy Fool💕
Protector of royalty💕
Take the apple❓❓
Stone Cold🫧🍁
Big brother Gingerbrave!🌸
The two sides of knowledge🥀🍁
Dumb dragons!🍁
Yandere Elder Faerie🥀🍁
How do you walk?- self aware Au🌸
Mail mistake💕🍡
Arrow of death💕🫧
The lonely bonding club🌸
Little dove🥀💕
Lovely food🥀💕
Worried caretaker💕
Chit chatting- self aware Au🌸
Science miscalculations💕
Head Cannons
Yandere Elder Faerie🥀🍁
Yandere Butter Roll🥀🍁
Yandere Butter Pretzel🥀🍁
Butter Roll with a ticklish reader🍁
Yandere Scovillia Headmaster🥀🍁
Yandere Pure Vanilla🥀💕
Yandere Hollyberry🥀🍁
Linzer Cuddling💕
Father Butter Roll🌸
Vampire Shadow Milk🌸❓
Dark Choco healing from obsession🍁
Curious CoD Reader🌸
Post banishment Affogato🫧🍁
Vampire Shadow Milk part 2🥀🌸❓
Yandere Mercurial Knight🥀🍁
Yandere Shadow Milk🥀🍁
Curious CoD Reader part 2🌸
Some nice Mercurial Knight🍁
Shadow Milk with Mind Control❓
Dragons with a dead reader🫧🍁
Night terrors with Clotted Cream💕
Shadow Milk with mind control 2❓❓
Jealous of Snapdragon🍁
Elder Faerie with a talkative reader🍁
Cinnamon with a prodigy reader💕
Licorice cuddles🍁
Triple cone cup principles with a strong reader🌸
Kissing cinnamon cookie💕
Doodle Scenarios
Elder faerie in the rain🍁
Chilling with Smores Cookie 🌸
Carameleon question 🌸
Elder Faerie VS Shadow Milk🍁
Pure Vanilla sheep🍁
Red Velvet’s hand💕
Clotted Creams offer🍁
Black Pearl saves reader🍁
Matchas plan🍁
Meeting Kumiho🍁
Comforting Matcha🫧🍁
Annoying Butter Roll🍡
Shadow Milk Rambles🍁
Butter Roll and cat Reader🍁
Yandere Butter Roll🥀🍁
Chilling with Caramel Arrow🍁
Yandere Dark Enchantresses🥀🌸
Butter Roll Tickling🍁
Father Abalone🌸
Clotted Cream cuddles🍁
Pure Vanilla Hugs🍁
Shadow Witch with Cookie reader🌸
Dark Enchantress cuddles🌸
Two Butter Rolls🍡
Kouign-Amann hugs💕
Pomegranates rivalry🍁
Baking with the Shadow Witch💕
Cloak buddies with Dark Choco🍁
Shadow Milk something idk-❓
Butter Roll with Eldritch horror reader🍡
Butter Roll comforting reader🍁
Royal Margarine hugs🍁
Yandere Mercurial Knight🥀🍁
Reader dropped their ice cream🌸
Crimson lily thing ❓
The hidden kingdom🌸
Noisy marketplace 🌸
Sleepy spider💕
Patron affection 🍁
The watchful witch🌸
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ryctone · 5 months
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Happy (late) birthday to Meringue Cookie who belongs to @minecraftninjerkid! The OC ever /pos. Didn't really know what to do so I drew her with her interdimensional half-brother (My beloved child Liege Waffle Cookie who I also put thru the horrors /j). I did the math and I realized that Liege Waffle would be older than Meri, that'd make for an interesting dynamic...
I also thought of a silly little alternate universe were they exist together, feel free to ignore tho 🥺.
So, if my memory serves right; Meri was born back when the old Vanilla Kingdom was already a thing, and since Liege Waffle was born around the time Pure Vanilla obtained his Soul Jam—meaning WAY before he was even a king yet—that'd make Liege Waffle at LEAST an older teen/young adult when White Lily reunites with the other Ancient heroes and announces she had Meri. Liege Waffle's mom (Apricot Cookie) had already passed away years ago and while PV loved her dearly, has unearthed the feelings he once had for WL, so he accepts the child and WL into his family.
Now, since Liege Waffle already had a lot of self-esteem issues by this point, with his father busy running the kingdom to make time for him and Liege not really connecting with the other heirs of the Ancients (Dark Choco and Royalberry)... Now, he has to deal with his apparent 'half-sister' that appeared quite literally out of nowhere, he view Meri as his 'replacement' and absolutely hated her guts for just existing in his home— he felt more alone than ever.
He didn't attend the weeding.
Liege Waffle spends the next few years at the Wafflebot Hangar and/or his personal laboratory tending to his inventions like he had always done, refusing to acknowledge WL as his 'mom' or even Meri as his 'sister' for that matter; PV tried to tell him he was acting unreasonable rude and that all of them were family now, but Liege Waffle continued to disregard them, and continued inventing more Wafflebots.
One day, little Meri managed to sneak into Liege Waffle's personal laboratory and breaks a prototype he was creating by accident. That made Liege finally snap at her and basically yelled "We may have the same father, but you aren't my sister and never was!". Meri runs in tears and next thing he knew he was being scolded like a child by PV and WL.
Around this time he also takes in Strawberry Crepe as his apprentice and just so happens that Meri stopped trying to get close to the Wafflebot Hangar to actually meet them... Mmh...
Then, the first Sugar Flare happened.
For the first time in forever, Liege Waffle feels another emotion towards Meri that isn't hate or spitefulness... But pity.
He sees how everyone starts to hate her—or rather, FEAR her, because of something even she doesn't understand. Almost like... Him. Everyone only sees him as a Wafflebot creating machine rather than a prince, only a tool that creates weapons to defend their home.
She was like him.
However, he realizes that a bit too late, because the Dark Flour War took everything away.
He has the fight™ with PV and gets send away with some other Vanillians to be put '''safely''' in a cryogenic pot and Meri gets put in the Moonstone that sealed Dark Enchantress.
While Meri would later get freed by Gingerbrave and co. and then her adventures as Emissary of Earthbread would unfold, Liege Waffle would remain in his frozen state inside the cryogenic chamber for much longer.
By the time he got found by Black Raisin, Espresso and Strawberry Crepe (between the end of Cookie Odyssey and the beginning of Dragon Quest) Meri would be fully grown and no longer the child he despised so much.
Probably many other things happen, probably his grudge against her would grow because of how important she had become while he got buried into obscurity. But, in the end... I think they could reconcile.
They'll be fine.
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thefaronlucario · 5 months
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My Cookie Run Kingdom oc
Name: Snickerdoodle Cookie
Rarity: Ancient
Type: Support
Position: Rear
Cookie ability: Stunning (15s) - small cinnamon flowers spread across the field causing enemies to stop in their tracks for a period of time, while providing a buff to allies ATK and restore a portion of their health.
Her Spirit Jam is in the shape of a cinnamon leaf. (Spirit Jam is similar to Soul Jam)
Background/Backstory: Snickerdoodle Cookie is the daughter of Pure Vanilla Cookie and White Lily Cookie. Due to Pure Vanilla’s kindness, White Lily’s empathy, and both of her parents love, Snickerdoodle Cookie grew up to be a kind and loving cookie with a strong faith. On her 19th birthday is when Dark Enchantress Cookie attacked the Vanilla kingdom. As Dark Cacao Cookie, Golden Cheese Cookie, Hollyberry Cookie, Pure Vanilla Cookie, and White Lily Cookie are about to go fight Dark Enchantress Cookie, Pure Vanilla and White Lily send Snickerdoodle with half the of Vanilla kingdom citizens to leave the kingdom while the other half evacuate by airship. When Snickerdoodle and her group get to a safe distance from the kingdom, they turn around just to see the explosion from the Vanilla castle. Most of the cookies with Snickerdoodle start to loose that they will ever return back to the kingdom. It’s at this moment that Snickerdoodle encourages the cookies with her to have faith that one day they will return to restore the Vanilla kingdom; however, to do that they must survive and leave in order for it to happen. With her words that she spoke to the cookies, she heard the voice of The light of Faith granting to her, her Spirit Jam. The Cookies along with Snickerdoodle form the Pilgrim Village that’s near the hero’s gate. Snickerdoodle Cookie helped guide cookies with the newly appointed pilgrim village elder for 5 years, until her 24th birthday. She decided that she would go on a pilgrimage to check if what was left of the Vanilla kingdom had survived. As she was about to leave, the cookies and the village elder came to see her off. She said her goodbyes, and then she left for her journey. She cleared the trials of the pilgrims path and the hero’s gate, making it to the pomegranate forest(the tainted forest). Just as Snickerdoodle Cookie was leaving the brooding moss part of the forest, unbeknownst to her, she triggered a moonstone trap. Trapping and encasing Snickerdoodle in moonstone for a long time until GingerBrave and his friends enter the forest.
Main storyline:
Tainted forest/Ancient altar: It is here when GingerBrave and his friends free Snickerdoodle Cookie from the moonstone. As They all introduced themselves, one of the cookies in GingerBrave’s group looks awfully familiar to Snickerdoodle Cookie. She soon realizes that its her mother, White Lily Cookie. Snickerdoodle Cookie joins GingerBrave and his friends at his invitation. Snickerdoodle fills her mother in what she knows what was the last five years of her life that her father and mother were not there to see. Upon entering the Pomegranate village, Snickerdoodle Cookie learns how many years passed while she was trapped in the moonstone and also finding out that her body’s physical aging has permanently been slowed. She helps purify the Sugar Swan along side GingerBrave, Strawberry Cookie, Wizard Cookie, custard cookie 3rd, Chili pepper Cookie, and White Lily Cookie.
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Forgotten Academy/Hall of enlightenment: As the group travel through the forgotten academy and the hall of enlightenment White Lily Cookie starts to remember everything she has done, while Snickerdoodle Cookie starts to grow concerned for her mother growing distant and more transparent. When they all reach the end of the hall of enlightenment, they come across another Moonstone containing White Lily Cookie. Snickerdoodle Cookie is surprised to see her mother in the Moonstone. When White Lily Cookie tells the group to break the moonstone and her along with it, Snickerdoodle Cookie is Shocked and absolutely doesn’t want to end her mother when breaking the Moonstone. Once the moonstone is broken, Snickerdoodle Cookie along with GingerBrave and his friends are stunned to see Dark Enchantress Cookie instead of White Lily Cookie who was freed from the Moonstone. Snickerdoodle Cookie started to feel sick to her stomach when finding out that her mother had become Dark Enchantress Cookie.
Castle in the sky/Timeless Kingdom: When dark enchantress cookie left, Snickerdoodle didn’t realize that she and GingerBrave’s group had been teleported to the raisin cliffs, so close to her homeland and kingdom. Snickerdoodle Cookie knew she didn’t have the time to morn the loss of her mother who had become Dark Enchantress Cookie. She had to help GingerBrave and his friends fend off the oncoming attacks. As they make it to the healer’s tent, they are cornered by Black Raisin Cookie and the villagers. Healer cookie steps out from the tent to stop Black Raisin cookie. Healer cookie welcomes the group of cookies into the village. As healer cookie starts heal injured cookies, Snickerdoodle Cookie asks if she can join him and help. Healer cookie gladly accepts Snickerdoodle’s help, and they start to heal the injured cookie together. As Everyone started talking about the Vanilla kingdom, Snickerdoodle finally couldn’t hold back her tears anymore. The group noticed Snickerdoodle’s tears, and took pause as healer cookie asked her what was wrong. Snickerdoodle Cookie finally explained about all she had gone through at the start of the dark flour war, that her Father is Pure Vanilla Cookie and she doesn’t know where he is, that she is the Princess of the Vanilla kingdom, and just found out that her mother has become Dark Enchantress Cookie. Healer cookie hugs Snickerdoodle Cookie as she finishes her explanation. The Cookies start talking once Snickerdoodle has finished crying, and she joins in on the conversation. As the crimson moon appears, the cookies are called out the cliff. Snickerdoodle joins in the fight against the wafflebots. Soon upon the end of the battle, the group of cookies come across the vanilla kingdom floating in the sky. They step into the teleportation gate leading them to the vanilla kingdom. As the group travels through the kingdom, it breaks Snickerdoodle Cookie’s heart to see her father’s kingdom in such disrepair. They finally reach the castle after few more battles. Upon entering the castle, most of the cookies gained unsettling feeling due to the cookie crumbs on the ground and residual magic causing certain parts of the past to be replayed. The group of cookies figure that it must be Dark Enchantress’ magic that is causing this. The group continues on until they are brought to a banquet hall where dark enchantress cookie is. As dark enchantress tries to sway GingerBrave, his friends, and Snickerdoodle to her side, healer cookie stands up against her. Everyone is surprised to see see Pure Vanilla Cookie alive. They leave the hall continuing on their way forward through the castle to truly face dark enchantress cookie. Snickerdoodle Cookie is so overjoyed and overwhelmed with her father being alive. Finally reaching where dark enchantress cookie is, the group was surprised to see pure vanilla cookie trapped inside a jar. As the group was about to defeat dark enchantress cookie, she made a final desperate attack only to be blocked by pure vanilla cookie breaking out of the jar and shielding them causing dark enchantress cookie and her group to retreat. Snickerdoodle Cookie decides to stay with her father and help rebuild the Vanilla kingdom.
Cookie odyssey:
Episode 1: Snickerdoodle Cookie is just helping around the Vanilla kingdom while the counsel of heroes happens. She does greet the cookies that come to the Vanilla kingdom.
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Episode 3: Snickerdoodle Cookie along with Dark Cacao Cookie, Hollyberry Cookie, and Pure Vanilla Cookie arrive at the Crème Republic just in time to help fight against the Cookies of Darkness.
Beast yeast story line:
Snickerdoodle Cookie decides to go to Beast Yeast with her Father, Pure Vanilla Cookie, along side Gingerbrave, Wizard Cookie, and Strawberry Cookie.
While traveling through beast yeast and coming across the fragments of her Mother’s soul Jam, snickerdoodle is slowly gaining hope that she can understand what happened with her mother, and what was going through her mother’s mind before her mother became Dark Enchantress Cookie.
As the group enters the fairy kingdom, Snickerdoodle is surprised to discover that White Lily is adored by the denizens of the kingdom. Elder Fairy Cookie explains what the current situation is, and clarifies more details the soul jam. He also explains that Snickerdoodle’s Jam is not a Soul Jam, but a Spirit Jam made by the wizards. Elder Fairy also shows that White Lily Cookie’s body is asleep in a glass box. The group goes collecting the rest of White Lily’s soul jam, and learning more about what to her. When they get enough shards to help revive White Lily Cookie, they learn what must be done to revive her.
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anonymous--writings · 7 months
Pure Vanilla already has 3 kids (Gingerbrave, Strawberry and Wizard), my man be a single father /j
Single father of 3 4.
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rosejigglypuff76 · 1 year
CRK Cookie Run Warriors AU - Concept Showcase
A brand new Cookie Run Kingdom AU, one where it follows similar with the story of the official game, albeit with these ideals 🍪
Cookie Run Warriors AU follows a story similar to the original source, that being Cookie Run Kingdom. But it will also have a few things from my Cookie Run Kimura AU, as well as some original concepts of its own ✨
I'll be showcasing each main key concept for each comic panel, made using Cookie Run Comic Studio 🎀
Another thing that'll be mentioned is that the following are planned out from the start of the creation of Cookie Run Warriors AU: 
The characters will have different/unique last names just like in the Cookie Run Kimura AU. (Ex; White Lily Cookie -> White Lily Hayashi)
A slightly altered cast of characters will be used. Some will still retain similar roles (Ex; Gingerbrave & Wizard) but others will be replacing other characters in their given roles (Ex; Strawberry Cookie -> Gingerbright, Custard Cookie III -> Cherry Bomb Cookie, Chili Pepper Cookie -> Herb Cookie)
Side Stories will be a thing in this AU, which are inspired by the ones in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky. Particularly with a certain story being unlocked after completing a certain chapter.
Cookies both from Cookie Run Kingdom & Cookie Run Ovenbreak will appear in this AU. Same goes with a few OCs that I made for the Cookie Run Franchise.
Concept of Cookie Run Warrior AU's creation was made as my own version of the original Cookie Run Kingdom. Some key points will be similar to the original but also different at the same time. (Ex; Dark Choco Cookie works with the Cookies of Darkness, but he's secretly still aligned with Dark Cacao Cookie. Not actually influenced by the Strawberry Jam Sword, and has a good and wholesome family bond with his father.)
Original Chapters are made to either replace the official chapter from the games, for things to make sense with the corresponding characters. (Ex; Pilgrim's Path -> Parfaedia City)
As of now I only have a full concept of Herb Cookie for the Cookie Run Warriors AU, who is actually the exact same one in my Cookie Run Kimura AU. Albeit; in a different story, but overall the same Herb Kimura (personality-wise, slight role-wise, and power to break the fourth wall) 🪴
The story will be made using Cookie Run Comic Studio, but some artworks made by me will be showcased, but not as much as the comics I created for this AU 🎀
Without further ado, here's each key concept showcased. Each with given meanings and similarities/differences 🍪
Concept #1 - The introduction/narration and the final battle between Dark Enchantress Cookie and the Ancients are the same up until Dark Enchantress defeats the Ancients
White Lily Cookie is actually present in this scene, and also has her own kingdom (nearby the Pure Vanilla Kingdom)
She's also the one that did a last resort attack at Dark Enchantress Cookie.
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Concept #2 - Gingerbrave & Gingerbright Escape the Witch's House, but instead of because they don't want to eaten, they instead escape because they didn't want to be Oven Warden's for the Witch and watch her eat the cookies while they followed her just to not be eaten themselves
Both Gingerbrave and Gingerbright successfully escape and found themselves in Earthbread, the Shimmering Ocean Village in particular, where Sea Fairy Cookie finds them
They explain everything to her, and the Ocean Goddess herself opened up her arms and welcomed both cookies into the village she guides, also requesting them to help her for their first task
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Concept #3 - The first task given to Gingerbrave and Gingerbright were tasked to rescue Herb Cookie, the Young God of Nature & Son of Sea Fairy.
Wizard Cookie decides to join them, but only because he doesn't want them to mess up, and not for the fact that he's the only cookie that the two helped back in the Witch's House
They meet up with Cherry Bomb Cookie (or simply called Cherry Cookie) decided to join in after hanging out with an older brother figure of hers (Werewolf Cookie), wanting more adventure in her life
Finally they managed to rescue Herb Cookie from Licorice Cookie, Choco Werehound Brute (aka; Schwarzwälder), and Bat-Cat
From there the five main heroes are settled, now known as Team Friendship & Dough (dubbed by Gingerbrave)
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Concept #4 - Told that Licorice Cookie were wrecking havoc in Littleroot Hill, Gingerbrave and friends venture there to stop them
Herb Cookie accidentally got separated from the group, but found a glowing green crystal, eventually revealed to be the missing White Lily Cookie
Team Friendship & Dough happily offered to help her defeat Dark Enchantress Cookie, but behind the scenes she secretly tells Herb about something deep
As of that chapter (Cookie Run Warriors Chapter 2), it's unknown what White Lily told Herb
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Concept #5 - Turns out Dark Enchantress Cookie is White Lily Cookie's older sister named Black Iris Hayashi (in this AU Dark Enchantress & White Lily are different people but related, with Black Iris being a more mature and knowledgable between the two)
White Lily told Herb to not mention this, as she wanted to save her sister rather than hurting her. Even after the last resort because she thought it would take both her and herself out
Dark Enchantress captures White Lily, where the Cookies of Darkness are waiting
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Concept #6 - Small showcase of each of the story arcs relating to the current playable Ancient Cookies:
Pure Vanilla Cookie goes under the alias Healer Cookie, as his kingdom has been enslaved and under Dark Enchantress Cookie's clutches. He helps the rebelling cookies take back the Pure Vanilla Kingdom's freedom, but got himself captured recently. Feeling deep sorrow and guilt, especially to White Lily who just wanted to help him back then.
Hollyberry Cookie gets amnesia and becomes the Unnamed Huntress. She helps Princess Cookie (alongside Knight Cookie, Adventurer Cookie, and Red Velvet Cookie) during that moment, with the latter needing to compete in the Kingdom Heir/Heiress Contest to reclaim her role. Cherry Blossom Cookie seemingly wants to help her, but is actually here just to entertain herself. Pitaya Dragon Cookie still shows up, but they're more of a red herring as they only wanted to find and hangout with Hollyberry rather than to harm anyone.
Dark Cacao Cookie is faring well, helping those within his kingdom both in the citadel and outside and into the villages nearby. His relationship with Dark Choco Cookie has never been strained, as he was always there to guide the young prince via strength to protect the kingdom and also giving him the genuine amount of love and hope. Dark Choco himself secretly goes back to see his father, helping as a double agent and telling what the Cookies of Darkness are currently planning. Affogato Cookie meanwhile is secretly planning his betrayal, with the ideal to take down the king and expose the prince to the Cookies of Darkness.
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desiredcaramellatte · 2 years
Hey it kind a angst request where y/n who is part of gingerbrave group who is also the daddy child saw then dark cacao say that he’s greatest regret he for calling dark choco cookie his son something of y/n snap and run straight to dark cacao and punch him in the face and say that he’s is nothing but a pathetic excuse of a father and pure vanilla and the others will be ashamed of him and say he mit be a great hero but he is a horrible father can dark choco and caramel react to it too headcanons
This was interesting to read 👀 an intriguing dynamic tbh
I don't quite mean what is meant by 'daddy child', so I just interpreted it as Dark Cacao's child and Dark Choco's sibling, hope that's alright!
~| When Dark Cacao called his son his biggest regret when facing him down, it was quite a statement.
~| Though is seemed to affect you much more than it ever did Dark Choco.
~| Dark Cacao is absolutely stunned silent. He did not expect to be punched in the face by his other child- all of his attention was centered on Dark Choco.
~| Pretty much everyone was in shock. Dark Cacao, Dark Choco, Caramel Arrow, Gingerbrave, everyone. That was most certainly not expected of you, and the air in there must have been so thick you could feel it.
~| Caramel Arrow would be the first to react, grabbing you by the waist and dragging you backwards, away from the stunned king. Dark Choco would have taken advantage of the king's shaken mindset if he hadn't been so confused and frozen himself.
~| Caramel Arrow would literally have to hold you in place to keep you from attacking her king again. She's a little conflicted herself, not sure how Dark Cacao could say such a thing, but her loyalties are still clear to him.
~| When Dark Cacao snaps out of it, he'd be confused as hell, and probably go back to fighting with Dark Choco. Unlike Dark Cacao, Dark Choco takes a longer time to react.
~| Dark Choco's reaction would be very little after that, mostly just not thinking about it afterwards. He would quietly thank you for standing up for him later, if he ever got the chance.
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thealphavoidofficial · 6 months
Finished Dark Choco Cookies ref for the CRK Swap Au
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As mentioned in the Info page, Dark Choco is swapped with Custard Cookie III.
His Backstory is somewhat the same as his OG counterpart, only after his banishment he abandoned the Strawberry Jam sword immediately, seeing it as only a painful reminder of his mistake, and thank goodness he did. The sword was later found by Crimson Velvet and given to Custard III.
Dark Choco wandered the land protecting Cookie from the ever growing Cake Monsters. He meets GingerBrave and his friends after saving them from Cake monsters who were overwhelming them. Agreeing to join them in their journey to retrieve their stolen crown, which soon turned into stopping Crimson Velvet from taking over the world.
GingerBrave and Co - Trust: He trusts his team with his very life, He views Liquorice and Pomegranate as friends and allies, and tries to give them more confidence in themselves, while he views GingerBrave as a younger brother in a way, they had grown close after a while.
“I will fight with you, my Brothers and Sister in Arms!”
Dark Cacao - Tension/Family: He has a very tense relationship with his father as of now, having nearly killed him and being banished he swore to never return to the Dark Cacao Kingdom because of his Sins, he doesn’t really like talking about his past in great detail to his comrades.
“I swore to never to go back…..”
Pure Vanilla - tension: he didn’t trust Pure Vanilla when first meeting, but after finding out he was Crimson Velvet he has more then enough reason not to trust him, but after meeting the REAL Pure Vanilla that trust was slowly but surly starting to build.
“It will take much time for forgiveness to bloom….”
White Lily - Trust: He views White Lily as a trust worthy Ally and friend, even as Liberty Cookie, Dark Choco knew she could be trusted.
“From the moment I saw you, I knew I could trust you”
Cookies of Darkness - Rival: They are his enemies, and will fight them if he has to, though he can’t help but feel sympathetic towards Custard III, he never asked for any of this.
“A child should not be fighting in a war where death and Jam are shed, do you Cookies have no Honour!”
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Hello, citizens of Earthbread and beyond! As the representative of this world, it is in my best interest to open an ear to the voices of those I represent! So please, if you have anything to ask me or my family and friends, do let us know! We look forward to sharing our stories with you!
So here's who you can ask: -Me (duh) -Clotted Cream Cookie (husband) -Crème Cheese Cookie (eldest daughter, can also ask her younger version) -Marzipan Blossom Cookie (youngest daughter, can also ask her younger version) -Pure Vanilla Cookie (father) -White Lily Cookie (mother) -Dark Cacao Cookie (teacher) -Hollyberry Cookie (honorary aunt) -Golden Cheese Cookie (...) -Wildberry Cookie (bodyguard) -Crunchy Chip Cookie (bodyguard) -GingerBrave (bodyguard) -Madeleine Cookie (accomplice) -Espresso Cookie (accomplice) -Financier Cookie (accomplice) -Prune Juice Cookie (student) -Capsaicin Cookie (student) -Kouign-Amann Cookie (student) (More characters coming soon!)
And here are a couple of rules to set things straight:
Please keep all questions related to Cookie Run: Kingdom, preferably to Secret of the Sugar Flare.
No "dares" or "asks disguised as dares".
You can ask me about doing a cameo of your own CR:K OC, but if their sprites are not on the comic creator, don't get your hopes up. (And every OC gets only one cameo per owner, so use it wisely!)
No asking me through my DMs, especially when the askbox is closed. That will result in a warning the first time, a block the second time.
This goes without saying, but no inappropriate questions.
Any gaslighting or gatekeeping will result in an immediate block.
Try to limit your asks to one or two a week. If you try to get in multiple questions hiding behind anon asks, I will remove anon asks so that only users can send asks. Failure to comply then will result in blocking. (This sounds harsh, but it's to prevent buildup and gives everyone a chance to get their asks in)
No "hug questions." They're a bit of a personal peeve and it'd look weird on the comic creator anyway, so I'd probably not do a very good job of them if I tried. (Sorry ^^;)
(Might add more, but that's the baseline of it for now)
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lilacartsmadsion · 2 years
Hello, I’ve seen you’re discussing Berserk Dark Cacao, and may I offer a potential angsty scenario for which he could appear: Dark Choco takes a severe hit (if you want to make it even more angsty, the hit was meant for Dark Cacao, but Dark Choco stepped in front of it to save him), and Dark Cacao seeing this just instantly goes crazy (I wanted to say berserk but that’s the name of the form so)
Dark Choco looks up…one moment his father is looking up at the enemy the next moment he’s back to that cursed form…
Before his vision begun to blur…and he starts losing consciousness, he calls out to him in desperation…
Dark Cacao aimed for and terrorized the area, searching for the assailants who dared to attack him and his son. Destroying the area to bits…The commotion caught the attention from cookies outside the area. The Ancients with Gingerbrave and Crew went to see what the fuss was about, and saw Dark Cacao in his Berserk form going crazy. “What on Earthbread has transpired here?!” Hollyberry spoke, the sound causing Dark Cacao to attack the surrounding area, due to his blind rage, he could not register that he was attacking his friends. “Not again!” Gingerbrave remarked. “What’s happened to Dark Cacao Cookie?! Why is he like this?!” Pure Vanilla asked, motioning towards Gingerbrave. “We don’t know! The last time this occurred Pomegranate Cookie and her lackeys were the cause!” Wizard explained as Dark Cacao begun attacking them due to the noise and destroying the building more. “We have to get out of here! The structure is falling apart!” Hollyberry exclamation, as cracks begun to fall and parts of the roof came crashing down the floor. “Look!” Strawberry pointed out, looking at the body of Dark Choco Cookie. Lying there motionless…Hollyberry in a swift, dodged Dark Cacao by going under his floating ghostly body and taking Dark Choco in her arms, rushing back to the others, using her shield, she was able to block falling debris from hitting the group while Pure Vanilla held on to Dark Choco.
Dark Cacao continued to shriek in anger…
Running out of the building, still hearing the wrath of Dark Cacao, they set Dark Choco down as Pure Vanilla healed him. “I didn’t know Dark Cacao had a son…much less one of the cookies involved with Dark Enchantress Cookie…” Pure Vanilla spoke in pity, healing the fresh scar on his chest. “Dark Cacao was a cookie who didn’t like to be personal despite his heart…perhaps that was the reason he didn’t discuss it.” Hollyberry explained. “But Dark Choco Cookie reformed! We saw him attack Pomegranate Cookie!” Gingerbrave added as the rest of the crew nodded. “They speak the truth Hollyberry…the scar was not caused by Dark Cacao’s sword, there should at least be marks indicating the use of lightning.” Pure Vanilla responded. “Then…the reason for Dark Cacao’s rage, was because someone attacked his son…” Hollyberry spoke, the building then collapsed and the loudest shriek was heard.
“Guess we have to calm him down and reassure him that his son is fine…” Hollyberry says, they all agreed, going up to challenge Dark Cacao’s wrath…
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