#Rance dam
jhesite · 1 month
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Thursday 13th April
Having spent 5 nights in St.Malo, and as the winds had died down, we decided to continue our journey and head up the river Rance. It is just a couple of miles to the hydro electric barrage, passing Solidor as we came around the headland.
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We no had to call up ahead to let the lock keepers that we wanted to catch the 11.00 lock. As there is a major road that runs across the top of the barrage, they need to know our length and air draught incase they have to raise the road bridge. They didn’t need to lift it for us, but there was a sailing boat coming through the other way, so they had to. We had to hang around for about 10 minutes until all was done and we could enter. We were the only ones going in.
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The tide was coming in in St.Malo, so it shouldn’t have come as a surprise that the level of water went down in the lock. Not much, just 2 or 3 feet.
Opened in 1966 as the world's first tidal power station, it is currently operated by EDF and was for 45 years the largest tidal power station in the world.
Its 24 turbines reach peak output at 240 megawatts but average 57 mw. At an annual output of approximately 500 GWh, it supplies 0.12% of the power demand of France. The cost of electricity production is estimated at €0.12/kWh.
The barrage is 750 m (2,461 ft) long. The power plant portion of the dam is 332.5 m (1,091 ft) long and the tidal basin measures 22.5 km2 (9 sq mi).
The idea of constructing a tidal power plant on the Rance dates to Gerard Boisnoer in 1921. The site was attractive because of the wide average-range between low and high tide levels, 8 m (26.2 ft) with a maximum spring tide range of 13.5 m (44.3 ft). The first studies which envisaged a tidal plant on the Rance were carried out in 1943. Nevertheless, work did not actually commence until 1961. Albert Caquot, a visionary engineer, was instrumental in the construction of the dam, designing an enclosure in order to protect the construction site from the ocean tides and the strong streams. Construction necessitated draining the area where the plant was to be built, which required construction of two dams which took two years. Construction of the plant commenced on 20 July 1963, while the Rance was entirely blocked by the two dams.
Construction took three years and was completed in 1966. Charles de Gaulle, then President of France, inaugurated the plant on 26 November of the same year. Inauguration of the road crossing the plant took place on 1 July 1967, and connection of the plant to the French National Power Grid was carried out on 4 December 1967. In total, the plant cost ₣620 million (approximately €94.5 million). It took almost 20 years for the La Rance to pay for itself.
The lock opens into what is a massive seawater lake. It’s actually just like being at sea without any swell or big waves, but there are currents. The barrage lets do much water in and out that the tides inside the barrage are similar to outside.
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We made our way 5 miles up ‘river’to Plouër-sur-Rance to a pretty little marina with a very tight entrance. Having radioed in for a berth, we were met on the pontoon by a very nice man who took our lines. As soon as we’d tied up it started to rain and it did so for the next 3 hours.
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It was chilly out as we went to pay our dues, or not, as this marina is on Passeport Escale too. That’s another 2 nights for free 😃. We walked up into Plouër to have a look. A beautiful little town with some lovely properties, but nothing much there, and what there was was closed, except for a massive supermarket. It was a lengthy walk but good exercise.
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We ate on board and turned in relatively early.
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themediabulletin · 3 years
Utilizing the power of ocean tides and harnessing the energy falls under the simple definition of tidal power. Water currents create massive energy, and with the help of technology, this power can be utilized for human. It is one of the oldest forms of energy available on our planet. There is a continuous process to learn and develop new ways to generate electricity from tidal energy. European studies say that the cost estimates for tidal technologies in 2020 are between EUR 0.17/kWh and EUR 0.23/kWh
How Does Tidal Power Work?
Harnessing tidal power is technically more complicated than any other renewable power generation. As a matter of fact, the initial infrastructure demands a lot of effort and expense.
1. Tidal Turbines
Tidal turbines and generators are very similar to wind turbines, though the blades are much shorter and more robust. The water currents turn the turbines, and the kinetic energy turns into electricity. The construction cost of the tidal stream systems is quite high, and also installation and maintenance are difficult. But it’s cheaper than other tidal systems which use barrages and has a less environmental impact.
The process works best where there are extreme tidal zones as water is 830 times denser than air and, therefore, can generate electricity at lower speeds than wind turbines. Norwegian and British coastlines are perfect for creating power with tidal turbines.
2. Tidal Barrage
Tidal barrages are quite similar to the dams of hydroelectric plants, but these are much larger as they are built across an estuary or bay. The barrage power plant consists of three main parts, which include holding the water back during high tide and let the water through the sluice gate, helping to create the electricity. The tidal range needs to be more than five meters for the barrage to be workable. When the tide comes in, water flows through the dam into the basin, and when the tide stops, the gates are closed to trap the water in the basin/estuary. La Rance barrage in France is the largest tidal power station in the world.
Let us discuss the most reliable Features of Tidal Energy!
3. Clean and Continuous Power Source
Tidal Power emits minimal greenhouse gases, and tidal power plants require minimal effort to generate electricity. The turbines of the generator convert kinetic energy into electric energy. The tidal energy lowers the use of fossil fuels for electricity generation. As of now, there are zero environmental issues reported about tidal energy production. The Department of Trade and Industry reported that 10% of the UK electricity requirements could be satisfied by tidal power.
4. Highly Effective at Low Speeds
The density of water makes it viable to generate electricity even at low speeds. Tidal energy systems can also generate electricity when the water is moving very slow or passing over them.
5. High Maintenance and Operating Cost
Compared to other renewable sources, energy production from tidal is expensive. The tidal energy harnessing can cost between 3 to 15 million dollars or even more. The cost structures are determined by considering the sub costs and weight of the components.
The barrage technology has the highest investment cost. The installation of tidal turbines will allow the cost-effective maintenance of the turbines. The tidal industry is designing affordable projects to make energy production economical and viable.
6. Environment-friendly Resource
Tidal energy does not produce gases that are responsible for acid rain or global warming. The use of tidal power can minimize the requirements for nuclear energy and the radiation risks that come along with it. Tidal Power Generation does not produce thermal, water, or air pollution. The tidal power plants diminish carbon emissions and benefit the surroundings worldwide.
7. Protects Coastal Areas
How is tidal power harnessed without effecting the coastal areas? Well, such questions can arise in your mind if you are concerned about the environmental situation. Besides producing electricity, the technology’s progress also depends on safeguarding marine life.
Scientists are developing a marine alert system for animals to protect sea life from spinning turbines. If any animal is detected very near to the power project, the alert will be sent to shut down the turbines.
8. Minimizes Foreign Fuel Demand
If tidal energy is harnessed on a large scale, the demand for foreign fuel can be reduced, and energy security can be enhanced. Scientists are focusing on satisfying the energy demand by avoiding dependency on foreign fuel imports.
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Life in a Year Film Streaming HD VF Regarder Online
Life in a Year Regarder Film - https://life-in-a-year-vf.blogspot.com/
Daryn a tout pour plaire: l'athlétisme, l'intelligence, un Range Rover, une maison gigantesque, un morceau tout sauf garanti à Harvard et, parce qu'il est joué par Jaden Smith, il est devenu fou de talent en tant que rappeur. Il a également un père (Gooding) qui entretient son succès avec une main de fer et une pince à épiler. Je veux dire, cela ne me surprendrait pas s'il planifie les selles de son fils et le flagelle verbalement quand il a 30 secondes de retard pour un rendez-vous avec le bol en porcelaine. Grâce à une petite impulsion douce de sa maman (Nia Long), le chef de projet permet au garçon de faire une pause après avoir ciselé à la main sa candidature universitaire dans le marbre pour aller à un concert avec ses copains fringants (JT Neal et Stony Blyden), et à travers une série d'événements très stupides, il rencontre Isabelle (Delevingne), puis renoue avec elle à travers le magasin de crème glacée où elle travaille, qui est l'un de ces endroits où le personnel surdimensionné d'une petite entreprise interprète un numéro musical minutieusement chorégraphié chaque fois qu'un client en laisse tomber un quart dans le pot de pointe. Alors bien sûr, Daryn continue de placer des pièces dans ce putain de truc.
Maintenant les gens, à ce stade, nous sommes environ 15 minutes et 25 scènes embarrassantes dans le film, alors attachez-vous, car il devient vraiment rance. Isabelle est de l'Autre Côté des Pistes. Elle ne va pas à l'école, elle vit seule dans un petit appartement dans un quartier fragile, est la meilleure amie d'une drag queen GASP (Chris D'Elia) et elle sera damnée si elle s'intéresse à un Richie Rich dans un 379 $ cardigan. Elle le surnomme Square, parce qu’il est carré en tant qu’astronaute des années 50; c’est une insulte au début, mais devient vite un terme d’affection, car il la charme, et s’il ne l’a pas fait, elle mourrait seule et ce serait un film vraiment déprimant. Désolée, j'ai pris une longueur d'avance là-bas - avant qu'elle ne révèle la vérité sur son cancer en phase terminale par des cris mélodramatiques hystériques, elle lui fait renoncer aux réservations au restaurant chic pour un burrito dans un camion, et il répond avec la confusion et le dégoût de la reine quand elle est obligée de manier de l'argenterie en plastique.
Alors, bon, de toute façon, elle est en train de mourir et, au grand dam de son père au cul sombre, Daryn s'engage à la remplir l'année dernière sur notre avion mortel avec toutes les choses de toute une vie - vous savez, acheter un animal de compagnie, acheter une maison, fêtant chaque anniversaire à la fois avec un gâteau parsemé de dizaines de bougies, tout ça. En réponse, elle organise une session avec son ami producteur de musique (RZA) pour qu'il puisse couper un morceau de hip-hop chaud et l'encourager à suivre ses rêves et sa passion au lieu de tomber dans la carrière inflexible de Fascist Dad au succès superficiel. Rien de tout cela ne se passe bien avec papa fasciste, et il y a des hauts et des bas, des confrontations et des chutes d'amour, des retombées et des scènes dans le service de chimio et tout cela semble si dramatiquement précaire. Alors, quand arrivons-nous aux mourants? Oh je comprends. Je meurs juste en regardant ça. De quels films vous rappellera-t-il?: C'est mon septième snotrag-filler YA de 2020 - voir aussi: Chemical Hearts, Babyteeth, All Together Now, All the Bright Places, Spontaneous and Clouds. La vie en un an est de loin la moindre d'entre elles. C'est tellement sous-The Fault in Our Stars.
Des performances à surveiller: veuillez ne pas demander. Une avalanche de clichés par cœur ne laisse aucun membre de la distribution sans sépulture.
Dialogue mémorable: à la fin de chaque rendez-vous, Daryn demande toujours: «Un de plus?» et Isabelle dit: «Encore un.» Jusqu'à ce que ce soit elle qui commence à demander. KEWWT!
Sex and Skin: Je pense que Daryn et Isabelle le font inévitablement hors écran, mais ce film a été monté avec une agrafeuse électrique, donc on ne peut que supposer.
Notre prise: la vie dans un an pose une énigme philosophique piquante si-un-arbre-tombe-dans-la-forêt: si un pleureur ne parvient pas à nous faire pleurer, existe-t-il réellement? C'est le type de film qui veut si désespérément que nous pleurions, il sortirait de nos téléviseurs et presserait nos conduits lacrymaux s'il le pouvait - mais même dans ce cas, il nous frapperait le genou et le coccyx parce qu'il n'a pas idée de ce qu'il fait. C'est le type de film qui comprend une ligne de dialogue qui est à peu près "Je vais (INSÉRER LE CONCEPT DE FILM ICI) vous!" C'est le type de film qui répond à l'idée de ce que les cinéastes pensent que les films devraient être. C'est un mauvais film.
Oh, mais Life in a Year pense qu'il a tout pour plaire: drame familial, comédie, tragédie, romance, dîner gênant avec les parents, grosses blagues visant le personnage qui était gros mais qui ressemble maintenant à un modèle de vêtements dans une cible ad, scènes quasi-poétiques sur manèges, montages mignons, manigances de mères éloignées, scènes dans le service de chimio, un camée Big Sean, aspirations interdites d'être musicien, vérités impulsives, le spectre menaçant inévitable de la mort, l'inévitable spectre menaçant de Harvard (un personnage une fois dans l'histoire du film ne pouvait-il pas viser Dartmouth?), un père qui était le concierge et maintenant «il possède la société» (c'est la scène la plus drôle) , des représentations stéréotypées insultantes de personnes trans et la seule chose que chaque film.
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mpmgandalf · 4 years
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Migrants sans papiers. 🦆🦆🦆 #PleudihensurRance #France #Bretagne #water #landscape #lake #river #nature #outdoors #sky #beach #sea #travel #traveling #visiting #instatravel #instago #marsh #grass #seashore #sunset #reflection #tree #countryside #dawn #dam (à Pleudihen sur Rance) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8NpyRyIjie/?igshid=1d17x66u1cn60
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harmonicatabs · 4 years
Amsterdam (Chromatic)
New Post has been published on https://harmonicatabs.net/lyrics/amsterdam-chromatic/
Amsterdam (Chromatic)
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+6   +6  -7    -7    -8  +9 Dans le port d´Am-ster-dam -9   +9  -8  +7    +7  +7 Y a des ma-rins qui chantent -7  -8  +9  -7  -7   -7 Les rê-ves qui les hantent +7  -7 -8    -8  +7< +6 Au lar-ge d´Ams-ter-dam +6   +6  -7    -7  -8   +9 Dans le port d´Am-ster-dam -9    +9 -8   +7   +7   +7 Y a des ma-rins qui dorment -7      -8  +9 -7-7   +7< Com-me des o-ri-flammes -6< +7< -7  -7   -7   -7 Le long des ber-ges mornes +9   -9  +10 +10  +10  +10 Dans le port d´Am-ster-dam -10 +10 -9  -9  -9    -9 Y a des ma-rins qui meurent +10    -9  +9   -7 -7   -7 Pleins de bière et de drames -8   +9   -8  -8  +7< +6 Aux pre-miè-res lu-eurs +6      +6   -7    -7   -7   -7 Mais dans l'port d´Am-ster-dam +9   -7  -8   +7  +7    +7 Y a des ma-rins qui naissent -7    -8  +9  -7 -7   +7< Dans la cha-leur é-paisse -6< +7< -7     -7  -7  -7 Des lan-gueurs o-céa-nes Dans le port d´Amsterdam Y a des marins qui mangent Sur des nappes trop blanches Des poissons ruisselants Ils vous montrent des dents A croquer la fortune A décroisser la lune A bouffer des haubans Et ça sent la morue Jusque dans le cœur des frites Que leurs grosses mains invitent A revenir en plus Puis se lèvent en riant Dans un bruit de tempête Referment leur braguette Et sortent en rotant Dans le port d´Amsterdam Y a des marins qui dansent En se frottant la panse Sur la panse des femmes Et ils tournent et ils dansent Comme des soleils crachés Dans le son déchiré D´un accordéon rance Ils se tordent le cou Pour mieux s´entendre rire Jusqu´à ce que tout à coup L´accordéon expire Alors le geste grave Alors le regard fier Ils ramènent leur batave Jusqu´en pleine lumière Dans le port d´Amsterdam Y a des marins qui boivent Et qui boivent et reboivent Et qui reboivent encore Ils boivent à la santé Des putains d´Amsterdam De Hambourg ou d´ailleurs Enfin ils boivent aux dames Qui leur donnent leur joli corps Qui leur donnent leur vertu Pour une pièce en or Et quand ils ont bien bu Se plantent le nez au ciel Se mouchent dans les étoiles Et ils pissent comme je pleure Sur les femmes infidèles Dans le port d´Amsterdam Dans le port d´Amsterdam.
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getseriouser · 5 years
20 THOUGHTS: Shayna Jacked Up
VERY different year this for once, which is good 
Usually we have a couple frontrunners out on top who almost make everyone from like third or fifth down redundant.
Not so this year. Top is clearly top, but not $1.50 with the bookies. The favourite has only just got into the top four, yet without its best defender. Third place is a wildcard at its best, and is there still something valuable out of fifth through seventh to come? Every chance.
All to play for.
  1.       Trent Dumont first up this week. Monday night on Channel Nine he spoke about his mental health battles. “Sometimes I still struggle to speak about it, but I was really flat. I couldn’t see the light at the end of the tunnel.”
 “I called off all 21st birthday celebrations and closed off myself to everyone in those times. I did think about potentially what it would be like if I wasn’t around anymore, would I be doing everyone a favour? I never put it into action, but I definitely had thoughts about potentially suicide.”
 This issue ain’t going away, we had Majak last year and now we have just another typical 24-year-old talking about something that 200 Australians attempt every day. It ain’t going away.
 Keep talking.
 2.       Melbourne. Deplorable. Look at their close games. One point win to Gold Coast. Yes, a two point loss to Adelaide in the NT but two five point wins over Hawthorn and Carlton. Imagine if they were 2-16. So could have easily been. And it’s nothing to do with injuries. Aside from not being able to start numbers off the square anymore tactically, there’s no other real difference. Damming stat, St Kilda looked so much better than them on Saturday and were a year younger on average and a whole lot more inexperienced. Dees have to try and top up and go for it, otherwise, maybe like the Pies, it’s almost clean out start again time. Deplorable.
3.       Tom Lynch wasn’t a top 50 player in the comp for a while, maybe he might just prove that he is before year’s end. Certainly capable of being the best key forward in the game, no doubt.
4.       How bad was that Crows camp last summer? 2016 they went 16-6, 2017 they made the Grand Final after going 15-6-1, so it wasn’t a year out of the box. Last year 12-10, but 12th, and now 9-9 and just hanging on to 8th.
5.       Rumblings the Crows would part with Don Pyke. I can sort of get it. He clearly has, not so much lost the players, but good players are not playing well under him anymore. Rory Sloane doesn’t fear opposition coaches, nor does Taylor Walker, Eddie Betts is droppable, Brodie Smith was a weapon, now he is far less – you really get the sense, sadly for Pykey, that the chemistry between coach and optimising his talent has gone.
6.       Rhyce Shaw wins the North job. Good. But not great. The three wins he had from his first four that got him the job, Richmond when they lost three in a row without any fit players, Gold Coast, and Collingwood which looking back from where we are now – ‘so what’? Is he an upgrade on Scott, absolutely, is he the answer and gets North their fifth flag, almost certainly not. They did try and tempt Horse and Simo, to be fair.
7.       David Teague, if anything he is more compelling than Shaw. Why? What the players are doing for him. There is no more loved coach in the comp by his playing group than Teaguey. Could have easily won seven straight. I think with the talent on that list, and whatever momentum you call this, you almost need to give him first rights. Let him ‘caretaker’ into next year, so to speak.
8.       So Brad Scott then, well, some say he is a fool for going early. No dice. Leaving so soon into the year he got a bigger break from football than otherwise, plus, whilst he was positioning himself for a role in 2020 he ultimately appears to miss out on, the fall-back is that he gets his full payout from North which is over $700k. Laughing. Mind you, I reckon he’ll have a footy role next year anyway, not as a senior man, but think developmental or football department head of, something like that.
9.       Jake Niall made a great point about how the Tigers got their injury issues out of the way whereas the Pies’ timing is awful. Richmond is basically fully fit again outside of Rance, Collingwood’s just getting worse. In four weeks Richmond’s going to be unbackable for a second flag in three years, Collingwood needs to hope with some form and fitness it can be regain half a chance of winning an elimination final.
10.   Mind you, Pies yes, this is a bad spot and the injuries need review, but even though the current slide precedes a lack of player availability lets go back to the Giants game two weeks ago. When the Pies got it back to four goals, ‘had’ they gotten up and won, regardless of the Tigers result they’d still be second or third favourite for the flag. Small margins here. And whilst they were vastly different games, Richmond won last Friday by 32 points, the equivalent late-season blockbuster last year, Richmond won by 28 points. Don’t get me wrong, don’t jump on the Maggies, but let’s not forget, yesterday was still July, still a ways to go here folks.
11.   That said, Richmond still wins the flag for mine. We know the bit about beating Geelong first final to make a prelim, or somehow getting Geelong in a prelim going the other way. But, the only potential banana skin comes up if they were finish fourth, beat Geelong, get the week off straight into the prelim final. Meanwhile, West Coast beat Brisbane first week, the Lions get the double chance semi final at home. They would be play the winner of Essendon, Collingwood, who could get enormous belief by winning that elimination final and would fancy themselves then the next week. If the Bombers, for example, then topple the Lions they’d then get a date with Richmond in a prelim. The Tigers, playing one game in four weeks basically, are sitting ducks to a fellow big Melbourne club racing at them like, I don’t know, the Pies did last year. That elongated theory aside, Richmond’s home.
12.   Hawks are going to miss the finals, and they should not be. Losing to Brisbane in Tassie, alongside the failures to Melbourne in Round 7 and Saints in Round 4 will cost them eighth, where they’d be good enough to compete. Injuries, transitioning list, all that aside, this team has beaten Geelong, Collingwood, GWS and lost to the Eagles by a kick in a thunderstorm, they’re worthy. Or should be, anyway.
13.   Some swimming before the Ashes. How’s about the hot bed of mess that was. It does sound like there is something plausible about the suspect supplements that young Shayna has got herself in trouble with, but that’s neither here nor there, diligence doesn’t care for youthful slip ups. But the Swimming Australia leadership, namely Leigh Russell who was a mental health coach last time I checked, has failed here. Yes the anti-doping process is harsh, but you kind of feel Jack’s copped it worse off the back of it.
14.   And yes, Mack Horton makes his stance but then Jack gets done, bad look perhaps. But mind you, Horton was protesting Sun being there in the first place with a WADA appeal pending, at least with Jack once her results were declared she was sent home, it was a more cut and dry situation. I think we should be happy to still point fingers elsewhere providing we accept that we’re not immune whether you’re a systematic cheat or a blasphemous professional.
15.   Right, the cricket, only a couple hours away. Bancroft over Harris seems contentious but a couple reasons why they went with the Sandgroper sander. Being right-handed helped, if we went Harris six of the top five are all lefties, and that’s just too much. Especially too in an opening pair it is better to have left and right. But also there’s a fear on Harris outside of ‘Shield conditions’. He looked ok in the test summer, but didn’t blow anyone away. And if you’re a good batsman in Australian conditions against State bowlers, you can cash in. Bancroft has had a couple better moments, for Australia A but also for Australia, but too recently for Durham, where he has shown maybe his skills and toughness go up that extra level. That will be key against Anderson and Broad with Duke balls in English conditions.
16.   Jimmy Pattinson, what a story. He had a back like Stephen Hawking only five minutes ago and now he is bustling and breathing fire with Duke in hand and will definitely get some LBW’s. Remember, last summer at home, six tests, not one quickie got a leg before. Pattinson is going to be beating the bat and hitting lots of pads and lots of poles, no question. Castles should go a-flying. Great story.
17.   Now, Pete Siddle, he is the other one, might even get a go too tonight. Why? Well the answer lies with Tim Murtagh. Who? He is the ‘not-quick’ Irish seamer who took five for bugger all at Lords last week in the first innings against England. Bowls a very tidy, tight, nagging length and gets a little wobble off the seam, which on our decks gets you smacked, but in England with some cloud cover you’re unplayable. If 38-year-old Murtagh can get Michelle Pfeiffer’s at Lord’s, imagine what Siddle might be able to do somewhere. Will play.
18.   England’s top order is the key. We said in the World Cup the lower order was their Achilles heel and early on it was, but back end of the tournament Roy and Bairstow got going and they deservedly won the World Cup. Ashes, red ball, it’s the opposite. The top order is their weakness which is not where you’d want it. At least in one-day cricket when Roy and Bairstow get going they protect the middle order, in test cricket it’s going to go wrong from the start. Joe Root does not want to bat three, at all, not one bit – but such is their issues at the top he is. He will probably still bat well, but if doesn’t, they could be four for not much and that is a problem they can’t afford too often needing to win something like three of the five tests.
19.   Predictions? Nah dunno, I know that because it’s later in their summer, in fact I think two tests will be in their autumn maybe, there is every chance we draw a test due to rain interruptions. So the Poms will need a 3-1 result to get the urn back, or 2-1 if we lose two tests to weather. I reckon Australia wins at least one test, and if the batting is ok at worst, good at least, then that’s probably two wins and the urn is retained. But India nobbled our batting at home, it’s now Anderson and Broad and over there. Might come down to Warner and Smith, they go ok, we win, they miss and the batting still is a problem, we don’t, England does the World Cup-Ashes double.
20.   Lastly, A-League got some good news, Channel Ten will air two games a round this year on the main channel, which is a great result in all honesty. However, kind of trumped later in the week when the NBL announced its SBS-ESPN deal, which sees every afternoon game on SBS (three plus games a round), and all primetime games on ESPN, away from the Fox Sports channels. That would not be cheap, big leap of faith by ESPN. Larry Kestelman runs that sport as well as the FFA tries to bury its sport into the ground.
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jhesite · 1 year
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