#Ræyeṃonð Chindora
coockie8 · 2 months
any ocs of yours that would be really interesting to see interact with pretty much any other characters?
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coockie8 · 24 days
what is rays thing with ed and roy tho? youve mentioned he wants to do unspeakable things to ed and youve drawn stuff of him and roy what is with those 2?
Ray's fascination with Ed can really only be described as extreme cute aggression. He views Ed very much like a cool toy in a shop window that he desperately wants to modify, but no one will let him lol
With Roy it's basically just
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On account of the fact Roy is fire-based and Ray is a raging pyromaniac lmao
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coockie8 · 1 month
is ray gonna finally get to skin ed? lol
I think I'm leaning more towards exploring Ray's intense effect on the world around him when he interacts with reality, rather than him actually torturing people himself, but we'll see haha
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coockie8 · 2 months
so what exactly is ray capable of?
All Eldritch Beings naturally have the innate ability to form and shape reality as it exists around them, and they each embody concepts that they have full, innate control of; without them, these concepts would cease to exist.
Ray is an Eldritch Being. So basically, you name it, he can do it. Except create reality from nothing. Only Cosmic Entities can do that.
He certainly has preferences, and as the embodiment of Desire he is where all desire comes from, so being around him for extended periods of time will make you more impulsive.
He does have one power no other Eldritch has called "Drakaerys' Flame". This was, as the name suggests, quite literally forced upon him by the Cosmic Entity of Power; Drakaerys. It makes him, objectively, the most Powerful Eldritch Being and is basically what would happen if you condensed the explosion of 1000 atomic bombs into a lazer beam. I guess kinda similar to what Godzilla breathes, now that I think about it haha
It is a tiny fragment of Drakaerys, and it, as well as 3 other non-formed fragments, are why the concept of power still exists in the current universe, despite Drakaerys having been destroyed by Tebius in the first.
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coockie8 · 6 months
im confused by some of the songs in rays playlist i thought he was a terrible person
Okay, whack.
I don't know who else out there needs to hear this but trauma victim =/= inherently good person.
Ray is a chronic abuse victim. His entire existence he has been owned and controlled by someone else (that's what those glowing runes on his "Beauty" form are; they're enslavement runes). The catalyst that made him who he is today occurred when he finally got free from his abuser, only for a human to turn around and try to do the exact same thing; he was beautiful and powerful, and the human wanted to marry and have children with him and didn't take "no" for an answer.
That's why I describe his motivation as "you can't hurt him if he fucks you to death first". He's an abuse victim who became an abuser for survival.
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coockie8 · 20 days
when you say rays height changes with his mood what exactly do you mean by that??
It's not just a Ray thing, this is common in most Voidlings, as their bodies aren't, technically, real.
The bigger the emotion, the bigger the body, because they need more space to contain their limitless energy, that tends to swell when they're experiencing excessive emotion.
In his Pure form, which is his largest (in Beauty, his Power form was a dragon-adjacent creature and well over 100 feet tall), he's 20 feet tall when he's calm, but he can range anywhere from 30-80 feet if he experiences really intense emotion.
This also isn't specific to any single emotion either, he can hit 80 feet for getting too happy as well lol
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coockie8 · 22 days
Roy: *Arrives at the Cult with no other desire than getting Ed out of this in one piece*
Ray: 👀👀 Fire User?? 👀👀👀 Pure Desires??? 👀👀👀👀 Worthy Conduit???? 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
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coockie8 · 24 days
y is rays bellybutton so deep in tha pic of him and roy???? like it shouldnt be that low u kno???
That would be because Ray doesn't have a bellybutton. It's not "too low on his torso", it simply is not there. Because he wasn't born, and therefore never had an umbilical cord, the cutting of which is what causes the bellybutton.
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coockie8 · 24 days
i noticed ray didnt have that flame tattoo under his eye in the last 2 pics did u just forget it lol
No, it just moves around, 'cause it's not a tattoo haha It's basically just the visual representation of the seal on his power. The most common places for it to show up are under his eye beneath his birthstone, and on his back, flaring out from his spine.
He tries to contain it to his back, because it's not a trait he's particularly fond of, but when he's in Active Hunting Mode™, like in the picture where he's wrapping his tongue around Roy's head, it will display in a more noticeable place, like under his eye, as a visual warning that he's about to get aggressive.
You might have noticed that he also doesn't have it in any of his non-human forms, and that's because in his "true" forms those runes he's covered in are actually that flame "tattoo" he has in his more human-like forms. The flame is a cloak, the runes are the actual seal.
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coockie8 · 1 month
what are some fun facts about ray???
I don't know if they're all necessarily fun, but I can give you 5 facts lol
As previously mentioned, Ray is considered to be the most powerful Eldritch Being, but having a fragment of a Cosmic Entity inside him is not the only reason why: Ray is also the only Eldritch Being that is not bound to one of the Cosmic Entities, by way of his Cosmic Entity being dead, and is, therefore, the only one that, technically, has Free Will.
Despite seeming random to the onlooker, Ray does have a Code in how he selects the people he tortures. When Ray is "hunting" he appears different to every person who sees him, appearing in every way as whatever a given person Desires most in another person (in whatever way Desire means to you, this is not necessarily a sexual thing). How you react to being faced with everything you've ever wanted in a person will ultimately determine how Ray reacts to you. If you're good to him, he'll give you the best time of your life; whatever that entails and however long it takes. If not, you get to learn what it feels like to live without your skin for however long it takes to grow back.
Ray doesn't technically identify with any human concept of gender, but he will utilize certain presentations to his advantage, and his current predominantly masculine presentation is a result of the trauma from what Adam did to him. Before Adam, in Eden where he guarded the Tree of Strength, Ray presented in what was his interpretation of the perfect fusion of masculine and feminine. He ditched the girl parts when Adam forced himself on them. Though he still doesn't really give a fuck what pronouns you use for him, it's all meaningless human nonsense to him anyway lol
Ray is the being that created Purgatory, and he did it precisely because he wanted to have somewhere he could Torture Adam after finally died. The unfortunate consequence is that it became a necessary part of Beauty's afterlife. And also Adam got swept away to Heaven upon his death by that cheating bastard Irwen. Now Ray and the rest of the Warden's of Purgatory just use it as a Temporary prison for bad souls before tossing them over to the Eldritch Being of Birth to be reincarnated.
Ray's divorced, and also remarried. He currently has two spouses, one of which is, technically, in a weird kind of way, his nephew; Elias, Warden of Pride, and the other was created by his "brother" for him; Michael. Though the first husband that he divorced; Kent, was also created for him by Ǻleẋandƴr as well, but that marriage didn't work out.
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coockie8 · 2 months
could you do one of those y/n ones with ray please???? just whatever you think would work that he would say to me someone
Ray: Y/N, if I make you breakfast in bed, a simple "thank you" is all I need.
Ray: None of this "how did you get into my house" nonsense. Don't be ungrateful.
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coockie8 · 2 months
damn the idea of ed interacting with ray is really interesting godlike being + the most impulsive human ever
Ray wants nothing more than to slowly skin Ed alive, grow that skin back, then slowly peel it off again. Affectionately.
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coockie8 · 6 months
oh thats what happened? adam raped him? like adam adam, first human adam?
Yes, first human Adam. Guy's the biggest dick you've ever met in your life in Cosmic Legends lore. Well since God is basically a Frat Boy, and Adam was created in his image, ergo Frat Boy Junior.
I can 100% guarantee that Cosmic Legends is going to piss a lot of people off, primarily Christians.
As for what happened to Ray, there was a bit more to it, but yes, Adam raped him.
The whole story is Adam became infatuated with the criminally beautiful, hedonistic Eldritch Being of Desire and decided he had to have Ray. Think The Willow Maid. Ray was the guardian of the Tree of Strength, and thinking that job was the reason for Ray's refusal, Adam cut the tree down. When that didn't work, he just took what he wanted by force. After spending the previous 60 billion year long universe enslaved to Drakaerys with no free will of his own, to say Ray had had enough at this point would be an understatement.
The citizens of Eden consider this to be the true "First Sin", as the aftermath has left basically the entire Southern hemisphere of Eden a scorched, radioactive wasteland. But because it was Adam's transgression, God just kinda ignored it. Adam was based on God, ergo Adam can do no wrong, because God can do no wrong.
If you're a die-hard Christian, genuinely don't read this book when it comes out lol It's just gonna make you blood-red mad haha
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coockie8 · 6 months
how many forms does ray have?
Not including his Delusions of Desire (an cloaking ability that makes him appear to the viewer as whatever they desire the most)? Five in total. His original "Human" and Beauty forms, and his corrupted "Human" and Beauty forms (keep in mind, this one's spicy), which have been posted, and his Power form from the first universe (not a form he chose).
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coockie8 · 6 months
i totally didnt even think that ray would dwarf him 🥵🥵🥵
His heels put him at full tit-height, but yeah, this is what you have to look forward too haha
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coockie8 · 1 year
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Here's Ræyeṃonð (Ray), Eldritch Being of Desire and High Demon of Lust, as his True Form appears in Beauty.
Full Image contains a like 5 foot dick front and centre so you have to view it on my 18+ twitter lol
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