#Renai Robinson
everydayremix · 2 years
I haven’t been uploading a lot of mashups in the past year. Hopefully this makes up for it
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mayumishirai · 2 years
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Hello! I attended last COSPLAY RE: CONNECT at Robinson's Imus! I came late though since we went somewhere else.~ I cosplayed your rice godddess, Hanayo Koizumi Arabian Nights once again!~ (super credits to Gazlene GG )(≧∇≦)/ Yes, I was that person who danced Renai Circulation and sang Voltes V theme song. “ψ(`∇´)ψ I know it's pretty messed up but I hope I made ya'll happy! Thank you also for the support especially from my friends and fellow GCs!~ (☆^ー^☆) Thank you to YoUnite Production for having a cosplay event here in Cavite!~ (≧∇≦)/ See you next time!~ 💚✨ #hanayokoizumi #lovelive #loveliveschoolidolproject #lovelivemuse #muse #arabiannights #ricegoddess #hanayokoizumicosplay #cosplay #cosplayer #cosplayevent #event #cosplayreconnect #youniyeproduction (at Robinsons Place Imus) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjiFqWdhKYC/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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starlightbird-blog1 · 5 years
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This beautiful picture of Renai and Clay Bailey was done as a commission for @berrypie11! It was drawn by my GF PastelFuzz on DA and colored by Me! She’s taking these Emergency Commissions right now! If you’re interested in one they’re $10 for a single and $15 for a Couple. (Must be a couple as in shipped together!) You can message me here or you can comment on her journal or note her on DA. https://www.deviantart.com/pastelfuzz/journal/Emergency-Collab-Commissions-10-Chibis-802513550 Please like and share to spread the word! Thank you! ^-^ 
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crystal-zen · 7 years
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Sunset Rendezvous by Crystal-Zen A commission for Sumer-Breeze !! I was asked by the lovely Sumer to do a commission of her Xiaolin Showdown OC Renai with Clay!  She wanted to have a sunset reunion for the two of them. The pose is based off of one from Thumbelina between her and Cornelius. ^-^ The one where he picks her up.  This was a lot of fun to draw and I got a huuuge enjoyment out of painting the background! All of those beautiful warm colors from the show! Now, typically I just go with the shows gentle shading style but I took some artistic liberty here and made the shading a bit darker. Both Sumer and I agree it adds a bit of depth and helps connect the sunset feeling to it. I'm so sorry for the wait and I hope you enjoy it! They were really fun. Art © to me. Renai is © to Sumer-Breeze Clay Bailey and Xiaolin Showdown are © to WB/Christy Hui
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zenphoenix · 7 years
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Collab - Caroling in the Snow by Crystal-Zen This was a collaborative piece between me and http://mercury-jin.deviantart.com ! I ordered some commissions for my Xiaolin Showdown friends for Christmas for just being really awesome people and making me feel welcome.   Mercury drew this and I colored it and did the background.. ^^  This particular one features Renai and Clay Bailey.. ! I thought it’d be cute to have them caroling since  Sumer, who owns Renai, loves Christmas a lot.I thought it’d be cute to have them sing Christmas Carols. 
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dragonofbalance · 4 years
About the Dragon of Balance
Name: Jane Gray Nicknames: Ice Queen of the Temple, Mistress of Sass, Janie, and Killer (Dislikes them, but especially hates the last one) Born: October 22nd Gender: Female Age: 19 - 21 Height: 5'6” Weight: 130 lb Hair: Dark brown hair, near black, short – was shoulder length before being taken into the younger monk's temple. Grows shoulder length and pulled back after a considerable amount of time. Eyes: Brown Skin: Light tan Species: Human Ethnicity: 3/4 Caucasian - 1/4 Native American L/R Handed: Right
Alignment: Xiaolin – Sees herself more neutral despite her close feelings towards the other monks. Takes her role more seriously once balanced. Occupation: Student - Dragon Element: Balance – Controls light and dark energy Favorite Wu(s): Shroud of Shadows and Golden Tiger Claws Move list: -Shadow Claw -Behemoth Form -Luminous Shield
Allergies/Physical Weaknesses: Is barely average on the scale of fitness, thus tires out a lot during training and can be an easy target in battles without her elements and/or wu. Physical Flaws: Lacks upper body strength and tires out quickly due to lack of exercise, prone to burning out quickly. Is also a bit flat chested. Health/Physical Strengths: Can sometimes take hits better than most humans as well as heal quickly, though needs rest to be able to do so. Immunities: When in her other form, she just takes any damage that's taken to her like it was nothing more than a tap. However, it will come back to bite her in the butt once she's out of that form, then it's time to get her serious medical care. Restrictions: She can only use one energy type at a time. Jane also can't fight too long with them due to her pendant reducing a great amount of her dark energy and not being skilled well enough in light energy. Alternate Forms: When her Hei Pendant is removed, it allows Jane to use her dark energy at it's highest peak. It coats her body with it, making her into a shadow-like entity with her strength, speed, and endurance maxed out. However, once in this form, she'll only seek to destroy anything in her path. This form can last as long as an hour or until she runs out of dark energy.
On a scale of 1[weakest] to 5[strongest]
-Starts Off-
Strength: *
Speed: *
Endurance: ***
Charm: **
Intelligence: ***
-After Training Under Chase Young-
Strength: ***
Speed: ***
Endurance: *****
Charm: **
Intelligence: ***
Behemoth Form
Strength: *****
Speed: *****
Endurance: *****
Charm: (Lacks communication in this form)
Intelligence: ***(Can still think and form strategies, but only once achieving balance. Will be mostly nonexistent otherwise)
Immediate Family: Jody Gray – A single mom working hard to make ends meet both by doing part time jobs and designing websites for small businesses. Distant Family: Travis Gray – Jane's divorced dad. Last saw him when she was about eight. Parenting: Jody was easy going on Jane growing up, letting her have her own freedom and willing to let her make her own choices unless they are clearly dangerous. However, she tended to keep to herself at times like her daughter, namely because she didn't want to stress her baby girl out when times were clearly hard enough for them as well as her own emotional problems. Pets/Familiars: Owned an overly fluffy black cat named Midnight. For the past two years, has been kept by a distant family member of hers. Jane tries to take care of him while at the Temple, but finds it difficult for both her and her cat to adjust, thus returning him with a broken heartedl.
Demeanor/Disposition: Start - Moody, cynical, unhappy. Later - Caring, quiet, observant Personality: Jane can be really pessimistic at times and blunt with her choice of words. While she alienates herself from other people, deep down she really wants to feel close to them just as much as she really does admire the monks despite being annoyed with their antics at times. While there are people she cares about, she just doesn't know how to choose the right words and doesn't know how to express it, given her own experiences with people. After achieving balance, she becomes much friendlier and caring towards the monks, seeing them like her siblings. Goes from the Ice Queen of the Temple to the Mother Hen of the group.
Vice: Envy – Jane sees many of the good fortune that happens to others as well as their strengths, and she is a bit jealous at how they didn't go through the imprisonment or the great burden her powers have given her. Virtue: Diligent – In just about everything she does, Jane tries to do her best at it if she feels like it's important. Whether it's at school, part time jobs, and recently her training, Jane will keep working till she's improved or until she's burned out.
Desires: To finally not have to second guess everything and everyone around her, letting her guard down and being herself. Despite her cynicism, Jane wants to be close to the people she cares about. Regrets: Leaving the temple and working for Chase for a short time. A few years prior to her story, Jane ran away from home for a week to hang out with Lance. Both events hurt her deeply just as much as it did to the people she loves. Worries: About hurting others and being hurt by others. Conflicts: Wants to connect with others that she admires, but feels that the risk of getting close isn't worth it.
Hobbies/Talents/Skills: Before being locked away for two years, Jane had enjoyed cooking, baking, and drawing. She still knows how to, but is really rusty. Cleaning is even sometimes something she likes to do on her own free will. It gives herself something to do and ease off her stress. Enjoys nature walks, especially in autumn and as it gets closer to the evening. Likes: Alone time, the outdoors, rain, drawing, reading, cooking and cleaning, tea, her cat, scary stories, Halloween, and fall. Dislikes: Drama, being forced to socialize, loud noises, combat, crowds, and sports. Humor: Dry and sarcastic. Can sometimes get a little dark. Pet Peeves: Her personal space being invaded by anyone, hates being touched, and loud voices.
Fears/Phobias: Autophobic. Being betrayed and being abandoned by loved ones. There is also a fear of becoming a monster, like her other out of control form and harm others. Is also slightly Enochlophobic, fear of crowds. Really uncomfortable being surrounding by so many people. Makes it tricky often when hunting for Shen Gong Wu in public areas. Thinks too much of how she wound up hurting so many in her home town.
Pre-Temple Life Summary: Growing up, Jane was content with her life, even with her parents divorce at a young age. Unfortunately, because her mom couldn't support both of them on a small paycheck from the jobs she does, Jane sometimes had to give something up to help bring in money with smaller jobs, limiting her own freedom and chances to form friendships with other kids. Not something that was easy for a girl her age or even something she was required, according to her mother who insisted that earning the money was the parent's job. Through the divorce as well as some failed friendships, Jane became jaded of relationships with other people. It was only her break up with her first and last boyfriend did she become truly cynical of their being a better side to people other than her mom. Despite all this, Jane was happy to live with a great woman such as her mother. However, one day after turning seventeen, everything suddenly changed; Jane's body was engulfed in darkness and began to attack everything in sight. This would have continued had she not run out of energy and had been taken away by mysterious figures. These figures turned out to be Xiaolin monks who have been looking for someone like her. Once at one of their monasteries in the mountains of Asia, their leader believes that she is too dangerous with her uncontrolled powers, thus believes it's wise to confine her from the rest of the world. As time passed, Jane's thoughts constantly returned to her hometown and, of course, her mother. The monks refused to tell her the details of the damage she caused, and she was honestly frightened to find out. Had she killed her mom, the only sort of emotional support she has ever felt that she needed? Or was she still alive? And how was she handling by herself without her daughter? These were questions that Jane wanted answered, but was left haunted by. After two years in her prison, Jane is surprised to hear that there were other high ranked monks that don't share her warden's view on how he's handling her condition, even with the Hei Pendant - a special Shen Gong Wu that was kept and held back a massive amount of her negative energy. These strangers believed that she may have potential to control it and want her to train side by side with the young Xiaolin Dragons, children who were also mastering their elements. Temple Life: TBA
Friends: Omi, Kimiko, Raimundo, Clay, Dojo, Master Fung, and many others that she won't admit feeling close to. Enemies: Chase Young, Jack Spicer, Wuya, Katnappe, Hannibal Roy Bean, and the Heylin Eye. Neutral/Undecided: Lance - While he did break her heart and stab her in the back years later after their break up, Jane still has some lingering feelings for him and he even has shown to care about her. She's still uncertain whether to trust him or not. Rival/Arch Enemy: Dahlia – This Heylin witch is both one of the head members of the cult that is after her and the other monks AND is pretty much the one who is seducing Lance into doing her bidding. Closest To: Master Fung – After her time with the younger monks, once Jane realized she did want to be close to others, Jane soon sought guidance from the elder monk for advice or just someone to talk to that wouldn’t judge her too bluntly. Renai Robinson(OC belonging to Sumer-Breeze on DeviantART) - Always irked by her bubbly nature, she eventually warms up to the Dragon of Nature, especially as her kindness has helped her through her toughest times. Love Interest: Lance –  The two dated back when Jane was only fifteen and him seventeen, the two broke up due to Jane being tired of his hedonistic lifestyle and unfaithfulness. However they cross paths again years later on different sides. While Jane attempts to forget about her feelings and ignore him, Lance makes it clear that he still likes her - in his own, unhealthy way. Hero/Role Model: Her mom – She had to give up her dreams to take care of her daughter, both when she was born and especially after her husband left them. Since she had no college degree, she had to make do with low paying jobs. Jane can't think of anything more sacrificing than someone close to her that had to give all her goals up for one person.
Favorite Color: Midnight blue and silver. Favorite Animal: Cats, but not to the unhealthy level as Katnappe. Favorite Genre: For books, it's mystery, thrillers, and fantasy. Music would be alternative rock. Favorite Food: Beef stew, pumpkin muffins, berries, Smoked Salmon, and fried rice. Favorite Drink: Tea, soft drinks, pumpkin spice latte, and iced tea lemonade. Favorite Book: "K" is for Killer by Sue Grafton.
Least Favorite Colors: Any bright colors, especially pink. Least Favorite Foods: Seafood(though tolerates some fish to a degree), mashed potatoes, and asparagus. Least Favorite Drinks: Milk, alcohol, flavorless sparkling water, and strong coffee.
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manualstogo · 4 years
For just $3.99 Sea Racketeers Released on August 20, 1937: Two sailors chase two girls and accidentally capture fur smugglers aboard a gambling ship. Directed by: Hamilton MacFadden Written by: Dorrell McGowan and Stuart E. McGowan The Actors: Weldon Heyburn Chief Bos'n Mate Jim Wilson, Jeanne Madden Patricia Collins, Warren Hymer Spud Jones, Penny Singleton Florence 'Toots' Riley, J. Carrol Naish Harry Durant, Charles Trowbridge Maxwell Gordon, Joyce Compton Blondie, Benny Burt henchman Maxie, Syd Saylor henchman Weasel, Ralph Sanford henchman Turk, Don Rowan henchman Lew, Lane Chandler Police Inspector L. McGrath, and the radio voice of Lieutenant Hays, Bryant Washburn Wilbur Crane, Christine McIntyre Helen Crane, Dorothy Appleby dancer, Sam Ash reporter, Robert Brister Commander Dixon, Lester Dorr Coast Guardsman, Sam Flint Sam Collins, Bobbie Hale Barnacle, Lew Harvey henchman Pete, Anthony Pawley Windy, Paul Renay headwaiter, Dewey Robinson henchman, Henry Roquemore tired nightclub patron Runtime: 54 minutes *** This item will be supplied on a quality disc and will be sent in a sleeve that is designed for posting CD's DVDs *** This item will be sent by 1st class post for quick delivery. Should you not receive your item within 12 working days of making payment, please contact us as it is unusual for any item to take this long to be delivered. Note: All my products are either my own work, licensed to me directly or supplied to me under a GPL/GNU License. No Trademarks, copyrights or rules have been violated by this item. This product complies withs rules on compilations, international media and downloadable media. All items are supplied on CD or DVD.
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I Know I’m Not Alone (Song Fic)
I decided I have to contribute to the Yuri!!! on Ice fandom so here you go.
@queenpomo​ you’re a fan right? There’s not much spoilers so I’ll tag you anyway.
Song: Shelter by Madeon and Porter Robinson
I could never find the right way to tell you
I could never tell him about the real reason why I decided to go back to Russia to train Yuri. I knew this was the worst way to go, but I don’t want to be there to see him broken. All because of me and my selfish desire.
Have you noticed I’ve been gone?
I was slowly fading; chemicals taking over my body. I wonder if it was starting to seep through the screen of our phones in our conversations, and if he noticed I was slowly becoming weak. It was a matter of time before it completely takes my place in the world, and God knows that all I can ask for was to hear his voice and tell him I love him before it happens.
Cause I left behind the home that you made me
This might be my punishment for skating even though I felt chained and shackled. It was him who gave me the key to freedom, and the one to finally show me love and life. He was my love and life, and he was the only home I would run back to. I didn’t want to leave him, but I had to.
Because I didn’t want to see my home deteriorate with me.
But I will carry it along
The memories, the feelings, and the love we shared will always stay with me. Wherever I go, no matter what happens. With him I was at my happiest point in life, but even the sun sets in paradise. 
“Viktor? Are you still there?” Yuuri asked through the phone, and with that I let a small sad smile. “Yeah, but not for long. I need to go.” “Okay, good night, love you,” Yuuri said, clearly drowsy.
“I love you,” I repeated before hanging up, then putting it aside and looking outside to see the stars. “You must be waiting for me, huh?” I laughed weakly, before drifting away in my sleep.
And it’s a long way forward, so trust in me
Thank you for everyone who have been there for me.
I’ll give them shelter, like you’ve done for me
I’ll be with the stars to look over you, I promise with all my soul.
And I know, I’m not alone, you’ll be watching over us
I’ll never break this promise, you can ask the stars that are my audience.
Until you’re gone
Until next time. Dasvidaniya. 
When I’m older, I’ll be silent beside you
It has been years since I last saw his face; months since I felt his presence. Weeks since I last heard his voice, and days since I’ve started crying myself to my sleep. I just need to be with him already, but God hated me enough to deprive me of this wish.
I know words won’t be enough
Words will never be enough to express my emotions. I am an ugly mess. I’m devoid of color but full of emotion at the same time, and I have no will to live but I still breathe. Though I know I have to let his story go on, but I can’t help but think that it would be better with him here.
And they won’t need to know the names or our faces
Time will pass and I know they’ll forget us, but I want us to make history. I want us to be etched in history along with the greatest, and I’ll make sure it does. I know that somewhere out there he’s reaching out to let me feel his presence; I just know I’m not alone in this.
But they will carry on for us
Our memory will stay in history, even if our faces and names will be erased from everyone’s memory. They will all remember somewhere deep in their hearts what he has done for me, all the miracles that happened because of him.
And it’s a long way forward, so trust in me
It will take long, but I won’t fail you, Viktor.
I’ll give them shelter like you’ve done for me
I’ll live on your story, and I won’t let it die on my watch.
And I know, I’m not alone, you’ll be watching over us
I’ll be happy for you, because I know that’s what you want for me. You’ll always be there for me, I know you are.
Until you’re gone
“I love you,” I whispered once more, before painfully walking away from Viktor’s grave.
Oh, it’s a long way forward, trust in me
“Seikatsu! Anata wa iku junbi ga dekite imasu ka?” The male looked up all of a sudden from his phone before hastily standing up. He, of course, knows how to speak English, but he and his coach make sure to constantly talk in Japanese.
“Hai!” He replied, taking a deep breath. They began walking outside to the side of the rink, where he began to prepare himself before skating to the center of the rink. People cheered him on, but the one on his mind was his one and only idol.
The Russian skater who consecutively won the GPF 3 times so far,  Nicolai Maksim. 
I’ll give them shelter like you’ve done for me
He, Seikatsu Renai, will show everyone how much Nicolai inspired him. He’ll show the other how much he meant him, even if it’s only through his skating.
Keep your eyes on me, Nicolai, Renai thought as he hear the announcer speak.
And I know, I’m not alone, you’ll be watching over us
“Representing Japan, we have Seikatsu Renai who will skate to his short program called On Love: Eros skated by Katsuki Yuuri before him. He choreographed it himself, with the desire to bring back the honor that Katsuki was able to bring. We will see if he will be able to accomplish this.“
Are you watching Nicolai? I hope you are.
Until you’re gone
And Renai proceeded to skate, successfully gaining the attention of the other
Just like before.
This is crappy I know but I have been listening to Shelter on repeat and I couldn’t help myself.
Renai - love
Seikatsu - life
Anata wa iku junbi ga dekite imasu ka? - Are you ready to go?
Hai - Yes
Dasvidaniya - Good bye
Nicolai - Victory
Maksim - the greatest
I’m not sure if those are correct but you see, I was trying to be clever.
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squid-patrol · 8 years
tagged by the boi - @ghostymcspooky
Rules: Tag 9 people you want to get to know better.
Questions: What is your age? -17 What is your current job? -school
What are you talented at? -taiko, it’s a form of japanese drumming. 
What is a big goal you are working toward, or have already achieved? -i want to get better at taiko, and also get into RISD, the college of my choice. 
What is your aesthetic? -a mess 
Do you collect anything? -i guess bonkles, kinda?? not really though.
What topic are you always talking about? -jojo’s bizarre adventure. so much so that i’ve influenced 8 of my friends to watch it
What are your pet peeves? -people who put the toilet paper in the wrong way, people who type using u and r and unironically use shitty emoji
Good advice? -nah
Three songs you recommend?
i’ll try and pull shit from each of my different music tastes so like 2 will be fuckin awful
- Renai Circulation - Kana Hanazawa  - Shelter - Porter Robinson (actually literally anything from Porter. just look at Worlds in general) - Flamingo - Kero Kero Bonito
i’m not gonna tag anyone cause i’m a piece of shit
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Funeral Service for the late Minister and Matriarch Althea Adderley aged 74 years, of Black Point, Exuma will be held on Saturday March 21st, 2020 at 11:00 a.m. at the graveside at Lakeview Memorial Gardens, John F. Kennedy Drive.  Officiating will be Bishop Trevor Williamson. Interment will follow. Due to precautions necessitated by the coronavirus pandemic only family members are requested to attend. Left to cherish her memories are her Sons: Captain and Commodore of Black Point Regatta; Gregory T, Adderley, Captain Tyrone Adderley and Warren Adderley; Daughters: Pastor Suzette Darville, Sivian Barfnecht, Karen Neymour, Minister MaRia Rhodriquez, Lynette Adderley and Bridgette Ferguson; Adopted Daughters: Earnestine Moxyz, Minister Elvy Armbrister, Tina Gaitor, Lisa Theisen, Ida Patton, Rachael Hines & Jennimae Petty; Adopted Sons: Kurt and Myles Valle’ Gerard and Lynden Moxey; God Children: Yvonne Gray, Joseph Patton, Percy Patton, Nadane Saunders Allardice Ellis and Stephanie Rolle; Daughters-in-law: Andrea Adderley and Latoya Adderley; Sons-in-law: Pastor Kersch Darville, Bruce Barfnecht, Warren Neymour,  Wenceworth Ferguson and Bishop Dr. Patrick Rhodriquez; Grandsons: Eric Darville, Dominic and Darius Clare, Kamaren, Lawren and Courtney Neymour, Theodore Hanna, Jamore’ Hepburn, Cory, Carlton, DaCoy, & Alex Adderley, Lawrence, Tyrone Jr., Warren Adderley, Jr. and Patrick Adderley and Ahmad Pickstock; Granddaughters: Ashley Darville, Bria Barfnecht, Tammy, Maegan, Teisha, Grea, Nevaeh, Santia, Liberty, Tyisha, Tyrell, Faith and Toyell Adderley and Alyssa and Alaih Ferguson; 8 Great Grand Children; Brothers and Spouses: Cyril Joffer Jr (Claudine) Clyde Rolle (Shandira) and Lundy Robinson(Sharon); Sisters and Spouses: Elder Ruth Smith, Delores Moxey (Joseph) Doris Smith(Samuel) Curlene Rolle(Vivian), Deaconness Pearmon and Valerine Taylor; Brothers-in-Law: Reverend Lewis Adderly, Donald Adderley, Reverend Jacob Adderley(Brenda); Nieces and Nephews: Theresa, Earnestine, Lynden, Gerad,  Tanya, Lethera, Theron, Kino, Marvin, Raquel, Ceron, Ian, Cleron, Sharone, Sunae, Daniel, Theodore, Raquel, Renay, Keith, Kurrice, Elevise, Kirk, Steven, Joanne, Delaresse, Paul, Kevin, Andy, Hyacinth, Casilda, Portia, Lynda, Rebecca, Joseph, Sophia, Sonia, Valivallarie, Yvette,  Joan, Kevin, Dellarese, Karen, Franklyn, Alvin, Lillymae, Maxine, Jasmine, Jackie, Violet; Troy, Perez, Kenny, Nicola, Felecia, Feraldo,  Aaron, and Arianna Jackie, Ania, Andrea, Terry, Kermit, Harry, Patrick, Craig, Gary, James, Richard, Sandra, Elevise, Harry, David, Helen, Stephanie Anthony, Ellis, Steve, Michael, Sammy, Victor, Thomas, Franklyn, Eldora, Nadine, Beatrice, Vanria, Denise, Lillian, Yvonne, Sonia, Sharmane, Sarah, Sebrina, Sheryl, Sterling, Shavardo, Larry, Sharone, Donalee, Donald Jr, Jerold, Desmond, Jevon and Jamal; Numerous relatives and friends including: Rev. C. W. Saunders and family, Dr. Baltron Bethel and family, Mr. Gregory Bethel and family, Apostle Benjamin Smith and family, Chief Supt. Of R.B.P.F. Berkie Wright (retired) and family, Glenroy Brown and Family, Alpheus Rolle and Family, Richard Wright and family, Minister Elvy Rolle and family, Simon Smith and family, Effort Kemp and family, Hestine Kemp and family, Brenda Brown and Family, Sidney Mcphee and Family, Esther Rolle and Family, Devon Rolle and Family, Uriah Rolle and family, Walter Rolle and Family, Terrance Patton and Family, Leander Pinder and family, Vivian Rolle and family, Hiram Rolle and family, Thelma Rolle and family, Dossiemae Rolle and Family, Boisey Rolle and family, Frances Rolle and family, Agnes Ferguson and family, Morris Rolle and Family, Deaconess Peermon and Family, Sister Lorannimae and Marinetta Rahming and family, Clare Brown and family, Idel Ferguson and family, Elizabeth Black and family,  Myrtle Black and family, Minister Sudlin Black and family and, Wayde Nixon and family,  Rev. Berkie Rolle and family, Rev. Mary Maycock , Hallan Rolle and family, Sargent Carrington Dean and family, Honorable Member of Parliament Brensil Rolle, John Smith and family, Staniel Cay Yacht Club , Julian Mckenzie and family, Anvil Taylor and family, Sybil Rolle and family, Marion Clarke and Family, Carnie Rolle and family, Nelda Ferguson and Family, Tensie Ferguson and Family, Pastor Val Pinder and Family, Pastor Dr. Adam Brown and family,  Mary Neymour and family, Sheba Davis and family, Geraldine Lewis and family, David Knowles and family, Freeman Deveaux and family, Dr. Deborah Bartlett and family, Pastor Glen Rolle and family, Pastor Dave Burrows and family, Rev. Henry Rolle and family, Rev. Practon Patton and family, Bishop Trevor Williamson and family, Pastor Garth Rolle and family, Pastor Heuter Rolle and family, Dr. Indira Grimes and family, Pastor Farquharson and family, Superintendent Wilfred McKenzie and family, Deaconess Althea Ferguson and family, Prophet Shawn and Pastor Nicole Taylor and family, Prophet Julian Smith and family,  Minister May Smith and family,  Nurse Gleanor Percentie, Nurse Michelle Rolle, Caregiver Maricel Pinion, Denice Thompson, The Entire Community of Black Point, The Entire Community of Farmers Cay, The Entire Community of Staniel Cay and the Entire Main Land of Bahamas Baptist Union and Exuma District Community, Holiness Church, Salem Union Baptist Church, Bahamas Holy Bible Mission, New Birth Kingdom Deliverance, Prophetic Love Ministry, Trinity Global Cathedral, Bahamas Faith Ministries, The Embassy Internation    Friends may pay their last respects at Bethel Brothers Morticians & Crematorium, #44 Nassau Street on Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. The post Althea Adderley | Funeral Service appeared first on The Nassau Guardian. source https://thenassauguardian.com/2020/03/19/althea-adderley-funeral-service/
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After two nights of Hollywood Week on American Idol 2019 this week, we now officially know the Top 40 on American Idol Season 17! After solo performances, group performances and another set of solo performances in Hollywood, 40 singers are moving on to the showcases in Hawaii! Check out the Top 40 singers on this season of American Idol below in our American Idol 2019 spoilers!
It was a busy week and a dramatic week, as we had group drama and proposals that made Katy Perry ugly cry! In the end, the judges went around to the individual rooms and announced to those singers who made and whose journey ended right there!
[SPOILERS: Click to find out the Top 20 for American Idol 2019!]
Here are the Top 20 Girls on American Idol 2019:
Alyssa Raghu
Ashley Hess
Assata Renay
Dakota Cohen
Emma Kleinberg
Evelyn Cormier
Idalis Monzon
Johanna Jones
Kai the Singer
Kate Barnette
Laci Booth
Madison VanDenburg
Margie Mays
Mica Giaconi
Myra Tran
Payton Taylor
Raquel Trinidad
Riley Thompson
Shevonne Philidor
Get a closer look at the Top 20 ladies in our photo gallery here:
Click on image for full view
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Alyssa Raghu
Ashley Hess
Assata Renay
Dakota Cohen
Emma Kleinberg
Evelyn Cormier
Idalis Marie
Johanna Jones
Kai the Singer
Kate Barnette
Laci Booth
madison VanDenburg
Margie Mays
Mica Giaconi
Myra Tran
Payton Taylor
Raquel Trinidad
Riley Thompson
Shevonne Philidor
Here are the Top 20 Guys on American Idol 2019 (we only know 18 of the 20 right now):
Alejandro Aranda
Cameron Goode
Clay Page
Dimitrius Graham
Drake McCain
Eddie Island
Jeremiah Harmon
Kason Lester
Laine Hardy
Logan Johnson
Nate Walker
Nick Townsend
Ryan Hammond
Shawn Robinson
Shelton Taylor
Uché Ndubizu
Wade Cota
Walker Burroughs
Get a closer look at the Top 20 fellas in our photo gallery here:
Click on image for full view
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Alejandro Aranda
Cameron Goode
Clay Page
Dimitrius Graham
Drake McCain
Eddie Island
Jeremiah Harmon
Kason Lester
Laine Hardy
Logan Johnson
Nate Walker
Nick Townsend
Ryan Hammond
Shawn Robinson
Shelton Taylor
Wade Cota
Check out the American Idol judges breaking the news to the rooms last night:
Join us on Reality Rewind for all your American Idol 2019 spoilers, videos, photos, recaps and much more! Subscribe to our Email and RSS or like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter for all our latest updates.
Who Made Top 40 Showcase On American Idol 2019 Last Night? After two nights of Hollywood Week on American Idol 2019 this week, we now officially know the Top 40 on 
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writingknights · 6 years
Hessler Roll Call - This Joust In - Vol 1 Issue 2.5
Harrowing times were had in the gathering of submissions, but we've got things resolved at least for now. The Hessler Street Fair Poetry Contest Reading is May 23rd at starting promptly at 7pm at Happy Dog on Euclid. Event Here. Even if you aren't in the anthology, this is still a good reading to attend.  The poetry is excellent and the Happy Dog has many great food options.  There is no admission, but books will be available for purchase. Those in the anthology will receive an email explaining what happens next some time after this entry is posted. Enjoy! Az Here are the finalists and their pieces. A Fintastic time with Grandpa - Aisha Smith ... Sarcastic Teen Girl - Alyssa Smith ... new truth - anitakeys ... 10/17 - Azriel Johnson ... With a Bunch of Lace at His Throat - Bethany W. Pope ... Brian Taylor - Mind Reading 102 ... August Rush - Caitlin Blair Cogar ... “Deborah” - Casey Krysztofik ... Stone Cold Sinner - Christena AV Williams ... Leftovers - Christine Howey ... Tell Me - Clarissa Jakobsons ... Cigarette Butts #1 - Craig Firsdon ... Populist Punk Heroes - David S. Pointer ... In Search of a Good Night - Emily Reid Green ... “The Struggle” - Frank Kinor, Jr. ... A Villanelle - Geoffrey A. Landis ... Pray for Death - Jacob Paul Patchen ... If a Body is a Temple - James Croal Jackson ... Family Practice - Jeremy Jusek ... Erielhonan - Jeremy Proehl ... North Atlantic Right Whale - Jill Lange ... RE: Orlando - JM Romig ... The Sons and Daughter - Joann Celleghin ... Ageless our Timeless Light - Joe Bisicchia ... At the Dawning of a Winter’s Day - Julie Ursem Marchand ... Rotten Apple Dumpling - Juliet Cook ... His Name - Karen Davis ... To be a Woman Today... - Keely Aaliyah ... Idiotic Idioms - Kevin Frederick Smith ... Rose of Jericho - Lennart Lundh ... Childbirth vs Creative Birth - Lori Ann Kusterbeck ... Summer Stained - Lorraine Cipriano ... “Recipe from the KSU Counseling Center” - Lynne Shayko ... this is you - Marc Mannheimer ...  Road Rain - Mark Jordan ... Don’t Mention You’re from Cleveland - Mary A. Turzillo ... Vox Populi - Matthew Scott Harris ... Love Lies Bleeding - M. J. Arcangelini ... Sanctuary - Nancy Brady ... Rot - Rachel Hayes ... FaceTime - Ralph Pitman ...  Entomology 101: - Rob Smith ... March 2018 - Dr. Roger Craik ... The Homonym Garnok - Ross Martyn Hayes ...  Fashion of the Day - S. Renay Sanders ...  Return to Eden - Skylark Bruce ... Steal - Soumyadeep Bhattacherya ... Gender Confirmation - Sy Castells ... Gotu Kola - Tam e. Polzer ... Forgotten Feet - Tanya Pilumeli ... My Dragonette - Valentina Ranaldi-Adams ... Joy - Vincent L. Robinson ... worst of all - Wanda Morrow Clevenger ...
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45sbythelb-blog · 7 years
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I WANT MY DADDY'S RECORDS April 6 2017 Burlington
JOHN LEE HOOKER Let's Go Out Tonight (Chess) JACKIE LEE The Duck (Mirwood) THE VELAIRES Brazil (Jamie) ANDY KIM So Good Together (Steed) EVERY MOTHERS' SON Put Your Mind At Ease (MGM) PETER NOONE Oh You Pretty Things (Bell) DIANE RENAY Soft-Spoken Guy (20th Century Fox) PIERO UMILIANI Contestazione (Ariel) THE TABLE Do The Standing Still (Virgin) ABADDON Blues Tomorrow (Alona's Dream) THE HOGS It's All Coming To Me Now (Jay Boy)
T. REX Rip Off (Reprise) DIONNE WARWICK The Green Grass Starts To Grow (Scepter) FUNKADELIC You & Your Folks, Me & My Folks (Westbound) NO DEPOSIT, NO RETURN Your Love Is My Love (Philips) THE ELECTRIC TOMORROW Sugar Cube (World Pacific) MADELINE BELL Doing Things Together With You (Philips) MOUTH & MACNEAL How Do You Do (Decca) THE BEACH BOYS Hey Little Tomboy (Brother) CHUCK BERRY Club Nitty Gritty (Mercury) GENE THOMAS Sometimes (United Artists) BILLY VAUGHN Song Of The Nairobi Trio (Dot) JULY The Way (Essex)
THE DRIFTERS Chains Of Love (Atlantic) SIMTEC & WYLIE Gotta Get Over The Hump (Mister Chand) THE SWINGIN' MEDALLIONS She Drives Me Out Of My Mind (Mercury) HERB ALBERT & THE T.J.B. Fox Hunt (A&M) NICK LOWE Halfway To Paradise (Stiff) THE CRYSTALS Uptown (Philles) THE KINKS Days (Pye) CLIFFORD CURRY She Shot A Hole In My Soul (Elf) TOM JONES Help Yourself (Decca) LALO SCHIFRIN Theme From The Master Gunfighter (BJR) THE ROLLING STONES Street Fighting Man (London)
THE WHO Wasp Man (Decca) THE EASYBEATS Lay Me Down & Die (United Artists) THE SHOWMEN 39-21-46 (Minit) THE GOLDEN BOND Mean, Mean World (De Luxe) THE ELECTRIC PRUNES Are You Lovin' Me More (Reprise) NEW COLONY SIX At The River's Edge (Centaur) THE POLLYWOGS Cool & Cozy (Cub) CAPTAIN BEEFHEART & HIS MAGIC BAND Abba Zaba (Sundazed) P.J. PROBY Niki Hoeky (Liberty) SMOKEY ROBINSON & THE MIRACLES Come Spy With Me (Tamla) NEW COLONY SIX Come And Give Your Love To Me (Mercury) BLONDIE Rifle Range (Chrysalis) UNIT FOUR PLUS TWO Concrete & Clay (London) THE EVERLY BROTHERS You're My Girl (Warner Bros) IAN WHITCOMB The End (Tower) BLUES MAGOOS There She Goes (Mercury) FRANKIE VALLI & THE 4 SEASONS She Gives Me Light (Philips) THE SAPPHIRES Who Do You Love (Swan) SONNY CHARLES & THE CHEKMATES, LTD Lazy Susan (A&M) BILLY STEWART Cross My Heart (Chess) SHADOWS OF KNIGHT Someone Like Me (Dunwich)
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