#R. Kelly website
formlines · 5 months
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Kellys R Large Ovoids
Lawrence Paul Yuxweluptun
from the website: The ovoid form is often used to make patterns and figures in traditional Salish art, a people from whom Yuxweluptun is descended, in addition to his Okanagan heritage. In this work, Yuxweluptun abstracts the ovoid by removing its layers and presenting it as a complete and separate entity. He challenges the way in which Indigenous art is represented and judged in a formal, Euro-centric context. By doing so, he reclaims his right to construct an Indigenous identity outside of colonial narratives.
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jourdepluie91 · 5 months
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The Nicki Minaj and Megan Thee Stallion feud, explained
By Olivia McCormack and Herb Scribner
Megan Thee Stallion released her biting song “Hiss” on Friday — a punchy diss track that takes aim at the haters and critics she’s encountered throughout her career.
“Hiss” has climbed high up on streaming charts since Friday, Jan. 26, with more than 5 million plays on Spotify, made waves throughout the rap community and ignited a social media firestorm with fans of Minaj, who claim Megan directly insulted her on the track.
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Though no names were mentioned in this song, a number of “Hiss” lyrics appear to reference Minaj, too. One line, fans say, seems pointed at Minaj’s family: “These h--s don’t be mad at Megan, these h--s mad at Megan’s Law.”
“Megan’s Law” could be a reference to a federal law that requires police to share information with the public about convicted and registered sex offenders. It was named after Megan Kanka, a 7-year-old who was raped and killed in 1994 by their neighbor, a convicted child molester. In the wake of Megan Kanka’s death, her family campaigned for a law that would require police to tell communities about sex offenders, noting that they would not have let their daughter cross the street if they had known about their neighbor’s past.
It appears Minaj, and many on social media, believed the diss to be directed at Minaj’s husband Kenneth Petty — a registered sex offender who served four years in prison after he was convicted of attempted rape in 1995 and was put on probation in 2022 for failing to register as a sex offender in California.
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Another line — “I can never be judged by a b---- that was dancin’, makin’ R. Kelly go viral” — might be a reference to Minaj, too, since she released a song in 2018 called “Up in Flames,” where she cheekily mentioned R. Kelly with the line, “Even R. Kelly couldn’t touch the kid.”
Representatives for Megan Thee Stallion did not respond to a request for comment about the lyrics and if she was directly referencing Minaj and Petty.
Nicki Minaj responds with ‘Big Foot’ diss songs
With the internet swirling with theories about Megan’s lyrics, Minaj took to X (formerly Twitter) to voice her displeasure with the song and announce her follow-up “Big Foot,” which she released on Monday.
The title appeared to be a reference to Megan’s 5-foot-10 height and the fact that she was shot in the foot by Lanez.
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In the song (which was released with an a cappella version on streaming), Minaj claims Megan lied about the shooting incident with Lanez while referencing the death of Megan’s mother, saying: “Swearin’ on your dead mother when you lie” and “F--- you get shot with no scar?”
Minaj also accuses Megan of sleeping with her best friend’s partner and having ghostwriters. She claims Megan lied during her 2022 interview with anchor CBS’s Gayle King. In that interview, Megan said she was worried for her life during the incident with Lanez.
“I never put my hands on anybody,” Megan told King. “I never raised my voice too loud. This was one of them times where it shouldn’t have gotten this crazy.”
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King later wrote for Oprah’s website that she believed Megan’s account on the night and she stood by the music artist.
“I’m so fascinated that people still don’t think that she’s telling the truth. How can that be?” King wrote. “You’ve heard all the rumors; please listen to what she has to say and then ask yourself, What does she gain by lying?”
Has Megan responded to Nicki Minaj’s diss track?
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Megan has yet to respond directly to “Big Foot,” though she posted a photo on her Instagram Story on Friday of herself laughing after Minaj shared a snippet of the song before it was released.
Representatives for Minaj did not respond to a request for comment.
Minaj says on X that she has five songs ready to release if Megan so much as “breathes” wrong. Minaj is also seeking an apology from Megan for her comments on “Hiss.”
“I don’t think you want the next installment of this song,” she says on “Big Foot.”
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Source: Washington Post
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March 11, 2024 (Monday)
MAR 12, 2024
Authoritarian prime minister Viktor Orbán of Hungary visited former president Trump in Florida on Friday, and on Sunday, Orbán assured Hungarian state media that Trump “will not give a penny in the Ukraine-Russia war. Therefore, the war will end, because it is obvious that Ukraine can not stand on its own feet.” Russian state media gloated at the news, and that Trump’s MAGA allies in Congress are already helping him end support for Ukraine. 
President Joe Biden and a strong majority of lawmakers in both chambers of Congress, as well as defense officials, support appropriating more aid to Ukraine, believing its defense is crucial to America’s national security. Today, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin once again called such aid “critical.” 
The Senate passed a national security supplemental bill early in the morning on February 13, by a strong bipartisan vote of 70 to 29. The bill would be expected to pass the House, but House speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA), a Trump loyalist, refuses to bring it up for a vote. 
Trump loyalists have been obstructing aid to Ukraine since President Joe Biden asked for it in October 2023. Their insistence that they would not address the national security needs of the U.S. in Ukraine until they were addressed at the border now sure looks like a smokescreen to help Russian president Vladimir Putin take Ukraine, a plan that would explain why Trump urged Republicans to kill the national security supplemental bill even when it included a strong border component that favored Republican positions. 
It appears as though Trump is deliberately undermining the national security of the United States.
In excerpts from his forthcoming book that appeared on the CNN website today, journalist Jim Sciutto reported conversations with Trump’s second chief of staff, General John Kelly, and Trump’s third national security advisor, John Bolton, in which the men recounted Trump’s fondness for dictators. “He views himself as a big guy,” Bolton told Sciutto. “He likes dealing with other big guys, and big guys like Erdogan in Turkey get to put people in jail and you don’t have to ask anybody’s permission. He kind of likes that.” “He’s not a tough guy by any means, but in fact quite the opposite,” Kelly said. “But that’s how he envisions himself.”
Kelly noted that Trump praised Hitler and what he thought was the loyalty of Hitler’s generals (some of whom actually tried to assassinate him), but both Kelly and Bolton noted that he “most consistently lavished praise on Russian President Vladimir Putin.” Certainly, Trump prizes loyalty to himself: today Alex Isenstadt of Politico reported a “bloodbath” at the Republican National Committee as the incoming Trump loyalists are pushing out more than 60 RNC officials and staffers to make sure everyone is “aligned” with Trump. 
An exclusive interview today by Katelyn Polantz, Kaitlan Collins, and Jeremy Herb of CNN revealed that Brian Butler, who worked at Mar-a-Lago for twenty years, has come forward to give the public the same information he told to investigators looking into Trump’s theft of classified documents. On June 3, 2022, the day Trump and his family were scheduled to fly to New Jersey for the summer, Trump’s aide Walt Nauta asked Butler if he could borrow a car from the Mar-a-Lago car service, although Butler and his valets usually handled getting the Trump family luggage onto the plane. June 3 was the same day Trump and his lawyer were meeting with officials from the Department of Justice at Mar-a-Lago to arrange for Trump to turn over national security documents. 
Butler loaded a vehicle with the luggage, then met Nauta and Mar-a-Lago property manager Carlos De Oliveira—at the time a close friend of Butler—driving a vehicle loaded with bankers boxes, at the West Palm Beach airport. Butler says he didn’t know the bankers boxes contained anything unusual, and he helped Nauta load the plane with the boxes as well as the luggage. “They were the boxes that were in the indictment, the white bankers boxes. That’s what I remember loading,” Butler added.
Butler was also present during conversations about hiding evidence from federal authorities. 
While Trump opposes aid to Ukraine, President Joe Biden pushed for it once again when he released his fiscal year 2025 budget today. (There is overlap this year between funding fiscal year 2024 and fiscal year 2025 because House Republicans have been unable to agree to last year’s appropriations bills. Those are supposed to be done before October 1, when the new fiscal year starts.)
In addition to funding for Ukraine, the president’s $7.3 trillion budget covers Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and veterans’ benefits, all of which are mandatory, and expands investment in health care, child care, and housing. Biden would pay for all this—and reduce the deficit by $3 trillion over the next ten years—with higher taxes on those making more than $400,000 a year and on corporations. 
In his defense of the middle class as the engine of economic growth and his declaration that the days of trickle-down economics are over, Biden sounds much like Democratic president Franklin Delano Roosevelt did when he ushered in the New Deal in the 1930s. In that era, Roosevelt and his Democratic allies replaced a government that worked for men of property with one that worked for ordinary Americans.
There were other echoes of the FDR administration today as Trump’s undermining of aid to Ukraine has become clear. Ukraine stands between an aggressive Russian dictator and a democratic Europe.  
In the 1930s and 1940s, the U.S. had to decide whether to turn away from those standing against dictators like Hitler, or to stand behind them. There was a strong isolationist impulse in the United States. Some people resented that war industries had made fortunes supplying the devastating weaponry of World War I. Others believed that Hitler’s advance in Europe was a distraction from Asia, where their business interests were entwined. Congress passed laws to keep the U.S. from entanglement in Europe until Germany invaded Poland in 1939. Then Congress allowed other nations to buy munitions from the U.S. so long as they carried them away in their own ships.  
The following year, FDR promised the American people he would not send troops into “any foreign wars.” But in July 1940, newly-appointed British prime minister Winston Churchill asked the U.S. for direct help after Britain lost eleven destroyers in ten days to the German Navy. Roosevelt exchanged 50 destroyers for 99-year leases on certain British bases, but that would not be enough. He asked Congress to provide military aid.
On this date in 1941, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed into law “An Act to Promote the Defense of the United States.” The new law gave the president wide-ranging authority to sell, give, lease, or lend war supplies to “any country whose defense the President deems vital to the defense of the United States.”
The law defined “war supplies” generously: they ranged from aircraft and boats to guns and tools, to information and technical designs, to food and supplies. The law also gave the president authority to authorize U.S. companies to manufacture such war supplies for other countries whose defense was important to the United States.
This law is the one we know as the Lend-Lease Act, and it was central to the ability of the Allied Powers—those standing against Hitler, Mussolini, and Hirohito—to fight off the Axis Powers who were trying to take over the globe in the 1940s. By the time the law ended on September 20, 1945, supplies worth more than $50 billion in 1940 dollars—equivalent to more than $770 billion today—had gone to the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union, France, China, and other allies. 
Four days after he signed the Lend-Lease Act into law, on March 15, 1941, FDR told journalists at the White House Correspondents’ Association, “The big news story of this week is this: The world has been told that we, as a united Nation, realize the danger that confronts us—and that to meet that danger, our democracy has gone into action.”
FDR noted the “superb morale” of the British, who he said were “completely clear in their minds about the one essential fact—that they would rather die…free…than live as slaves.” He continued: “The British people and their Grecian allies need ships. From America, they will get ships. They need planes. From America, they will get planes. From America they need food. From America, they will get food. They need tanks and guns and ammunition and supplies of all kinds. From America, they will get tanks and guns and ammunition and supplies of all kinds….
“And so our country is going to be what our people have proclaimed it must be—the arsenal of democracy…. Never, in all our history, have Americans faced a job so well worth while.”
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mlobsters · 1 month
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supernatural s1e3 dead in the water (w. sera gamble, raelle tucker)
(this is a rewatch, so spoilers abound)
i'd like to present some of my very early reports to someone about watching spn
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forgot i was trying to watch this over lunch LOL. backed up drain water is a hard pass for mealtime. god that reminds me of a gross bathtub drain moment with my girl lydia in teen wolf. *shudder*
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i get it, the jaws of it all, but also rolling my eyes at the repeated cuts to her ass underwater :p
DEAN You know, Sam, we are allowed to have fun once in a while. DEAN points to WENDY walking away; she's wearing short shorts. DEAN That's fun.
i like how sam shuts him down without a word
SAM Closure? What closure? People don't just disappear, Dean. Other people just stop looking for them. DEAN Something you want to say to me? SAM The trail for Dad. It's getting colder every day. DEAN Exactly. So what are we supposed to do? SAM I don't know. Something. Anything. DEAN You know what? I'm sick of this attitude. You don't think I wanna find Dad as much as you do? SAM Yeah, I know you do, it's just— DEAN I'm the one that's been with him every single day for the past two years, while you've been off to college going to pep rallies. We will find Dad, but until then, we're gonna kill everything bad between here and there. Okay?
again kind of framing dean as being tough but fair and sam being impatient (dare i say bratty) kid who ran away. i don't think i really caught so much that sam wasn't really that invested in finding john specifically, but that it's also about the as-yet-unnamed demon that john's going after having killed jess too, need to get to john to assist the revenge plot. though he does go more sympathetic to john for other reasons when dean goes the opposite direction. but anyway i semi-regularly think about how sam was to be the audience insert-ish, he's who we're supposed to sympathize with more. but i don't think anyone quite anticipated the extent of the jackles-whammy
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cheesy rock and this shot, feels like a laundry detergent commercial. ok so the cheesy rock is a netflix special, supposed to be round and round by ratt which isn't completely not-cheesy, but it's better :p
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s1e3 daniel hugh kelly as sheriff jake devins / star trek: insurrection (1998) as sojef
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ANDREA Must be hard, with your sense of direction, never being able to find your way to a decent pickup line. Enjoy your stay! SAM 'Kids are the best'? You don't even like kids. DEAN I love kids. SAM Name three children that you even know.
sam was very amused by the bad attempt at flirting and her shutting him down. also, how many opportunities does the unattached drifter get to even meet kids, sam? :p anyway the very special episode where we learn dean is actually great with kids (and totally should have the chance to have one in the future)
padalecki with the extra crispy R on "theory", there. also dean doing the sniff test. reminds me of the post with a snippet from one of the novels having an outsider pov saying they're stinky boys :p
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Supernatural: Bone Key (Supernatural Series, 3) August 26, 2008 by Keith R.A. DeCandido
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lol and somewhat related dean crowding sam and getting his face very close to the laptop
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s1e3 / s5e22 swan song
it's fine, everything's fine 🥲
DEAN You know, I'm thinking you can hear me, you just don't want to talk. I don't know exactly what happened to your dad, but I know it was something real bad. I think I know how you feel. When I was your age, I saw something.
oh, dean.
the official website's journal entries for john via wiki
December 4, 1983 [...] Dean still hardly talks. I try to make small talk, or ask him if he wants to throw the baseball around. Anything to make him feel like a normal kid again. He never budges from my side – or from his brother. Every morning when I wake up, Dean is inside the crib, arms wrapped around baby Sam. Like he’s trying to protect him from whatever is out there in the night.
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even without ghostly drownings, i am not sticking my hand in the gross backed up drain :S
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sam listening to this, see above gif
DEAN You're scared. It's okay. I understand. See, when I was your age, I saw something real bad happen to my mom, and I was scared, too. I didn't feel like talking, just like you. But see, my mom—I know she wanted me to be brave. I think about that every day. And I do my best to be brave. And maybe, your dad wants you to be brave too.
don't personally think that's a great approach with a traumatized kid, the whole being brave thing, but whatever :p
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SAM What you said about Mom... you never told me that before. DEAN It's no big deal. Oh God, we're not gonna have to hug or anything, are we?
yes. yes, you are
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ghost aside--girl, turn off the water your tub is about to overflow
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gross ghost water turning her modesty garment thing green lol and good thing sam's jacked, no more dead moms on his watch
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look at those pretty eyeballs
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good grief, padalecki. arm veins poppin even back then
SAM Look, we're not gonna save everybody. DEAN I know.
and how the roles will be reversed by s2, but with way more angst
s2e11 playthings
DEAN Yeah, well, you can't save everyone. Even you said that. SAM No, Dean, you don't understand, all right? The more people I save, the more I can change! DEAN Change what? SAM My destiny, Dean!
i feel bad but drunk sammy so emphatically and earnestly saying "my destiny, dean!!!" makes me giggle. so much so that i posted the full clip of it with the same comment lol
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LOL sam and his too-small sweatshirt
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(script linked via wiki)
interesting, i don't think that's what ended up onscreen. more of feeling a little awkward/pleased about the unexpected kiss. also sam dimpling out in the background watching it go down
also via wiki
Jensen Ackles again cited this episode in the premiere issue of the Official Supernatural Magazine: "...but Dead in the Water holds a special place in my heart, too. I liked what my character had to go through in that episode. It was kind of the first time where I really got a sense of who Dean was, and I was able to peel back some layers. I thought it was a good story that was directed well, so that was definitely one of my favorites. When I had to hold my breath with that kid, holding him in my arms...I hope you've never had to experience something like that. When you're treading water, just getting your mind around having two people below you in the water, pulling you down...that was a really weird sensation that I wasn't prepared for, not to mention I was responsible for the life of this 10-year-old kid that was in my arms. He's supposed to be dead, so he's limp. I'm actually treading water, keeping us both afloat with my left arm. And when they say action and I have to hold my breath, he holds his breath, and I have two divers pulling me down. So after the first time, I kicked the divers loose and I sprung right back out of the water and I'm like, 'Okay, wait a second - I'm going to need a minute for this one.' But we ended up getting the shot, and it was nice."
woof, that sounds scary/unsettling indeed. especially for the kid, yikes
i was also under the jackles-whammy a bit the first time around (i love faces and he has an exceptional face), so i'm paying more attention to what's going on with sam/jared i think this time
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aurynne · 1 year
✨, 🌸, and 🎁 for the ask game !
HI MOON!!!!! i just want you to know that you started smtn terrible by asking the first one. ask game here!
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✨ ~ which fictional character (book, show, or movie) do you relate to most?
oh my gosh so back when i was active on tumblr before the porn ban (i must’ve been like 15) i found out what kinning was after being on this terrible website for too long. and i made a kin list and STILL UPDATE IT but most of this is how it was when i was 15 like i haven’t edited the titles of different parts of it or whatever and it’s just a messy piece of shit. i love it tho 🫶 i was actually in the process of making a section for it in my abt page way back then!!! idk if i still have it saved but i’ll have to get back on that teehee
i don’t take kinning seriously it’s literally just characters i rly relate to and if anyone is seeing this that kins then please kiss me if you’re a double <3 here you go moon you asked for it:
Mii when I’m mii:
- Star Butterfly
- Yui (Angel Beats)
- Sayori (Doki Doki Literature Club)
- Natsuki (Doki Doki Literature Club)
- Uraraka Ochako
- Luluco
- Gou Matsuoka
- Pearl (Splatoon)
- Pink Choco Cookie (Cookie Run)
- Top Speed (Magical Girl Raising Project)
- Elaine Benes (Seinfeld)
- R. Mika
- Felicia (Darkstalkers)
- Lola Bunny
- Cerebella (Skullgirls)
- Squigly (Skullgirls)
- Usagi Tsukino
- Emiri Kisaki
- Haru (Beastars)
- Ann Takamaki
- Princess Cookie (Cookie Run)
- Mary Saotome
- Sophie Jang (Collapse & Rewind)
- Sophie Lim (Death of a Pop Star)
- Shinoa Hiragi
- Princess Devilotte
- Pops (Regular Show)
- Judy Hopps
- Spinel (Steven Universe)
- Subaru Natsuki
- Elle Woods
- Kagome Higurashi
- Alberto Scorfano
- Emilia (Re:Zero)
- Tomoe Koga
- Chika Fujiwara
- Suma (Demon Slayer)
- Kelly Kapoor
- Mabel Pines
Mii when I’m a n g e r y e m o j i:
- Taiga Aisaka [without the violence hh]
- Sayaka Miki
- Kirby plushie with a knife
- Lizbeth (Sword Art Online)
Mii when I’m baby:
- Kofuku (Noragami)
- Asia Argento (from High School DXD not the fucking celebrity)
- Madoka Kaname
- Yui Yamada
- Tama (Magical Girl Raising Project)
- Cream Puff Cookie (Cookie Run)
- Silica (Sword Art Online)
- Bubbles (Powerpuff Girls)
- Birthday Cake Cookie (Cookie Run)
- Cotton Candy Cookie (Cookie Run)
- Pancake Cookie (Cookie Run)
Mii when I’m trying to seem tough at skool 😤😎:
- Kyoko Sakura
- Rio Nakamura
Mii when I get sleepy bitch disease:
- Nemurin (Magical Girl Raising Project)
Mii when I’m depresso espresso:
- Lapis Lazuli (SU)
Mii when I‘m horny on main:
- Fukawa Toko [her normal self]
- Stocking Anarchy
- Panty Anarchy
i should’ve been put down before making this list. you can actually tell a 15 year old made it. i can’t believe i have a fucking seinfeld and regular show kin….AND I HAVE A KIN FROM A PORN COMIC??????? i should be shot dead right now. i hope you enjoy this sick shit. follow me guys!!! 🥺
🌸 ~ what is your favorite flower?
hmm i actually don’t have any faves but pretty much any pretty pink flowers!! :)
🎁 ~ when is your birthday?
march 26!!! i turned 20 recently :D i know it’s hard to believe considering this blog looks like it’s ran by a preschooler but here we are. sad but true
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
Nearly two dozen men were arrested in Minnesota on sex offense charges after responding to a phony prostitution ad featuring photos of an undercover cop, police said.
"This is the Red Light District in Amsterdam," Bloomington Police Chief Booker Hodges said at a press conference while holding a photo of Amsterdam’s Red Light District. "We don't have one of these in Bloomington. We got the orange jumpsuit district."
The Bloomington Police Department busted 23 people as part of a human trafficking sting operation last Wednesday and Thursday, and one additional man is still under investigation. Bloomington is located about 10 miles outside of Minneapolis. 
Hodges cited lyrics from disgraced R&B singer and convicted sex offender R. Kelly in his warning against men seeking prostitutes. 
"I'm going to start off with a quote from a R&B singer. He told everybody that he was a 'Pied Piper.' Either no one paid attention or no one believed him, until they did," Hodges said.
"The same R&B artist said 'my mind is telling me no, but my body, my body is telling me yes,'" quoting the singer's 1994 hit "Bump n' Grind." "These guys here, just like the R&B singer R. Kelly, should've followed his own advice." 
R. Kelly was recently sentenced to 20 years for crimes related to child pornography and the enticement of minors for sex, as well as 30 years on racketeering charges. 
Hodges said at the press conference that the department posted photos of a female undercover cop on websites known for prostitution and human trafficking purposes and received 211 interactions with the ads.
Hodges highlighted that the police department works with hotels in the city to "eradicate human trafficking," arguing that the number of highways and the 10,000 hotel rooms in Bloomington make the city a potential hotspot for trafficking.
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"I want to thank our agencies and detectives. Some of the stuff that they had to listen to for some of these folks is quite frankly just flat out filthy," the chief said. "And to do that for as long as they had to do that, we don't pay them enough sometimes."
Among those arrested was a ​​31-year-old convicted felon carrying an illegal gun, a man who drove about 80 miles from Wisconsin for sex, a homeless man who showed up to the meet-up spot with $200 in cash, and a respiratory therapist, according to police. 
Another man told cops when busted at the meet-up place that he had seen many movies about cops arresting johns, and that his "mind is running" over getting busted himself.
The majority of the men arrested will be charged for gross misdemeanor sex offenses. The convicted felon arrested with a gun on him faces a possible charge of felony possession of a firearm.
"When we do this… and we rescue one person, it's worth it," the chief said. "But the process of someone selling their body and giving someone else the money against their will, is something that we just can't tolerate."
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vodkaandsnakes · 8 months
On this day, October 17, in Type O Negative history:
Type O Negative play Saltair in Magna, UT (1996)
Type O Negative play the Nile Theater in Mesa, AZ (1999)
Type O Negative play the Town Ballroom with Lordi in Buffalo, NY (2007)
Type O Negative play Rock and Shock at the Palladium in Worcester, MA (2009)
Possibly on this date, in 1994, was the filming for the "Halloween TV Show Special" seen below (yes, it says 1993, but that is Mr. Kelly on the drum kit, so it is 1994). At the end of the clip, there is a credit given for a costumer for (host) Roger Rose. There was a program called R & R with Roger Rose that began airing on the "America's Talking Network" (a new cable network owned by NBC) on July 4, 1994, from 8-9pm Eastern Time. The television studios for Roger Rose's program at that time were in New Jersey. Halloween that year was on a Monday. It's possible that the band filmed their segment that day, however, if the various concert history websites are accurate, they were supposed to be playing in Irvine, CA. On the 30th, they were supposed to be playing a show with Danzig and Godflesh in Fresno, CA. The band does not appear to have had any scheduled gigs between the Rockfabrik show in Ludwigsberg, Germany on the 16th and the Fresno show on October 30th. If one allows for travel time and time to shake off some jetlag, it's likely that the segment was filmed anywhere between October 17th and October 29th. They could have also filmed it before they left to do the summer European festival circuit in September, or, really any time they were close enough to the East Coast for a quick jaunt over to New Jersey to make sense. I guess the only real way to tell is to gauge how long Johnny's hair is ...
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thedaddycomplex · 1 year
Let me introduce you to Ridiculous Danger, an indie production company with a punk rock attitude founded by me (R) and my friends Kelly Brown (L) and Tyler Parkinson (center) with the sole mission of creating kick-ass shows and films that push boundaries and challenge norms.
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We’ve been functioning unofficially as Ridiculous Danger for years (we all produced the Barren podcast), but now we’re all official and shit and our fancy new website is live at ridiculousdanger.com.
Oh, and that little news article linked above? That's about how we are the first-ever company or writer to have not one, but two projects make the semi-finals of the awesome ATX Television Festival's Pitch Competition. HOORAY!
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24x7newsbengal · 2 years
XG main vocalist, JURIA, performs a track by popular Korean singer IU
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XG burst onto the scene with their 2nd single MASCARA topping the iTunes charts in 17 countries and regions, as well as making it into the Spotify Viral 50 chart in 21 regions. Hot on the heels of MASCARA, XG’s main vocalist CHISA released a vocal performance on YouTube, covering Tori Kelly’s hit single “Nobody Love”, earning high praise from fans across the globe. Today, XG’s JURIA, also a main vocalist of the group, released her own solo vocal performance - this time covering popular Korean artist IU’s hit “이름에게 (Dear Name)” using her uniquely silky, sentimental voice to unleash an emotional performance. JURIA wrote in detail why she chose IU’s “이름에게 (Dear Name)” for her vocal performance as well as her personal thoughts on the track: “Since this was the first time I’d be unveiling my solo vocal performance to everyone, I wanted to sing “이름에게 (Dear Name)” by IU, an artist I respect deeply. Sticking true to the lyrics, I thought about the people I want to be reunited with just by saying their names, and sang the song by imagining myself as the protagonist of this song. I hope that I was able to convey my love and gratitude to the XG members, my family, and all the ALPHAZ who always give XG and myself lots of love and support!” Fans around the globe are now buzzing with anticipation, speculating whether or not performances from the other members will be released in the following days and weeks. With many videos and performances coming up, it’s best to keep a close eye on XG. JURIA from XG - Vocal Performance (이름에게 Dear Name) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9F5giCQW6s   2nd Single MASCARA XG / MASCARA 2022.06.29 Wed “MASCARA” stands as an anthem for the next generation - emboldened with confidence and compassion. “MASCARA” evokes strength, unity, and the bonds of friendship. The bold defiance in the line “don’t mess with my mascara” captures the fresh and fearless spirit of XG. Nobody is going to make them cry. ▼Streaming / Download https://xg.lnk.to/MASCARA_DIGITAL ▼CD BOX SOLD OUT XG XG is a seven-member HipHop/R&B girls group consisting of JURIN, CHISA, HARVEY, HINATA, JURIA, MAYA and COCONA. On March 18 2022, they became the first artists to debut from XGALX, a global entertainment production company with a mission to produce artists with a defined world view, creating a culture of “bold” creativity. The group's name, "XG", stands for "Xtraordinary Girls". With their fresh, inventive music and performance, XG aims to empower young people from all over the world - from all walks of life. XGALX XGALX is a global entertainment production company with a mission to produce artists with a defined world view, creating a culture of “bold” creativity. Through the dynamic energy of their music and performance, XGALX will spread a message to young people all over the world: "Focus on your dreams and don’t stop until you make them a reality" CREATE BOLD CULTURE Through the work of the XGALX project we will empower young people all over the world, from all walks of life to: "Listen to your heart, focus on your dreams and have the strength to make them come true - without being limited by the opinions or judgements of others.” XG Official Website http://xgalx.com/xg/ XG Instagram: https://instagram.com/xgofficial XG YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC12HMtO5MYph9dCZZ7yygng XG TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@xg.official XG Weverse: https://weverseapp.page.link/p3i5 XG Twitter: https://twitter.com/XGOfficial_ XG Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/XGOfficial XGALX Official Website http://xgalx.com/ Read the full article
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Also in today’s news, a federal jury found Barry Croft and Adam Fox guilty of several crimes in the summer 2020 plot to kidnap Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer. The jury found Croft guilty of kidnapping conspiracy, conspiracy to use a weapon of mass destruction, and possession of an unregistered destructive device. It found Fox guilty of kidnapping conspiracy and conspiracy to use a weapon of mass destruction.
The men were part of a plot to kidnap Whitmer at her summer home and to blow up a bridge that would stop rescuers from reaching her. They hoped to spark a second American Revolution.
In a federal court in Louisville, Kentucky, former detective Kelly Goodlett pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy. She admitted that she knew another officer’s statement that Breonna Taylor’s former boyfriend was receiving packages at Taylor’s house was false, and yet did not object when the officer put it in an application for a search warrant. That warrant sparked the March 2020 raid that left Ms. Taylor dead.
And in Tennessee a federal grand jury has indicted Republican former house speaker Glen Casada and his aide Cade Cothren on 20 counts of federal bribery, kickback, theft, wire fraud, and money laundering for a scheme that began in 2019.
The Biden administration is reasserting the rule of law in the United States.
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FYI Shanavia!
One more thing - you all need to know that I had a client named Shanavia Graise (look her up, she is not well because she probably has contracted several STD"s from the Hemsworths and my sister who will do anyone at any time for anything or nothing at all) who did a video for me a couple of years ago to encourage my other youth clients - she was a young adult so that's why I asked her. It was a great video, however, the Hemsworth's and my sister found her online and propisitioned her and she took all of the documents and files, and emails that we exchanged when I was doing her Image Consulting sessions and gave them to Chris Hemsworth in person. He had sex with her multiple times as she requested and she is married to a woman (a lesbian). This female is now being paid by the Hemsworth's to pretend to be me and she is lousy at it. I am better because I am me so I think it's funny they are this pathetic. First of all, she will be sued because she has given away proprietary information that she signed an agreement/contract for and she was not supposed to do that. So by law I can sue her for that and I will. Second, I have revamped my Image Consulting program and no one can see the list of sessions on the website because, oh, wait, it's not live anymore. I have also included a Life Coaching program that will be combined with the Image Consulting or done on its own. I have the credentials and the certification and the experience to do what I do, you all do not. There are HIPAA laws you have to abide by, there is compliance you have to abide by when you are a Life Coach or Image Consultant or any profession that involves the mental health of an individual and when you provide these types of services to the public. There are legal agreements and contracts that do not include sex that you must have signed and notarized otherwise your client can sue you and the government can shut you down. I am a brilliant business woman and I have been in business for over 12 years and I have a stellar reputation with youth, parents, business organizations that serve youth, law enforcement, schools and school districts. If you side with Chris Hemsworth because he is a celebrity with a lot of money you will be named in my massive lawsuit because you won't be able to obtain any clients stealing from me and if you do I bet they had to have sex with him first before they became a client which means your are not in compliance, you are all sex offenders that need to be prosecuted and you need register as sex offenders, pedophiles for the youth you have enlisted to do dirty work against me (won't fly, India loves me and she is not Chris' biological daughter). So I know too much and I have an amazing and professional attorney that will make sure I win this case. What a shame. You all don't have much of anything and you do so many drugs and have so much sex with each other that none of you can think straight to care about yourselves or anyone else so you have no business pretending to be in business helping people with mental health issues when you are the ones with the mental health issues. Also, Wix will not side with you, they have too many clients that will find out that Chris and his family have tried to hack more than one website or get access to one so they can look like me and get attention. This is all about attention and money not love for people. Beware and God will avenge me. He will repay!! If you all don't tell each other what sex diseases you have you can sue Chris Hemsworth because he carries all of them and it is illegal to have sex with someone without letting them know you have a disease. He can be sued - shoot, the white R. Kelly! Wow! Dumb ass sex obsessed idiots. How sad! I'm glad I'm clean!
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bricedavismedia · 14 days
Benzino Reacts To Coi Leray Losing Her Virginity At An Early Age
Benzino Reacts To Coi Leray Losing Her Virginity At An Early Age Coi Leray disowned her father, after making statements in support of R. Kelly. Benzino responds to Coi Leray by comparing her virginity story to R. Kelly's case.
YouTube: https://www.Youtube.com/BriceDavis Website: https://www.TheBriceDavis.com
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evoldir · 2 months
Fwd: Conference: Vienna.QuantGenetics.Jul22-26.DeadlineMay1
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Conference: Vienna.QuantGenetics.Jul22-26.DeadlineMay1 > Date: 9 April 2024 at 05:12:20 BST > To: [email protected] > > > > Seventh International Conference of Quantitative Genetics (ICQG7), > Vienna, July 22-26 2024. > > Abstract deadline closes May 1st!! > > Registration deadline without an abstract is in the end of May, 2024. > > Please make sure to register early, we aim for 500-750 participants and > places are going quickly! > > Register here: https://ift.tt/V3PiueF > > Our list of invited speakers can be found here: > https://ift.tt/2TfmlGx > > ICQG7 will bring together researchers with a focus on theory and > methodological development. We aim to represent the full range of > applications of quantitative genetics – from plants, crops and trees > to livestock to humans including common disease, to wild populations > and laboratory model species. We aim to focus on the presentation and > discussion of state-of-the-art results, theoretical developments and > new methodologies, and we will prioritise unpublished research. > > The conference provides a forum to highlight novel, principled statistical > approaches which may be relevant to the problems faced across a range > of applications. In the genomics era the integration of quantitative > genetics theory across species applications is converging, and new > quantitative trait phenotypes such as single cell gene expression > are being studied. This represents an exciting time for understanding > and translating the contribution of genetic variation of quantitative > traits. Make sure you take part! > > For more information, please visit our website > https://ift.tt/EApGDPM or get in touch with us at [email protected], > or https://twitter.com/icqg2024 > > Conference organising committee: > > Matthew Robinson (ISTA) > Nicholas Barton (ISTA) > Mihaela Pavlicev (Vienna University) > Wolfram Weckwerth (Vienna University) > Christian Schlötterer (VetMed University Vienna) > Magnus Nordborg (Gregor Mendel Institute, Vienna) > Kelly Swarts (Gregor Mendel Institute, Vienna) > Frederic Berger (Gregor Mendel Institute, Vienna) > > > > Matthew R. Robinson > Medical Genomics Group|Institute of > Science and Technology Austria|Am > Campus 1, 3400 Klosterneuburg, Austria > > https://ift.tt/3vxCqTU > > Tel: +43 2243 9000 2173 > Email: [email protected] > > > Matthew Robinson
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smoothcutproductions · 3 months
Did R Kelly Give Diddy Up?!?
Did R Kelly Give Diddy Up?!? Let us know what you think about R Kelly maybe giving information On Diddy in the comments below. ✅ Subscribe To Our Channel For More Videos: https://www.youtube.com/@SMOOTHCUTPRODUCTION/?sub_confirmation=1 ✅ Important Links: Watch the Full Episode On The NEW Gangster Chronicles Podcast Channel: 👉 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQtT5SIF69kU5ZurLESqjKQ 👉 Website:…
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bllsbailey · 4 months
Chinese Immigrant Without U.S. Citizenship Is Sworn In To San Fran’s Election Commission
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The flag of the People’s Republic of China flies in the wind in San Francisco, California on July 23, 2020.
Despite not being a citizen of the United States, a Chinese immigrant was sworn in to serve on the San Francisco Election Commission, prompting some concerns regarding national security as one U.S. senator had previously cautioned that Chinese President Xi Jinping is playing the “long game.”
On February 14th, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors unanimously selected Kelly Wong, an immigrant rights activist who arrived in the U.S. from Hong Kong in 2019 to pursue doctoral studies.
After a ballot initiative to remove the citizenship barrier to serve on San Francisco boards was adopted by California voters in 2020, she is thought to be the first non-citizen to hold a commission position.
“There are always voices inside my head, like ‘You can’t do it. You’re not competent. You’re an immigrant. This is not your country,’” Wong said. “If I can do it, you can do it,” she added.
Wong, who is not allowed to vote, is one of seven individuals in her new role who will supervise and carry out the Department of Elections’ policies.
She will be in charge of voter registration, mail-in ballots, polling areas, and election monitoring.
“This appointment is a milestone for all immigrant and marginalized communities throughout San Francisco,” Wong wrote on her now-deleted LinkedIn profile, according to the Epoch Times.
“Representation matters: thousands of immigrants living in the city hold stakes in politics, and there is no better way to have us be represented than to serve in leadership positions.” “I am deeply committed to ensuring that everyone, regardless of immigration status, has a seat at the table in shaping the future of our city,” she added.
Wong expressed her desire to see a rise in the number of immigrants and non-English speaking voters show up on election day.
— Clown World ™ 🤡 (@ClownWorld_) February 19, 2024
“Even though I’m fluent in English, I still encounter challenges in navigating a new system, let alone participating in political conversation and activities,” she told KQED.
However, Wong also intends to carry on working for Chinese for Affirmative Action, a non-governmental organization that was established in 1969, as the commissioner role is unpaid.
On its website, it states that its goals are to “promote multiracial democracy in the United States” and defend the “civil and political rights of Chinese Americans.”
Previously, the group was in charge of pressuring the government to amend the legislation so that non-citizens may cast ballots in San Francisco school board elections provided their kids attended a district school.
Meanwhile, Senator Eric Schmitt (R-Mo.) expressed concern about what he claims is President Xi Jinping’s “long game” in response to Wong’s appointment to the elections board, citing the 452 Chinese individuals who have been apprehended at the southern border in the last three days alone, according to Customs and Border Protection data.
“Look, they’re flooding our borders with fentanyl, killing Americans,” he said.
— I Meme Therefore I Am 🇺🇸 (@ImMeme0) February 17, 2024
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pashterlengkap · 7 months
Mike Johnson “applauds” efforts to make gay marriage & sodomy illegal again
Anti-LGBTQ+ House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) didn’t just agree with Justice Clarence Thomas’ suggestion that the Supreme Court should revisit its 2015 decision legalizing same-sex marriage — he applauded it. The court’s 2022 decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization struck down Roe v. Wade, ending the constitutional right to abortion in the U.S. In his concurring opinion, Thomas included a footnote asserting that by striking down the legal basis for Roe, the court had called into question every other decision using the same reasoning. Related: Mike Johnson says his pals would use trans laws to spy on naked girls He argued that trans people shouldn’t have rights because his friends were peeping Toms. Thomas went so far as to specifically name the Supreme Court’s decisions in Obergefell v. Hodges and Lawrence v. Texas, the cases that established the legal right to same-sex marriage nationally and struck down anti-sodomy laws, respectively. Get the Daily Brief The news you care about, reported on by the people who care about you: Subscribe to our Newsletter The same day that the court released its Dobbs decision in June 2022, Johnson cheered Thomas’s footnote on conservative pundit Todd Starnes’s radio show. In an audio recording resurfaced by CNN this week, Johnson touted his years of experience fighting against same-sex marriage, same-sex adoption, and same-sex marital benefits as a senior attorney for anti-LGBTQ+ hate group Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) prior to being elected to public office. “We’ve been sort of working against these activist courts for years,” Johnson said. “I was in those courts for 20 years, in federal court litigating these big cases, religious freedom, pro-life cases before I got elected to Congress in 2016.” “There’s been some really bad law made,” Johnson continued. “They’ve made a mess of our jurisprudence in this country for the last, you know, several decades, and maybe some of that needs to be cleaned up.” “What Justice Thomas is calling for is not radical,” he added. “In fact, it’s the opposite of that, you know? We finally have a majority of originalists on the court, and all that means is that they want to fairly interpret and apply the Constitution as it’s written, as the framers of the Constitution intended. That’s the basis of our whole system of government, and we have to get back to that. And that’s what he stands for, and we applaud that.” Since taking the speakership late last month after weeks of Republican infighting, Johnson’s anti-LGBTQ+ beliefs and extensive history of opposing LGBTQ+ rights have come under scrutiny alongside his key role in efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election. In addition to his work for the ADF, which included work for a now-defunct anti-LGBTQ+ Christian group that promoted so-called “conversion therapy,” he wrote several editorials in the early 2000s criticizing the Supreme Court for striking down anti-sodomy laws. His editorials also opposed same-sex marriage and argued against non-discrimination protections for LGBTQ+ people. More recently, as a member of Congress, Johnson introduced a federal version of Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” law, falsely accused President Joe Biden of breaking federal law by displaying the Progress Pride flag outside the White House, and claimed that parents do not have the right to provide their children with access to gender-affirming healthcare. Johnson still sits on the board of a conservative Christian publishing company that says MPOX is the “appropriate penalty” for being gay. His wife, Kelly, runs a Christian counseling service that compared LGBTQ+ identities to bestiality on its website. In an October 3 call with the World Prayer Network, Johnson said that America is “dark and depraved” because there are too many LGBTQ+ people. http://dlvr.it/SzJ7G7
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