#Rainbow scratch paper Flowey!!!!!
the-daily-flowey · 6 months
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Day 37 of Flowey
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a-snow-decahedron · 3 years
alphys and flowey, with 22!
I'm so sorry for taking so long. Here we go. 22: books (from this prompt list)
This is for Alphys week! -> Day 6: Flowers
(who said it had to be several flowers?)
Crumpled Paper
Words: 1300
Read on AO3:
The first time he met the royal scientist, it had been during a visit she made to the castle, a day after he had emerged in his fath- Asgore's garden, crying out for help for the first time. She carried a bag, which she dropped the moment the king informed her of his finding. She examined him, checking on his magic levels, and as she worked, her face could barely hide her worries. Through stuttering words Dr. Alphys gave her report: she said he had no SOUL, but besides the fact, he seemed fine. She came by every few days to check his stats, apologizing profusely every time. What for? She couldn't explain herself without stumbling on her words, but he got something about an experiment. But it would be fine, she assured him!
He wasn't fine, he couldn't feel, no matter how much he tried. He was not the same and it wasn't worth it to keep trying.
But then he discovered the real power behind determination. Curiosity led him to various places, and soon he found himself outside of the scientist's laboratory. She hid something, and he was determined to find out.
* * *
Alphys was startled by the sudden voice. She was back from a trip to the dump, holding a bag full of cans and metallic wastes. At this time of the day, she didn't expect to find anyone outside the lab.
A flower stood by the door, giving her a toothy smile.
"Howdy, doctor! Have we met before?" The flower snickered and winked, as if there was an inside joke she didn't get.
She recognized the kind of flower on sight, after all, she had worked with them during the last weeks. But just like her other experiments, it seemed determination didn't have the expected effects. She rememebered taking the vessels back to the garden and...
Oh no.
Not THIS too.
She tried forming a sentence. But what could she say? She felt herself start sweating, her breathing getting faster. She swallowed and managed to say "We do not know each o- but you said that we do..." She decided to set for a question. "Do you want to... come in?"
The flower's expression was blank for a moment as if considering his options, then he smiled. "Sure! Get me inside!" Alphys sighed in relief. This shouldn't be difficult, right? They could just... take their time to talk.
After some arrangements, she managed to fit the flower in her bag to carry him and set him in her workbench. His small black eyes examined the room, eagerly looking for something. What it was, Alphys couldn't tell.
She was filled with questions of her own. Dozens of theories were running in her head, but she feared the flower wouldnt be able to answer them. She watched him as he tried to pick up one of the books resting on her desk. They were too heavy to lift.
"Do you... want my help?" She held the book for him, which had a winged hero on the cover. She opened it on a random page, so they could both look at the drawings.
"What does it say?" He pointed at one of the speech bubbles.
"What?" Alphys was distracted looking at the pose one of the main characters, a human with human ears, was making.
"On the book. The handwriting's weird."
"Oh that... I'm not sure. It seems it's a human language, but it's not like the one we speak. I think it's called Japanese. It comes from the land where they make cool things like anime and..." She started going through the list of every little fact she learnt about the land through her TV shows, but the flower interrupted her.
"Why do you have a book you can't read?"
"It's called manga." She was quick to correct. "I'm learning how to read and write! I've been looking for books in the dump that can teach you how."
"Is that what you do as a sicentist?" He raised an eyebrow, which was as white as the rest of his face.
"N-no, but it's something... I do sometimes, when I have the time."
"Cool! Can you teach me?"
"To read Japanese?"
"No, I'll pass, it sounds complicated. My sibling would have liked it. They are such a nerd, always saying weird words."
Would that mean...? Oh no, one animated flower is a thing but more? Alphys would be screwed.
The flower opened his eyes wide at his words and he stuck his tongue out in thoguht, as if he was solving a mental puzzle. Alphys waited, was it the right move to ask questions? Would it scare the flower?
"Ah, my tongue slipped. I guess I'll have to tell you. But later, OK?" A part of Alphys wanted to turn to dust right there, a different part wanted to spit out every question that crossed her mind, but the saner part of her decided it was best to play along. Anything to make this less awkward.
The flower found a solution sooner than her. "Why don't you... teach me how to write? I don't know if I can." He looked down at his vines.
"Yeah, sure. let me grab some paper and pencils." Alphys felt the tension dissipate as they changed topics.
"Do you have color pencils too?"
"Uhm, we'll see what I can get."
Alphys found a box of pencils next to her computer, on top of a pile of paper detailing her blueprint ideas, a few scratched projects and a personal story she was working on. Her handwriting made her the least suitable for the job, but the flower was content with her lessons. They chatted about mundane topics, forgetting their situation for a moment. He was reluctant to tell her his name, and never mentioned the "sibling" again, but both of them seemed at ease.
"Do you wanna... stay here tonight? Or do you need to go to the garden?" He considered his options, then shook his head. Alphys leaned to look at the paper, it seemed her friend grew tired of writing and made a drawing. "What's that?"
"It's me! Well, not me me, but my cooler form!" It showed a winged godlike creature, shooting stars out of his hands. He was surrounded by a rainbow cloud.
"Oh! You drew inspiration from the manga I showed you?"
"Maybe? But this is way better!" He was grinning, proud of his successful creation. It took him some time to get used to grabbing pencils with his vines. Even though he couldn't make small things, his grasp was good enough to make a rough sketch.
"I like it! Give it a name!"
"What would they name it... " He whispered, barely audible. "Ah! I know what."
He took a black marker, and with a strange kind of handwriting and in all uppercase he wrote:
For the rest of the timeline, the drawing was put on the fridge with a magnet. He didn't get much information about the scientist that night, and saw less of her with every passing day
When he found out why, he reset. Many timelines went by. The ghost of the drawing was forgotten, but his ability to grab things stayed.
* * *
Alphys walked into the lab, putting on her labcoat over her dress. Her day was eventful, and her confession marked the start of a new time. She was feeling... better? Sure, her confidence had a long way to go, but she could handle it one thing at a time. Her smile dropped when she found a crumpled piece of paper, with a message scribbled with a black marker. It was a strange kind of handwriting, in all uppercase.
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ask-sans · 7 years
what are your muse’s aesthetics ?
bold any which apply to your muse ! please repost, don’t reblog.
tagged  by : @snapsback tagging  : @pickyourbones @dijudicate @ask-doggo-things @theseraph @flapsinhands @lastinggaster @last-chance-flowey
red //  orange  // yellow //  green  // blue  //  purple //   pink   //  beige  // gray //  fire   //   ice //  water   //   air //   earth   //  claws  //   fangs   //  wings   //  gold  //  brass  //   diamonds   //  grass   // leaves  //   trees  //  tulips  //  roses   //  metal  //  iron   //  rust   //  rain  //  snow   //  lace   //  leather  //  silk  //  rope  //  velvet  //  denim  //cotton  //  sun   //  moon  //  midnight// stars  //  blood   //  dirt  //   mud  // silver //  steel  //  sugar   //  salt //  pepper  //   lavender   //  glass  //   wood   //  paper   //  wool  //  fur  //  smoke   //  ash   //   cigarettes  //  cigars   //  candy   //   bubbles   //  ocean   //  city-scape  //  bruises  //  scars  //  tattoos  //  wind //  spices  //  light  // dark   //  paint //  lingerie   //  charcoal  //  wine //  phone  // hard liquor   //  sweat  //  tears  //   dust  //  lips  //  smiles  // bare feet   //   hats   //   canine  //  feline   //  coffee  //   tea   //  books  //  photos   //  sketches   // analog  //  digital   //  clockwork  //  scratches  //  petals  // chocolate   //  thorns  //   hay   //  glitter  //  heat  // cold  //   steam   //  frost   //  dewdrops  //  candle  //  sword   //  dagger  //  arrow //  staff  //  hammer   //  axe   //  shield  //  spikes   //   sand   //  rocks  //  roots   //  feathers   //  pearls  //  rubies //  sapphires   //  emeralds   //  amethyst   //  herbs  //   waves  //  lightning   // sunlight //  moonlight // dawn  // rainbow   //   money   //   clay   // stone   //   brick   //  lions   //  wolves //  eagles  //  black   // white  //  birds   //  eyes  //  hands  //   flowers   // angels //  heaven  //  holiness  // hell //  violin  // medicine  // needles  //  sharp objects  //  guns //  mechs  //  dragons  //  pastels  //  dreams //  poetry  //  video games  //  hacking  //  neon  //  distorted images  // spiders  //  insects  //  deep water // elysium  //  graveyards //  death  // resurrection  //  nature  // churches  //  priests  //  crosses  //  sacrifice   //  skulls //  nymphs  //  strings  //  instruments   //  ink //  clouds
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