#Red mcauther
thatsreallynotit · 9 months
Hello!! So this is a sorta desperate post.
I’m asking whoever sees this, PLEASE suggest a humanoid monster for characters with brackets. Otherwise, I will remove them from the set list as well as the upcoming story.
While there is a small possibility said characters will return, It’s only a slight chance.
Characters with * next to them, that means their whole group will be removed.
Please leave suggestions on the monsters. There aren’t a lot of characters with undecided monsters and this task doesn’t require much time lmfao
Clyde Donovan - harpy
Craig Tucker - faun
Tweek Tweak - Angel
Jimmy Valmer - Naga
Tolkien Black - gorgon
Kenny McCormick - Ghost
Stan Marsh - werewolf
Kyle Brovlofski - Vampire
Eric cartman - Arachnes
Butters- Skeleton
Wendy Testaberger - Witch
Bebe Stevens - Shapeshifter
Heidi Turner - Siren
Nichole Daniels - mermaid
[Red McAuther - TBD]
[Tricia Tucker - TBD]
[Ike Brofloski - TBD]
[Shelly Marsh - TBD]
[Karen McCormick - TBD]
[Thomas - TBD]
*[Michael (Goth) - TBD]
[Pete Thelman- TBD]
[Henrietta Biggle - TBD]
[Firkle Smith - TBD]
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nunukim-182 · 4 years
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Making Curry 
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thatsreallynotit · 9 months
The moment that I’ve been waiting to do (and forgot about…) HAS FINALLY ARRIVED! (Arrived? The moment’s arrived? Does that even make sense?)
I now present to you…
(Drum roll please)
Clyde Donovan - harpy
Craig Tucker - faun
Tweek Tweak - Angel
Jimmy Valmer - Naga
Tolkien Black - gorgon
Kenny McCormick - Ghost
Stan Marsh - werewolf
Kyle Brovlofski - Vampire
Eric cartman - Arachnes
Butters- Skeleton
Wendy Testaberger - Witch
Bebe Stevens - Shapeshifter
Heidi Turner - Siren
Nichole Daniels - mermaid
Red McAuther - TBD
Tricia Tucker - TBD
Michael (Goth) - TBD
Pete Thelman- TBD
Henrietta Biggle - TBD
Firkle Smith - TBD
YIPPEEE!! But wait… why do so many characters have TBD instead of monsters?
Well my dear friend, it’s because I want YOU to decide what monster they should be! I thought it would be kinda fun if I let other people have a say in this story!
Because this is just starting out, suggestions are open for only two weeks!
Once those two weeks are up I’ll post the full character set list INCLUDING the character descriptions!
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nunukim-182 · 4 years
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dudes happy holiday!
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nunukim-182 · 4 years
I love them SM plz marry in future
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nunukim-182 · 4 years
Tiger Bike🐯
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nunukim-182 · 4 years
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They got stickers on their face-
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Wendy: Stan! hurry gather around with them! We will post this in instagram!
Stan: Look, Wends. Do we have to do this? Look at them, they look akward.
Clyde : No I’m not!
Boyfriend Club
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nunukim-182 · 4 years
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nunukim-182 · 4 years
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nunukim-182 · 4 years
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he likes her red hair more
Korean version > https://twitter.com/cutebilly1821/status/1331627563303661568?s=20
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nunukim-182 · 4 years
Guilty [Revin Fic]
"Red! Good morning!"
"Red, did you see the Justin Timberlake concert yesterday?"
Two of the most popular kids at school, Wendy and Bebe, came up to me.They are my friends which I met in third grade, and they were popular and cool. All the boys and girls look up at them. And also, I was between them. Speaking of me, I am in the cheerleader team, and I’m the most hottest girl in my class. I had to maintain my dignity, and show myself to the most popular quinces. I could not break my fantasy about myself. and...
"Red, hi!" While I was talking to my friends, I looked back. Kevin Stoley. My childhood friend, and the class-famous geek boy. The faces of my friends are not unusual. Everyone's expression is, "Do you hang along with that nerdy kid?" 
Red, I wanted to talk to you, Kevin said. I hurriedly ignored him and continued talking with my friends, his voice beginning to grow smaller and smaller, and I focused on my friends’ conversations to avoid thinking of him.
Looking back a long time later, I looked around. He was not there. My friends forced me to lunch. I can’t stop thinking about Kevin Stoley. 
I am the worst person in South park.
I hurried back home, shrugging off the story of my friends playing. I pulled out the Star Wars DVD in my drawer and put it into my PC. I watched each of the scenes of the eighties’ crude CGs. I felt calm in my mind. In fact, I like Justin Timberlake and pretty, shiny things, but I also liked SF-related items and cosplaying. I knew that if I show my nerdy side,my reputation would fall to the bottom at school. So I had to act like I’m not a nerd. I was really envious of some kids who showed their nerdy ways. They've lost popularity, but they absorbed in their own favorites. If I could have lived without being seeing other kid’s reactions of mine...
I couldn't stop thinking about Kevin Stoley while watching the movie - our first meeting was when we were four. His dad was a huge movie fan, so we’d always went to theater once a week, or rent a video at home to watch a movie together- mostly a space opera movie. I didn’t understand the scenes and the plots because I’m too young, but we focused when they fight with a Lightsaber. When the movie was finished, we played together and went home. Kevin always played as Han Solo, and I was Princess Leah. It was so fun. 
I want to go back to those days.
I wish I could talk to Kevin again.
Wouldn't he is better than the girls who acts like two-faced Bitch?
While I was thinking about this and that, a text came.
[Hey, can you come out?]
Clyde Donovan. He was putting on airs because he won the most cutest kid in girl’s vote. I thought he was not cool. He's a little dumb. And the fact every girls know that Clyde Donovan like Bebe Stevens.
And you want to see me? Do he wants to hook me up?
I thought I can meet him once, and I pauzed the movie and went to the place where he called.
Stark’s Pond. It was the place where Kevin and I seeing stars through telescopes when we was first grade. I'm with a little- short fatass in a place of memory. It's the worst of the worst.
Clyde Donovan didn’t know the truth. He won the first place because the girls cheated the results for using him buying shoes. Also I cheated,too. The shoes are so pretty, so I have to get them somehow.
"Red. I wanted to meet you once. Do you want to date with me?"
What the fuck is he talking about? Besides,I don't really feel he likes me.
"Why? Don’t you have liked someone before?"
"Is there a reason for dating somebody? Oh! And I'll buy you shoes, too. My dad bought some good shoes today. It’s new."
That was a stupid answer. Yeah, you want to hook me up cause you think you’re so cute. Or did he want to make Bebe jealous? And in my head, angel and the devil are fighting. The conscience that I should never date with this fatass for Kevin's sake, and the other side, the sweet devil whispered to me that I can get new shoes every day if I date with Clyde.
Eventually I had to raise the devil's hand.
The news of the Fatass Clyde Donovan and Red McArthur dating spread quickly.
The girls were horribly envious. I know why they envy me. Because I can get Brand new shoes for Clyde every day. And the fatass keep his promise. Clyde sent me shoes every day. This was also possible because Clyde was a well-off kid in the South park.
But I haven't seen Kevin's face since I shaked my hands with the devil.
I can’t feel I’m dating well. In my mind, I should have dumped this fatass and met Kevin Stoley. I don't want to hear this pig's crappy-third-rate drama filtring...
In any situation, Kevin and Clyde’s actions always compared. When we have dinner together, when we have a cheesy conversation...Kevin would have done better. Kevin would never have done this. Already my heart was full of Kevin Stoley, the Geeky kid.
Walking at the hallway with the girls, I noticed Kevin's face while he was talking to Bradley. Kevin looked pretending to be okay but dark. You must be upset and angry. I understand. What I did was really cheap to be blamed for. The pile of shoes only made me feel like I was strangling. I don't want to date with this pig anymore.
I took out my phone to contact the fatass by text message. Surprisingly, the pig had a text message first.
[See you for a second.]
Why did Clyde want to meet me now?
I went to the place where he asked. The backyard of a school It's a place where Goth kids smoke. They weren't there. Clyde taked time to say something.
"Let's stop dating now. "
Hell yes! I was so happy that I almost flew into the sky. That's what I was going to say! But if I like it too much, I'll have a bad reputation, right? 
"Yes. I don't care if you think so."
"Uh. You'll meet a nice guy someday. "
The Devil's contract for such a week was fortunately over. Later, when it turned out that Bebe was in the lead of cheating, I only knew that Clyde was in a big betrayal and had a huge fight with Bebe. But I don't care about their love affair. I had to pay attention to myself for now. I took out my smartphone to contact Kevin. I had to talk to him, this pig has nothing to do with me.
At that moment my hand stopped. Will Kevin ever be happy about this? Or will he get angry at me?
It was complicated. I've been avoiding Kevin because of his falling popularity and geeky ways, and I didn't know if he'd accept me or not. But I certainly wanted to talk.
I didn't avoid Kevin because I didn't like him.
I'm just fear of my bad reputation.
I'm sorry I've been acting like a dick all the time.
I like Kevin.
But I couldn't send a message because I didn't have the courage to say these words. In the end, I decided to keep it in my mind.
I'm a coward.
A month has passed. Kevin's face brightened up. Still, he never greeted me as first as before. Did he give up on me? I didn't feel very good. I wanted Kevin to come up to me again. Maybe he's trying to distance himself, just like me in the old days.
It was a moment when I learned what Kevin felt about me in the past. I thought I should have told him quickly. But if I starting hang out with Kevin... Everybody will think it’s weird What do Wendy and Bebe think of me?
I hated myself for thinking like a nerdy kid about Kevin. I wanted to be honest. I couldn't even tell anyone. But I didn't want to ask my mom and dad for help. I could see the answer what they say. Mom was a redneck, so I could see exactly what she was going to say, and Dad would gloss over it somehow. Adults are not helpful.
I have to change!
I'm not going to hide it anymore.
At this rate, Kevin might get farther away.
When I came to my senses at that moment, I was standing in front of Kevin breathing hard. Next to him, his friends - Francis, Bradley and Dogpoo - were looking at me with a look of "What's going on?". Kevin's face began to turn red. Kevin's expression looked a little complicated. He looked at me and was at a loss what to do. I took a deep breath and shouted at his shoulder.
"Kevin! See you at Stark’s Pond today! After dinner!"
“What ‘Huh?’ Kevin! I'm serious! Don't hang out anyone tonight! See you at 7.pm!"
Leaving Kevin alone in confusion, I hurried out of school. Heavy snow was falling in the gloomy sky. White, big snowflakes bumped into me. The snow on my hot face melted and cooled my face. I'm sure he will come out. But what should I say?
But I got my mind. I have to finish everything. Whatever I hear from Kevin...
The snow had almost stopped and was falling little by little. It was freezing cold. I could hear the sound of snow stamping from behind me. I could tell who it was, but I didn't want to look back. I wasn't confident.
The voice almost similar to Craig stuck in my ear. the voice that speaks timidly without confidence. When his voice became confident, it was only when he talked about Star Wars, Star Trek, and science and math. If he act having a little confident, he wouldn't have been treated like a nerd. Kevin is stupid.
Whether he knew what I was thinking or not, Kevin approached me and began to speak softly.
"Now you want to talk to me? I've been waiting, Red."
Until you talk to me again, I don't know how long I've been waiting... Kevin blurted out the end of his words. I hated that. Why didn't he just talk to me first if he waited so long? I looked at him, who spoke so confidently. He was blushing. It must have been because it was cold, I wanted to think like that. When I saw his cute, red face, my face began to heat up. I felt like my heart pounding so hard. Where do I start with this? I sorted out all the complicated thoughts in my head step by step.
"I've wanted to talk to you, too."
I really wanted to talk with you, like in kindergarten, like in early elementary school, I wanted to see the stars again and watch a movie with you, I wanted to talk a lot about nerdy things. I wanted to stay with you all the time - my lips trembled every time I said. I couldn't stop crying. Hot tears trickled down the cheeks. The wind made my eyes freezing cold.
"I didn't want the others to think it was weird, so I ignored it even if you say hi to me. And it's not because I want to date Clyde before, he's giving hot shoes to me! That's why I dated with him. So... so..."
I'm sorry.
I felt relieved. It’s like feel when you put in a mint candy and take a picture of cool water. How will Kevin react? Maybe he will pissed off. Or he will leave here cursing at me saying two-face bitch.
But Kevin was too sweet to do that.
"I already knew."
Did he know that? So he was been patient and waiting until now. I feel so guilty.
"And I'm not mad at you, Red, no, Rebecca. I'm telling you, I was upset when you was dating Clyde, but I've never been angry with you, Rebecca Mcauther."
Kevin is a liar. It was a stupid sound. It was impossible that his favorite child acted like this and he wasn't angry. I grabbed him by the collar.
"Don't fuck with me! Tell me the truth! You're angry, aren't you? I've been avoiding you because my classmates treat you like a pussy! Why aren't you angry? Besides, I caused a scandal with Clyde Donovan! Are you a idiot? Get angry! Get mad! "
I looked at Kevin's face and let go of his collar again. I just made a sudden advance. Kevin carefully opened his mouth again.
"But I don't want to say bad things to you, Red."
I've liked Red since I first met you in South Park, and I thought I should put up with it if you could be happy. I want Red, Rebecca McArthur to be happy.
Every time he opened his mouth, my heart felt like it was melting. Kevin is sweet  and kind as I expected.
"Would you like me, even I act being dick to you again?"
Kevin answered my question right away.
"Yes. Everyone makes mistakes. And I like Red whoever you is. Even you’re not hot.”
This is why I couldn't hate Kevin Stoley. Everybody like me because of my appearance and popularity, but Kevin was the only kid who covered my shortcomings. So that’s why I kept Kevin in my mind. When people left and came back from me, Kevin Stoley was always be my side ever since, who could always listen to me and share my favorite things without laughing at me.
Kevin held me in his arms around me without saying a word. His short height didn't cover me up, but I hugged him tightly. A moon and a few small stars were shining on us in the black South Park sky. If time had stopped like this. It's cheesy, typical, and like a third-rate drama, but I whispered quietly in his ear.
"I like you, Kevin Stoley. You are like that shiny, little star.”
Kevin said in a small, but soft, sweet voice that I had ever heard.
"...I love you too, Red Mcarthur."
okie it’s my first time writing this in Korean and I wanted to show my fics to you guys! I had translated this for 4 hours. Google translations are suck and I thought I had to do this.
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nunukim-182 · 4 years
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