ttheatre-trashh · 26 days
These Noel x mischa ship names are getting crazy. Like no I’m not calling them hiphophookers????? Who the fuck thought of rapsluts???? Can’t we just stick with nischa 😭😭 or Passionfruit/poets/roses
edit: I’ve now discovered rosephone, wifiroses, and fuckeduprappers.
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Every kind of music, blasting in my ears!
(Alt version under cut)
The gay(er) version
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Also a noel doodle
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kimdaily · 7 years
I think I followed you a year ago when you and cypherslut were arguing whether your ship name should be cyphersae or rapslut
thank god rapslut won. wtf was Becky thinking with the other smh like wtf is cyphersae honestly...
Anonymously tell me why you started following me
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ttheatre-trashh · 26 days
Band au
Ok so like band thing called “rapsluts” ( Mischa came up w the name, because the band started out as a fun thing. Now that they’re famous and known as rapsluts, they can’t change it) 
Karnak on drums (someone’s, idk who’s, uncle. Wanted to help out w the band. Was in a band in high school. Kind of hates it but the band pays ok) 45yo? 
Virgil on bass (Karnaks son, someone, idk who’s, cousin.)  16-20yo
Mischa bachinski, lead singer. Can’t play an instrument for the life of it. 16-20yo 
Ricky Potts on keys. (A fan favourite member, apparently his interviews are very meme-able.) 16-20yo 
Astrid (I don’t remember her other last names) Rosenberg. Electric guitar and vocals. (Fans love her weird humour,) 16-20yo
Other people 
Constance Blackwood. Manager. A friend of the band, they asked her to be their manager when they made it big. Carries around a sparkly purple clipboard. 
Penny lamb. Ricky’s gf, doesn’t particularly love the music, but still likes it. Loves the band members themselves, though. 
Ocean O’Connell Rosenberg. Astrids cousin, duh. Hates the band. Runs multiple hate accounts. Thinks Astrid’s life is now corrupted by drugs just because she’s in a band. Secretly loves their music. Shshshsh
Noel gruber.  Massive fan of the band. Obsessed w mischa. Friends with ocean, and can’t believe oceans cousin is in his favourite band. 
I might’ve forgotten someone. Anyways yeah just some ideas and hcs lol
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