#Reaching Chinese consumers with SEO for global businesses
tradekey-b2b · 29 days
Unlocking Global Markets: How Chinese Suppliers and Manufacturers Can Leverage B2B Trade Platforms
In today’s fast-paced, digitally-driven global marketplace, Chinese suppliers and manufacturers have unprecedented opportunities to expand their reach and grow their businesses. Business-to-Business (B2B) trade platforms have emerged as powerful tools that connect suppliers with buyers across the globe. These platforms offer an efficient and effective way to enter international markets, build strong business relationships, and increase sales. However, to fully leverage these opportunities, Chinese businesses need to understand how to effectively utilize B2B trade platforms like TradeKey, as well as the importance of integrating digital services such as website development, graphic design, Social Media Marketing (SMM), and Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
The Role of B2B Trade Platforms in Global Expansion
B2B trade platforms are online marketplaces that facilitate transactions between businesses. These platforms allow suppliers to showcase their products, connect with potential buyers, and conduct trade on a global scale. For Chinese suppliers and manufacturers, these platforms offer several key advantages:
Access to Global Markets: B2B platforms provide Chinese suppliers with access to a vast network of international buyers. This global reach allows businesses to tap into new markets, diversify their customer base, and reduce dependence on domestic markets.
Cost-Effective Marketing: Traditional marketing and trade show participation can be expensive and time-consuming. B2B platforms, on the other hand, offer a cost-effective way to market products to a global audience. By creating a profile and listing products on a B2B platform, suppliers can reach potential buyers without the need for expensive marketing campaigns.
Streamlined Sales Process: B2B platforms streamline the sales process by providing tools for communication, negotiation, and transaction management. This reduces the time and effort required to close deals, allowing suppliers to focus on production and business growth.
Building Credibility: Establishing credibility is crucial for success in international trade. B2B platforms like TradeKey offer verification services and feedback systems that help suppliers build trust with potential buyers. This can be particularly valuable for new businesses looking to establish a foothold in global markets.
How TradeKey Can Help Chinese Suppliers and Manufacturers
TradeKey is one of the leading B2B trade platforms that cater to the needs of suppliers and manufacturers worldwide. For Chinese businesses, TradeKey offers a range of features and services designed to facilitate global trade and drive business growth.
Comprehensive Product Listings: TradeKey allows suppliers to create detailed product listings, complete with images, descriptions, and specifications. This enables buyers to easily find and evaluate products, increasing the likelihood of successful transactions.
Global Buyer Network: TradeKey’s extensive network of buyers spans multiple industries and regions. This means that Chinese suppliers can connect with buyers from around the world, increasing their chances of finding the right partners and expanding their market reach.
Verification and Trust Building: TradeKey offers verification services that help suppliers build trust with potential buyers. Verified suppliers are more likely to attract serious inquiries and secure deals, as buyers are assured of the supplier’s credibility.
Dedicated Account Management: TradeKey provides dedicated account managers who assist suppliers with setting up their profiles, optimizing their listings, and navigating the platform. This personalized support ensures that suppliers can make the most of the platform’s features and maximize their success.
Lead Generation and Matchmaking: TradeKey offers lead generation and matchmaking services that connect suppliers with buyers who are actively seeking products in their industry. This targeted approach increases the chances of securing deals and building long-term business relationships.
The Importance of Digital Services in B2B Trade
While B2B platforms like TradeKey offer a powerful way to connect with global buyers, the effectiveness of these efforts can be significantly enhanced through the use of digital services. To stand out in a competitive market, Chinese suppliers and manufacturers need to invest in services that enhance their online presence, improve brand visibility, and drive traffic to their listings.
Website Development: A professional, well-designed website is essential for any business looking to succeed in the global market. A website serves as the online face of the company and is often the first point of contact for potential buyers. TradeKey offers website development services that help suppliers create a strong online presence. A well-designed website can showcase products, provide detailed information, and facilitate direct communication with buyers. Additionally, an optimized website can improve search engine rankings, making it easier for buyers to find the supplier online.
Graphic Design: Visual appeal plays a crucial role in attracting and retaining the attention of potential buyers. High-quality graphic design can enhance product listings, marketing materials, and websites, making them more visually appealing and professional. TradeKey’s graphic design services help suppliers create eye-catching designs that resonate with their target audience and convey a strong brand identity.
Social Media Marketing (SMM): Social media platforms are powerful tools for reaching and engaging with a global audience. By leveraging SMM, suppliers can promote their products, share updates, and build relationships with potential buyers. TradeKey’s SMM services help suppliers create and manage effective social media campaigns that drive traffic to their B2B listings and increase brand awareness.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO): SEO is a critical component of digital marketing that involves optimizing online content to rank higher in search engine results. Higher rankings lead to increased visibility and traffic, which can translate into more inquiries and sales. TradeKey’s SEO services help suppliers improve their online visibility by optimizing their websites and product listings for relevant keywords. This ensures that when buyers search for specific products, the supplier’s listings are more likely to appear at the top of the search results.
In an increasingly competitive global market, Chinese suppliers and manufacturers must leverage every available tool to succeed. B2B trade platforms like TradeKey offer an invaluable opportunity to connect with international buyers, streamline the sales process, and grow their businesses. However, to fully capitalize on these opportunities, suppliers need to invest in digital services such as website development, graphic design, SMM, and SEO. By combining the power of B2B platforms with a strong digital presence, Chinese suppliers can unlock new markets, build lasting business relationships, and achieve sustainable growth in the global marketplace.
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The Benefits of Multi-Language Corporate Videos for Global Reach
In an increasingly globalised world, businesses are constantly seeking ways to expand their reach and connect with audiences across different regions and cultures. One powerful tool for achieving this is multi-language corporate videos . These videos, produced in multiple languages, can significantly enhance a company’s ability to communicate effectively with a diverse audience. In this blog, we will explore the benefits of multi-language corporate videos and how they can help your business achieve global reach. Enhanced Accessibility and Inclusivity Creating corporate videos in multiple languages makes your content accessible to a broader audience. Not everyone is proficient in English, and by offering videos in other languages, you demonstrate respect and inclusivity towards non-English speaking viewers. This approach ensures that your message reaches a wider demographic, including potential customers, partners, and employees who may prefer consuming content in their native language. Inclusivity in communication not only enhances your brand’s reputation but also builds trust and loyalty among diverse audiences. When people see that your company values their language and culture, they are more likely to engage with your content and develop a positive perception of your brand. Improved Engagement and Understanding Language barriers can hinder effective communication and understanding. By providing corporate videos in multiple languages, you eliminate these barriers and ensure that your message is clearly understood by all viewers. This is particularly important for complex topics or detailed explanations, where nuances and specific terms need to be accurately conveyed. When viewers can engage with your content in their preferred language, they are more likely to retain information and respond positively. This improved understanding can lead to better customer experiences, increased interest in your products or services, and ultimately, higher conversion rates. Enhanced SEO and Online Visibility Search engine optimisation (SEO) is a crucial aspect of digital marketing, and multi-language videos can significantly boost your SEO efforts. Search engines like Google prioritise content that is relevant and accessible to a diverse audience. By creating videos in multiple languages, you increase the chances of your content appearing in search results for various language queries. Additionally, multi-language videos can improve your website’s overall SEO performance. When you host videos on platforms like YouTube and include multilingual captions or subtitles, you enhance your content’s discoverability. This can drive more organic traffic to your website, increase video views, and improve your online visibility on a global scale. Greater Market Penetration Expanding into new markets requires an understanding of local cultures, preferences, and behaviours. Multi-language corporate videos allow you to tailor your message to specific regions, making it more relevant and relatable to local audiences. This localisation strategy can significantly enhance your market penetration efforts. For example, a product launch video in Spanish for the Latin American market or a recruitment video in Mandarin for the Chinese market can resonate more deeply with local viewers. By speaking directly to their needs and interests, you increase the likelihood of gaining traction in these new markets and establishing a strong presence. Strengthened Brand Identity and Loyalty A brand that communicates effectively in multiple languages demonstrates a commitment to global reach and cultural sensitivity. This can strengthen your brand identity and foster loyalty among international audiences. When viewers see that you are making an effort to engage with them in their language, they feel valued and appreciated. Moreover, multi-language videos can help humanise your brand. Featuring employees, customers, or partners from different regions speaking their native languages can create a sense of authenticity and relatability. This personal touch can enhance emotional connections with your brand and encourage long-term loyalty. Competitive Advantage In today’s competitive business landscape, standing out from the crowd is essential. Offering multi-language corporate videos can give you a distinct competitive advantage. Many businesses still produce content exclusively in English, overlooking the vast potential of non-English speaking markets. By investing in multi-language videos, you position your company as a forward-thinking, inclusive, and globally-minded organisation. This competitive edge can help you attract international clients, partners, and talent who value diversity and inclusivity. It also sets you apart as a leader in your industry, capable of effectively communicating with a diverse audience. Enhanced Customer Support and Training Multi-language corporate videos are not only beneficial for marketing and communication but also for customer support and training purposes. Providing instructional or support videos in multiple languages can improve customer satisfaction and reduce the burden on your support team. Customers can access information in their preferred language, leading to quicker problem resolution and a better overall experience. Similarly, training videos for employees or partners in different regions can ensure consistent knowledge transfer and skill development. This can enhance productivity, reduce misunderstandings, and foster a cohesive, well-informed workforce. In conclusion, multi-language corporate videos offer numerous benefits that can significantly enhance your global reach. From improved accessibility and engagement to enhanced SEO and market penetration, these videos enable you to connect with diverse audiences effectively. They strengthen your brand identity, provide a competitive advantage, and support various business functions, including customer support and training. For businesses aiming to expand their global presence and communicate with audiences across different regions, investing in multi-language corporate videos is a strategic and impactful choice. By partnering with a professional video production company like Shot Blast Media, you can ensure high-quality, culturally relevant content that resonates with viewers worldwide and drives your business success. Find out more about how we can help you on your next video project: +44 (0)113 288 3245 | [email protected] Your Industrial Story Starts Here Press the button. Make the call. Transform your media. +44 (0)113 288 3245 [email protected] Contact Us
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90degreesasia · 6 months
Navigating the Digital Tides of Asia: Your Gateway to Explosive Growth
The digital landscape in Asia is not merely burgeoning; it is a pulsating force that can propel businesses from ‘local gems’ to ‘global giants’ within the blink of an eye. From the neon-lit streets of Tokyo to the hustle and bustle of Seoul, from the innovation hubs of Singapore to the dragon's lair of Shanghai, Asia is not only the largest continent but also the most vibrant digital market in the world.
But to harness the potential of this energetic landscape, businesses require more than just a presence; they need a formidable identity – a digital persona that resonates in markets that are as varied as they are vast. If you're ready to entrench your brand in the digital tapestry of Asia, read on as we unveil the strategic keystones of digital marketing best practices designed to unlock the potential of this dynamic region.
Search Engine Marketing in Asia: Surfing the Pacific Wave of Query Power
Search engines reign supreme in the online battle for consumer attention, and in Asia, the giants of search – Baidu, Naver, and Yahoo Japan – hold dominion over local digital discovery. Navigating these waves is an art unto itself, one that involves not just visibility, but precision targeting and culturally attuned messaging.
Becoming 'Baidu Brilliant’: Chinese SEO and PPC Mastery
Entering the digital domain of China's 1.4 billion consumers isn't just a matter of translating, it's about transforming. A SEO strategy in China demands a deep understanding of Mandarin keywords, a deft touch to elegantly dance around the Great Firewall, and a PR strategy that aligns with Chinese social priorities. Meanwhile, a Pay-Per-Click campaign on Baidu, the search engine market leader, needs the sharp tip of a scalpel, not the blunt force of a sledgehammer; the dual forces of specificity and customization are key.
Navigating Naver's Nuances in Korea: SEO Charm for the Home of K-Pop
Korean netizens flock to Naver, the local favorite, not just for information, but for an immersive online experience. SEO strategies here pivot not only on search terms but also on blog posts, cafe articles, and encrypted messaging applications. In Korea, the user wants to feel heard, engaged, and respected, making personalized content the jewel in your Naver-optimized crown.
Yahoo Japan Advertising: The Key to the Kingdom of Innovation
To unravel the enigma that is Yahoo Japan's ad platform is to gain access to one of the oldest and most innovative digital markets. It’s a place where loyalty is rewarded, and where the balance between traditional values and cutting-edge technologies is meticulously maintained. Yielding this sword of search could mean cutting through the competition with the grace of a katana.
The Zen of SEO in Asia: Crafting a Harmonious Path to Visibility
Search Engine Optimization is the bedrock of any successful digital marketing strategy. And in Asia, it isn't just about rankings; it’s about resonating. The art of SEO in Asia is the mindful practice of maintaining balance between keywords and content, user experience and technicality, and reaching for the top spot while staying rooted in organic growth.
Japan's SEO Ecosystem: Content, Context, and Connection
In a country where respect and hierarchy are integral to daily life, it's no surprise that the art of SEO in Japan centers on establishing strong relationships. Content must be tailored not just to rank high on search engines, but also to resonate with the cultural context of its audience. In this way, we create a seamless connection between brand and consumer.
The Korean Wave: Riding the SEO Tide to Success
Korea is a country of constant innovation and trends, making it one of the most dynamic digital landscapes in Asia. To stay ahead in this competitive market, SEO must be constantly evolving and adapting, riding the wave of search engine algorithms and cultural shifts. By staying agile and creative, we can help your brand rise to the top.
Captivating China: The Art of SEO in the Land of 1.4 Billion
With a population of 1.4 billion and counting, China is a vast market with endless opportunities. But to truly captivate this audience, your brand needs more than just visibility; it needs relevance and resonance. Our team of experts knows how to navigate the intricacies of Chinese SEO, utilizing the right keywords and cultural insights to ensure maximum impact.
Embracing the Digital Future: Where East Meets West
The digital landscape in Asia may seem daunting and unfamiliar to many Western businesses, but it also offers endless possibilities for growth and expansion. By embracing the unique characteristics of each market and incorporating them into your brand's digital strategy, you can create a powerful and engaging presence that resonates with consumers in Asia and beyond.
From mastering the art of search engine marketing to crafting a harmonious approach to SEO, our team at [Company Name] is dedicated to helping your brand navigate the digital tides of Asia. Together, we can write the next chapter of your brand's digital legacy – one click, one share, one sale
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chengyouqing · 1 year
As economic globalization becomes more and more intensive, Chinese enterprises going overseas has become an irresistible wave of the times, and more and more enterprises have begun to set sail overseas. In the process of going overseas, using Google, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, Threads, Linkin and other media for advertising and marketing promotion is a topic that companies going overseas cannot avoid. Through these media, overseas companies can establish connections with potential users faster and more closely, build brand images, and even directly drive sales.
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Today, Chongqing Chengyouqing Network Technology Co., Ltd. will share with you how companies can conduct marketing through Google when going overseas.
For companies going overseas, Google's keyword search, YouTube, social media, etc. are undoubtedly unavoidable for companies going overseas, especially search, which is the top priority.
Search is an important channel for people to actively obtain information. HubSpot research data shows that 62% of consumers use search engines when they want to learn about a new business, product or service, and 41% of consumers use search engines when preparing to purchase a product. In the field of search, Google is the well-deserved leader. Every year, Google runs trillions of searches, with 3.5 billion+ searches every day.
Google’s latest “Year in Search 2023 Report” shows that today’s consumers are more eager to take the decision-making initiative into their own hands and make “confident decisions.” This creates opportunities for brands to win user trust and strive for user choice. Search has become a bridge and tool that helps advertisers and users build trust, enhance connections, and drive decision-making. As much as 88% of users will purchase products from brands that make them feel confident about their purchase.
This is undoubtedly the case for overseas companies. If they want to make their brands and products visible to consumers, it is difficult to avoid search advertising. Not only that, companies going overseas are also starting a craze for building independent websites, hoping that their brands can establish face-to-face connections with consumers and at the same time get rid of over-reliance on e-commerce platforms.
But building an independent station is only the first step. How to attract traffic to the independent station is also the key. Google is undoubtedly an important channel for attracting traffic to brand independent stations. With the help of Google search SEO and a series of services provided, it not only allows users to directly reach the brand independent website, but also helps to improve the ranking of the independent website on Google's homepage, thereby gaining a large amount of exposure while bringing more natural traffic, forming An effective virtuous cycle.
Taking automobile export as an example, the traffic brought by Google accounts for 68% of the total traffic. At the same time, Google is also an important brand export channel for overseas automobiles, providing good brand information endorsement. Of course, it’s not just the new energy automobile industry, such as Chongqing’s industrial industry, hardware industry, 3C digital, smart technology, accessories aftermarket, etc...
Of course, the methods of other channels are also very different, and various resources can also be flexibly matched and combined according to the company's overseas stage and needs to achieve its own marketing purposes. Google provides far more than this for overseas companies.
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klineblog · 1 year
Cross-Border E-commerce: Reaching Global Audiences from China
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Cross-border e-commerce has revolutionized the way businesses expand their reach and connect with global audiences. China, as a major player in the e-commerce industry, offers tremendous opportunities for businesses to leverage its robust cross-border e-commerce ecosystem and reach consumers worldwide. In this article, we will explore the power of cross-border e-commerce in China and discuss strategies for successfully reaching global audiences.
Tap into China's Cross-Border E-commerce Platforms: China has established cross-border e-commerce platforms like Tmall Global, JD Worldwide, Kaola, and Pinduoduo Global, which provide businesses with a gateway to international markets. Partnering with these platforms allows businesses to leverage their established infrastructure, logistics networks, and customer base to expand globally.
Research and Understand Target Markets: Before entering new international markets, conduct thorough market research to understand local consumer preferences, behavior, and purchasing habits. Identify target markets with high demand for your products or services, and tailor your marketing strategies accordingly.
Adapt to Local Preferences and Cultures: Each market has its own cultural nuances and preferences. Adapt your product offerings, marketing messages, and customer experience to align with the local culture and preferences of the target market. This includes considerations such as language localization, product customization, and localization of marketing materials.
Streamline Logistics and Supply Chain: Efficient logistics and supply chain management are critical for successful cross-border e-commerce. Ensure smooth operations by partnering with reliable logistics providers who specialize in cross-border shipments. Streamline customs clearance processes, optimize inventory management, and provide transparent tracking and delivery updates to enhance the customer experience.
Build Trust with Local Consumers: Trust is crucial in cross-border e-commerce. Establishing trust with local consumers is essential for building brand loyalty and driving repeat purchases. Showcase trust-building elements such as secure payment options, customer reviews and ratings, certifications, and transparent return policies to instill confidence in your brand.
Localized Marketing and Advertising: Tailor your marketing and advertising efforts to resonate with the target market. Invest in localized digital marketing campaigns, social media presence, and search engine optimization (SEO) to improve visibility and reach. Leverage local influencers, key opinion leaders (KOLs), and relevant platforms to amplify your brand's presence and credibility.
Optimize Product Listings for International Platforms: When listing your products on international platforms, optimize your product descriptions, titles, and images to align with the target audience's search behavior and preferences. Conduct keyword research, understand local search trends, and use language that effectively communicates the unique selling points and benefits of your products.
Provide Multilingual Customer Support: Deliver exceptional customer support in the local language to ensure a seamless shopping experience. Offer multilingual customer service through various channels such as email, live chat, and social media. Promptly address customer inquiries, provide assistance, and resolve issues to build customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Stay Updated on Regulations and Compliance: Cross-border e-commerce involves navigating various regulations and compliance requirements. Stay informed about import/export regulations, tax obligations, customs procedures, and consumer protection laws in the target markets. Comply with legal requirements to avoid any potential issues and build a trustworthy reputation. Check over here Chinese Tiktok marketing
Monitor and Analyze Performance: Continuously monitor and analyze key performance indicators (KPIs) to evaluate the success of your cross-border e-commerce efforts. Track sales data, customer feedback, website analytics, and campaign performance to gain insights and identify areas for improvement. Optimize your strategies based on data-driven decisions to enhance results and drive growth.
Cross-border e-commerce from China offers businesses unprecedented access to global markets. By leveraging China's cross-border e-commerce platforms, adapting to local preferences, streamlining logistics, building trust, and implementing effective marketing strategies, businesses can successfully reach and engage global audiences, expand their customer base, and drive international growth from the thriving e-commerce hub in China.
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digital8940 · 1 year
Digital Marketing service in kuwait
Digital Marketing service in kuwait
Welcome to our kuwait language digital marketing services!
  we specialize in providing your brand with comprehensive digital marketing solutions to help you succeed in the kuwait market. Our professional team has an in-depth understanding of kuwait culture, market and consumer behavior, and tailors’ strategies for you to ensure your brand thrives in China.
Here are the highlights of our digital marketing services:
Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Our team will optimize your website to get a higher ranking in major search engines such as Baidu according to kuwait search engine rules and user habits. Through strategies such as keyword research, website structure optimization, content optimization and external link building, we help you increase the visibility of your website in organic search results.
Social Media Marketing: social media has a huge influence in kuwait. We help you develop a customized social media marketing strategy, including management, content creation and community interaction on Weibo, WeChat, Doyin and other platforms. With precise target market positioning and attractive content, we will help you build deep relationships with kuwait consumers.
Search Engine Marketing (SEM): Our team of experienced SEM experts can create effective online advertising campaigns for you, including Baidu PPC and other search engine advertising platforms. We optimize ad placement strategies, increase conversion rates, and ensure the best use of your advertising budget.
Media buying and planning: By cooperating with various media platforms, we provide you with comprehensive media buying and planning services. We help you choose the media channels suitable for your brand, and assist you in advertising, brand cooperation and promotional activities to expand your popularity in the Chinese market.
Data Analysis and Reporting: We place emphasis on data analysis and reporting to ensure the best results for your marketing campaigns. We use advanced analytical tools to monitor and evaluate key metrics and provide regular reports and insights to help you understand your market performance and adjust and optimize accordingly.
Localization and cultural adaptation: We understand Chinese culture and market characteristics, and can help you with localized marketing strategies and content creation. We are familiar with kuwait consumer
In today's digital world, making a difference is harder than ever. As billions of people are digitally connected, businesses face more complex challenges than ever before, finding innovative ways to reach customers across more devices, languages and geographies. Only by providing them with exactly the digital content solutions they need can they keep pace with the times. Of course, there is good news too! We help you achieve successful brand communications in global markets.
Customers are at the heart of your business. They need reliable, timely and relevant news and information from you now - to help them in special times like these. Can they trust you to provide accurate inventory and delivery updates for their online purchases, help them save money or time by recommending different ways to use your product/service, or enable them to quickly resolve product/service challenges through digital self-service? If you can consistently meet these expectations, your customers will continue to engage with you, connect with you and recommend your brand
Now you need to rethink how you deliver empathetic, personalized content that delivers real customer value. This requires changing your content and messaging quickly enough to remain relevant in real time. Large-scale change is necessary, but not necessarily easy.
If you need to tweak your digital UX strategy or tweak your UX design, we can help. We can work with you to leverage customer data and embed intelligence across the entire marketing stack, increase marketing efficiency through marketing automation, optimize your e-commerce experience, and even launch fast virtual agents and bots to improve your customer service experience.
With the emergence of new digital communication tools, traditional public relations agencies have begun to transform and reformulate their marketing strategies to meet the new needs of clients. Today 80% of PR marketing has been digitized. To increase exposure, companies are reinventing their brand identities. It is for this reason that more and more companies are looking for a new partner: a digital marketing company.
In addition to the term "digital marketing company", we also hear "network marketing company" in the field of online communication, as well as:
digital PR agency, digital communications agency
360-degree public relations company (online media & paper media)
Internet media company, Internet digital company, online marketing company
Social media companies (manage social platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, twitter, etc.)
One Partner, Diversified Strategy
Digital marketing companies have many advantages. They can bring together all the technologies in the digital field to help clients develop online communication strategies.
Communicating content has always been at the heart of digital marketing. In fact, according to their size and business capabilities, the services provided by digital marketing companies have their own advantages and disadvantages, but in general it can be summarized as follows:
website creation
Create and operate accounts on social platforms (social media management)
mobile application development
Search Engine Optimization SEO
Search Engine Advertising SEA
Industry opinion leader relationship maintenance
Enterprise VI (visual identity) design
Video and Animation Design
Digital technology audit and website positioning assessment
Due to the increasing number of digital marketing tools, some digital marketing companies are also cooperating with third parties to add more valuable service content, such as certain projects that require specific development planning, user interface design, or SEO.
Digital marketing companies are experts in various means of communication and promotion, so we strongly recommend that every brand or business cooperate with them to establish a real strategy for online marketing. In addition, digital marketing companies know how to best meet customer needs and achieve marketing goals within a given budget. Therefore, whether it is a short-term, medium-term or long-term network communication plan, it is undoubtedly the best way to cooperate with a digital marketing company.
Digital marketing is measurable
Because digital marketing methods use the internet and digital technology, it is easier to track your results. When it comes to software, you have many options for tracking your activities.
With traditional methods, linking activities to real-world outcomes is often more challenging.
Improved tracking from Online Marketing Solutions helps you more accurately evaluate your campaigns and improve their performance.
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Digital Marketing service in kuwait
Digital Marketing service in kuwait
Welcome to our kuwait language digital marketing services!
  we specialize in providing your brand with comprehensive digital marketing solutions to help you succeed in the kuwait market. Our professional team has an in-depth understanding of kuwait culture, market and consumer behavior, and tailors’ strategies for you to ensure your brand thrives in China.
Here are the highlights of our digital marketing services:
Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Our team will optimize your website to get a higher ranking in major search engines such as Baidu according to kuwait search engine rules and user habits. Through strategies such as keyword research, website structure optimization, content optimization and external link building, we help you increase the visibility of your website in organic search results.
Social Media Marketing: social media has a huge influence in kuwait. We help you develop a customized social media marketing strategy, including management, content creation and community interaction on Weibo, WeChat, Doyin and other platforms. With precise target market positioning and attractive content, we will help you build deep relationships with kuwait consumers.
Search Engine Marketing (SEM): Our team of experienced SEM experts can create effective online advertising campaigns for you, including Baidu PPC and other search engine advertising platforms. We optimize ad placement strategies, increase conversion rates, and ensure the best use of your advertising budget.
Media buying and planning: By cooperating with various media platforms, we provide you with comprehensive media buying and planning services. We help you choose the media channels suitable for your brand, and assist you in advertising, brand cooperation and promotional activities to expand your popularity in the Chinese market.
Data Analysis and Reporting: We place emphasis on data analysis and reporting to ensure the best results for your marketing campaigns. We use advanced analytical tools to monitor and evaluate key metrics and provide regular reports and insights to help you understand your market performance and adjust and optimize accordingly.
Localization and cultural adaptation: We understand Chinese culture and market characteristics, and can help you with localized marketing strategies and content creation. We are familiar with kuwait consumer
In today's digital world, making a difference is harder than ever. As billions of people are digitally connected, businesses face more complex challenges than ever before, finding innovative ways to reach customers across more devices, languages and geographies. Only by providing them with exactly the digital content solutions they need can they keep pace with the times. Of course, there is good news too! We help you achieve successful brand communications in global markets.
Customers are at the heart of your business. They need reliable, timely and relevant news and information from you now - to help them in special times like these. Can they trust you to provide accurate inventory and delivery updates for their online purchases, help them save money or time by recommending different ways to use your product/service, or enable them to quickly resolve product/service challenges through digital self-service? If you can consistently meet these expectations, your customers will continue to engage with you, connect with you and recommend your brand
Now you need to rethink how you deliver empathetic, personalized content that delivers real customer value. This requires changing your content and messaging quickly enough to remain relevant in real time. Large-scale change is necessary, but not necessarily easy.
If you need to tweak your digital UX strategy or tweak your UX design, we can help. We can work with you to leverage customer data and embed intelligence across the entire marketing stack, increase marketing efficiency through marketing automation, optimize your e-commerce experience, and even launch fast virtual agents and bots to improve your customer service experience.
With the emergence of new digital communication tools, traditional public relations agencies have begun to transform and reformulate their marketing strategies to meet the new needs of clients. Today 80% of PR marketing has been digitized. To increase exposure, companies are reinventing their brand identities. It is for this reason that more and more companies are looking for a new partner: a digital marketing company.
In addition to the term "digital marketing company", we also hear "network marketing company" in the field of online communication, as well as:
digital PR agency, digital communications agency
360-degree public relations company (online media & paper media)
Internet media company, Internet digital company, online marketing company
Social media companies (manage social platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, twitter, etc.)
One Partner, Diversified Strategy
Digital marketing companies have many advantages. They can bring together all the technologies in the digital field to help clients develop online communication strategies.
Communicating content has always been at the heart of digital marketing. In fact, according to their size and business capabilities, the services provided by digital marketing companies have their own advantages and disadvantages, but in general it can be summarized as follows:
website creation
Create and operate accounts on social platforms (social media management)
mobile application development
Search Engine Optimization SEO
Search Engine Advertising SEA
Industry opinion leader relationship maintenance
Enterprise VI (visual identity) design
Video and Animation Design
Digital technology audit and website positioning assessment
Due to the increasing number of digital marketing tools, some digital marketing companies are also cooperating with third parties to add more valuable service content, such as certain projects that require specific development planning, user interface design, or SEO.
Digital marketing companies are experts in various means of communication and promotion, so we strongly recommend that every brand or business cooperate with them to establish a real strategy for online marketing. In addition, digital marketing companies know how to best meet customer needs and achieve marketing goals within a given budget. Therefore, whether it is a short-term, medium-term or long-term network communication plan, it is undoubtedly the best way to cooperate with a digital marketing company.
Digital marketing is measurable
Because digital marketing methods use the internet and digital technology, it is easier to track your results. When it comes to software, you have many options for tracking your activities.
With traditional methods, linking activities to real-world outcomes is often more challenging.
Improved tracking from Online Marketing Solutions helps you more accurately evaluate your campaigns and improve their performance.
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bestchllocalization · 6 years
Benefits Of Website Localization
The idea of adopting the business website to a multilingual website is worth as it has many potential benefits through Website Localization Services. Below you will find some benefits that you should consider before choosing website localization.
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Increase Your Slice of Pie
Website localization can greatly expand your global reach. In 2015 Chinese speakers made up about 30 percent of all internet users at roughly 509 million users, yet only 2.8 percent of all internet content is in Chinese. If any of your target audience includes Chinese speakers, adding Chinese as a language on your website allow you to better serve the market.
Localizing the content allow you to tap into target markets and make your products or services more appealing to those markets.
Build Credibility
By making an effort to speak in the native language of the audience, potential consumers will see that you are serious about earning and keeping their attention while also catering to their needs. As your website visitors have a pleasant experience interacting with your brand credibility will be built.
Visitors do not have a good experience if they are not able to understand the content at hand. So, start with the fundamentals and assure that your website visitors understand the content that is being served to them.
Increase Customer Engagement
When users continue to have positive experiences on your website, they will be more likely interacting with your business in the future. If a potential customer found what they were seeking during their first visit, they are much likely to return and even bring others with them through word of mouth.
Consumer Brand Identity
If your website shows an ability to speak the language of your target market through the messaging on the site, they are more likely to identify with your brand and rely on your business as a solution to their needs.
SEO Benefits
The need for SEO relevancy is higher than ever with businesses who are striving to find the perfect SEO keywords that will continue to drive traffic to their website.
SEO keywords in other languages are significantly less competitive, as there is less content created in other languages than English. So, if your website is multilingual, you can open the door to rank for some of the less competitive keywords in other languages that will drive more traffic. If you are ranking well in other languages, you are also likely to see an increase in Domain Authority (DA), which could help you better rank for keyword in your domestic language;
Cost Effective Alternative for Global Business
Creating a multilingual website allows businesses to spread in new markets without fully investing in a new team. As sales grow on your multilingual site, you will be in a better position for further investment.
New Customers
The ultimate goal is more customers and an increase in sales. So long as you have a solid website localization and solid execution, you will be able to acquire new customers and increase sales.
CHL Localization provides you with the best Website Localization Services. They assign one dedicated translator for your project and work specifically with this translator on a continuous basis. This is useful if you have a large project, you need to use consistent terminology, or you simply like a particular translator's style.
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devnagriai · 3 years
Why Is A Website Translation Tool Needed For Your Website?
There are 4.57 billion active internet users globally. Translating your website is the best method to promote your product to a new market. You will be able to reach millions of new prospective consumers by translating your website material into another language. Here are some of the most essential reasons for using website translation tools?
Expanding Your Business
If your company's potential development is low in its present market, expanding into other markets might provide the push it requires. Consider translating your video to text for potential consumers who appear to be particularly interested in your product or service. Consider markets where eCommerce is booming. China, which produces $672 billion in sales each year, followed by the US, the UK, Japan, and Germany are good options.
Furthermore, paying attention to the world's most spoken languages is a factor to consider when selecting a language to use for translating your video to text. Mandarin Chinese, Hindi, Spanish, French, and Arabic are the top five most spoken languages in the world after English.
Making an Excellent First Impression
Once you've determined that you want to attract clients in new areas, keep in mind that your company's initial image is important. Customers will automatically form opinions about your products based on what they see when they visit your website. Consumers select whether or not to stay on your site in 50 milliseconds. Therefore, making certain that your website's translation, as well as its appearance and feel, resonate with various cultures. Using a website translation tool is an important step in establishing a great first impression with potential consumers.
Also Read: Understand The Power Of Neural Machine Translation
Ensuring That Customers Want to Come Back
Once you've produced a great first impression, you want people to keep coming back to your website. Translating your website into local languages with a website translation tool establishes confidence, increasing the chances that they will return to your site. This is especially vital given that the majority of internet users are not native English speakers. In fact, only 25.9 per cent of the worldwide internet user population speaks English as a native language.
Bolstering Your Brand
You're probably focused on your company's overall branding efforts as part of your marketing plan. One certain method to build your brand is to adapt your website to your consumers' tastes and demands, which includes using a website translation tool. By spending time and money on the website translation tool, you are establishing relationships with existing and prospective clients, resulting in a solid perception of your business.
Your company's website is accessible from anywhere in the world, so why not show the world that you are interested in various cultures?
Also Read: Devnagri raises $600K in a seed round from Venture Catalyst, IPV, others
Improving Your SEO Strategy
You may enhance your search engine optimization (SEO) by translating your website. SEO is what draws users to your site. Because search engines use metadata and keywords to rank websites in search results, translating your website video to text, together with meta information and keywords, can help it rank higher in search results. Furthermore, SEO considers how much time people spend on your website. Hence, having it available in many languages implies that consumers will spend more time reading it, boosting your site's SEO.
Also Read: Planning To Hire Subtitle Translator? So This One’s For You
Surpassing Your Competition
Another important reason to use a website translation tool is to keep up with, or perhaps outperform, your competitors. If your rivals do not have a bilingual website, translating your site might help your firm stand out. Customers associate multilingual websites with a firm that is worldwide; this notion may offer you an advantage over your competition. You can ensure that you have the best translated website possible by collaborating with a website translations services business.
With global eCommerce sales expected to exceed $4.2 billion by the end of 2021. Translating your website might provide your firm with the potential to develop tremendously.
Also Read: What all considerations are required before hiring a professional for Document Translation Services?
The Bottom Line
With over 4.5 billion internet users globally, using website translation tools is the most effective method to enter a new market. You have the opportunity to attract millions of new consumers by translating your website content into another language.
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Top 5 benefits of using WEBSITE TRANSLATION
The international market is a lucrative platform for companies aspiring to prosper. Companies need to reach their customers for a global presence, and there is no other way than the Internet to connect with them. However, the language and culture barrier can pose a severe threat to any business expansion. 
As a result, businesses must foster multilingual communication via website localization. Here are a few more benefits of website translation:
1. English is not the preferred language
85% of Internet users speak languages such as Chinese, Spanish, Arabic, Portuguese, Japanese, Russian, German, English, French or Malay. A 2014 report shows that 72% of consumers prefer websites in their language.
2. Increase in income
Website localization helps increase revenue. According to a report, 72% of Internet users are more likely to buy products if the information is in their native language. Creating a multilingual website will give your company-wide exposure.
3. Increase consumer confidence in your products
A website in the user's native language will increase their confidence in your products. This is because they feel more familiar with the content. This creates an instant connection between you and your customer.
4. Improve your search results ranking
Website translation services can create an SEO (search engine optimization) compliant website with a particular keyword strategy. This brings visitors to your website. Translation services Dubai includes translating your content and keywords will multiply your chances of ranking higher in search results and give you more exposure. To do this, you can get help from professional website translation in Dubai and translation services (like us) that provides website translation and legal translation services, which makes us the best provider of legal translation services in Dubai. We can respond effectively to your language needs and requirements. 
The world is a great place with different people, different cultures, and different languages. Approaching people who are not in the same language can be difficult, but there are some ways to connect without stress.
Communicating with people through website translation can help you in a number of ways. Since the digital world evolves every day, translating your website can be a great advantage to attract attention and connect more with people from all over the world.
5. More languages attract more customers
If the website is translated into the native language or the regional language, it can attract more customers who belong to the local region. Thereby leads to an increased number of visitors to the website and more chance of converting to potential customers.
6. Competitive advantage
If your competitors haven't considered translating their website yet, you'll be one step ahead of them. So integrating customer-friendly content to your website that too in your native language will increase your chances to win and stay ahead of your competitors. The competitive edge will give you the new boost in succeeding in your plans.
7. Continuous growth
By translating your website, you have a good chance of increasing your global audience. You will be able to reach more people and subsequently grow your business.
It is important to note that English is not a widely spoken or written language in our own country and most of the world. Since approximately 75% of the world's Internet users use a language other than English to navigate the Web, your business is being lost without website translations. The question that arises is how to market your product or service in that non-English area. Here arises the need to translate the website into the language of your client.
Also, if you want to expand abroad, your company must have a presence in your target markets. Without a face for your organization, the enormous potential of those untapped foreign markets will remain untapped. Any translation agency that provides translation services and handles website translation, legal translation Dubai, french translation, Arabic translation, run by experienced translators, and specialised legal translator will help your business reach a new height, gaining more and more people considering the rewards you get through these efforts! The cost of translating your website is much lower!
Your website's translation into other languages will expand your global consumer base and help you build your business. So if you are looking for quality website localization and translation services, feel free to contact us at any time. You can anytime visit our website for more details about our service offerings.
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wikimakemoney · 4 years
Optimizing ecommerce & mobile for in-the-moment holiday shopping experiences
30-second summary:
Market conditions have shifted; they’re on a volatility roller coaster ride with an indeterminate amount of track of opportunity.
US ecommerce sales in July rose 55% year-over-year (YoY) reaching a record $66.3 billion.
73% of consumers who are shopping online more since the pandemic plan to continue doing so in future.
Ready or not, retailers need be planning new ways to deal with demand fluctuations across ecommerce categories now and plan for the holidays.
In the face of dramatic shifts in consumer behavior, social distancing recommendations, and no end in sight to the uncertainty and changes in consumer behavior caused by the coronavirus, retailers are finding ecommerce and the mobile shopping experience more important than ever before.
In fact, according to new data released from the Adobe Digital Index US ecommerce sales in July rose 55% year-over-year (YoY) reaching a record $66.3 billion.
Strategies and technologies in the early stages of implementation or still on the horizon have been rapidly deployed. Entire operating models are being re-evaluated.
Market conditions have shifted; they’re on a volatitiy roller coaster ride with an indeterminate amount of track. Retail costs, consumer spending, public health recommendations, and labor availability are all in flux.
As Daphne Howland, senior reporter for Retail Dive, wrote recently, “Shoppers will return. But they’re living through a pandemic that will change them, maybe forever.”
According to Software Advice 73% of consumers who are shopping online more since the pandemic plan to continue doing so in future.
As consumers preferences change at literally the blink on an eye,  the pressure is on retailers to make shopping experiences as seamless and pain-free as possible.
Optimizing to online and mobile shoppers’ needs must be top of mind and central to any business shift being made as companies move forward.
How COVID changed ecommerce for in-the-moment consumers
Today, over 81% of Americans own smartphones and 49.8 million—close to a sixth of the country’s population—are mobile-only Internet users.
As the Coronavirus took hold and shutdown orders took effect across the US, consumers went online to find answers to their immediate needs. At the height of the lockdown, between March 23rd and 30th, ecommerce marketplaces saw a 14% increase in volume.
Ecommerce initially posed challenges, though. During a pandemic, supply chain interruptions are a very real concern.
On March 17th, Amazon notified sellers it would only accept shipments of household staples and medical supplies to its warehouses, a restriction that stayed in place until mid-April. And although the postal service is considered an essential service, its continued operation doesn’t prevent shipping delays.
Consumers began looking closer to home for their in-the-moment needs. After an initial wave of panic buying and stockpiling essential groceries, other needs became apparent.
How will we stay occupied at home? How will we incorporate workspace into existing living spaces when the kids are home from school, too? How will we stay active and healthy—both mentally and physically—when our regular activities and routines are unavailable? How will we get what we need while limiting contact with others as much as possible?
For example at BrightEdge we see similar results for retail and apparel research.
Beginning in March 2020, “mens suits” saw a drop in search, presumably because companies have slowed hiring, there is less reason to dress up for work, and weddings are being postponed making suits an unnecessary purchase.
On the other hand, March 2020 saw a huge jump in searches for “loungewear set” as more people sought comfort in their homes.
Shopping closer to home drove meteoric increases in (and indeed necessitated the provision of) alternative service models: buy online pickup in-store (BOPIS), contactless payment and delivery, ordering by phone, and curbside pickup.
Brands may need to rethink the entire ecommerce transaction start to finish—how will your brand deliver in case of future supply chain interruptions?
You can’t deliver an exceptional experience for an in-the-moment need with a few weeks’ delay in getting the product to your customer’s door.
Optimizing the mobile experience goes beyond the transaction
Optimizing the local consumer’s experience requires that each customer can easily order from a mobile-friendly interface—bonus points for personalization and other features customers had become accustomed to pre-COVID.
But moreover, retailers will need to account for consumers’ health concerns, hygiene practices, and the possibility of backsliding into stricter lockdown conditions as outbreaks dictate.
Yet even as the shopping environment has changed so dramatically and new behaviors are introduced, longstanding consumer behaviors remain.
Shopping for essential needs has become an exercise in patience; gone are the days of the leisurely stroll through the grocery store, smelling and feeling the produce for ripeness.
But people still have concerns about the freshness of their food. Shoppers still want to be able to identify a sale item and take advantage of a promotion. Customers still want to feel as though the brand knows their preferences and cares about the relationship.
Where stores used to rely on a smiling customer service clerk or in-store signage to convey that important information and relationship-strengthening interaction, it must now be part of the mobile shopping experience.
We still want shopping to be an enjoyable experience, whether it’s for essential groceries or luxury items to treat ourselves. At the very least, it shouldn’t be a chore.
Yet that’s exactly what shopping in-store has become for many as floors are marked with lanes and directional arrows, clothing store changerooms are shuttered, masks are mandatory in many areas, and the combination of limited store capacity and enhanced hygiene practices may result in lineups and wait times.
As consumers seek to avoid the less savory aspects of shopping during COVID, brands enabling exceptional mobile and online experiences are best positioned to win their business. Consider these optimization tips as you strategize going forward:
By 2021, mobile ecommerce sales are expected to account for 54% of total ecommerce sales. Enable mobile commerce—that is, the completion of monetary transactions using a mobile device—to facilitate contactless payment. This could mean offering in-app payment, launching an ecommerce offering, accepting Apple Pay/Android Pay, etc.
Review your supply chain through a critical lens, with an eye to reducing costs and facilitating last-mile delivery in case of lockdown. You may not need a massive showroom right now, but smaller warehouse operations that get you closer to your major markets may be beneficial.
Focus on UX and mobile speed above all else. Consumers have no patience for slow-loading pages and lagging mobile apps. Consider investing in progressive web app (PWA) technology to support your navigability, functionality, and site speed goals. A PWA will look and feel like a native app for customers regardless of the type of mobile device they use. Chinese marketplace Aliexpress, for example, saw 84% more conversions on iOS and attracted 104% more new users after switching from its mobile app to a PWA.
Offer BOPIS, curbside pickup, contactless delivery and other service delivery and payment methods. Banks that had drive-thru ATMs on the horizon may find that now is the time to prioritize it. Healthcare providers, spas and estheticians, and other service providers need to ensure that online appointment booking is available.
Remove friction from the returns and exchanges process. Make the policies clear and easy to locate on your mobile site or app.
Prepare now for every eventuality this holiday season. Dynamic pricing will help retailers respond in near real-time to competitor prices and seasonal trends—whatever the season may bring.
Get your AI strategy together for personalizing and automating the shopping experience. AI is set to drive nearly 45% of global revenue by 2030 through affordability gains, increased product variety, and hyper-personalization.
Ready or not, retailers need be planning new ways to deal with demand fluctuations across eCommerce categories now. Keeping a daily eye on trends whilst one on the future holiday season takes a lot of work.
Leverage market insights identify and act on opportunities in real-time will give winners the competitive advantage. That goes for traditional brick-and-mortar as much as ecommerce businesses—and every type of hybrid in between.
Jim Yu is the founder and CEO of BrightEdge, the leading enterprise SEO and content performance platform. 
The post Optimizing ecommerce & mobile for in-the-moment holiday shopping experiences appeared first on ClickZ.
source http://wikimakemoney.com/2020/09/04/optimizing-ecommerce-mobile-for-in-the-moment-holiday-shopping-experiences/
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wristwatchjournal · 4 years
Swiss Watch Industry CEOs Speak Out About How To Do Business Post-Pandemic
Young Deok Seo sculpture from the MB&F MAD Gallery
In six months, the pandemic crisis seems to have transformed the way the watch world works more profoundly than the industry has changed in the last decade. The acceleration of digital technology, the polarization of brands, and the experimentation with new formats and concepts are just some of the consequences. We interviewed brand executives to assess the effects of this historic moment.
The CES tech show has already announced what next year will look like: This major event will be held in an exclusively digital format. “Amid the pandemic and growing global health concerns about the spread of COVID-19, it’s just not possible to safely convene tens of thousands of people in Las Vegas in early January 2021 to meet and do business in person,” said Gary Shapiro, President and CEO of CTA.
For the watchmaking industry, too, there is no guarantee that next year will be any less troubled than the one that is currently unfolding. Beyond its direct commercial impact, the pandemic crisis seems to have transformed the way the watch world works more profoundly in six months than the industry has changed in the last decade.
We’re seeing several notable consequences, beginning obviously with an acceleration of the digital transition, in the form of presentations by teleconferencing to replace physical exhibitions, increased investment in social networks, and the launch of e-commerce platforms as a substitute for exclusive boutiques.
Polarization also seems more pronounced, between the “blue chips” of the watchmaking industry (most notably the large independents and artisans with limited production) and the rest of the pack. In this respect, the accelerating fusion between the primary and secondary markets should also be highlighted, with the value of pre-owned watches increasingly influencing that of new watches.
An unstoppable avalanche has swept away all pre-crisis concepts and stripped everything bare. We’ve entered a period of transition that is both frightening and exciting, promising a time of experimentation with new concepts amid the uncertainty, and new horizons for the watchmaking world.
In these unprecedented circumstances, we interviewed several CEOs representing a variety of economic realities to find out their assessment of the effects of the crisis and learn how they intend to bounce back, particularly with regard to the presentation of their new models following the cancellation of almost all physical shows.
Manuel Emch (Louis Erard, Raketa): “The logic of our launch strategy is being reversed.”
For the former head of Jaquet Droz and Romain Jerome, who now works as a consultant and board member for various brands including Louis Erard and Raketa, the “forced march” toward a more digital approach will eventually lead to a much more hybrid system for the watch industry: “Success comes from the multiplication of distribution channels,” he says.
Manuel Emch has witnessed the transition for himself: while Louis Erard hasn’t focused on e-commerce until this year, the independent Swiss brand should achieve 15% of its turnover online in 2020. While that’s not enough to make up for lost in-person sales, it’s a decent result, particularly as the onset of the pandemic crisis served to hasten a transition that had already been planned, albeit over the longer term. “Within five years, it is quite conceivable that half of the brand’s turnover will be generated online,” says the expert.
The system set up by Louis Erard now also allows its representatives to order online. “This was not part of the initial plan, but it’s one of those unintended consequences that occurred with the interruption of physical transactions,” explains Emch. “Our relationship with our retailers is being digitized, with positive effects on financing, stocks, and transparency.”
In fact, Louis Erard’s entire launch strategy has been modified or even reversed. Rather than waiting for one or two major events to present its new products, the brand founded in 1929 will from now on “flatten” its production calendar throughout the year and seize opportunities as they arise. For instance, drops are planned for next year’s Salone del Mobile in Milan, and Art Basel.
The brand is also planning to multiply creative collaborations with “outsiders” such as industrial designers, in order to extend its reach outside the traditional watch world and its traditional clientele. “The idea is to offer a continuous animation of our collections throughout the year,” says Emch. “This is key in a highly saturated digital communication environment.”
For the manager, the industry has entered a new era of permanent crisis whose only stable component is… instability: “Only a creative, light, and agile structure can adapt to shorter and more violent business cycles. Louis Erard and Raketa, as smaller independent brands, have always had to navigate a hostile environment, which means they have developed a corporate culture that has become a competitive advantage today. In previous times of crisis, everyone tried to imitate Rolex, but that’s an impossible model to replicate. Brands have to find their own path.”
Maximilian Büsser (MB&F): “We quickly saw who we could rely on.”
It may seem paradoxical, in view of the immense uncertainty that reigns in the watch industry today, but if the pandemic has one silver lining for brands, it is in the way it has “clarified” their relations with partners, both in production (suppliers) and sales (retailers). It’s a crash test that demonstrates with stark clarity which partners can work effectively with a brand during a crisis.
Maximilian Büsser, the founder of MB&F, is well aware of the phenomenon. “In such difficult times for the industry (and the planet), we quickly saw who we could rely on, and it is with them that we will build the future.” Just 10 of the watchmaker’s 26 representatives worldwide account for 75% of its turnover.
“We had to develop a binary approach because we have neither subsidiaries nor volumes of new products to send around the world,” says Büsser. “These 10 retailers will each receive prototypes of our new releases for a few days, to allow them to explore the timepieces. The others will have digital presentations.”
Word of mouth and social networks, as well as a strong partnership with retailers, will continue to form the basis of MB&F’s business strategy: “For almost ten years now, the company’s goal has been not growth, but rather the realization of our creative projects,” Büsser emphasizes. “The first half of 2020 actually saw historic sell-out levels for the brand (volumes were up 45% over 2019, our reference year), despite the fact that the majority of our retailers were closed for several months, and travel was impossible.”
The brand is taking part in the Geneva Watch Days, which focus on European customers and media. “Before COVID-19, I hadn’t heard of Zoom or Microsoft Teams,” says the entrepreneur. “Today it is the new standard. But when you put so much love and work into finishes like ours, it’s virtually impossible to convey that digitally — even our photos don’t do them justice.” As for 2021, it’s still terra incognita as far as presentations are concerned: “If Watches & Wonders takes place in April, we will continue to participate, but nothing is confirmed at this point.”
Stéphane Waser (Maurice Lacroix): “We have already gone to Plan B.”
For Stéphane Waser, the reality of the post-COVID-19 world has made possible scenarios that had hitherto remained mostly experimental. The Managing Director of Maurice Lacroix is uncompromising: “We have already gone into ‘Plan B‘ mode because we will never go back to the previous situation.”
He shares his observations about the last few months: “Digital is a possible tool for introducing new products, but the presentations must be designed and developed specifically in this direction. More effort is required in terms of preparation to reach the same level as physical interaction. An in-person event with 200 to 300 guests transformed into a Zoom session is not efficient, and the impact is very minimal. Some car brands experienced this last spring, following the cancellation of the Geneva International Motor Show.”
The technology itself has taken a leap forward as a result of the crisis, notes Stéphane Waser — in fact, we have seen an increasing number of launches of new teleconferencing solutions, which allow for better online interaction. The brand will be present at the Geneva Watch Days and will simultaneously host video conference sessions for retailers and journalists who cannot attend.
The manager shares another observation: given the interruption in tourism and travel, it’s vital now to “think local” first and foremost, as well as to take into account the probable drop in customer purchasing power as a result of the pandemic: “In times of predicted recession, consumer confidence calls for caution.” Maurice Lacroix, which returned to more accessible models under Stéphane Waser’s mandate, notably via the Aikon line, intends to engage with this new reality.
Wilhelm Schmid (A. Lange & Söhne): “Online shopping still plays a minor role in our business model.”
Like several brands in the Richemont Group, A. Lange & Söhne (A German, not Swiss company) will participate in September in one of the few physical trade fairs of 2020: Watches & Wonders in Shanghai, strictly reserved for the Chinese market. “I am looking forward to this event, where we will be able to showcase our new timepieces once again face-to-face — with all the necessary safeguards, of course,” says the German brand’s CEO, Wilhelm Schmid.
Before the coronavirus, Schmid was very often on the road, presenting high-end timepieces whose value is best appreciated through touch and feel. Over the past few months, he has relied on videoconferencing. “Among our customers who have spent the last few months in the confinement of their homes, there is an increased interest in new watches. After we presented our novelties digitally, I talked to customers from all over the world via Zoom. Such conversations take place in an equally pleasant atmosphere as in a one-on-one meeting. (…) In doing so, we have gained valuable new experience and insights from which we will benefit in the future.”
However, the CEO stresses the temporary and limited nature of this type of presentation: “The pandemic has taught us how flexibly we can adapt even to the most radical changes, at least for a limited period. (…) But however good they may be, my personal assessment is that entirely digital presentations will never be able to replace the feel and touch of our watches.”
In the price segment occupied by A. Lange & Söhne, e-commerce remains very limited, despite the acceleration of the digital transition in recent months. “For the time being, online shopping still plays a minor role in our business model. In most cases, the purchase decision process has been prepared online. But the majority of our customers come to the store to confirm the expectations they have established on the internet before reaching their final purchase decision. (…) I would not rule out the idea that purchasing habits may eventually change and that recent events will accelerate this development. Either way, we will be prepared.”
Like many executives, Wilhelm Schmid advocates the need for “an intelligent interaction of different channels and techniques” and for more touchpoints between the brand and its customers. The omnichannel model seems tailor-made for the watch industry, and the pandemic crisis is certainly accelerating the digital component of this strategy.
Photo credit: Johann Sauty
Sascha Moeri (Carl F. Bucherer): “An ever more personal approach to luxury.”
As the world’s leading watch retailer, with dozens of physical points of sale in Europe and the United States, the Bucherer Group has naturally been very heavily impacted by the pandemic crisis. The Lucerne-based giant also sells its own watch brand, Carl F. Bucherer, headed by the energetic Sascha Moeri, who remains confident in the resilience of his brand: “Our company has gone through many crises in the past and will also manage this one. We focused on what we have done best in the past 132 years: watchmaking.”
In the last two years, the brand invested in e-commerce, notably through JD.com in China, as well as on the Bucherer and Tourneau (acquired by the group in 2018) online sales platforms. “In the future, the most successful brands will be those that are able to orchestrate the right balance of on- and offline touchpoints,” says Sacha Moeri.
He quotes Jörg G. Bucherer, the third-generation family member at the head of the group, who once said: “You cannot replace a handshake.” But in these times when even handshakes are off-limits, the CEO continues, “obviously (…) digital communication is more relevant than ever.” For Moeri, luxury is going to be defined above all by an increasingly personal shopping experience.
This is key to Carl F. Bucherer’s future strategy: to increase the number of individual appointments to present its models around the world. The brand is inaugurating a new concept of physical launches, the first stage of which will take place in Geneva at the end of August.
Jean-Marc Pontroué (Panerai): “Think national rather than international.”
With its design center in Milan, Panerai was confronted early on with the effects of the pandemic, which first hit Europe in northern Italy. “Our priority was to protect our employees and to ensure a certain level of activity,” says CEO Jean-Marc Pontroué. “With regard to our 740 employees and 19 subsidiaries, we had to show common sense and agility. In particular, we adopted a new approach to working via videoconferencing with our employees, as well as with our 150 stores and 400 business partners.”
The supply chain was also reviewed, with the aim of allocating additional quantities to markets such as China, which experienced “massive growth” after the end of the crisis in the country. “However, we have limited all shipments to countries that were suffering from total or partial closure,” explains the CEO, who also stresses the importance of organizing presentations “nationally rather than internationally”, a strategy the brand has found to be “effective”.
Panerai has also invested in new digital concepts: In July, the brand launched a new digital platform called PamCast offering virtual trips, from a tour of Florence to the ocean depths.
“I firmly believe that we are much stronger today than in the past,” says Jean-Marc Pontroué. “Panerai has demonstrated its strong resilience and its ability to adapt very quickly to a new scenario. One of the great assets of digital is that it allows us to address everyone. This period should serve to strengthen links with the members of our community, through the multiplication of points of contact. We are ready to take on the challenge of improving the shopping experience.”
Final thoughts
The impact of this pandemic crisis can be divided into two major effects: In the short term, the past six months have been a period of intense experimentation, resulting in the implementation of strategies (particularly digital) in just a few weeks that would have taken months in the normal (and long) course of things in the watch industry.
This experimental phase has happened across the entire watchmaking spectrum, regardless of the size of the brands in question. The fact that Patek Philippe now authorizes e-commerce in certain cases is a clear indication of this.
In the long term, the risk is that the effects of the pandemic crisis will lead to a deep economic recession. Watchmaking has already been hit hard by the halt in transcontinental travel. Chinese visitors will be staying at home for an indefinite period – one that will certainly be counted in years. For watch brands, this means re-exploring national clienteles and local markets, and knowing how to appeal to new generations, particularly in the more mature economies.
This return to a domestic strategy will certainly be the most lasting effect for an industry that has been buoyed by the wave of globalization over the last two decades. In concrete terms, it means empowering local teams, who are best able to understand the expectations of their compatriots. The way in which watchmaking operates is bound to undergo a profound transformation.
In this new landscape, it remains to be hoped that national economies will resist the effects of the pandemic better than expected, as the future of watchmaking will increasingly depend on local purchasing power.
Serge Maillard is CEO of Europa Star, a family-owned publishing house founded in Geneva in 1927, which specializes in the world of watches. For almost a century, the company has been circulating print publications globally, and has recently started to make its horological archives accessible online.
The post Swiss Watch Industry CEOs Speak Out About How To Do Business Post-Pandemic appeared first on Wristwatch Journal.
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laurelkrugerr · 4 years
9 Bloody Brilliant Ways Businesses Are Navigating Meat Prices
June 17, 2020 8 min read
This year has been rife with unprecedented challenges for small businesses — especially those in the food-and-beverage industry. Supply chain shortcomings have been thrown into stark relief, but perhaps nowhere more than among meat manufacturers. The plants of the “Big Four” meatpackers — Tyson, Cargill, JBS USA and National Beef — proved highly susceptible to outbreaks, and when they began operating at reduced capacity, meat prices soared.
The Justice Department has since launched an antitrust investigation into all four companies and indicted chicken-industry executives on charges of price fixing. Meanwhile, according to Buyer’s Edge Platform, between April and May, standard beef-cut prices were up 87 percent, pork was up 70 percent, and chicken-breast prices were up 23 percent.
This has been costly for consumers and companies alike, but as ever, entrepreneurs are rising to the challenge to pivot and mitigate costs. We’ve heard from numerous businesses who are making the best of a bad situation, or even making a bad situation work to their advantage. Here are nine key ways that entrepreneurs are innovating to respond to meat prices. 
1. For smaller meat suppliers, pivoting direct-to-consumer 
During lockdown, restaurant closures had already pushed smaller, higher-quality meat purveyors toward an online, direct-to-consumer model — and when the larger processing plants had to cut back on production, smaller purveyors were set up to capitalize on the meat shortage. Geoff Latham is the founder of Nicky USA, a family owned meat purveyor and butcher in the Pacific Northwest. He says he’s made “drastic changes to his business in order to stay afloat, including a major pivot from mostly supplying local restaurants to opening a new direct-to-consumer channel.”
Ariane Daguin, the CEO of D’Artagnan, a sustainable meat supplier used by chefs like Tom Colicchio and Bobby Flay, says that, “while the larger processors have been forced to shut down, that is much less the case with sustainable meats. We have seen significant spikes in demand — 500 percent from ecommerce and 83 percent for retail. Before the pandemic, restaurant sales made up 75 percent of our business, but we’ve pivoted to keep up with consumer demand, expanding our local delivery program and adjusting meat cuts. Because of our smaller, sustainable supply chain, we haven’t experienced any shortages.”  
Related: Plant-based Meat Has Officially Reached ‘Global Phenomenon’ Status
2. Asking customers for a little flexibility
For meal services that allow customers to customize their meal deliveries, a little advance notice has been needed to do the legwork of tracking down fresh recipe ingredients. Katie Dague, founder of custom meal-planning service Individual Nutrition, says, “We have recently asked our customers to have their weekly meal orders in by noon on Thursdays, a day sooner than normal. This helps us to ensure that we are still getting the most fresh and high-quality ingredients for our meals. We never want to compromise our product, so we are using the extra time in case we need to go searching for what is needed elsewhere.”
3. Negotiating prices with vendors, distributors and retailers
For Brooklyn Hot Dog Company, the huge increase in beef prices has been a hurdle at a time when hot dogs are in high demand. The company has had to absorb much of the cost, but they’ve been able to carve out some wiggle room on both sides of the supply chain. Owner Tony Fragogiannis says, “We worked with our processor and got the price down so it wasn’t as crazy as it was in the first few weeks, but it’s still definitely more. So we’re also working with some of our distributors and retailers. We’re trying to talk with everyone about taking a little bit less of a chunk so that the increases become more reasonable.”
Chicago-based Home Run Inn Pizza has also seen huge demand for their frozen pizzas throughout quarantine, and their food-and-beverage director Jeff Hursh says that he leaned on his vendor relationships to navigate plant closures. “I watch pricing and have a great relationship with our vendors,” he explains. “When the pepperoni plant was shut down, I secured an extra 15 weeks of inventory. As pork plants were closing, I ordered three truck loads of sausage. We’re keeping  our costs stable and hoping that things are better months from now.”
Related: Hot Dog Sales Are Red-Hot. These Weiner Businesses are Giving Back
4. Plant-based substitutes
Plant-based alternatives were on the rise well before the health crisis, but the shortage in meat has definitely accelerated consumers and companies’ interest. Shakil Jamal, co-founder of subscription box Craft Jerky Co. says, “We’ve been toying with the idea of exploring alternate protein sources. While we certainly wouldn’t want to upset any of our customers by completely going rogue and just switching out meat, we’re thinking about also offering an opt-in for plant-based jerky options in addition to meat-based jerky. We’re meat lovers here at Craft Jerky Co., but I also believe that part of the joy of having a subscription is the discovery and experimental aspect.”
5. Dish out the fresh veggies
As much as people love burgers in the summer, many also go for lighter, more veggie-centric fare in the hot months. Ghost Ranch is a southwestern restaurant in Tempe, Arizona, that’s revised its menu to encourage guests to try non-meat options, while still accommodating guests who are set on meaty dishes. “The menu will be a weekly rotation and focus on fresh vegetables, vegetarian, vegan and fish options,” per a restaurant spokersperson. “Proteins can be added for an extra cost. They still plan to keep their favorites on the main menu, but we hope this added alternative will encourage diners to come in and still taste great food at a price point everyone can agree on.”
6. See the seafood section
Another silver lining for restaurants is that while the health crisis has had an inflationary effect on meat prices, the opposite happened with seafood, and lobster in particular. Lobster is a traditional dish in Chinese New Year celebrations, but coronavirus wiped out most of China’s celebrations as the country went on lockdown, bringing global lobster prices way down. At Concord Hill, a restaurant in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, they’ve introduced a summer friendly lobster roll and brought back oysters for pickup.
7. Quality over quantity
A little can go a long way! At Rue Saint-Marc in Jacksonville, Florida, Executive Chef Scott Alters decided that rather than use bigger mediocre cuts, he would simply serve smaller pieces of high quality meat. “With the fluctuation in meat prices, they did not want to serve an inferior product,” says a restaurant spokesperson, “so they decreased the portion size of meat on the plate and added more vegetable components. In addition to adjusting the portion size, they also had to adjust the price of some of their dishes.”
8. Use the whole hog (or cow)
Matt Carter is the chef/partner at three restaurants in Scottsdale and Phoenix, Arizona, each of which is getting creative with less expensive meat cuts. “Right now, prime cuts are the hardest to source, both because of availability and price,” Carter says. “Fortunately, lesser-known cuts such as legs, shoulders, shanks, briskets, hangers, skirt, flat irons and the like are still available from great producers. Even with these cuts, the pricing is higher than average, but still very cost effective and tasty for both the chef and consumer.”
He recommends off-cuts for pasta dishes and skirt steak and pork shoulder for Latin cooking, as examples. “At our French restaurant, Zinc Bistro,” he continues, “we love to use so-called peasant cuts to make elevated versions of classic recipes, such as duck legs for cassoulet and Flat iron steak for Paleron de Boeuf.”
9. Bye, bye, brisket
Fine, fine, these barbecue joints aren’t actually bidding adieu to brisket — but they’re featuring less of this more expensive cut. Brent and Juan Reaves of Smokey John’s Bar-B-Que & Home Cooking in Dallas, TX, have “shifted to promoting items like pulled pork for specials to steer customers in a different direction from the brisket.” And at LeRoy and Lewis, a New School Barbecue truck in Austin, TX, they’ve only been serving brisket on Saturdays. They also specialize in dishes that use all parts of the pig — from cheeks and chuck roast to the skin and bones.
Related: The Future of Food: Beyond Meat Is Changing the Way People Eat
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source http://www.scpie.org/9-bloody-brilliant-ways-businesses-are-navigating-meat-prices/ source https://scpie1.blogspot.com/2020/06/9-bloody-brilliant-ways-businesses-are.html
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itechaja · 4 years
It’s no longer news that COVID-19 has changed the way we live our day-to-day lives. With over a million cases of the COVID-19 pandemic cases arising, the governments around the world have taken brave steps to limit how people interact with almost anything.
Any person living in 2020 knows the ways how novel coronavirus has impacted our lives personally, but as a byproduct, it also changed the way people search on Google also! This pandemic has changed how people engage with brands, services, and do business on a massive scale.
As people are being forced to stay home, how can you shift your SEO strategies to address your audience to maintain your presence? Businesses that know how to adjust their SEO games to the changing marketplace will not only strengthen their authority in the field now but set themselves up for success in the future.
As organizations bring their best to remain relevant for their target audience throughout this global pandemic, you can maintain a strong digital presence through updating your strategies, conducting keyword research, developing relevant quality content, and updating your website. Let’s share informative articles from your industry on how your business is prepared to serve customers during the COVID-19. Where to begin:
Table of Contents
Connect With Your Clients During a Critical Moment
Whether you’re tested positive or not, we’re all dealing with the coronavirus outbreak. Everyone is at their home, taking enough precautions to protect themselves and their loved ones. We are locked in our house, and we can’t visit our friends, our kids aren’t in their school, we can’t eat out at our favorite restaurants or go to the theater. And this is the time to genuinely show empathy to your customers and help out where you can. This is the time where we have to be understanding and sensitive – and not too pushy towards our sales markets – but it is also an excellent opportunity to stand out during this difficult time.
While being stuck at home, more people are on social media scanning for new updates on the news and trying their best to stay connected in an isolated nation. Use your business to provide food and water banks or assist older people with their shopping. Reach out to your customers through email follow ups to ensure that they are handling the situation well. Plus, you better email and social media campaigns to promote your acts.
Make Sure Your Services Can Be Found Online
More people are now online right now than in their day-to-day jobs or at parties. Search traffic has insanely increased over the past weeks, and it will continue to climb as the effect of COVID-19 is finally decreasing. We’re all in a state of almost glued to our mobile phones and laptops looking for updates within our community. We’re also looking for ways to entertain ourselves to pass the time, and it’s ranging from TikTok’s to filling your online shopping cart to catch up with the trend.
Anything one found online right now will be consumed more than any trend before. It is time to be found online. You should recheck all your SEO strategies to climb to the top of Google’s SERPs so that your business and services can be easily found. Start with your keyword research to catch up with the change.
Even Customers Are Not Buying Anything, Your Services Are Still Being Considered
Organic research is part of the customer’s research process. For longer sales cycles, this is almost true as customers may go organic research phases for several times. As their operations are being interrupted by the pandemic attack, your customers may come up with compiling a list of potential solutions, as they are reading and watching videos while they are considering their options, or looking for more reviews and testimonials on the products and services, and more. So, at this time, focus on legitimate PR and find more backlink building opportunities to get your target audience utilizing and sharing your ideas.
Circumstances Like This Provide Opportunities For a Special Offer
During this uncertain period, you have the opportunity to show support and care for your audience base by offering special discounts and offers that will keep them hooked to your services. Learn more about your service – product – market fit during this time and create a special offer while being not too salesy or pushy. Not everyone has an option to work from home to keep their income steady, and many people are at their home browsing the internet, looking for discounts to save more money during this time. There are many great ways to engage with your customers and keep your doors to the business opened. It’s a great time to spend money on pay-per-click (PPC) to push out your special offers through social media advertising.
Develop New Trends
For people who are actively on the internet, and SEO knows that search trends have made a drastic change during this time – and there’s a lot to learn about this. The pandemic has changed how someone searches and what they need from Google’s search results.
They have developed more interest in certain things that they did not. As a result, the World Health Organization (WHO) and Google have joined hand-in-hand to create a new SOS alert for all COVID-19 searches on the search engine’s platform.
Right now, even an item like toilet paper and disinfecting wipes are being searched for like never before. Learning and keeping with these new search trends allow your website to adapt to the trends and keeping your feet on the first page.
Customers Are Seeking For Guidance
Now you have the opportunity to build your brand voice in the industry right now by presenting expert advice and reliable information about COVID-19 to customers. People are looking everywhere to get proper guidance and help during this time. Focus on the information you’re providing and make sure to offer to connect with you on social media, or a link to download useful information, or some other resources on the line.
When linking to COVID-19 related resources, make sure you’re linking to the reputable sites. The content you’re developing to recommend to your clients is a reflection of your brand. Look for sources like WHO or CDC to confirm any COVID-19 related information you’re sharing is accurate.
Stay Ahead of Your Competition
SEO helps your businesses to improve organic traffic and move past your competition. Your products and services must be on top of Google’s SERPs so that when a customer searches for a particular keyword, your services are the ones they end up choosing. It takes time and strategic optimization plans to be on top of the SERPs. Regularly update your website content to maintain relevance. It’s time to run a full website analysis and make relevant changes to your website speed and user-friendliness to be more convincing to users. Or you can even consider a web design service to do the work for you.
SEO Provides Local Services to Global Reach
Whether you’re a global franchise or a retail store, all you need to know is that your customers are online, and they’re using “search” like never before. And are your business and services are positioned in a place to appear to their relevant queries? As people are locked down in their homes, this could be a perfect time for local stores and stakeholders to invest in optimization for their existing content for a specific region or city. If you never had the resources or time to spend on your business’s translation services before, then this might be the time to invest in translation services for your German, French, Chinese, Spanish, or other customers.
Develop More Ways to Deliver Content Creatively
Video: Be in the know by taking advantage of SEO and content marketing tactics. When everyone is spending their time on the social media channel, you should start developing eye-catching video content to get their attention. Think outside of the box to create entertaining content to be top of your competitors. Since everyone is inside their home and bored, creating engaging visual branding content will help your business to stand out.
Tumblr media
Blogs: If your website is already on the blog side, consider increasing how often you’re posting new content to the site. A good blog field allows you to create more specific and relevant content. This is a great form to increase the number of clicks on your website.
Webinars: If you want to provide a more personalized approach and reach out to more prospects and clients – the webinar is the right way. Having an honest, real-time conversation with your allies this time helps you to build more personal relationships. Since everyone is practicing social distancing, hearing a voice or seeing a face can make them feel more valuable.
Prepare Your Marketing Strategies For the Bounce-Back Wave
COVID-19 is not here to stay. As time passes, the outbreak should fade after a few months. As the normalcy returns, everything will stabilize, people might go back to their typical day to day habits, or they would develop a new trend to keep up with their past few month’s lifestyles. SEO is more of a long term strategy. What changes you do today for your SEO campaign will result in your ranking and organic search traffic three months from now. When planning your SEO strategies based on COVID-19 impact, remember that COVID-19 is not here to stay, you have to plan your strategy for the pandemic free world!
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riichardwilson · 5 years
4 Strategies to Help Your Business Recover From Coronavirus
COVID-19 is upending companies large and small, but here’s how you can limit the damage.
March 20, 2020 5 min read
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.
The coronavirus pandemic is wreaking havoc on the global economy. Air travel is being hit hard, sports leagues and big events are being canceled, countries are putting up travel restrictions to try to keep the virus outside their borders, and public health officials and hospitals are bracing for the worst. In times of crisis, it can be hard to stay calm and be optimistic. Fortunately, for entrepreneurs and business leaders, staying calm under pressure is part of the job description.
By taking proactive steps now, you can put your business in a more secure position to stay strong and recover faster once the crisis subsides. In fact, China, the country where the virus first emerged, is already showing signs of economic recovery. Here are a few key strategies and insights to help your business recover from coronavirus.
Related: Best Work-From-Home Practices During Coronavirus
Think about how coronavirus affects customers
Depending on what industry you’re in, your customers might be having some specific new pain points related to coronavirus. Think strategically about how the pandemic is affecting your customers, what is keeping them up at night and how you can help. Then you can adjust your sales pitch and design your marketing agency around how to address these specific challenges and worries. For example, are your customers….
Worried about supply-chain disruptions?
Worried about how to manage employees in an environment where everyone might need to work from home?
Worried about travel restrictions?
Struggling with general market uncertainty and slowdown in demand?
Wondering how to manage their cash flow?
Facing a shortage of key inventory or supplies driven by consumers panic-buying and stocking up?
All of these business challenges can be exacerbated by a crisis like coronavirus. Your job as a business owner is to figure out how to re-position your products and services to be helpful and address the specific pain points that your customers are confronting now.
For example, if you sell video-conferencing solutions, this is an ideal opportunity for you to offer additional support and consulting to help your customers figure out how to adapt their remote workflows. If you are in the logistics business, now is a good time to reach out to your customers with possible solutions to navigate the latest issues affecting the global supply chain.
Embrace new sales channels
Even as more of the country goes into lockdown, people still are going to want and need to buy things, creating opportunities to serve your market via alternative sales channels. For example, if coronavirus is cutting down on foot traffic to your retail business, look to expand your e-commerce offerings. Restaurants in China have seen a decrease in in-store customers, so they’re selling takeaway meals instead.
Can you boost your online-marketing agency efforts and e-commerce sales? Can you create more conversations on social media and LinkedIn instead of in-person sales meetings? Many B2B companies are already well-positioned for this, especially if they sell software or other digital services and solutions. Business is still going on, but more of it might need to happen online.
Work on long-term investments in your business
Especially if you’re in B2B sales, the coronavirus might be an opportunity to make some longer-term investments in your business. Especially if you’re seeing a short-term slowdown, this is the time to re-evaluate your operations, platforms and processes and do some long-term strategic planning.
If you have a few big prospects in the pipeline, now is a good occasion to put more energy into lead management and nurturing of those longer-term opportunities. Keep checking in with your leads, reassure them if needed, and let them know that you are planning for contingencies and you’re ready to help.
This unprecedented situation is obviously driving a lot of cancellations for things like airline reservations, concert tickets and business conferences, but bigger-ticket B2B sales may not be as severely affected, unless the crisis goes on for so long that it causes companies to cut back on their spending and investment. Keep nurturing your business leads with the long view in mind, even if the short-term headlines are crazy and the situation feels uncertain.
Related: 3 Ways to Safeguard Your Business as Coronavirus Spreads
Prepare for pent-up demand
Another lesson from Chinese businesses is that the post-coronavirus economic recovery might be faster than we expect. If you cut back too far today, you might not be positioned to capitalize on the post-crisis recovery. I don’t want to downplay the seriousness of the public-health aspects of this crisis; everyone needs to take precautions to stay healthy and reduce the spread of the virus. But I do believe that companies can put some good steps in place today to be positioned for bigger success tomorrow. There are always challenges and crises affecting our businesses. We can adapt and embrace the opportunities and bounce back stronger, even from a major crisis like coronavirus.
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source http://www.scpie.org/4-strategies-to-help-your-business-recover-from-coronavirus/ source https://scpie.tumblr.com/post/613130601181200384
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