#RF Kross
hangflowers · 5 years
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@be-the-gai-to-my-lee im ur rune factory secret santa this year!!! i hope u like it i am always happy to provide that sweet rff content 🌟
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harugakou · 5 years
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Happy Holidays star_yams (twitter)! I’m your @runefactorysecretsanta this year :D
Here’s Raguna making a Kross snowman XD I took some liberties in making him a bit warmer (hence a scarf + earmuffs made from wooly fur). I hope you like it :D
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heaven-asunder · 6 years
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Kross first meeting
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why wont you marry me
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childofmyth-art · 7 years
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I’m so very in love with Eunice, why aren’t more people?
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oletarts · 3 years
Thank you so much for posting your Kross art. He was my favorite character in my first Rune Factory game. Your art is so beautiful
omg a fellow Kross fan!! I'm glad you like it 💕 RFF was my first RF game as well and holds a special place in my heart 😌
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runefactorynonsense · 2 years
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Spooktober - Day 25 - Angels/[Inner] Demons
> Kross-? > You don't need to worry about me.
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RF series definitely take the cake on the 'characters I wish I could marry' list. This series have soooo many cool looking unmarriageable with lovely/fun personality such as Russel, Ivan, Rusk, Ondorus, Gaius, Kross, Lute, Erik, Shino, Ganesha, Porco, Lady Ann and Jocelyn. Shino is especially my favorite because she's not only beautiful but also seems to be a bad ass, while Rusk has that whole angel-faced-sweet-loving-boy-with-little-devil-personality going in him that I really like.
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vseproavto · 4 years
Samsung QM6 ещё раз обновлён: круче исходного Koleos, но временно. А из РФ кросс Renault ушёл
New Post has been published on https://pippip.ru/2020/11/06/samsung-qm6-eshhyo-raz-obnovlyon-kruche-ishodnogo-koleos-no-vremenno-a-iz-rf-kross-renault-ushyol/
Samsung QM6 ещё раз обновлён: круче исходного Koleos, но временно. А из РФ кросс Renault ушёл
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heaven-asunder · 6 years
Rune Factory Fanfiction
Kross/Raguna: Established Relationship
A continuation of this
Raguna watched Kross out of the corner of his eye. It had been months since the final confrontation with Brodik, since Kross’ truth had been revealed. The road to where they were at had been difficult, but now as he watched Kross brushing his monsters, feeding them treats with the most peace he had ever seen in his eyes, Raguna knew every step was worth it. It still wasn’t easy. Kross still woke with nightmares about his former life, and Raguna still worried about his lost past, but their broken pieces fit together. Raguna had once heard of a country where broken pottery was repaired with gold, and he often thought that that was what they were doing here; not hiding their cracks and chips, but piecing them together with something much more precious.
Kross caught his gaze, and Raguna moved to join him, patting Lyla on the snout as he came near.
“She’s really warmed up to you,” Raguna said, and Kross nearly beamed.
“You think so?” he asked. Raguna took his hand. 
“I know so.” Kross leaned down, kissing him softly, and Raguna sighed into it. 
“You wanna take an early day?” he asked. Kross raised an eyebrow.
“What do you have in mind?” Raguna simply smiled, and led him down the dirt path out of his farm. 
They arrived at the lake and plopped down on the shore, Raguna laying his head in Kross’ lap. He laughed quietly, running his finger’s through his love’s hair. He smiled much more often now, and Raguna thought his heart would never get used to the joy it filled him with. 
They stayed there, chatting quietly until the sun set behind the horizon. As the conversation ebbed, Raguna felt himself being lulled to sleep by the hand in his hair, and the soft sound of the lake lapping at the edge of the shore. At the edge of sleep, he heard Kross chuckle.
“You’re falling asleep,” he said. Raguna shook his head.
“No, I’m awake,” he argued. Kross leaned down, his hair brushing Raguna’s face, and kissed him on the forehead.
“You,” he murmured, “are bad at lying.” 
“Only when I’m falling asleep,” he conceded. “A good time to ask me things, I guess.” Kross hummed.
“You don’t really like my cooking do you?” he asked.
“I really do,” Raguna lied, and he heard Kross laugh. 
“My snoring doesn’t bother you at all?”
“Not at all,” Raguna lied again. Kross brushed a hand across his cheek.
“Mist coming over at odd hours doesn’t irritate you?”
“Never,” Raguna continued, choking back a laugh. Kross was silent for a moment, stroking Raguna’s face. He was nearly sleeping when he heard Kross, in the quietest voice say:
“Will you marry me?”
Raguna opened his eyes slowly, seeing himself reflected by Kross’ icy blue eyes.
“Yes,” he said, so softly he almost didn’t hear himself. Kross watched him for a long time, saying nothing.
“Am I lying Kross?” he asked, reaching up to cup his face. 
“No,” he breathed. Raguna sat up, looking deep into his eyes.
“You can ask me again, if you don’t believe me,” he said. Kross took his hand.
“Will you marry me?”
“Yes,” Raguna said, this time with much more firmness. “And you can ask again and it’ll still be yes. I love you Kross. More than anything.” Kross swallowed hard and nodded.
“I love you too,” he said. “I always want to be with you, if you’ll have me.”
“I already said, it’s a yes. Just kiss me already,” Raguna said, with false exasperation. Kross smiled, and pulled him in for a slow, sweet kiss. The world around them melted away, and for a moment, there was nothing but the two of them. Raguna sighed as they pulled apart.
“Forever,” he whispered.
“Forever,” Kross promised. Raguna wasn’t sure about most things. The world still seemed so full of questions he couldn’t answer, but he hoped his whole world would start and end on that promise. 
With the moon just low enough in the sky that it felt near enough to touch, they made their way into their future, hand in hand. Love couldn’t heal all their wounds, but it was a damn good start.
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thepelagoislands · 8 years
Activity Check
Two weeks have gone by, and the current activity period has ended! This post will be listing all of the characters who have and haven’t met their post requirements, as well as provide them with their pay and expenses for the last two weeks, so be sure to read this to collect/pay your bank, and to make sure whether or not your character is in danger of being dropped!
To pass, your character must have at least FIVE RP POSTS. Music, Money Posts, and Artwork don’t count for activity unless they have an RP component to them. If your character hasn’t met the post requirement, then they will fail. If they fail the subsequent check, then that character will be dropped from the Masterlist. Failed characters do not get the money bonuses from the Activity Check. Instead, they will only be awarded 500G and whatever expenses that applies to them (rent, commuter’s pass). Hopefully you’ll be able to keep up with your activity next go-round!
If you are a new arrival to the group (as in, you’ve joined during this activity period), then you will automatically pass. Additionally, if you are a new arrival and have made FIVE RP POSTS, then you will get full benefits of the check. If not, your character’s name will have a star next to it, and they will only get 1,000G for passing. This only applies to new arrivals that have been here for a majority of the activity period. If your character has joined in the week of the activity check, they will also be allowed full benefits. This also applies for people with hiatuses-- if you get off of hiatus and report back in within the week of the activity check, you will also be allowed a pass.
Here are the most recent community updates and announcements!
Please be sure to read the results below, and -- if you’ve passed -- apply these money changes to your bank account (via a money update post tagged as #pi:money and #pi:activity) according to which ones apply to your specific character.
The next Activity Check will be on Saturday, February 3rd!
Expenses (Arcadia)
[-4,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments.
[-2,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with one roommate
[-1,333G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with three roommates.
[-3,000G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments.
[-1,500G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,000G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,500G] For living in the Miyako or Three Sister’s Inn.
[-750G] For living in either of those places with one roommate.
[-500G] For living in either of those places with two roommates.
[20% Off] For working and living at either of the Inns, you get 20% off of whatever rent usually applies to you.
[-1,000G] For living in the Shade Apartments.
[-500G] For living in the Shade Apartments with one roommate.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working at a Leudan business.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working on a discovered island.
Expenses (Leuda)
[-4,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments.
[-2,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,333G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with three roommates.
[-3,000G] For living in the Inner Apartments.
[-1,500G] For living in the Inner Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,000G] For living in the Inner Apartments with two roommates.
[-2,000G] For living in the Bell Hotel.
[-1,000G] For living in the Bell Hotel with one roommate.
[-666G] For living in the Bell Hotel with two roommates.
[20% Off] For working and living at the Bell Hotel, you get 20% off of whatever rent usually applies to you.
[-1,000G] For living in the Mire Apartments.
[-500G] For living in the Mire Apartments with one roommate.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working at an Arcadian business.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working on a discovered island.
[+3,000G] Automatic allowance for children and teen characters under 18.
[+1,500G] For your first (main) job.
[+1,000G] For your second (part-time) job.
[+1,000G] For your third (part-time) job.
[+2,000G] For being the boss of a business.
You can add an extra 500G to this value if you’ve made a menu for the business.
[+1,500G] For being the boss of a second business.
[+1,500G] For being the boss of a third business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a business.
You can add another 500G if you’ve made a menu for the business. Can stack with the Boss bonus (you are only allowed ONE menu bonus, however) if your character is acting as both boss and owner of a business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a second business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a third business.
[+500G] For updating your Biography / Diary pages.
[+500G] For updating your info in the Character Information doc.
[+500G] For every open post you respond to.
To prevent people from snatching up too many opens, this will only be counted for a maximum of three open threads.
[+500G] For every open post you make.
A reward for promoting activity and including others! This will also only be counted for a maximum of three open threads.
[+500G] For every work thread you complete.
And by work thread, we mean a thread in which your character sells something to another while at their workplace. Threads simply taking place at work with no transactions occurring count.
[+2,500G] For being Mayor (owner/boss of City Hall).
Add another 1,000G if you’ve made a menu for City Hall.
This bonus does not stack with the regular Owner/Boss bonus. Instead, it replaces it.
[+2,000G] For being a Guildmaster (owner/boss of Explorer’s Guild).
Add another 500G if you’ve made a menu for the Guild.
This bonus does not stack with the regular Owner/Boss bonus. Instead, it replaces it.
[+1,000G] Policeman Bonus: For every arrest you make.
[+1,000G] Policeman Bonus: For every call/incident you respond to.
[+1,000G] Guild Member Bonus: For every voyage you complete.
New Arrivals:
Harvest King (Ignis)
Witch Princess (Nessa)
Angela [Hiatus until February 3rd]
Aquaticus [Hiatus until February 17th]
Ayame [Hiatus until February 3rd]
Charles [Hiatus until February 17th]
Chelsea [Hiatus until February 14th]
Dia [Semi-Hiatus until January 27th]
Doug [Hiatus until February 2nd]
Iris (SoS) [Semi-Hiatus until January 23rd]
Karen [Semi-Hiatus until February 4th]
Lumina [Semi-Hiatus until February 4th]
Mark [Semi-Hiatus until January 27th]
Odette [Semi-Hiatus until January 23rd]
Phillip [Semi-Hiatus until January 23rd]
Popuri [Hiatus until February 12th]
Raeger [Hiatus until February 3rd]
Rock [Semi-Hiatus until February 3rd]
Scarlet [Semi-Hiatus until February 4th]
Selena [Semi-Hiatus until January 23rd]
Sharron [Semi-Hiatus until January 27th]
Sofia [Semi-Hiatus until February 3rd]
Soseki [Hiatus until February 14th]
Veronica [Hiatus until February 3rd]
Lily (RF)
Lily (SI)
Wizard (Gale)
Gaius - Dropped due to failed Activity Checks. (Please read the Activity Check bullet on the RULES page before reserving again.)
Klaus - Dropped due to failed Activity Checks. (Please read the Activity Check bullet on the RULES page before reserving again.)
These muses were personally dropped by the muns, so please unfollow them if you haven’t already!
Candace (changed to Laney)
Michelle (changed to Louis)
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not much writing happening so take a tiny kross pixel as my apology
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childofmyth-art · 5 years
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Despite owning all of the Rune Factory games, I’ve only played through three of them thus far and decided to draw my partners from them! In order of playthrough too!!
SOo, in order: Mikoto(RF: Tides of Destiny) (I love Mikoto so so much guys you have no clue, Mikoto is like on level with my love for Nami in Harvest Moon like whoa), Arthur (RF4) (He’s just so charming i fell for him immediately), and Eunice(RF Frontier) (Literally the first time I saw her in-game I gasped, so taken by her like, why would anyone focus on Kross when Eunice is RIGHT THERE)
I’m also replaying RF4 as a boy this time and so far it looks like Xiao Pai owns my heart so I’ll have to add her later too
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common-or-garden · 4 years
Новый кросс-купе Geely Tugella для РФ. Первые официальные подроб ... -Мотор.ру #geely #tugella #Бизнесновости https://raznoe.gde-luchshe-otdyhat.ru/novyj-kross-kupe-geely-tugella-dlya-rf-pervye-oficialnye-podrob-motor-ru/?feed_id=88799&_unique_id=5f34cf5590fe5&%D0%9D%D0%BE%D0%B2%D1%8B%D0%B9%20%D0%BA%D1%80%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%81-%D0%BA%D1%83%D0%BF%D0%B5%20Geely%20Tugella%20%D0%B4%D0%BB%D1%8F%20%D0%A0%D0%A4.%20%D0%9F%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B2%D1%8B%D0%B5%20%D0%BE%D1%84%D0%B8%D1%86%D0%B8%D0%B0%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B5%20%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%B4%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B1%20...%20-%D0%9C%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%BE%D1%80.%D1%80%D1%83
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runefactorynonsense · 4 years
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Farmtober - Day 22 - Build
It’s always nice to work on this property. Kross is best RF architect!
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vseproavto · 4 years
X-Trail не везде торопится сменить поколение: следом за РФ прежний кросс обновлён на родине
New Post has been published on https://pippip.ru/2020/10/08/x-trail-ne-vezde-toropitsya-smenit-pokolenie-sledom-za-rf-prezhnij-kross-obnovlyon-na-rodine/
X-Trail не везде торопится сменить поколение: следом за РФ прежний кросс обновлён на родине
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