spiceofvy · 2 months
please take your time getting to requests :)<3 as someone who struggles with year round depression and had seasonal depression make it worse this past winter, i completely understand how hard it is to get back to doing things like you used to. take care of yourself, stay hydrated, eat meals 🫶🏻
awww thank you so much! sometimes it's hard for me to believe that it's actually okay to listen to my mental needs and take the time that i need. so hearing from other people that they now that feeling is really reassuring <3
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spiceofvy · 3 months
hey guys!
just a quick check in, to tell you that i'm still around and why there have been so many periods of silence on my blog lately.
first, this is a gentle reminder to read my request guidelines before requesting something!
lately i have been getting a ton requests that don't follow my rules, so i won't answer them. this is especially unfortunate because a lot of these requests are followed by not so nice "reminders" to write their requests. which i wont. i'm very strict with my rules, and each and all of them have very specific reasons why they exist.
if this keeps happening, i will have to close anonymous asks. i know a lot of people feel more comfortable with requesting anonymously but if this is the only way i see to stop people from being assholes in my asks i will do it.
but there is also another reason why lately i have not been able to write as much. which is that my depression has been acting up a bit since winter. i'm not too sure why, but i hope that this will pass too.
so take care, be nice. i promise i'm not gone, i just need a little more time for writing than usual.
thank you for reading this far.
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spiceofvy · 3 months
yo is purple your favorite color?
uhhhh.... i guess?
it's honestly just the color i vibe with the most right now. so i made it my blogs theme ( *・ω・)ノ
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spiceofvy · 6 months
yo I really liked your "to shy to ask for affection" bit especially the "Hyunjin can read your body language like a book" agenda." part.
(okay actually I really like that part. My favourite line out of the whole thing for real🐙)
awwww thank you sosososososososo much!
hyunjin being great with body language, esp. the body language of his s/o is defined a hill i'm gonna die on. he just always seems to be suuuper in tune with the people around him, and while he doesn't show it a lot he seems to be really sensitive towards the small things people (non-verbally) communicate
i'm really happy that other people also see it :,)
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spiceofvy · 10 months
i don't know which group to pick for this one, honestly. But the prompt is "reader is a freaking octopus in bed" not just sexually (reader is such an octopus that they have to be held the fuck down sometimes) but also as a mattress companion ("just once can your stay in your area" stuffing pillows in readers arms to prevent stickiness) and sometimes platonically ("is my thigh your stress ball now?" "is reader ok?" "Actually that's just my backpack")
I like how you write stray kids, the more the merrier, but I don't think I've seen TXT yet and Im left in the dark as to how you'd write bts in this concept.
Heyy! First of all: thank you so much for sending a request!
Though I have to confess that I don't really... get it? Maybe it's because english is not my first language but i've never come across the saying "being an octopus in bed" before (and google really wasn't helpful on this one)
Do you mean that the reader is really clingy? Or that they never stop moving?
Please feel free to send in another ask, just so I can be 100% sure that I understood you correctly :,)
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spiceofvy · 1 year
okay so this is something I'm dying to ask you, (also your writing is pretty good and I liked it but besides the point) Im a person that still wrestles with my Asexual side, trying to figure out just what that means for me. Made a lot of progress. Tho I'm currently going through like...a wet spell? My brain's being vaguely confusing rn. But I guess my question, is why write porn of these dudes? Is it a way for your brain to play, like me? Or something else. Genuinely curious to know.
Thanks for the question! Sadly, I do not have a solid answer for it.
First of all: don't stress yourself about figuring out your ace-ness. It took me almost 5 years to fully understand it, and some days I still struggle. Honestly, comp-het was nothing for me compared to understanding my experience as an asexual person.
Now to answer your actual question, I write smut because I read smut, in fanfiction spaces at least. It's pretty much the only kind of fanfiction I consume, so it's what I write. I very rarely also read comfort fics or fluff, so I sometimes feel like writing those too.
I do not feel any kind of sexual feelings about the content I write or read. I also don't imagine myself when reading or writing "x Reader" fanfics.
I started reading smut when I was way too young (I think 11 y/o or something) because it was something interesting and "forbidden" for me. Also, I loved how the writers described the emotions and rising tension. It was something I (obviously) had no experience with. As I got older and figured out that I don't feel attraction like my peers do, I thought I could learn how to do so from smut. I couldn't, but instead, I realized that I really only like the idea of sex. Whenever I tried to do it in real life, I was pretty unhappy with the outcome. So I stuck with the fictional world.
So yeah, when we look at it like that, I write smut because it's a way for my brain to think sex through without actually having to deal with the act in real life.
tldr: I write smut because I read smut and I read smut because sex interests me, but only in theory.
So that's my take on smut. I hope I could give you a bit of insight, into another ace's brain. If you have any other questions or just feel like talking about the topic my asks and dm's are always open!
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spiceofvy · 2 months
depression super sucks. I hope that you'll be free of it. I've been there for a while, so it's amazing that you still keep going and we're all proud of you for it🫰
thank you so much for your kind words! it feels so good to know, that there are people out there that support me, even if i'm not at my best <3
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spiceofvy · 5 months
Hi do you write for male reader?
yes! i try to make my writing as inclusive as possible, so often write for a gender-neutral reader. but i also posted something aimed for a specifically male reader not so long ago :)
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spiceofvy · 10 months
thank you so much for the nonvocal headcanons! I honestly thought it was brushed aside and also forgot about it so it was a treat to read your work this morning. I really mean it when I said that no one seems to explore that concept and I think you did a great job. Looking forward to your other work👍
Thank you soo much! I'm really happy that you enjoyed it!
Yeah, I really struggled lately to find time to write, my new job is suuper busy, especially now during christmas season ;(
I actually thought that this concept was pretty interesting to write, but tbh it's nothing that I ever put much thought into, so I'm especially happy that I captured it well!
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