#israel frey {caged crow}
piecesofacrow · 1 year
Blood ~Closed RP~
The Krimzon Guard was a stable place to work if you only wanted to make a living and have a home. There were battles sometimes, yes, and people died to the ever encroaching metal head threat, but you could keep yourself fed, and a family member as well if that's all you were looking to do. Unfortunately, that wasn't all he wanted.
Israel had morals, standards to what he was willing and unwilling to put up with. The horrid acts that the Baron was willing to do to further ensure his rule made him sick. A shaky deal with the enemy to make himself and his guard look like they were putting up a good fight was pathetic, and he'd had enough of it. Hannah was off working and making her own money, and most of his money went to keeping them in a home, so she'd be fine if he left. Today he was going to incite one large act of rebellion.
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Making his way into the prisons late at night, he moved with a purpose. Walking into the cells with his armor still on, looking to each of the cells and the individuals inside.
"Back up." He said to the woman in the first cell. Typical procedure for the time being. He looked down at the control panel and opened it, standing before the woman now, staring her down for a moment before slowly reaching down to a pistol attached to his hip and pulling it free.
"I hear you're pretty handy with these." He said softly, spinning the pistol in his hand for a second before tossing it onto the ground in front of her. "Release the others, we're leaving." He instructed, turning and taking his rifle off his back now, going to the next cell over.
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annytinthenomad · 1 year
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Thank you @piecesofacrow!! I love any and all work for Anny <3
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piecesofacrow · 1 year
You Fight Me ~Closed RP~
Five years. It had been five years since he'd seen the shores of his home. Marley. What an unwelcome sight on the horizon. Had they really made it back already? He was hardly conscious during the entire boat ride home, it felt like it at all passed by so quickly. It took a couple days, but he felt like he had simply blinked and here he was. A blur. That's what it was. That's what the past five years suddenly felt like. A blur. There was very little he truly could think of right now.
And it was the blood.
His mind was so focused on the lives lost, the look of terror in their eyes. Ravaged, torn corpses of those he once called his comrades. Flesh and limbs scattered like dust in the wind. Titans content to gorge themselves on the meal provided, mindless to the slaughter of their own kind.
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All it took, was staying quiet. How in the hell had everything fallen apart so rapidly? His refusal to open his mouth led to this? He just felt guilty, like every life lost was on his hands. They rested uneasy in his conscious, their screams echoed in his skull, rattling his very soul with each voice.
It was a cacophony of madness.
He barely even noticed that he was stepping off of the boat, walking onto the docks. There was a crowd, waiting for them to return, and the chatter of everyone was tuned out. He doubted anyone was paying attention to him anyway, despite the red armband. He wasn't present for the parade five years ago. How were they supposed to know who he was? He just walked forward with a vacant expression, pushing through the crowd.
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piecesofacrow · 1 year
Continued from X @annytinthenomad
A sign? Perhaps. He wasn't exactly superstitious, but he couldn't deny a spark he had felt. Maybe he was imagining it, or perhaps it was the dark eco sparking off of her lips onto his. No, that was too literal a spark. He was just amazed that they had even gotten to a point where a kiss was possible. He was a guard, or had been. She had been a prisoner. They didn't exactly start off seeing eye to eye.
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"And you think it's something worth looking into? Despite it all?" He asked, keeping his hands to himself for the time being. He wanted to touch her, cup her face, show some sign of affection in that regard and yet he wasn't exactly sure if she was serious, or if she was waiting for an opportunity to finally rid herself of another individual she may perceive as an enemy. He could never tell if she saw him as an ally, or simply an asset.
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piecesofacrow · 1 year
Waking Up The Ghost ~Closed RP~
Fingers ran gently through the dirt, moving soil in an attempt to find out just how long ago these tracks had been left. Someone was injured, and they were leaving quite a trail. He followed swiftly, curiosity gripping him as he searched for who this injured individual could be. As he made his was swiftly through the forest he looked ahead to where he had sent his wolf companion. Seemed she was coming back.
It approached and stood before him expectantly. She had found what they were looking for, and it was much closer than Israel had anticipated. Even with fresher tracks, he still expected a longer journey than this. Whoever was running wasn't trying too hard to hide it seemed. Maybe thy had taken care of whatever injured them and were now just trying to find a spot to mend their injuries. He'd find out soon enough he was sure.
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"Take me to it." He said softly, following as his wolf stood and started to run towards where it had come from. He followed closely behind, keeping an eye on his surroundings just incase this was some sort of ambush. Any stray ranger or druid would attempt to follow an injured person to see if they needed aid. Times were strange, which could lead to people taking advantage of that kindness extended by some people.
His thoughts were ripped from his mind the moment he spotted the Tiefling on the other side of a log, engulfed in flame. He slowed himself and stopped, giving a quiet whistle to bring his wolf to his side. He lowered himself and grabbed his bow, knocking an arrow and slowly approaching.
"Are you alright?" He called out from a distance, not wanting to get too close. She had one hell of an axe, and those flames looked hotter than they had any right to be. Better to keep himself in a position where he could get away if he had to then be caught in the clutches of a devil girl who could crush him with her bare hands.
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piecesofacrow · 1 year
Wastelands ~Closed RP~
The taste of iron was still fresh on his lips as he came to consciousness. That was the first thing he noticed, but it was quickly replaced by the pain he felt coursing through his body. The soreness of the fight that had taken place. He didn't even know how long he had been laying here, presumed dead by those who raided his camp, pillaged their supplies, and killed their people.
His eyes blinked open as he let out a ragged cough, the taste of blood washing over his senses yet again. As he attempted to move, he realized most of his body was stuck under a heap of rubble atop him. Broken wood, heavy metal, and rocks kept him pinned to the floor. He had access to one arm, but there was only so much he could do with it, and he knew damn well his strength would run out eventually.
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"Shit." He growled under his breath, his throat coarse. He needed water desperately, but it's not like he was in a position where he could exactly get himself that. He weakly pushed a larger rock off of him, but it did little to relieve the pressure keeping his person immobile.
That one simple task proved to take more of a toll on his body then he expected, sending him into a coughing fit, each cough reminding him that he was injured, each cough shooting pain through his entire body, each cough sending blood onto the rubble. As he finally regained his composure, he lay his head on the ground, looking up at the ceiling. Did he dare call for help? What if the people who raided found him? They'd just kill him anyway right?
"I-is anyone there?" He called out. Fuck it. Better to die trying than die doing nothing at all.
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piecesofacrow · 1 year
Faint ~Closed RP~
He hadn't expected her to notice him. It's not like his outfit was exactly inviting, and noticing an individual in a gas mask watching you from the rooftops was never a good sign. He didn't even know if she noticed the insignia is the ISPF on his chest plate. It was rumored that she was part of a Yakuza operation, so he was meant to tail her and hope that she would lead him right to their base. If he was caught?
Bring her in.
He quickly rounded the corner of the alley they ran through, keeping her in his sights as best he could. The low traffic in this area had him convinced he'd catch up to her. Just a little bit longer and he could apprehend her without the crowds watching. If there was anything that he knew about the Yakuza, it was that they had eyes everywhere. He needed to take her down somewhere secluded and quiet.
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He was honestly impressed slightly by her mobility. This was someone who trained for this type of chase. She must be important if she could run like this. He was physically fit, more so than most individuals. His job involved more than just learning the secrets of Yakuza families. The jobs he usually took on required a near superhuman level of focus and strength.
To put it bluntly, she was no demon.
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As he rounded the next corner he brought himself to a halt, standing still now in the alleyway as he watched her sprint into a crowd. It seemed like his chase had failed this time, but he kept his eyes on her, watching, waiting until she fully vanished from view. Looks like it was back to the drawing board. He needed to either find a new target to lead him to his quarry, or rethink his approach to following this one.
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piecesofacrow · 1 year
continued from X @a-lile-angel
People died all the time in this war. It was unavoidable, most of the time. He could understand why a medic would be in such a state of distress when it came to the results of the last outing beyond the wall. How many scouts died? There were always deaths, and most of them were deaths that couldn't be prevented, or reversed. Swallowed whole, bit in half, crushed. She couldn't save everyone. He wished with all his heart that she could, but it was just an impossible fantasy.
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"Lets say that I'm out training later today, and I screw up and hurt myself real bad. I break my arm, gouge an eye out on a stray branch. Who can I trust to nurse me back to health if you aren't even taking care of yourself?" He questioned. It was a hard truth to face, that much he was sure of. Lucky for her, if he was injured, he could just make a full recovery regardless, but she didn't know that.
"So either make your way over to your room, and get some rest, or I will take you there myself, Team Leader." He said calmly. He had no authority to give her orders, he was just a new recruit to the Scouts, but he understood her importance in the Scouts and was willing to face some punishment if it meant saving more lives later.
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piecesofacrow · 1 year
@whenmirrorimagestalk​ Liked for a Starter!
The sun was setting as he made his way across Hyrule field. Eyes scanned the horizon before he started to make his closer and closer to Castle Town. Even in times of peace the fields were dangerous as night. The less he had to use his sword the better.
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Entering Castle Town, he looked around for a few moments before making his way off the main path. There was a pretty famous bar around these parts, and it would be a perfect place to stay for a night, as well as potentially sell more of his wares.
Opening the door, he gazed around the room, looking to the people, wondering if there were any people he needed to be warry of, but he never ran into trouble in this bar. Thelma was too quick to snuff that out. He Approached the bar and sat, putting his bag of supplies down by his feet as he ordered a drink.
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piecesofacrow · 1 year
I Am The Weapon ~Closed RP~
Most days started the same. He woke up, did some early morning cardio and joined the rest of the Scouts for breakfast. He never really thought about who he was, where he was from, if the others had any idea about him. With Annie, Bertholdt, and Reiner all having been discovered, he figured his cover would be fine. It didn't seem like anyone had any suspicions of him, as far as he knew.
Todays jog however, felt unsettling to say the least. It was quiet, which most mornings were, but this quiet left him feeling off. It was uncanny, like something was waiting for him further down the trail. He paused for a second, slowing his jog to a walk as he continued down his path. His stomach churned as he felt something was odd.
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He scanned the trees around him for a second, his mind going blank as he searched. He had no reason to feel like today would be any different than every other, but his sinking suspicion seemed to be proven right when he heard the sound of a flare going off. He turned quickly, looking up to see the green smoke coming from the trees right next to him. He tensed as he heard Scouts jumping into action with their gear, flying all around him now.
He let out a grunt as he was hit from behind and knocked to the floor, restrained with his arms behind his back and a knee holding them down. Before he could say anything he felt a cloth wrapped around his head, gagging him as Scouts shouted orders. They started searching him fervently for any sharp object he may have held, similar to Annie's ring.
He struggled under them, trying to force himself free and ask what the hell was wrong with all of them, but he figured it had something to do with the Warrior trio. How would they have known? Birth records maybe? It's not like any of them were aware of what those records looked like. They all tried to create the most believable record with a sound story.
Maybe he'd failed.
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piecesofacrow · 1 year
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"My bedroom is an odd place."
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"And I'm off to go clean it and be a good boy! Sorry dad!"
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piecesofacrow · 1 year
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piecesofacrow · 1 year
"I've had a rough day. Can I just hold you for a while?"
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"Of course. Whatever I can do to make it better." He mumbled, pulling her in close and holding her tightly. "I'll even cook you something nice for dinner. Any requests?"
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piecesofacrow · 1 year
"Gonna use your birthday as an excuse to get totally wasted? Because I am... Happy birthday Izzzz-real...!"
Jean hands Israel a half bottle of fire whiskey. With a bow on it. -wipedfaith
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"Seems like you started without me. This my gift? Or my bottle for playing catch up?" He asked the boy, taking the whiskey and quickly taking a swig, making a face as he swallowed.
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piecesofacrow · 1 year
Erwin was passing by with Levi going over plans for their next expedition when the blonde caught sight of Israel from the corner of his eye " A moment Levi." he said before slowly making his way over to the boy, Levi trailing behind him wondering what he was up to.
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" You're Israel aren't up?" Erwin asks before smiling " I couldn't help but overhear from the others that it was your birthday today. I'd like to wish you a Happy Birthday." he says, his eyes glancing towards Levi who only sighed before looking towards Israel.
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"Happy Birthday."
Pleased Erwin would look back to Israel with another smile " Well then, I wish you a pleasant day. Don't eat to many sweets." he added before continuing on his way, the Captain quietly following beside him before they would continue their previous discussion.
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Of all the people to show up. He quickly saluted but his posture faltered quickly as the commander wished him a happy birthday. His eyes made their way towards Levi for a moment before they went back to the commander. "Uh, thank you, Sirs." He stated, watching as the two left after their very simple and formal statement.
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After a few seconds, he turned and smiled. He was trying to think of who else could possibly show up, but honestly, at this point it didn't matter to him. With all those people who had already made their presence known and shown him they remembered it was his birthday, he felt warm. It was different, but not unwelcome.
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piecesofacrow · 1 year
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" Israel!" the blonde shouted as he raced over to them, but not before alerting the two with him that he'd found him " I remembered it was your birthday today! So, Happy Birthday Israel!" Armin shouted before holding out a box to him " This is something we all got together for you, I hope it can be of use to you."
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" Hey , Happy Birthday Israel! Hopefully our gift isn't to lame for you but Armin thought you could-" before he could say anymore Mikasa was quick to cover his mouth with her hand.
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" You're not supposed to tell him what the gift is before he opens it Eren...anyways...Happy Birthday Israel." she smiled a little, in the box was a new journal with a custom made quill that had Israels name engraved on it, along with some homemade pastries. Armin thought it was a good enough gift...the engraving was the part that was a bit costly but at least it was something.
" We'll let you go. I'm sure you were busy but we hope your day goes will." with that the three gave a wave before leaving Israel to relax....for now.
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And just as he turned around from those three, another three came around from another corner. He paused as Armin ran up to him. That same optimistic look in his eyes as he was presented with a gift. Of course Armin would remember it was his birthday. If Armin said it, Israel would believe that he remembered what it was like being in the womb.
"Uh, thanks." He said, looking over to Mikasa as she made Eren shut up. He opened the present and saw what they had left inside, a gentle smile pulling on his lips. He really wasn't used to this attention, but it was honestly somewhat warming to know that people wanted to go out of their way to be kind to him, even if some considered that basic decency.
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"I appreciate it. Thank you guys for thinking of me." He told them, waving as they walked away.
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