mooncupcomic · 1 year
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lunarduties · 26 days
yue having a pet koalaotter that she rescued from a fisherman's net and nursed back to health..... yes i think so. her name is qinu and she's her baby!
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gay--gh0st · 2 months
Find the images and/or information about the different versions here here:
Percy Jackson Artemis:
Hades Artemis:
God of War Artemis:
Hercules Artemis:
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thatsleepymermaid · 2 months
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Maple, Shyla, Whisper and Qinu!
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coldlizardmuses · 7 months
MUSE LIST (will be updated in time)
CANON CHARACTERS (All characters are portrayed as of age (18+)!)
CASTLEVANIA / 悪魔城ドラキュラ : Alucard
Yu-Gi-Oh! / 遊☆戯☆王 : Mahad / Dark Magician
The tale of outcasts / ノケモノたちの夜 : Marbas | Sitri
Buddyfight : Qinus Axia
Digimon : Beelzemon
ORIGINAL CHARACTERS (All are able to fit within any verse, and are of age!)
Aeolus the Windmaster (bio coming soon)
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squeeegs · 1 year
tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better!
@ace-ace-attorneys what have i done to deserve you
- 3 ships: narumitsu (aa), zukka (atla), and qinu (jwqs) - first ever ship: oh boy cringe alert. uhh probably dawnfrost (crowfrost/dawnpelt) because i was a warriors kid and did you know fanfiction.net is just? right there? free to be accessed by an impressionable child?
- last song: Foxglove Through The Clearcut by Death Cab for Cutie
- last movie: puss in boots - ngl, the pussy kinda slapped. the kitty was, in fact, wearing boots, the three bears were suprisingly touching, and i got jumpscared by john mulaney on the cast list after the movie.
- currently reading: pride and prejudice, against my will. it certainly exists. i distrust this “mr. darcy” fellow.
- currently consuming: soop
- currently craving: sleep *knocks on door* hello mutuals sorry to bother you feel free to ignore me
(lmao not me forgetting how to tag people and editing this post to fix it) @scienceandmagic @crimsonrainseekingflower @zukoromantic @maverickstudio @isassaur @casey-md @string-on-my-poptart @me-gongaga @boyingray
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444names · 1 year
dinosaurs + hungarian male forenames
Aadasa Abella Abitia Abrome Abues Achia Acoly Acong Adinti Adnor Adocus Adons Adror Aeurus Afrus Agans Agnati Agurus Ajmus Alans Algus Aliops Alops Alous Alugus Alurus Alvid Ambale Amous Ancis Angops Angos Anlops Annan Annus Anonos Antor Anurus Aphor Aptops Aptor Arator Archus Arenar Asinus Aspon Assor Astena Astes Asulus Atops Aurus Avena Avimus Bachus Bacor Baibis Bakon Bales Ballus Bannus Baroly Bator Batus Baurus Bayong Beria Berus Binjia Biánis Bolius Bolus Bonian Brang Brator Brong Burus Bycnea Camon Camps Cangor Caura Caurus Cavus Cephus Ceptor Ceryx Chaos Chisu Chlus Chony Chtus Chypon Chália Clamps Clena Clenus Clodon Clops Codong Codor Colops Cornia Coxena Cravis Crodon Cryps Csanyx Csenus Dachus Dacrus Dagan Darcus Dasta Datia Daurus Dekton Delus Desior Dester Dezsák Dilops Diops Diple Donkor Donrás Donyx Dricon Drius Dromus Drora Durus Dyamon Dylon Dylor Dylus Edvia Eimus Elops Eltra Emonia Eocoes Eorkó Ephus Ephyps Epius Eptera Erocus Euaxa Euchus Eugens Eugos Eurus Feleya Ferena Fernia Fodon Fukus Fulin Fulpus Fácira Fülör Galops Galus Ganpel Garcus Garis Gassus Gexia Gimus Glong Godon Gryor Gryps Guacan Guang Gulon Gászan Hadrán Haeon Halba Haltán Hanops Haptor Hedus Heinus Hejies Helus Hense Hetor Hieron Hirops Hodor Holes Honis Hotale Hublia Hychus Hygia Hylus Hyngy Hypton Illor Imatus Inshor Inurus Iscum Jaffia Jentra Jeykus Jindus Jinrás Jurus Józsák Józsö Kagryx Katops Kazous Kerus Kestia Khele Kolor Kufera Kácsák Kályx Laffia Lafrus Lagon Lamót Laohal Laplus Lardon Larius Lator Laurus Leisus Lestes Lides Ligyps Liktia Limus Liopse Liovis Lisef Lixis Lodon Lopus Lornél Luang Lukus Lurus Luxia Lórás Machus Madong Majans Majax Majuns Makous Mallis Mamps Marrex Marus Matens Mator Mayong Megia Megos Mendon Menyx Meuang Meurus Micont Micus Miera Milárd Mimus Modong Mognax Montus Moran Mtort Murus Márdus Namps Natops Nator Neirus Neman Nenton Neopus Neurus Nithus Nochus Nodon Nothor Nykus Nádám Nárops Ojozsö Olimus Omeron Omimia Oncus Ondand Oraton Ornius Othios Otops Oveny Pachor Paibia Pakarx Pales Palops Palus Panta Papaco Parnid Parond Parus Pathon Paurus Pegond Peles Pelon Pelops Pelus Pethor Petia Petops Picror Pidon Pidont Pinon Pinops Pitan Piuma Primus Prinus Prodor Proper Protys Ptops Purus Pylus Pymia Pymor Qijia Qingor Qinus Rajkab Ranyx Rexia Rezsán Rhadek Rhadáv Rhisa Rinor Rinosa Rongia Rovus Saurgy Saurus Scinor Scodor Sebus Seimus Seirus Seusti Shore Simus Sinops Sinor Sithus Sketri Sodas Spiver Squile Stena Steran Sterus Steryx Stran Strik Strius Styron Sucas Succor Suchus Sygdus Sygia Sylok Synes Szlós Taleus Tannis Tarcor Tathan Taurus Tehus Teshus Thodon Tieles Tinok Tinyx Titor Titra Todon Tornia Torops Tsucer Turus Tylops Tylus Unnus Varcus Venax Verus Vlame Vlamát Wanpel Winhus Wulus Xiama Xianes Yanik Yinjia Yuanor Yurus Zaratu Zardon Zarus Zhodor Zholus Zhops Zhues Zilia Zsomps Zsánd Zuojia Zupon Áberis Árkais
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the-cetacean · 5 years
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New Belugas Arrive at Georgia Aquarium (Georgia Aquarium)
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softgrlfriend · 6 years
go gina by sza!
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cetacean-content · 7 years
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Via Georgia Aquarium FB page: The time has come! Qinu is showing signs of labor and our animal care and veterinary teams are in place to help this first-time mom as much or as little as she needs. The beluga whale exhibit will be closed to allow privacy during this time. Stay tuned for updates and send your well wishes to Qinu and her teams!
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“Dragowizard, Qinus Axia” from “Futurecard Buddyfight” is unfortunately trans!
It is my belief that every trans person adopts at least one shitty, shitty trans character as their bestie. Mine is Qinus Axia.
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Had to flee the dolphin viewing window to stop myself from verbally sparring with the girl complaining about how the dolphins are “trapped” with nothing to do but “swim in circles forever” (the gate to the next pool was wide open too).
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Qinus Axia from Future Card Buddyfight says trans rights!
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venusdeservedbetter · 2 years
Not me continuing to be obsessed with Qinus Axia solely because she’s a magic trans dragon (... in the Japanese version. Where it’s really poorly handled.)
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mechaseraph · 4 years
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Me for the past 5 days: I need to draw smthing Also me: *draws this and dies* I’m very sensetive to weather and it draw all the energy from me ugh... (request from twitter. Idk might do more buddyfight/card game requests later if people would be interested and also if I’ll have energy for that)
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444names · 2 years
diseases + dinosaurs + scottish surnames BUT excluding "a"
Berevnes Beykus Bhevus Bindon Bodelops Bodol Bodos Boidh Bolithrus Bolus Bonpus Bonych Bonykuidh Bonykus Brezops Brism Brong Brops Brovus Bràin Bràthus Buidh Buimus Bulchus Bulgh Burus Butirnin Bychris Ceriturus Cerus Ceryptops Ceryx Chill Chilotis Chitimin Chius Chonis Chubein Chuelops Cille Cillephus Cilles Cilophin Clechlus Cledus Cleòir Clops Codon Codong Codrus Coell Coesinis Coetigus Coillfhis Coldòmh Comch Cophodon Copsis Coxes Croluig Cromh Cràil Cràin Crìgheyim Cuidh Curus Deimp Deinus Denops Deshus Destechus Dichus Dicops Dideidh Dientops Dilleryx Dinon Diornis Diphus Dipteng Docerus Donops Drong Drops Drotops Drypon Dunnube Duruin Durus Dusone Dylos Dyluis Dylus Ekris Ekterus Eliterhin Elles Eloch Elopold Elops Eltir Eltornis Emill Enledonor Eoccill Eohisilin Eolliurus Eolus Eonykus Eophold Eosbond Eosin Eothein Epinyx Epionus Eproidh Eptes Eptor Eryphuir Esmops Euquech Eurus Ferotitor Feryx Fighlàr Fliti Foide Foideimhg Foromedh Fukelon Fukufelon Fukuin Fukuneus Fukus Fulis Funeluis Futhyrig Futiùbhsh Geimus Genych Gilim Gilles Gillesis Gilus Glophor Gocepidh Godoscus Grios Grongein Gryps Gulopukus Gurus Gwynthne Heidh Hengon Heroideis Heroveis Heryps Hetig Hionole Hismoor Hodon Hodonoch Homodon Homyx Hospos Huesis Hurus Hussus Hydrops Hyluib Hyptor Hyrich Hyror Igillein Illon Innus Inomus Ithuimon Iubelmim Iuteurus Jendor Jengch Jingoyon Jinus Judides Junnus Jurus Kinosimus Kinus Konnus Kosis Kotenodon Krius Kryptert Kuibele Kuneus Kurus Lemus Lentodon Lenyx Lepholon Levneurus Lewinflus Leòidh Leòilenos Libis Ligmor Lilleid Limimus Limurus Limus Linotus Lites Lithoid Litis Lodon Lodruinn Lokerus Lontops Lophous Lopukus Luelus Luibelor Lymplous Lyophidh Megon Meinus Melon Metre Meuchis Meurus Millus Mimeum Mimhus Mimidh Mimun Mimus Minflis Moceptong Modonyx Moide Moiris Monemimus Month Monts Moodt Mtorn Murus Màrtopton Màrtulis Nedex Nefritip Nefrus Nelon Nelus Nesin Neuchurus Neurus Ninosin Nocilops Nocus Nothidh Nqius Ntubhig Nychthon Orcrotops Orizonube Ornim Orrhodon Ospodrus Otelus Otophus Otornus Oturusus Pedmoris Peimum Peinnlu Peititis Peleinhor Pelig Pelopsis Peluch Penius Perus Pestes Petor Phonykus Phorridin Phous Pichor Pingyps Pnebh Pododon Polim Pongeir Pongosin Pongyps Poryx Potoromil Premim Preoce Pricis Prinn Proch Procuimus Prodein Prokes Prompsill Prong Props Protill Psile Psotycor Ptenyx Puerus Purus Pyllin Qijin Qijurus Qilius Qinus Quinn Rerin Reurus Rhysis Ribrus Rimus Rioptops Rodong Romim Roping Scericoid Scili Sclimus Sclopus Scryx Scurus Sectus Sefrus Seitig Sellops Selontor Selotig Seludios Semon Sepin Septops Setor Setrig Shoelle Siligrus Silleus Simus Sinkor Sistrion Sitinn Sivenops Skelonych Smich Sphor Spich Sping Spori Spoton Spotrus Squin Stelle Sterbelus Stesir Stishis Strex Strich Strin Strinnlus Strodong Strops Styluin Sucnus Sutedmous Sutopelus Suzhus Sylus Symin Synemimin Syngmon Synth Szhodrus Szhops Temimus Teornitis Terbh Tetersus Teurus Thbhrus Tholospin Thophyps Thuns Thypon Tionghus Tircuidh Tishis Titzkylon Tocon Tonotich Tosuch Trilon Trong Troplonn Trovimus Trurus Tsuch Tunleidh Turus Turust Tylukurus Tylus Uides Uitiseis Ungshrin Urichus Utimholor Utongh Venosis Venykus Wuloidh Wulong Wyngillon Xenyx Xingtitis Xixice Yimnospor Yimus Yizhor Yurus Zechuis Zhodh Zhodon Zhodonyx Zhoidh Zhoperor Zhuim Zupotych Ìomirch
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