#Rain plays SWTOR
rainofaugustsith · 1 year
So I found that cool "show us your first image of your WoL" meme and went looking through last year's photos. In the folder, where things are arranged chronologically, the very last image of Viri in SWTOR is right next to the very first image of Viri/Rigel in FFXIV. I don't remember doing this. I probably misfiled the SWTOR photo. But I think I'll leave it where it is. This is where I left Viri and Lana in SWTOR - in their indoor spa/greenhouse on Alderaan, which is headcanoned to Naboo in my mind, and where they have just said "the hell with it all" and escaped with their closest friends. It was a good way to say farewell.
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inyri · 3 months
❛ why does it feel like this is goodbye? ❜ from the sentence starters 👀
 (I’m not sure if we’ll get here in long form- I’d thought so once, but given the current pace of my writing I suspect I’ll bring Equivalent Exchange to a natural close before we reach this point in the story, then continue Nine and Theron’s tale in shorter pieces. It's a bit of a cheat, but that's authorial prerogative for you.
Something lost is found. SWTOR. Nine/Theron.)
She sits on the edge of the bed, looking up at Theron as he scuffs nervously at the floor with the toe of his boot. (Stars, she’s missed this bed, missed this whole apartment even if she doesn’t miss the Kaasi rain falling in sheets against the windows or the periodic assassination attempts- but ah, the view from the balcony toward the sea-)
“You look,” she finally says, considering his expression carefully, “like the tooka that ate the bulabird. What exactly did you do while I was off with Acina?”
He turns to make sure the door’s closed before he answers. “Oh, you know. Took a tour of the place. Sliced a few things- databases, mostly. Census data. Population records. The Intelligence database, for about ten seconds.”
“You-” she chokes. The fact that he’s still standing here means he probably got away with it, but- “I thought I told you to behave yourself. If they figure out what you did- I know you’re not keen on parallel work with the Empire, Theron-”
“I didn’t get caught.” He rolls his eyes and rummages in his jacket pocket for his commpad. “I didn’t get caught last time either, for what it’s worth, but I did find what I was looking for.” 
(Last time? That’s- oh, lovely brilliant reckless idiot boy, he’s going to get himself into far more trouble than she can fix one of these years.)
She raises an eyebrow as he holds the commpad out toward her. 
“I found you.”
She gestures up and down along her body. “Of course you did. I’m right here. I know that mess with Lorman looked like a near enough miss, but-”
Theron shakes his head vehemently, pressing it into her hand and curling her fingers closed around it. “No, you don’t understand. I found you- pre-Cipher you. In the archives.”
“Impossible.” Or it ought to have been; after Hunter she’d watched the Minister purge her file with her own eyes and even then there was nothing left of an old life in it, nothing left but a ghost. The Ghost. “Not in the Intelligence database. They burn all that out when we CIpher.”
“Not in the Intelligence database, no.” He crouches down next to her as her heart twists in her chest. It ought to have been impossible. It ought to have been. “But I followed a thread from the personnel records, and then another and then another and then I found this. Imperial Academy prospective cadet interview number 00-828317. Locked subfolder, but-” he shrugs.    
The number doesn’t hurt. They didn’t take that from her, before, but there’s a pressure building behind her eyes- too close to something that they did, then. Far too close. She takes a deep breath. “Did you see it?”
“Only the first few seconds, and not with audio- didn’t want Lana to notice before I could pull it off the network. She looks like you, though.” 
“I suppose she would.” She lets the commpad settle on her lap, looks down at it like it might bite. (It might.) 
After a moment Theron stands. “I should go. You don’t have to decide if you want to watch it now- I shouldn’t have assumed-” 
“No,” she says, reaches up for his hand without looking and her fingers lace through his. “Stay.”
He sits down beside her; she presses play. 
[she is eleven years old.
she is eleven years old and wearing a white blouse and a black skirt and her hair in two neat plaits down her back and she is standing, hands folded, in front of a table where four men and a woman sit in identical uniforms, backs to the camera. 
we’ll begin, says the man second from right. please state your name for the record.
she nods, and opens her mouth. mustn’t smile too much or they’ll think she’s silly, mustn’t pull at her plait or at her shirtsleeves, mustn’t-]
(oh Void oh Void oh Void it HURTS and he holds on to her- should I stop it? I can stop it- and she shakes her head furiously so he just keeps holding on)
[yes, sir, she says. it is important to show respect, father said. my name is N-]
It’s impossible. It’s impossible. 
It’s her name. 
She does stop the recording then, not because she wants to but because she’s going to bleed all over his damned commpad if she doesn’t. Her nose drips down onto her shirt until she pinches it closed and then she turns her head toward Theron as he mutters apology after apology into the top of her head. “I had a feeling,” she murmurs, “that was going to happen.”
“So that’s your name? N-” he almost says it aloud but stops himself, free hand pressed against his mouth. “Stars, I'm sorry. I don’t want to hurt you again.”
“It may get easier with time. We can try more of the video later- I only remember a little bit. I thought it might all come back at once, but-”
Theron nods. “I hope so- that it gets easier, I mean. That it comes back. But your name, it… it suits you.”
“Does it?”
“Yeah.” He kisses her hair, then her forehead, then the tip of her nose beneath her still-pinching fingers. “Though it’s weird- why does this almost feel like a goodbye?”
“To Cipher Nine? No. it's not-” she shakes her head. “It’s- hello, Theron Shan. My name-” she breathes in and the pain lessens and it wouldn’t matter anyway, all the pain in the universe would be worth it to see that look on his face again and again- “is Nyriala.”
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sullustangin · 4 months
Fluffy February Day 26: Rain
Time: KotFE, early days
Words: 697
“Uh… Theron?”
Theron pulled himself out of the mainframe deep dive he’d been doing on the data collected from Asylum.  It was well outside of ‘business hours’ for most planets, but Odessen, as the home base of a revolution, didn’t play by rules very much. 
That, and its ops manager was a complete workaholic, who was only kept in check by the Captain.  Her methods of doing that…
…brought a smile to Theron’s face.  He couldn’t think much further on the subject in front of others. 
Koth was giving a hard look at the security holos that monitored the exterior of Odessen.  “Virtue’s Thief’s pad cam just activated.  Motion.”
“It’s supposed to rain,” he replied, turning back to his work.
“It’s her,” Koth insisted.
Theron cast a look up at the ceiling.  “She’s been threatening to fly off and give the Thief a test drive – can’t go far in her present condition, but it might settle her ---”
“Doesn’t look like she plans on going anywhere.” 
There was a note of …something that made Theron turn to Koth.  “And?  She goes out to check the ship at night.  Sometimes.”  Yes, he was defensive of her. 
Koth made a face, concerned and distinctly uncomfortable, and he continued to look at the security holos.   “She’s wearing her pajamas.”  A beat.  “She might be having one of her… things.”  Koth made a wobbly hand motion, as if to convey ‘off-balance’.
Theron’s temper flared for a split second, but then he recalled Koth had seen her at her absolute worst. 
Koth rushed onward.  “Listen, last thing we need is her down with pneumonia or a cold or even just some of the enlisted trying to get a peep show through her viewports and end up seeing her… not all there.” 
“She’s got a privacy filter up on the ports,” Theron reassured him as he gathered his things to go.
“But Lana doesn’t need to know.”  Both men said that in unison, and Theron departed the war room.
Lana carried enough guilt about Eva’s condition, as it was.  Each sequela ate at her.  She never complained, but Koth and Theron – for different reasons – knew it.
Please let her be here.  Please let her be here.
Theron didn’t know what sort of memories they’d stumble across if she wasn’t.  As worried as he was, as she came into view, his footsteps faltered in the moonlight that peered between the clouds.  It was the night-time equivalent of a sun shower
Eva was standing there, perfectly still, looking up.  Occasionally, the eyes would close in slow, deliberate blinks.  Involuntary shivers went through her; it was barely warm during the day, and night was heading toward frost.  The moonlight and shadows played across her face.  She seemed utterly at peace.
She looked at him.
The peace did not leave.  The eyes were bright and –
Ok, she was here.  Right here.
“…you do know it’s raining, right?”
Eva nodded vigorously. Then she returned her gaze upward just as the moon wrestled itself out from behind a cloud, and its light gave her an unearthly glow.  “First time since Yavin.”
Theron startled and shook his head.  “Eva, it –”
“Spacer,” she interrupted him, her focus not compromised in the least.  “It might have rained on Coruscant and a whole bunch of other places, but I haven’t been on planet for a rainstorm since –”
“Yavin.”  He said the word softly.
Prior to landing here, on Odesssen, and finally – finally! – falling in together, it had been the last place they’d been together and happy.  It was the last place Eva felt rain.
“And now that you’re here…” Eva bandied the idea about, prompting his memory about what they had done, often, in the rain on Yavin.
Well, might as well make it two for two. 
Koth kept an eye on the security holo.  He saw the brief conversation.  He saw Theron step in, and –
Well, if he was kissing her like that, there was some sort of sane explanation.
Koth turned off the security holo and purged the last half hour of footage.  Let it never be said Koth Vortena was not a good wingman.
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talesfantastic · 2 months
Late to the party, but a reminder that I write Star Wars muses - in the Old Republic Era, with additional later-on verses for movies and shows. I'm redoing bios but right now I have KOTOR's Revan and HK-47 written up.
I have most of SWTOR's Theran Cedrax written up (a companion to the Jedi Consular) and will be adding his constant companion, Holiday.
Additionally, I'll be adding an old SWTOR muse, Seran-vin Kast, an Iridonian Zabrak bounty hunter who is very much anti-Sith, but also has an understandable beef with the Republic.
Under consideration are my Jedi Consular, Liana Raine Carmine as well as her cousin, Sith Inquisitor, Sarre-ha Carmine Kallig. Side eyeing KOTOR's Carth Onasi and Canderous Ordo, too... but that's further down the line. Sort of hoping I'll find those two out in the wilds of Tumblr's SWRPC.
TL;DR I love Star Wars and everyone should play Knights of the Old Republic, The Sith Lords, and Star Wars: The Old Republic asap.
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ainyan · 1 year
Hello, and welcome to my blog! I'm Ainyan, and below you'll find some of the characters that I may be posting about. I primarily post about the excellent MMORPGs Final Fantasy XIV and Star Wars: The Old Republic - but I also play a lot of other games like Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Persona, Destiny, and others, and am happy to talk about them as well!
I maintain two Carrds (FFXIV and SWTOR) as well as an active if infrequently updated Archive of our Own account.
I welcome asks (anon and named) and maintain an ever-growing list of prompts and ask memes that can be found here. I am a member of the LGBTQ+ and poly communities and am heavily pro-trans (and pro-human) rights. If you are a bigot or TERF, feel free to walk yourself right out of here - you'll find no succor and no discourse here.
Without further ado, my characters:
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Name: Kal'istae Miurani (Kali)
Race: Au Ra (Xaela)
Canon Jobs: White Mage, Dancer, Gunbreaker, Sage, Dragoon, Summoner
Relationships: Thancred (Partner)
Status: Main RP Character (Marilith)
Link to her Carrd. || Link to her #tag.
(Note: Although Kal'istae is a real character, all of her achievements/deeds/experiences for actual in-game content are based off of Ciprys, who has done almost everything.)
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Name: Ciprys Dreamweaver (Cip)
Race: Au Ra (Raen)
Canon Jobs: Summoner, Dancer, White Mage, Paladin, Ninja
Relationships: Cirdan Dreamreaver (Husband)
Status: Main Play Character (Famfrit)
Link to her Carrd. || Link to her Lodestone.
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Name: Kyszarin Asyret (Kys)
Race: Viera (Rava)
Canon Jobs: Summoner, Sage, Reaper, Warrior, Dancer
Relationships: Raine Inarin (Lover/Partner)
Status: Alternate Play Character (Famfrit)
Link to his Carrd. || Link to his #tag.
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Name: Szah'li Khiyanto
Race: Miqo'te (Keeper of the Moon)
Canon Jobs: White Mage, Dark Knight, Dancer, Dragoon, Summoner
Relationships: Alisaie (Partner); Kabniel (Meta)
Status: Alternate RP Character (Marilith)
Link to his Carrd. || Link to his #tag.
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Name: Miurani'kal'istae (Nikali, Kali)
Race: Chiss
Class: Imperial Agent (Operative)
Relationships: Theron Shan (Husband); Saganu (Consort)
Affiliations: Empire (Saboteur), Republic (Double Agent), Eternal Alliance, Chiss Ascendancy
Status: Main Play/RP Character (Satele Shan)
Link to her Carrd. || Link to her #tag.
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Name: Cip'rys
Race: Chiss
Class: Smuggler (Scoundrel)
Relationships: Theron Shan (Husband)
Affiliations: Republic (Loyalist), Eternal Alliance
Status: Alternate Play/RP Character (Satele Shan)
Link to her Carrd. || Link to her #tag.
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serenofroses · 1 year
🖊+ Revan
I've been meaning to answer this ask but I keep forgetting about it, oops.
Anyways! I retconned a couple of things regarding my Revan and I'll share my random notes about her.
Her name is Sonam Nevrakis.
She's a Sith Pureblood transwoman.
She identified as a lesbian and had slept with other women because she has no shame.
She is one of the two main protagonists alongside with Yuthura in both kotor 1 and 2.
She's romantically involved with Yuthura. They met when Yuthura, who goes by Elysia Daru and a Jedi Knight, went into undercover at the Sith Academy to get closer to Revan but the two got way more involved together that sparked the Force Bond. Revan knew who she was and played along much to Yuthura's surprise.
She is the biological mother to Kritanta and Eleni who are apart of my swtor casts. She is also the grandmother to Ania and Jazz.
in the beginning of kotor, she didn't start off as a tech class. instead for her amnesia, she's a fully fledged Jedi Knight. This was a nod to the 'play as a Jedi' mod I used to play.
despite the amnesia, she still remembers her first born son who was a young child at the time. not to mention the romantic feelings for Yuthura still lingers within.
She doesn't like rain. They always ruin her hair
lastly as she is one of the two protagonists for kotor 2 with Yuthura, Revan didn't fuck off from. the galaxy and stayed to be with lover and her two children. After her death, her legacy continued on through Kritanta, Ania and Jazz.
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swtorpadawan · 1 year
For the SWTOR Player asks 2, 6, 13, 16, 27. :) -wayfinderlegacy
SWTOR Player Asks Thanks for the asks, @thecalmnessandthestorms / @wayfinderlegacy !
What is your favorite class and why? And/or list the player classes in order of most -> least favorite Jedi Knight - Simply because the class story feels the most "Star Wars" to me. In order - Jedi Knight - Imperial Agent - Sith Inquisitor - Smuggler - Sith Warrior - Bounty Hunter - Trooper - Jedi Consular
Do you primarily play Republic, Empire, or a mix of both sides? Is there a specific reason for this preference? I play both, but I can't lie - the Empire stories tend to be more fun. Being evil is fun. Being light-side in an environment where everyone else is evil is also fun.
Which planet’s aesthetic/atmosphere do you enjoy the most? Dromund Kass. I like the rain.
Do you have a favorite Flashpoint or operation? A least favorite? I'm one of those people who used to grind Hammer Station endlessly to get my gear to 306 back in the day. So on the one hand I hate it - because I've seen it too much - and I like it - because I actually know what I'm doing. (I don't know what I'm doing in most of the Operations / Flashpoints.)
If you could make any current NPC a player companion, who would you pick? Ohhhh… there are a bunch. I definitely wish Hollow Voice from the Jedi Consular story could have been a companion, but that might have seemed redundant game-play wise given you already have Qyzen. I'll throw out a few others - Thana Vesh, Bengel Morr and Leeha Narezz.
Thanks for the asks!
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Song challenge
Tagged by @raven-of-domain-kwaad and @inventedbyawriter, thank you :)
RULES: Make a new post and spell out your URL with song titles then tag as many people as there are letters in your URL.
I'm super weird when it comes to music (most of the songs I have are popular or super basic, I have more appreciation for soundtracks and classical), but let's see if I have enough to spell my url.
(while I was scrolling through songs I asked myself why my url doesn't have any W or B bc I have several cool songs with W and B)
Not tagging this time (again) bc I can't think of 21 people to tag (also bc I'm tired. 2 am is perfect time to post on tumblr you see), sorry.
A - Another One Bites The Dust (Queen)
M - My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark (Fall Out Boy)
A - Africa (Toto)
S - Sonne (Rammstein)
T - Take Me To Church (Hozier)
E - Everybody's Fool (Evanescence) (even though it was used by the one who tagged me)
R - Rain (Grandson ft. Jessie Reyez)
P - Play The Game (Queen)
R - Rebirthing (Skilet)
O - Out of Hell (Skillet)
C - Carry On My Wayward Son (Kansas) (no, not just bc of Supernatural, it's a very nice song)
R - Rolling In The Deep (Adele)
A - Awake and Alive (Skillet)
S - Shots (Imagine Dragons)
T - The World Is Not Enough (Garbage)
I - In The Shadows (The Rasmus)
N - New Divide (Linkin Park)
A - Anchor (Skillet)
T - Thank You (Falettinme Be Mice Elf Agin) (Sly and the Family Stone)
O - Oh No!!! (Grandson) (technically it's not on my playlist, but I ran out of songs starting with O, and this one I've at least listened to a couple of times)
R - Radioactive (Imagine Dragons)
I also couldn't resist the temptation to spell url with other tracks, so I put all tracks from my player (aside from songs) in random order and got this:
A - Aliit Ory'shia Tal'din (Ludwig Göransson, Joseph Shirley, from Book of Boba Fett)
M - Masquerade Suite: Waltz (Aram Khachaturian) (oh, probably my favorite waltz so far)
A - A Thousand Tears (Ludwig Göransson, from The Mandalorian)
S - String Quartet no. 8 in C minor Op.110 (Dmitri Shostakovich)
T - That Slippery Little Hutt Of Mine (Jared Emerson-Johnson, from SWTOR)
E - Empire Arrival (Natalie Holt, from Obi-Wan Kenobi series)
R - Ratism (John Murphy, from The Suicide Squad)
P - Project Star Dust (Michael Giacchino, from Rogue One: A Star Wars Story)
R - Race You to the Surface (Kevin Kiner, from The Clone Wars)
O - Opening Title (David Arnold, from Good Omens)
C - Concerto for Violin, Strings and Harpsichord in E minor RV 278 - I. Allegro molto (Antonio Vivaldi)
R - Rey's Theme (John Williams, from Star Wars Episode 7: The Force Awakens)
A - Alderaan, the Throne (Lennie Moore, from SWTOR)
S - (The) Shepherd's Boy (Murray Gold, from Doctor Who)
T - Testing Allegiance (John Powell, from Solo: A Star Wars Story)
I - Iziz Cantina (Mark Griskey, from KOTOR 2: The Sith Lords)
N - Night on Bald Mountain (Modest Mussorgsky)
A - A Window to the Past (John Williams, from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban)
T - Twin Moons (Kevin Kiner, from Star Wars: Rebels)
O - Obi-Wan (John Williams, from Obi-Wan Kenobi series)
R - (The) Rueful Fate of Donna Noble (Murray Gold, from Doctor Who)
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meanbihexual · 2 years
WIP Ask Meme
--tagged by @sullustangin
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send  you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips. (You can make your own post or reblog this   one!) This isn’t just for writing either. Sketch titles? Comics? DnD campaigns? If you have an unfinished project, it counts!! 
Y'all do not want my entire catalogue of WIPs, I promise. It took me 15 minutes to just read the titles aloud to my wife, and only 1 or 2 of those was taken up by maniacal laughter at the middle school era fanfic I still have saved. And I didn't include my DnD or RP folders.
However, I will give you SWTOR because that's what this blog is for, and also some of my originals because if you can't shamelessly self-promote on tumblr, where can you?
I am also going to add a cut because this is a long fucking list.
No pressure tagging @sithwarblade @walk-ng-d-saster @lovelyladyl @davidoodles @grandninjamasterren @storyknitter and anybody else who wants to play. I cannot possibly tag as many people as I have WIP even if I go with my short list.
SWTOR (not in alphabetical order because I have lots of subfolders in the SWTOR folder and I cannot be assed to alphabetize them after typing them out)
-Chasing the Sun
-Disavowed Rewrite
-Kattori Backstory
-Planet Timeline
-Piratical Passions
-Bad things come in threes
-Datacron Party
-Regency AU
-Date 2
-Do you have a date
-It was too quiet onboard the ship
-Prelude to Destiny
-Safiya Adraiel had never been unsure a day in her life
-After wedding
-Theron was already settled into a corner booth
-In the early days of the Alliance
-jacket earbuds now
-safi theron ily
-Sweetheart Hill
-Sweetheart Hill v2
-Sweetheart Hill v3
-Theron Says ch 1
-Theron Says ch 2
-Hoth troop
-Ord Mantell
-Phila pieces
-Phila timeline
-Post Hoth pre Gauntlet
-Quesh 2
-The Gift
-The force
-The sky was black
Originals (same not in alphabetical order warning applies, as well as this is only original stuff that I remember what it's about because honestly I have no idea what 3/4 of this stuff is)
-Alleleiruh retelling
-Dragon Rain 1
-There are fairies in my fireplace
-Kaele Rowan's Lies
-The Cadelan Wars
-The Godborn
-Everyone knew that linda was crazy
-Linda's Lament
-I look dreadful in white
-Daire Royal Family Tree
-The Savage Prince
-The tower was unbearably hot
-Cold Moon
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My 7 personas.
The first time I had a persona was probably back in early 2010's. It started out as an alias but then I started to build this persona up in my head, what she likes, what she listens too, what she eats, how she acts. This first persona is called Aira Sterling.
Aira is really into grunge clothing and grunge/alternative rock type music. She's pretty much a tomboy, 'one of the boys' types.
The second persona is Taylor Monroe, this one got created during an ex I was dating, it started our as cosplay OC I was doing with my ex but after we split, I was considering letting the OC go but it still felt strong there.
Taylor is enby, they love to dress in soft goth/pastel goth clothing and love techno/dance music, and all things faerie related. (I came out as bi-sexual but hadn't realized that I was non binary)
The third Persona is Allura Siren, she came about after I met my boyfriend who later became my husband.
I originally came up with the name Allura when I was playing swtor.
I then kept playing with the idea that Allura is a Succubus Siren who lives to empower other women and themselves by reclaiming their Sexuality. (I had a strict father and I wasn't allowed to date till 16 nor wear makeup or dress 'provocatively' so I think Allura was created so I can take all of that back)
My 4th persona started out as a joke, my husband made. Usually when I sneeze, I would do do 2 or 3 times in a row but one day I sneezed only once and my husband joked that it was a new identity. I joked and said. Yea her name is Morrigan and she's a dark witch to come for your soul!
The 1 sneeze started to happen more frequently and sooner than latter Morrigan was created. She doesn't have a last name because she was based off a single sneeze so I thought it fitted. Morrigan is the dark part of me. The part that gets made at the world and wants to see it burn. She likes dark witchy music.
The 5th persona is Lilith Pendragon (Howls moving castle fanatic here) Lilith is my sad, depressed self, she got created when I started to have more and more anxiety. Usually when I feel like total shit about myself. She dresses in hipster boho sad girl clothing & stays indoors and enjoys rain and storms.
6th one is Luna Bloodmoon. She's a werewolf (cuz I fucking love all things werewolves, yes I want a bad dragon werewolf toy lmao) Luna is full of love for everyone. She just wants to have a gazillion of friends and cuddle and be loved in return. I imagine her wearing soft girl clothing, losts of whites, pinks & baby blues. This is when I discovered that I'm actually pansexual & became a big advocate for my queer friends & family
Last one is Brea, they are non binary as well and more male presenting in clothing. They love rap like post Malone and Ashnikko. They have short dark blue Hair, that's shaved on one side. This is a newish persona. So I'm still trying to figure them out as a whole...but I do now know that I'm non binary fem presenting queer, so that's awesome!
So anyway thanks for reading my weirdness. These personas are a part of me and its a way for me to explore myself I guess...I'm honestly not sure entirely, I just feel these different personas in me and I think I use them to work stuff out, who knows. Thanks!
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rainofaugustsith · 8 months
I've had this Dreamwidth for years, but it looks like it may be time to start using it. I'm also going to try to set up a separate one for Rain Plays SWTOR so that game guide can be preserved for anyone who wants it.
I'll be trying my best to hang out here as long as we're still here, but that's another place you can add me. If we're mutuals let me know who you are on Dreamwidth and I'm happy to add you.
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rainplaysswtor · 3 years
SWTOR: New Player Combat/Survival Tips
If you're familiar with SWTOR, these are things you probably know backward and forward. Think back, though: when you first downloaded and started playing, were they all so obvious - particularly if you didn't play similar games/MMOs before? Here are ten things I wish I'd known when I started playing SWTOR. If you're a newbie, hopefully they will help you too. 1. Take a picture of your abilities bar. 
There are several bugs in various areas that will inadvertently unlock your abilities bar, sending your carefully arranged abilities scattering in all directions. You may accidentally unlock the bar yourself, or forget to lock it again after adjusting something. 
Take a photo of your characters' abilty bars. Use the screenshot function in the game. Use CTRL+Print Screen on a PC. Take a photo of the screen with your phone. Whatever works. That way, if a character's abilities go floating, you will have a reference guide to put everything back in its proper place. 
2. Kill the healers first. 
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In a lot of fights, there will be medics or other NPCs who heal their colleagues as you're fighting. Needless to say this can complicate your fights. 
Sometimes the medics really will have nameplates that say 'medic.' Other times they won't. You have to learn to pick them out of the crowd. They usually hang toward the back of the mob, as opposed to the other NPCs who will charge at you. They are also often weaker and don't have gold or silver tags. You may spot them fiddling with a scanner device in their hand or casting Force healing toward whoever you're fighting. Look at what your own healer companions do, and learn to recognize it - and then take out the healers first. 
3. Learn what your interrupts are. 
Every character is given at least one 'interrupt.' This is an ability that, as the name would suggest, can interrupt a cast or an action being taken by an enemy NPC. If you use this skill, you stop the enemy from doing whatever it is trying to do to you. 
How do you find out what your interrupt skill is? Click P. Now click on the first entry, and scroll down the list to browse your abilities. Click the second and do the same. If you mouse over each ability, you will get a text box that tells you what they do. 
Every class and advanced class has their own interrupt(s), and the icons often have different meanings with different classes - so do read the descriptions.
Once you have found your interrupt, make sure it's on your ability bar. How? Unlock your ability bar with the small padlock on the left. Put your cursor over the skill you want (you can only do this with abilities that are NOT marked as "passive"). Put the skill on the ability bar. Lock it by clicking the padlock again. 
I tend to keep my interrupts and stun breakers on the far right side of the bar so I always know where they are immediately. 
4. Learn what your stun breakers/cleanses are. 
Every character also has at least one 'stun breaker.' This is an ability that will break a hold that an enemy NPC has on you or cleanse a negative effect they've given you. you want to know what this is and have it on your abilities bar ready to go. 
How do you find your stun breaker (s)? See above. 
5. Learn what your stuns are. 
As the name would suggest, these are skills that momentarily stun or incapacitate an enemy so they stop fighting you. If you're having trouble in a fight, stunning them for a second can help you take a breather. 
Find them and put them on your ability bar by following the instructions above. 
6. Know if your character has heals, and what they are. 
Some advanced classes, notably Marauders, really don't have any good ways to heal themselves in battle. Others, like Sage and Mercenaries, have a lot of heals for themselves and others. Find them. Add them to your abilities bar. 
For the characters that have a lot of heals, like Sorcerers, Scoundrels and Operatives, I find that it helps to keep them all in one place - in my case, on the left hand abilities side bar. 
7. Use your Heroic Moment. 
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Heroic Moment is a special set of abilities you can call upon. You can get eight of them in total. They are awarded when you finish each class story for the first time. They include an orbital strike, a kick, Force lightning, and more. You will also be slowly healed for the entire two minutes the Heroic Moment is active. The abilities will appear in a special bar above your regular abilities bar - use them as you will. 
If you're having trouble in a fight or fighting a boss, do not feel shy about calling on your Heroic Moment. You can only use it once every five minutes. If you have a boss fight coming up, don't feel bad about hanging back for a moment to let it cool down. 
8. Repair your gear whenever you can. 
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Your weapons and other gear get damaged as you fight. As it wears down, it's less effective at both offense and defense, and your fights will become more difficult and longer. Repair it whenever you can. You will know if you need to repair your gear if the "repair all" button is lit up when you are interacting with a vendor. Invest in the Legacy repair perks, which allow you to summon a field repair droid. Buy the Legacy perk which places a repair droid on your ship. As you are out and about, remember just about any vendor can repair your gear, not just the ones marked as medical droids.
8. Make friends with at least one companion. 
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Your companions can be set to heal, tank or go on the offense (damage). The higher your influence is, the more effective they will be at any role. IMHO it's really worth it to work on getting at least one favored companion to influence level 50. Or as high as you can. 
You can raise your companions' influence by giving them gifts they like, getting approval (or even disapproval) from them in conversations and cut scene choices, and sending them on crew skills missions. There are two Legacy perks - Legacy of Altruism and Legacy of Persuasion - that will raise the amount of influence you get from conversations and gifts. IMHO they are worth buying. 
8. a. Use Presence stims
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Let's say you have a required companion for some content - something that annoyingly happens more and more. Let's say your influence with that companion is low. Buy a Command/Presence stim from the nearest medical droid. They're usually pink. These stims raise your presence level so your companion(s) will temporarily be more effective. 
9. Get some datacrons
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Datacrons are little magical cubes that you can find here and there on SWTOR's many planets, moons, and even the Fleets. Each datacron will permanently bump up your Mastery, Endurance or Presence stats slightly for all your characters and give you some XP and a lore entry, and those things are always helpful.
If you've read the guides for the datacrons you might be intimidated. It's true that some of them are so hard to get that you may spend hours trying. When I started playing SWTOR I didn't even try to get the datacrons because I was intimidated.
However, some of them are so easy to get that you literally just walk up to them. No jumping, no grouping up, no fancy tricks. Thus even if you do not have the desire to go on an ambitious datacron hunt, do try to get the ones that you can stroll over to or access easily.
10. Change your camera angle. 
If you look at videos of SWTOR gameplay you will notice that people play from a variety of angles. Some are close to their characters, some are not. Different fights and area of the game may call for different angles. Play around and figure out what works best for you. Sometimes the right camera angle can help you see something that's making a fight tough and show you how to resolve it. 
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vespertine-legacy · 4 years
As a former sentinel main, sentinels draw mob aggro way too easily and don't have enough hp or dmg mitigation to actually survive a mob of adds for more than .05 seconds. If I accidentally use my aoe on a mob that the tank hasn't locked down yet, I'm doomed.
This is one of those instances where I understand all of the individual words, but when they’re put all together like this, I just have to nod and smile. I play sentinel to hit stuff with two laser swords. But also, to be fair, I don’t think I’ve ever done any group content on my sentinel. I just do the solo stuff with her, and occasionally cry when Kira decides that it’s funnier to aggro every single enemy on the entire surface of Balmorra at once and then just watch her die than it is to help her.
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ainyan · 1 year
Original Tagged Post
I was asked what class my OCs would be if they were in SW:TOR instead of FFXIV. An interesting question, let's see...
Kal'istae would definitely be a Jedi Consular, and while she would start out a Sage, there's definitely hints she would be a baby Shadow under Theron/Thancred's tutelage once the galaxy/world has been saved and she can finally pursue her true dream of being a student.
Ainyan would absolutely be a Scoundrel, using fists and scattergun in equal measure as she wades right into the thick of things. Her cocky grin and quick temper would be right at home among the crew of the XS Stock Light Freighter, and I'm sure she'd charm the pants off of Theron/G'raha with noooo problem.
Kyszarin, my brooding bunny boi, would be much more at home on the Imperial side as an Imperial Agent, operative-flavored with hints of sniper as he hides among the shadows and watches everything with a detached air, waiting for that perfect shot. Raine definitely has Raina Temple vibes; the similarity in names and personalities isn't intentional, but makes me laugh all the same.
Szah'li's underlying anger and ever-present distrust would be a perfect fit for the Sith Warrior's angst, and his intention to be both the shield to prevent such tragedy from striking him again while being the sword that will deal retribution on those who would hurt what's his makes him a Juggernaut. Who will be his Lana Beniko? I know who I'm leaning towards, but he's not far enough along in his story to say for certain.
Ciprys is very much a Sith Inquisitor; oh, she's not insane, certainly not like my Kale'syn, but she's most definitely got a wide, deep streak of seething emotion that prevents her from being the Jedi equivalent. Cirdan is her Andronikos, without, again, that crazy bent; he's her wily pirate who wants nothing more than to give her everything she wants and help raise her apprentices (and/or children) to great and terrible heights.
@actualanxiousswampwitch, this was an awesome exercise! It was fun to really dive into my characters' personalities and think about how they would fit the SWTOR archetypes.
I'm definitely tagging @eorzeashan in this - I'd like to see your thoughts. And @thelealinhypehouse, I know you have played XIV, though I haven't seen you talk it up much. But if you've thoughts, I'd love to hear them! :D
Hmm. Now I kind of am curious as to what flavor of Warrior of Light my SWTOR characters would be... >.>
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tishinada · 3 years
Hey this is Rain - Tumblr unceremoniously terminated both my main blog and Rain Plays SWTOR with no warning or explanation. I am trying to find out why because neither blog violated Tumblr rules. But I'm not sure how to get back in touch with anyone now. Just wanted to let a mutual know in case anyone notices I'm gone. :(
omg, I'm so sorry! I'll make sure people know and I hope you get it sorted out quickly!
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swtorpadawan · 2 years
Why I Can’t Play A Dark-Side Jedi In SWTOR
Let me start off by saying I totally respect the right of any player to play their SWTOR character however they like.
You want to declare Skadge your favorite companion? Knock yourself out. You want to kill [X] ? That is your choice.
Having said all that… there’s a reason I can’t play a Dark-Sided Jedi. Either Knight or Consular.
I can play a dark-sided Smuggler. I can play a … mostly neutral-ish Trooper. I can play a light-Sith Warriors, Sith Inquisitors, Imperial Agents and Bounty Hunters… and I’ve enjoyed most of all that.
But I simply can’t do that kind of ‘switch’ with the Jedi OCs.
“Is it because you’re a Jedi Apologist Fanboy, SWTORpadawan???”
… No. 😠
Its because of their companions, and what their companions need from them.
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Felix Iresso is dealing with legitimate psychological and professional trauma. His brief time as an Imperial prisoner and his memory loss have ruined his career. Is it technically possible to be kind and appreciative of him as a dark side Consular? Yes. Is it realistic? Probably not. A DS JC should be drooling to make use of the Holocron in Felix’s head.
Felix deserves better than that.
Kira Carsen has had a rough life. She was a child on Korriban, and that was rough. The Sith Emperor extended his consciousness into her mind, and that was rough. She fled the planet – something only two acolytes on record have accomplished – and that was rough. Then she spent her teenage years growing up on Nar Shaddaa, where she was constantly surrounded by criminals. That was really rough.
Bela Kiwiiks has been good for her. Kira says as much and shows it in her actions as well. But Kiwiiks is also fairly orthodox, and someone like Kira can find that suffocating. Nevertheless, for most of the game, her moral code is pretty damn close to ideal.
Kira will pick up pretty quick on a dark-side Jedi Knight. She’s not afraid to call them out, even if the DS JK isn’t inherently unkind to her.
She doesn’t deserve to deal with a dark-side Knight who will compromise her own ethics.
At the time Nadia Grell becomes an actual companion, she is reeling from the death of her father.
That state of mind – in a Padawan – requires an abundance of compassion and patience.
Most Dark-Siders are not known for those qualities.
Nadia needs better.
T7-O1 is best boy. He is the most precious little paragon in the game. Don’t rain on him.
That’s why I can’t quite bring myself to play a Dark-Side Jedi in SWTOR.
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