starosis · 9 months
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KOTORA ⚡ Work from last year for a beta Pokemon zine
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fishsplash · 5 months
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Remember this guy?? I still love him and kotora T_T
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thelostdex · 1 year
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Today's Beta Pokemon of the Day brings us Straigar, Tyker's evolution.
This rambunctious tiger hasn't lost any of its energy from its previous evolution, but it's capable of releasing far more electricity!
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d34d-f1sh-1n-r4t-tr4p · 6 months
Beta pokemon: kotora evo line, white tiger pokemon(electric->electric/steel)
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Based on: white tiger(mythology)
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spritzeedaily · 2 years
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Bye bye friend!!!
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marcosvargas97 · 2 years
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[ESP] Hola hola! Hoy les quiero mostrar estos fanarts que hice de Kotora y Raitora, dos pokémon descartados de la primera y segunda generación.
[ENG] Hello there! Today i wanna show ya these fanarts that i made of Kotora and Raitora, two pokémon that were scrapped from gen 1 and 2.
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beta pokémon
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It would have given us one tailed baby vulpix and cute baby meowth and they TOOK IT AWAY FROM US. they probably thought they had plenty of baby pokemon as is, and redesigned some to better fit the pokemon evolution line.
Just Pokémon that were cut or reworked to be completely different. It was amazing when the demo leaked.
tcrf link: https://tcrf.net/Proto:Pok%C3%A9mon_Gold_and_Silver/Spaceworld_1997_Demo/Pok%C3%A9mon
Kotora and Raitora
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A round electric tiger that was so nice, they cut it twice. These two were first discovered in the leaked Spaceworld '97 demo of Gold and Silver, which is a vastly different game than Gold and Silver ended up being, but they also appeared in a leaked roster for the original games alongside a further, unnamed evolution. Reasons for why they were scrapped twice are unknown. Kotora and Raitora are the directly-translated names they had in the Spaceworld demo, while Tyker and Straiger are hypothetical localized names given by former series translator Nob Ogasawara in an interview for Did You Know Gaming.
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I'm mourning some of the old beta pokemon so bad Berunrun and Raitora would have been some of my absolute faves but Cruel and Inhumane Game Freak shot both of them in the back of the head before they could even walk
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Cutting Room Throwdown - Series Prelim - Pokemon
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Propaganda/Additional info below:
Rinrin: Rinrin (And by extent it's evolution Berunrun) were some very cute Pokémon, and had no reason to be cut from the games other than overcrowding the dex. It would be another dark type cat, yes, but who would be mad at that? Rinrin needs justice!
Sugomori-Style recreations done by Rachel Briggs. (https://www.deviantart.com/racieb)
The top 2 will advance to the proper tournament alongside Kotora/Raitora.
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yuri-asuka-hajime · 4 months
[ic intro]
Hii!! My name's Yuri. Uhh- okay hold on i'll be right back my gameboy's trying to commit ace again. [distant music stops] [gameboy startup sound] There we go. Anyway... I... uh... nevermind. NEXT!
Oh uh. I'm Asuka. I'm a MissingNo. By the way, if Yuri didn't tell you, she's a Ghost-MissingNo. I'm the backwards L but I choose to look like a bird because... well, Bird/Normal typing.
[awkward silence] WhywasIjuststandingtherelikethat- Oh hold up. Sorry about that. By the way, I'm Hajime and I'm a Kotora, soon to evolve into... uhh, I think it's called Raitora? And then there was a third one, I think. Or perhaps the evolution data still hasn't been updated... Oh, I'm rambling again. Sorry, I tend to do that.
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Hear me out, this is a far stretched idea. what if we get Johto remakes, but we get the unreleased Spaceworld demo Pokemon to fill the Johto dex.
Make the Johto Pokemon, MORE available in Johto instead of locking them to National Dex.
Increase the wild Pokemon level's in Kanto because mind you, those level gaps were abysmal.
The idea is how many Pokemon in the Johto dex from Johto is available.
So we can maybe have a few pokemon that evolved or had recently gotten a new typing in Gen 2 still be available in Gen 2, the Baby Pokemon who were available in Gen 2 as well So we'd get
Scyther, Onix, Magnemite,, Bellsprout (because of the Tower) Pikachu, Clefairy, Jigglypuff, Zubat, Golbat, Poliwag, Poliwhirl, Slowpoke, Slowbro, Eevee, Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, Magmar, Electabuzz, Jynx, Oddish, Chansey, Porygon, Horsea, Seadra, I'll still leave in Magikarp for the Red Gyarados. and Dragonite (Because Lance and Claire has that line tho one uses Dragonairs but you get the picture.) and the fossils, I'll leave in Gengar line.
So the Dex is around 154 (Celebi is still a Johto mon) and still has some Kanto mon's. but if we split them we'd also get 47 Kanto Pokemon!
now to make sure this Johto dex is still a Johto Dex, is 107 Johto Pokemon now let's rank up that number.
We need the scrapped solo pokemon that was attached to Slowbro, make it a Water/Steel type.
the unreleased "branch" evolution of Weepinbell. it still a Grass/Poison
the Seal with a fireball. I like to see it being a mirror of Seel.
we need Kotora and Raitora they're cute electric types.
Norowara and Kyonpan these two would be fun for Morty being a Ghost type gym leader as he doesn't really use ANY Johto pokemon the first time not even a Misdreavus! also, GIVE HIM A MISDREAVUS!
Urufuman and Waaurufu, they're actually cute looking Yeti? I see a yeti in it, and it's an Ice type, so Pryce would definitely have these.
I also would like to add the unreleased 2 Starters making them become freely available but but! there's a better idea, if you visit Celebi's shrine there should be a Kimono wearing NPC who often visits the Ilex Forest Shrine and they simply challenge you with both of these Pokemon, and then they exclaim that after the battle they give you a choice of the 2 pokemon saying that " They're old Pokemon I've recently found, and I assure you would want to show them the world outside of my home, I'll give you a choice. The Fire Bear (Honooguma) or The Mystery Water Pokemon (Kurusu). " but there will be a reward where if you're a champion and you come back to the shrine, you will find a Pokeball, of the other Pokemon that you didn't choose but the NPC is gone, we won't know where they went.
These can be bred for multiples but this is to show us not only a little nod to the demo, but they're returning.
And if we go this route if we have a Chikorita line, and we visit the shrine with it, we get an event where Chikorita finds a mysterious Pokeball that has a Hanamogura. (the demo version before it was changed to be Bayleef) but it get's a second evolution since it will have around 415 BST, I know it's a little too high, but let me explain the evolution will have 552 BST.
Okay without counting the Kanto Pokedex that's still involved is 124 (even though Weepinbell branched evolution is a maybe but if we dont count it, its 123.)
the Pokedex now has 171 Pokemon in Johto when we add back the Kanto Pokemon.
Unless I miscounted so maybe around 170-174.
there was more Pokemon that were cut I may of skipped over, so back at 124 Johto Pokedex.
So we have a ghost pokemon with a Hitaikakushi this one could represent well enough in Johto
A ball looking rabbit? could be interesting,
the Drill looking Squid,
A literal Squirrel Ninja
the flaming Tanuki
there's a odd looking skeleton Pokemon so I guess we can have it as an "exclusively" rare fossil Johto Pokemon.
a Pokemon that is apparently a Flying Fish but with bird wings and legs.
the Scarecrow pokemon, I would like to say it scares off or taunts Murkrows.
a plant pokemon that's a ball? then it says here to evolve to Ball Sprout, with branched evolutions?
so 136 Johto Pokemon, add that, now we have 183 of a completed Dex, not counting Kanto if we didn't unlock Kanto, with Kanto unlocked
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mlarayoukai · 15 days
Yuzu looks like he’d pass for a good Kotora/Raitora Gijinka
Hate that I immediately knew what kotora is without a second thought, my good friend kotora. Although I'll be extremely honest yuzu was just straight up inspired by raikou so you're not off
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pokemonxhyperfixation · 8 months
So, I wanna add some removed Pokemon from the first couple gens to my Touhou region. I’m hard locking in the famous Gorochu, Crock and Deer (using the English name Diaa). I’ll do a poll or three for the others.
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All are from pokemon fandom wiki
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Download 5/7/23
Link to the blog page that has the download
-If you’re dating Rebecca, Kiana will no longer tease her when you visit the lab while she’s working.
+I actually finished all of the spouse’s shared schedules now. I forgot a part before.
+Finished Rebecca’s and Ollie’s post-marriage schedules.
-I kind of realized two things. So I replaced Pidgey with Fletchling on Route 1 (the first part of Route 1) and Clefairy with Pidgey on Route 3. (The first part of Route 3. The second part still has Clefairy available.) I did this:
1. To make a fire Pokemon that isn’t Honoguma or the small chance of getting a Peticorn (what I called the Ponyta baby Pokemon) before the grass gym.
And 2. To make Pidgey not as easily available after I realized how I made it be the link to an OP Pokemon really early in the game.
You can still get Pidgey pretty early in the cave, but you still have to earn your first badge to get there so I think I’ll leave it.
-I increased the level Joroo needs to evolve into a Kangaskhan from level 28 to level 34. I did this because Kangaskhan is almost a pseudo-legendary. (I also changed the blog page to reflect this.)
-Adjusted some of the Pokemon’s stats, mostly by making them stronger than weaker.
-Updated Riley’s overworld sprites slightly to match his portrait more accurately. I should probably redesign Riley at some point. I don’t have any ideas though.  
I should probably redesign a lot of characters.  
-Worked on changing some shinies that are too similar-looking to their originals again...  While playing Fire Emblem: Engage.
-I finally realigned all of the faces, mouths and eyebrows so they’re in the same position. (Using Alan’s chin for the adults as a base, and Hiroshi’s for the children.)
-Re-revamped Raitora’s front sprite. (As much as I could.)
-Updated the Usaki line’s colors and changed their shiny colors.
+Made on a second wave character. (A character who will only appear in the second big build.) Though they might not show up right away. (I might upload the second wave before working on what I made her for.)
-When you’re trying on a “special outfit” at the mall, your character will walk around in it. I slowed the speed down to it’s slowest so you can actually see it in action.
-Replaced Setsuko’s Rhyhorn with Komuno. (A Pokemon that isn’t available to the player yet.)
-You can now buy a Honoguma, Happa and Kurusu doll from Ceres.
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klam-digguh · 3 years
It's their year. 🐯
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thepariahcontinuum · 3 years
Happy Year of the Tiger.....Lest we forget
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We want the Kotora line back Gamefreak
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