itsbloodynatural · 2 years
Okay so I just passed a decidual cast and freaked out because I had no idea what it was, why are we not taught about this stuff??? It's where the lining of your uterus comes out in one go. I use a menstrual cup and just seeing this kinda flesh like thing bobbing around in there was horrifying, I thought okay so I'm gonna have to examine this to try and work out what it is, I'm usually not too squeamish but I was gagging omg. Anyway after some googling, found out what it was, apparently it can be caused by birth control and I've just started a new oral contraceptive so I'm guessing that's what's caused it?
Anyway wanted to make this post to try and raise awareness about these weird lil casts of your uterus and maybe prevent others from being as freaked out as I was!
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mooncupcomic · 1 year
Prologue- Rain
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ruthiesrambles2 · 11 months
Does anyone else remember the Mooncup rap battle or did I dream it
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indigoknoxfilm · 1 year
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Here’s some of my writer/director notes about my award winning commercial, shot last year for the NAHEMI Kodak Student Commercial Awards! These slides are essentially my module hand-in documents that accompanied the ad itself.
Watch here
Read more about A Better Way here
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azrielgreen · 3 months
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Yes please🥰✨️
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bisexual-slime · 1 year
HOLY FUCKING SHIT i just tried putting a tampon in for the first time at the ripe old age of almost-20 and it’s one of the worst things that’s ever happened to me???? it hurt so fucking much holy fuck. i took it back out almost immediately, it was so uncomfortable. why do so many women choose to do this to themselves
I've never used a tampon bc scary but I've just never really understood why that would be your first choice and why it's the most common choice. I always used pads and while they may not be the most secure, they're comfy and dont require insertion so they were always my first choice (never used anything else). lichrally why would you choose this!!! they're so horrible they need to be abolished tbh
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thedreadvampy · 1 year
Hhhhhh something Bad has occurred. something that has never happened to me before but that I long feared.
my hand stopped working and I dropped my entire mooncup in the toilet while emptying it. now I have to fish around in the pissblood to get it back and wash it.
life is cruel and dark and bleak. rip me.
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allez-argeiphontes · 2 years
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Godzilla happy dance because my new menstrual cup fits my dumb cervix and I am happy about it
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draculasstrawhat · 20 days
Reading up on freebleeding for Reasons, and… yeah, I could never do it from a sensory perspective, but I mean sure, if your flow is light to moderate I suppose it’s manageable? But there where days when I bled through a mooncup AND a nighttime pad in less than an hour? I ruined (not just stained) a mattress with menstrual blood and I wasn’t free bleeding?
At that point, it’s just not *practical*.
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greenpixiedust · 2 years
Tell me why I start my period with some of the worst period pains ever when I am on a 3 hour train journey😭
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mooncupcomic · 1 year
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So I'm going camping for the first time in nearly ten years by myself. And also having three long mountain days out. Naturally my body is just like "but WHAT IF period though? WHAT IF halfway up mountain and really need some modern plumbing with a locking door RIGHT NOW?"
Hey uterus this is why nobody likes you.
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mochinomnoms · 6 months
Thinking about the period stuff now and just thinking that the boys who would be total champs should Reader/Yuu be on would be;
Jamil - He's not only seen it all with his own sister, but has probably had to help Kalim's sisters at some point or another too. He's dealt with the worst cramps and flows to the "I didn't even notice I was on" girlies.
Ortho - Baby boys a walking Medwiki, has probably known your cycle before your first conversation with him. Would be more fascinated than grossed out by period stuff than most boys in the school.
Rook - Like Ortho, probably knows when you're on before you even realised you were and has a box of your preferred method of dealing with it in hand by the bathroom stall at the ready. Don't ask why he's in the toilet with you or how he knew what size pussy you wear, just be glad that in an all boys school, you have at least one (1!) friend willing to carry spare tampons/towls/mooncups/whatever for you.
Cater - Poor guys got 4 sisters and has been an unwilling student in all the "joys" of menstration. He'll look out for his favourite underclassman and bask in the praise of being such a reliable senpai/big brother type. But if his sisters are nuts normally, he's gonna have to work through some instense war flashbacks before he's any good to you.
Kalim - Most likely has a lot of sisters who are at the age where their dealing with this stuff, does his best bless him to take care of them but c'mon, it's Kalim. As soon as he tries people are calling for Jamil instead. That plus the sheer mythic level of cat fighting should any of his 30+ siblings syncronize means that like Cater, might be too scared to approach you at first but he makes it on this list for sheer effort and desire to help.
Of the human students, these all make a lot of sense! I def think the idea that Ortho already knew about your cycle before even knowing your name is super funny.
Little man's got a storage unit in him that has those stickable heating pads, pads/tampons, and pain medicine. One day, at a time that you know of Ortho, but never really spoken to him, he floats up to you. You're looking at him all confused before he opens up a compartment, takes out the above-mentioned supplies, and just hands them to you. He chirps about you needing them and lets you know that he's always well-equipped if you need anything else!
You're standing there with Ace and Deuce, confused. Your period doesn't start for another week, why did he—how does he even know your cycle? (That night, you notice that you started early).
And Rook? Fucking freak of nature he is. Why does he know your exact brand and period product preferences? Cause the man, similar to Ortho, is walking up to you one day, prattling on in poetic fashion about the beauties of human biology and reproduction (fucking weirdass). He hands you a small bag with your items, all the exact ones you get from Sam, down to the exact flow size. He tells you that you should consider heading to the bathroom now. Walking off, you freeze as you feel yourself get wet. You rush to the bathroom, finding that you started your period right at that moment.
Ortho is excusable, he's a robot. Rook's on thin fucking ice and is now required to stay 6 feet away from you at all times. If he wants to give you something, he can have Epel deliver it. He wins your favor back by buying you snacks, and you let him near you again. Just stop reciting poetry about the menstrual cycle, Rook I beg—
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saoirseronanswife · 3 months
ran out of tampons and had to go back to my mooncup
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penny-anna · 6 months
oh another Layer of discomfort to me getting my period on christmas this year:
i didn't pack any Supplies (this was my bad, i did actually know it was due on the 28th and 3 days early is not abnormal for me)
my aunt & uncle's house is way out in the countryside where nowhere is gonna be open christmas OR boxing day
my aunt is. aggressively eco-conscious. like no judgement on ppl being eco-conscious obvs but within the family there's a long-standing suspicion that she uses reusable cloths in the bathroom instead of toilet paper (we are all afraid to ask if this is the case)
so u can see my concern, based on her track record it's very possible she's like a mooncup or reusable pad user or something which is obviously totally fair (im actually a period panties gal these days so i Get It) but NOT great if you're a guest having an emergency
mercifully she did have sanitary towels. slightly to my surprise they were Always which are not one of the greener brands. no judgement obvs you get what you can get just mildly surprising
this is actually a problem not bcos of the environmental issue but bcos i had to stop using Always bcos they added scent and it turned out i was allergic
this is actually why i started using organic sanitary towels ie felt i could trust them to remain unscented
from past experience scented pads are okay for a little while but then will start to Burn and it's been long enough that i don't remember how long it takes for my skin to react so i'm there for like 2.5 days like pleasseeeee do not hurt me
it's also just been a real long time since i used 'traditional' pads (organic pads have a very different texture in my experience + i've been using panties for a while) and they're like. gross, honestly? i will spare u the details but they are somehow much grosser than what i've grown used to.
anyway i actually forgot to go change my underwear when i got home and then a few hours later was like why am i burning - OH
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neon-junkie · 2 years
The Essentials
Summary: It’s your time of the month, and Tech will ensure that everything goes smoothly.
Pairing: Tech x gn!Reader (they/them)
Tags: Periods, Cramps, Comfort, Fluff, Established relationship.
Word count: 1.1k
Notes: This has been in my drafts for a while, so I figured I should finish it up.
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A sudden weight appears on your bed, pressed against your legs, causing you to roll over with a heavy groan. Your eyes flutter open, and blink a few times after rubbing the grogginess out of them with the side of your fists. Once your vision comes into focus, you find Tech looming over you, his weight awkwardly shifting from one leg to the other.
"Did I wake you?" he stutters.
"Kinda," you groan, peering up at him through your thick bundle of blankets and pillows.
Tech, bless his soul, had ordered you to bed the second that you complained about your cramps. That word alone - cramps - can only mean one thing, and Tech was quick to rush to his feet, and inform the others that he'll be "heading out on a supply run."
"But we already have supplies," Hunter had sputtered back. "We're waiting on our next set of orders-"
"-I'm not on about those supplies," Tech scoffed with a wave of his hand. "I'll be back in twenty. Don't let them leave their bed," Tech pointed at you, and ushered you inside your private quarters.
Twenty minutes was a perfect estimate, and now, Tech is back with the 'supplies' that he went out to retrieve. Your eyes flick down to see several shopping bags plopped on your bed, their content peeking out, but not revealing enough to easily show what they are.
"What's in the bag?" you ask, your gaze meeting Tech's.
Tech puts on a smug grin, and raises his index finger as he begins. "Now, let's see..." he plainly states before dipping into the first bag. "We have the following items to provide comfort and support over the next few days."
The first few items are pulled out - the true essentials, things that you need when times are tough between your legs. "An array of menstrual products, seeing as I am uncertain of your preferences."
Tech hands up two classic choices - tampons and pads, before picking up a third item. His brow raises as his spare hand pushes his goggles up the bridge of his nose, not that they were slipping off to begin with. "I've not seen this item before," he states. "It's called a Mooncup. I figured we can always give it a try," he comments with a soft shrug.
"We?" you question. "I didn't know you were on your period too, Tech."
Tech rolls his eyes. "Your problems are my problems, darling," he explains, feigning irritation - as if you didn't realise that you're in this together!
"Of course, my love," you bounce back, earning a soft laugh from your partner.
He returns to his bag of goodies, and fishes out the next series of items. "Your favourite snacks and drinks," Tech states as he passes them over to you, knowing that, no doubt, you're eager to feed your hormonal demon. "The holoweb also stated that Meiloorun's are high in vitamins, which can have a beneficial effect on menstrual cramps. I picked one up, but I understand if you choose to stick to your favourites."
"It's impossible to say no to a Meiloorun," you nod, knowing that no creature throughout the galaxy can resist such flavour.
"I agree," Tech nods with you. "Now, on to your physical comfort items..."
Tech pulls open another bag, and pulls out a series of fluffy items. "A hot water bottle, a classic choice," he says with a firm nod before placing it down on your bed. "Along with fluffy pyjamas and socks," Tech passes them over to you, and you smile as your palm comes into contact with the soft fur.
"So soft," you coo, before flicking your gaze down to the bag. "What else is in there?" you question, noting another fluffy item partially sticking out.
Tech shifts his weight as his tanned skin turns a deep shade of red. "I..." he sputters, and with a guilty look, pulls out another pair of pyjamas. "I purchased myself a matching pair. I found it hard to resist the adorable tooka print," Tech explains as he points to the cute print, little tookas wearing their own pyjamas!
You can't help but laugh, in awe of Tech's shameful expression. He has no issue diving head first into battle, following and commanding orders, doing what he has been bred to do - but as soon as Tech wants to indulge in something cute, he feels embarrassed?
"I can't wait to see you in them," you comment with a laugh.
"Later, dear. But I must warn you, you will not see me in them ever again if you dare utter a word to the others!" Tech curses, both with a joking and serious tone.
"I wouldn't dare!" you gasp, pretending to be disgusted that Tech would even consider you doing such a thing.
Tech sends you a sarcastic glare before dipping his hand in the bag to retrieve the last set of items. "If you require them, I have retrieved medication," he states as he holds up a box of tablets. "If not, I have read that herbal tea may also ease your cramps," Tech explains as he shows you a box of herbal teas, with a wide range of flavours.
"I have also downloaded all of your favourite holoshows and holofilms onto my datapad, ready to play. You are free to pick whatever takes your fancy," Tech continues as he unhooks his datapad from his tool belt, and places it in your grasp for you to begin scrolling through.
Your fingertips brush over the screen - you never thought Tech would ever trust you to hold his prized possession, but this was long before you two became an item. Everything is on there, including the new season of a holoshow that you're yet to snuggle down and enjoy.
You look up at Tech, still wrapped in the warmth of your bed. "And what are you going to do during my time of woe?" you question.
"Well," Tech begins as he places his hand on his hip, his other hand pointing in his usual, generic fashion. "I am, of course, going to provide any form of comfort and support that I can. Whether that be a massage, stomach rubs, cuddles, or my exceptional presence."
A soft smile appears on your lips, "you make it sound like you're going to magically make the pain disappear."
Tech matches your expression, softly smiling at you - his sweetheart. "Darling, if it were possible, I would have already done it."
There's a warm feeling growing in your chest, and little do you know, that Tech has the same warmth growing in his. You slowly shuffle upright in your bed, glossing over the series of items laid out for you, deciding which ones to start with.
"Well..." you begin as you pick up both sets of pyjamas. "I think we should put these on, and get comfortable, don't you?"
Tech agrees with a swift nod of his head, his hands already finding the clasps of his armour, removing each item piece by piece. "On one condition," he states.
"Go on," you urge.
"That the goggles stay on."
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