#Recording Microphone with Mic Gain for Gaming
ranchiblogger82 · 1 year
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msmcnevertweet · 1 year
GHOULBOYS - Where ghosts are real, or not I guess.
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GHOULBOYS is a one-shot horror/comedy TTRPG for 3 players. It's about amateur paranormal investigators hunting for ghosts in supposedly haunted locales, interpreting evidence and bullshitting with their friends. I made this one! I love ghost things! Let's talk about them! But first...
Will we finally answer the question... are ghosts real?
Inspired by shows and games like Ghost Files, Buzzfeed Unsolved: Supernatural, Phasmophobia and Most Haunted, you'll play as one of three classes:
The BELIEVER, trying to uncover evidence that the paranormal is real, and detail the nature of the supposed haunting.
The SCEPTIC, who believes that everything has a reasonable explanation, and the idea of ghosts is kinda funny. 
The PRODUCER, who’s recording this whole thing, and looking out for what the other two might miss.
It's a GMless game where you and your two friends fuck around in abandoned buildings with spirit boxes, motion sensors, and turn the gain up on your microphone incredibly loudly to hear what might, maybe have someone saying half a word.
If that sounds cool, it's $5 until the end of the month!
My friends it is time to peer closely at a blurry photo
(Potential) Spoilers for: Ghostwatch and The Blair Witch Project.
Bro bro bro did you see that bro BRO
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When I was a teen posessed by the grim specter of an idea known as "Thinking I was a guy", I used to get very stoned and sit in cars with my friends and drive around at night. Being stoned with The Lads was a good way of pretending I wasn't possessed, I guess.
One time we drove to a supposedly haunted stretch of road; the story was that a woman who lived nearby had gone out onto the road late at night and been hit by a car and killed. If you drove along that road at the time of her death, you might see her, wearing the nightgown she died in.
After about an hour of driving up and down the road, we were about to give up. The driver swung into a driveway to turn the car around, and out of the pitch blackness, I saw it. White, twisted, grasping. It was just a flash, but I know what I saw. I screamed, my friends screamed, the tires of the car screamed as they span griplessly on the tarmac for that endless split second before it pulled away.
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Yes of course it was a fucking tree. But for at least 5 minutes, we all believed I'd seen her. As plain as day, a dead woman in a nightgown had grasped at me on the other side of the windscreen through the darkness. The real fear lasted seconds. The adrenaline lasted a few minutes. The laughs lasted for a while afterwards.
I don't believe in ghosts. But the idea of them has the power to make us conjure them. We stare at the fuzzy frozen frame of video and think we can see a form, a face. We listen to the overpowering static hum of a shotgun mic pointed into a hallway and swear we hear a voice. We peer into the darkness, and our brains connect the dots we've decided are there. We want to be scared, especially when we can laugh about it afterwards.
It's just the Pipes
If you know the Orson Welles' War of the Worlds radio broadcast, Ghostwatch pulls a similar trick. It's 1992, you've sat down to watch a live TV show doing a "scientific investigation" into a haunted suburban home with Big Name TV News Guy Michael Parkinson, Big Name TV "Robot Wars" Guy Craig Charles, and a bunch of other Big Name TV people I don't really know.
The house is supposedly possessed by a malevolent evil spirit who the homeowners kids call Pipes. They hear banging noises at night, their mom tells them "It's just the pipes." Watch along at home, phone in using the number on your screens with your ghost stories, and you know, just in case you maybe see anything on the footage that we might miss.
It's staged, of course, and staged incredibly. It's very fucking creepy. Kitchy, mundane 90's TV gives way slowly to creeping dread that never seems to stop creeping, eventually arriving at a terminus of full on Blair Witch surrealness. It drew so many complaints from people whose children were turned to traumatised wrecks that it was banned from being broadcast for 10 years.
Probably because the newscaster they saw on TV every day turned, in the course of about half an hour, from this
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To this
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There's not really many clips on youtube but trust me, it's good. It's slow. Give it a chance, you should watch it.
Josh? Is that you down there?
There's so many jokes about The Blair Witch Project, but that's not because it's bad. I mean, it IS kind of bad, and that's the point. Heather, Josh and Mike are just amateur film makers making a documentary on a shoestring budget, about the mystery of the Blair Witch, the details of which matter little to what happens next. The jokes are attempts by people trying to break the hold the film has on them. But it holds on tight.
It works so well because it's so sparse. The minimal, natural sets, the handheld footage, the we're-not-even-really-acting-I'm-actually-kinda-just-creeped-out performances. The characters talk like convincingly kinda shitty people, deal with getting lost like real people, argue like convincingly scared people. It explains nothing about the greater mystery, cares not for any attempt to make sense of what's going on, all it wants to do is slowly drag you to it's stark, screaming conclusion.
Like many successful horror films, it got a bunch of sequels which I've not seen, and don't care to. It doesn't need them.
Ok but what about real ghosts
There's something about a weird dollar store Trent Reznor and his bros crawling around a tourist spot that makes Ghost Adventures so fun to watch. Trant Reznot is out here shouting at ghosts with his whole chest like "I HEARD YOU DON'T LIKE BIG LIGHTS SHINING IN YOUR FACE HUH", and it's great. When the often questionable "activity" occurs, it's rarely actually spooky in any way, but the deadly serious way with which they describe the mote of light (read: dust particle) moving across the footage that it's endearing.
These shows (Most Haunted, 28 Days Haunted, et al) tend towards having a pseudo "intellectual" angle. Ghost Adventures doesn't care, it's listening to Tool in it's car outside the high school, passing you a joint and saying "Isn't it fucked up that people die, but like, aren't gone, man?" I can't tell if it doesn't take itself too seriously, or if it just doesn't really know how to be serious, but it's good.
Hey there demons, it's me... ya boi
I watched so much god damn Buzzfeed Unsolved through Covid. I watched it until the early hours of the morning, until I'd successfully creeped myself out to the point where I had to run from the living room to the bedroom in the dark to avoid the Texarkana Phantom Killer that my brain had successfully materialised just behind the back of my head.
Somehow Buzzfeed Unsolved Supernatural - it's sister show focused on.. well, supernatural stuff, and it's successor Ghost Files manages to be both scary, whilst also simultaneously very stupid and funny.
Both Shane and Ryan are always ready to be scared, but they're also both ready to laugh. They have a very endearing camaraderie too, like two kids in class trying to get the each other told off by the teacher, and despite the semi serious presentation, unlike Ghost Adventures they're not precious about trying to make sure you're scared. It invites you laugh and be afraid in equal measure, and it feels natural, especially in the early episodes. If Ryan is freaking out about the Waverly Hills Hospital body chute, it's because.. well.. watch the video? I would absolutely not go down there.
This tension between laughing and screaming drives the show. The balance between spooky-funny and spooky-scary is a delicate one. Ryan and Shane are great at knowing when to tip that balance, one way or the other.
It's easily the single biggest influence on Ghoulboys (I mean, of course it is?) because of this. When playing, you're always caught in this in-between moment that the Ghoulboys themselves do so well. Waiting for something to fall over, the spirit box to speak, the SLS scanner to show a fleeting figure. Whether it's scary or silly, your brain is waiting for it, ready to draw the shapes of ghosts we want to see.
Thank you for coming to my Ghost TED Talk
Man ghost stuff is so good, real or fake. I just wanted to make a funny game that occasionally made you raise your eyebrows and look at each other like "Oh, shit..." and had lots of stupid ghost hunting equipment, and I think it worked out. Thanks for reading.
Again, if you want to check out Ghoulboys, it's $5 until the end of the month. Take a look! There's a video of me and some friends playing it!
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electtrends · 2 years
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FIFINE USB Gaming Microphone for PC Desktop, PS4 and Mac, Gain Control, External Condenser Computer Mic with Pop Filter (K669G+U1)
Designed to make your voice sound clear and crisp, the Fifine K669G is a great starter mic for streaming and gaming. This external desktop automatically install all the necessary drivers as soon as you plug it in the computer. Ideal for streamers, it has a gain control on the front so you can easy to find the balanced levels for different applications.
The gaming microphone is tough, made out of all-metal construction and comes with a metal tripod stand. If you have the proper adapter, you could also attach the mic to the arm stand for more flexible usages. (The adapter and arm stand are not included.)
View more : https://electtrends.com/products/fifine-metal-usb-condenser-recording-microphone-for-laptop-windows-cardioid-studio-recording-vocals-voice-over-video-k669-1
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my-music-1460 · 2 days
Avoiding the Top 5 Audio Recording Pitfalls in Your Home Studio
Creating a home studio that delivers high-quality sound is both an art and a science. Whether you're a musician, podcaster, or voice-over artist, the dream of recording professional-quality audio at home is now more accessible than ever, thanks to advances in technology. However, even with the best gear and software, many people encounter the same stumbling blocks that can undermine the quality of their recordings. These common errors can frustrate even the most passionate creators, especially when they aren't aware of the solutions.
The good news? Most of these mistakes are easy to fix once you know what to look for. By avoiding these pitfalls, you'll not only save time and energy but also get much closer to achieving the professional sound you're aiming for in your home recordings. Whether it's technical issues like poor microphone technique or more subtle challenges like managing acoustic treatment, addressing these key areas can vastly improve your output.
In this article, we’ll explore the top 5 audio recording pitfalls you need to watch out for in your home studio. By the end, you’ll know exactly how to avoid these common mistakes, ensuring your projects reflect the quality they deserve. Avoiding these common pitfalls in home recording can be a game-changer for your sound quality, helping you move from amateur to pro faster than you think.
Pitfall #1: Poor Microphone Technique
One of the most common mistakes beginners make is not understanding how to properly use a microphone. Whether you're recording vocals, acoustic instruments, or even podcasts, microphone placement and technique are crucial to capturing clear, high-quality sound. Poor mic technique often results in recordings that are either too quiet or too loud, and sometimes even filled with unwanted noises like popping or sibilance.
To avoid this, always consider the type of microphone you're using (dynamic, condenser, ribbon, etc.) and place it accordingly. For example, condenser microphones are more sensitive and are great for vocals, but they require proper placement, typically 6-12 inches away from the sound source. Use pop filters to avoid plosive sounds ("P" or "B" sounds that create wind bursts) and experiment with angles and distances until you find the right balance.
Pitfall #2: No Acoustic Treatment
While your microphone captures the sound, the room you're recording in significantly influences the quality of the recording. Most home studios are set up in rooms that were never designed with sound quality in mind, and untreated rooms can lead to problems like unwanted reverb, echo, or even noise reflections that color the sound in undesirable ways. Ignoring this can drastically affect the clarity of your recordings, making them sound more amateur than they need to.
Acoustic treatment is the solution to this issue. By adding foam panels, bass traps, or even DIY treatments like heavy curtains or bookshelves, you can minimize reflections and get a "tighter" sound in your recordings. If you're on a tight budget, you can start by placing a rug on the floor or recording in rooms with lots of furniture and soft materials. This can help reduce the amount of echo and reverb, resulting in a cleaner recording.
Pitfall #3: Skipping Gain Staging
Gain staging is a fundamental part of the recording process, yet many home recordists either skip it entirely or don't fully understand it. When you fail to properly set your input levels, you can either end up with distorted, clipped audio (when levels are too high) or a weak, noisy signal (when levels are too low). Both can ruin an otherwise great performance.
To avoid this, start by adjusting the input gain on your audio interface or preamp so that the levels hover between -12dB and -6dB. This ensures that you're capturing a strong signal without distortion, giving you clean audio to work with during mixing and mastering. Remember that once distortion happens during recording, it can’t be fixed in post-production, so it’s important to get the levels right from the start.
Pitfall #4: Failing to Save Sessions Regularly
One of the worst mistakes a home recordist can make is failing to save their sessions regularly. It only takes one power outage, one crash, or one accidental click to lose hours—or even days—of work. While this pitfall may seem more technical than artistic, it can have a devastating impact on your project if not managed properly.
To avoid this, make it a habit to save your sessions frequently, and enable automatic backups in your digital audio workstation (DAW). Some DAWs allow you to customize the frequency of auto-saves, so set it to save every 5-10 minutes to minimize the risk of losing data. Additionally, back up your files on an external hard drive or cloud storage to ensure you have redundancy in case of hardware failure.
Pitfall #5: Neglecting Post-Production
Post-production is where the magic happens in audio recording. It's where raw recordings are transformed into polished, professional tracks through processes like mixing, EQing, compression, and mastering. Yet, many home studio users underestimate its importance and either rush through it or skip it altogether, leaving their recordings sounding unbalanced and unfinished.
To avoid this, spend time learning the basics of post-production, including how to mix tracks so that each element has its own space in the mix. Use EQ to remove unwanted frequencies and compression to control dynamics and make the recording sound more consistent. Finally, mastering ensures that your recording sounds cohesive and professional across different playback systems. If you're unsure how to master a track, there are plenty of online resources, tutorials, and even affordable online mastering services that can help you get the job done.
Conclusion: In summary, avoiding these top 5 audio recording pitfalls will set you on the path to producing high-quality recordings from your home studio. Whether it's ensuring proper microphone technique, treating your room acoustically, or paying attention to critical technical details like gain staging and post-production, each of these areas plays a significant role in the overall sound of your recordings.
Avoiding common pitfalls in home recording doesn’t require expensive gear or years of professional experience—just a little bit of knowledge and attention to detail. By taking the time to learn and apply these principles, you’ll see immediate improvements in the clarity, professionalism, and overall quality of your recordings. Whether you're recording music, podcasts, or voice-overs, the difference will be clear.
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shoblisva · 4 months
About Me!
Hello, I’m Lisa from the Philippines! A good bunch of people call me Lis or Lissy. Feel free to go with whichever you prefer! Thanks for checking out my Tumblr page. It feels great to start my first blog where I can express myself freely~ This blog is all about showcasing my voice (VA/VO, fandub, unreleased and random covers) I sing and and voice act, mostly in English and Japanese. I’ve worked on a few VA/VO projects including volunteer opportunities and community collaborations.
Voice Range: Mezzo Soprano (A3-A5) Specialization: Cheerful, bright, sweet, cute, friendly female characters. Medium to High (adult to young)
Availability: Open for VA commissions
It all began when I discovered Vocaloid songs on YouTube back in 2013. I got hooked on voice acting, fandubs, games, and all the fun stuff in the Youtaite community. I even joined a Japanese online voice acting group as a hobby. They'd give us scripts to record, and if they liked it, they'd upload it to YouTube. Back then, I recorded everything on my phone.
In 2015, my dad bought me my first-ever condenser microphone (second-hand.) I’m super happy! Thanks, dad! I regularly posted song covers and voice acting clips to my own YouTube channel. I also gained experience and explored audio mixing. I'm grateful for my parents' support even if people didn't know I was singing on YT. I remember hitting around 4k subs, and it was such a huge joy for me. I also uploaded dance covers on my channel, as it was originally a dance channel so I was thinking about whether to separate my content and create a new account.
Fast forward to around 2017, sadly, I decided to delete my first channel (mental health reasons). I wiped out my entire social media presence and lost interest in my hobbies. My mind wasn't in the best place at the time and did the unthinkable, but we all have those moments, right?
Don't worry! After a year, I wanted to get back into it. So, I started fresh with a new account in 2018, mainly for song covers – and kept it anonymous. I still use my old second-hand mic I had before. It's still in good condition, and I may have developed a sentimental connection to the mic. :') But sometimes, I still use my phone for recording too. xD I gained a few supporters who liked my voice, but I wasn't confident enough to show them my dancing side even though dancing's my absolute favorite hobby! Can you believe it? Shy ol' me, feeling like a whole new person with each interest.
So, I decided to separate my content and made a dance cover channel in 2020 and occasionally do VAs there too. I won't disclose it here, haha! at least for now..? but if you're curious and happen to find it, consider it a surprise! You're a great detective. jkjk lol
This blog centers around me using my voice, so it's mostly a mix of random short covers I've recorded, along with little acting snippets and other projects. I’ll also be uploading unreleased covers and versions on this blog. Stay tuned! ^^ Right now, I'm eager to become more active again and continue singing. I'm grateful for the support I've received along the way! Thanks for dropping by and reading my ramblings~
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speechwarestore · 9 months
The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Right USB Microphone Headset for Your Needs
In an era where communication and content creation dominate the digital landscape, finding the perfect microphone is essential. Whether you're a gamer, a content creator, or someone looking to enhance their dictation experience, the search for the ideal microphone begins with understanding the nuances of different types. In this blog, we explore the realms of microphone for headset and USB microphones, delving into their unique features and uncovering what makes them indispensable tools in today's tech-driven world.
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Microphone for Headset: Elevating Your Gaming and Communication Experience
For gamers and avid communicators, a microphone for the headset is a game-changer. No longer relegated to clunky desktop mics, these compact and high-performance microphones seamlessly integrate into your headset, providing clear and crisp voice quality. Whether you're strategizing with your team in an intense gaming session or participating in a virtual meeting, a dedicated headset microphone ensures that your voice is heard with precision. Look for features such as noise cancellation and adjustable boom arms for a personalized experience that enhances both clarity and convenience.
USB Microphone: Unleashing the Power of Plug-and-Play Simplicity
When it comes to versatility and ease of use, USB microphone take center stage. These plug-and-play wonders eliminate the need for complex setups and additional audio interfaces. Simply plug the USB microphone into your computer, and you're ready to go. Ideal for content creators, podcasters, and musicians, USB microphones offer studio-quality sound without the hassle. Look for models with adjustable gain controls and multiple pickup patterns to cater to various recording scenarios, providing the flexibility needed for any creative endeavor.
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Dictation Microphone: Transforming Speech into Text with Precision
In the realm of productivity, dictation microphone play a crucial role. Designed for users who prefer speaking over typing, these specialized microphones are tailored for accurate voice-to-text conversion. Perfect for professionals, writers, and anyone looking to streamline their workflow, dictation microphones recognize the nuances of speech and transform them into written words. Look for features like noise reduction and compatibility with popular dictation software to ensure a seamless and efficient transcription process.
Best Microphone USB: Navigating the Options for Superior Performance
When seeking the best microphone USB has to offer, consider your specific needs and use cases. Look for models that combine high-quality audio capture with user-friendly features. The best USB microphones often offer plug-and-play convenience, advanced noise-canceling technology, and durable construction. Reviews and user feedback can also provide valuable insights into the real-world performance of different models, helping you make an informed decision based on your requirements.
In conclusion, the world of microphones has evolved to cater to diverse needs, from gaming and communication to content creation and productivity. Whether you opt for a microphone for your headset, a USB microphone, or a dictation microphone, the key is to choose one that aligns with your specific preferences and use cases. As technology continues to advance, the perfect microphone is out there, waiting to elevate your audio experience and empower your voice in the digital realm.
Get more information on SpeechWare Store
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hongkongmaono · 11 months
Enhancing Sound Quality: The Versatility of USB Microphone
In the age of virtual communication, content creation, and live streaming, USB microphones have become invaluable tools for delivering professional-grade audio. This article explores the features, applications, and benefits of USB microphones, highlighting their role in achieving superior sound quality in various scenarios.
The Advancements in USB Microphone Technology:
usb microphones, once considered niche tools, have evolved into versatile audio solutions suitable for a wide range of users. They have gained popularity due to several key features:
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1. Plug-and-Play Convenience: USB microphones are renowned for their simplicity. They can be connected to a computer or compatible device via a USB port without the need for additional drivers or complex setups.
2. Sound Quality: Many USB microphones offer impressive audio quality, rivaling traditional XLR microphones. They capture clear, detailed sound for professional recordings and live broadcasts.
3. Compact and Portable: USB microphones are compact and portable, making them an excellent choice for content creators, podcasters, musicians, and individuals on the go.
4. Affordability: They are available in a wide price range, making high-quality audio accessible to a broad audience.
Applications of USB Microphones:
1. Podcasting: USB microphones are the go-to choice for podcasters. They capture voices with clarity and are often equipped with features such as mute buttons and headphone jacks for real-time monitoring.
2. Content Creation: Content creators on platforms like YouTube and TikTok rely on USB microphones to ensure their videos have crisp, professional audio.
3. Live Streaming: Gamers, streamers, and live content producers use USB microphones for in-game commentary and interactive broadcasts.
4. Remote Work and Video Conferencing: As remote work and virtual meetings have surged, USB microphones have become essential for clear and professional communication.
5. Musical Recording: Musicians use USB microphones for demos, songwriting, and even some studio recording tasks.
Benefits of USB Microphones:
1. Ease of Use: Their plug-and-play nature ensures that users can start recording or streaming without technical hassles.
2. Sound Control: Many USB microphones come with adjustable gain settings, directional patterns (such as cardioid or omnidirectional), and built-in pop filters to optimize sound capture.
3. Affordability: USB microphones offer excellent value for their cost, making them accessible to beginners and professionals alike.
4. Portability: Their compact size and USB connectivity make them travel-friendly and adaptable to various recording environments.
USB microphones have democratized high-quality audio recording and broadcasting. Their convenience, versatility, and affordability make them indispensable tools for podcasters, content creators, musicians, and professionals across diverse fields. As the demand for crystal-clear sound continues to grow in the digital age, USB microphones are positioned to remain a vital component of modern audio technology, ensuring that everyone can achieve studio-quality sound with ease.
For more info. visit us:
microphone headset
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rwoshop · 1 year
AUDIOPRO USB Microphone - Computer Condenser Gaming Mic for PC/Laptop/Phone/PS4/5, Headphone Output, Volume Control, USB Type C Plug and Play, LED Mute Button, for Streaming, Podcast, Studio Recording We have a great collection of WFH products in our online shop. Our shop includes other essential remote home working devices like Webcams, Chairs, Tables and much more. Lets improve your WFH enrolment today with the AUDIOPRO USB Microphone - Computer Condenser Gaming Mic for PC/Laptop/Phone/PS4/5, Headphone Output, Volume Control, USB Type C Plug and Play, LED Mute Button, for Streaming, Podcast, Studio Recording. https://www.remoteworkingoffice.com/product/audiopro-usb-microphone-computer-condenser-gaming-mic-for-pc-laptop-phone-ps4-5-headphone-output-volume-control-usb-type-c-plug-and-play-led-mute-button-for-streaming-podcast-studio-recording/?feed_id=1819&_unique_id=650f049689a08 #homeoffice #remoteworking #ratemyoffice #homeworking #rwo #remoteworkingoffice
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dolphinbluegiftt · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: ZeaLSound Microphone for PC, Podcast Condenser Mic with Boom Arm Stand, Streamin.
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boyamicunboxing · 1 year
Boya Wireless Microphone
boya mic wireless
Suitable for journalists, YouTube/Instagram game designers, TikTok personalities, in addition to vloggers, the BOYA BY-WM3D is an easy-to-use, digital true-wireless mic system designed to gain clear, intelligible speech and toast to your iPhone/iPad, DSLR/mirrorless camera, or almost any smartphone/tablet equipped with your headphone jack.
Using a microphone built within the clip-on transmitter and then a compact receiver this plugs directly into a recording device, the machine delivers a true cable-free experience with no bodypack and no cables necessary, allowing complete convenience of movement to get demonstrations, presentations, along with performances. Thanks to your transmitter's miniature houses, you can clip the application to clothing, slip it into a tee shirt pocket, place it for a podium, or accommodate it in your grip. This enables you to spot the microphone close speaker's mouth to make greatly improved good quality compared to the built-in mics on Digital slrs and mobile devices.
Your BY-WM3D offers instant out-of-the-box operability for anybody, regardless of their a higher standard experience. Once it is actually removed from the provided charging case, blocked in, and derived on, the mike is set and set so you can focus on designing your content. The system provides reliable transmission using a clean sound far away up to 65' for approximately 4. 5 numerous hours on rechargeable power packs.
The BY-WM3D comes along with everything necessary for creating clear-sounding speech in a location. In addition to the clip-on transmitter with built-in microphone and the plug-in receiver with its a few types of interchangeable audio tracks adapters, you also acquire a foam windscreen in addition to a furry windshield to lessen wind noise when ever working outdoors. Your charging case is roofed to recharge a batteries and strongly transport your devices. Plug-In Receiver along with Three Interchangeable Adapters for All Your Devices A miniature plug-in device comes with a set of several audio adapters, enabling you to connect it so that you can virtually any recording device-no cables or shows required.
MFi-certified Turbo adapter plugs right into the Lightning vent of your iPhone or even iPad (gives most people better audio level of quality over using the headphone jack on your phone/tablet)
5mm TRS adapter plugs straight into the audio knowledge of your camera, camcorders, or digital recorder
5mm TRRS adapter plugs inside the headphone jack port of your iOS/Android smartphone/tablet
Versatile Charging Event for Powering inside Field
To refresh both transmitter together with receiver at the same time, spot them in their respected cradles inside the asking for case, and link up the case to a UNIVERSAL SERIES BUS power via that included USB getting cable. The fast-charging case recharges this transmitter and recipient in just 2 days. The charging event itself features a 1000mAh rechargeable battery, that can be used to recharge each of those transmitter and phone when working in your field without the ways to access a power source. That transmitter operates some. 5 hours on the full charge plus the receiver 8 a long time.
True-Wireless Microphone It's Easy to Use and Commited to memory
Use the compact clip-on transmitter as a true-wireless microphone with its built-in mic element-no line between mic and additionally transmitter required like with traditional bodypack transmitters. Place the transmitter and receiver with the charging case in addition to close the covers. Open the cover up again and they are either automatically powered along with paired for fast use without any create required. You can fast mute the microphone/transmitter with a short push of the power key. An LED warning on both devices shows power, muting, and low-battery tier.
Other Features
Trim plug-in receiver doesn't interfere with the functioning of a gimbal. This approach digital wireless method avoids interference coming from TV and a radio station waves by using in the 2 . 5 GHz frequency ring, which occupies frequencies beyond those associated with television, radio transmissions, and UHF mobile microphone systems. To get optimal performance, areas with limited Wi-Fi / 2 . several GHz traffic together with minimal physical objects in the way are recommended. Get the job done up to 20 techniques simultaneously in the similar environment.
SHIVAMADHUR DIGITAL PRIVATE LIMITED Boya Wireless Microphone | BY-WM4 PRO-K2 | Unboxing | Yash Raj Suneja | Musopolis Technical
Host / Anchor - Yash Raj Suneja Camera and Editing - Pappu Khan
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Blue Yeti USB Microphone PC & MAC Record Condenser 10 Yr Anniversary Collectibl.
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shopsyplannet · 1 year
MAONO AU-PM461TS Condenser USB Mic for PC, YouTube Recording, Gaming, Podcasting. All-in-one Microphone Kit with Mic Gain, Metal Pop Filter, and Shock Mount, Black
Price: (as of – Details) Maono[ˈmɑnoʊ], meaning "vision" in Kiswahili, is the Global Selling Internet Microphone Brand whose products are sold well in 153 countries worldwide. With the beautiful vision of becoming a global leading brand of Internet audio products that deliver a pleasant sound experience, Maono is always working with audio professionals, influencers, and users, to make the…
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anantradingpvtltd · 2 years
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] Product Description Live Streaming Studio Equipment Bundle This Live Streaming Studio Equipment Bundle contains various product such as audio mixer, microphone, Adjustable Mic Boom Arm Stand etc that will be used at live streaming, broadcast, music recording, gaming live streaming, radio shows. Specification: Frequency range: 20 to 20,000 Hz Sensitivity: -34 dB±2 dB (0 dB=1V/Pa at 1kHz) Max. SPL: 132 dB (at 1kHz≤1% T.H.D) Equivalent noise level: 16 dB-A Signal/noise ratio: 78 dB Impedance: = 1000 ohms Connector: 3-pin XLR to IEC NOTE : AVAILABLE IN THREE DIFFERENT COLOURS: BLACKBLUEGOLD Professional Condense Microphone Set Low Noise The BM-800 features extremely quiet self-noise, In technical terms: a noise level of just 16 dB(A). Thus, it is perfectly suited for vocals and audio drama productions in high definition as well as for demanding samples production and instrumental recordings Stability The BM-800 shock mount suspension isolates your studio microphone from handling and floor noise by decoupling it from the rest of your room. The shockmount accommodates microphones from 55mm to 60mm in diameter. It screws into any standard mic stand Professional Audio Mixer Sound Board Console System 4 Channel Digital USB Bluetooth MP3 Computer Input 48V Phantom Power Stereo DJ Studio Streaming Professional Mixer is a multi-purpose 4-channel mixer with a sound card, which can meet users' home music production, web live broadcast, song recording, and other needs.Can be used by beginners or studio professional applications DJ & Studio Console Mixer SystemMulti 4-Channel Audio Source MixingBluetooth/USB playbackBuilt-in 48V phantom power supplyEquipped with Input gain and treble and bass adjustmentMultiple Compatibility Product parameters: Power: 25 (w) Interface: conventional interface Applicability Computer: stage equipment Frequency response: 10 Hz to 200kKz Gain range: +14dB to +60dB Signal to noise ratio: 120dB E.I.N Line input: electronic balance Frequency response: 10 Hz to 130kHz
Personalized Function Settings The intuitive digital display allows you to understand the mode more clearly. With a variety of additional functions such as Bluetooth and MP3 playback, you can choose according to your preferences. DC5V/2A Port and USB2.0 Power Supply With DC5V/2A interface and USB2.0 power supply data port, with a power supply switch button, you can not only use the power adapter for charging, you can also use the USB2.0 interface to connect to the computer for power supply and use the product as a sound card. 24 DSP Mixing Effects 24 kinds of DSP mixing effects, allowing you to make different music according to your favorite effects. For example, when a microphone is connected, 24 kinds of DSP mixing effects are used to modify the voice of female voice and male voice. BLUETOOTH Wireless Music Streaming This portable 4 - channel DJ Audio Mixer has Bluetooth for wireless streaming and uses it as an input to mix signal with other input channels. It works with iPhone, Android, iPad, Tablet, and MP3 Player. Low-Noise 4 Channel Audio Mixer Mini sound board mixer yields the highest sonic quality at all output levels, boasting ultra low-noise operational for outstanding audio performance. No distortion and easy to set up, perfect for mixing 4 line level signals quickly and without complications. Reverberation Adjusting Knob & 2 in 1 Audio Jack Reverberation Adjusting Knob makes adjustable delay and repetition depth of reverberation effect Knob & 2 in 1 Audio Jack has XLR audio cable and 6.3mm audio cable both avaiable Powerful
Compatible Equipment It can be connected to a variety of audio equipment, and the audio mixer is compatible with mobile phones, computers, tablets, electronic musical instruments, wireless or wired microphones, stereos and certain game devices. Excellent Sound Quality:With rugged construction for durable performance, the vocal microphone offers a wide frequency response and handles high SPLs with ease.Ideal for project/home-studio applications.The cardioid condenser capsule offers crystal-clear audio for communicating, creating and recording. Low Noise:It features high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) that means less distortion to be caused on the process of recording, Unique 3-layer protection system prevents unwanted pop noises—providing singers with a clear, plosive-free vocal performance. 4 CHANNEL: This 4 channel wireless audio mixer interface controller DJ mixer sound board by Samvolt is the perfect way to mix audio from MP3, mic, and bluetooth connected devices. Each channel has its own independent volume control, cross fader, & gain control. 48V PHANTOM POWER: For the reliable power source, the stage/studio sound mixing console features a 48V phantom power supply.Wireless audio mixer has ultra-low noise design with high headroom and exquisite plastic chassis. Mixer sound board perfect for both beginners /professional. BLUETOOTH MUSIC STREAMING: This wireless audio mixer USB interface mixer sound board is compatible w/ bluetooth and works w/ smartphone, tablet, laptop, pc w/ simple hassle-free pairing. Wirelessly stream music like from your device directly to your mix. [ad_2]
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kettnercreative · 2 years
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bombaysales · 2 years
HyperX QuadCast - USB Microphone
HyperX QuadCast - USB Microphone Are You a Streamer? Do you desire a great sound quality? Are You Looking For Quality Sounds and the best gaming experience? The HyperX QuadCast is a USB condenser microphone that both sounds great and looks great. The supremely stunning RGB lightng and dynamic effects will add style and flair to any stream or setup and is customizable via HyperX NGENUITY software. The QuadCast is an all-inclusive mic, featuring an anti-vibration shock mount to help quiet the rumbles of daily life and a built-in pop filter to muffle plosive sounds. Instantly know your mic status with the LED indicator, and simply tap-to-mute to avoid awkward broadcasting accidents. With four selectable polar patterns, this mic’s prepared for nearly any recording situation and features a gain control dial to quickly regulate input sensitivity. The included mount adapter fits 3/8” and 5/8” thread sizes, compatible with most stands. QuadCast is certified by Discord and TeamSpeak to ensure that your microphone is loud and clear for all your followers and listeners. You can also monitor your mic in real time using the convenient headphone jack on the back of the mic. It’s multi-platform compatible, so you can deliver quality sound output whether you’re connecting to a PC, PS5, PS4, or Mac. The HyperX QuadCast possesses many features: Radiant RGB lighting with dynamic effects Built-in anti-vibration shock mount Tap-to-mute sensor with LED status indicator Four selectable polar patterns Customizable via HyperX NGENUITY Software Gain control adjustment: Easily adjust your mic sensitivity by turning the dial at the bottom of the QuadCast. Mount adapter, pop filter, and headphone jack Get The HyperX QuadCast at an affordable price by clicking on the link below. https://amzn.to/3Twj8F2
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luckyvewor · 2 years
How good is dictation on mac
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#How good is dictation on mac android
#How good is dictation on mac pro
#How good is dictation on mac software
#How good is dictation on mac Bluetooth
#How good is dictation on mac software
It has clipguard technology, capacitive mute, flexible mounting and it comes with awesome wave link software to take care of your professional needs.ĩ. Elgato Wave:3 – USB Condenser Microphone and Digital MixerĮlgato Wave is a premium microphone having condenser capsule with a tight cardioid polar pattern to capture speech with precision. It’s built in unidirectional microphone also has wide band noise cancellation feature.Ĩ. This unique headset mic from MPOW has both USB and 3.5mm jack connectors making it widely compatible with most of the computers, smartphones and tablets. It also boasts of enhanced digital audio if you want to listen to your favorite music. Headband is both adjustable and padded for your comfort. This headset from Logitech has a simple plug and play USB connection with noise cancellation. Logitech USB Headset H390 with Noise Cancelling Mic Appropriate microphone for smartphones and tablets but do not buy this if you need a microphone for PC.Ħ.
#How good is dictation on mac android
This lavalier microphone from Powerdewise works for iPhone 11, X, 8, 8 plus, 7, 7 plus, 6, 6s, 5, 5s, iOs and all Android smartphones. PowerDeWise Lavalier Lapel Microphone (3.5 mm Jack) for phone It has an edge over other microphones as you can try different pickup patterns and check which one works best with your speech recognition software.ĥ. It also has features like headphone output and volume control, mic gain control and adjustable stand. Company claims that this model is world’s first AI (Artificial Intelligence) noise cancelling headset.īlue yeti is a professional broadcast quality microphone that has four pickup pattern options: cardioid, Omni, bidirectional, and stereo pickup patterns offer incredible flexibility, allowing you to record in ways that would normally require multiple microphones. It can give you up to 34 Hours of continuous playtime. This wireless headset from TaoTronics has QCC3020 chipset for fast & stable signal transmission.
#How good is dictation on mac Bluetooth
TaoTronics Trucker BH041 Wireless Bluetooth Headset with Microphone If you like headsets for dictation, this is the right choice.ģ. Ear cushion swivels 360 degrees to ensure maximum comfort.
#How good is dictation on mac pro
Executive Pro has lightweight design, long cord (6.5 feet) and it has flexible noise canceling boom microphone. Executive Pro Overture Premium Binaural Noise-Canceling Corded USB HeadsetĮxecutive Pro is a comfortable headset with good reviews especially for voice recognition purpose. Interestingly, you are getting a semi Omni-directional mic in this price range!Ģ. This microphone is Plug & Play compatible with Win 7 8 10/Mac/PS4/PS3. It has mute switch with LED indicator which shows an indication of the microphone status. Though not a big brand, but Jounivo JV601 is a good entry level microphone with 360° flexible gooseneck design. Jounivo JV601 USB Desktop Microphone with Gooseneck design Apart from dictation, you can use these microphones for recording, Youtube, Skype, zoom call, webinar, gaming, streaming, interview, ASMR, podcast etc. Please note that these microphones are not arranged in any particular order. We have mentioned best plug and play mics with different features in a wide price range starting from $17. We have compiled a list of microphones which works best with speech recognition or dictation software. However, if you work in a noisy environment and your main purpose is dictation, then Cardioid microphone is a better choice. Omni-directional microphones are suggested for digital voice assistants as it picks up sound equally from all direction and you don’t have to be very near to the microphone in order to give voice command. If you are using a voice command and speech to text software like Braina, then it is suggested to use a good quality microphone with noise cancellation feature to get the optimum speech recognition accuracy. Your pronunciation and background environment noise might be an important factor but 50% of dictation or voice command accuracy actually depends upon your microphone hardware. Quality of microphones play a very important role in speech to text dictation.
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