#Raon Ohn and Hong get the Soo's adopted into Cale's family because they wanted to be the baby's cousins
sadlynotthevoid · 8 months
The other day I had this weird dream where, in a timeline where the Soo's, somehow and for some reason, stopped the plaza terror incident— pretty much with no casualties. And then, like a week later or so, the king or Alberu (or any royalty, not sure who) gathered the nobles and other people related to the matter on the palace.
Here's when things start to... happen, I guess?
Turns out, between the people there was a really angry noblewoman who went straight to the king to ask for divorce of her husband. Not really sure what the guy did, but he was also there and he was kind of a jerk, so... Fair.
Zed, for this time in the right, tried to explain that 'yes, he can get them divorced, but right now was not the time for it'.
—It didn't worked.
The woman was really mad and indignated and the jerk of the husband wasn't helping. Obviously, the situation escalated.
The discussion turned into yells, which turned into them throwing things and a random woman (seriously, who was this? a mistress, maybe?) joining the jerk. Food was launched, Antonio Gyerre almost got a fork at the eye and, by the end of all this, Choi Han had a chicken wing on his hair (that was Choi JungSoo, actually).
After they got them separated, the jerk ended up being held by the guards for some reason (I think he threw a knife, but I'm not sure. It could had been Raon). The woman stomped off the room, being followed by a distressed maid holding a baby.
Five minutes later, Cale Henituse entered through the door, looking really confused. He glanced at all the people covered in food, at the man being picked like a naughty cat by the guards and at the spoon tangled in the king's beard. He tilted his head.
"What happened here."
And, instead of answering him, Bassen asked, "hyung-nim, what are you carrying there?"
Slowly, Cale moved the bunch in which he had his coat wrappled in his arms. He pulled off a piece of fabric a bit, showing a pair of litte hands to Bassen.
"Some crazy woman threw this baby at me at the hallway. Literally."
Then I woke up and now I don't know what happened later with og!Cale and his accidentally acquired baby. I mean, besides that he kept her, obviously.
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samiamack · 7 months
Cale Rok Headcanons:
KRS is a pillow princess
Bulky/stronk sub
Ace → sex neutral
Willing to do it to fulfill partner
Can make him feel closer to Cale
Wants Cale to be happy
Cale will never engage unless he is certain that Rok Soo consents
Doesn’t enjoy the physical activity aspect
Tends to forget about it while having sex
Can enjoy the act occasionally
Enjoys cuddles after sex
He prefers to express his affection nonverbally
Acts of service
He loves Cale fiercely
Has a habit of listening to Cale’s heartbeat to remind him that Cale is alive
This habit stems from the trauma of everyone he’s ever loved dying
Cale is the top
Lean muscle dom
Ace → sex positive
Feels closer when and after doing it
Ensures he has consent
Will not engage in any sexual tension if he isn’t sober(almost never)
Enjoys sex
Prefers to express affection physically and verbally
Words of affirmation
Says i love you frequently
Flusters and comforts Rok Soo
Gives compliments frequently
Any positive physical touch
Arms on waist/shoulders
Gets really insecure about relationship at times and ends up in a spiral of thinking he doesn’t deserve Rok Soo
Rok Soo hates this and tries to help by showing his affection as often as possible
Rok Soo can be averse to touch and won't allow anyone to touch or get near him
Cale respects this and ensures that no one disturb him
Rok Soo likes it when Cale just talks with him during those moments
He also appreciates that Cale will always ask when he is going to go near Rok Soo
The two are the best parental units to their hordes of adopted(legally and emotionally) children.
Cale is genderfluid
Has different wardrobes for all their genders
Ron and Hans can somehow inherently tell which gender Cale is that day/ at the moment(much like Magnus in the Records of Ragnarok)
Deruth is jealous of this ability
KRS is agender but uses he/him pronouns
Due to his appearance people often just assume he is a boy
KRS doesn’t care about whatever pronouns people use for him he just uses he/him because it’s easiest to explain
He actually really likes it when people use anything other than he/him or use he/him but not in a way that seems to imply that they see him as solely a boy (I am 100% projecting here)
Cale catches onto this and will often use whatever random new pronoun he found today in his encyclopedia of neopronouns
Open communication is extremely important to the two so they practice it frequently(I know it’s OCC but in this essay I will-)
They keep almost no secrets from each other
Always inform the other of their plans and if they are injured
Respect keeping each other secrets as they respect each others privacy
Were both hurt by miscommunication in the past so they make sure to always inform the other
KRS is nonverbal
Cale learns sign language to better communicate with KRS first
Rest of the family learn as well
Ron + Beacrox
Alberu + Rosalyn
Violan + Basen + Lilly
Choi Han
Bud Illis
Eruhaben already knew sign language
KRS likes to cook for Cale
Cale loves KRS’s cooking
Cale loves to dress KRS up
KRS is fine with whatever as long as it’s comfortable
Cale kisses all of KRS’s scars
KRS finds the scars to be shameful and scary so he gets flustered whenever cale does this
@aro-screams-into-the-void bestie pls opinions I need them!
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