#Rafe judkins
Rafe Judkins talking about Lanfear made me realize why I consider her show version even better than the book one.
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peturnagy · 8 months
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Lindsay Duncan (digital painting) / Artist: Miki Földi - Corel Painter Master
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I'm not all that surprised by Brandon Sanderson's conduct. I remember what he said about why there were no queer characters in his work.
However, the whole thing about the WoT show being unrewatchable was a bit too rich to go without comment considering I've reread Robert Jordan's books in the series many times without (much) pain but could barely finish a first readthrough of Sanderson's books. They're the reason I've not touched any of his original writing. I hate how he managed the character arcs in wot— how thoughtlessly conventional they were. How lacking in depth and empathy. How flat the female characters became. How Mat was no longer Mat. How scared he was of the queer subtext and polyamory.
I care about character work in storytelling. I love it. Enough to study it in university. The show is doing a better job at writing their character arcs than Sanderson did imo.
Brandon Sanderson is living in a glass house and he shouldn't have thrown these stones.
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cha-faile · 10 months
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boardchairman-blog · 11 months
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**Shots of the Episode**
The Wheel of Time (2021)
Season 2, Episode 7: “Daes Dae'Mar” (2023) Director: Sanaa Hamri Cinematographer: Maja Zamajda
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ofthebrownajah · 1 year
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Saw someone say that the wheel of time show has nothing in common with the books and this is. So not correct.
If you want to see what a show looks like when it has nothing to do with the source material, watch Netflix’s take on the witcher. That’s what happens when not only do the people adapting it not care about the source material but the showrunner actually has stated on record that she dislikes the source material. The witcher on Netflix fucked it up so bad that the lead actor, a huge fan of the source material, walked after three seasons. (I have been informed he actually left due to onset conflicts and instances of being misogynistic to his coworkers. Still a bad adaptation but I rescind this point) Pretty sure the entire country of Poland has disavowed this adaptation and the author wants Nothing to do with it.
The wheel of time is the total opposite. It is Extremely clear that the people working on it and the showrunner love the source material.
This production is running off a shoestring budget. Amazon put most of their high fantasy money into the rings of power (and the effects for the volcano eruption). And rather than being given enough seasons to adapt the entire book series, they’ve been given 8. To adapt 14 Extremely long and complicated books. How many named characters are there in the wheel of time?? Over 3000.
They are being given a very short time frame to accomplish a LOT of plot. Of course they’re going to cut stuff. Of course they’re going to combine characters. Season 2 is covering both books II and III! But they are focusing on the arcs of all the major characters and making sure they are set up for all their major character beats, and setting up the power players and institutions that matter in the larger geopolitical conflicts of randland. Sometimes that means making one character have later parts of their own plots sooner than it takes in the books (Moiraine and Mat in particular so far).
There are a lot of people saying it’s a bad adaptation mostly because a. They’ve made any changes from the books at all and b. Too many characters are gay now. Admittedly most of the people complaining about the adaptation having too many gay characters and nonwhite actors are on Reddit, but still. Both of these are of course nonsense. Of course you have to make changes in making Any adaptation of any book but trying to do the wheel of time in 8 seasons is a Herculean task. That’s why RJ made it 14 books, he tried to do it in less and failed cause he was an adhd king.
Rafe and the other writers have their own particular interpretations of characters but they Are interpreting the original work in a way that holds all the core themes. This season in particular is doing a great job so far of establishing the threat of the seanchan and the trauma of when channelers are cut off from the one power, both of which will of course be central focuses of the rest of the narrative for all of our main characters. I’m Really looking forward to the introduction of the Aiel this season as well.
Also if you’re mad there’s so many queer characters Come The Fuck On. Siuaraine is book canon, go reread New Spring. And I think making the polycule an actual polycule instead of a Mormon sisterwife situation is a fucking Brilliant choice. Making polyamory overtly present in the world already with Alanna and her warders is so good! And given they’re already coding Min as bi I have high hopes for Aviendha and Elayne as well (and also Mat, Mat should join the polycule I am crossing my fingers and toes like I know he’s probably gonna marry Tuon still but Come On he deserves to be in the polycule). If there is one thing I trust Rafe and co. to do well with this adaptation it’s the queer stuff.
Like I get it I’m also sad Uno had to die to make the Seanchan look more badass (r.i.p. my favorite foul mouthed bastard). But they have to make changes in the course of adaptation and if your criticism is just ‘they changed something,’ then please look at the holistic context of the changes, and accept that every adaptation of every book will make changes in order to translate the story to film.
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damnhotmsimmons · 9 months
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From Daniel's Instagram Story-12/31/23
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uri59 · 1 year
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gameofthunder66 · 1 year
The Wheel of Time (2021- ) tv series
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-(started) watchin' Season 2- 9/5/2023- on Amazon Prime
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wafflelovingbatgirl · 2 years
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I can’t believe that Rafe is doubling down on the dog. Even though aCordiNg tO tHe LoRe, cats love women who channel but dogs can’t stand them.
More disrespect to Jordan’s vision.
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Ok but Rafe Judkins interview where he talks about the forsaken makes me so hype to meet all of them ( I mean all of those the show will include). It's gonna be interesting to have fans speculating that every new shady character could be a forsaken.
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Moghedien is the proof that being obsessed with the Dragon Reborn makes you crazy, but being obsessed with Nynaeve makes you even crazier.
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dropoff99 · 1 year
Wheel of Time S2 Episode 5 - “Damane” is an achievement in adaptation that should be recognized
I’m not an active reviewer of this show or any other. It’s not something I am very interested in. However I think it’s important to note when a piece of art begins to transform into something greater than the sum of its parts, especially with an adaptation of this magnitude which has so many things to juggle it can make your head spin.
This series has been a part of my life for over 25 years. It’s as difficult for me to remove my bias as it is for anyone, especially when beloved moments from the series are changed. Any fantasy fan who has spent time around the genre has experienced this. However I feel that the fandom really needs to recognize what is happening currently on Amazon Prime’s Wheel of Time.
Robert Jordan’s Wheel of time is possibly the most ambitious fantasy series ever created. A magic system with as much depth as you will find in fantasy, hundreds of named characters, 14 large books, a prequel novella, a couple encyclopedic volumes, and now a major streaming series on Amazon Prime.
Up until this point half-way through the second season the show has been admirable in some of its attempts at adapting Jordan’s beloved series but I don’t think any fan (of either the show or the books) could really say it is has been a total success in terms of quality. S2 E5 on the other hand is simultaneously a great adaptation of the series and a great episode of television that could be the turning point from a capable fantasy show to an excellent one. Before we get into that let’s revisit where we’ve been.
Season 1
S1 had 2 really good episodes, a couple outright bad ones (finale), but mostly could be described as average storytelling hidden by some great performances by Rosamund Pike and Daniel Henney and set in a beautiful and interesting universe. For all intents and purposes it was a success in terms of attracting viewers, introducing new audiences to RJ’s series and being a decent show.
There have been some great casting choices and the majority of the cast has worked with a couple exceptions (recasting of Mat). The characters are firmly recognizable from Jordan’s work with of course some big changes as well that vary in terms of popularity with the fandom. However, the challenge of making the wheel of time universe really sing (ie the fantasy/lore concepts) was hit or miss for me in S1 (in many ways a miss). I’m not speaking of book accuracy, simply how interesting and cool they were.
Emonds Field 5 - not perfect but definitely a success
Myrddraal and Trollocs - success
Channeling - 50/50
White Tower - success
Thom/gleeman - failure
Ta’veren - TBD
Loial/Ogier - meh (admittedly high degree of difficulty)
Eye of the World - failure and was not interesting at all
Aes Sedai and Warders - biggest achievement of S1, huge success
Fal Dara - meh
Traveling people - meh
The ways - decent
Two Rivers - 50/50
Logain/male channelers - success
Darkfriends - success
Whitecloaks - decent
Shadar Logoth - decent
Overall an admirable effort, especially considering how much they adapted but IMO they had some big misses that brought down the season.
Season 2
So far the second season has seen a huge jump over the first season in terms of production quality, visual style, performances, and dialogue. Many of the actors on the show have found their footing, particularly Josha Stradowski who plays Rand. Every new major character they have introduced has not only been written well but their performances have been off the charts which I will touch on more when I discuss E5.
However the first 4 episodes were much like the first season. The pacing was hit or miss, some of the changes have landed (Nynaeve in the arches) and a few have not (namely Lan’s arc). Mat is still MIA but we will see how they land things with him later. Either way season 1 caliber storytelling combined with the other upgrades in acting, visual style, and overall polish makes for a pretty damn good product.
Episode 5 - “Damane” (full spoilers)
It’s difficult for me to fully explain why E5 was so satisfying. It is less about any one individual factor and more about how smoothly it weaved (no pun intended) many well executed components together.
The first thing I will start with is visual style. S2 has been an upgrade in general from S1 in many of its choices but Episode 5 is on a different level.
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The initial location (near falme) Liandrin takes the girls is absolutely stunning. I took my own little photo above to demonstrate just how sumptuous this looked in 4K in my living room. The show has always been pretty but I will admit the variety of locales in S2 as well as the cinematography has been a significant upgrade. What I especially liked about this scene is that it did not lean on a slick establishing shot of a CG city or even a giant fortress/village made specifically for the show, two things WoT is very good at. Instead this is a simple scene in terms of CG. It’s just a waygate and the effects used for channeling all look great and are not too over the top. As far as set design it’s just the stone pillars for the waygate and the large throne that Suroth rides around on (and Seanchan costumes). Otherwise it’s a beautiful natural location that grounds the action and fantasy elements organically while pulling in the viewer to this world.
But that’s just a taste.
Story locations in this episode: Falme, Cairhien, Toman Head, The White Tower, Tel’aranrhiod, The Ways. And that’s not counting different areas within those places.
Each of the above have a strong visual language to communicate the various cultures and landscapes of Jordan’s universe and I don’t think it skips a single beat going back and forth between them. Forests, deserts, marshland, night scenes, day scenes, cities, villages, fortresses, and fantasy creations like the ways and the dream world. The show was in its bag in terms of something interesting to draw the eye the entire episode.
The performances were no different in terms of their variety and quality. Fares Fares (Ishamael) and Natasha O’Keefe (Lanfear) were probably the best on screen fantasy villains I’ve seen since vintage Game of Thrones seasons. They were engaging, scary, and villainous in a relatable but unapologetic manner, delivering line after line that could easily be viewed as cheesy if not for perfect execution in direction and tone. And frankly what I liked most is that the show didn’t fall in to the modern temptation to make them less evil. Sure they have their justifications/motivations but they are also unambiguous baddies from the viewer’s perspective which is true to Jordan.
Moving on to Rosamund Pike who we’re really running out of things to say in terms of her acting which has never dipped for a second for the entirety of the show. What was more impressive is how the show’s writers have demonstrated their commitment to showing a ruthlessly efficient character who will do whatever it takes to save the world. This episode highlighted her commitment to her cause as well as her intelligence in dealing with a character who is immensely powerful.
Ayoola Smart as Aviendha provided the best action sequence and an excellent dialogue scene with Perrin that efficiently introduced ji’e’toh and Aiel culture. I am really looking forward to seeing more from her as Aviendha is one of my favorite characters. On a similar note Meera Syal really got to flex her abilities as Verin in a much more recognizable manner to book readers than what we saw earlier in the show. It was thrilling to watch her pick apart Liandrin’s plot.
The last thing that I was really impressed by and primarily why I wrote this post to begin with is how committed the show seems to be to genuinely introducing some of the most difficult elements of the Wheel of Time universe which is honestly not what I expected given the first 4 episodes. Let’s take some inventory of what we got from E5 as well as S2 so far straight from the books/universe.
Aviendha/Aiel/ji’e’toh - success
Falme - as a location it’s a success
Seanchan - success (with a very high degree of difficulty)
Collaring - success
Lanfear/Selene - huge success
Ishamael - huge success
Novice training /arches - success
Cairhien - success
Horn - TBD
Elyas - success
Wolfbrother abilities - controversial but a success IMO
Tel’aranrhiod - success
Verin/Browns - success
Channeling - success
Mat’s abilities - TBD but this might be a big L
Min’s Visions - TBD but so far an L for me
Elayne - success
Do I think this show is going to be this good every episode from now on? Probably not. And yes there is still plenty to dislike from S2. Mat/Min are borderline non existent so far, the Lan/Moiraine arc was miserable until they separated, and Siuan hasn’t even shown up yet (despite having some badass scenes in the second book that are very memorable).
However I will say this is the first time where I’ve felt real confidence in where the story is headed both short and long term. If they do this for the remaining three episodes then Wheel of Time will hold the belt for best fantasy show currently running.
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wot-tidbits · 11 months
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The Wheel of Time producers compare season 2 to Gladiator: "One of the biggest battles ever"
This comparison aged well.
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boardchairman-blog · 1 year
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**Shots of the Episode**
The Wheel of Time (2021)
Season 2, Episode 5: “Damane” (2023) Director: Maja Vrvilo Cinematographers: Steven Fierberg and David Stockton
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ofthebrownajah · 2 years
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Wish we could've gotten all of these 😭
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