#ezra miller fc
dear-indies · 1 year
Do you guys have any alternate faceclaims for Ezra Miller? I can’t quite find a fit myself; thank you so much in advance! 😭
Lawrence Rothman (1982) Ashkenazi Jewish - genderfluid - they/them.
Asia Kate Dillon (1984) Ashkenazi Jewish / Unspecified - non-binary - they/them - pansexual.
Rebecca Sugar (1987) Ashkenazi Jewish - non-binary - she/her they/them - bisexual.
Mal Blum (1988) Ashkenazi Jewish - non-binary trans - they/them.
Tyler Ford (1990) Black and White Jewish - agender - they/hir.
Emma Sulkowicz (1992) Chinese, Japanese, Ashkenazi Jewish - non-binary - they/them.
Rivkah Reyes (1992) Filipino / Jewish - non-binary and queer - they/she - has bipolar disorder.
Misha Osherovich (1997) Ashkenazi Jewish - non-binary - they/them.
Chella Man (1998) Hongkonger and Jewish - is deaf - trans genderqueer and pansexual - he/him.
Ben Levi Ross (1998) Jewish - non-binary - they/he.
Ariela Barer (1998) Mexican [75% Ashkenazi Jewish 25% Unspecified]- she/they - has since deleted her Instagram post stating they're non-binary so I’m unsure if they still identify as such but I'll list her until they state otherwise!
Zo Tipp (?) Japanese Jewish - non-binary - they/he.
MARS / Margarita Zhitnikova (?) Jewish - non-binary - they/them.
Neta J. Rose (?) Ashkenazi Jewish - non-binary - they/them.
Here you go!
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hoodharlow · 3 months
Know My Name, Ring a Bell
AN: I saw a reel about women soccer players and thought "what if Miriam didn't get injured and she still played" so here y'all go. Ty to my faves Ezra, @heavyhitterheaux , and Cherry for saying yes 🤭🤭🤭
Warnings: Jack embarrassing himself, Mateo yelling at Miriam (tw to those that have parents issues), rude people, and a resolved misunderstanding
Requested: me and my faves
Word Count: 4.9k words
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Jack choked on his hot chocolate, feeling the cocoa powder remnants on his throat. It was the first and last time he was buying hot chocolate from a concessions stand. He tossed the drink in the trash, $5 down the drain. 
He was going to a Racing Louisville FC game, Louisville's women's team. His childhood friend, Larissa played for the team and for once Jack was free so he went to see her play. They were playing Angel City FC. 
The stadium didn't get as full when the women played, much less when they played early in the morning. So Jack took advantage and roamed around without any security. He jogged down the steps towards the front. There was only one other person sitting in his section. They had an iPad and tripod set up. Jack wondered if they were from FIFA. Larissa told him they were scouting for the US team because it was their year playing at the World Cup. 
Their phone rang and the person removed the large hood from their winter coat, revealing none other than Mateo Dominguez. He was Jack's favorite soccer player. It took everything in Jack not to interrupt his phone call. He'd met Mateo a few times in passing at events but he'd never had a full on conversation with him. 
“No, I haven't told her. I'm waiting until after the game. Amor, you know how Miriam gets. I want her to concentrate on the game.” Mateo said.
Jack grabbed his phone and texted Urban that their fave was sitting three seats away from him. He then busied himself by checking the weather app so it's obvious that he's not eavesdropping on him talking about his youngest daughter. Miriam Dominguez-Miller was a force to be reckoned with. Jack learned about her through following Mateo on instagram and briefly through Larissa because they played together in college. Miriam played for UC Berkeley and after she graduated she went to Brazil to play for their women's league in Rio until this past December she was bought by Angel City FC. From the 3am rabbit holes he went on, according to the reddit threads he read, Miriam wasn't liked by her team. Apparently they thought her dad bought her place because he had connections with the team. He and Isabela, Miriam's mom, sponsored a little girls league for underprivileged girls to play for free. 
Jack seen a few games and he could see the hostility between Miriam and her teammates. While Miriam was naturally good, it didn't help that she had a bad temper and played aggressively when provoked. 
“You're Jack Harlow, right?” Mateo asked. “I'm Mateo. We met a few times.”
“Yes, that's,” Jack's voice cracked. He coughed. “‘Cuse me, yes that's me. I remember you, sir. It's always an honor to see you, even more so now because you're in my hometown.” 
“My baby is playing today.” He said, rubbing his hands nervously. 
“Nervous?” He asked Mateo.
“There's a lot riding on this game for Miriam.” He looked over to Miriam. 
Her team was stretching a few feet from her with their backs to her so she couldn't join their circle. Jack watched her look down at her wrists and mumble something under her breath. Miriam got up and scanned the stadium. Her eyes met Jack's but then skipped over to her dad. She jogged to him. 
“Papi, can you hold these?” She removed two gold bracelets from her wrist. 
“Ay, Miriam.” Mateo shook his head, stuffing them in his coat pocket. 
“Sorry, I got–”
“Go, you're wasting time.” He cut her off, motioning her to go back to her team. 
Miriam glanced over to Jack and he pretended to be entranced with the way his apps were organized. Though, he didn’t miss that dirty look she gave him before walking away. He frowned, confused why she would even look at him like that. He only interacted with her once at the Met Gala last year. She was dressed by Givenchy like him and they spent the entire evening talking. She gave him her number and everything. Then a few days later when she went back to Rio, she posted herself working out to NUN FREE on instagram but she blocked him when he slid in her dms.
The game started a few minutes after. Right away Miriam's teammates forgot she was also on the field. She yelled at them that she was open but they ignored her. If the ball did get near her one of her teammates would intervene before she could even touch the ball. As the game progressed Jack could see the frustration get to Miriam. The referee blew the whistle, indicating half-time. Louisville was winning 2-0.
Jack not so subtly watched how the shorts hugged Miriam’s ass as she jogged to the one teammate that kept taking the ball. Jack couldn't hear from where he was sitting but they were having a heated argument. The player got in Miriam’s face so the logical thing Miriam did was put her hand in front of them to create space between them. Her teammate took it the wrong way and shoved Miriam. She stumbled back a few steps, but caught herself. She went after her teammate and pushed her to the ground. The ref saw their exchange and pulled out a red card on Miriam, ejecting her from the game. Beside Jack, Mateo cursed and packed up his set up. 
He turned to Jack before going up the steps and defeatedly said, “Guess we'll be seeing each other more.” 
Miriam was fuming, but her dad was even more pissed. The entire ride to the hotel Mateo was silent. Miriam hated getting aggressive. She didn't mean to push her teammate; it was an act of self-defense. Her teammate got in her face and took the frustrations of losing out on Miriam. All Miriam told her teammate was to pass her the ball so they could try to score at least. Her teammate took it personally and got in Miriam's face, calling her a bunch of rude names. 
As they made their way to their shared suite, Miriam turned on her phone. The second it came to life her phone flooded with notifications. Texts from friends and families, her Instagram was blowing up with comments, and lastly the Google alert she had on herself also went off. One particular article caught her attention. ‘MIRIAM DOMINGUEZ-MILLER TO BE TRADED, TEAM TBA.’ She tried to scroll down but the website bombarded her with ads. 
“I'm being traded?” She asked her dad.
“Yes.” He said, nonchalantly. 
“Wha– why?” She frowned. 
“Because you don't fucking listen to me, Miriam.” He sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose. “You're a fucking liability. You and that fucking attitude can only get you so far with my help.” 
“I get attacked by my own teammate and I'm supposed to stand there?” She snapped.
“You fall into their traps cada pinche vez, Miriam.” He yelled back. “Do you think I don't know what it's like to know your teammates don't fuck with you? I dealt with that shit for years and didn't let every little comment get under my skin.” 
Miriam felt herself get small. She sat on a chair and pulled her knees up, hugging them. 
“Today was your last strike. They told me that if you got aggressive you were getting traded.” Mateo said, grabbing a water bottle from the mini fridge. 
Miriam frowned. “Why didn't you tell me? I would have kept calm or–”
“I know you, Miriam. You would've tried to keep it together for a few games then blow up. You have to deal with the consequences. I've told you countless times to stay focus on the game and not–”
“It's not fucking fair that when my teammates provoke me, I'm the only one dealing with it. I never instigate anything.” Tears rolled down her cheeks. 
Miriam hated crying in front of her dad. She didn't want him to think she was weak. 
“I know you don't, Miriam.” He patted her shoulder. 
“Where am I going to go now? Nobody fucking likes me.” She sniffled. 
“I've been making calls and Racing Louisville has an opening. Lucky for you, one of their players is pregnant and they don't want to go through tryouts.” Mateo said, not looking up from his phone. 
“You want me to stay here? In Kentucky? Papi, no.” She whined.
“It's this or we look for international teams.” He shrugged. 
Miriam sighed. As much as she loved playing in Rio, she couldn't move abroad. She missed her family way too much. Kentucky may be far from LA but it didn't compare to her being in a different continent. 
“Fine.” She agreed defeatedly. 
Mateo nodded. “Excellent, you have three weeks to move here before they officially announce you joining their team.” 
“Dude, I'm not inviting her.” Larissa told Jack. 
“It's my birthday.” He pleaded. “I have to give it back to her.”
After the game, Jack found one of the bracelets Miriam gave her dad before the game for safe keeping on the ground. He figured it must've fallen when he was rushing to deal with the few sports reporters. Jack tried dm'ing Mateo but he never responded. 
“Or you could just give it to me. I don't see why you're doing the most when I could just return the bracelet to her.” Larissa arched an eyebrow at him. 
“I have to talk to her. We're going to be seeing more of each other now that she moved here.” Jack explained.
“We live in a decently populated town not some small town where everyone knows everyone and who's fucking the deacon. Besides, she has her reasons why she doesn't fuck with you.” She mumbled that last part.
“You know, don't you?” He asked. 
Larissa shook her head. “I'm not getting in the middle of whatever you have made up in your head.” 
“Riss, c'mon.” he sighed. 
“I gotta go get ready for my hot date. I'll see you in a few days.” she waved before she left his place. 
Jack sighed once more and plopped on his couch. Larissa was right. He could just give her the bracelet and everything will be fine. But the people pleaser in him couldn't let go of why she didn't like him. Not to toot his own horn, but he was liked by many. So Miriam not liking him bruised his ego. He couldn't process how one minute she's laughing and holding onto his arm as he tells her another joke. Then days later she blocked him. 
It took him a few days to work up the courage to dm her. To his luck she posted one of his songs and used it as an in. He wanted to hear her laugh again. It had been a while since he made anyone laugh like that. The last time was probably in Brazil when he was performing at Lollapalooza. He and a few friends were invited to Anitta's birthday party. He ran into a girl who spoke English and spent the entire time talking to her and making her laugh. One thing led to another and they found a guest room. 
Jack closed his eyes and his mind went back to that night. It was pretty hazy. He was jet-lagged from all the traveling and performing. But he did remember the soft brown he stared into as he came twice. His mind slowly expanded those eyes into a face. 
“Miriam!” He yelled to himself. 
He had hooked up with Miriam. He cursed himself. How could he forget that he literally was inside of her. But that still didn't answer why she blocked him days after the Met Gala. If the sex was bad, it wasn't, she would've been prompted to block him then. But she didn't. Something must've happened but for the life of him he couldn't remember. The days after the Met Gala he spent them promoting his album. This entire thing was going to bother him. 
His phone began to buzz from the coffee table. Jack walked over and checked who it was.
“‘Sup Zack.” He answered. 
“Hey man, I landed a while ago but I wanted to ask if I could invite a friend. She moved here recently. She's pretty chill and gets the whole private party thing in case you're worried about her posting.” Zack said. 
“Yeah, just give me her name so I can have Neelam add her to the list.” Jack said, pulling up the Google doc.
“You probably know her since you're into your home teams. Her name is Miriam Dominguez-Miller, she just started playing for the women's soccer team here.”
Miriam twisted her wet curls into a bun and quickly got dressed. She just completed her first week of practice with her new. They were a 180 from her previous team. They were kind and were nice to her. They treated her like the team player that she was. She found a groove with her new teammates and they let her be herself. 
She started a bit after every practice she would sing a song for their tiktok and Instagram reels. Her song choices ranged from Bad Bunny to showtunes to Glee covers. The other day she sang 96000 from In the Heights and Lin Manuel Miranda reposted it. Her old team tried to shade her by doing their own singing but it backfired on them because they weren't good singers. Miriam was and her comments were filled begging her to use her nepotism privileges to get into singing or on Broadway. 
For a minute she almost got into music and even recorded some demos with an old hookup but she focused more on soccer. Maybe in the future once she retired from playing then she would pick it up. But for now all her focus was soccer and getting into the USA team for the World Cup in the summer. 
Dione, one of her new teammates, passed her the mini mic when they walked to the parking lot. “It’s now time for song of the day-yyay-ay with Miriam.”
Miriam pressed shuffle on her phone and Hot Girl by Megan Thee Stallion began to play. She set her bag down and performed for them. A few teammates joined in and danced along to her rapping. They all belted out ‘Don't get mad hoe, get a bag hoe!’ chorus. Miriam dropped her winter coat, wearing only her cropped workout top and its matching leggings that made her ass big. She lifted one leg on the back bumper of her car and twerked with one leg as she finished the song. She bowed and handed the small mic to Dione. They went their separate ways after. Miriam stayed in her car for a bit. 
She scrolled through her pictures and picked a picture of her and Larissa at UC Berkeley, then one of her in her new away jersey and from a few days ago of her and Larissa at practice. She added a cheesy caption and posted it on Instagram. Her comments began flooding in. She exited out of the app and went to spotify and played some Bad Bunny for her drive home. She started her car and reversed out of her parking spot. 
She was belting out Un Ratito when she got an incoming text from Zack Bia. He was a friend, well he was her siblings friends and she would tag along here and there whenever she was in LA. They weren't really that close but they ran in the same circle of nepo babies. He was in town DJing for someone's birthday and invited Miriam to the party. She said maybe and to ask whoever it was if it was okay for her to tag along. 
Miriam decided to wait until she got to her apartment to read the message. She was still getting used to driving in Louisville, and driving overall. Once she arrived, she set her practice equipment in the small laundry room and changed into more comfy clothes. She ordered herself some dinner. 
She finally settled in her velvet green couch and played a movie while she waited for her food. Miriam then looked at whatever Zack sent her. ‘Jack said it's cool.’ She frowned and replied back, asking who he was referring to. ‘Jack Harlow, he lives here. He's chill.’ He sent her another message with instructions and a QR-code for her. Miriam left him on read. 
There's no way she was going to his birthday party. Especially after what happened at the Met Gala. What he said was so rude and she was blindsided from his actions. Since then she vowed to never be in the same room as him if she could help it.
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@'mdm: reunited with my better half @'larissa12 💜🤍 ty to @'racinglouisvillefc for the amazing opportunity and for welcoming me into the family
@calwsoc: two pretty best friends
@'larissa12: ilysm
@'katdominguez: can I have the Versace heels you left in LA
-> @'mdm: touch my shit y vas a ver 🩴
-> @'josephdominguez: can I move into your old room
-> @'mdm: no!
@'zendaya: booking a flight to see you play
@'oldteammate: miss you 🥺
@'racinglouisvillefc: 💜🤍
@'miriamhater: imagine your dad being a legendary soccer player and you end up playing for Kentucky of all teams because you're a liability 🤣
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Jack jogged up the steps to the balcony where the DJ booth for Zack was set up. Zack had told him that Miriam said she was going to come but Jack hadn't seen her. He'd done laps around the venue looking for her. He had her bracelet in his car and wanted to give it to her. He also told himself that if Miriam didn't show up to just accept it and give Larissa the bracelet to give to her. 
“Has your friend shown up yet?” Jack asked him casually. 
“What friend?” Clay asked Jack. 
“No one.” His older brother mumbled. 
“You know Mateo Dominguez, right?” Urban began. Clay nodded. “Well his daughter plays for Louisville and Jack has a thing for her but he's an idiot and already fucked it up.” 
“Oh my fucking god, grab the mic tell the rest.” Jack rolled his eyes. 
“She got here like five minutes ago and she's at the bar.” Zack said, without looking away from his monitor.
Clay, Urban, and Jack all looked over the balcony. Miriam was sitting in the corner on her phone in one hand and she was chewing nervously on her thumb. 
“How the fuck do you fumble her?” Clay asked. 
“I didn't…it's complicated.” Jack explained vaguely.
“I'm getting her side. Cuz knowing you, it was deserved.” He said before making his way down. 
“Clay!” Jack called after him.
Clay reached the bar and introduced himself to Miriam. Jack stood far enough that Miriam wouldn't see him but close enough that Clay could see that he was waving him over to leave Miriam alone. But his younger brother ignored him. In fact he stayed with Miriam for another five minutes making her laugh with whatever he was telling. Having enough of that, he went over to where his parents and other family members were. 
“Mom, go get your son.” Jack nodded over to Clay. 
Maggie over. “Oh she's gorgeous, good for Clay.”
“Don't say that.” He frowned. 
“Do you not think she's pretty?” His mom asked.
“Of course I do, but…it's complicated. And Clay is making it worse.” He rolled his eyes. 
“What did you do to her?” She crossed her arms.
“Why does everyone think I did something?” Jack sighed.
“Baby, I say this with love, but I know you.” Maggie rubbed his arm. “I don't know what happened or what all of this is about but I know you didn't intend for whatever to go about the way it did. Just be respectful and don't overstep any boundaries. Okay?” 
“Yeah.” Jack nodded. 
He looked over to Clay and Miriam and sighed defeatedly. Jack made his way out to the parking lot for some fresh air. He leaned back on the cool brick wall, feeling the music thump against his back. He sipped his can of phocus and closed his eyes. 
The door flew open. He heard heels click against the sidewalk, in a pacing pattern. 
“Hey, sorry I couldn't hear you.” The voice. 
It was Miriam. Jack cursed and pushed himself off the wall to inside. He dropped his drink, making her look back at him. He cursed as the can rolled to her. He was trying to be sneaky so she wouldn't see him. 
“Clau, can I call you tomorrow after practice? Okay, bye, love you.” Miriam placed her phone in her small Prada bag. She bent down and picked up his can. “You dropped this.”
“I did.” he nodded.
“Do you want it? There's still some.” She said.
“I should recycle it.” Jack said, taking the can from her. “Thanks.”
“You're welcome.”
They both stood in silence waiting for the other to say something. 
“I have your bracelet.” “Your party seems fun.” They said the same time. 
“Sorry, you first.” They said in unison.
Jack nodded for her to go first. 
“Your party seems nice. Uh, happy birthday.” She pulled put a decently sized box from her large leather jacket. “There wasn't, like, a gift table so I didn't know where to put it. I was going to give it to your brother so he could give it to you but he randomly left me at the bar.” 
“He does that. He floats around to different people. And thanks for this.” Jack said. “I'm pretty sure you're the only person to actually give me a gift besides my parents and grandparents.” 
Out of curiosity of what she could've gifted him, he opened the box. It was a Brunello Cucinelli cheese cutlery set. Jack never heard of the brand before but he figured it was expensive.
“Gonna go ham at Morris Deli and buy a shit ton of cheese.” Jack said, pulling out his keys.
His car was the closest to them. He unlocked it and placed the gift under the passenger seat. He grabbed a small key and used it to open the glove compartment. He took out Miriam's bracelet. 
“Here,” he handed her her bracelet. “I'm sorry it took me this long to return it. I should've just given it to Riss. I shouldn't have taken it hostage. I get why you blocked me. I'm sorry if I pushed you back in Brazil and crossed any other boundaries.”
“What night in Brasil?” Miriam's eye brows furrowed. 
“At Anitta's birthday party. We hooked up…that's why you blocked me after the Met Gala last year.” Jack said.
“Oh my god, that was you?” Miriam laughed. “That night was a blur. I was in Brasília for a tournament and flew to São Paulo in the night. All I remember is some white guy being way too enthusiastic for missionary sex.” 
“I mean they call me missionary Jack for a reason.” He smirked. He then frowned. “That doesn't explain why you blocked me. I had a nice time hanging out with you at the Met.”
“I get fashion isn't everyone's thing but I love going above and beyond for the Met. It's the fucking Met. I don't appreciate people being all nice to me there and then going to some radio show to talk shit about me.” She said, crossing her arms.
“What does that have to do with me?” He asked.
“That's literally what you did? Are you seriously going to act like you didn't?” Miriam frowned. 
“Because I didn't.”
“Yes you fucking did. It was for some radio with the lady that talked shit about Kehlani when they were promoting their album.” 
It took Jack a second but then he remembered. “That shit was taken out of context. They used that clip for clicks. I was actually complimenting you and the other people that put effort into the Met Gala.”
“Oh…wow, I feel like an idiot. I'm sorry.” Miriam felt her cheeks heat up. 
“You're fine. Why don't we start fresh? I mean we're going to be seeing a lot of each other, I don't want any bad energy between us.” Jack suggested.
“I'd like that.” She smiled. 
Just like that they fell into conversation. They caught each other up in what happened with them in the almost year. Miriam told Jack about how she played for a few more months in Brasil then went to Germany to film a secret project she couldn't talk about yet. Then she moved back to LA. Jack told her about filming White Men Can't Jump and how he toured for almost six months straight. He even confessed to her that in the last few months he'd been working on an album for shits and giggles. 
Miriam’s feet began to hurt from her heels so they went to sit on the sidewalk edge. They sat pretty close, giggling and whispering among themselves. They were so wrapped up in each other that they didn't hear the door open until they Clay's voice. 
“Riss, the cake can fucking wait.” He said, pulling Larissa back. He gave Jack and Miriam an apologetic look. 
Larissa pulled her arm back. “They want you to cut the cake, Jack.” 
“We should go.” Jack told Miriam. He got up and stretched down his hands for Miriam to use them to pull herself up. 
“Thanks.” She said dusting her backside.
Jack went in with Clay. Miriam followed behind Larissa. 
“I thought you hated Jack.” She told Miriam when they hung back as the other party goers circled around Jack and Urban. 
“It was a misunderstanding. We resolved it.” Miriam said.
“It better be. I don't want to get in the middle again.” Larissa sipped her drink.
“I never asked you to be. I would actually appreciate it if you didn't. Your friendship with Jack should be separate and objective to our friendship okay?” Miriam said.
“Fine, just don't come venting to me. Jack's a playboy and I recommend that you don't get involved with him.” She said. 
“Like I just said not even a minute ago, I'm not asking nor looking for your opinion of what happens between me and Jack. But if knowing helps you sleep at night, I'm setting it straight that we're just going to be friends. And honestly, i don't like how you're bringing up my personal life right now.”
“You're right. I'm sorry, Mimi. I'm just looking out for the two of you. From now on you won't hear a peep from me about this.” Larissa said apologetically.
“Thank you.” Miriam smiled. 
They gave their full attention to Jack and Urban. Miriam made a mental note to get Urban a present. She didn't know it was also his birthday party until she got to the venue. She felt bad because she only got Jack something. 
The rest of the party went by fast. Jack introduced Miriam to his friend group. She noticed how the girls in the group all shared a look when Jack mentioned that she was a friend of Larissa but she didn't say anything. Larissa wasn't everyone's cup of tea. She could be intense and sometimes people mistake that for her being mean. Miriam grew accustomed to it so she didn't mind it. Larissa left half an hour after the cake with the guy she was kinda seeing so Miriam didn't get to hang out with her, but she was seeing her the following morning at practice. 
By the end of the party, Miriam was still there. She spent the majority of it talking to Jack. She even met his parents and they mentioned how Jack was a huge fan of her dad. 
“Where’s your car?” Jack asked Miriam as they left the venue. 
“Oh I'm getting an Uber.” She said, typing away.
“Let me take you home. It's late.” He said. 
“I don't want to impose.” Miriam said.
“It's fine. C'mon.” He opened the passenger door for her.
“Thanks.” She smiled. 
Jack handed her his phone with Spotify open. “The longevity of our friendship is going to be determined by who you play.” 
“I was just gonna play Bad Bunny so I don't fall asleep in your car.” she said.
“Good answer.” He said in a tone he had no business talking to her.
Miriam regretted mentally friendzoning him. But she also didn't want to cause any drama so it was that they just stay friends. No matter how hot she thought it was that he backed out of the parking lot. She was so mesmerized by how good he looked driving that she completely forgot that she put in her address and was surprised that he pulled up to her building.
“Damn, even I can't afford living here.” Jack said, taking in the luxury building. 
“Ugh, I didn't even want to live here but my dad insisted.” Miriam sighed.
“Fuck your dad for wanting you to live in one of the most opulent parts of town.” He said in the same tone as her.
“Oh my god you make me sound so spoiled.” She laughed. She glanced at the time on his touch screen. It was almost three in the morning. “I should get going. I have practice in, like, four hours.” 
Jack quickly got out and opened the door for her. 
“Thanks for the ride.” She smiled softly. “And I'm glad we sorted all that out.” 
“Me too.” He smiled back. 
Miriam stood on her tippy toes and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. Jack hugged her back. They slowly pulled apart but still held onto each other. Jack cleared his throat. Miriam turned her head, only inches away from his. Her eyes drifted down to his lips and back to his blue eyes. He waited for her to make the first move, but it never came.
“Thanks again, Jack.” She said, taking a step back. 
“Night Miriam.” He said. 
Miriam smiled and made her way to the lobby door. The doorman opened the door and let her in. Jack stayed until he saw her go in the elevator before heading back to his place. Once settled in his pajamas he looked through all the pictures taken at the photobooth. He found the one he was looking for and posted it.
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@'jackharlowsource: Jack with Miriam Dominguez-Miller, the daughter of his soccer player and the newest player of @'racinglouisvillefc via Instagram Stories
@'jackfan: I know shipping people irl is bad but hear me out...
@'mdmfan: this is the randomest link up ever
-> @'jackstan: one of her teammates from college is a childhood friend of Jack's and she's friends with Zack Bia
@'jackharlowstan: oh he's obsessed with that family 😭
@'miriamhater: I hope Jack stays away from her. She's a bitch and fights her own teammates, that's why she got traded to Louisville
-> @'miriamstan: you mean when her old teammate provoked her and initiated the fight? Yeah don't speak on her
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simplysummers · 5 months
Okay so I fucked up with the original post as it wouldn’t let me edit it from drafts after putting a video in there, so I had to start from scratch. So this was the ask, thank you @practically-an-x-man !
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Oh wow this is quite a lot to get through! Alrighty let's get going.
Alexander Summers:
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First impression:
l'm just going to talk about movie Alex, because I have other thoughts on comic Alex. I knew Lucas Till from other things like Hannah Montana and the YBWM music video, and also because after the drama with Ezra Miller everyone wanted LT to play the new movie flash, so I remember recognising this face when I first watched FC and thinking "oh yeah he's cute", and I liked his whole broody demeanour, but like, that was it. He became an honorary fave just because I knew he was around the mansion when Peter would've been young, so he was in a lot of the 'Cherik raise Peter' fics.
Impression now:
Jamie will tell you that I always develop a love for the more 'obscure’ characters in media, the smaller amount of screen time, the more likely I am to become obsessed. And so when I went back to rewatch the movies I was just pulled in when it came to Alex. I thought he was so interesting with soooo much potential, his dark but almost juvenile demeanour was like a hook, and I loooove his relationship with Charles. It's also amazing to get to experience a movie you love with a new found appreciation for a certain character because you notice so many new things. Every acting choice LT made for this role l've picked up on now, not to sound dramatic but every little detail helps fuel how I see Alex as a character/person, which is someone with so much complexity and depth.
Favourite moment:
Pretty much all of his scenes in Apocalypse, except his death. Even though I prefer FC, I love seeing how much he's grown and how much he's improved just in general. It's so lovely. But also this one specific deleted scene from FC that gives me all the feels,
Idea for a story:
I have a lot of ideas for Alex in the works, they're mainly on hold just because I went to uni this past September so l've been taking a fanfiction writing/reading break. My current main fic that l'm working on (that Jamie will be happy about), is Alex meeting and bonding with six/seven year old Scott after Vietnam. You'll know because you've read my fic but I picture Alex's relationship to be very strained with his parents, but he's making an effort because he's like, 89% sure Scott's going to be a mutant and he doesn't want him to have to deal with the same reactions he got all by himself.
I also have ideas around an OC of mine but I don't tend to talk about my OCs very much.
Unpopular opinion:
Hmm. The Alex fandom is very small so I don't think there are many 'unpopular' opinions. If we circle back to comic Alex, l'm not really a big fan of any of his romantic relationships. I like the characters respectively, I just don't tend to like them together.
Also I just prefer Alex to Scott, which isn't unpopular but it'll piss Jamie juice off :)
Favourite relationship:
Love love love looooove his platonic mentor-student relationship with Charles.
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Favourite Headcanon:
Love the idea of Alex picking up on Charles’ British slang while living at the mansion between FC and DoFP. He wouldn’t say them in a British accent, but he’d say things like jacket potato, not baked potato (the second chapter of that fic will be dropping soon), and football instead of soccer, and I feel like Charles would really appreciate it because it would be something Raven used to do. Although I see her doing it in more of a teasing way compared to Alex, Alex is just adapting to his surroundings.
Hank McCoy:
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First impression:
I remember quite liking Hank when I first watched FC, I don’t think I had a huge opinion on him but I did enjoy his presence. I liked his bashful relationship with Raven and I think Nicholas Hoult played the character well. He was like in between Alex and then Cherik and Peter for me, I cared about his presence because he was often involved with my top three, but he wasn’t obscure enough for me to develop a proper obsession with.
Impression now:
Kind of the same to be honest, if anything I think I may have gone off him a little bit. Not because of anything huge, but the way he is with Raven in that one scene in FC irks me a little. I do understand his reasoning, as someone with a physical ‘deformity’, I’d do anything to fix it, but I’m also like dude don’t tell this girl she’s not naturally gorgeous-. But overall I do still like him, and I did like his ending in DP too. (Even though I don’t like DP.)
Favourite moment:
Either when he and Logan are fighting in the foyer in DoFP or just his involvement with the montage in FC. Him being like “am I still a bozo?” to Alex, like bro what do you think the obnoxious little blond is gonna say-.
Idea for a story:
I like the idea of potentially writing a small oneshot about Alex and Hank having a conversation, maybe just before Alex leaves for Vietnam. I feel like it’s the only time they’d ever have a vulnerably emotional moment together. Alex wouldn’t admit to Charles he’s worried about going, and Hank would’ve picked up on enough of Alex’s social behaviours to realise it.
Unpopular opinion:
Not sure if this is unpopular but I don’t really ship him endgame with Raven. I ship them as a midgame, but if she had lived in the new timeline I don’t think they would’ve lasted, I think they’re a classic case of right person, wrong time. They were at totally different stages of life.
Favourite relationship:
Love his annoying brotherly relationship with Alex, and his mentor relationship with Charles.
Favourite headcanon:
Sean was the one who got Hank to smoke his first joint, and Hank was so concerned about what it would do to his brain/mutation that he caved and told Charles, as if they aren’t all adults who can make their own informed decisions. I don’t like reducing characters to a caricature, but the idea of Hank shyly telling Charles he’s stoned and has some minor concerns is so funny to me.
Patricia Thornton:
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First impression:
In typical Summer fashion, Thornton wasn’t a favourite when I started MacGyver, that was solely Mac and Jack. I just thought she was pretty and badass, and I really enjoyed her banter with Jack. That was kind of all I thought on her.
Impression now:
I. Love. Her. Literally she is such an icon. I came to appreciate her pretty quickly because I binged a lot of MacGyver while I was recovering from my hip surgery, and then when I found out about the traitor storyline I was devastated. I love her snark, her facial expressions, how much of an amazing spy she actually was? I still love her relationship with Jack but I’ve also come to appreciate how she was with Mac and Riley. She wasn’t a helicopter boss/parent, but it’s so clear that beneath the sternness and consistent annoyance, she loved those brats so much.
Favourite moment:
During the Christmas episode, at the end, she’s talking to Mac by the Christmas tree and it’s a clear moment of how she wasn’t just the boss of this team, she was also a friend. She kisses Jack’s cheek, she lets Bozer touch her, she and Mac talk about Christmas gifts, I love it. (I also love her in the fourth episode of season one where she’s beating the shit out of people.
Idea for a story:
I want to write more of her and Mac, I like the idea of her going to see him in the hospital after the incident in S1E1, but he’s at a generic hospital in Italy, and when she and Jack arrive the doctors are like “are you guys family to the patient? 🤔” and they’re like “uh…”. And Jack is like “oh yeah, we’re his aunt and uncle, this is my wife” on a whim and Thornton looks at him like she’s going to take off her shoe and shove the heel up his nose.
Unpopular opinion:
She’s better than Matty. That’s ragingly unpopular but to me she just is, I prefer her dynamic with everyone compared Matty’s character to dynamic with them. And there’s no problem with Matty, I just haven’t warmed to her, like at all. I don’t find banter in her sternness, whereas with Thornton it was more of an exasperation.
Favourite relationship:
I love all of her relationships with the main team, Mac’s is probably my favourite, but I do love how she is with Riley, and Bozer. They’re like her exhausting children and she’s just DONE. And of course her love-hate relationship with Jack is top notch.
Favourite headcanon:
I’ve never talked about this before but I have this deep rooted lore idea that Thornton had a lung transplant as a child. There’s even more lore behind why but I won’t bore you with that, but anyways I have this hc that while on a mission with Jack when they’re first working together, he finds her immunosuppressants in her backpack, and because she hasn’t declared them to anyone on the team, except Oversight ofc, as nobody knows about her lungs, Jack’s first thought is “…she’s dealing drugs.” And confronts her about it, and she’s just like “😒”.
After that, only Jack knows about it, and I like to think that while she’s in prison, he goes to see her and even though he’s mad because he thinks she’s a traitor, he’s still like “they’re giving you your pills for your lungs right?”
Warren Worthington III:
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First impression:
I don’t really remember my first impression of Warren. I remember in TLS, when we see him trying to cut out his wings, my first thought was “WOAH IM UNCOMFY”, but overall I think for me he was just sort of…there?
Impression now:
I like him a lot more in TLS than I do in Apocalypse, in Apocalypse I find him a bit obnoxious, but I like the complexities of his situation in TLS, as much as I don’t like the movie itself. I think it’s really interesting to see his development throughout that movie considering he has such little screen time.
Favourite moment:
I do actually quite like the scene where he flies away from his father before he’s forced to have the mutation cure. Very powerful and I think the actor did a nice job.
Idea for a story:
I don’t have one off the top of my head but I like the idea of something to do with he and Alex talking, for my universe they both have somewhat ‘unsupportive’ parents, so that could be an interesting exploration.
Unpopular opinion:
I can’t say I have one because I don’t know the character well enough. Maybe that he kind of annoyed me in Apocalypse? Like I get why he was the way he was, I just didn’t feel emotionally connected to him. I wish they could’ve fleshed it out a little bit more.
Favourite relationship:
I have no idea.
Favourite headcanon:
Again, not really any idea cause I don’t know enough about him, but I’d love to hear a few of yours sometime.
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nicolemaiines · 1 year
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listed below are some fcs I think would be a good replacement for ezra. since the tags are broken, I haven’t included gif hunt links but I’m happy to help find gif hunts or make gif packs of any of the below suggestions if needed!
alok vaid-menon (31), trans nonbinary + they/them
bilal baig (28), nonbinary/genderfluid + they/them
danny noriega (aka adore delano) (33), nonbinary + any pronouns
emma corrin (27), nonbinary + they/them
e.r. fightmaster (29), nonbinary + they/them
jacob tobia (31), genderqueer + they/them
mae martin (35), nonbinary + they/them
mason alexander park (27), nonbinary + they/them
misha osherovich (26), nonbinary + they/them
olly alexander (32), nonbinary + he/him
theo germaine (30), nonbinary + he/they
vico ortiz (31), nonbinary + they/them
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artemiseamoon · 2 years
Completed fics (so far)
Summer 2022 onward
Follow @artemiseamoon-updates and subscribe on A03* Registered users
There are older finished fics too, pre summed 2022, Just look at my masterlist.
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If this is our destiny | Mayans | Angel, f reader, Manny
The longest ride | SOA | bad boyfriend Jax Teller x ofc ft Jon Bernthal as an omc
The world we no longer know (via Sideblog) | TWD | Shane Walsh, Ofc, Rick Grimes +
Nostalgia antiques (bonus chapter added) | Prospect 2018 | Ezra x f reader
Chasing the moon | Mandalorian | Mando, grogu
Back to Start | TF | Family man Frankie x family x ofc
A little bit of hope | TF | ex Santi, omc (fc Ben Barnes) , f reader
Nocturna Sanguine | Original w/ Ivar (Vikings) Roman (Hemlock Grove) and Kat Graham as my oc
After this is over | Narcos Mx | Smash & Grab crew, Walt, Calderoni, Slate (oc)
A lighthouse in the dark | triple frontier | Amara x Will, the guys
Milk & Honey | vikings | werebear Bjorn x ofc
Flirting with Danger | narcos mx | Ramón x rc
The barmaid & the Spaniard | Pero Tovar x rx
Outshine the sun | TF| Frankie Morales x ofc ft Benny
Neptunium | Vampire John Wick x f reader
Under a Golden sun | Benny Miller x f reader | omc x f reader
Wisteria & Moonlight | Werwolf! Will Miller x Ofc (ft Benny & more)
Elysian | Soulmate AU , Ezra x ofc
Stay in the light | Pitch black au | Johns x ofc
A place to call home | Isabella Bautista x ofc (narcos mx)
When the lights go out | Lights out | Omar Assarian x f reader
Sin | Narcos Mx | Bi! Pacho x f reader, Miguel x f reader
The Edge of Dawn | Donald Pierce x Brandi Cross (Ofc) | Modern western / post apocalypse au
Queen of poisons | Werewolf Ezra x the huntress Nyx
Death Kiss | Vampire Hunter Mayans, ofcs, | JC vampires au
Deep in the woods, the goat-man lives | Creature! ubbe x ofc | Vikings
Decided by fate | Tyler Rake x ofc
Labyrinth | Klonnie (a03)
Artes year of whump (plus fluff and comfort) challenge
What the heart wants | Secret sabra fic | Pero Tovar
Autumn in New York | Nick Vaughan x ofc
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wyntersecret-a · 8 months
This is a 25+ private space for a small group of writers known as SSQ. Mun is 25+ and not here for bs. I will not follow anyone I have not followed first from here. Other indie blogs, and blogs under 25 will be softblocked. Extremely selective and closed to other writing partners especially if you didn’t express wanting to continue writing.
Novella + multipara only ! Maybe a few exceptions here and there but don’t be surprised if it takes forever to get replied to. Short stuff doesn’t hold my interest and falls flat for me. I need substance to my writing and big continuous threads not 50 million little ones.
Smut will not be under read more but tagged with a general tag. Triggers will not be tagged (unless it’s a mutual trigger). You come across this space please read at your own risk. Consider this a fair warning in advance.
Inbox is open for memes, prompts and character questions. Memes are not to be reblogged BY ANYONE that I am not following. Personals will be hardblocked for reblogging anything off this space.
Landon Wynter is the main muse here but I have some others connected to his universe or for specific partners also existing here in one hub.
I write dark content. I write horror. I write realistic themes. I and my partners WILL NOT be policed in any way. When shipping I write mf and ff. mm is rare/nonexistent due to horrible experiences from past and present. I’m a bi female and I honestly don’t care what people think about that. Nor do I tolerate face chasing or face collecting. My mutuals are my mains & are exclusives with their fc choices. writing against my fc / collecting fc from others will result in me dropping partners. went through this crap with Lan’s face before and I’m not any longer. he’s banned and I will not follow blogs who use him either. I PRACTICE EXCLUSIVITY.
I use gifs (bar one muse I made statics for a while back). You may use anything: gifs, gif icons, static icons, gifless. I like to use dividers and make graphics. YOU DON’T HAVE TO HAVE FANCY THINGS. So no worries.
Plots I avoid with Landon specifically: cheating, love triangles. Stuff I avoid overall: crosshipping, intersecting universes without permission etc. s.exual assault. r.ape. Stuff that I don't vibe with: ooc political posts, comparing muses or using my muse for your comfort, child muses, treating my muse in a toxic way, shipping Landon with anyone toxic or wishy washy with emotions - ex made this triggering so no thanks.
either shitty people, ruined by someone or attached
Madelyn Cline
Amber Heard
Ariana Grande
Ezra Miller
Gugu Mbatha Raw
Ed Westwick
others using Penn Badgley
Always Welcome
musician fcs, sports fcs, underused fcs, female muses, male muses, non binary muses, poc muses, lgbtqa+ muses
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fourfears · 10 months
anyone want to jump into plotting in a shared discord 1x1 server? after we chat a little and see if we vibe ofc. 21+ only pls as i am over 25. my main blog is haziest but i'm shadowbanned so i am posting here. check out my guidelines/some fcs i want under the read more and feel free to message me on discord at iranoveroprah, just tell me your url first please!
i'm called nine
i generally like playing face claims of color, and i prefer if you do too
i play any gender including nonbinary & trans muses & fcs, and i prefer if you do too
ask for my discord where (if we vibe) we can plot and make a server and headcanon and thread and stuff (i can make it if you want me to no pressure lol)
will not rp: pregnancy, anything involving babies or parenting including parents with grown children, military, historical, royal, cops, generally “taboo” topics (inc*st, r*pe, etc. but just ask if you’re unsure), fcs or muses under 20, or celebrities as themselves
i now have a list of banned fcs (sorry it keeps growing):
anyone under age 20. no exceptions. benedict cumberbatch, bts members, choi jongho, choi seungcheol (s.coups), chonnasorn sajakul (sorn), chris evans, chris pratt, colton haynes, david harbour, ezra miller, henry cavill, holland roden, jackson wang, jacob elordi, jennifer lawrence, jeon soyeon, kardashians/jenners, kim woojin, kim youngjo (ravn), kj apa, lim jaebeom (jay b), matthew gray gubler, miley cyrus, oliver sykes, park jaehyung (jae/eaJ), ryan gosling, taylor swift, tom holland, won kunhang (hendery), wong yukhei (lucas). this may be subject to change over time.
i generally like fast-moving threads, and i find <300 word threads are easiest to reply to, but i don’t mind long threads too! usually i’ll recommend doing a rapid fire thread alongside a longer thread to keep the inspo going
anything else just ask!
wanted plot dynamics/tropes:
addiction ᝰ affairs ᝰ angels & demons ᝰ codependent & toxic relationships ᝰ dumb stoners in love ᝰ grief & comfort ᝰ hauntings ᝰ impulsive confessions ᝰ long-distance & online relationships ᝰ musicians ᝰ opposites attract ᝰ poly ships ᝰ post-apocalyptic rebuilding of society ᝰ religious differences ᝰ spooky things !!! ᝰ unrequited pining ᝰ urban fantasy elements/settings.
(very niche) wanted fcs:
avan jogia ᝰ bae sumin ᝰ barry keoghan ᝰ bella poarch ᝰ brandon perea ᝰ chase sui wonders ᝰ choi beomgyu ᝰ choi in ᝰ choi yena ᝰ choi yoonah (doa) ᝰ conan gray ᝰ davika hoorne ᝰ dev patel ᝰ do hanse ᝰ dong sicheng (winwin) ᝰ evan mock ᝰ fukutomi tsuki ᝰ greta onieogou ᝰ han hyun min ᝰ hong siyoung (giriboy) ᝰ huh yunjin ᝰ hunter schafer ᝰ ivan rzhevsky ᝰ jang eunseong (dosie) ᝰ jeon somi ᝰ jeong jisu (albin) ᝰ jeremy allen white ᝰ jo gyehyeon ᝰ jonathan daviss ᝰ kai kamal huening (hueningkai) ᝰ kim gyunhak (leedo) ᝰ kim sunwoo ᝰ kim yongseung ᝰ kwak jiseok (gaon) ᝰ lee jooyeon ᝰ lee seoho ᝰ lee suyeon (sheon) ᝰ lee taeyeob (yoojung) ᝰ lights bokan ᝰ lily rose depp ᝰ lizeth selene ᝰ mae col ᝰ maggie lindemann ᝰ mat musto (blackbear) ᝰ na goeun ᝰ nicha yontararak (minnie) ᝰ oh seungmin (o.de) ᝰ osaki shotaro ᝰ park jihyo ᝰ rahul kohli ᝰ riz ahmed ᝰ tahliah barnett (fka twigs) ᝰ tati gabrielle ᝰ sen mitsuji ᝰ simone ashley ᝰ son dongju (xion) ᝰ song yuqi ᝰ thomas weatherall ᝰ xu minghao (the8) ᝰ yoo yongha ᝰ zhou xianxianye.
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syfyhq · 1 year
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alaqua cox, jordan alexander, thomas weatherall, dilraba dilmurat, morningstar angeline, tasia zalar,  hailie sahar, ricky whittle, kiowa gordon, brian michael smith, zion moreno, sidharth malhotra, ming na wen, ivory aquino, jana schmieding, cody christian, gabourey sidibe, laith ashley, melisa dongel, shraddha kapoor, amber midthunder, daniel ezra, serkan cayoglu, & ariela barer !
⌱   SYFYHQ is an 18+ ( mun/muse ) adventure survival horror tumblr roleplay inspired by jurassic park, lost, sweetheart, the wilds, & other survival media. this roleplay will explore different mysteries & various creatures while muses are stuck on a deserted island. the story begins with a plane crashing into the pacific ocean during the turn of the millennium and will only get wilder  !  
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savagecuhnt · 1 year
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I want to start using my boys again. Anyone want to do something with them? I need to get comfortable with them again. ALSO, just a heads up, Aran's Fc is Ezra Miller, so if anyone has an issue, please lmk so you can interact with Dmitri only.
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dcrkcrwns · 6 months
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𝐀 𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄, everyone always has one, but how dark will it be, it’s dependent on the person itself.   how dark can you be ?? 
✨ independent, highly selective, and private multi-muse blog with VERY mature themes including txboo, will be present, you have been warned.  heavy triggers will be tagged, smut will not. minors don’t interact. written by teddy, he/they, 25 +
affiliates: @bvssybvys
                                   ✨ open starters ✨ muses ✨ wishlist✨ kxnks ✨ memes ✨ wanted opposite ✨ most wanted
                                guidelines under read more
this blog is an independent multimuse blog.  all my charas are gay.  i am not affiliated with the faces or the shows that the canon characters are in. this blog will have thread that are very taboo so if you’re not comfortable, don’t follow this account. and if i don't follow you or don't have active threads, please don't interact with me. i'm just selective with who i write with.
i like to use small text with icons and small gifs or gif icons, and mostly do short threads that includes a paragraph. can write longer if the vibe is there.  but shorter stuff tend to get my attention and i go faster.  also cut your post if you can please. i use beta and xkit unwritten.
i’m a ship whore.  but it’s definitely easier if our writing chemistry and the character’s chemistry is there.  but yea, here for all the ships.
listen, there is lots of smut, this blog is mainly for all the smut writing honestly.  so i won’t be writing with characters under 18.   i’m of age, and i dont feel comfortable writing with anyone who is under the age of 21.  so be 21+ pls.   i won’t be tagging the smut on here, but will tag most triggers.
i am currently employed, so i’ll be semi-active, but apologies if i do disappear!  but if i do, i always come back, unless im dead lol, ok morbid, but yea, i’ll always return 💖
i am very crossover and oc friendly so don’t be afraid to hit me up if you and i have similar writing styles. i’m down for rping with chou all.
all of the resources i use are NOT mine, so kudos to those that have made them.  if i make any graphics though, don’t claim as your own! 😡😡
if you could all be kind to not reblog gif/photo sets from my blog.  just reblog from source, it’s easier to keep my activity clean and only be my threads, but i won't like go ballistic if you do so here and there. thank you fam! 💖
this place is just for fun.  so don’t bother me too much about this blog.
i don’t feel comfortable writing with fcs that are under the age of 21.  the only exception is kit connor and a couple others.  but i’m pretty open when it comes to fc’s but here a few that i’m very ehh/nope for me
underage fc’s
deceased fc’s
most influencers
most kpop singers and singers in general ( unless plotted )
cast of shameless ( except jeremy allen white or steve howey )
stranger things cast
individual actors tho are here:
ansel elgort
austin abrams
avan jogia
blake jenner
bill skarsgard
benedict cumberbatch
cillian murphy
chris pratt
colton haynes
dane dehaan
darren criss
dylan sprayberry
elliot page
ezra miller
johnny depp
misha collins
richard harmon
robert sheehan
robert downey jr
timothy olyphant
i will add more as my memory picks up.
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394hq · 11 months
Grant Gustin or Ezra Miller for the flash?
Grant! Ezra's actually on our banned fc list that you can find here. Also on the grounds that Grant is adorable.
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maraurp · 1 year
Mwfcs pfvrrr
nós amaríamos ver devyn nekoda, paris berelc, kat graham, lee saerom, aisha dee, precious lee, t'nia miller, arsema thomas, chloe bailey, fka twigs, iza, anitta, lais ribeiro, matt ward, donald glover, tyler lepley, jacob anderson, alfie enoch, daniel ezra, idris elba, oscar isaac, michael b jordan, ismael cruz córdova, rege jean page, liniker. nossa tag de mw tá cheinha de fcs que ainda não foram usados, anon, então eu vou sugerir você ir lá caso nenhum desses aqui te chame atenção, tá bem? se precisar de algo mais específico, é só pedir.
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katherine-mcnamara · 2 years
Hey dev, aside from Kat, who'se another feel good fc of yours? That way I'll know when to tag you when I give them :p
Okay so I class feel good fcs as the fcs I just wanna snuggle up and gif even when i feel like shit so theres A LIST and i know im missing some but if you or anyone else wants it heres my comfort fc list off the top of my head. I will say though I'm in the camp of don't put diverse fcs behind paywalls though. So if anyone takes from here, ESPECIALLY INDIGENOUS FCS, I'd ask you don't do that.
katherine mcnamara, dominic sherwood, harry shum jr, aimee carrero, bridget regan, kennedy mcmann, daniel ezra, hande ercel, kahara hodges, laura harrier, daniel kaluuya, jessica matten, ella rae smith, caelynn miller keyes, paterson joseph, zahn mcclarnon, tonantzin carmelo, amber midthunder, lily gladstone, ashley moore, shraddha kapoor, amala paul, ana brenda contreras, ashley callingbull, cemre baysel, elsa hosk, macarena achaga, kennedy walsh, camila quieroz, coco jones, christine adams, david ramsay, ella hunt, imani lewis, olivia cooke, isaiah mustafa, jordan calloway, kiana madeira, willa fitzgerald, laroyce hawkins, jenna coleman, annabelle wallis, liam hemsworth, daniel wu, lewis tan, lili reinhart, lucy hale, marina ruy barbosa, maxine medina, natasha liu bordizzo, morgan holmstrom, daisy head, merritt patterson, briana evigan, nishi munshi, ozge yagiz, robert mesa, sasha calle, sophia bush, taylor cole, yang yang, christine adams, chrissy metz, danielle harris, scout taylor compton, julia garner, connor jessup, emilia jones, shantel vansanten, erin cahill, malese jow, nathalie kelley, jon bernthal, kaylee bryant, meghan ory, elcin sangu, sarah bolger, jennifer morrison, elizabeth lail, ayca aysin turan, melisa asli pamuk, madelaine petsch, katie leclerc, luca hollestelle, amy adams, bree kish, annalise baso, andi matichak, claire holt,jack lowden, john boyega, john david washington, tony todd, yahya abdul mateen ii, demet ozdemir, deniz baysal, melisa dongel
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nicolemaiines · 1 year
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artemiseamoon · 2 years
Writing round up
September 2022 - March 2023
Most recent round up
Previous writing round ups
💫💫💫Feb 2023 updates 💫💫💫
✋🏾 = on hold coming eventually unless noted otherwise
🌸 = complete
💜 = actively in progress
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Complete (oneshots, fics, etc) 🌸
***See more at @artemiseamoon-updates (more than I can list here) ***
A lighthouse in the dark (triple frontier, Ofc, the boys)
Make it out alive (ft Frankie and Will, part of Frightfest) - triple frontier
After this is over (Calderoni, Slate, Walt &crew) - narcos mx
A hermits journey (Jax, brother omc fc Garrett h.) - Soa
Nocturna sanguine (my indulgent vamp fic based off an original short story of mine. Ofc fc is Kat Graham ft modern Ivar and Roman Godfrey)
Milk & Honey (werebear Bjorn x ofc | Vikings)
Flirting with Danger (narcos Mc Ramón x reader)
Milk & Honey (Werebear! Bjorn x ofc)
Under a Golden sun (ft Benny and ATJ as an omc)
Outshine the sun (extended) (Frankie x ofc ft. Benny)
The Barmaid & the Spaniard (Pero Tovar x plus! F reader)
Neptunium (vampire John Wick x f reader)
Wisteria & moonlight (ft my Ocs and werewolf Will miller and Benny miller)
Previously started & In progress 💜
Damage control (see link below)
Triple frontier
Damage control (ft private security Frankie)
Every breath, every heartbeat (will x ex fiancé oc) ✋🏾tba
Sweet Melancholy 👋🏾 tba
Have you even seen a vampire
Sin (Miguel, Pacho, RC) ✋🏾 tba
Playing with Fire (Poison x f reader/Oc) ✋🏾 tba
My world and yours (Barron x ofc coming mid January) - ✋🏾 (April 2023)
Reflections in the mirror (April or May 2023) Javi x ofc ✋🏾
Werewolf Ezra x huntress Nyx - queen of poisons
Marcus Moreno
Tell me no lies ✋🏾 (April 2023)
Pero Tovar
the terms of enchantment -✋🏾(May 2023)
Ricky Hauk
It’s all poetry (Ricky x ofc) 👋🏾 tba
Untitled - King Harald ( his pov to this) -✋🏾tba
When night comes - incubus Ragnar -✋🏾tba
Deep in the woods, the Goatman lives Satyr Ubbe -✋🏾(May move yo Halloween)
New to my masterlist!
Ryan Corr
Ser Harwin
Laena Velaryon
The Gray Man
The Sandman
Chris Hemsworth
On the road (movie Garret H.)
Maurice Compte
Chopping block, might get canceled
MCU - what comes next -✋🏾
Not canceled but not sure when I’ll start again
Some kind of blue (Thomas Shelby x ofc)
Writing celebrations, challenges
Frightfest -✋🏾
Writer Iron Chef 💜
Writer Wednesday ✋🏾
Other challenges
* on hold, creator had left tumblr but I’d like to finish these after I get some wips done , also see pinned post
Vikings x
Triple frontier /Soa crossover x
Finished fics & almost finished fics
🦋 remember
Previews post to tumblr (minus some exceptions) and full work only posts to A03
I do not do taglists
Reblogs mean more and do more than likes
Minors DNI , this is an adult 18 + account
I do not do requests anymore. That era is over.
I mainly reblog others via reblog accounts. Saving; @artesreadinglist | read @arte-is-now-reading | narcos home @narcos-narcosmx | gifs, art, etc @adrikamoon (I have some others too, these are the main ones) main is for random stuff, personal, my previews, etc
Update only account @artemiseamoon-updates
I don’t do tags, but you can follow there. You can also subscribe to select works or follow me on A03
31 notes · View notes
silencedmoths · 1 month
alice cho. 27. she / her. bisexual. dominant. horror author. (london thor fc)
darcy walker. 120. she / her. vampire. bisexual. submissive. nurse. (jaz sinclair fc)
eden holm. 27. she / her. bisexual. switch. thief / heist mastermind. (alisha boe fc)
josephine ‘joey’ novak. 29. she / her. bisexual. switch. florist / serial killer. (taissa farmiga fc)
maeve larsen. 27. she / her. bisexual. submissive. cafe owner. (josefine frida pettersen fc)
magdalene 'mags’ shroud. 30. she / her. lesbian. switch. manager for souleater. (mia goth fc)
raven moreno. 21. she / her. bisexual. switch. special fx makeup artist. (jenna ortega fc)
salem feldman. 26. she / her. half demon. bisexual. submissive. diner waitress. (maude apatow fc)
ziggy walsh. 27. she / her. bisexual. switch. artist / keyboardist and vocalist for souleater. (alisha boe fc)
archie fletcher. 32. he / him. bisexual. switch. guitarist for souleater. (joe keery fc)
beau torrence. 26. he / him. bisexual. submissive. documentarian / photographer. (asa germann fc)
charlie marsh. 32. he / him. bisexual. switch. traveler. (mike faist fc)
ezra lin. 31. he / him. bisexual. dominant. fbi behavior analyst. (derek luh fc)
joel yoon. 31. he / him. bisexual. switch. tattoo artist / drug dealer. (min yoongi fc)
sebastian 'seb’ miller. 30. he / him. bisexual. switch. animal rescue tech / guitarist and vocalist for souleater. (joseph quinn fc)
brielle dixon. 23. she / they. lesbian. switch. bassist for souleater. (sophie thatcher fc)
christopher 'kit’ dixon. 34. he / they. bisexual. switch. boxer / drummer for souleater. (rory culkin fc)
0 notes