#Reefer dispatch services
backendsolutions · 7 months
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metromax2023 · 2 years
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harringtonstilinski · 5 months
Always The Babysitter - Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Monster and the Superhero
Author: @harringtonstilinski​ Characters: Steve Harrington x Olivia Henderson(OC) Word Count: 2,964 Warnings: fluff, angst, olivia being protective, Smut: no | yes; 18+ MINORS DNI: A/N: Hi, friends! We getting more Eddie in this chapter!! Also, see gif below for fic title inspiration <3 If you like this chapter, please do not hesitate to reblog and give some feedback, whether it be in the reblogs, comments, or my inbox. As always, read at your own risk and enjoy 😊
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Getting a decent night’s sleep is starting to be hard to come by since we figured out another D&D monster is an actual monster. I knew about Vecna from reading Dustin’s D&D manual when he first got it and refreshed myself when he joined Hellfire.
We decided to get Eddie some actual food… or what we thought was actual food from the grocery store, taking it over to Reefer Rick’s, where we told Eddie to stay hidden.
Steve parked the car around where he did last night, all five of us piling out and walking to the boathouse, walking in once we made it. Only this time, Eddie was ready with his sharp glass bottle, pointing it at us at our intrusion.
Dustin and I held up the plastic bags, smiling while saying, “Delivery service.”
Eddie sighed before I shook my bags, setting them down on a table and pulling every item out of the bag. I felt Eddie behind me after a moment before the box of Honeycombs and Yoo-Hoo was removed from my vision.
He sat down in the boat with the box, opening it and tearing the bag open, dipping his hand inside to start munching on the sugary cereal while Robin and Max stood or sat to his left, Dustin, myself and Steve standing or sitting to his right.
“So we got, uhh, some good news and some bad news,” Dustin said. “How do you prefer it?”
With a mouth full of cereal, Eddie said, “Bad news first, always,” before taking a swig of his glorified chocolate milk.
“Alright,” I breathed. “Bad news; Dustin tapped in the Hawkins PD dispatch with his Cerebro and, and they’re definitely looking for you, and they’re pretty convinced you killed Chrissy.”
“Like, 100% kind of convinced,” Max added.
“And the good news, oldest Henderson?” Eddied asked, looking from Max to me.
Smiling, I said, “Your name hasn’t gone public yet. But if we found out about you, it’s a matter of time before others do, too, and once word gets out, everyone and their pea-brained mother is gonna be hunting for you.”
“Hunt the freak, right?” Eddie enunciated. 
Scrunching my lips, I closed my eyes and nodded. “Precisely.”
“So, before that happens, we need to find Vecna, kill him, and prove your innocence,” Dustin said.
“That’s all, Dustin?” Eddie and I asked. “That’s all?”
“Yeah, no, that’s pretty much it,” he said, pretty sure of himself.
“Little brother, ‘tis not as simple as you think,” I said. “When has it ever been that simple?” I rolled my eyes at his delusions, feeling two hands on my shoulders, pulling me back into a chest; Steve’s chest.
“Listen, Eddie,” Robin said. “I know everything Dustin’s saying sounds totally delusional, but we’ve actually been through this kinda thing before.”
“Well, she’s been through it once,” I said. “Max twice, Dustin, Steve and I three times. Robin’s was more human-flesh-based, while ours was more smoke-related.”
“Bottom line is, collectively, I really feel we got this.”
Wrapping his arms around my middle and resting his chin on my shoulder, Steve said, “Yeah, see, we usually rely on this girl who has super powers. But, uhh, those went bye-bye, so…”
“So, we’re technically more in the–”
“Brainstorming phase?” I asked.
“Brainstorming,” Steve repeated, snapping his fingers. “Good one, babe.”
“There-there-there’s nothing to worry about,” Dustin said. 
Steve scoffed behind me, his head moving just a little in curt nod.
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath just as I heard sirens, and Steve whispered, “Shit.” 
Moving towards the boat, I said, “Eddie, tarp.”
He looked at me, questions floating in his eyes.
“Get back under the tarp.”
“You owe me, Henderson,” he said, my response being “I know,” before Eddie grabbed the side and laid down with the cereal box in his arm, moving the tarp over himself.
The rest of us moved to the windows, watching as police cars and ambulances drove by. As a group, we decided to be nosy as fuck and follow them to see where they were going. Once we found the area, we parked behind a truck, the five of us getting out.
Nancy was standing in the middle of the road, talking to Powell, who took over for Hopper since he… well, since he died. She looked over at us, bringing her fingers up for a small wave.
I looked over at Steve, seeing him wave back at her. I know he doesn’t love her anymore, but there’s always going to be that part of me that thinks he does and always will. Looking back at her, tears welled in my eyes before I could stop them and looked down. Sitting back inside the car, I sniffled lightly, brushing the tear that had regrettably fallen onto my cheek.
When everyone got back in the car, all I could do was look out the window at the trees passing by. What made my anxiety worse… was that Steve didn’t rest his hand on my thigh like he always did. Taking off my right shoe, I sighed, bringing my foot to rest on the seat, lacing my fingers together and resting them at the junction where my foot and calf meet.
Once we made it to the trailer park, Robin, Max and my brother got out of the car, meeting Nancy at the picnic table while Steve and I stayed behind.
He sighed, “I know what you’re thinking, and no.”
I looked down and nodded. “I know. It’s just my stupid brain. You know how it gets.” I crossed my arms, sinking down into the seat a little more. “It just… I saw the way you looked at her.”
“With concern?” he asked. It wasn’t in anger or irritation. His voice was calm and controlled. There were a few times when I had this concern after we got together, and he was always reassuring. Kind of like he was being right now.
Once the reasonable side of my brain caught up and took over my unreasonable side, I sighed and rested my head on my knee, whispering, “I’m sorry.”
Grabbing my hand to lace our fingers, he said, “Her and I are friends. Nothing more. You’re the girl for me.”
I looked at our hands, watching as he brought them up to kiss the back of my own. Smiling, I connected our eyes, seeing those hazel orbs I loved so much. “I love you. And I’m sorry.”
“I love you, too. Let’s go.”
We both got out of the car after I put my shoe back on and retied it. He met me at the front of the car and held his hand out once he saw me round the vehicle, our fingers lacing together as we made our way to the picnic table. When we sat down, we all explained to Nancy what’s been going on.
“So, you’re saying that this thing that killed Fred and Chrissy, it’s from the Upside Down?” Nancy asked.
“If the shoe fits,” I sighed, leaning back against Steve, who wrapped his arms around my middle. 
“Our working theory is that he attacks with a spell or a curse,” Dustin said. “Now, whether or not he’s doing the bidding of the Mind Flayer or just loves killing teens, we don’t know.”
“All we know is this is something different,” Max said. “Something new.”
“Doesn’t make sense,” Nancy said.
“It’s just a theory,” Dustin said. 
“It’s not supposed to make sense,” I added.
“No, Liv,” Nancy said. “Fred and Chrissy don’t make sense. I mean, why them?”
“Maybe they were just in the wrong place,” Dustin said. “They were both at the game.”
“And near the trailer park,” Max said.
“We’re in the trailer park,” Steve said, holding me a little tighter. “Uh, should we maybe not be here?”
As we all looked around, Nancy said, “There is something about this place. Fred started acting weird the second we got here.”
“Acting weird as in…?” Robin asked.
“Scared, on edge, upset.”
“Max said Chrissy was upset, too,” Dustin said.
“Yeah, but not here,” Max said. “She was crying in the bathroom at school.”
“Serial killers stalk their prey before they strike, right?” Robin asked.
“Affirmative,” I said.
“So, maybe Fred and Chrissy saw this Vecman–”
“Vecna,” Dustin corrected.
Carrying on like nothing happened, Steve said, “I don’t know about you guys, but if I saw some freaky wizard monster, I would mention it to someone.”
“Maybe they did,” Max said. “I saw Chrissy leaving Ms. Kelley’s office. If you saw a monster, you… you go to the police. They’d never believe you.”
“Except Hopper,” I said. “Who’s inconveniently dead.”
“But you might to your–”
“Your shrink,” Robin said.
 Max nodded her head and we all formed a plan on what to do. Once the plan was made, we all got up from the table to walk back towards our vehicles. Nancy started walking back towards her car before Steve’s voice stopped her.
“Whoa, whoa, Nance,” he said. “Nance!” He stepped up to her as she turned around, asking, “Where you going?”
“Oh, there’s something I wanna check on first,” she replied. 
“Something you maybe wanna share with the rest of us?” Dustin and I asked. “I don’t wanna waste your time. It’s a real shot in the dark.”
“Yeah, okay,” Steve said. “Are you out of your mind? Flying solo with this Vecna creep on the loose? No, it’s too dangerous. You need… you need someone to…” He turned walking up to me, handing me his keys. “Here. I’m gonna stick with Nance, alright? Take the car, check out the shrink. Go back to your house, and I’ll have Nance drop me off there.”
“Why? Why can’t Robin go with her?” I asked, gesturing to our high school friend.
“Yeah, why can’t I go?” Robin asked.
“Liv, if you don’t want to drive, I can,” Max said.
“No,” Steve and I said, looking over at Max.
“No. Never again,” Steve added. “Please. Anybody but you.”
“Come on,” Dustin said.
“Okay, this is stupid,” Robin said, grabbing a radio from Dustin’s bag. “Like Liv said, I’ll go with Nancy because us ladies need to stick together. Steve, you stay with your girlfriend.” When she made it to Nancy’s side, she turned back around to face us, saying, “Unless you think we need you to protect us.”
Robin turned on her heel and started walking towards Nancy’s car, the eldest Wheeler taking a moment, looking at my Stevie. I rolled my eyes and got in the car, not meaning to slam the door shut as Steve shouted at them to be careful.
“You just gonna stand there and gawk at your ex-girlfriend, or sit next to my sister and gawk at her?” Dustin said.
“Shut up,” Steve said. “I love your sister. She knows that.” “Why don’t we go?”
“Shut up and get in the car.”
I heard the back door open behind me, so I looked to see who it was before saying, “Dusty, wipe your feet.”
“On the outside, not the inside,” Steve groaned, getting into the car. “Always the babysitter. Always the goddamn babysitter.” He started the car, putting it in drive and riding past Eddie’s trailer that was marked off by police tape.
Max gave us directions to Ms. Kelley’s house, Steve parking at the end of her driveway on the other side of the street. 
“Okay, she’s in,” Steve said, arm resting on the door, the window rolled down. 
“I’m missing collarbones,” Dustin said. “Not eyes.” A few seconds later, he said, “So… are we gonna talk about… it?” Turning to face him in the backseat, I furrowed my brows. “What?”
Pointing in between Steve and I, Dustin said, “You two.”
“Again, I ask… what?”
“The tension between you two. I can feel it from here.”
“Feel what?” Steve asked.
“The sexual electricity?”
“Oh, my god, Dustin!” I exclaimed.
“Your sexual tension was pretty public,” he said. “There’s witnesses. Have you two even–”
Turning back to face the front with my hands up, I said, “I am not having this conversation with you.”
“Are you implying that we haven’t had se–” Steve said.
“Steve!” I interrupted. “We’re not having this conversation with him right now!”
“What about when he was gonna go with Nance instead of staying with you, his girlfriend, my dearest sister?” Dustin said.
“I was trying to protect a friend,” Steve said. “A friend, Hendersons. Okay?”
Turning my head to look at Steve, I gave him a what the fuck look. “Hendersons? As in, plural? Don’t bring me into this, I didn’t say anything.”
“Okay,” Dustin said, amused.
“I don’t wanna find her in the morning with her eyes sucked out of the front of her skull by this Vecna creep,” Steve said.
“Steve, baby, I love that you’re wanting to protect a friend and being all defensive, but now isn’t the time to do that, especially when your anxious girlfriend here is freaking out about you and Nancy, okay?” I said.
“Yeah, what’s wrong with my sister?” Dustin asked.
“Nothing’s wrong,” Steve said. “I love your sister very much, and I especially don’t want anything to happen to her. I’d die if anything happened to her.”
I smiled at that, feeling all the love from him just from those two sentences.
“You’re blushing,” Dustin smiled.
“Drop it, or I’ll punch you so hard in your face your teeth will fall back out.”
“Whoa,” Dustin and I said. “Too far.”
“Not cool. Sorry.”
“Not cool, babe,” I said.
“It’s okay,” Dustin added.
Steve brought his fist up, Dustin hitting Steve’s with his own before Steve held his hand out, looking at me. I laced our fingers before he brought the back of my hand to his mouth, placing a kiss near my ring finger.
I heard the door open, Steve’s attention right on Max as she made her way back to the car, Steve repeating, “Here she comes.”
Max got in the backseat with Dustin, my brother asking, “What’d she say?” “Nothing, just drive,” Max said. “Steve, drive!”
“Okay,” he said, letting go of my hand to start the car and drive off. 
Max told us to drive to the high school so that she could snoop through Ms. Kelley’s files for hers and Chrissy’s. Dustin’s walkie went off, a familiar voice coming through.
“Dustin? Olivia? It’s Lucas. Do you copy? Dustin.”
Dustin hit the button on his walkie, speaking into it, “Lucas? Where the hell have you been?”
“Just listen,” Lucas said. “Are you guys looking for Eddie?”
“Yeah, and we found him, no thanks to you.”
“You found him?”
“He’s at a boathouse on Coal Mill Road. Don’t worry, he’s safe.”
“You guys know he killed Chrissy, right?”
“That’s bullshit. Eddie tried to save Chrissy.” “Then why do all the cops say he did it?”
Max took the walkie from Dustin, pressing the button and saying, “Lucas, you’re so behind, it’s ridiculous, okay? Just meet us at the school. We’ll explain later.”
“I… I can’t.”
Taking the walkie from Max, it was my turn to speak into the mouthpiece. “Come again, Sinclair?”
“I think some real bad shit’s about to go down, Liv.”
“Spill it.”
Static sounded from the walkie’s speaker for a moment before I hit my palm against it a couple times before saying into the mouthpiece, “Lucas? Lucas! Shit.”
It was dark by the time we made it to the school, Max using the keys she stole from Ms. Kelley’s house. Walking down the hallway, Dustin’s walkie went off again, this time Robin’s voice coming through, saying, “Hendersons, do you copy?”
“Yeah, we copy,” Dustin and I said in unison.
“So, Nancy’s a genius. Vecna’s first victims date back all the way to 1959. Her shot in the dark was a bullseye.”
“Okay, that’s, uh, totally bonkers,” Dustin said.
I took the walkie from him, saying, “But we really can’t talk right now.”
“Wait, what are you doing, female Henderson?”
“Breaking and entering into the school to retrieve highly confidential and extremely personal files.” This felt like Sophomore year all over again when I broke into stores. Looking up at Steve, I said, “If I get caught this time, I’m going to jail.”
“We won’t,” he said, shining his flashlight around, looking for any type of security.
“Can you repeat that?”
“Just get your ass over to the high school, Buckley. Stat. We’ll explain everything… if I don’t get arrested again and start living in a cell.”
We found Max at Ms. Kelley’s office as she was just opening the door to walk inside. 
“It’s like a mini-Watergate or something,” Dustin said.  “Hawkinsgate!”
“Wait a sec,” Steve said. “Didn’t those guys get caught?”
“Holy shit,” Max said from the opened filing cabinet.
“You found it?” Steve asked, walking over to her.
“Yeah, and not just Chrissy’s file,” she said, taking a file out of the cabinet. “Fred was seeing Ms. Kelley, too.”
We all looked at each other, trying to find out what it meant with our eyes until I spoke up. “Well, I’d compare the files, see if the three of you had any symptoms in common.”
We did just that, bringing out her file, Chrissy’s file and Fred’s file. Max sat at the desk, looking at Chrissy’s, seeing the handwritten symptoms on a white sheet of paper. When she asked to see Fred’s file, I handed it to her, moving to stand beside her with my body facing Steve, who was leaning against the desk.
Max was looking as if she were lost in a trance of some sort, so I put my hand on her shoulder, asking, “Max, are you okay? Max? Max, honey, what is it? Max. Max!”
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A/N 2:  hi, friends! pls be kind and reblog! it really helps us content creators out <3
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Forever / Everything Taglist: @stiles-o-dylan24​​ @stixnstripesworld​ @fandom-princess-forevermore​​​ @quanticobae​​​ @mischiefandi​​​ @kellyashcroft @lauren-novak​​​​
Steve Harrington Taglist: @madaboutjoe
If you’re tagged and didn’t want to be, please let me know.
*Please don’t post my writing anywhere else without my consent. The author of this work will always and forever be @harringtonstilinski​.
All characters, story lines, and plot aside from y/n and her storyline & plot, are all of the work of The Duffer Brothers.
*These works contain material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited.
No part of these works may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.
Posted on May 6, 2024 *Happy half Birthday to this series!!*
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demons2003 · 1 year
My Boys (Chapter 58)
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Y/n's pov
Steve had kept his promise. He dropped Max and Dustin home and then took Robin and I to his instead of our own homes, which neither of us minded. The rest of the night, Robin and Steve were talking to me about everything I yelled about and tried to get me to see reason. When I wasn't in the middle of my panic attack, I realised that I had freaked out a little too much. Steve had also pulled back from me a little. Would only come near me when I asked him to and didn't give me any surprise kisses when I was walking around the house. Robin was the only one who tried to be normal. We slept in a guest room so that we could all fit in the bed and even then it was a struggle to get in the bed. Maybe I stuffed up our relationship.
The next morning we grabbed some stuff for Eddie before we made the trip to get the kids, Steve driving again so I didn't have to worry. When we picked Dustin up from his house he got into the car slowly and looked at me worried. "How are you feeling this morning Y/n?" He asks. I smile back at him from the front seat and say, "I'm ok today Dusty. I'm really sorry that I scared you though. You shouldn't have seen that," I explain, hoping that it could help him feel better. "Are you sure?" He whispers, leaning forward in the chair. I turn to face him and smile. "I'm ok, now how about you turn that frown upside down and we go get Max so we can get to Eddie," I say, pinching his cheek. He laughs at me and nods his head.
We pull up to Reefer Rick's house and quickly make our way to the boathouse. "You think he heard us come in?" Steve asks me, putting a hand on my lower back. I lean back into his hand and say, "Probably, hopefully we don't scare him too much this time." We smile at each other while Dustin loudly throws the door open. "Jesus..." Eddie yells and points the broken beer bottle at us. "Delivery service," Dustin smiles at him, Robin and him holding up the plastic bags while Steve, Max and I lean over the threshold. Eddie tries to catch his breath, looking outside again. When he looks back he and Steve lock eyes, Steve giving Eddie a smile and a finger wave. "God you're adorable," I whisper, causing Steve to blush. Eddie moves over to us and grabs a few bags from Dustin. "What you get me Harrington?" He asks Steve, moving over to a table. "Uh, food and drinks. Thought you would need those," Steve awkwardly tells him. Eddie laughs at him and grabs a cereal box before sitting down inside the boat in the middle of the room. We all move to sit and stand around him, watching as he stuffs his face with dry cereal.
"So we got, uh, some good news and some bad news," Dustin tells Eddie as he sits down. Eddie looks at him while Dustin asks, "How do you prefer it?" "Bad news first, always," Eddie says his old phrase. God, I do miss this. "All right. Bad news. We tapped into the Hawkins PD dispatch with our Cerebro, and they're definitely looking for you," Dustin explains, Eddie's face getting more sour and blank as Dustin continues. "Also, they're, uh, pretty convinced you killed Chrissy," Dustin says, with little sympathy. "Dustin," I snap, hoping he wouldn't tell Eddie all of that like he just did. "Like, 100% kind of convinced," Max adds, much calmer than Dustin. "And the good news?" Eddie asks Dustin, panic rising in his voice. "Your name hasn't gone public yet. But if we found out about you, it's a matter of time before others do." Robin adds. "And once that gets out, everyone and their shallow-minded mother is gonna be gunning for you," I also say, realising the panic that this town could go in. "Hunt the freak, right?" Eddie asks, looking at Robin and I. "Exactly," Robin says, seeming to understand what Eddie is talking about. "Shit," Eddie whispers.
"So, before that happens, we find Vecna, kill him and prove your innocence," Dustin says, seeming to have an ok plan. "That's all Dustin? That's all?" Eddie asks him sarcastically. "Yeah, no, that's pretty much it," Dustin says, his voice breaking at the start. "Listen, Eddie, I know everything Dustin is saying sounds totally delusional, but we've actually been through this before. I mean, they have a... a few times, as Y/n said last night, and... and I have once." Robin explains, Eddie looking over at Steve and I for confirmation. Steve relaxes a little and nods his head at him. "Mine was more human-flesh-based, theirs was more smoke-related, but the bottom line is, collectively, I really feel we got this." Robin continues to tell Eddie so he feels less crazy. "We usually rely on this girl who has superpowers. But, uh, those went bye-bye so..." Steve tells Eddie. I smile at him while Robin says, "So we're technically in more of the..." "Brainstorming phase," Max ends for her all. We all point at her and agree. "I always hated that phrase," I say, leaning against Steve. He laughs at me and wraps his arm around me. "There... There's nothing to worry about," Dustin poorly tries to reassure Eddie. Steve scoffs at him and Dustin gives him a confused look. Steve looks down at him and realises his mistake and they both turn back to Eddie smiling and nodding.
Eddie looks at them confused and quickly asks, "Can I speak to you both real quick?" Pointing at Steve and I. We both nod and get everyone else to walk out. "You ok with this?" Robin quickly asks me before leaving. Steve scoff cause he wasn't asked while I nod. "I'll come to get you when we're done, still gotta work out those date stuff." Robin nods at me and runs after the kids. "So, what's up?" Steve asks Eddie, taking Dustin's seat. I follow his lead and sit at the end of the boat. "Is this what you were talking about?" Eddie whispers, shoving another handful of cereal in his mouth. "What do you mean?" I ask him, slightly confused about what he's referring to. He looks over to Steve and says, "That night." Steve freezes and looks behind us, making sure no one else is around. Eddie scoffs at him and says, "Of course, still thinking of your image." Steve turns back to him and glares. "What the hell does that mean Munson?" Steve snaps at him, standing from his seat. Eddie does the same, dropping the cereal next to him. "You know exactly what that means," Eddie snaps back. "Will you two stop it!" I yell at them, hating that they started so quickly. Eddie's head snaps to me and growls. "He tell you what he did? Explain what I had to go through?" Eddie asks, walking slowly over to me.
I stand up from the boat and move out of his way. "He did. And I'm sorry for that but he's only human," I try to defend Steve. Eddie scoffs at me and shakes his head. "Steve always does the worse thing, and you still stand with him. Neither of you changed," Eddie whispers, venom throughout his voice. I feel my cheeks heat up and anger starts to build. "Fuck you Munson! We are trying to help you and all you do is berate us!" I yell at him, realising too late that the others might hear me. Eddie moves over to me but Steve comes over and pulls Eddie away. "If you want an answer, yes, this is what I was talking about," Steve snaps, keeping Eddie away from me. "You both deserve each other!" Eddie yells, moving back to the boat. "What the hell is going on in here?" Dustin yells.
I look over to him to find him stomping over to us. "Dustin, stay out of this. This is adult business and you don't need to worry about it.," I tell him, trying to calm my anger so I don't take it out of him. "No, this is not how it's gonna go," He snaps, walking over to me and blocking me from both boys. "What is going on in here?" He asks again. I shake my head and say, "Nothing Dustin. Just drop it. It's got nothing to do with you," I tell him, trying to move around him. Robin and Max had also rounded the corner, looking at all of us confused. "No!" Dustin snaps, causing me to step back and put my hands up. Dustin doesn't notice my reaction and says, "You're my cousin, pretty much my older sister. If it concerns you, it concerns me!" He snaps, tears building up in his eyes. I bring my hands down, smiling softly at him. "Dustin..." I start, until sirens can be heard in the distance.
"Shit," Steve whispers and Robin says, "Tarp. Tarp. Tarp." Pointing at Eddie to hide under the tarp. The rest of us run over to the window closest to the sound and look out. We watch as police cars and ambulances drive past. "Let's go!" I say and run out the door, hoping everyone else follows behind me. I stop at my car, realising I didn't have the keys and turn to see everyone else following after me. Steve runs around my car and opens it, all of us jump into the car. Steve drives off as soon as everyone is in, heading in the same direction we saw the cop cars go in.
As we pull up to the scene, I notice Nancy talking to a couple of officers, looking over at us as we pull up. "Nancy's here," I whisper, looking over at Steve. He shuts the car off and looks up to see her as well. "That can't be good," He whispers, all of us getting out of the car and looking over at her. She secretly waves at us while talking to the officer, Steve waving back at her. She says a little more to the officer before walking over to us. "Meet me at the trailer park," she says to Steve. He nods and we all get into the car again, Nancy getting into her own. We drive in silence to the trailer park, not really understanding what we are getting ourselves into.
When we finally get to the park, we get out of both cars and sit down at a picnic table. "What happened?" I ask, not really wanting to stay in silence anymore. Nancy slightly glares at me but says, "They found Fred in the middle of the road. All his bones were broken, his eyes completely white." We nod and look at each other, already knowing it's connected to Chrissy. "What is it?" Nancy asks, probably hating that she wasn't in the loop. We all go into an explanation about what Max had seen the night Chrissy died and also about what Eddie had seen. When they started to talk about Chrissy I slightly blanked out, looking over at Eddie's trailer. I hope Wayne's ok. He would have been the one to see the boy. Hopefully, he's somewhere safe.
"You're saying that this thing that killed Fred and Chrissy, it's from the Upside Down?" Nancy asks when everyone explains everything. I look back at the group, working out where we are up to. "If the shoe fits," Steve says, moving slowly to grab onto my hand. He squeezes and I make sure no one else notices it. "Our working theory is that he attacks with a spell or a curse. Now whether or not he's doing the bidding of the Mind Flayer or just loves killing teens, we don't know," Dustin explains. "All we know is this is something different. Something new," Max tells Nancy. "It doesn't make sense," Nancy says, looking down at the table. "It's only a theory," Dustin defends. "No, Fred and Chrissy don't make sense. I mean, why them?" Nancy clarifies. "Maybe they were just in the wrong place," Dustin reasons. Nah, there has to be more to it than that. More to the story. As the thought comes to mind, I feel my head start to pound a little, a headache starting. Dam it, not now. I let go of Steve's hands and put my head on them, leaning on the table while trying to listen to everyone. "They were both at the game," Dustin continues. "And near the trailer park," Max adds. "We're at the trailer park. Uhhhh, should we not be here?" Steve says a little worried, putting a hand on my lower back.
Everyone goes silent for a second until Nancy speaks up to say, "There is something about this place. Fred started acting weird the second we got here." "Acting weird as in...?" Robin asks, not finishing the question. "Scared, on edge, upset," Nancy answers. My head lifts from my head and I say, "Chrissy was upset that day too. But she wasn't upset here, it was at the school." I look to Nancy and explain, "She was jumpy and looked sad when I saw her in the bathroom. She wasn't her normal happy and bubbly self." "Serial killers stalk their prey before they strike, right? So, maybe Fred and Chrissy saw this Vecman..." Robin asks, her random facts coming in handy. "Vecna," Dustin corrects. "I dunno about you guys but if I saw some freaky wizard monster, I would mention it to someone," Steve add in. "Maybe they did," Max says, leaning forward a little over the table. "I saw Chrissy leaving Ms Kelly's office. If you saw a monster, you... you wouldn't go to the police. They'd never believe you. But you might go to your..." Max continues to tell us until Robin interrupts and says, "Your shrink." Max looks over at her and nods.
"I know where Ms Kelly lives, let's go there," Max says, nodding at the rest of us to get up. We all quickly walk over to our cars, everyone else opening the doors for mine. "Whoa, whoa, Nance. Nance!" Steve yells, walking towards her. The hell? She turns to him and he asks, "You gonna take someone with you?" "I wanna check something first. I'll see you all after," She explains, continuing to walk towards her car. "Something you maybe wanna share with the rest of us?" Dustin asks her. "I don't wanna waste your time. It's a real shot in the dark," She tells us. "Yeah, okay. Are you out of your mind? Flying solo with this Vecna creep on the loose?" Steve asks her. "No, it's too dangerous. You need... You need someone to..." He tries to explain but stops. He turns to the rest of us and throws my keys at me. "Here you go. I'll stick with Nance, alright?" He tells me, giving me an apologetic look. What the fuck is he thinking right now? "You guys take the car, check out this shrink." "I don't think it's a good idea for Y/n to drive," Robin speaks up. Steve looks confused then remembers why and says, "Well you can drive." "I don't think I should drive Y/n's car either," Robin argues. "Why?" He asks. "I don't have a license," Robin continues. "Why? Don't you have a license?" He asks. "I'm poor. And Y/n takes me everywhere," Robin responds.
"I can drive," Max exclaims. "No!" Steve and I say at the same time. "Never again. Please. Anybody but you. No," Steve pleads. Dustin tilts his head, probably giving Steve a face but Steve points and says, "No chance." "Come on." Dustin pleads. "All right, okay. This is stupid," Robin finally says, grabbing the keys from me and walking over to Steve and Nancy. "Us ladies will stick together," Robin tells Steve, giving him my keys. She makes it to Nancy and turns back around to ask, "Unless you think we need you to protect us?" Steve nods at her while Robin smirks at him. She turns around to Nancy's car, Nancy following behind her. "Be careful!" Steve yells at them both. I roll my eyes and jump into the back seat, having enough of Steve giving Nancy hearty eyes. Max slides in next to me and asks, "You ok?" I nod and look over at the boys. "I'm good," I whisper, wanting to get out of here right now. "Wipe your feet," Steve tells Dustin as they get in. Dustin looks at him and starts to wipe his feet inside my car. I laugh while Steve says. "On the outside, not the inside." Steve puts the key into the car and yells, "Always the babysitter. Always the goddamn babysitter!" He starts the car and makes his way to Ms Kelly's house. He looks in the review mirror at me, to make sure I'm okay but I look away. Maybe he really does still have feelings for Nancy.
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RUMORS•e. munson
chapter 5
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Ziggy kept her promise to Eddie and stayed up all night to keep watch. Sometimes she would peer out the window. Sometimes she would step outside to get more fresh air. It took awhile, but she relaxed slightly when she heard Eddie's light snoring. Just as she had for the last nine hours, she stood at the window and watched, but stiffened when she saw a car pull in. She let out the breath she was holding when she caught sight of who was getting out of the car but jumped in alarm when Eddie leapt from his place beneath the tarp and ran towards her place by the window.
"Eddie! It's okay! It's just Dustin!" Ziggy pressed her hands to his chest to stop his movements towards the curtain. He stopped at her touch and let her words sink in, still breathing heavily as he rested his hands on her wrists that were pressed against his chest. Just as he opened his mouth to say something, the door swung open, making them both jump slightly.
"Delivery service!" The group held up bags of groceries. Ziggy let her hands fall from Eddie's torso, pulling them from his grip. He turned to look at her at the loss of contact but moved to grab some of the bags to rifle through.
Soon enough, Eddie took a seat in the boat with everyone gathered around him as he shoveled cereal into his mouth.
"So, we've got some good news and we've got some bad news. How do you prefer it?"
"Bad news first; always."
"Alright, bad news; we tapped into the Hawkins PD dispatch with our Cerebro, and they're definitely looking for you. Also, they're pretty convinced you killed Chrissy." Eddie and Ziggy looked at each other at the aforementioned bad news.
"Like, a hundred percent kind of convinced."
"What's the good news?" Ziggy asked, hoping it would overpower the bad.
"His name hasn't gone public yet." Robin answered Ziggy before turning her attention to Eddie.
"But if we found out about you, it's only a matter of time before others do too and once that gets out it will only be a matter of time before everyone and their shallow minded mother is gonna be gunning for you."
"Hunt the freak, right?" Eddie stared at the ground.
"So, before that happens, we need to find Vecna, kill him, and prove your innocence!" Dustin reassured. Eddie looked up at him incredulously.
"That's all, Dustin? Thats all?"
"Yeah, no, that's pretty much it." The boy shrugged.
"Listen, Eddie, I know that everything Dustin is saying sounds totally delusional, but we've actually been through this kind of thing before." Robin waved her hand around as she spoke. Ziggy took a step closer in confusion.
"You've dealt with Dungeons and Dragons warlocks?" Her voice was laced with genuine disbelief. Robin tilted her head to the side.
"Not exactly? Well, they have a few times and I have once. Mine was more human-flesh based and theirs was more smoke related, but the bottom line is; collectively, I really feel like we've got this." Ziggy dropped her head. Eddie's eyes flickered from one person to another, hoping for more reassurance.
"Yeah, we usually rely on this girl who has superpowers, but those went bye-bye, so uh-"
"So we're technically in more of the-
"It's kinda-"
"Brainstorming! It's the brainstorming phase."
"There's nothing to worry about!" They all stumbled over each other, trying to find the right words to ease his mind. The look that Eddie sent them proved that he wasn't fully convinced, but the sound of approaching sirens didn't give him the chance to comment on it. Ziggy grabbed the cereal from his hands and nudged him to lay down as she covered him with the tarp. Everyone rushed to the windows and watched as the police cruisers drove right by Reefer Ricks house.
December, 1984
Ziggy rushed through the hall; her ponytail swinging from side to side as her head whipped from from left to right. As she entered the lunchroom, her eyes finally landed on what she had been looking for, or rather who.
Eddie glared at Jared when he swatted his arm, but the glare fell when he turned to see what he was pointing at. Ziggy had slowed her pace, but was still walking faster than normal as she headed towards his table. She was trying not to run, but when Eddie smiled over at her she couldn't contain herself and shuffled her feet in a little skipping motion. Eddie flinched as she got knocked into my a sophomore from the baseball team, muttering an apology before turning back to the table of boys.
"Eddie!" She squealed, doing a small jump before very slowly sitting in the seat next to him, smiling at his friends she had met a few weeks ago at their show.
"Boys." She acknowledged with a small nod in their direction. Eddie scoffed at her excitement.
"What's got you all excited?" He questioned. Ziggy's chest tightened, nearly letting out another squeal. She took a deep breath, placing her books down on the table with a bright smile.
"I have officially completed all of my community service hours for the year!" She clutched her hands to her chest and all of the boys but Eddie congratulated her. His grin fell. No more community service hours meant no more Eddie hours.
"That's-that's great! Wow." He spat out with a fake smile. Ziggy eyed him for a moment, assessing his demeanor. Her hands dropped to her lap with a pout.
"What's wrong?" Eddie shrugged, unsure of what to say.
"No more community service. I mean, that's big. Now your weeknights will be free." He played with the nuts he had dropped on the table. Ziggy tilted her head and leaned in a little bit closer. Her concentration didn't falter when the class bell rang, signaling the end of lunch. Eddie rose from his seat along with the rest of his band mates. Ziggy followed after Eddie and grabbed him by his elbow to halt his stride.
"Eddie! I didn't mean it like that." She chuckled at his unsure gaze. He looked down at her in apprehension.
"The end of my community service hours doesn't mean the end of..." she trailed off, not knowing what to call it. Eddie sucked in a deep breath.
"Oh!" He nodded his head. Shock coated his features for a moment before he broke out into a smile that matched hers.
"Speaking of, I told my mom that your uncle works late and she wanted me to invite you over for dinner on Christmas Eve." Her hand went back to pulling her books to her chest as she nervously shifted her shoulders. Eddie tilted his head and took a teasing step forward.
"Oh, she wanted to invite me, did she?"
"You caught me. It was Adrian." She teased back. Eddie laughed as he looked around the room. He smiled back down at her.
"Are you gonna come?" Eddie poked his cheek with his tongue, pondering the idea for a moment.
"Yeah, why not?" Ziggy scrunched her nose as she laughed. She gasped in realization.
"Don't forget to dress nice!" Eddie's smile dropped. Ziggy walked past him, heading to her next class.
"'Dress nice'? What do you mean by 'nice'?" He called out.
"I mean I don't wanna see you walking into my house in a band t-shirt. I dressed up for you, so now you've gotta dress up for me. I've been a good girl, Eddie. I expect a treat." She mocked his previous plea for her to attend his show.
When Christmas Eve arrived, Eddie found himself struggling to find a shirt that would fit into Ziggy's definition of 'nice'. Ultimately, he decided on his uncle's black, short sleeved button down. He refused to wear anything other than jeans, but opted for a pair that wasn't ripped.
The first thing he had noticed when Mrs. Zigova let him into her house was the decorations. Eddie and Wayne weren't big on festivities, so it was rare to see a house with so much life and color. Next, he noticed Ziggy standing next to the staircase. She brought a whole new meaning to the word 'nice'. Her hair was down again. Every time she blinked he could see her lashes bump into her bangs, making them flicker. Her dress was some kind of red satin. It ruffled around her biceps and hung down to her ankles. The neckline went down in a V and held a pretty black bow. The big bundle of wrapping paper in his hands grew heavy as she greeted him.
"Merry Christmas Eve." Ziggy greeted. Her eyes fluttered over Eddie's outfit. The top few buttons on his shirt were left undone. If you looked close enough, you could see a few skinny lines from his tattoo peeking out of the collar.
"Merry Christmas Eve, m'lady." He tilted his head down with a tiny bow. Ziggy's eyes struggled to stay locked onto his and not shift down to the gift he was holding. Eddie had no problem keeping his eyes on hers.
Ziggy lead him around the house, introducing him to her father and allowing him to greet her brother in the process. Once their tour had finished, she pulled him up to her bedroom so that they could hang out privately until dinner was done. Obviously, Eddie had been in her room before, but he felt too rushed to truly appreciate it. The walls were covered in a pink and orange floral paper, preventing any corner from being dull. Various bottles of perfume were lined up in an orderly fashion on her dresser next to the framed academic achievement. Her bed was covered with a thick, white quilt while her pillows sat delicately at the headboard. Eddie moved to her window and softly touched the lace curtains before turning around in search of Ziggy. She had sat down on the edge of the bed with her feet swinging back and forth as she waited for him to join her. Eddie looked down at the hem of her dress. There was a small patch of skin in between the red fabric and her white, frilly socks. He chuckled at her childlike stare and sat down next to her, making the mattress bounce beneath his weight. They sat in a comfortable silence. The only sound was coming from her radio that sat on her nightstand, playing a Christmas station.
"So, what now?" Eddie awkwardly laughed, clutching her gift in his hands as he leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. Ziggy was snapped out of her daze, her face lighting up with excitement.
"Actually, I got you something!" She held a finger up, signaling for him to wait a moment as she rose from the bed. He watched her with a smile as she walked around the bed to her closet, standing on her tiptoes to reach for the box on the very top shelf. She hadn't heard him stand from the bed, but fell back to the heels of her feet when she felt Eddie press his hand to the small of her back. She looked up at him over her shoulder. He nudged her stomach with his gift, silently urging her to hold onto it for him.
"Which one?" He asked, looking up at the collection of beautifully wrapped gifts. He looked down at her expectantly while she stared up at him with a doe eyed look. She delicately pointed to the desired box on the tip of her toes once again, bumping into him slightly when she fell back down and he reached for the box with the hand that wasn't on her back. When he had successfully retrieved the box, she turned to face him and tried to hand him the poorly wrapped gift he had her hold onto. His hand fell from her back and pushed the gift back to her grasp.
"No need to give it to me; it's yours." He smiled. Ziggy's eyes lit up in curiosity.
"For me?"
"For you." He confirmed. She held it tightly to her stomach with a grateful smile.
"Open yours first." She pointed down to the small box in his hands. He raised his eyebrows and shook it in his hands. Ziggy snickered and grabbed him by the wrists, making him stop as he laughed. He almost felt bad opening it. It was a little bigger than his hand. There wasn't even a wrinkle in the wrapping paper and the bow was wrapped perfectly around the top. He eagerly pulled on the ribbon and tossed it on the bed. He looked up at Ziggy from beneath his brows and grinned at her eager expression. He finally tore the paper and opened the box. The D&D dice were evenly spaced out over the tissue paper she had crumpled to keep them from moving around. In the top left corner of the box there was a black and red guitar pick that seemingly matched his beloved guitar perfectly. Ziggy's finger played with her earring as her arms held her gift from Eddie to her chest in anticipation. Her shoulders relaxed at his belated smile.
"These are great, Zig!" He laughed, his dimples digging into his cheeks. Ziggy dropped her hand as he pulled the pick out and twisted it around in his fingers.
"You like 'em?"
"Like 'em? I love 'em!" He tossed the dice in his hands as if he were about to roll them out onto the table. Still smiling, he placed them back in the box and set it on the bed. He looked down at her and crossed his arms.
"Okay, your turn." He demanded. Ziggy had completely forgotten about the heavy present in her arms. The green wrapping paper had already ripped a little bit in a few places, but not enough to show what was inside. She pulled it from her chest, her dress peeling off of the exposed tape that had been haphazardly stuck to the gift. Ziggy's freshly painted red nails tore at the paper to reveal a small, leather jacket that Eddie obviously had just folded and wrapped the paper around as if it were an envelope.
"It used to be mine, but I grew out of it. I figured, if you're gonna keep going to our shows, you might as well have something to wear. It's not much-"
"No, it's perfect!" She held the jacket up with a smile and assessed its condition before holding it with one hand and pulling him in for a hug with the other. Eddie wrapped his arms around her back, mumbling a gruff 'Merry Christmas' which Ziggy returned.
"Speaking of Christmas, what the hell are we listening to?" He pulled his hands from her back to push her softly by her waist. Ziggy moved her hand down to his elbow, looking over to her radio with a frown.
"'Last Christmas'? It's by WHAM!." Eddie curled his lip at the cheerful holiday synth. Ziggy trotted over to her nightstand and turned the knob to the right, raising the volume. Eddie threw his head back.
"Oh, this doesn't even compare to The Hideout." She mocked. Eddie tilted his head with squinted eyes, glaring at her as she started to sway to the music.
"What's gotten into you? You're like a sugarplum fairy or some shit."
"Christmas makes me crazy." She grabbed Eddie's hands, trying to get him to dance despite his scowl. She stopped abruptly when he didn't join her swaying.
"You literally tore my tights and made me headbang for two hours. I don't think a little George Michael will kill you." She looked up at him with a deadpan expression. Eddie dramatically rolled his eyes before pulling one of her hands with his into the air, letting her spin under them with a smile. When she was finished, she held their intertwined hands to the side and rested her other one on his shoulder, encouraging him to place his back on her waist. He stood still while she swayed from side to side. He watched her happy face trail down to his chest. His small smirk stayed as his eyebrows pulled together slightly.
"What?" Ziggy looked back up at him frightfully, having been caught. She looked back down at his slightly exposed chest.
"What's that?" She softly asked, just barely audible over the music. Eddie looked down at his shirt in confusion.
"What's what?" He asked. Ziggy softly let her hand drift down from his shoulder to his chest. She pulled the collar to the side gently, exposing the ink on his skin. Eddie's brows softened.
"Oh, that. That's a tattoo." Her swaying slowed to a halt. The collar of his shirt was carefully held between her middle and ring finger as the side of her hand rested on his chest.
"Is it real?" He let out an airy laugh. Ziggy finally looked up at him again.
"Well, yeah."
"Yeah, you can check." Ziggy looked back down at the black widow in wonder. She pulled her hand from his chest and licked her thumb. Her dry fingers pushed beneath his shirt, pulling it to the side to rub her wet thumb over the painted skin just beneath his collarbone. Eddie's smile faltered beneath his glassy eyes. Ziggy's head tilted when the ink stayed in place, not smudging at all. He squeezed her hip, bringing her attention back to his face. His eyes flickered down to her lips, coated in a barely noticeable pink gloss. He silently cleared his throat.
"That's so cool. I've never met someone with a tattoo." Her voice was soft, but not in an insecure way. Eddie felt prideful. He was never really called 'cool'. He certainly wasn't called cool by girls, let alone a girl like Ziggy. Then again, Eddie didn't think there were girls like Ziggy.
"I've got more." He choked out, wanting to continue to impress her. Her eyes heaved with parted lips.
"Can I see?" She excitedly asked. Eddie didn't give a verbal answer, he simply dropped her hand from his and pulled at his shirt. The hand that was resting on her hip moved to rest over hers that was still pressed against his chest. She watched his free hand twist at the buttons on his shirt, releasing two of them. The hand over hers moved it farther down his chest, pulling his shirt open more to show her the demon head below the spider. Ziggy's cheeks heated up. Eddies eyes never flickered away from her face, watching her swallow with a heaving chest. His hand squeezed hers, tightening her grip on his shirt. Her eyes slowly tracked their way up from the demon head to the spider, then his collarbone and Adam's apple to his mouth, finally settling on his big brown eyes.
Adrian's fist pounded on Ziggy's bedroom door.
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migueloharafanboy · 2 years
Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson
>> Strangers: The Monster and the Superhero
Steve pulls up to Reefer Rick’s place, the car buzzing with chatter from Dustin, Robin, and Max. Well, mostly Dustin. After they had found Eddie yesterday, they figured it would be a good idea to look into things a bit more. Unfortunately, when Dustin hacked the police dispatch, they found out that Eddie was in fact suspected in Chrissy’s death, although his name had yet to be released to the public. Steve sighs to himself, his stomach twisting with unease as he and the others climb out of the car. They had also grabbed groceries for Eddie. The guy still had to eat.
He shrugs off his concerns then, helping pack the many bags over to the boat house. Dustin excitedly moves ahead of him, knocking on the door before pushing it open. Inside, Eddie gasps and readies himself, relaxing as he sees them.
“Delivery service!” Dustin hums, holding up his groceries as they stand in the entrance.
Steve leans in as he takes up the rear, waving his hand at Eddie. Their eyes meet, and for a moment, time slows. But then Dustin is hurrying ahead, grabbing Eddie’s attention.
“Oh thank the gods!” Eddie exclaims and bear hugs Dustin, “may Heironeous smile on you.”
“Whatever that means…” Max mutters with a snort, the gang filling in the space.
Eddie grabs a box of honey combs and a drink, scurrying over to the boat he has made his apparent safe space. The boy hops in and gets comfortable, beginning to stuff his face with his hands. Dustin and Max wander over, standing on opposite sides of the boat. Steve looks away for a moment, noticing Robin giving him a look before slowly walking over to stand behind Max, who’s made herself comfortable in a stool beside the boat dock. Steve makes a face himself, wondering what was up with that before he stands slightly behind Dustin, leaning against one of the support beams and crossing his arms.
“So we got, uh, some good news and some bad news.” Dustin starts somberly, sitting in his own stool and resting his arms on his knees, “how do you prefer it.”
Eddie waves him off, talking with around his mouthful, “bad news first, always.” He says as though it’s obvious, taking a swig from his drink.
“Right, bad news. We tapped into the Hawkin’s PD dispatch with our cerebro, and they’re definitely looking for you.” Dustin explains, motioning towards Eddie now, “also, they’re, uh, pretty convinced you killed Chrissy.”
“Like a hundred percent kinda convinced.” Max corrects, Eddie’s shoulders slumping and face dropping.
“...And the good news?” He asks slowly, looking around at them all hopefully.
“Your name hasn’t gone public yet. But if we found out about you, it’s only a matter of time before others do to, and once that gets out, everyone and their shallow minded mother is gonna be gunning for you.” Robin explains, her expression frustrated and apologetic.
Eddie looks forward, his expression twisting in hurt, pain, and fear. “Hunt the freak, right?”
Robin nods as she speaks. “Exactly.”
“Shit.” Eddie hisses under his breath.
Dustin is quick to butt in again, “soo, before that happens we need to find Vecna, kill him, and prove your innocence!”
Steve glances between them, watching as Eddie shoots the kid a look. “That’s all, Dustin? That’s all?”
“Yeah,” the boy shrugs as if it’s easy, “no that- that’s pretty much it.”
“Listen, Eddie-” Robin sighs, “-I know everything Dustin’s saying sounds totally delusional, but we’ve actually been through this kinda thing before. I mean, they have-”
Steve nods as Eddie looks around at them, their eyes meeting again. Eddie’s expression shifts when be gets to him, his shoulders almost seeming to relax.
“-A-a few times.” Robin continues, “and… and I have once. Mine was more human flesh based, and there’s was more smoke related, but bottom line is, collectively I really feel like we got this.” She encourages as she motions with her hands, beginning to smile.
“Yeah, see, we usually rely on this girl who has super powers.” Steve begins to explain and scratches his cheek. “But uh… those went bye-bye so uhh…”
Dustin nods with him and Robin holds her hands up, stammering a bit as she continues to try and stay positive, “so we’re technically in more of uhhhh-”
“A kinda uhh…” Steve tries to help out.
But Max finds the right word for them, “brainstorming phase.”
Steve points at her and grins. “Brainstorming!”
Dustin stammers as well, but tries to seem believable. “There’s nothing to worry about!”
“Yeesh.” Steve snorts and laughs to himself. There’s no way Dustin thinks that’s going to convince Eddie.
Eddie stares at them like he can’t believe they could be so stupid, looking at Steve almost for better reassurance. But then a police siren sends them all on high alert and Eddie looks over his shoulder in terror. Steve swears and looks over, Robin stepping forward and pointing at the boat.
“Tarp, tarp!” She exclaims and waves Eddie to move.
The boy hurries and lays down, yanking the tarp over himself as Robin runs to the door, Max and Dustin moving to follow. But the cop cars and an ambulance drive right past, and Steve slowly looks at Robin, then the others.
“Shit! What do you think that is?” Max gasps, her eyes wide.
“Do you think it’s another���?” Robin starts.
Eddie jolts up and pushes the tarps down, looking at them all wildly. “What?”
Dustin looks at him, expression serious. “We have to follow that. Find out if it’s connected. It could prove your innocence!”
Eddie goes to respond, but Dustin is hurrying outside. Steve groans and rubs a hand down his face, beginning to follow. He pauses to glance down at Eddie. “We’ll figure it out. I promise.”
Eddie stares up at him, before slowly nodding. “...Okay hairball.”
The nickname briefly reminds Steve of the time they spent together last summer, and he’s quick to run from the feeling. He yells after Dustin as the boy leaves, not noticing the way Max and Robin exchange glances before they also say their goodbyes to Eddie and follow.
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affordabletruckrepair · 2 months
Welcome to Affordable Truck Repair
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At Affordable Truck Repair Inc. DBA Mechanic On Road, we specialize in providing top-notch mobile truck repair ensuring that your commercial vehicles are always in peak condition. Our commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction makes us the go-to service provider for truck and RV owners in Sacramento and the surrounding areas.
Our Services
Mobile Truck Repair Sacramento
Our truck repair services are designed to meet the needs of busy truck owners and fleet managers. We provide on-site repairs for light, medium, and heavy-duty trucks, addressing a wide range of issues, including:
Engine diagnostics and repairs
Transmission services
Brake system maintenance and repairs
Electrical system diagnostics and repairs
Suspension and steering repairs
Exhaust system repairs and maintenance
Mobile RV Repair Sacramento
We also specialize in mobile RV repair Sacramento, ensuring that your home on wheels is always ready for the road. Our RV repair services include:
Electrical repairs
Plumbing maintenance
HVAC system repairs
Slide-out maintenance and repairs
Roof leak repairs
Awning repairs and installation
Sacramento Truck Repair
For more extensive repairs, our fully equipped workshop handles all major truck and RV repairs. Our comprehensive truck repair shop services include:
Preventive maintenance packages
Fleet inspections (DOT, BIT, and Annual inspections)
Windshield and auto glass replacement
Reefer unit diagnostics and repairs (Carrier & Thermo King)
Oil changes and filter replacements
Why Choose Us?
Expert Technicians: Our team consists of certified and experienced mechanics who are skilled in diagnosing and repairing a wide range of truck and RV issues.
24/7 Availability: We offer round-the-clock services, including nights, weekends, and holidays, to ensure your fleet is never left stranded.
Advanced Diagnostic Tools: Our state-of-the-art diagnostic tools enable us to quickly and accurately identify issues, ensuring efficient repairs.
Comprehensive Services: From minor repairs to major overhauls, we offer a wide range of services to meet all your truck and RV repair needs.
Customer Satisfaction: Our commitment to quality workmanship and customer satisfaction sets us apart from the competition.
1. What areas do you service with your mobile truck repair Sacramento? We service Sacramento and the surrounding areas, providing quick and efficient repairs within a 50-mile radius.
2. Are your technicians certified? Yes, our team comprises fully certified and experienced mechanics with expertise in light, medium, and heavy-duty trucks and RVs.
3. How quickly can you respond to a repair call? We prioritize emergency calls and aim to dispatch our nearest unit immediately. Response times vary based on location but are generally within 1-2 hours.
4. How do I schedule preventive maintenance for my fleet? You can schedule preventive maintenance by calling +1 (916) 912-7912, or visiting our website.
5. What makes Affordable Truck Repair Inc. DBA Mechanic On Road stand out Sacramento truck repair? Our commitment to customer satisfaction, 24/7 availability, and high-quality workmanship set us apart. We prioritize minimizing your fleet’s downtime while ensuring quality repairs.
6. Can you handle major repairs on-site? Our mobile units are equipped to handle a wide range of repairs on-site. For more complex repairs, we arrange for towing to our fully equipped workshop.
7. What parts do you use for repairs? We use high-quality OEM parts whenever possible to guarantee reliability and safety for your trucks and RVs.
8. What payment methods do you accept? We accept all major credit cards, checks, and bank transfers.
Contact Us
If you're in need of reliable truck or RV repair services, look no further than Affordable Truck Repair Inc. DBA Mechanic On Road. Our dedicated team is ready to provide the professional and efficient services you need to keep your vehicles running smoothly.
Contact Details:
Website: Affordable Truck Repair Inc. DBA Mechanic On Road
Phone: +1 (916) 912-7912
Address: 4705 Crimson Ct, Sacramento, CA 95842, United States
Trust Affordable Truck Repair Inc. DBA Mechanic On Road for all your mobile truck repair Sacramento, mobile RV repair Sacramento, and comprehensive Sacramento truck repair needs.
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freightgirlz · 2 months
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blessingslogistics · 6 months
A Comprehensive Guide to Logistics, Air Cargo, and Ocean Cargo Services in Hyderabad
Hyderabad, known as the City of Pearls, is one of the major economic centers in India. Over the past two decades, it has developed into a leading hub for the technology, pharmaceutical, and manufacturing industries. As companies based in Hyderabad expand their operations globally, efficient ocean cargo services in Hyderabad and logistics connectivity becomes critical to linking them to international supply chains and markets. 
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Ocean Cargo Connectivity
Ocean freight is commonly used for transporting large volumes of cargo overseas out of India. Here are some of the major ocean cargo gateways used by businesses for ocean cargo services in Hyderabad:
Nhava Sheva (JNPT Port):
Located over 700 km on India's west coast near Mumbai, JNPT or Nhava Sheva port handles over half of all India's container cargo. It offers regular container shipping services to all major regions, such as East Asia, Europe, Africa, Australia, and North America. Several international shipping lines, such as Maersk, MSC, and CMA CGM, provide less-than-container load (LCL) and full container load (FCL) services from inland container depots in Hyderabad directly to Nhava Sheva port.  
Chennai Port: 
Situated about 600 km southeast of Hyderabad, Chennai Port has emerged as one of the largest cargo hubs in India handling various types of bulk, liquid as well as container cargo. Direct container liner services connect Chennai with regions in the Mediterranean, Southeast Asia and East Asia. Leading container shipping companies like OOCL, Evergreen Marine and Hapag Lloyd operate services from Chennai Port to destinations like Colombo, Singapore, Dubai, China and Europe. Customs bonded trucks facilitate the movement of export-import cargo between Hyderabad and Chennai port.  
Krishnapatnam Port: 
This rapidly growing private port in Andhra Pradesh, located around 200 km from Hyderabad, offers regular container feeder services to the Middle East, Africa, Europe, and the U.S. Several large logistics companies operate frequent road transportation services between Hyderabad and Krishnapatnam port to coordinate the first-mile and last-mile connect for shippers.
Vizag Port:
 Located over 500 km from Hyderabad, Vizag Port primarily handles bulk cargo such as coal, fertilizers, steel, and oil. However, feeder services are also available from Vizag to connect with leading international container transhipment hubs like Colombo, Singapore and Port Klang. Customs clearing agents at Vizag port facilitate trade documentation processes for Hyderabad-based traders.
Domestic Logistics Support 
To facilitate the smooth movement of export-import cargo between production and warehousing facilities use these gateway seaports for logistics services in Hyderabad:
Container Freight Stations (CFS): 
These offer services like stuffing and de-stuffing containers, temporary storage, palletization, and customs examination and clearance of less-than-container-load (LCL) cargo meant for exports by sea. Over 15 CFS facilities of leading logistics companies are spread across Hyderabad.
ICDs and PFTs: 
Inland Container Depots (ICD) and Private Freight Terminals (PFT) operated by Concor, Gateway Rail, and others act as dry ports to consolidate LCL cargo, temporarily store containers and enable customs clearance before final dispatch to the seaports. Key ICDs near Hyderabad are located in Sanathnagar and Pantancheru.  
Transport Companies:
 Various road transport companies provide door-to-door services to carry export-import cargo in dry or refrigerated (reefer) containers as full truckload (FTL) or partial truck load (PTL) between Hyderabad and coastal port terminals like Chennai and Krishnapatnam. 
Customs Clearing Agents: 
Local customs clearing and forwarding agents assist traders with customs documentation, examination, appraisement and clearance processes at the seaports and airports to expedite cargo movement.
Air Cargo Infrastructure at Hyderabad  
While ocean freight is economical for voluminous cargo, air cargo logistics is faster for time-sensitive deliveries of perishable commodities or high-value items. Here are some of the facilities available:  
Rajiv Gandhi International Airport (RGIA):
This is the sole international airport serving Hyderabad with connections across India and major global transit hubs in the Middle East, Southeast Asia and Europe. More than 50 tonnes of international air freight passes through it daily. Leading international air cargo airlines operating belly cargo and freighter services from RGIA include Lufthansa Cargo, Emirates SkyCargo and Blue Dart Aviation.  
GMR Hyderabad Air Cargo (GHAC): 
This recently launched dedicated air cargo terminal has an annual capacity to handle over 500,000 tonnes of air freight. The integrated terminals include facilities for truck docking, palletization, cold storage, automated storage and retrieval systems (ASRS), customs clearance, and handling dangerous goods, VAL cargo, and live animals. The GHAC promotes Hyderabad as a major cargo hub and can process special cargo like pharmaceuticals, perishables, and e-commerce shipments.
Hyderabad Airport Free Trade Warehousing Zone (AFTZ): 
Located near the RGIA, this 90,000 sq. ft. facility promotes air cargo exports by enabling duty-free storage of goods meant for exports worldwide. Trucks operate between the AFTZ and GHAC terminal in seamless connectivity.
In summary, Hyderabad is well connected by ocean and air cargo options to send cargo to destinations across the six continents. Businesses can engage various domestic logistics partners and international air cargo agents in Hyderabad to access leading Indian ports like Nhava Sheva, coordinate customs clearances, and handle first- and last-mile truck transportation. The integrated air cargo infrastructure at the RGIA also allows rapid freight movement on global air networks. Leveraging these services facilitates Hyderabad-based companies' efficient expansion of their worldwide supply chain footprint.
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athbharat · 8 months
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nedispatching · 1 year
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Northeast Dispatching Services, based in Wilkes-Barre, PA, is your premier independent truck dispatching company, serving professional truckers throughout Pennsylvania and the United States. We specialize in power only, step deck, hotshot, dry van, reefer, flatbed, and box truck dispatching. Our skilled team is dedicated to providing efficient route planning, competitive rates, and prompt load securing for truck drivers. We work closely with our clients to offer personalized dispatch solutions, enabling them to maximize earnings and minimize downtime. Get started for free today!
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thedispatchnet · 2 years
Reefer Dispatch Service
Every carrier cares about his transport logistics business. Indeed, there is reason to worry, because anything can happen on the way. The important point is to deliver the goods in one piece. Of course, there are many ways to do this. But when we are talking about transporting food, medicine, and other cargo, for which it is extremely important to keep the temperature under control, there is one way - transportation with the help of refrigeration systems. What is a refrigerated vehicle? Its main purpose is to transport goods at the required temperature in the cargo compartment. This type of transport is very popular in the international logistics chain and is carried out with vehicles with a special box equipped with refrigeration units, in which a specific and constant temperature can be maintained. #trucking #truckingindustry #trucks
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tmxintermodalsc · 2 years
Website : https://www.tmxintermodal.com/
Address : 1133 Cainhoy Rd, Charleston, SC 29492
Phone : +1 908-344-3700
TMX Intermodal's unique position allows us to offer our Drayage services through several locations on the East Coast and also through our location in Houston. We take pride in our ability to provide timely and reliable service. We promise complete satisfaction delivered with each and every shipment that we move. Our dedicated staff works closely with all of our customers to maintain the highest levels of communication and support through our unique Advanced delivery GPS Tracking and Drivers APP. Our terminals are located in New Jersey, Norfolk, Charleston, Savannah, Atlanta, Jacksonville, and Houston. TMX Intermodal offers many excellent services, including hazmat, liquor, reefer, warehousing, Bonded, trans loading, and Out of Gauge Drayage Services. In all of our offices you will find computerized dispatch operations utilizing real time GPS tracking. As an organization, and as individuals, we will continually meet the specific needs of those who depend on us. TMX Intermodal has the most skilled and dedicated team of professional drivers on the road today! At TMX Intermodal, we offer dedicated and personal attention to each and every customer we are privileged to serve, providing diverse, cost-effective solutions for transporting your Containers. Some of the advantages of working with us include:
*Advanced delivery tracking technology with an expert front-office staff *Immediate response *Excellent service *Fully licensed
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/tmx.intermodal
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/tmxintermodal/
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tmxintermodal · 2 years
TMX Intermodal
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TMX Intermodal's unique position allows us to offer our Drayage services through several locations on the East Coast and also through our location in Houston. We take pride in our ability to provide timely and reliable service. We promise complete satisfaction delivered with each and every shipment that we move.
Our dedicated staff works closely with all of our customers to maintain the highest levels of communication and support through our unique Advanced delivery GPS Tracking and Drivers APP.
Our terminals are located in New Jersey, Norfolk, Charleston, Savannah, Atlanta, Jacksonville, and Houston. TMX Intermodal offers many excellent services, including hazmat, liquor, reefer, warehousing, Bonded, trans loading, and Out of Gauge Drayage Services. In all of our offices you will find computerized dispatch operations utilizing real time GPS tracking.
As an organization, and as individuals, we will continually meet the specific needs of those who depend on us. TMX Intermodal has the most skilled and dedicated team of professional drivers on the road today!
At TMX Intermodal, we offer dedicated and personal attention to each and every customer we are privileged to serve, providing diverse, cost-effective solutions for transporting your Containers.
Tmx intermodal Portsmouth
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nflfreight · 2 years
Standards To Be Followed by Food Service Distributors & Transportation Companies
The FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) is passed in response to outbreaks of listeria and salmonella mainly emanating from the manufacturing, processing, and handling of food by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
During the recent Spireon webinar Job Samson, executive director of the agricultural and food transporters conference for the American Trucking Association broke down FSMA for the carriers to comply with newly laid rules and regulations.
In April 2016, the FDA finalized the new food safety rule to prevent food contamination during transportation. The rule is essential for all the freight shipping services providers, loaders, carriers, and receivers who are involved in the transportation of human and animal food. The FSMA requires the accordance of best safety practices for sanitary transportation, such as appropriately refrigerating food, adequately cleaning vehicles between loads, and properly protecting food during transportation. But the rule does not specifically address food security, such as seals and locks.
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Exemptions From FSMA Compliance Rule
The shippers, receivers, or carriers who are engaged in food transportation operations that have less than $500,000 in average annual revenue.
The transportation activities performed by the farm.
The transhipping of food from the United States to another country.
The transportation of food that is imported for future export and that is neither consumed nor distributed in the United States.
The transportation of compressed food gases (e.g., carbon dioxide, nitrogen, or oxygen authorized for use in food and beverage products), and food contact substances.
The transportation of byproducts of human food which is transported for use as animal food without further processing.
The transportation of food that is completely enclosed by a container except for the food which is temperature controlled for safety.
The transportation of live food animals, except molluscan shellfish.
Vehicles And Transportation Equipment To Comply
Designed and made from material that can be properly cleaned and sanitized.
There must be adequate maintenance in sanitary conditions where the food will never become unsafe. For instance, if there are broken pallets that could puncture the products and should not be allowed in trailers.
The food must be stored in a manner to prevent pests or contamination which could result in the food becoming unsafe.
Therefore, for time and temperature-controlled food (TCS food), the equipment must be maintained, designed, and equipped for providing adequate control of temperature.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) suggests protective measures must be taken for the protection of food from cross-contamination by raw and non-food items.
The managers and dispatchers should get the necessary information out to the drivers, by keeping tabs on temperatures and planning for more.
For the Planners:
Paying more attention to what is inbound and what equipment is needed.
Checking whether the trailer is washed prior to loading.
Letting drivers know about the timeframe of pickup and planning enough time for washing out
Monitoring dropped load temperature controls.
For the Dispatchers:
Communication of instructions with the drivers.
Confirmation loaded set/box temperatures as sent from the driver which double check setting vs temperature range.
Monitoring temperature readings while the load is in the transit phase and eliminating all the discrepancies.
Notifying inbound planners by making sure that they are aware of what is inbound and what to expect.
Monitoring the integrity of the seal and making sure the seal numbers are entered into the loaded and stop empty calls.
For the Drivers:
Conduct pre-trip inspections, which include reefer units as well.
Checking the condition of the trailer - air chute and door seals.
Adequate training for reefer unit operations.
Inspection of products prior to loading.
Checking for extra condensation and leaking.
If there is an extended amount of time for loading and unloading, the dispatch must be notified.
Checking the reefer tank fuel levels and additives.
Checking the box temperature every four hours when stopped.
Other Link -  ELD rules for CMV drivers and Fleet Operators
Find the Best Freight Shipping Company Near You
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1345634 · 2 years
The truck industry is experiencing the biggest crisis in its history.
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What to do?
In such a difficult time, a strong dispatch service can be a good support for a trucking company, which can keep your company afloat while continuing to earn you money.
Best Truck Dispatching Company
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As you evaluate truck dispatching companies based on their value, customer service, office support and other features, you might find that the following five companies are at the top of the list. You’ll quickly see why that is as you read more about these companies.
The most economical dispatching service for owner-operators and freight companies is Arida Logistics. Users often experience high-paying loads when using this truck dispatch service, which can mean the service ends up paying for itself. Truck drivers who use Arida Logistics also experience a host of additional services, including invoice management, a number of other management services, detention requests, layovers and set-up packets. With Arida Logistics, you’ll be in complete control as to whether you accept or deny a load. 
Best For: Owner-Operators and Carriers
Trucks Available: 
Dry vans
Rate: 2.5% to 4% of load value based on the number of trucks
Dedicated Dispatcher: Yes, for all our clients
Broker Credit Check: Yes
Contract Requirements: No
Special Features: 
24/7 dispatch team 
Personal assistant to ensure on-time payments  
Dedicated dispatcher for fleets of five or more tucks
Covers all 48 contiguous states
Back office support for paperwork
Lumper fees
Set-up packers
Higher paying loads
One of the most affordable options 
Fast, easy sign-up process
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