#Quincy Maheu
maizeofloverp · 5 years
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Full name: Quincy Maheu
Age: 25
Birth date: November 3, 1994
Gender & pronouns: Nonbinary, they/he
Status: Detainee
Arrived at Belmont: May 13, 2018
Ability: Divination (the ability to predict the future and provide insight into current events thanks to communication with the supernatural. Given that the supernatural are terribly chatty and don’t exist in time in the same way most of humanity does, communication is surprisingly simple and does not require an ornate ritual or any of the misdirection the psychic on Quincy’s street’s corner seemed to employ.)
Faceclaim: Ezra Miller
B i o g r a p h y »
A golden child is a rare thing, especially one so keen and bright-eyed. The Maheu family were not as rich as they desired, but they occupied a place of prominence in the community, one that resulted in respect and appreciation for what they were able to do. And how fortunate it was that their first born was exactly what they wanted. Clever, capable, and able to support the expectations of the family and of the town.
They did so happily for years. Not only did the well-to-do in their town love Quincy, their peers adored them just as much, if not more. They were a veritable beacon of light and Quincy attracted all sorts of moths. Of course, the shadow that always hung close and never strayed far from the warmth was their sibling. Two sides of a coin was perhaps the best way to describe the two, and Quincy was everything they were not.
Quincy’s world seemed to them to gradually distort, the whispered truths that had begun to plague them, uncaring if they were asleep or not. At first, they thought it was something other than the truth, but frequent reactions from others around them proved to Quincy in uncaring, bold detail that it wasn’t in their head. So Quincy began to talk back. Louder and louder the voices became until it was deafening and yet, Quincy still spoke back.
No one seemed to catch on to what was happening until it was almost too late. They ignored Quincy’s whispers, their strange ability to predict what would happen, and they did so time and time again. Eventually it became too much to write off and as Quincy predicted explosions and loss of life minutes before they unfolded on the news, it was decided something had to be done.
P e r s o n a l i t y »
A cat’s eye glints before it causes trouble and Quincy has a similar tell; they smirk. The world was their oyster for years and now, even though it’s been snatched away, they still move with the same poise that they did for years, believing they remain the center of attention. Boredom rots the mind and so Quincy goes out of their way to ensure nothing is boring, not here. Perhaps a routine would be nice, but that isn’t possible with them around. They are self-assured, self-focused, and, yes, fairly self-absorbed. If there is something to be done, they expect that only they could do it well. They are chaos trapped in human flesh, they laugh when things go wrong, and nine times out of ten, they’re the one that caused it to go wrong.
But don’t let their thirst for chaos scare you. They’re kind to animals and always willing to share food if they see a starving cat or dog. That same mind that burns with recklessness is the same mind that can produce jokes out of thin air in the most serious of circumstances. There is a lightness to them, buried though it may be. The issue, of course, is how dangerous that lightness can become when it’s forced out in some unrecognizable way, and Quincy turns that joy into a tool for chaos.
Played by Harper
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maizeofloverp · 5 years
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Tumblr’s tagging system is broken, so below is a list of open starters that were posted in the past week. If I’ve missed anyone please comment on this post with a link to your starter and I will add it to the list!
Henry Fang
Quincy Maheu
Romeo Brizzi
Porscha Grainger
Kendall Maheu
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maizeofloverp · 5 years
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Full name: Kendall T. Maheu
Age: 23
Birth date: April 18, 1996
Gender & pronouns: Cisfemale, she/her
Status: Detainee
Arrived at Belmont: June 24, 2019
Ability: None
Faceclaim: Jodelle Ferland
B i o g r a p h y »
The first child of the Maheu family was everything their parents ever could have hoped for: charming, charismatic, elegant, and all around the perfect heir to the family legacy, everyone in town agreed.  
Kendall was the second child of the Maheu family, and a severe disappointment.  An insufferable smartass with a gift for bending rules just far enough, rather than gold stars and adoration, she collected scraped knees and exasperated sighs, the latter usually to the tune of “if only she were more like her brother.”  In most people, this would generate some resentment, but not Kendall. No, she relished the freedom that came with being the spare, with being written off as nothing more Quincy’s oddball sister, and no one adored Quincy more than she did.  As far as she was concerned, they were a dynamic duo, strengthening and protecting each other, because after all, what was light without shadow?
However, growing up, Quincy did most of the protecting.  Kendall fell nowhere near as close to the top of the social food chain as they did–in fact, she existed somewhere near the bottom, a result of her lack of coordination in PE, her role in the school’s technical theatre program, her penchant for stage magic, and most of all, her mouth, which got her in trouble more often than not.  Trouble which either ended with Quincy’s intervention or after school in the senior parking lot.
She was smart like Quincy though, and it showed when she was interested in a topic, so at eighteen she left for college, eager to pursue a degree in theatre lighting and stage management.  She figured she was done with her small town forever, save a few holiday visits to remind everyone how lucky they were to have Quincy.
Then she came home after graduating, and Quincy was gone.  Her parents hardly spoke about what happened, instead passively pressuring her to fill a void they wouldn’t even acknowledge.  The town followed suit, suddenly willing to forgive all of her past wrongs, blue hair and all, because “at least she’s normal.”
Kendall despised the thought of being normal, of being molded into some model of ideal mediocrity to fit others’ expectations.  More than that though, she hated the idea of losing Quincy, of abandoning him the one time they needed her help, rather than the other way around.
It took some time to put her plan together.  More to work up the courage to actually go through with it, but when she did it went off smoothly, or as smoothly as could be expected.  An old theatre friend from high school who had a part time job at the local 7-11 helped her. Three disabled cameras, six short circuited fluorescent lights, one beautifully acted phone call to the police, and a clever bit of sleight of hand with a pre-microwaved cell phone and a bang-snap was all it took.  One hasty trial and a plane ride later, she strode into Belmont, grinning ear to ear.
P e r s o n a l i t y »
If running your mouth counted as cardio, Kendall would have done a lot better in highschool gym.  Armed with a witty quip for every situation, Kendall talks fast and thinks faster. There’s something frenetic about her, and some part of her is always in motion, whether her mouth, her eyes, or the deck of cards ever-present between her fingers.  Still, as loud as she is, she sees and hears much more than people expect and is surprisingly perceptive, especially when it comes to other people, often using what she learns to manipulate or provoke them deliberately. She could be charming if she tried, but she doesn’t.  Most of the people who have met her would describe her as irreverent, insufferable, or downright infuriating. Kendall would thank them. Her middle name is Theresa, but she generally tells people that the T is for trouble, and people generally don’t question it.  
Despite the devil-may-care attitude, though, Kendall does have feelings.  Well guarded and rarely seen feelings, but feelings all the same. Behind the crooked smile is a contradiction of confidence in what she could be and insecurity from what she has been, as well as an astonishing capacity for love and loyalty.  She has something to prove and someone to look after, and she will fight for those fiercely, regardless of who or what she’s up against. Clever, determined, and not afraid to play dirty, Kendall thinks she can find a way through any situation, and knows that she will for her brother.  She’s tougher than she looks and softer than she’s willing to acknowledge, and even though she’s definitely not prepared for Belmont, she’s certain Belmont’s not prepared for her.
Played by Ari.
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maizeofloverp · 5 years
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Quincy Maheu
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maizeofloverp · 5 years
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Welcome to Darwin’s Rejects! The following characters have been accepted. Please send your account to the main and refer to our checklist to get started!
Cain - Quincy Maheu (Ezra Miller FC) - Detainee played by Harper
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maizeofloverp · 5 years
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+1 Cain - Quincy Maheu (Ezra Miller FC) - Detainee
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maizeofloverp · 5 years
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We ask that the following characters post within 24 hours or their roles will be reopened. Reblogs and asks do not count as activity, only replies to another character will be counted.
If a prolonged absence is anticipated, please refer to the hiatus form on the main.
Ainsley Borden
Kendall Maheu
Quincy Maheu
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