#Ramesh Chaurasia latest news
rameshchaurasia · 1 year
Explore insightful and informative content on Ramesh Chaurasia blog
Explore insightful perspectives and engaging content on Ramesh Chaurasia blog. Stay informed and inspired with his latest posts. Dive into the world of knowledge.
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rameshchaurasiain · 2 years
Reducing rural poverty by opening new doors to employment
More than 70% of India’s poor live in villages or rural areas. This means that almost three-quarters of the Indian population relies on rural income and the rural economy. The Government of India launched the National Rural Livelihoods Mission in 2011. It is a project aimed at alleviating poverty by promoting self-employment among the rural poor population of India.
This project was renamed as Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana – National Rural Livelihoods Mission in 2016. Under this project, SHG (Self-help groups) are created in which there are 12-25 people in each group who come together to help each other internally in times when they need support. So far, more than 76 lakh self-help groups have been created under this project all across India. This project has many sub schemes like Ajeevika Grameen Express Yojana (AGEY) which was launched in 2016-17.
Rural Poverty
Rural poverty is one of the biggest reasons why people from the farming sector are leaving villages and moving to the cities. This is negatively affecting rural populations and the lives of people living in rural areas. The only way to combat this is by providing more opportunities to people living in villages so that they don’t have to leave traditional professions.
Mr. Ramesh Chaurasia, the president of the Akhil Bharatiya Adarsh Chaurasia Mahasabha is devoted to this cause. It is his vision to uplift all vulnerable sections of society out of the vicious clutches of poverty. The organization has also launched an online portal and an E-Library to ensure that endless resources are available to anyone who is willing to learn and improve their skills.
According to Mr. Ramesh Lakhulal Chaurasia, the most practical way to do this is by maximizing the use of technology to provide digital education to all children and adults so that they can get the exposure and the knowledge required to improve their skills and chances of employment.
Working on solutions
We talked to Mr. Ramesh Chaurasia about the efforts of their organization. He said, “Our team has been working for some time to eliminate rural poverty. Our goal is to uplift all vulnerable sections of the community including women and children. We try to spread awareness about the latest available means of employment. We also train people in vocational skills and organize skill development camps where everyone is allowed to come and learn new skills which can help them get employment. We want to ensure that manual labour is not the only option left with people.”
He added, “Our initiatives include promoting digital education and adult education so that a large number of people from rural populations can complete their education and also gain digital literacy. Raising agricultural productivity per unit of land. This is done by introducing latest farming methods and technology through seminars and workshops. One such example is multi-layer farming, which we have suggested to betel farmers from the Chaurasia community. So far it has shown great results.”
An example of change
Multi Layered farming is one such method of farming which increases the agricultural productivity of the land since multiple crops are planted on the same piece of land. This is a practice where different yet compatible crops of different heights are grown on the same piece of land. Through this method, farmers can multiply their revenue by growing high value crops or cash crops along with any crop they want. This method of farming also reduces water consumption and preserves the fertility of soil.
We also talked to a senior volunteer at the Mahasabha. He said, “A few good strategies put together can help alleviate several problems faced by rural populations. A lot of things can be done to ensure that people from rural areas are able to achieve their full potential. The government is already working on this through the National Rural Livelihood Mission.
However, progress can be unbelievable if our country is able to harness the power of the community. If all members of a community come together, unimaginable change is possible in a short span of time. There is nothing more powerful than human will to grow and prosper. We just need to provide resources and guidance to eligible people and their hard work will speak for itself. The Chaurasia community is a shining example of community work. They are working to educate each section of their community, including women. They have modernized their farming and are using technology to progress further.”
The team of the Akhil Bharatiya Adarsh Chaurasia Mahasabha works under philanthropic leaders like Mr. Ramesh Lakhulal Chaurasia. They work on alleviating poverty in rural areas mainly by promoting education for all and providing avenues for better employment. The team also works to promote cottage industries and motivates members of rural communities to start small scale businesses.
https://ifttt.com/images/no_image_card.png https://www.rameshchaurasia.in/post/reducing-rural-poverty-by-opening-new-doors-to-employment-1
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rameshchaurasia · 1 year
Stay in the know with real-time updates from Today Ramesh Chaurasia News!
Stay updated with the latest news from India, participate in discussions, and express your opinions on important social, and environmental developments exclusively through Today Ramesh Chaurasia News.
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rameshchaurasia · 1 year
Social Media is Increasing Isolation and Decreasing Real-Life Connections for Young People
In the digital age, where smartphones and social media platforms dominate our lives, it's no surprise that young people are increasingly finding themselves drawn into virtual worlds. While social media offers a plethora of benefits, such as connecting with friends and staying updated on current events, there's a growing concern that its pervasive influence is leading to increased isolation and a decline in real-life connections among young individuals. Let’s perform a careful examination in this Ramesh Chaurasia latest news, as it has far-reaching implications for the well-being and social development of the youth.
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The Allure of Online Connectivity
Social media platforms have revolutionized the way we communicate and share our lives. They offer an unprecedented level of connectivity, enabling young people to interact with peers from around the globe, exchange ideas, and showcase their lives through photos, videos, and posts. However, this very convenience can inadvertently lead to a sense of isolation. The convenience of digital communication often replaces face-to-face interactions, diminishing the richness of physical connections.
Shallow Interactions vs. Meaningful Relationships
One of the criticisms of social media is its propensity to foster shallow interactions. Likes, comments, and emojis can never replace the depth of a genuine conversation or the warmth of a hug. While platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok offer a sense of belonging, they often cultivate a culture of comparison and competition. Young people may find themselves constantly comparing their lives to carefully curated online personas, leading to feelings of inadequacy and isolation.
Moreover, the dopamine-driven nature of social media can create an addiction-like cycle, where young individuals are driven to seek validation through virtual engagement. This detracts from real-life experiences, making it difficult to form and maintain deep, meaningful relationships that require time, effort, and emotional investment.
Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) and Its Impact
The fear of missing out (FOMO) is a psychological phenomenon that has been exacerbated by social media. Seeing friends, acquaintances, or influencers engaging in exciting activities can trigger feelings of isolation and loneliness among young people who feel excluded. This constant exposure to the highlights of others' lives can lead to a distorted perception of reality, where the grass always seems greener on the other side. In turn, this can discourage young individuals from participating in real-life social activities, further perpetuating the cycle of isolation.
The Paradox of Online Socialization
Ironically, the more time young people spend on social media, the less time they may allocate for face-to-face interactions. The convenience of online communication might diminish the motivation to meet up with friends or engage in group activities. Over time, this can erode their ability to navigate real-world social situations, leaving them feeling isolated and ill-equipped to build genuine connections outside of the virtual realm.
Mitigating the Impact
Recognizing the role of social media in increasing isolation and decreasing real-life connections is the first step toward finding solutions. Here are some strategies to help young people strike a balance:
Digital Detox: Encouraging periodic breaks from social media can help young individuals reconnect with the physical world and prioritize real-life interactions.
Mindful Consumption: Developing critical thinking skills to evaluate the content they consume online can reduce the negative impact of social media on self-esteem and overall well-being.
Promoting Offline Activities: Schools, parents, and communities can play a role in promoting offline activities such as sports, clubs, and community service to facilitate real-life connections.
Education and Awareness: Teaching young people about the potential downsides of excessive social media use can empower them to make informed decisions about their online presence.
Fostering Communication Skills: Emphasizing the importance of face-to-face conversations and providing opportunities to practice interpersonal skills can help bridge the gap between online and offline interactions.
This Ramesh Chaurasia latest news helped us in concluding that while social media undoubtedly offers immense benefits, it's essential to recognize its potential downsides, particularly its role in increasing isolation and decreasing real-life connections among young people. Striking a balance between virtual and real-world interactions is key to maintaining healthy social lives. 
By understanding the pitfalls of excessive digital engagement and implementing strategies to mitigate its negative effects, we can empower young individuals to build meaningful connections both online and offline. After all, genuine human connections are the foundation of a fulfilling and well-rounded life.
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rameshchaurasia · 2 years
Time To Make a Difference with Latest News Ramesh Chaurasia!
The latest news about Ramesh Chaurasia is all about achieving charity and environmental goals. Why not try to make a difference with his inspiring words today!
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rameshchaurasia · 1 year
Stay in the know with real-time updates from Today Ramesh Chaurasia News!
Stay updated with the latest news from India, participate in discussions, and express your opinions on important social, and environmental developments in Today Ramesh Chaurasia News.
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rameshchaurasia · 1 year
Stay in the know with real-time updates from Today Ramesh Chaurasia News!
Stay updated with the latest news from India, participate in discussions, and express your opinions on important social, and environmental developments in Today Ramesh Chaurasia News
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rameshchaurasia · 1 year
Stay in the know with real-time updates from Today Ramesh Chaurasia News!
Stay updated with the latest news from India, participate in discussions, and express your opinions on important social, and environmental developments in Today Ramesh Chaurasia News.
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rameshchaurasia · 1 year
Get Ready For some of the latest Ramesh chaurasia Blog.
Info on environment, Green practices and it's related concepts are the major part of all the news today. Why not know all about it in our Ramesh Chaurasia Blog!
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rameshchaurasiain · 2 years
Reducing rural poverty by opening new doors to employment
More than 70% of India’s poor live in villages or rural areas. This means that almost three-quarters of the Indian population relies on rural income and the rural economy. The Government of India launched the National Rural Livelihoods Mission in 2011. It is a project aimed at alleviating poverty by promoting self-employment among the rural poor population of India.
This project was renamed as Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana – National Rural Livelihoods Mission in 2016. Under this project, SHG (Self-help groups) are created in which there are 12-25 people in each group who come together to help each other internally in times when they need support. So far, more than 76 lakh self-help groups have been created under this project all across India. This project has many sub schemes like Ajeevika Grameen Express Yojana (AGEY) which was launched in 2016-17.
Rural Poverty
Rural poverty is one of the biggest reasons why people from the farming sector are leaving villages and moving to the cities. This is negatively affecting rural populations and the lives of people living in rural areas. The only way to combat this is by providing more opportunities to people living in villages so that they don’t have to leave traditional professions.
Mr. Ramesh Chaurasia, the president of the Akhil Bharatiya Adarsh Chaurasia Mahasabha is devoted to this cause. It is his vision to uplift all vulnerable sections of society out of the vicious clutches of poverty. The organization has also launched an online portal and an E-Library to ensure that endless resources are available to anyone who is willing to learn and improve their skills.
According to Mr. Ramesh Lakhulal Chaurasia, the most practical way to do this is by maximizing the use of technology to provide digital education to all children and adults so that they can get the exposure and the knowledge required to improve their skills and chances of employment.
Working on solutions
We talked to Mr. Ramesh Chaurasia about the efforts of their organization. He said, “Our team has been working for some time to eliminate rural poverty. Our goal is to uplift all vulnerable sections of the community including women and children. We try to spread awareness about the latest available means of employment. We also train people in vocational skills and organize skill development camps where everyone is allowed to come and learn new skills which can help them get employment. We want to ensure that manual labour is not the only option left with people.”
He added, “Our initiatives include promoting digital education and adult education so that a large number of people from rural populations can complete their education and also gain digital literacy. Raising agricultural productivity per unit of land. This is done by introducing latest farming methods and technology through seminars and workshops. One such example is multi-layer farming, which we have suggested to betel farmers from the Chaurasia community. So far it has shown great results.”
An example of change
Multi Layered farming is one such method of farming which increases the agricultural productivity of the land since multiple crops are planted on the same piece of land. This is a practice where different yet compatible crops of different heights are grown on the same piece of land. Through this method, farmers can multiply their revenue by growing high value crops or cash crops along with any crop they want. This method of farming also reduces water consumption and preserves the fertility of soil.
We also talked to a senior volunteer at the Mahasabha. He said, “A few good strategies put together can help alleviate several problems faced by rural populations. A lot of things can be done to ensure that people from rural areas are able to achieve their full potential. The government is already working on this through the National Rural Livelihood Mission. However, progress can be unbelievable if our country is able to harness the power of the community. If all members of a community come together, unimaginable change is possible in a short span of time. There is nothing more powerful than human will to grow and prosper. We just need to provide resources and guidance to eligible people and their hard work will speak for itself. The Chaurasia community is a shining example of community work. They are working to educate each section of their community, including women. They have modernized their farming and are using technology to progress further.”
The team of the Akhil Bharatiya Adarsh Chaurasia Mahasabha works under philanthropic leaders like Mr. Ramesh Lakhulal Chaurasia. They work on alleviating poverty in rural areas mainly by promoting education for all and providing avenues for better employment. The team also works to promote cottage industries and motivates members of rural communities to start small scale businesses.
https://ifttt.com/images/no_image_card.png https://www.rameshchaurasia.in/post/reducing-rural-poverty-by-opening-new-doors-to-employment
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rameshchaurasiain · 2 years
Ramesh Chaurasia: Illuminating new paths for the Chaurasia community
The Akhil Bharatiya Adarsh Chaurasia Mahasabha has been actively involved in spreading awareness among the Chaurasia-Tamboli community and that too with great success. It is known that the Chaurasia community has been traditionally engaged in the farming and trade of betel leaves. Thus, a large part of the community is of farmers and traders. The organization aims at uplifting members of this community and help them keep up with the rest of the society which is moving towards modernization.
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Mr Ramesh Chaurasia, the president of the organization, said “The Chaurasia community is a large tight-knit community. The members of this community have been known to work extremely hard and survive against all odds. We are like a huge family and I am fortunate to be a part of it. Our organization leaves no stone unturned when it comes to helping the members of our community whether it is in getting exposure, awareness, education, healthcare, guidance on business, guidance with jobs, financial help or anything else. We believe that everything plays a role in building up a society and it all begins at the community level.”
He then added “I don’t think that a person can imagine doing something which he does not know of. You need to know the system to improve it or benefit from it. The organization aims to lightespecially the path for the women of the community, the youth, the children and also the farmers. All of them are an integral part of the community and we aim to provide the supervision in any way possible. A lot of initiatives are already running and we are planning new ones too.”
The Mahasabha has launched several initiatives for different members of the community based on their needs.
Children The children of the community are given guidance with their school education. They are provided access to E-Learning resources and E-Books. Stationery is distributed to them at the beginning of each academic year. Career counselling is provided to children who are going to complete their school education. Education is one of the central areas of focus for the organization.
Women The women of the community are specially guided by the women’s wing of the organization called the Akhil Bharatiya Adarsh Chaurasia Mahila Mahasabha. Women of the community are given guidance on employment opportunities. Skill development camps are planned for them so that they can learn new things and find better jobs. They are also guided on how to start cottage industries and employ other women from the community. Healthcare guidance is given to women so that they can take care of their health and that of their families. Nutritional awareness is provided to women so that they can provide a healthy diet for themselves, the children and the whole family. The leaders of the organization consider women to be the strongest and the central part of any society and aim towards elevating them.
Farmers As the community consists largely of farmers, the organization aims at providing all possible help to the farmers of the Chaurasia community. Experts from the field of agriculture sciences are invited to give lectures about the latest innovations in the farming of betel leaves and other cash crops. Latest techniques like multi-layered farming are discussed and farmers are told about various schemes offered by the government for their welfare. This has helped a lot of farmers in increasing their income and also attracted youngsters towards betel farming and trade.
Vision and current efforts “We do the right research; we gather the correct data and our team works hard to develop systems that work. We have been trying to create awareness among our community so that they can also dream big. Without imagination and exposure, we as humans, cannot have ambitious goals. I can see that the youth of our community is hungry for growth and progress. We are going to provide them with the guidance and the right platforms. Apart from this, we are also focusing on the most helpless sections of society because they are the ones who are most often ignored. Whether it is women’s mental health or the health of the elderly, we are doing everything possible on multiple ends.” – Mr Ramesh Chaurasia expressed his thoughts about the work that they are doing. It is through the collective efforts of the community leaders and community members that the people of the Chaurasia-Tamboli samaj are now looking at a hopeful and bright future, full of promises.
https://static.wixstatic.com/media/af3946_4350035f69674e4aae6cc6f5eac11092~mv2.jpeg/v1/fit/w_300,h_300,al_c,q_80/file.png https://www.rameshchaurasia.in/post/ramesh-chaurasia-illuminating-new-paths-for-the-chaurasia-community
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rameshchaurasiain · 2 years
Ramesh Chaurasia: Self Employment as The Future for Chaurasia Community
The Akhil Bharatiya Adarsh Chaurasia Mahasabha, led by Mr Ramesh Chaurasia, is selflessly helping members of the Chaurasia-Tamboli community in moving towards self-employment. Covid has changed how the world works and employment also falls under the category of things that have changed.
“Employment is one of the primary issues that people from marginalized sections of society face. To be employed means to be able to feed your family and provide for them. Unfortunately, due to the rapidly modernizing world and changing trends, many people are unable to find suitable employment. We are trying to build an environment where more people can believe in themselves and think about getting self-employed. We are trying to set up more awareness and skill development camps so that more people from the community can be trained in skills that might help them in setting up their small businesses. We have been conditioned to think that employment means having a job and working under someone. Business is the force behind nation-building and we are trying to bring many people together so that they can contribute to it.” – Mr Ramesh Chaurasia said at one of the community meetings.
We have been trying to organize as many seminars and meetings as possible in different locations so that we can reach out to more people.”
— Ramesh Chaurasia
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The effect of Covid on jobs and how things have changed
During the Covid pandemic, it was seen that a disastrously huge number of people lost their jobs and were left without any employment. However, the bills still had to be paid. This was true for thousands of people. Fortunately, there is nothing more powerful in the world than the human will to survive. We saw that many people never went back to look for another job because they were able to create small businesses right out of their homes. The world is now online and the online marketplace gives you endless potential if you can create and offer any service that anyone might need. This is the vision of the leaders of the Chaurasia community who are trying to open new and better doors for the people of the community.
The organization conducts seminars and group meetings where experts are invited to promote awareness about the latest business opportunities for the energy-filled youth. This gives much-needed motivation, information and awareness to the people who are then able to think about their skill development along with opportunities for a better life.
“We have been trying to organize as many seminars and meetings as possible in different locations so that we can reach out to more people. Covid has destroyed a lot of employment opportunities for a long time so we need to act fast and expose the community members to an array of new employment opportunities. You don’t have to be an expert in everything to start a new business. If you are good at one thing, you can take the help of other members of the community and start doing what you like and want. This is entrepreneurship in its rawest form and it comes from the hunger for a better life. We have not seen anyone more motivated than people who realize the importance of having financial independence and freedom. For millions, having their own business is their dream. We help them in fulfilling this dream with the help of the organization.” – A senior volunteer said when we asked them about what drives them.
It is known that the Chaurasia-Tamboli community have been historically associated with betel trade and farming. The efforts of the organization are also aimed at improving the income of marginal farmers and people who trade betel leaves. Farmers are told about the latest developments in technology which can be beneficial in increasing their produce and income. Financial awareness regarding loans and government schemes is provided to all people who work in the betel trade so that they can avail all government schemes which are designed to help them in increasing their business and income.
Mr Ramesh Chaurasia is a successful businessman, social worker, philanthropist and visionary who works along with his team to ensure that more people can live better lives. He wants to elevate the lives of marginal farmers, women, children and everyone who needs upliftment. The constant efforts of the Mahasabha are showing colour as the Chaurasia community finds the solid ground to walk on and move forward toward a bright future.
https://static.wixstatic.com/media/af3946_f5a64228a66445d8a22685e7981bd23d~mv2.jpeg/v1/fit/w_300,h_300,al_c,q_80/file.png https://www.rameshchaurasia.in/post/ramesh-chaurasia-self-employment-as-the-future-for-chaurasia-community
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rameshchaurasiain · 2 years
Ramesh Chaurasia: Digital awareness is the fuel for progress
The Chaurasia community is aggressively utilizing the online digital space for community development and welfare. Thanks to the efforts of Mr Ramesh Chaurasia, the president of the Akhil Bharatiya Adarsh Chaurasia Mahasabha. They have launched a digital portal where all members of the community can sign up and use their membership to get access to extensive digital resources related to jobs, education, community service, skill development and more.
The Chaurasias have been a traditional betel farming community for centuries and they are now evolving as times change. They also want to learn new practices of trade and business related to betel farming which is compatible with the modern free market. The leaders of the community see immense potential in the youth and thus, entrepreneurship is being encouraged to help the community generate employment and more revenue.
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Mr Ramesh Chaurasia, the president of the organization said, “The whole world has gone digital. It had to happen eventually but with covid, everything went digital fast because the outside world was closed. It is now proven that jobs, education and even businesses can work online and there are a lot of examples of businesses that were set from home. Our team wanted to make sure that our community gets the correct exposure so that they don’t miss out on this opportunity. We have launched an extensive E- portal that has been designed for all members of the community so that they can have free access to E-learning resources and other services offered by the organization. We have ensured that whether it is skill development, job-related training or online education, everything is brought to the internet so that the whole community, regardless of location, can benefit from this. We already have thousands of members using our website to enhance their knowledge and skills in various fields. We will expand the website and add more services for all segments of the community.”
The Young members of the organization are hopeful that with the digitalization of workspaces, it will become easier for children from the marginalized sections of all communities to find equal spaces for education and getting exposure. The ones who are eligible for employment will not have to cross the barrier of physical location which was a hindrance for many families because they could not afford it. As the work from home concept is brought out on the scale, a large portion of youth from the community expects to get well-paying jobs without having to leave their homes.
The goal of the organization and its leaders is to bring the Chaurasia-Tamboli community to an equal stage where they can have the same learning resources as other communities. Mr Ramesh Chaurasia and his team work endlessly to gather the best and most updated online resources and knowledge which are then put on the website for the members to use. This movement of digital inclusiveness will create a solid and stable ecosystem of learning and skill development which will certainly help the Chaurasia community to find their voice and to learn the latest business practices.
“Our organization is working to bring technology to every household so that everyone can enjoy the fruits of knowledge that digitalization brings. Our children are now able to get the latest E-Books and direct guidance from the best teachers with online classes. We organize online career counselling sessions where students who are about to finish school are given the right guidance about various career opportunities. The list of benefits is endless and we have already started to see positive change. The level of awareness about mental health, physical health, economics, modern agriculture, startups and government schemes has grown immensely. We are not going to stop until each member of our community is technology literate.” – Mr Ramesh Chaurasia shared their goals and progress so far.
Mr Ramesh Chaurasia is a successful businessman, philanthropist and visionary. He hopes that with the collective efforts of the organization and the members of the community, they will be able to bring about a wave of development that will uplift all members who are motivated to succeed and work hard.
https://static.wixstatic.com/media/af3946_47c1ce68555a46988a7720286fd867e0~mv2.png/v1/fit/w_300,h_199,al_c,q_80/file.png https://www.rameshchaurasia.in/post/ramesh-chaurasia-digital-awareness-is-the-fuel-for-progress
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rameshchaurasiain · 3 years
Every child is precious: Chaurasia community come together to help
“With the right guidance, every child can shine”- Ramesh Chaurasia
The focus should be on E-Learning; Financial assistance; model based on sharing & keep Mental health as a priority says, Ramesh Chaurasia
The president of the Akhil Bharatiya Adarsh Chaurasia Mahasabha, Mr Ramesh Lakhulal Chaurasia when asked about his motivation, said – “It is a bitter truth that there is inequality in society and people lead totally different lives based on the exposure and opportunities they get. It is my goal to ensure that each child gets equal opportunity and is offered the best learning resources so that he or she can get the confidence to grow with the other sections of society. I believe that children are the makers of tomorrow and I am someone who wants to see a better future for our community and the whole nation.”
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A dedicated free E-learning portal has been launched where community members can get access to the latest educational resources. E-books and digital copies of course material is made available easily so that children do not have to pay for online learning on other platforms. This platform is also constantly updated.
Financial assistance
Under the leadership of Mr Chaurasia, the organization organizes numerous events, seminars and training sessions where hundreds of children are helped in different ways. They also aim to provide financial assistance to underprivileged students from the community who are academically gifted. This will also motivate other children and give them confidence that they can pursue uninterrupted education without any lack of required funds. Crowd-funding from within the community can be put to great use to fulfil this purpose.
A model based on sharing
The organization aims to develop a model of stationary distribution where children are given stationery at the beginning of each academic year. Arrangements will be made for the transfer of books from children who have completed the session to the ones who are joining the session. This will also reduce the burden of buying new books on the parents.
They aim to create more institutions for children like schools, hostels and community centres which will be used to educate more children while providing them housing and guidance from professionals. At these community centres, debate competitions, essay competitions, public speaking seminars and personality development programmes will be organized.
Talking about child development, Mr Chaurasia said - “We aim to empower our children by training them in soft skills which are required for them to grow confident and compete equally with children from other sections of the society. We want the children to have access to the latest learning methods so that they are not left behind.”
Mental health as a priority
The organization is already taking a lot of steps to ensure that children from the Chaurasia community get the best guidance and care.
To help the children deal with the daily stress that they have to face in their lives as the most vulnerable section of society, counselling sessions are organized where children are guided by professionals who help them channel their energy in the right direction. Career counselling experts are appointed to identify the skills of children based upon their aptitude and interest so that they can be given specific education for the future. It is through such active steps that children feel involved and cared for.
The Chaurasia community works every day with a belief that it is our children that hold the keys to open doors to a better world.
https://static.wixstatic.com/media/af3946_23fa38e1aad24fc0a8dc4de43f6b01f1~mv2.png/v1/fit/w_1000,h_1000,al_c,q_80/file.png https://www.rameshchaurasia.in/post/every-child-is-precious-chaurasia-community-come-together-to-help
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