#Rebellion in Darkness {Jak and Daxter Verse}
piecesofacrow · 1 year
Blood ~Closed RP~
The Krimzon Guard was a stable place to work if you only wanted to make a living and have a home. There were battles sometimes, yes, and people died to the ever encroaching metal head threat, but you could keep yourself fed, and a family member as well if that's all you were looking to do. Unfortunately, that wasn't all he wanted.
Israel had morals, standards to what he was willing and unwilling to put up with. The horrid acts that the Baron was willing to do to further ensure his rule made him sick. A shaky deal with the enemy to make himself and his guard look like they were putting up a good fight was pathetic, and he'd had enough of it. Hannah was off working and making her own money, and most of his money went to keeping them in a home, so she'd be fine if he left. Today he was going to incite one large act of rebellion.
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Making his way into the prisons late at night, he moved with a purpose. Walking into the cells with his armor still on, looking to each of the cells and the individuals inside.
"Back up." He said to the woman in the first cell. Typical procedure for the time being. He looked down at the control panel and opened it, standing before the woman now, staring her down for a moment before slowly reaching down to a pistol attached to his hip and pulling it free.
"I hear you're pretty handy with these." He said softly, spinning the pistol in his hand for a second before tossing it onto the ground in front of her. "Release the others, we're leaving." He instructed, turning and taking his rifle off his back now, going to the next cell over.
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piecesofacrow · 1 year
Continued from X @annytinthenomad
A sign? Perhaps. He wasn't exactly superstitious, but he couldn't deny a spark he had felt. Maybe he was imagining it, or perhaps it was the dark eco sparking off of her lips onto his. No, that was too literal a spark. He was just amazed that they had even gotten to a point where a kiss was possible. He was a guard, or had been. She had been a prisoner. They didn't exactly start off seeing eye to eye.
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"And you think it's something worth looking into? Despite it all?" He asked, keeping his hands to himself for the time being. He wanted to touch her, cup her face, show some sign of affection in that regard and yet he wasn't exactly sure if she was serious, or if she was waiting for an opportunity to finally rid herself of another individual she may perceive as an enemy. He could never tell if she saw him as an ally, or simply an asset.
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