#Pyotr Kochetkov oneshot
delayed-affection · 9 months
hello 🙌
Could you write something about Pyotr kochetkov, anything you want..
there isn't as much content from this guy as I'd like 😓
Thank you 🤍
Unrequited Love
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Pyotr Kochetkov x reader
Warnings: Like four Russian words but they are translated
A/n: He speaks very little English in real life but for the sake of the fic he knows a little more
Word count: 0.8k
You’ve been pining over Pyotr since you’ve met him. Working for the team however means you can’t do anything about it.
So you made the decision to just keep your feelings to yourself but with that meant you could at least be friends with him.
And you did, you actually became close friends with him, maybe too close of friends.
With it being the off season meant that you and Pyotr were spending more one on one time.
As of now he sits next to you on your couch telling you all about how his brother is coming to visit from Russia.
He tells you about the times they spent together as children and how much he's been missing him.
As he talks, you can see the joy and excitement in his face and it might seem a little selfish but you being to wonder if he lights up this way when talking about you. If he talks about you and if he does, who has he told?
More questions being to flood your mind, does he find you as fascinating and interesting as you find him? Does he speak about you to others with the same passion and affection?
You try to push your thoughts aside and focus on his excitement about his brother's visit becomes really hard after awhile.
Getting drunk with Pyotr on a random Tuesday night was not ideal, especially considering that he likes to try and have deep conversations while constantly switching between English and Russian.
When he switches to Russian, you’re completely out of your depth and have no idea what he's saying. But rather than tell him that, you just smiles and nods along, trying to understand.
You knows he's trying to say something profound, but all you can do is laugh to yourself as you takes another shot.
He had just gone on a twenty minute talk about how being a goalie can’t be compared to anything else because it is the scariest and most important position to play.
He then falls silent looking down at the vodka bottle in his hand.
He chuckles, “You know… I can’t imagine myself having…”
He takes a second to think, “Having… a… I forget English word for it but Подруга.” (Girlfriend)
You scrunchie your eyebrows trying to think of the word he’s trying to say, his slight slur is not helping.
He leans forward and takes a shot, “You picture me with one?”
Seeing your confused face so he tries to explain, “Боже мой, uh, Подруга… uh, you know a lover, right?” (Oh my god, girlfriend)
If the alcohol wasn’t making you hot already then that question certainly would.
You let out an awkward laugh, “You don’t see yourself with someone?”
He shakes his head, “No, never home. No need.”
You had no reason to be upset about his answer because it was a solid answer and dating someone that worked for his team probably never crossed his mind.
But it did make you a little sad knowing that he wasn’t looking for anyone or anything.
The two of you sit inside a Starbucks, tucked away in the corner.
You’re typing somethings out for work while he watches as people walk in and out. Your sitting in comfortable silence, something you two did quite often here.
Until someone walks in and catches Pyotr’s eye.
He nudges your hand making you look at him, “смотреть, she cute, no?” (Look)
You follow his gaze and you’re not going to lie to yourself, she’s a very pretty girl.
You turn back to your laptop and nod, “mhm.”
“I go talk to her?” He asks glancing from you to her.
Your brain is working in overdrive, you don’t know what to think or say. You’re aware that that you can’t keep him for yourself but you never thought he would ask you if he should go flirt with someone.
You hesitate for a moment before saying, “I don’t know.”
He doesn’t like your hesitation, “Do you think she has lover?”
You tilt your head and shrug, “Maybe.”
That’s not a yes so that encourages him a bit.
He sits a up straight and looks at you, “You help me? You know translation.”
You really don’t want to be his wingman, “I don’t know much.”
He stands up and grabs his drink, “That is fine. Come.”
And that’s when you knew the little fantasy of you two ever being together was over. He truly only saw you as a friend, a good enough friend that he wants to help him flirt.
It was never going to happen and who knows it might be for the better.
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delayed-affection · 2 years
Hockey Oneshots
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Unrequited Love
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