"I being here."
*She said.*
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wuf-wufy-no-matter · 2 years
Purmond rests in cyan's hair and starts to purr
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Yes, Blix decided not to stand aside
5 am.. When will I start to go to bed normally?..
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iamthefan · 2 years
My blixer falls from a portal
Blixer: That purmond b!tch!
Blixer: .. uh, bro you good? And why you look like me?
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What if i slap a piece of cheeze onto cube's head Like the video
[I don't know that that'd work as well, since they're not bald.]
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( Hmmm, 40 asks, Since im feeling devilish ) >:)
[I'm going to add a cap to these later, but for now, sure. Why not.]
[M!A Accepted: Lycan Mushrooms]
A few specks of cyan and purple grow out from their head and collarbone, bursting into mushrooms. The cyan ones grow to be no bigger than their eye, and the purple ones don't grow to be any larger than a single lump of their head. Regardless of the relatively small size of these seemingly random fungi, Lycan seems to have less energy than before.
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Purmond blows some catnip infront of blixer's face
He closes his eye when you first blow the catnip in his face. Once you've done that, though, he wipes some off and sniffs it. ... He starts eating it off his finger.
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*She licked cube's hair like a cat cleaning their clanmate's fur.*
Cube does not seem to mind.
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"Do you guys want snacks? I can grab you some." *She said.*
"I think we've got enough," Cube says.
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*Purmond opens her eyes wide and dashes away, Then after a few minutes she returns, Still looking sickly.*
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*Purmond sighs, Then spins around in a loop-de-loop 3 times, Then lands on cube's head, Looking as if shes gonna vomit*
"Maybe we should stick to more mild dares..." Cube says. "Aw, but these are fun!" Lycan seems a lot more energetic now. The mushrooms have detached from him due to the magic wearing off, though they still glow dimly. "Yes, but if people get hurt, it isn't."
"Are we ready for the next round?"
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*Prurmond nods*
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Lycan grins. "I dare you to do three loop-de-loops in a row!"
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*Purmond seems to have a very empty head.*
*Nuzziling against helico's head.*
Helico returns the nuzzles, then cups you gently and sets you on the table. "Did you want to get a turn, too, before we move on to the next player?"
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*baps helico*
She yelps in surprise. "Hey! It's not like I dropped them off that far from where they need to go!" They rub the spot they were bapped at. "It's usually just a case of moving people not in need of medical attention near medics by accident. They still needed rescue, just not in the same way or for the same reasons."
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*Purmond heard helico pick truth and she imidently dashes into the room.* "Have you ever picked up the wrong person?"
"I've never picked up anyone that didn't want to be picked up, but I have dropped people off in the wrong place before."
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*Purmond was in the kitchen, Rumaging about for snacks to bring to the group.*
Shipley doesn't pay you much mind, as he's just trying to finish up by the end of the first round of Truth or Dare. Cube and Lycan have the treats for Lycan's dare prepared now, and are heading back. They have a bowl of candy (particularly taffy), a couple of cupcakes, a few small coffee cakes, and some cookies as well. It seems this isn't all for Lycan, though, as some of the others are being offered the sweet treats, as well. What's left is mostly the side dish foods. They have a few bags of chips, popcorn, and pretzels, as well as some bread rolls.
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Purmond rolls herself into a burrito with the purple blanket.
"I guess that also works..." Cube looks around at all the anons. "Alright, do you think we could start settling down now?" they ask. "Everyone's here now, so there's nothing else other than just learning about each other by playing games, or going to bed." "Now, some of you might already be in bed. If that's the case, you don't have to get up and come join us for our games. I just need to know who is interested in playing, and what kinds of games you might want to play." "Ideally, we'll be playing something based on talking, rather than something with a board. There's a lot of us here today, so if you do decide to play a board game, we'll have to have teams." They set down an empty tissue box. "We'll use this as a method for anonymous polling. Please drop a small piece of paper inside showing what game you would like to play. Some ideas for each include 20 Questions, Go Fish, Truth Or Dare, Hues and Cues, and Mouse Trap."
[Mod Note: Hues and Cues, Mouse Trap, and Go Fish would be team games, but 20 Questions and Truth Or Dare would be simply sending in asks with relevant stuff. After I get enough ideas, I'll run a tumblr poll.]
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