tuchu · 1 year
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zero-inspiraton · 5 months
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i remember before i'd even seen a single mecha anime i would see people gushing about how super robot wars "fixed" shinji by exposing him to REAL men, like ryouma nagare or kouji kabuto. i spent too much time browsing old forum threads in middle school and kind of internalized that line of thought about srw being the best versions of different characters. i'm a fairly big mech fan now (though there are still some gaping blindspots in my knowledge) and though i still haven't played a srw i figure given the other opinions those people had this was probably bullshit, and i anticipate srw being mostly just fanservice where all the different mechs and their pilots can fight together
but i do have something kind of like that original thing weird masculinity obsessed weebs in 2009 were posting about but in reverse that i'd love to see. i want a super robot wars game where the getter emperor is the big villain (or one of the villains) and spiral power is just getter rays. while team gurren starts on your side, eventually they get corrupted by spiral power and join the getter emperor. that's already the plot of gurren lagann when viewed through the lens of getter robo, and i think it would be interesting to put team gurren up against a challenge that they literally cannot willpower their way out of because doing so only makes them more getter-pilled. make them find an alternate way of solving problems or they join the getter emperor and the final boss is them combining with the emperor! if this is real let me know so it can be the first srw i play
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rex101111 · 2 years
playing a SRW game for the first time really makes you appreciate a bunch of weird things in the mecha genre. Like you got this wide and deep swathe of robots from various generations of mecha both Real and Super, with a large selection of both by the end game, and the act of comparing and contrasting is very interesting both for the characters involved and how each series treats its robots.
But for me the thing that keeps jumping out at me is the thought of how varied the spectrum is of how “difficult” or “complex” it is to field any given robot. Like its kinda like a line with one end labeled “Like launching an actual spacecraft or taking off in a jet plane” and the other end labeled “about as complex as getting on a bike”
Like on the complex end you have for example everything from a Gundam series (barring G); this is the series that codified what people think about when they say “Real Robot” mecha and it shows. To pilot a Gundam you need exceptional skill and talent obviously, but you also have to put on an actual space suit, need an entire team monitoring your status remotely and to help you even launch the damn thing, and while you’re out there getting shot at you need to keep in mind a million different things like fuel and ammo and every bit of damage you’ve taken because one bad hit means half your huge robot can only move half as fast, if that. Any other Real Robot series that takes its cues from Gundam follows suit to varying degrees.
Towards the middle you have stuff like the Combattler V crew or any of the Mazinger group. Sure it still takes a team and an actual suit and coordination, but the robot you’re piloting was more or less built with you in mind so so long as you keep your head on straight you’ll be fine. The power of friendship won’t help you with a busted fuel tank but it’ll sure help you make the most of it.
Past that you have guys like Vann with Dann and the Rayearth girls. Basically just straight up Magic Robots. You have to take care of yourself and the robot responds to your emotional state, but you literally just need to summon the damn thing and off you go. You don’t even need to dock it somewhere sometimes, it just waits in the magic dimension till you need it so even repairing it might not even be a factor once a fight is done with.
And on the far other end of that line you get to shit like GaoGaiGar, Getter Robo, and Gurren Lagann. This is were the uncut, unfiltered Super Robot bullshit magic happens. Machines that explicitly run on the Power of Love, Friendship, Courage, and Anger Sometimes if you’re in a pinch. If you want to beat up the person in front of you enough you can and will no matter if you’ve been eating missiles for the past two episodes. Just jump in the cockpit wearing whatever because safety equipment is for people who don’t have Their Friends As Their Real Power. I bet the most pre fight prep the Shin Getter Team ever does is shotgunning a few cans of beer before hopping into their huge ass scary robot.
(Amuro, who has to go through upwards of ten minutes of preparation to get into his robot, is torn between admiration towards how resourceful Ryouma can be in a pinch, and wanting to strangle this big dumb ox he calls a friend. Hayato and Benkei assure him that’s a perfectly reasonable reaction to have towards Ryouma Nagare.)  
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solarzilla · 2 years
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gaignunkukai · 3 years
the ideal dynamic in a super robot wars game
Roger: She was poetry, but he couldn't read.
Spike: His name was Jared, he was 19.
Asuka: When his parents built a very strange machine!
Ryouma: Watch that scene, digging the dancing queen--
Lelouch, feeling a migraine coming on: Horrible job, everyone.
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polygonalfish · 4 years
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You know, I was referencing the original Majuu Sensen panel of Shinichi but was working off my memory of Getter Armageddon for the colors, only to accidentally give him the green shirt of the 1990 Majuu Sensen OVA
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therosecrest · 3 years
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ebis3486 · 3 years
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hairyboobz · 7 years
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When Marth finally gets the Falchion.
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impactfuma · 6 years
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Some doodles, a couple old pieces people may have missed, and the current WIP.
Gonna take it easy for a while. My health isn’t very good lately. I’ll still keep working on stuff slowly. Plans to probably reopen commissions next month.
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getterfavored · 3 years
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indie Ryouma Nagare (now featuring the rest of the Getter Team) from Getter Robo. Piloted by Kubo
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zero-inspiraton · 1 year
This post is mostly for myself so I can use it as a list.
Main Muse Candidates: Lelouch (Guaranteed) Jerard Kal (Guaranteed) Almaz (Demon Ending) Ledo and Chamber Luke Skywalker Macaque Asterios Maito Senpuuji Ryouma Nagare Hayato Jin Orpheus Zevon Asvatthaman Jason Mordred Fionn Mac Cumhail
Hmmmm. I’m gonna need to try and shave this down a bit. I like them all but I know I’m not gonna be able to keep up with all of them.
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trollsarenotwelcome · 5 years
Official Super Sentai Birthdates/Ages
This information was gathered by using the Japanese Wikipedia, the English Wikipedia, and the Power Rangers Wiki. The ages apply to when a character was first introduced and it all goes back into the Showa Era. Let me know if you want more info added or if you want me to @ you.
Hiromu Sakurada - November 29, 1991
Ryuu Tendou - May 10, 1965
Ryuuji Iwasaki - January 15, 1984
Sena Hayami - July 7, 1998
Youko Usami - August 5, 1995
Akira Shinmei - September 8 (25)
Champ - January 23 (40)
Daita Ouiwa - July 15 (23)
Garu - September 6 (35)
Hammie - September 1 (18)
Kenji Asuka - March 8 (17)
Kotarou Sakuma - May 5 (13)
Lucky - July 7 (20)
Naga Ray - July 4 (21)
Peggy Matsuyama - December 16 (18)
Raptor 283 - February 8 (25)
Shou Ronpou - September 9 (40)
Spada - May 9 (28)
Stinger - November 11 (24)
Tsurugi Outori - October 31 (~130)
Tsuyoshi Kaijou - April 4 (24)
Masato Jin - 1972
Agri - 21
Akira - 16
Ako Hayasaka - 18
Alata - 22
Ami Yuuzuki - 18
Asuna - 209
Ayase - 22
Boi - 15
Bun - 20
Burai - 32
Chisato Jougasaki - 18
Balance - 300
Dai - 22
Daigo - 24
Daigo Kiryuu - 20
Daimon Tatsumi - 21
Dan - 19
Domon - 22
Eiji Takaoka - 24
Eri - 22
Fumiya Hoshikawa - 20
Fuuka Igasaki - 17
Gai Yuuki - 25
Gaku Hoshikawa - 27
Gaku Washio - 23
Geki - 24
Gorou Hoshino - 25
Gouki - 22
Goushi - 27
Haruka - 20
Hayate - 22
Hikari - 10 (mentally)
Hikaru - 17
Hikaru Katsuragi - 20
Hiryuu Tsurugi - 24
Hokuto Dan - 22
Houka Ozu - 22
Hyde - 23
Hyuuga - 27
Ian Yorkland - 23
Jin - 23
Jiraiya - 20
Jou Ouhara - 20
Jun Yabuki - 19
Junichi Aikawa - 17
Juri Nijou - 22
Kagura - 10 (mentally)
Kai Ozu - 17
*Kai Samezu - 19
Kairi Yano - 19
Kaori Rokumeikan - 22
Kasumi Momochi - 19
Kazu - 20
Kazumi Hoshikawa - 23
Ken Hoshikawa - 25
Kenta - 21
Kenta Date - 18
Kinji Takigawa - 22
Koh - 209
Kou - 9
Kouichirou Endou - 19
Kousaku Nangou - 20
Kouta Bitou - 20
Kyousuke Jinnai - 23
Lou - 20
Mai Tsubasa - 20
Makito Ozu - 24
Masumi Inou - 21
Matoi Tatsumi - 24
Matsuri Tatsumi - 20
Megumi Misaki - 20
Mei - 18
Melt - 209
Miku Imamura - 18
Minoru Uesugi - 24
Mio - 10 (mentally)
Misao Mondou - 23
Momo Maruo - 20
Momoko - 19
Moune - 17
Nagare Tatsumi - 23
Nagi Matsuo - 16
Nanami Nono - 18
Naoki Domon - 17
Natsuki Mamiya - 19
Natsumi Shinohara - 19
Noël Takao - 26
Nobuharu Udou - 32
Raita Oushi - 22
Ranru Itsuki - 20
Rei Tachibana - 18
Remi Hoshikawa - 20
Right - 10 (mentally)
Rin - 20
Ryou - 23
Ryouga Hakua - 22
Ryouma - 22
Ryuu Hoshikawa - 22
Ryuuta Nanbara - 18
Sae Taiga - 17
Saizou - 22
Sakura Nishihori - 22
Sara - 20
Sasuke - 26
Satoru Akashi - 24
Saya - 17
Sayaka Nagisa - 20
Sayo Ouharu - 23
Seikai - 24
Shiguru Oshikiri - 24
Shingo Takasugi - 23
Shirogane - 1,062
Shirou Gou - 24
Shou Hayate - 23
Shou Tatsumi - 22
Shouhei Yokkaichi - 27
Shouji - 19
Shun Namiki - 18
Sion - 17
Souji Rippukan - 16
Souta Mogami - 23
Soutarou Ushigome - 22
Sungel - 500
Takaharu Igasaki - 20
Takeru - 23
Tametomo Imizu - 21
Tatsuya Asami - 22
Tetsuya Yano - 19
Tokachi - 10 (mentally)
Touma Yoimachi - 24
Tsuruhime - 15
Umika Hayami - 18
Urara Ozu - 20
Utsusemimaru - 29
Yakumo Katou - 19
Youko Yagami - 19
Yousuke Shiina - 19
Yousuke Shima - 18
Yusuke Amamiya - 21
Yuuji Mita - 21
Yukito Sanjou - 21
Yuuma Ouzora - 20
Yuuri - 21
Yuusaku Hayakawa - 25
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final-mazin-blade · 5 years
Who's a bigger thot? Dr. Hell or Ryouma Nagare?
Ryouma is absolutely a bigger THOTDr. Hell is crazy and morally bankrupt but he’s not a THOT. He does want attention due to taking over the world which is pretty thotty but I dunno. He would be fine ruling the world without being a super vain person about it if that makes any sense at all. In Shin Mazinger he somewhat had noble reasons for it. . . somewhat. Dr. Hell’s just this bitter ancient fuck that wants validation and recognition, not fame as the sole reason for taking over the world and whatnot (Even though he’d be famous as heck if he took over the world).Ryouma is an absolute dumbass and kind of a thot. In the Manga and in New Getter he sleeps around and even has a kid without even remembering in the mentioned manga. He’s such a THOT that he gets the attention of Getter Emperor in every conceivable Getter timeline. And he breathes a LOT to yell for calling out Getter’s attacks so you know that’s a red flag for Thot behavior. As preordained by Getter Emperor, every incarnation of Ryouma is a Thot except maaaaybe the Toei version where Getter Emperor didn’t show up.
So final verdict: Ryouma is more of a Thot
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mateushonrado · 5 years
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Status Post #8047: Super Sentai 101-200
Row 1 - Carranger (Yellow, Pink and Blue) [Yellow Racer: Natsumi Shinohara (Yuka Motohashi), Pink Racer: Yoko Yagami (Atsuko Kurusu) and Extra Hero (Blue): Signalman (Yoshinori Okamoto and Kenji Takechi in some episodes, voiced by Hochu Otsuka)], Megaranger [Mega Red: Kenta Date (Hayato Oshiba), Mega Black: Kouichirou Endou (Atsushi Ehara), Mega Blue: Shun Namaki (Masaya Matsukaze), Mega Yellow: Chisato Jougasaki (Eri Tanaka), Mega Pink: Miku Imamura (Mami Higshiyama) and Mega Silver: Yuusaku Hayakawa (Shigeru Kanai)] and Gingaman (Red) [Ginga Red: Ryouma (Kazuki Maehara)]
Row 2 - Gingaman (Green, Blue, Yellow, Pink and Black) [Ginga Green: Hayate (Koji Sueyoshi), Ginga Blue: Gouki (Shoei), Ginga Yellow: Hikaru (Nobuaki Takahashi), Ginga Pink: Saya (Juri Miyazawa) and Black Knight: Hyuuga (Teruaki Ogawa)] and GoGoV [Go Red: Matoi Tatsumi (Ryuichiro Nishioka), Go Blue: Nagare Tatsumi (Kenji Taniguchi), Go Green: Shou Tatsumi (Atsushi Harada), Go Yellow: Daimon Tatsumi (Kenji Shibata) and Go Pink: Matsuri Tatsumi (Kayoko Shibata)]
Row 3 - Timeranger [Time Red: Tatsuya Asami (Masaru Nagai), Time Pink: Yuri (Mika Katsumura), Time Blue: Ayame (Yuji Kido), Time Yellow: Domon (Shuhei Izumi), Time Green: Sion (Masahiro Kuranuki) and Time Fire: Naoto Takizawa (Shinji Kasahara)] and Gaoranger (Red, Yellow, Blue and Black) [Gao Red: Kakeru Shishi (Noboru Kaneko), Gao Yellow: Gaku Washio (Kei Horie), Gao Blue: Kai Samezu (Takeru Shibaki) and Gao Black: Soutaru Ushigome (Kazuyoshi Sakai)]
Row 4 - Gaoranger (White and Silver) [Gao White: Sae Taiga (Mio Takeuchi) and Gao Silver: Tsukumaro Ogami (Tetsuji Tamayama)], Hurricaneger [Hurricane Red: Yousuke Shiina (Shun Shiyoa), Hurricane Blue: Nanami Nono (Nao Nagasawa) and Hurricane Yellow: Kouta Bitou (Kohei Yamamoto)], Gouraiger [Kabuto Raiger (Crimson): Ikkou Kasumi (Yujiro Shirakawa) and Kuwaga Raiger (Navy): Isshu Kasumi (Nobuo Kyo)], Hurricanger (Green) [Shurikenger (Green): Asuka Kagura (Koji Kimura, voiced by Taiki Matsuno in suit, hence Matsuno's pic represents what Asuka would've looked like prior to renouncing his name and face, which forced him to remain in his costumed form permanently)] and Abaranger (Red and Blue) [Aba Red: Ryouga Hakua (Koichiro Nishi) and Abare Blue: Yukito Sanjyou (Shou Tomita)]
Row 5 - Abaranger (Yellow, Black and White) [Abare Yellow: Ranru Itsuki (Aiko Ito), Abare Black: Asuka (Kaoru Abe) and Abare Killer (White): Mikoto Nakadai (Kotaro Tanaka)] and Dekaranger (Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Pink, White and Black) [Deka Red: Banban Akaza (Ryuji Sainei), Deka Blue: Houji Tomasu (Tsuyoshi Hayashi), Deka Green: Sen'ichi Enari (Yousuke Itou), Deka Yellow: Marika Reimon (Ayumi Kinoshida), Deka Pink: Koume Kodou (Mika Kikuchi), Deka Break (White): Tekkan Aira (Tomozaku Yoshida) and Deka Master (Black): Doggie Kruger (Hideaki Kusaka, voiced by Tetsu Inada)]
Row 6 - Dekaranger (Orange/White) [Deka Swan (Orange/White): Swan Shiratori (Mako Ishino)], Magiranger [Magi Red: Kai Ozu (Atsushi Hashimoto), Magi Yellow: Tsubasa Ozu (Hiroya Matsumoto), Magi Blue: Urara Ozu (Asami Kai), Magi Pink: Houka Ozu (Ayumi Beppu), Magi Green: Makito Ozu (Yuuki Ito), Magi Shine (Gold): Hikaru / Sungel (Yousuke Ichikawa), Magi Mother (White): Miyuki Ozu (Azusa Watanabe) and Wolzard Fire: Isamu Ozu / Blagel (Tsutomu Isobe)] and Boukenger (Red) [Bouken Red: Satoru Akashi (Mitsuomi Takahashi)]
Row 7 - Boukenger (Black, Blue, Yellow, Pink, Silver and Gold) [Bouken Black: Masumi Ino (Yasuka Saitou), Bouken Blue: Souta Mogami (Masahi Mikami), Bouken Yellow: Natsuki Mamiya (Chise Nakamura), Bouken Pink: Sakura Nishihori (Haruka Suenaga), Bouken Silver: Eiji Takaoka (Masayuki Deai) and Extra Hero (Gold): Zubaan (Riichi Seike, voiced by Hideyuki Hori)], Super Sentai Generations [Aka Red (Keizo Yabe, voiced by Toru Furuya)] and Gekiranger (Red, Yellow and Blue) [Geki Red: Jan Kandou (Hiroki Suzuki), Geki Yellow: Ran Uzaki (Mina Fukui) and Geki Blue: Retsu Fukami (Manpei Tagaki)]
Row 8 - Gekiranger (Violet, White, Black and Green) [Geki Violet: Gou Fukami (Riki Miura), Geki Chopper (White): Ken Hisatsu (Sotaro Yasuda), Black Lion: Rio (Hirofumi Araki) and Green Chameleon: Mele (Yuka Hirata)] and Go-onger (Red, Blue, Yellow, Green, Black and Gold) [Go-on Red: Sosuke Esumi (Yasuhisa Furuhara), Go-on Blue: Renn Kousaka (Shinwa Kataoka), Go-on Yellow: Saki Rouyama (Rina Aizawa), Go-on Green: Hant Jou (Masahiro Usui), Go-on Black: Gunpei Ishihara (Kenji Ebisawa) and Go-on Gold: Hiroto Sutou (Hidenoki Tokuyama)]
Row 9 - Go-onger (Silver) [Go-on Silver: Miu Sutou (Yumi Sugimoto)] and Shinkenger [Shinken Red: Takeru Shiba (Tori Matsuzaka), Shinken Blue: Ryunosuke Ikenami (Hiroki Aiba), Shinken Pink: Mako Shiraishi (Rin Takanashi), Shinken Green: Chiaki Tani (Shogo Suzuki), Shinken Yellow: Kotoha Hanaori (Suzuka Morita), Shinken Gold: Genta Umemori (Keisuke Sohma) and Princess Shinken Red: Kaoru Shiba (Runa Natsui)] and Goseiger (Red and Pink) [Gosei Red: Alata (Yudai Chiba) and Gosei Pink: Eri (Rika Satoh)]
Row 10 - Goseiger (Black, Yellow, Blue and Silver) [Gosei Black: Agri (Kyousuke Hamao), Gosei Yellow: Moune (Mikiho Niwa), Gosei Blue: Hyde (Kento Ono) and Gosei Knight (Silver): Groundion (Jiro Okamoto, voiced by Katsuyuki Konishi)] and Gokaiger [Gokai Red: Captain Marvelous (Ryota Ozawa), Gokai Blue: Joe Gibken (Yuki Yamada), Gokai Yellow: Luka Millfy (Mao Ichimichi), Gokai Green: Don Dogoier (Kazuki Shimizu), Gokai Pink: Ahim de Famille (Yui Koike) and Gokai Silver: Gai Ikari (Junya Ikeda)]
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