changingplumbob · 7 months
Knightstone Household: Chapter 8, Part 3
I'm back and so is my alien family! Adam tries to teach Silas how to potty, Suzanna finishes her new garden and family day (because not everyone has mothers or fathers in my save, just like the real world) comes with ups and downs.
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Nicknames Suzanna is Mummy or Starlight Adam is Pops or My Heart Silas is Starshine Pollock is Pol or Moondust
Suzanna gets started on the mammoth task of planting the new garden. There’s a lot to set up, including the most recent plants from the visit to Sixam. Unfortunately it would appear that we don’t have any loose UFO’s so can’t replant that one. Silas initially comes to help, but his only option is talking to the plants not playing in them. Boring! He pretends to cook for a while before channeling his Pops and creating another painted masterpiece.
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Inside Adam gets Pollock ready for bed. Following some nice milk, Pollock burps without spitting, making Adam very happy. That is short lived however as the diaper change is a putrid horror (Come on EA, why doesn’t my squeamish sim get a negative moodlet when he has to change diapers[hold up he does eventually just not this time]). Once clean, Adam gets Pollock settled in his crib and plays the traditional lullaby in this house, twinkle twinkle.
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Silas: *singing* we drop some blue over here, then splash some yellow yellow yellow
Adam: What are you doing
Suzanna: He’s being an artist, just like his Pops
Silas: I make pretty like Pops does, see Pops?
Adam: What a clever little man. And you remembered to do it outside! Good job
Silas: Pops think it good? Do I get 5 stars?
Adam: I think it’s great. Five stars for sure *to Suzanna* I’m just going to try show him how to pee properly again before bed
Suzanna: *chuckles* rather you than me
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Silas: Pops, why can mummy not show
Adam: Silas... Mummy and Pops have different parts. My pixel parts are like you and your brother. Mummy has different ones
Silas: Oh. Why Pops?
Adam: Biology questions are best left to your Mummy
Silas: Bi -olo -gee *laughs*
Adam: Now, are you watching how I do this
Silas: *puts on game face* Yes Pops
Adam: And of course… most important part is ALWAYS wash your hands afterwards
Silas: Why Pops?
Adam: What comes out of our pixel parts can have germs
Silas: Why Pops?
Adam: Umm... biology? We want to wash germs off before the germs end up in our mouths and make us sick. Washing our hands keeps us and our stuff clean
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With encouragement from Adam, Silas does his potty business without getting puddles over the floor.
Silas: Pops… I can’t reach for hands
Adam: Would you like me to lift you up
Silas: YES! Then I clean like you
Following a splashy hand washing Adam holds Silas above the crib to say goodnight to a sleeping Pollock. Changing to pyjamas Adam makes sure Silas is snuggled in soundly, and wishes him happy dreams.
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*Satellite Whirs*
Adam: Take that UFO aliens! No abducting us tonight!
Suzanna: Really Adam?
Adam: I’m just trying to keep the population safe
Suzanna: Sure
Adam: Are you ready to go to bed? Test drive the bed placement?
Suzanna: Almost. I have a bit more watering-
Adam: Go to bed, I can finish it
Of course Suzanna swings by the nursery to kiss her sons goodnight before heading upstairs. By the time Adam is finished an exhausted Suzanna is snoring softly.
Adam: *chuckles* I love you
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Pollock unlocks sleeping through the night but is still awake at 4am. With nothing much to do he has some solo tummy time, unlocking the creep milestone! Glitches abound as Family Day only appears for the kids and Adam, not Suzanna? Then Pollock somehow calls Adam from a separate floor and resetting Adam plops Pollock onto the floor. Whoops. Realism? Never heard of her
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Despite not being able to grab yet Pollock happily plays in the bookcase, causing a swirl of dust to kick up.
Silas: Pol you want to- Pol?
Pollock: *cooing wildly*
Silas: *laughs* I like to make mess to
Adam: Okay, who's making the noise
Pollock: *sucks thumb innocently*
Silas: Pops! *runs for hug*
Adam: Good morning son, happy family day
Silas: We get gifts?
Adam: Later on you do, and so do me and Mummy
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Suzanna: Aren’t you a clever clogs, getting out of your crib with only the watcher’s help
Pollock: *coos*
Suzanna: Let’s have some milk. Then Mummy will have breakfast and we can try more food huh? How about that?
Pollock: *burps*
Silas: *singing* We like the pancakes. We like, we like the pancakes
Suzanna: Here we are, safe and sound
Pollock: *coos greetings at everyone*
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Adam heads out for a run, happily undisguised today. He’s hoping not to get any funny looks.
Suzanna: Let’s try some… hmm.. Mango? We don’t even have mango in game! Oh well, what do I know
Pollock: *coos questioningly*
Suzanna: Don’t worry Moondust, Mummy’s just talking to the watcher. Okay, open wide for the spaceship
Today however Pollock is not in love with the offering, being unable to make up his mind about it. He decides to play with it instead.
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Adam enjoys his run. Sure enough the few sims he passes don’t even bat an eye at a jogging alien.
Suzanna: Mummy just has to have a shower but she’ll be right back okay *blows raspberry*
Pollock: *laughs and bounces legs*
Outside Silas has returned to his artwork from last night. He adds more of the same colours and throws in some extra ones for fun.
Once Suzanna has cleaned up for the day she carries Pollock out to his playmat and begins to tend to the growing plants.
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While Adam finishes off his run and goes to write his column for work, the rest of the family spend time in the fresh air. Pollock plays in the shade and grabs his toys all by himself! Silas meanwhile mans the food truck while Suzanna studies the plants. A hop, skip and a glitch later Pollock is off the playmat and scoots to the garden to play in the growing plants.
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Silas busies himself at his kitchen again, wondering if he can make pancakes. In the end we have a... sticker covered rock.
Silas: I made pancake with choc chips
Suzanna: Oh yeah you did! Great job
Silas: It pretty just like mummy
Suzanna: Aww, thank you Starshine *snuggles* Now how about we... open some presents?
Silas: PRESENTS???
Suzanna: The watcher told me it’s family day (but of course there's the bug which means holidays are still only registering for 3 sims per household)
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Let’s see what we have. Silas gets a child's doctor playset, good thing his birthday is approaching (seriously who set up that toddlers could get children's toys). Suzanna gets Phozone, which she already has a ton of. Adam gets… well whatever it was, it was so normal for sims I have already forgotten it (It was one of those bears holding a heart). Suzanna gets Pollock up from his nap and gets him in the bath. Like normal he’s fascinated with the bubbles, trying to blow them around as Suzanna cleans him up.
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Adam: Pollock has almost finished in the bath. Shall we have a bath or a bubble bath
Silas: NO. Not want bath! Boring!
Adam: *tuts* I see the problem, I phrased it as a question. But too bad! You’re having a bath Silas
Silas: No Pops! NO! *foolishly runs away into the bathroom*
Adam: What the- Get back here you!
Suzanna: *sighs* Isn’t it good you can’t run Pollock, hmm? Shall we do a bedtime story?
Pollock: *coos*
Adam: Silas! I am extremely disappointed in you my son
Silas: Huh? What's dis ap... disappa...
Adam: Disappointed! It means you've made me feel sad and mad because I thought you were better than this kind of behaviour. You have a brain, use it
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Adam: Personal hygiene is important! I told you this yesterday
Silas takes a moment to think about what Adam has said, then he gets mad.
Silas: No! Pops is wrong! I not need bath! I have no stink cloud. I still good behaved
Adam: It’s about avoiding the stink clouds Silas
Silas: *throws fit*
Adam: Stop it! Now you can take off those overalls, or I’ll take them off, but you best believe you are having a bath mister
Silas: NO
Adam: I guess we’re taking them off together then
Silas: *pouts* I dis pointed
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Suzanna comes in to clean the changing table after reading Pollock to sleep and is amazed to find a happy Silas patting bubbles.
Suzanna: Adam? What… happened
Adam: Once he got in the hot water he *flinches* remembered he likes to splash. Memory of a bloody goldfish
Silas: *splashes wildly and sings* I splish splash, you splish splash, ducky splish splash
Suzanna: Here’s hoping he remembers that for next time
Adam grumbles to himself as he continues getting soaked by Silas. When the bath is finished Suzanna volunteers to take over and Adam storms out of the bathroom leaving a confused Silas to be dried off.
Silas: Mummy, why Pops dis pointed
Suzanna: *sighs* You were behaving badly Silas. Pops was trying to help you, it was rude to run away and throw a fit. He was just disappointed because he thinks you're very smart and very nice
Silas: I show Pops tomorrow, promise
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After a rushed dinner and bedtime Suzanna goes in search of Adam and finds him painting upstairs (in my mind she's absolutely drinking some tea during this scene).
Suzanna: Hey you. How you doing after Silas...
Adam: *sighs* I'm better now. I painted my anger without smashing through the canvas, and now it seems I’m much more flirty. Watcher Starlight I was just... so... mad! Why couldn’t he just get in the damn bath when I asked? He likes baths!
Suzanna: Because he’s a toddler? Remember My Heart they don't have fully grown brains yet. We have to teach them how to do things. Unfortunately kids don't come with software telling them to do what their parents tell them
Adam: Yeah *sighs* I guess I’m just worried Starlight
Suzanna: About having a temper?
Adam: Sort of. I'm worried that one day I’ll get mad and flip out and they’ll hate me forever
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Suzanna: I could flip out to you know
Adam: *scoffs* As if
Suzanna: I could! Every time I pick up Pol and he cries and hits me I get mad. He’s an infant, he can’t get places by himself. Of course I have to pick him up, he would die otherwise. Why does he have to be so bloody stubborn about it. It makes me feel like he hates me, like I'm a failure
Adam: You could never be a failure to me. But I am glad to hear it’s not just my hold he hates
Suzanna: *chuckles* Yeah he’s definitely not a snuggler. Maybe I should copy you and try painting my anger away
Adam: Painting, writing... The help me focus outside of myself
Suzanna: Hmm. I guess working on the garden gives me a similar feeling. It's as if- oh shoot
Adam: What?
Suzanna: I forgot to call in a day off for Silas' birthday, one sec
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Adam: My wife voluntarily missing work? Next you'll say pigs can fly
Suzanna: I want to be here for Silas, and Pol. I know you don’t want more kids, heck you didn’t want these two, and I’m going to do my best to respect that. It just means I want to spend time with them while they still want to spend time with me
Adam: Hey... I’d like to spend some time with you *raises eyebrows*
Suzanna: *laughs* You’re such a dork
Adam: But you love me and I love you
Suzanna: Hmm, this is true
After woohoo the two fall asleep in each others arms, glad to have found each other on this small hunk of rock.
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llbbl · 5 months
Systema Simulatum - 4
4. I leave heading as Cipher had replied What was that they had mentioned R0807, a clue to my identity denied? Through forest's green, the sun my guiding light. The journey long, until a wall’s divide Endlessly tall, nothing left, nothing right. I search and search, wait what is that I find A door, well above, with stairs to climb
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d1ckt1t · 4 years
R0807 H4ND W17H 4 FUCK1NG W33D 8UN7 1N 17
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zestyaardvarks · 4 years
Frontline - Cookie Monsta Dem GirlZz - Cookie Monsta Burly Bouncers - Cookie Monsta / Beezy R0807 D06 - Cookie Monsta Soundboy - Cookie Monsta
Rest in peace
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hotbionicle-archive · 5 years
4L50 4CCU53D 0F UNF41R R0807 CR1M35 BU
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sixamese-simblr · 5 years
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Planet: Interstellar University Stellar Revolution 101 since start of the colony Current Queen: Grubbenvorst Household type: Student House
R0807 W4R5!
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tabescentabasement · 7 years
50m30n3 w117h n07h11ng 70 d0 5h0uld d3f11n1173ly 83 74lk11ng 70 m3 480u7 my r0807 8uddy r11gh7 n0w
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レッツゴー研究生公演8月19日と20日でSKE48劇場で8月22日と23日でNGT48劇場で出張公演決定! pic.twitter.com/6cIvqMqRyr — ゆっきぃ(Re:) (@yu_ki_48_mk2) 2017年8月7日 鈴木くるみ「お知らせがございます!嬉しい事にレッツゴー研究生!公演で出張公演が決まりました!8月19日と20日の日にSKE48シアターで、8月22日、23日にNGT48シアターですることになりました!是非遊びに来てください!」#R0807 pic.twitter.com/MTNUW34h1R — おにしま。 (@onimashi3) 2017年8月7日 先ほどのレッツゴー研究生公演で発表になりました! 8月19日、20日 SKE48劇場8月22日、23日 NGT48劇場で出張公演が決まりました✨…
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dierobotband · 7 years
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We're back at the Paris Theatre next weekend for the PIG Fest. August 12th and 13th. +2 days music festival+ D13 R0807 + Technopunk 📷 @1369photos #dierobot #inconcert #paristheatrepdx #summerfestival #summer2017 #pigfestival2017 #musicfestival #shadowplaypdx #theunderground #in #portland
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changingplumbob · 7 months
Knightstone Household: Chapter 8, Part 2
In this part Adam lets his fellow aliens (all carried to term by humans) know how the trip to Sixam went... The Knightstone's get ready for a change of scene and attempt a family dinner time.
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Nicknames Suzanna is Mummy or Starlight Adam is Pops or My Heart Silas is Starshine Pollock is Pol or Moondust
Background Aliens (Pulled into the game as aliens by MCCC, from several gallery simmers)
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Marianna: You went and there was nothing? Really?
Adam: You think I would joke about crap like this
Yolanda: Adam... Is it possible you calibrated the wormhole wrong
Adam: No! My wife doesn't do stuff wrong
Larain: Maybe they are just shy and-
Katherine: Why do you keep giving them the benefit of the doubt? What more could they have done to let you know you're not wanted? Nothing, because they've made it crystal clear
Nihel: But there’s got to be a reason they left us here in our carriers. You don't just abandon your team
Adam: Not everything is a team sport Nihel
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Skinner: Perhaps you merely appeared on an uninhabited part like the deserts of Earth
Adam: No Skinner. There was some sort of structure, well, flooring…
Katherine: Oh goodie, flooring! Maybe we can all go there and admire the floor of the traitorous bastards
Yolanda: Calm down babe. We can’t conclude anything yet
Adam: Bull. We can conclude they don't care about us from the minute we leave their ships
Nihel: Skinner, you’re the oldest. What are we meant to do now
Skinner: I waited so long just for some of us to reach there. I had always assumed we would find others on arrival
Larain: But maybe they were just hiding
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Katherine: You’re an idiot Larain
Marianna: Do we just… give up looking to our stars for answers? I don't want to be a quitter
Yolanda: We can’t. This is our history we’re talking about. Adam?
Adam: I never expected a welcoming committee with a red carpet but I thought there would be… someone. I need to some alien to look me in the eye and tell me what was worth dumping me in a human. How can we get answers from no one?
An uncomfortable silence falls over the group as they all absorb the disappointment. They may have different personalities but at heart they all want a why.
Suzanna: Pollock’s finally asleep. What did I miss
Katherine: Larain being stupid, Neil being naive, Skinner being useless, Marianna existing, your husband giving bad descriptions and my wife telling me to calm down
Nihel: It's Nihel. I just don’t want to give up. But you know what we do in human sports? When the team is down, you regroup. You work on building the team up rather than focusing on your opponents
Skinner: A sensible idea
Larain: What idea
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Katherine: *scoffs* well miss brainless, I believe Neil-
Nihel: For the hundredth time Katherine, my name is Nihel
Katherine: Oh whatever, screw human names! Point, he seems to be suggesting we group up on Earth if we can’t group up on Sixam
Suzanna: Like… make an alien colony on Earth?
Adam: Why the heck would we do that
Yolanda: I think it’s a good idea. If we all move to the same area we can make spaces where out kids can be young aliens without judgement. We shouldn't give up on answers but... we need to adjust to the idea that Earth might be the only place we can have a home
Marianna: I don't know. Are we really safe anywhere? Is there any place on this rock that doesn't have humans being high and mighty
Silas takes the opportunity to run into the room and pull at Suzanna's pants.
Silas: Mummy, mummy… flash cards!
Suzanna: Okay but mummy is still going to listen to the talk while we do it so could we do flash cards quietly please
Silas: *nods* I be quiet, I good
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Adam: Maybe we need to do what Yolanda says and make our own safe place. I want... I want my boys happy to be aliens
Larain: I did hear about this place-
Katherine: Oh my watcher, will you please stop talking
Silas: Ball!
Katherine: What did he say to me?
Suzanna: *rolls her eyes at Katherine* It is a ball Silas, well done. Remember we're being quiet now
Silas: *whispers* yes Mummy, sorry Mummy
Marianna: Maybe you should let Larain finish her thought
Katherine: When has she ever finished a thought?
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Silas: *whispers* Food
Suzanna: What type of food
Silas: *whispers* Cake
Suzanna: Close Starshine, so close
Silas: hmm… cuppy cake?
Larain: There are aliens in Chestnut Ridge
Adam: How would you know that? And why wouldn't you mention it earlier
Larain: They gave me the message in my mind. They want to meet us. There's already quite a few there
Katherine: *scoffs* Sure there are
Marianna: I think we should try. If we’re to be stuck on this planet, we may as well make a place for us
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The group of aliens have a vote and decide it may well be in their best interests to make their own area, a space where they can be in human form or alien form without people freaking out. Skinner lived in Chestnut ridge for a time long ago and found it a friendly and accepting enough place. If there is indeed an alien sub population it could suit them.
Suzanna: How about this one *holds flashcard with car*
Silas: I know, I know! A Does Not Exist!
Suzanna: Well done, you got it!
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With the company leaving, and Silas having enough of flashcard practice, Suzanna sets about packing.
Adam: What are you doing
Suzanna: You heard the consensus, we’re going to Chestnut Ridge
Adam: Already?
Suzanna: I know you’re squeamish but-
Adam: It’s not that. It’s just... I really like this house
Suzanna: If you want to keep it I’m sure the watcher could take it with us
Adam: No, I need to be able to let things go. A fresh start could be good. Anywhere with you will be
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Suzanna: It could be good for your anger My Heart. The open air, not having to disguise before every run
Adam: Are you implying my human form is unattractive
Suzanna: No, definitely not. Your form makes me weak at the knees, you know that
Adam: Good. Because I find your human form delectable. Even if we are moving somewhere more tolerant, let’s keep using them from time to time, okay
Suzanna: I think we can manage that. The boys will need practice changing obviously, who knows where they’ll want to go when they’re older
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Suzanna: Pollock is napping, Silas is distracted... help me pack?
Adam: I was going to start this new art painting
Suzanna: Help me pack a little bit. How about… the bed?
Adam: Oh you want to "pack", got it
Silas plays with his toys while his parents definitely do not pack the bed.
When they’re finished they get the boys in the yard for a quick photo before heading off.
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Suzanna: Home sweet home
Silas: It big Mummy
Suzanna: It is. Two floors, plus a basement
Adam: Mummy loves basements
Silas: Why
Suzanna: I feel safe I guess (she's a paranoid sim). But, we’re all going to be safe here, even if we’re not in the basement
Pollock: *coos*
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Before heading inside we take a few cute porch photos. I couldn’t believe I didn’t have any wall photos of the four of them from last rotation, ridiculous! I do now!
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Suzanna: How about some nice mushroom soup? Pops made us a big batch
Silas: Yay! Shroom soup
Adam: Silas, I know you know the full word. Speak properly son
Silas: Mush-room soup! *begins singing to self about mushrooms*
Suzanna: What the heck was that?
Adam: It’s okay Starlight, just Pollock reaching a milestone
Silas: Lift me up! I want to see
Suzanna: Silas, no! I just put you in there, you’re staying put
Silas: Boo! *pouts*
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Adam: Enough of the suspense son, what can you do now
Silas: I eat Pop Pops *giggles*
Adam: You know I meant your brother. Don’t be smart just because you’re smart
Suzanna: Thanks Adam, that's clear as mud. He’ll definitely learn the lesson. Come on now Silas, start eating
Silas: But I want to SEE
Pollock: *laughs*
Adam: Was that it?
Suzanna: His first laugh! Oh he’s getting so big
Adam: Enjoy it because you know we’re not having another one
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Adam: Hold still son, better take a video
Suzanna: I think we need to work with him on a disguise
Adam: He looks human, doesn’t he?
Suzanna: Yes but Adam there’s biology
Silas: *eating and singing* Laugh shroom laugh, laugh shroom laugh
Adam: You know I don’t have a science brain
Suzanna: Basically his skin should be somewhere between our shades, he’s too pale. Get him to try your human skin colour
Adam: Come on Pollock, think… darker thoughts?
Pollock: *cries at the indignity of it all*
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Suzanna: Cheer up Moondust, you’ll get it. You’re still very young
Silas: Smile Pol. I get my marking con… con.. con fuse id
Suzanna: Confused Silas
Silas: Confused?
Adam: That’s it son, good job
Silas: My pat ins not match in my disguise, Mummy and Pops still love. I love you *blows kiss*
Pollock: *bursts into laughter and smiles*
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Silas: *singing* I love Pol, I love Pol smile, I love Pol laugh
Adam: How come Pollock gets all the love
Silas: He my brother
Adam: I don’t have any brothers
Silas: *looks horrified* You… no have brothers
Adam: Nope. Neither does your Mummy
Suzanna: That we know of
Adam: What do you mean
Suzanna: Well think about it *waits for Silas to become distracted by Pollock again* If they could implant us in carriers, they could easily put clones of us, or siblings of ours, in other carriers
Suzanna can see the wheels turning in Adam’s head, revving up his anger. Maybe it wasn't the best thing to say but the thought had occurred to her and she wasn't about to start keeping secrets from the one she loves.
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Adam: Damn it! As if I needed more reason to-
Pollock: *coos*
Adam balls is fists up and starts banging them rhythmically on the table edge. Stupid bloody aliens. Watcher he wants to smash something.
Suzanna: Adam... My Heart, why don’t you try some food out with Pollock huh?
Adam: *breathes deeply* Yep, yep, distraction
Silas: What Pol try now
Suzanna: What do you think Silas? Your ice cream guess was pretty good
Silas: Mummy turn to guess
Suzanna: Okay then. Grab some applesauce from the cupboard Adam
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Adam: Time to open up Pollock
Pollock: *is confused*
Silas: Not right dad
Adam: *groans* so what am I doing wrong now
Suzanna: Nothing Adam. Perhaps Silas meant to say you should try making spaceship noises
Silas: *makes spaceship noises*
Pollock opens his mouth hesitantly making eye contact with Adam.
Adam: What do you know. Okay son, here comes the spaceship! Open wide for a good landing. How is it? Do you like it?
Pollock smiles happily, he loves applesauce! Adam continues to feed him and after a while Pollock notices the food droplets on his high chair. This calls for patty cake time!
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Suzanna: I should probably get the new garden set up but I can do bedtime if you need a breather
Adam: No, I’ll do it. It might help me calm down, normality. If I have a- nevermind, not thinking about it, i'm just not going to think about it
Pollock: *poops self*
Adam: *smells it* Exactly son, exactly. You go garden Starlight, I got the kids
Silas: Me help, me help!
Adam picks Silas out of his high chair and sets him down on the ground. Following a quick hug from the lovebug toddler Adam turns his attention to getting a bottle ready for Pollock.
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changingplumbob · 7 months
Knightstone Household: Chapter 8, Part 1
I missed them a lot! My aliens differ from my human sims in that I let them have alpha hair. In this part the family spend some time together before Suzanna and Adam make the first trip to Sixam.
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Nicknames Suzanna is Mummy or Starlight Adam is Pops or My Heart Silas is Starshine Pollock is Pol or Moondust
Had a few false starts (I had to stop an alien abduction, can you believe the audacity???) but otherwise found the family bubbly.
Silas: Mummy, come! Mummy, come!
Pollock: *coos*
Silas: Mummy! Hurry!
Suzanna: Calm down Starshine, I’m here. What’s happening
Silas: Pol gonna do cool thing
Pollock: *coos happily*
Silas: You do it Pol, you do it
Suzanna: *yawns* Do what
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Pollock: *coos*
Silas: He gonna do it
Suzanna: He’ll have to do it soon because it’s 3am. Silas we need to get you to bed
Silas: Mummy, Mummy, watch!
Suzanna: He has rolled over before Silas. Are you trying to do something else Pollock? Because if not it is beyond bedtime
Pollock rolls with a grunt and twists himself up into a seated position. He sits now!
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Silas: See Mummy see
Suzanna: *sleepily* Well done Moondust. You’ll have to show Pops in the morning, yes you *yawns* will
Pollock: *coos happily*
Suzanna picks Pollock up off the playmat and tries to usher Silas to bed.
Suzanna: Silas it’s bedtime now
Silas: But Mummy-
Suzanna: Me and Pollock will be in soon
Silas: Good. We brothers, we share room
Suzanna watches Silas toddle off with a smile, glad her babies are getting along for now.
Pollock: *cries*
Suzanna: Oh! I know, I know, you want to wiggle free. But you must be hungry now, how about some milk huh? Will that make things better?
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Pollock fills up on milk then spits out some with his gas, just to remind Suzanna that being held is actually the worst thing in the world. Suzanna musters the little energy she has and tries to settle him.
Suzanna: *playfully* Hey now Mr grumpy face, are you grumpy? Are you a grump grump?
Pollock: *coos*
Suzanna: I know what’ll help. One, two, blast off!
Suzanna rocks him through the air, and blows a raspberry for good measure. Sure enough the session ends with a smile from Pol.
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Silas: Mummy you forever
Suzanna: Did you remember to use the potty
Silas: Yes Mummy. Can Pol be in with me
Suzanna: I’m sorry Starshine, Pollock is still too little to share. He needs his own space
Silas: *sighs* yes Mummy
Suzanna: Goodnight Pol. When you wake up tomorrow Pops will be here to say hi, yes he will
Silas: Night night Pol, night night Mummy
Suzanna: *chuckles* Goodnight my Starshine. Happiest of happy dreams, may they carry you through the galaxy
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With both kids asleep Suzanna heads to bed. Half asleep is Adam who was not on infant wrangling duty tonight.
Adam: Did they fall asleep okay
Suzanna: Shh, go back to sleep my heart, this is a dream
Adam: It does feel like it *proceeds to snore*
Suzanna: *chuckles* I love you
6am rolls around and both Silas and Pollock wake up (they both have the early riser quirk).
Pollock: *yawns*
Silas: Morning Pol. You sleep good. We have fun fun today. I find something together for you and me
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*alarm clock blares*
Adam: I wish we could just turn it off with our mind
Suzanna: You and me both. *sighs* Today is finally the day Adam
Adam: *quietly* Sixam
Suzanna: Sixam
Silas: That why best toy is-
Adam: How are my dudes this morning
Silas: Pol wants tension
Adam: Attention my son, attention
Silas: *sings to self* attention, attention, we want attention
Pollock: *coos*
Adam: Do you like your brother’s singing Pollock? He’s very good isn’t he (the first time Silas sang Adam thought he was malfunctioning)
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Silas: Mummy mummy, how you? You beauty
Suzanna: *laughs* are you coping Pops again huh
Silas: Yes, Pops say I charmer like him. Mummy can I has food
Suzanna: Of course you can. What do you feel like
Silas: Cereal?
Suzanna: You know Pops doesn’t trust cereal, we better see what’s in the fridge
Adam meanwhile takes Pollock who needs a new diaper to the changing table (I’m sorry Adam I forgot you were now squeamish)
Adam: *grits teeth* Let’s do this dude. Now… be cool, be cool
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Suzanna: we have some fruit salad, how does that sound
Silas: Good Mummy, you eat with me?
Suzanna: Absolutely
Silas: Pol eat with us?
Suzanna: Maybe. He is able to sit now so we cold try some food when Pops has him ready
Adam: Be cool, be cool-
Pollock: *coos as pee goes everywhere*
Adam: *dry heaves* dear watcher that’s horrid
Pollock is zero percent concerned by Adam’s dismay.
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Silas: Mummy, you and Pops go Sixam today?
Suzanna: Yeah, we’re going to check it out for you. Maybe meet some more aliens
Silas: Tell other aliens I say hi and I best brother and I want be friends with them
Suzanna: *chuckles* Deal Starshine
Silas: Mummy like to hear my welcome song for other aliens? I practice
Suzanna: Dazzle me
Silas: *clears throat dramatically* Ol Gabby had a frog, eggplant, eggplant. Ol Gabby had a frog, leopard tiger heart
Suzanna isn’t sure how that ditty works as a welcome song but cheers for Silas just like she always does.
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Adam: Here we are, one free of pee infant
Suzanna: Congratulations on surviving
Adam: It was a close call, I almost drowned
Silas: Yay Pol here, Pol here! *sings to Pollock*
Adam: And what am I? Invisible? You didn’t have cereal did you
Suzanna: Of course not. I think I should try Pollock with some food before his milk, he might feel like it now he can sit up
Adam: Sweet. I’ll grab breakfast then
Silas: Mummy, mummy, try yoghurt! I like yoghurt, Pol will like yoghurt
Pollock: *looks around in confusion*
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Suzanna: 3, 2, 1… we have liftoff! The spaceship has successfully launched, flying through the air with its yoghurt surprise
Silas: *giggles*
Suzanna: Come on Moondust, open wide for the spaceship *makes spaceship noises*
Pollock opens his mouth to coo questioningly but before he can, in goes the yoghurt! He’s startled at first, what is this stuff that’s not milk? Whatever it is… it does taste nice.
Pollock: *coos happily*
Silas: See Mummy, I said Pol like yoghurt
Adam: Appears he does, good call little dude
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The next spoon has too much on it, and yoghurt falls out of Pollocks mouth. He find this fascinating and immediately begins to pat at it in wonder, making Suzanna laugh and Adam recoil.
Silas: Pops, will other aliens like us? We from Earth not six… six…
Adam: Sixam. Who cares if the snobby aliens don’t like you just because we’re from earth? It would be their own fault anyway for leaving mummy and me in humans
Suzanna: *tuts* Adam, really?
Adam: Why should he think they’re not snobs? They left us here
Silas: Pops… mad at aliens
Suzanna shoots Adam a quick look between spoonful’s, letting him know to choose his next words carefully.
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Adam: We don’t know them son, it would be *looks at Suzanna and sighs* silly to be mad without knowing them or why they left us
Silas: So Pops not mad
Adam searches for the right words. He’s pissed at whoever implanted him in a human and moved on, but Silas was born from love. He shouldn’t have to inherit Adam's burden of hate. Luckily, as often happens, Suzanna swoops in and saves him before he can let his anger get the better of him.
Suzanna: Pops has lots of emotions Starshine. When you get big, you’ll understand that it can be very tricky to sort through them
Silas: Okay Mummy
Once let out from his high chair, Silas wanders over to an already free Pollock who is gazing at the computer. Silas decides to have some fun and blows a few raspberries on his little brother's tummy.
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Suzanna: Come here Moondust. I know you don’t like to be held but we’re getting some visitors later and they’ll need to hold you while Pops and Mummy visit Sixam. We have to practice. You can go in the back carrier while I garden
Silas: Mummy, I come in garden. I play truck
Suzanna: Could you sing me a song while you play truck
Silas: *smiles* YES! I sing for you
So Suzanna sets about tending to the garden. Pollock is quite happy right now, his disgust over being held doesn’t outweigh it. Adam also steps in to help garden since he knows if he doesn’t Suzanna won’t be ready to leave until the afternoon. He would rather get the trip over with. Find some alien to complain to, job done.
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Yolanda: Sorry if I’m late
Suzanna: You’re not, I only just finished the garden. Okay Pollock, this is Yolanda. She’s a very nice alien, just like us!
Pollock: *coos nervously*
Adam: We better head off. You’re in charge my son
Silas: *laughs* Yes Pops
Yolanda: Can you say bye to your parents Pollock? Can you say bye bye Mummy? huh?
Pollock: *cries*
Suzanna: Adam... maybe we shouldn’t go
Adam: You’ve been waiting for this for forever, we’re going. Yolanda will keep the children safe and you know little dude just cries at the drop of a hat
Through the wormhole we go!
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Suzanna: Wait... did I calibrate it right?
Adam: Of course you did
Suzanna: But My Heart, if this is Sixam… where are all the aliens?
Adam: My guess? Probably hiding in shame for implanting innocent babies into unsuspecting humans
Suzanna: I know we seem to have landed at night but you think there would be at least one… Or some buildings...
Adam: We can look around Starlight, but they’ve disappointed me all my life
He turns and speaks the next part into the empty air.
Adam: Why should aliens suddenly be helpful? Sure, my wife worked her ass off to reach the top of the scientist career, and we’ve traveled through a wormhole to their HOME planet. But hey... why face up to the babies you abandoned if you can just hide
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Suzanna: Adam…
Adam: Starlight let’s just see what we can forage, or find, or whatever us geeks do. We’ve come all this way, may as well make sure we get something out of it. I want you to get something positive from this
Suzanna: I want that for you to. Maybe if we-
But Adam has already started to storm off. Suzanna watches him, knowing it’s best not to interrupt him when he’s in a rage. He’ll only say stuff he regrets later. Turning around, no longer looking for aliens like herself, she takes time to look at the scenery. She does love how the trees here seem to glow, and the mushrooms seem to pulsate with magic. As a scientist she knows they’re not magic, but she can dream.
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Suzanna checks out a nearby crater completing the space aliens collection! She should be happier about this, being a geek, but she still feels sad. After spending several hours checking out the plants, geodes and crystal sites Suzanna is feeling spooked by the eerie quiet. The stillness is unnerving. No birdsong, no crickets, nothing. She sets out to reconnect with Adam and finds him kicking his heels back by the wormhole generator.
Adam: Sorry I snapped earlier but.. it’s just… *sighs deeply*
Suzanna: So much less than we dreamed
Adam: Yeah. I just wanted someone to look me in the eye and tell me why they left us inside humans on a planet that doesn't like aliens but… there's no one. Will we never have answers?
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Suzanna: My Heart… we don’t have to stop looking for a why
Adam: I know I'm not super smart or anything but it just makes no sense. You and me, we’re able to make kids. Why do UFO aliens need to violate humans, then never check in on us our whole lives long
Suzanna: I don’t know. But we’ve hung about here enough for one day huh? Let’s go home
Adam: *sighs* yeah, home. Where aliens are few and far between and humans make you feel ashamed for existing. That paradise
Suzanna: We'll invite the other earth born aliens around. Someone is bound to have an idea of what to do
Adam: They're idiots, none of them are half as smart as you. If you're stuck they're bound to be
Suzanna: Maybe but there's not many sims who know what it's like to grow up like we did. You shouldn't be too quick to cast them aside
Adam: At least if they come over I'll have someone to yell at
Suzanna: *chuckles* That's the spirit
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changingplumbob · 7 months
Knightstone Household: Chapter 8, Part 6
In this part Suzanna tries having a yard sale, Pollock reaches another key milestone and Suzanna has her first shift at the top of the scientist career.
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Nicknames Suzanna is Mummy or Starlight Adam is Pops or My Heart Silas is Starshine Pollock is Pol or Moondust If Pollock is trying to babble real words they will be in brackets
Silas: Look at him crawl! I taught him how to do that
Suzanna: I’m pretty sure it was me
Silas: No, it was me, the best brother
Adam: And he’s so humble as well
Silas: Thanks for getting the piano Pops
Adam: Thank your mum as well, I don’t do finances by myself
Silas: What’s finances
Suzanna: A fancy word for money
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Following dinner Adam tries to teach Pollock how to stand.
Adam: We put our feet flat, no flat. Flat like a pancake
Silas: I ha no I at (I have no idea what that is)
Suzanna: *from in front of the TV* He doesn’t know what pancakes are yet
Adam: Right. Can you put your feet down son, yeah like that. Now I can feel you pushing on my arms, can you push through your feet, push!
Silas: Come on Pol, you got this
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Adam: And I did so well... that he’s crawling away from me
Suzanna: *still focusing on game* It’s okay Adam, you tried
Adam: Yeah I did, I’m a good- oh look, look!
Suzanna: Kind of fighting a boss right now, can you describe
Adam: *in sports commentator voice* Pollock is approaching a chair and appears to be focusing on the seat. He’s thrown his arms on to the seat
Suzanna: Go Pollock go
Adam: And we have lift off! He’s standing Starlight!
Suzanna: That's won- Oh my watcher die already you piece of poop!
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Pollock: *cries*
Adam: I know you’re tired after that, I know. But we have to-
Pollock: *cries and pees everywhere*
Adam: Oh that is so yuck
Pollock: *giggles*
Adam: Yeah you can laugh, you don’t have to clean yourself up
Adam ensures Pollock gets completely full before shepherding an exhausted infant to bed.
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The next day Adam sorts out Pollock again as Suzanna has broken plumbing to fix. Once Silas heads off to school Suzanna begins trying out more food with Pollock.
Adam: What’s he trying now
Suzanna: Pumpkin. I think he likes it
Adam: Way to go son
Suzanna: Could you grab the produce from the garden this morning? I really want to see if I can get him to grasp the spoon
Adam: Sure thing Starlight. Okay Pollock, be grabby! Pretend it's a nice big butt
Suzanna: Adam! Really?
Adam: A butt... that is attached to a consenting sim
Suzanna: Smooth recovery
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Suzanna: Here come the mashed peas Pol *spaceship noises*
Pollock: Ge na ma (bring them to me) *grabs for spoon*
Suzanna: You did it Moondust! You know what this means
Pollock: no ear (not really)
Suzanna: We can try some delicious banana slices! You can pick them up all by yourself. Here comes the first one, open wide *spaceship noises*
Pollock giggles in excitement and closes his mouth around the squishy offering. He likes it!
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Suzanna leaves Pollock to work his way through the banana pile and heads to the garden to see Adam. While he’s still harvesting she begins to spray the errant bugs.
Adam: Did he do it
Suzanna: He grabbed the spoon! He’s growing up so fast. He better not be grabbing any butts soon
Adam: *chuckles* tell me about it. I can't even imagine how I'll handle them dating
Suzanna: Thank the watcher that's years away
Adam: I’m thinking of trying to finish off my second book today
Suzanna: Oh can you keep an eye on Pol while you write? I need to get rid of some excess collectables and I thought I could have a yard sale
Adam: Yeah sure thing. Just make sure no one comes inside the house
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Suzanna lets Pollock out and tells him to go find his Pops in the study. He crawls down the corridor and into the room where he settles down to play. Adam is pretty focused on his writing but makes sure to say stuff to Pollock now and again so he can confirm the infant is still in the room. After a while though Pollock is tired out and lies down to nap.
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Here we are. All of Suzanna’s excess MySims trophies. Not a one has been cloned. All found in the pursuit of that final one which will complete the collection. Suzanna tries a 25% markup and calls out for customers. A few start approaching and she tells them the benefits of having MySims trophies available for purchase.
Suzanna: No random treasure hunting for the one you want, simply step up and pick it! We have rare ones in stock as well as beloved common favourites!
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More sims approach to view the table. Suzanna manages to convince most of them to buy, raising her charisma skill to 3. It would be great if now that we have Home Chef Hustle yard sales could let us know the final profit as I absolutely lost track. The sale is still going when Silas gets home but Suzanna eventually has to wrap up as all the talking sims have her feeling very paranoid. What are they talking about???
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Suzanna: How was school
Silas: Good. Some kid kept throwing paper at me but then the principal visited and got hit instead. No more pelting after that
Pollock: Me boo la tu *pushes plate off high chair*
Adam: Hey! That’s not cool little dude
Pollock looks at his hand in astonishment and bursts into tears.
Suzanna: Adam...
Adam: I didn't mean to make him cry, I was just trying to tell him not to do that. He's making a mess
Suzanna: Let’s wait until he’s a toddler to discipline him, huh. He can't properly understand words yet
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Adam: So it’s no to cocoa puffs. How about some Oaty O’s while Pops cleans your mess
Silas: Tell me again what it was like on Sixam
Pollock thumps his fists.
Suzanna: It was empty but beautiful. The trees pulsed with light and the nearby moon was so close it felt like you could reach out and touch it
Pollock grips the edge of his plate.
Silas: When can I go Mummy? I want to see. I can help look for aliens
Pollock moves his hand, the plate heading towards the edge of the chair.
Suzanna: Let me and Pops check it out some more first
*plate falls to the ground with a thud*
Adam: Pollock, again! Really?
Pollock fusses angrily in his seat. He wouldn’t need to do this if they would just feed him banana.
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Suzanna: Come here mr grumpy face. I think someone needs a fun bubble bath! Who wants some bubbles?
Pollock: *giggles* umm bi ub (Mummy bring bubbles)
Suzanna: There now, yucky food doesn’t hurt us now does it? No. It’s not so offensive
Pollock: *giggles* ub ub (bubbles my bubbles)
Suzanna gets the kids to sleep while Adam works on some impressionist paintings on the balcony. He’s not feeling too inspired so they’re mainly normal quality today, but the gallery is always willing to buy them.
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In the middle of the night Suzanna was woken up by her breasts feeling uncomfortably full. She heads down to the nursery and gently wakes Pollock up for a feeding.
Suzanna: *whispering* we need to be quiet so we don’t wake your brother up okay
Pollock: *yawns* um um
Since his diaper needs a change Suzanna gets him in a new one before heading back to bed. Despite not liking being held Pollock still enjoys some cuddling and kisses from his Mummy.
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Suzanna: And I just want to say again, I am so sorry about the faulty ghost goo
Shelly: Meh, it’s in the past. Scientists experiment, it’s just what we do
Suzanna: Hey I was thinking of heading to Sixam this shift, want to come with?
Shelly: I think I’ll feel safer here
Suzanna: With Faye
Shelly: *laughs* She doesn’t hate me so I can survive
Suzanna shrugs and goes to upgrade the lab wormhole generator so that she can use it for travel, her personal one is safely at home.
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Faye: Enjoy going back home
Suzanna: Sixam isn’t my home Faye
Faye: Whatever alien. Don’t talk to me
Suzanna: Can’t we just-
Faye: I know you’re the boss but it doesn’t mean I have to like you. Or talk to you. Leave me alone
Suzanna: *sighs* okay then. Wish me luck?
Faye: I hope your stupid invention breaks and strands you
Suzanna: Good talk Faye, good talk
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Arriving on Sixam, Suzanna is sad to see it just as empty of aliens as when she and Adam visited. She figures she shouldn’t waste the trip and begins to collect what she can. She knows Adam is sad about the lack of answers the planet has provided, and truthfully, she’s upset as well. Are the aliens they’re descended from just some kind of space pirates? Happy to procreate, and just as happy to abandon. At least she manages to complete her geode collection, so something happy comes from the trip.
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When Suzanna makes it home, despite what Faye may think about it, she is glad to see a pile of elements have been extracted from some of her excess minerals. Nine down, five to go. Pollock is busy showing off his standing when Suzanna gets inside. She goes and scoops him up despite his protests.
Suzanna: Moondust! I missed you today, yes I did. Mummy had to deal with a grump and all she could think was she’d much rather be dealing with her own grump. Who’s that? Is it you
Pollock: *laughs* umm foo foo (Mummy is fun)
Adam: Rough day
Suzanna: Yeah. I’m so glad to be home Adam. Do you want to just order some pizza
Adam: Why not? I have cooked all week, and Silas will be pleased
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Silas: Pizza! Maybe we’re not actually from Sixam, maybe we’re from pizza planet
Suzanna: From inside a claw machine
Silas: Yes!
Adam: *in alien voice* The clawwwwwwwww
Suzanna: *in alien voice* The claw is our master
Both Parents: *in alien voices* The claw chooses who will go and who will stay
Silas: *laughs* Can we watch that movie later
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Pollock: *patting* ge la buun
Adam: How’s your piano practice going
Silas: Pretty good. I cracked level 2, but I really want to work on my mental skill. Can I have a toy to help with that
Suzanna: We’ll have to see
Pollock: *pats* yon a ew na (yoghurt melts are as good as banana)
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Suzanna: Night night time I think. Someone’s up past bedtime
She scoops up a flailing Pollock.
Adam: We wanted to leave dinner until you got home
Suzanna: Thank you, I do appreciate it Adam
Silas: It was my idea Mummy
Adam: I thought you were busy practicing
Silas: *deliberately plunks on keys*
Suzanna: Thank you Silas
Suzanna copes with another pee disaster but manages to shepherd both boys to bed while Adam hangs the washing and finishes off the vacuuming.
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Adam: That’s the last of the chores
Suzanna: Thanks for moving here Adam
Adam: Huh
Suzanna: Faye was getting angry-
Adam: You should just fire her
Suzanna: So she can sue me? No thanks. But she reminded me how grateful I am to have you, and our kids, and this house in a town half filled with aliens. We may not have found home on Sixam but you’re making us one here, with me
Adam: Of course, I love you
Suzanna: I love you to. Now bed or… woohoo
Adam: You know my vote
With the household asleep we leave the Knightstone’s for this rotation.
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changingplumbob · 7 months
Knightstone Household: Chapter 8, Part 5
Today Silas heads off for his first day of school, Suzanna works with Pollock to try reach more milestones and Silas wants a real piano.
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Nicknames Suzanna is Mummy or Starlight Adam is Pops or My Heart Silas is Starshine Pollock is Pol or Moondust If Pollock is trying to babble real words they will be in brackets
Adam: Did you let your brother get a good sleep? He’s got a big day today
Pollock: Ye ra po (yes Pops)
Silas is sitting having breakfast still in his disguise.
Suzanna: Are you going to wear your disguise to school
Silas: Probably Mummy. I don’t want to hide that I’m an alien but for my first few days I’d rather not stick out
Suzanna: Your choice. We'll see you when you get home okay
Silas: Yes Mummy, look after Pol for me
Suzanna: *chuckles*
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Adam: So he’s been fed and changed, all set
Suzanna: Thanks Adam
Adam: No worries, I just will be busy cleaning before my shift
Suzanna: Of course, now Moondust, who’s ready to try some… ice cream!
Adam: Wait... Ice cream for breakfast?
Suzanna: Not breakfast. You said it yourself, he’s already had milk
Adam: I don’t know Pollock, sounds like she’s trying to fatten you up already
Suzanna: Nothing wrong with a chubby infant Adam
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Suzanna goes to get some carrots to try next while Adam begins to vacuum the house. Pollock wonders what is going on and in the end is overwhelmed by the noise, bursting into tears.
Suzanna: Do you have to vacuum just there Adam
Adam: You know queuing it for nooks and crannies can be tricky
Suzanna: Come on then Pollock, we’ll head outside and let Pops clean
Suzanna scoops Pollock up and Adam calls after them.
Adam: Sorry son, good luck calming down
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Suzanna: You can go here with all the stars and mummy will just pump before she tends the garden. Go on Pollock, touch the stars
Pollock: *giggles* Noo be star (I’m with the star)
Suzanna: You said star? You said star! Well done Moondust, you’ll be talking in no time
Pollock: Fo star um (Stars are fun Mummy)
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Inside, Adam makes sure to get rid of the basement dust. Outside, Pollock spends time happily batting the stars around before switching to some solo tummy time. Suzanna happily tends her garden but can’t help wondering what’s happening at the lab while she’s using her watcher given maternity leave.
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Pollock has his nap while Adam goes to work but Suzanna wakes him up just before Silas gets home.
Suzanna: Let’s have some milk then we can go see how Silas did on his first day, huh? Won’t that be exciting
Pollock: *burps*
Suzanna: I knew you would agree
Pollock: *giggles*
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Suzanna: How was your day Starshine
Silas: Pretty good. Although my teacher told me off for not doing an assignment
Suzanna: ...but it was your first day
Silas: Exactly! They didn't like me pointing that out. Anyway we did some art after lunch and I made you something
Suzanna: You did? Okay let’s have a look here. A unicorn picture? Oh it’s a masterpiece. We’ll have to make sure we show your Pops huh, he'll be impressed
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*grinding noise*
Suzanna: Stupid washing machine. I have to go fix it, could you watch Pollock for a minute? Unless you have homework
Silas: I’ve already done my homework Mummy
Pollock: He la boo (Hi brother)
Silas: Hey Pol. Have you been good today? I bet you missed me, I missed you *blows raspberry*
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Silas takes a seat at the table and begins pulling funny faces. Pollock happily giggles until he covers his face.
Silas: Pol? Do you need a rest
Pollock: *removes hands* BOO
Silas: *laughs* Oh you scared me good! Are you the peek a boo champ now? Are you?
Pollock: *giggles happily*
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Silas: MUMMY! Pol learned how to do peek a boo
Suzanna: He did? That’s impressive when he normally bursts into tears if we try. Could you set the table while I take care of somebody’s diaper? Your Pops should be home really soon
Suzanna takes Pollock to the nursery bathroom where he does his best to scoot away.
Suzanna: Oh no no no, we are not having another blowout Moondust. Come here!
Pollock: *giggles and scoots*
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Adam comes home with good news, he’s reached level 9 of his Art Critic job, Syndicated Superstar. But even superstars have to make dinner.
Silas: Hey Pops, you know how you got me that piano book for my birthday
Adam: I do. I wanted to get you guitar but your mum told me I’m not allowed to make you a clone of me
Silas: *laughs* I don’t mind learning piano. But Pops… I think it would go better if I had… you know… an actual piano to practice on
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Suzanna: Okay Pollock, I know you don’t like being carried. So can we try to crawl? Crawl for Mummy
Pollock: Do at ow (Do what now)
Suzanna: So you’ll need to push, push yourself on to your hands and knees, just like when you learned to creep
Pollock: I ow (right now)
Suzanna: Come on Moondust, crawl to Mummy, crawl to Mummy
Pollock: *tries, fails, cries*
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Suzanna: Is dinner ready yet
Adam: As soon as Silas stops distracting me
Silas: Hey! I’m helping Pops
Adam: And…
Silas: *sighs* and trying to convince him to get me a piano
Suzanna: An actual noise making piano? You do remember we have a sensitive infant
Silas: But Mummy he won’t be an infant forever
Adam: Tell you what, you do the dishes and your mum and I will talk about it
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Silas clears the table while Suzanna gets Pollock ready for sleep then she tucks her eldest in bed.
Silas: I lost my tooth today Mummy
Suzanna: Did you put it under your pillow
Silas: Yes. Do you think the tooth fairy will really come
Suzanna: You just wait, when you wake up you’ll see they came
Adam is messing about upstairs when Suzanna heads up to bed.
Suzanna: You want to get a piano for our kid who can't play
Adam: Can't play yet. And not just a piano. I seem to have lost my guitar in the move so I need one of those
Suzanna: *smiles* Then it’s good you got a raise with your promotion huh
Adam: Are you impressed
Suzanna: I don’t know. I think I’ll have to see more of your talent to decide
Adam: Deal
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The tooth fairy did indeed visit Silas and he scored some sweet simoleons. Other tooth fairy propaganda of course but mainly simoleons. Since Suzanna did bedtime Adam gets Pollock up and fed before taking him for a morning bath. It seems like Pollock is all smiles today and Adam remembers what Suzanna said about needing to enjoy the time. Yeah, Pollock as an infant is pretty cute.
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Adam: All clean, time to get on with our day
Adam puts Pollock down by the blocks. Pollock scoots over and begins trying to pick them up, laughing to himself the entire time. Adam meanwhile tells the delivery service where to place the piano and begins breaking in his new guitar. The cloud will definitely be something to get used to.
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Out in the garden Suzanna is delighted to find that several of the plants are ready to evolve. It may have been all replanted with the move but it’s coming along nicely. When she heads inside she finds that Pollock has learnt a new skill, putting his foot in his mouth. Then we have some routing drama (post to follow because I lost my mind) and only get things resolved as Adam leaves for work.
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Suzanna gets Pollock settled for his nap and pumps as he drifts off to sleep. Silas is delighted to arrive home and discover the piano. After his homework he sits down and begins plunking away. While Pollock continues to sleep Suzanna starts on a task she keeps putting off, necessary upgrades. First up are some additions to the sink.
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Next up, the oven needs a tune up. Of course all that meddling with the sink has left puddles over the floor. Thank goodness these ones are just water (iykyk). Suzanna wakes Pollock for a dinner bottle then, when Adam arrives home, the family take a human picture together on the porch.
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Adam cooks and Silas sets the table while Suzanna again works with Pollock. With oodles of encouragement he… falls and rolls on to his back. Then from lying down he begins to sparkle, the milestone music starts, and we officially have a crawling infant!
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changingplumbob · 7 months
Knightstone Household: Chapter 8, Part 4
In this part we have Silas aging up to a child during an alien filled birthday party, which is ultimately thrown off track by an unfortunate event.
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Nicknames Suzanna is Mummy or Starlight Adam is Pops or My Heart Silas is Starshine Pollock is Pol or Moondust If Pollock is trying to babble real words they will be in brackets
Someone is not excited for a morning raspberry (I should have recognised this as the omen it was but I absolutely did not).
Adam: Good Morning. Happy Birthday Silas
Silas: Pops, can I have bath for my birthday?
Adam: What?
Silas: I not mean to make you dis pointed when I not want bath last night
Adam: *chuckles* I have a hot-head Silas, it's something Pops has to try work on
Silas: But can I has bath
Adam: Please try to keep the water in the tub this time
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Adam: Silas had a bath for his birthday, he doesn’t want presents
Silas: No, NO! Pops lie
Suzanna: Well it’s a good thing we already got some stuff then isn’t it
Silas: So…. I do get gifts?
Adam: Nope, not even one
Silas: Pops!
Suzanna: Not until your party Starshine
The family work their way through breakfast and Adam lets Silas out while he busies himself making the birthday cake.
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Pollock and Silas go outside while Suzanna tends to the garden. Suzanna harvests and Pollock balances… or tries to balance.
Silas: You want to walk Pol? You can copy me
Pol: ca la do dah (I don’t want to be carried)
Suzanna: Oh Moondust did you just babble
Silas: Mummy what is babble
Suzanna: It’s like… trying to talk… but instead of proper words you’re getting used to making sounds
Silas: When can he talk? I want him to talk
Pollock: Ca ru la dun (Balance legs, balance)
Suzanna: We’ll have to wait and see
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Suzanna, taking the day off work, sets off for a quick run. The boys are in the backyard and Adam can see it from the office. On her way out she spots what looks like Kayleigh in the distance (Kayleigh is her friend, and aware she and Adam are aliens)
*Doorbell rings*
Adam: The party doesn’t start until- Hey!
Kayleigh: Hey! You’re having a party?
Adam: Silas turns 6 today. We wanted to invite local aliens for Silas to chat with but you are more than welcome to stay. I made coconut cake
Kayleigh: Now how could I turn down coconut cake? They'd kick me out of Sulani
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Silas: Hello plant, how are you today
Silas: That is nice to hear
Pollock: *snores*
Silas: It is nice to meet you
Adam: What are you doing son
Silas: Practicing saying hi. Do I sound human Pops?
Adam: Try not to worry about that today, we'll be mainly with other aliens
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The guests start arriving and the household, apart from a snoozing Pollock, change to their party clothes. Silas takes the chance to have one last proper playtime with his Pops before Suzanna comes to collect him for his cake.
Suzanna: Are you ready to get big
Silas: Yes Mummy but gifts-
Suzanna: The gifts will be there afterwards. Come along Starshine
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The aliens (plus Shelley Turner and her daughter) make their way through the house to the backyard for the celebration.
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Suzanna: Ready to make a wish
Adam: He can’t
Silas: Pops?
Adam: We have to sing first
Silas: *giggles* Can I sing
Suzanna: We sing to you Starshine but if you want to sing to then you sing along
Adam launches into a rendition of Happy Birthday and Silas gets excited. He asks Suzanna to help him with the candles as he can’t reach quite high enough. And then, he grows up!
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Silas rolled the music lover trait and the Whiz Kid aspiration. Red is a new favourite colour but I just couldn’t go past this shirt for his party outfit.
Silas: Who are your parents again
Tyree: Over there. Skinner and Larain
Ruth: My parents are Yolanda and Katherine
Tyree: No they’re not
Ruth: What?
Tyree: You have to have a dad
Ruth: *rolls eyes* Not with modern technology you don’t. Clearly your parents failed to educate you (and clearly someone inherited their mother's sass)
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The only humans here other than Kayleigh are Shelley and her daughter Anya who are new neighbours.
Shelley: Just don’t make me look bad in front of my boss and you’ll get a raise in you allowance
Anya: But Kelly’s parents-
Shelley: Anya, enough about that kid! You'd think you have no other friends
Adam: Hi there, I don’t think we’ve met
Shelley: I’m Shelley Turner, this is my daughter Anya. I work with Suzanna and we saw you move in. We just live across the way
For a minute Adam looks like he's trying hard to remember if Suzanna mentioned her, but then he remembers! How could he forget?
Adam: Oh Shelley!
Shelley: *sighs* yes, the woman who tried ghost goo only to become a permanent ghost for a while
Skinner: A ghost! But you are now human again? How fascinating
Shelley: It really wasn’t. Thank goodness the watcher got their act together and fixed it
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Nihel: You’re who?
Myrtle: We live just across the fields. My husband was successful talking to Larain telepathically to extend our invitation to the area
As if on cue Myrtle's husband Armando joins the aliens on the deck.
Katherine: Larain was right? First time for everything I guess. Nobody tell her
Armando: Oh I already did, telepathically and in the study
Katherine: *rolls eyes* fabulous
Adam: Well I’m glad you invited us, it’s lovely here
Armando: It is! The population is roughly 50% alien in Chestnut Ridge so the local humans are used to things being odd, people of all colours being out and about, it's perfect for raising a family
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Suzanna: Hey there Moondust, how about some milk
Pollock: coo na ma ree (Yes for milk)
Suzanna: Let’s go have a nap huh? Away from the noise
But as Suzanna settles Pollock on her arm something goes wrong. He is far more squishy than normal. She decides a diaper change is in order but the stink cloud is already forming.
Marianna: Oh Suz- Are you okay
But Pollock’s diaper has suffered a blow out and there is no coming back!
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Suzanna: Oh no, please don’t-
Pollock: ca luu do *pee falls to a puddle on the ground*
Suzanna: Oh come on watcher! I thought we did his diaper a few hours ago
Katherine: That is disgusting
Suzanna: Yes Katherine, thanks for letting me know. I would not have come to that conclusion by myself
Katherine: I’m just sayin Suz
Marianna: Why don’t you take him inside? We can keep an eye out for Silas and-
Katherine: You can decontaminate yourself as fast as alienly possible
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Silas is less than pleased with his brother upstaging him at his own party by pooping himself so Nihel ushers him and the kids inside, distracting them with some video games.
Armando: You should come and visit us sometime, bring dinner
Myrtle: If you tried cooking it with us we’d probably have to kick you out
Kayleigh: Hey Adam, sorry to interrupt, can you look at this photo I took of my latest piece? It would be great to get a heads up for what the review will be like
Adam: You know I’m a fan of your paintings. Review is likely to be positive but sure, I can give some pre thoughts
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Suzanna: Safest thing is just straight in the bath I reckon
Pollock: Ca du la lee
Suzanna: Let me just wash my hands then we can start on you stinky
Pollock: Dun de gar
Ruth: Cool party Silas. Shame about Pollock
Silas: He couldn’t have pooped himself away from the cake? No. He had to ruin everyone’s wish to eat instead
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Adam: Words cannot express how glad I am that the blowout did not happen on me
Suzanna: *laughs* Thanks for the support Adam
Adam: I’m just saying if it did I would absolutely be throwing up as well
Suzanna: Was Silas okay after I had to take Pollock off
Adam: He- He did seem a bit annoyed about it
Suzanna: Shoot. I should talk to him
Adam: I don’t think he’s much in the mood for talking Starlight
Suzanna: I should still try
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Suzanna: Starshine can-
Silas: I need a nap Mummy, not now
Nevertheless Suzanna watches over him and tucks him in. While he rests she has her own dinner and Adam works on his review piece of Kayleigh’s latest painting. He’s not asleep long however and gets up to pour through the book he got for his birthday, introduction to piano.
Silas: Mummy
Suzanna: Yes? Hold on a sec, he needs to be burped
Pollock: *burps perfect bubbles*
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Suzanna settles Pollock in the high chair and turns to her eldest who has his arms up for a hug.
Suzanna: *giddy* Oh hey you
Silas: I know I got mad about Pollock but I didn’t mean to be mad at you Mummy
Suzanna: If you think that was mad- well… I’m so glad you don’t know worse
Silas: Pollock on the other hand *jokily* someone was a stinky butt face of a brother
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Pollock: *bursts into tears*
Silas: Pol, I was joking
Pollock: *continues to cry*
Suzanna: I don’t think he understand humour yet, he barely understands words. And remember he’s sensitive
Pollock: *wails*
Silas: Don’t worry Mummy, I’ll fix this
Silas begins to pull a series of bizarre faces at his brother who soon begins to laugh at his antics.
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Suzanna: Come on boys, bedtime I think
She takes Pollock in to change his diaper, the memory of the blowout still very fresh in her mind. She gets him clean and changed before putting him in his crib for the night.
Suzanna: Good night Moondust, good dreams
Pollock: Na baa do (good night)
Silas: Night night Pollock. Night night Mummy
Suzanna: Good night Starshine. May you sail the skies in your dreams
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Adam: Ready to go to bed
Suzanna: You bet. I think Silas is doing better now. Did you get your piece done
Adam: Drafted, edited, proof read. All set to be published in the morning. Before we woohoo I just need you to tell me again that you've showered since the blowout
Suzanna: *laughs* I've showered since the blowout
It’s a restful night for the household but the dawn brings an unwelcome gift, dust bunnies on all three storeys!
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