lenoratheyinglet · 4 months
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Fey Blessing
Veezy asked Mhera for one of her feathers, just thinking the bird was "Oh so-pretty yes-yes, zhe feazhers are so nice" Mhera feeling quite flattered whisked Veezy off to the Fey Wild. Made sure she understood the gravity of what she asked. For she isn't just any regular bird. What Veezy knows about her is very little, so merely insisted that it didn't matter. Placing the feather delicately behind her ear. Bringing her talon down and around she lifted Veezy's chin... One little kiss from the so-pretty bird lady to drive that little yinglet brain wild! They say not to trust the Fey, but the magical birdy wouldn't do anything? Right? The amazing setting of Ramnus and Mhera is naturally by the best girl Grypha (She also helped me with the zygodactyle hands!)  Yinglets are of course by Valsalia
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pnwnativeplants · 2 years
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Botanical illustration of Frangula purshiana or Cascara. Formerly classified as “Ramnus purshiana”
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aviatrixdj · 4 years
(Ramnus Label)
Aviatrix started out on the late night air waves playing an emotional mix of experimental, electronic, chillwave, nu-disco, and house music for New Brunswick, NJ-based 90.3FM in 2012. After building a radio audience her blending became more groove-based and she moved into live dance floor mixing of house and techno. Having lived a nomadic lifestyle throughout her twenties have shaped a genre-bending sound to her monthly Now Boarding mixes which are often inspired by travel and the energy of the world around her. The energy of sounds and the feeling that music creates is her primary drive for mixing. She has been living in NYC and NJ for the past two years and has played for the 5th of Nov. Collective, Éveil Productions, Grown Folk Only, Mad Liberation Festival, MASHT NYC, Psiberactive Entertainment, and QXT's. Her love of eclecticism and darker electronic sounds primarily focus on where house meets techno; where one gets lost in the other through deep, hypnotic and haunting blends. To her a DJ mix is not just a bunch of tracks mixed together but is meant to be a sonic, dreamy trip from start to finish. For her first mix of the decade she wanted to bring out the cold and piercing atmospheric sensations felt during the darkness of winter as well as the chaotic sense of doom as the world is changing faster than ever before.
EQD - Untitled Hector - Fazer Joachim Spieth - Sensual Brett Jacobs - Ozone Gruvi - AAA Unknown Artist - Autoroute du Soleil Blagoj Rambabov & Igor Kostoski - Twenty Seven and Relove Hidden Spheres - Waiting Mall Grab - Can't (Get U Outta My Mind) DIODE - Between Us Jesse Bru - Tonite Joss Moog - Late Nite Beat Mind Street - Inside (Groove Assassin Classic Remix) Etur Usheo - Together Robert Owens - I'll Be Your Friend (Glamorous Mix) Fresh & Low - New Life Federal State - All To Myself Rootstrax - Harlquin Sensible House - Give A Little More (Tribal Mix)
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cedar-glade · 4 years
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Went to Pearls with Dan Boone a while back and was told about some interesting issues about a few thicket species( american plums that could potentially have less flux and die off as a result with more fire) and this small population; along the seep stream there is a small remnant Ramnus lanceolata(sparse but there are red leaves in this photo, it’s fall, frogs and cran...)  population, there is low recruitment now with only 4 members and 3 old growth individuals. With some time and proper management including fire, we may see more in time. While Ramnus lanceolata may seem too small to take fire, they are fairly adapted to it. While im not necessarily sure of the ecological concepts behind these adaptations, many thicket species are capable of coming back from the roots as suckers or from modified psuedo-caudex burl like structures like lignotuber, a specialized organ that the genera Rhamnus is known to have; with that said, i’ve never looked at herbarium specimens of the root system of Rhamnus lanceolata, only leaves, flowers, and fruits. I have found no literature supporting that this specific species can occur with lignotubers. Lucy Braun (Dr. E. L. Braun) had described populations in Ohio a few times growing on open calcium rich slopes with Rhus aromatica, in hillside thickets near hillside prairies. Fallen prairie in Adams co. is a barren containing Carolina buckthorn and lanceleaf buckthorn in-situ * specific Braun field notes are in Lloyd library if you get a chance* , these barrens require fire for their health. In one paper about Kansas plant communities there seems to be descriptions of thicket habitat being semi-riparian, 
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^from Ecological Plant Geography of Kansas. 
^ also, among learning a while back that we at one point had sandstone in cincinnati, I’ve also learned that at one point 6 miles north of cincinnati was Este’s bog, that seemed like it could of been a pretty nice place. 
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gengahsarts · 6 years
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Did this for a friend of mine :)
My Chemical Ramnus 
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floravii · 4 years
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Common Buckthorn (Ramnus Cathartica)
Boston, MA
Situated in an alley next to a fence in the back bay area. 
Height: 16-25′
Preferred Solar Exposure: full sun, partial sun
Preferred Soil Type: well-drained soil
Preferred Soil pH: acid, neutral, alkaline
Preferred Moisture Level: moist
Hardiness Zones: 3-8
Tolerance: urban environments
Maintenance: medium
Health Value: diuretic
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crnagorakraljevina · 4 years
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Montenegrin Johan Gaser je 1874. godine uveo nešto ojačan ram izliven od čelika i cijev skraćenu na 5 cola -135 mm. Novi revolver M. 1870/74 postao je atribut i mornarice i kopnene vojske Austro-Ugarske monarhije. No. činjenica je da tako teško i robusno oružje kao što su bili revolveri M. 1870 i M. 1870/74, nije odgovaralo potrebama i navikama oficirskom kora austrijske vojske. Ovim problemom se tokom 1872. godine pozabavio Alfred von Kropatschek. Talentovani tehnički oficir je krenuo najlakšim putem: vojnički revolver je sveo na 2/3 veličine, kali­bar redukovao sa 11 na 9 mm i okruglu cev zamenio sa oktogonalnom. Tako je nastao oficirski revolver Gaser-Kropaček M. 1870/72, koji nikada nije bio službeno propisan, nego su ga oficiri o svom trošku mogli nabaviti od proizvođača. CrnaGora se 1873. godine također odlučila da za potrebe svoje vojske nabavi Gaserove revolvere M. 1870. Knjaz Nikola je prilikom svoje posjete Beču izvršio prvu narudžbu od 7000 revolvera. Ovaj kontingent je sukcesivno, narednih nekoliko godina stizao u zemlju. No, Kneževina se trudila da nabavni troškovi oružja budu što niži. Zato je došlo i do pregovora sa, u Crnoj Gori već poznatim proizvođačem, Tomasom Sederlom. Naime, izgleda da je austrijska vojska i mornarica do 1879/80. godine uglavnom zadovoljila svoje potrebe za revolverima M. 1870/74. S druge strane, firma „Gaser" je još 1877. godine pristupila razvoju i pro­mociji svog novog oružja sa „automatskim” izbacačem, baziranog na Smiti Vesonovom principu (prelamanje sklopa cijev-doboš). Tomas Sederl je odlučio da iskoristi vakuum na tržištu. Dobivši od Ministarstva Vojske sve potrebne dozvole, ovaj fabrikant iz bečkog Otakringa upustio se u proizvodnju revolvera M. 70/74-1880. Sederl je na klasičnom Gaserovom oružju uveo mehaniku poboljšanja na bazi projekta majora Ritera Konrada von Kromara. Sem toga, Tomas je na tržište Izbacio i revolvere koji su, za razliku od klasičnog Gaserovog dizajna, imali zatvorenu ramnu konstrukciju. Zahvaljujući svojim vezama u Crno] Gori, ovaj fabrikant je u Kneževini počeo da konkuriše prvom i izvornom proizvođaču „crnogorskih” revolvera. Uplašen da će biti potpuno poti­snut sa tako zahvalnog tržišta, Johan Gaser je brzo reagovao. On je Kne­ževini ponudio niz ustupaka. Kao prvo, obavezao se da isporučuje Isključivo poboljšanu verziju M. 70/74. Sem toga, lukavi Bečlija je obećao da će Crnoj Gori oružje prodavati sa popustom od 33%; navo­dno, revolveri su u kontraktima za austrijsku vojsku koštali 20,27 f lorina, a Cetinju su ponuđeni po ceni od 14 florina. Naravno, Johan je ispustio da kaže da su kontrakti za carsku armiju bili smanjeni, ako ne i potpuno ugašeni. Zadovoljno uslovima isporuke, Crnogorsko Ministarstvo vojno je 1882. godine odlučilo da ubuduće kupuje isključivo originalan Gaserov proizvod. Oružje je nabavljeno preko ovlašćenih zastupnika u Trstu, Širovića i Damjanovića, odakle je transportovano u zemlju preko Kotora. Inače, pravo kupovine i prodaje revolvera pripadalo je isključivo državi, odno­sno Ministarstvu vojnom. Ono je Gasere nabavljalo po cijenama od 13,5-14 florina, a prodavalo ih Crno­gorcima za 15,3-18 florina. Pravo kupovine je imao svaki Crnogorac. Revolver je u suštini bi nepotpuna lična svojina boraca. Vlasnik je imao pravo nošenja, kao i pravo nasljedstva po muškoj liniji. Međutim, pravo otuđivanja revolvera bilo je najstrože zabranjeno. Također su bile zabranjene nabavke stranih kopija Gaserovog oružja, kao što je bila opštepoznata belgijska komercijalna verzija, popularna pod nazivom „Montenegrin”. Naime, Gaser je u Crnoj Gori nazvan „crnogorskim revolverom", a svako oružje na gornjoj strani baze cijevi imalo fabrički žigosan inicijal vladara Nikole I Petrovića - NI sa krunom. Belgijanci su svoj komercijalni proizvod krstili bukvalnim prevodom, pa su čak imitirali i knežev monogram. No, on je po kvalitetu daleko zaostajao za austrijskim originalom.
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bulgariamelnik · 5 years
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Quantity of timber
It is interesting to consider the quantity of timber furnished annually by our forests with regard to its grades of quality. The following tables show us the quantities of timber felled during the last three years:
Building material in cubic metres.           Fuel in cubic metres.     Charcoal In kilograms.
1901      56,43163              190,28656           1,244,806
1902      94,67638              206,82252           1,246,336
1903      87,30140              209,87323           1,438,351
PARISH FORESTS             
1901      98,48949              346,58185           3,397,829
1902      160,35680            639,05795           3,911,189
1903      131,9497o           564,98473           4,362,816
1901      116,22510            509,36015           1,350,474
1902      100,92079            686,23228           1,357,271
1903      142,69404            590,46144           757,005
To these figures should be added the quantity oi timber which is cut in a contraband fashion, and this is considerable.
These figures, reduced to a standard area for all classes of forests, prove :
(1)          That a hectare of the State forests yields on an average:
08084 cm. of building timber.
08672 cm. of fuel
48353 kilograms of charcoal.
(2)          That a hectare of the parish forests yields on an average:
08083 cm. of building timber.
08330 cm. of fuel.
2848 kilograms of charcoal.
(3)          That a hectare of the forests of private owners yields on an average:
8821 cm. of building timber.
077 cm. of fuel.
2801 kilograms of charcoal.
Revenue of the products and byproducts of the forests during the same three years :
Year.     Building timber. Francs. Fuel.
Franca. Byprod ucta. Franca.      Total.
1901      88,49714              135,15707           16,948   230,60221
1902      140,32315            154,11486           22,850   317,28801
1903      184,20773            181,73209           25,411   391,35081
                               PARISH FORESTS             
Year.     Building timber. Franca.               Fuel.
Franca. Byproducts.
Francs. Total.
1901      I42,3018I2           303,03616           12051    457,38828
1902      185,67802            357,11287           16767    559,55789
1903      198,26597            365,22599           12439    575,93096
No allowance is made for illegal felling.
From these data we can see that a hectare of State forest brings in 0*34 francs per annum, and a hectare of parish forest 0*34 francs. This small yield may be attributed to the low tariff for State and parish timber, and to the heavy cost of transport. The revenues are equal because of the uniformity of these tariffs.
Bulgaria possesses a great variety of leafbearing trees and conifers; those of the former class are most abundant. Those specially cultivated are the oak (Quercus pedunculate, Q. sessiliflora, Q. cents); the beech (Fagus sylvatica); the common ash (Fraxinus excelsior); the elm (Ulmus campestris, U. effusa, U. montend); the plane tree (Acer platenoides, A* pseudoplatanus, A. campestre); the yokeelm (Carpinus bettu lus); the lime (Tibia grandifolia, T. parvifolio, T. argentea); the willow (Salix caprea, S. pentandra); the poplar (Populus tretnula, P. alba, P. nigra). The commonest conifers are the pine (Pinus sylvestris, P. austriaca, P. pence, P. mughus) and the fir (Picea excelsa, P. pidinata).
The forests of the Principality are rich in shrubs and herbs of all kinds. Among the more noteworthy are the following : Alnus viridis, Berberis vulgaris, Cerasus chamaecerasus, Cornis (C. mas, C. sanguinea, C. pentogyna), Daphne mesereum, Hedena Helix, Ligustrum vulgare, Lonicera (L. xylosieutn, L. caprifolia, L. nigra), Prunus spinosa, Ramnus (R. catharactica, R. frangula), Rus cotinus, Rosa (R. alpina, R. conina), Salix (5. fragilis, S. purpurea, S. viminalis), Satnbucus (S. racemosa), Vaccinum (V. myrtillus, V. vitisidaeca), Vibutnum (V. opulis, V. lantena), Viscum album, etc.
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bulgariabalkan · 5 years
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Quantity of timber
It is interesting to consider the quantity of timber furnished annually by our forests with regard to its grades of quality. The following tables show us the quantities of timber felled during the last three years:
Building material in cubic metres.           Fuel in cubic metres.     Charcoal In kilograms.
1901      56,43163              190,28656           1,244,806
1902      94,67638              206,82252           1,246,336
1903      87,30140              209,87323           1,438,351
PARISH FORESTS             
1901      98,48949              346,58185           3,397,829
1902      160,35680            639,05795           3,911,189
1903      131,9497o           564,98473           4,362,816
1901      116,22510            509,36015           1,350,474
1902      100,92079            686,23228           1,357,271
1903      142,69404            590,46144           757,005
To these figures should be added the quantity oi timber which is cut in a contraband fashion, and this is considerable.
These figures, reduced to a standard area for all classes of forests, prove :
(1)          That a hectare of the State forests yields on an average:
08084 cm. of building timber.
08672 cm. of fuel
48353 kilograms of charcoal.
(2)          That a hectare of the parish forests yields on an average:
08083 cm. of building timber.
08330 cm. of fuel.
2848 kilograms of charcoal.
(3)          That a hectare of the forests of private owners yields on an average:
8821 cm. of building timber.
077 cm. of fuel.
2801 kilograms of charcoal.
Revenue of the products and byproducts of the forests during the same three years :
Year.     Building timber. Francs. Fuel.
Franca. Byprod ucta. Franca.      Total.
1901      88,49714              135,15707           16,948   230,60221
1902      140,32315            154,11486           22,850   317,28801
1903      184,20773            181,73209           25,411   391,35081
                               PARISH FORESTS             
Year.     Building timber. Franca.               Fuel.
Franca. Byproducts.
Francs. Total.
1901      I42,3018I2           303,03616           12051    457,38828
1902      185,67802            357,11287           16767    559,55789
1903      198,26597            365,22599           12439    575,93096
No allowance is made for illegal felling.
From these data we can see that a hectare of State forest brings in 0*34 francs per annum, and a hectare of parish forest 0*34 francs. This small yield may be attributed to the low tariff for State and parish timber, and to the heavy cost of transport. The revenues are equal because of the uniformity of these tariffs.
Bulgaria possesses a great variety of leafbearing trees and conifers; those of the former class are most abundant. Those specially cultivated are the oak (Quercus pedunculate, Q. sessiliflora, Q. cents); the beech (Fagus sylvatica); the common ash (Fraxinus excelsior); the elm (Ulmus campestris, U. effusa, U. montend); the plane tree (Acer platenoides, A* pseudoplatanus, A. campestre); the yokeelm (Carpinus bettu lus); the lime (Tibia grandifolia, T. parvifolio, T. argentea); the willow (Salix caprea, S. pentandra); the poplar (Populus tretnula, P. alba, P. nigra). The commonest conifers are the pine (Pinus sylvestris, P. austriaca, P. pence, P. mughus) and the fir (Picea excelsa, P. pidinata).
The forests of the Principality are rich in shrubs and herbs of all kinds. Among the more noteworthy are the following : Alnus viridis, Berberis vulgaris, Cerasus chamaecerasus, Cornis (C. mas, C. sanguinea, C. pentogyna), Daphne mesereum, Hedena Helix, Ligustrum vulgare, Lonicera (L. xylosieutn, L. caprifolia, L. nigra), Prunus spinosa, Ramnus (R. catharactica, R. frangula), Rus cotinus, Rosa (R. alpina, R. conina), Salix (5. fragilis, S. purpurea, S. viminalis), Satnbucus (S. racemosa), Vaccinum (V. myrtillus, V. vitisidaeca), Vibutnum (V. opulis, V. lantena), Viscum album, etc.
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lenoratheyinglet · 5 months
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Sessi of Ramnus Refsheet commission
So this was commissioned by the lovely Cry_Havok of an NPC from within the campaign run by the lovely Grypha!  Thank you so much for commissioning me!!  Sessi is for Havok!  The setting is by Grypha! 
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bulgariafestivals · 5 years
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Quantity of timber
It is interesting to consider the quantity of timber furnished annually by our forests with regard to its grades of quality. The following tables show us the quantities of timber felled during the last three years:
Building material in cubic metres.           Fuel in cubic metres.     Charcoal In kilograms.
1901      56,43163              190,28656           1,244,806
1902      94,67638              206,82252           1,246,336
1903      87,30140              209,87323           1,438,351
PARISH FORESTS             
1901      98,48949              346,58185           3,397,829
1902      160,35680            639,05795           3,911,189
1903      131,9497o           564,98473           4,362,816
1901      116,22510            509,36015           1,350,474
1902      100,92079            686,23228           1,357,271
1903      142,69404            590,46144           757,005
To these figures should be added the quantity oi timber which is cut in a contraband fashion, and this is considerable.
These figures, reduced to a standard area for all classes of forests, prove :
(1)          That a hectare of the State forests yields on an average:
08084 cm. of building timber.
08672 cm. of fuel
48353 kilograms of charcoal.
(2)          That a hectare of the parish forests yields on an average:
08083 cm. of building timber.
08330 cm. of fuel.
2848 kilograms of charcoal.
(3)          That a hectare of the forests of private owners yields on an average:
8821 cm. of building timber.
077 cm. of fuel.
2801 kilograms of charcoal.
Revenue of the products and byproducts of the forests during the same three years :
Year.     Building timber. Francs. Fuel.
Franca. Byprod ucta. Franca.      Total.
1901      88,49714              135,15707           16,948   230,60221
1902      140,32315            154,11486           22,850   317,28801
1903      184,20773            181,73209           25,411   391,35081
                               PARISH FORESTS             
Year.     Building timber. Franca.               Fuel.
Franca. Byproducts.
Francs. Total.
1901      I42,3018I2           303,03616           12051    457,38828
1902      185,67802            357,11287           16767    559,55789
1903      198,26597            365,22599           12439    575,93096
No allowance is made for illegal felling.
From these data we can see that a hectare of State forest brings in 0*34 francs per annum, and a hectare of parish forest 0*34 francs. This small yield may be attributed to the low tariff for State and parish timber, and to the heavy cost of transport. The revenues are equal because of the uniformity of these tariffs.
Bulgaria possesses a great variety of leafbearing trees and conifers; those of the former class are most abundant. Those specially cultivated are the oak (Quercus pedunculate, Q. sessiliflora, Q. cents); the beech (Fagus sylvatica); the common ash (Fraxinus excelsior); the elm (Ulmus campestris, U. effusa, U. montend); the plane tree (Acer platenoides, A* pseudoplatanus, A. campestre); the yokeelm (Carpinus bettu lus); the lime (Tibia grandifolia, T. parvifolio, T. argentea); the willow (Salix caprea, S. pentandra); the poplar (Populus tretnula, P. alba, P. nigra). The commonest conifers are the pine (Pinus sylvestris, P. austriaca, P. pence, P. mughus) and the fir (Picea excelsa, P. pidinata).
The forests of the Principality are rich in shrubs and herbs of all kinds. Among the more noteworthy are the following : Alnus viridis, Berberis vulgaris, Cerasus chamaecerasus, Cornis (C. mas, C. sanguinea, C. pentogyna), Daphne mesereum, Hedena Helix, Ligustrum vulgare, Lonicera (L. xylosieutn, L. caprifolia, L. nigra), Prunus spinosa, Ramnus (R. catharactica, R. frangula), Rus cotinus, Rosa (R. alpina, R. conina), Salix (5. fragilis, S. purpurea, S. viminalis), Satnbucus (S. racemosa), Vaccinum (V. myrtillus, V. vitisidaeca), Vibutnum (V. opulis, V. lantena), Viscum album, etc.
0 notes
bulgariahelp · 5 years
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Quantity of timber
It is interesting to consider the quantity of timber furnished annually by our forests with regard to its grades of quality. The following tables show us the quantities of timber felled during the last three years:
Building material in cubic metres.           Fuel in cubic metres.     Charcoal In kilograms.
1901      56,43163              190,28656           1,244,806
1902      94,67638              206,82252           1,246,336
1903      87,30140              209,87323           1,438,351
PARISH FORESTS             
1901      98,48949              346,58185           3,397,829
1902      160,35680            639,05795           3,911,189
1903      131,9497o           564,98473           4,362,816
1901      116,22510            509,36015           1,350,474
1902      100,92079            686,23228           1,357,271
1903      142,69404            590,46144           757,005
To these figures should be added the quantity oi timber which is cut in a contraband fashion, and this is considerable.
These figures, reduced to a standard area for all classes of forests, prove :
(1)          That a hectare of the State forests yields on an average:
08084 cm. of building timber.
08672 cm. of fuel
48353 kilograms of charcoal.
(2)          That a hectare of the parish forests yields on an average:
08083 cm. of building timber.
08330 cm. of fuel.
2848 kilograms of charcoal.
(3)          That a hectare of the forests of private owners yields on an average:
8821 cm. of building timber.
077 cm. of fuel.
2801 kilograms of charcoal.
Revenue of the products and byproducts of the forests during the same three years :
Year.     Building timber. Francs. Fuel.
Franca. Byprod ucta. Franca.      Total.
1901      88,49714              135,15707           16,948   230,60221
1902      140,32315            154,11486           22,850   317,28801
1903      184,20773            181,73209           25,411   391,35081
                               PARISH FORESTS             
Year.     Building timber. Franca.               Fuel.
Franca. Byproducts.
Francs. Total.
1901      I42,3018I2           303,03616           12051    457,38828
1902      185,67802            357,11287           16767    559,55789
1903      198,26597            365,22599           12439    575,93096
No allowance is made for illegal felling.
From these data we can see that a hectare of State forest brings in 0*34 francs per annum, and a hectare of parish forest 0*34 francs. This small yield may be attributed to the low tariff for State and parish timber, and to the heavy cost of transport. The revenues are equal because of the uniformity of these tariffs.
Bulgaria possesses a great variety of leafbearing trees and conifers; those of the former class are most abundant. Those specially cultivated are the oak (Quercus pedunculate, Q. sessiliflora, Q. cents); the beech (Fagus sylvatica); the common ash (Fraxinus excelsior); the elm (Ulmus campestris, U. effusa, U. montend); the plane tree (Acer platenoides, A* pseudoplatanus, A. campestre); the yokeelm (Carpinus bettu lus); the lime (Tibia grandifolia, T. parvifolio, T. argentea); the willow (Salix caprea, S. pentandra); the poplar (Populus tretnula, P. alba, P. nigra). The commonest conifers are the pine (Pinus sylvestris, P. austriaca, P. pence, P. mughus) and the fir (Picea excelsa, P. pidinata).
The forests of the Principality are rich in shrubs and herbs of all kinds. Among the more noteworthy are the following : Alnus viridis, Berberis vulgaris, Cerasus chamaecerasus, Cornis (C. mas, C. sanguinea, C. pentogyna), Daphne mesereum, Hedena Helix, Ligustrum vulgare, Lonicera (L. xylosieutn, L. caprifolia, L. nigra), Prunus spinosa, Ramnus (R. catharactica, R. frangula), Rus cotinus, Rosa (R. alpina, R. conina), Salix (5. fragilis, S. purpurea, S. viminalis), Satnbucus (S. racemosa), Vaccinum (V. myrtillus, V. vitisidaeca), Vibutnum (V. opulis, V. lantena), Viscum album, etc.
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bulbulgaria · 5 years
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Quantity of timber
It is interesting to consider the quantity of timber furnished annually by our forests with regard to its grades of quality. The following tables show us the quantities of timber felled during the last three years:
Building material in cubic metres.           Fuel in cubic metres.     Charcoal In kilograms.
1901      56,43163              190,28656           1,244,806
1902      94,67638              206,82252           1,246,336
1903      87,30140              209,87323           1,438,351
PARISH FORESTS             
1901      98,48949              346,58185           3,397,829
1902      160,35680            639,05795           3,911,189
1903      131,9497o           564,98473           4,362,816
1901      116,22510            509,36015           1,350,474
1902      100,92079            686,23228           1,357,271
1903      142,69404            590,46144           757,005
To these figures should be added the quantity oi timber which is cut in a contraband fashion, and this is considerable.
These figures, reduced to a standard area for all classes of forests, prove :
(1)          That a hectare of the State forests yields on an average:
08084 cm. of building timber.
08672 cm. of fuel
48353 kilograms of charcoal.
(2)          That a hectare of the parish forests yields on an average:
08083 cm. of building timber.
08330 cm. of fuel.
2848 kilograms of charcoal.
(3)          That a hectare of the forests of private owners yields on an average:
8821 cm. of building timber.
077 cm. of fuel.
2801 kilograms of charcoal.
Revenue of the products and byproducts of the forests during the same three years :
Year.     Building timber. Francs. Fuel.
Franca. Byprod ucta. Franca.      Total.
1901      88,49714              135,15707           16,948   230,60221
1902      140,32315            154,11486           22,850   317,28801
1903      184,20773            181,73209           25,411   391,35081
                               PARISH FORESTS             
Year.     Building timber. Franca.               Fuel.
Franca. Byproducts.
Francs. Total.
1901      I42,3018I2           303,03616           12051    457,38828
1902      185,67802            357,11287           16767    559,55789
1903      198,26597            365,22599           12439    575,93096
No allowance is made for illegal felling.
From these data we can see that a hectare of State forest brings in 0*34 francs per annum, and a hectare of parish forest 0*34 francs. This small yield may be attributed to the low tariff for State and parish timber, and to the heavy cost of transport. The revenues are equal because of the uniformity of these tariffs.
Bulgaria possesses a great variety of leafbearing trees and conifers; those of the former class are most abundant. Those specially cultivated are the oak (Quercus pedunculate, Q. sessiliflora, Q. cents); the beech (Fagus sylvatica); the common ash (Fraxinus excelsior); the elm (Ulmus campestris, U. effusa, U. montend); the plane tree (Acer platenoides, A* pseudoplatanus, A. campestre); the yokeelm (Carpinus bettu lus); the lime (Tibia grandifolia, T. parvifolio, T. argentea); the willow (Salix caprea, S. pentandra); the poplar (Populus tretnula, P. alba, P. nigra). The commonest conifers are the pine (Pinus sylvestris, P. austriaca, P. pence, P. mughus) and the fir (Picea excelsa, P. pidinata).
The forests of the Principality are rich in shrubs and herbs of all kinds. Among the more noteworthy are the following : Alnus viridis, Berberis vulgaris, Cerasus chamaecerasus, Cornis (C. mas, C. sanguinea, C. pentogyna), Daphne mesereum, Hedena Helix, Ligustrum vulgare, Lonicera (L. xylosieutn, L. caprifolia, L. nigra), Prunus spinosa, Ramnus (R. catharactica, R. frangula), Rus cotinus, Rosa (R. alpina, R. conina), Salix (5. fragilis, S. purpurea, S. viminalis), Satnbucus (S. racemosa), Vaccinum (V. myrtillus, V. vitisidaeca), Vibutnum (V. opulis, V. lantena), Viscum album, etc.
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scarlettjane22 · 7 years
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Ramnus V2
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bulgariahits · 5 years
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Quantity of timber
It is interesting to consider the quantity of timber furnished annually by our forests with regard to its grades of quality. The following tables show us the quantities of timber felled during the last three years:
Building material in cubic metres.           Fuel in cubic metres.     Charcoal In kilograms.
1901      56,43163              190,28656           1,244,806
1902      94,67638              206,82252           1,246,336
1903      87,30140              209,87323           1,438,351
PARISH FORESTS             
1901      98,48949              346,58185           3,397,829
1902      160,35680            639,05795           3,911,189
1903      131,9497o           564,98473           4,362,816
1901      116,22510            509,36015           1,350,474
1902      100,92079            686,23228           1,357,271
1903      142,69404            590,46144           757,005
To these figures should be added the quantity oi timber which is cut in a contraband fashion, and this is considerable.
These figures, reduced to a standard area for all classes of forests, prove :
(1)          That a hectare of the State forests yields on an average:
08084 cm. of building timber.
08672 cm. of fuel
48353 kilograms of charcoal.
(2)          That a hectare of the parish forests yields on an average:
08083 cm. of building timber.
08330 cm. of fuel.
2848 kilograms of charcoal.
(3)          That a hectare of the forests of private owners yields on an average:
8821 cm. of building timber.
077 cm. of fuel.
2801 kilograms of charcoal.
Revenue of the products and byproducts of the forests during the same three years :
Year.     Building timber. Francs. Fuel.
Franca. Byprod ucta. Franca.      Total.
1901      88,49714              135,15707           16,948   230,60221
1902      140,32315            154,11486           22,850   317,28801
1903      184,20773            181,73209           25,411   391,35081
                               PARISH FORESTS             
Year.     Building timber. Franca.               Fuel.
Franca. Byproducts.
Francs. Total.
1901      I42,3018I2           303,03616           12051    457,38828
1902      185,67802            357,11287           16767    559,55789
1903      198,26597            365,22599           12439    575,93096
No allowance is made for illegal felling.
From these data we can see that a hectare of State forest brings in 0*34 francs per annum, and a hectare of parish forest 0*34 francs. This small yield may be attributed to the low tariff for State and parish timber, and to the heavy cost of transport. The revenues are equal because of the uniformity of these tariffs.
Bulgaria possesses a great variety of leafbearing trees and conifers; those of the former class are most abundant. Those specially cultivated are the oak (Quercus pedunculate, Q. sessiliflora, Q. cents); the beech (Fagus sylvatica); the common ash (Fraxinus excelsior); the elm (Ulmus campestris, U. effusa, U. montend); the plane tree (Acer platenoides, A* pseudoplatanus, A. campestre); the yokeelm (Carpinus bettu lus); the lime (Tibia grandifolia, T. parvifolio, T. argentea); the willow (Salix caprea, S. pentandra); the poplar (Populus tretnula, P. alba, P. nigra). The commonest conifers are the pine (Pinus sylvestris, P. austriaca, P. pence, P. mughus) and the fir (Picea excelsa, P. pidinata).
The forests of the Principality are rich in shrubs and herbs of all kinds. Among the more noteworthy are the following : Alnus viridis, Berberis vulgaris, Cerasus chamaecerasus, Cornis (C. mas, C. sanguinea, C. pentogyna), Daphne mesereum, Hedena Helix, Ligustrum vulgare, Lonicera (L. xylosieutn, L. caprifolia, L. nigra), Prunus spinosa, Ramnus (R. catharactica, R. frangula), Rus cotinus, Rosa (R. alpina, R. conina), Salix (5. fragilis, S. purpurea, S. viminalis), Satnbucus (S. racemosa), Vaccinum (V. myrtillus, V. vitisidaeca), Vibutnum (V. opulis, V. lantena), Viscum album, etc.
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butong77 · 6 years
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