#Respect Taeyong
sinisxtea · 2 months
round 2
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33 notes · View notes
bandzboy · 12 days
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8 notes · View notes
lebrookestore · 2 years
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˗ˏˋ happy birthday bubu! ´ˎ˗
— july 1st<3
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#a severe inundation of unwanted jeno content on my dash because I’m still mad @ him over the Hyuck thing#& I get more mad by the fact that so many people are brushing it off & NOT being mad about it or at least peeved??#idk how to explain it#their indifference strengthens my negative emotions#hmm.#Haechan#it’s also annoying bc it’s never fun to feel disillusionment w/ a group you’re into while they’re about to drop an album >:/#I want to enjoy but I can’t just erase it#fuck sm#& why would they even air that clip??#for ignoring the fandoms demand for a statement. even if they don’t make jn do it they should have made one saying SOMETHING#this & the news of the tour resuming in January knowing it’ll tire him & mark tF out like. this company has no respect for him#none for mark or Taeyong either (they e been exceptionally petty towards Ty for over a year now but subtle enough that only ppl who pay#& then the fact that it isn’t a first offense#attn would notice. ask a Tyongf on czennie twt.)#like all the EOY ceremonies award shows music program performances content filming & I think they’re preparing for 127 repkg since word on#the street is that they shelves it to give Dream a winter album. I also think it’s got to do w/ the fact that we made clear we’re boycotting#it. maybe they think we’ll calm down & change our mind…we are calm now but that doesn’t me we forgot the principle of the matter.#but that’s besides the point#then when ppl say things abt jeno in retaliation & u wanna be defensive but u realize that tihey’re…kinda right. it breaks the rosy glasses#which doesn’t help#/end rant
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smileysuh · 10 months
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🌙 staring. Jaehyun x afab!Reader
🔮 preview. You feel like a chew toy caught between two rottweilers, and it kills you to give Jaehyun one last look before turning your back on him, following your brother to his car. Jaehyun is watching you as you get in, and when you close the door, you let out a deep breath you hadn’t realized you were holding. “I know, what a killer race,” Johnny grins, starting his engine. “Could have been better though, he could have actually died.”
tw/cw. car crash/injury, Johnny maybe slightly tried to kill Jaehyun, illegal street racing, protected sex, dry humping, blowjob, hand job, pining, praise, slow sex, slight wrist restraint, admitting you love someone while balls deep, sweet dirty talk, hair pulling, etc… I pet names: (hers) Lil Suh, baby.
👹 rating.18+ explicit I wc. 6.7k
🍭 aus. street racer!Jaehyun, star-crossed lovers, secret relationship, step-brother!Johnny, etc…
☀️ mlist + an. I watched the new Fast and Furious movie a few months ago and this is the outcome
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For something that’s supposed to be illegal, street races are big events. Under the cover of darkness, with the moon high in the sky, it almost feels like you’re at an outdoor party. The pavement is covered in people, and they part like the red sea as your cars slowly dive through, coming to a stop just near the starting line.
“Chin up, Lil Suh,” you step brother’s best friend says, nudging you while people begin to swarm Johnny’s racing car in front of you. “Nothings going to happen to him.”
No one is as confident in Johnny as Donghyuck is, although, it’s not Johnny you’re worried about.
Things have been coming to a head lately between your stepbrother and his supposed ‘arch nemesis,’ a new racer on the scene by the name of Jeong Jaehyun. The past three street races have been inceasingly dangerous, with the two often battling for first even as they rushed over the finish line. Jaehyun had even beaten your stepbrother two weeks ago, and Johnny hasn’t been able to get over the loss, his first in over a year and a half.
You have knots in your stomach, and a sneaking suspicion that something bad is about to happen. To make matters worse, you have a vested interest in both of the street racers. Johnny is family - even if he’s not blood - but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t care about Jaehyun too.
You hadn’t meant to find yourself in a secret fuck buddy style relationship with a racer, let alone your brother’s nemesis… it had just sort of happened, and now, you’re realizing the true depths of the consequences. 
Getting out of Donghyuck’s car, you watch Johnny move to sit on the hood of his own racer, girls swarming him and running their hands over his fresh paint job. The purple underlights always gained Johnny attention, and they’d been his signature colour… until Jaehyun had arrived onto the scene with a similar aesthetic.
“How many other racers are here?” you ask, tucking close to Donghyuck while he guides you to your brother. 
“I think I saw Taeyong’s car when we drove up,” your brother’s best friend notes, although, with so many people swarming, it’s hard to get a real count just yet. 
Besides, Taeyong’s not who you care about. 
Jaehyun’s always had impeccable timing, too impeccable for your brother’s liking, and a familiar rumble in the periphery draws your attention. The swarm begins to part, and Jaehyun’s car slowly rolls up, coming to a stop right next to Johnny’s.
Your brother’s expression had gone from a smile to a scowl, and he watches his nemesis exit the drivers seat. To Jaehyun’s credit, he always nods at your brother. You’ve never been able to ascertain if it’s out of respect for Johnny’s reputation, or due to Jaehyun being a genuinely nice guy, and the time you spend with Jaehyun is always filled with more pleasurable things than questions of intention. 
The car that pulls up behind Jaehyun’s belongs to his own right hand man, a mechanic by the name of Kim Jungwoo. With shiny bleached white hair, and a smile big enough to light up his entire face, the street puppy always draws attention to himself, even though he’s not a racer. 
Jaehyun might not have the liberty to lock eyes with you, but Jungwoo does, and it’s been clear to you for a while now that he knows about what you and Jaehyun get up to behind closed doors. Jungwoo even has the nerve to flash you a wink before going to join Jaehyun on the hood of his car, and the motion isn’t lost on Donghyuck.
“Hate that dude,” your brother’s best friend says under his breath.
“He seems okay,” you sigh, and it’s the most you can defend the street puppy. 
You notice a small man running around, and he leans close to whisper something in Johnny’s ear. Taeil is one of the organizers, whatever that entails, and you’ve always thought it odd that the quiet, well mannered man would even be a part in any of this, let alone one of the people calling the shots.
“Yo, yo, yo! How we doin tonight?!” A loud voice booms through a few speakers placed along the street, and Mark Lee’s familiar way of speaking draws all eyes as the Canadian moves to stand in the bed of his own flashy green truck while everyone cheers.
He doesn’t race anymore, one bad accident had turned him off of the streets for good, but he’s one of the best announcers you’ve ever witnessed, with a talent for rallying the crowd and getting energy flowing.
“I’m gonna need all the racers to move to the finish line, that means you, Doyoung,” Mark grins, and you’ll never cease to enjoy the beef Mark has with the man with red underlights. 
Taeyong, who had also not been in proper place, begins to roll up to stop next to Johnny, although, he never gets an earful like his friend Doyoung. 
“We’re in for a big race tonight, everyone,” Mark announces. “In pink, we have our very own Mister Lee Taeyong!” The crowd cheers. “And in red, as always, Doyoung Kim- boo!” Mark’s the only one booing, and he’s also butchered Doyoung’s name, which always make the racer’s skin flash the colour of his car. “In purple, we’ve got the man of the evening, the winner of our last race, Jeong Jaehyun!” The crowd roars, and you feel the vibration in your very bones. “And last, but certainly not least, also in purple - you should really trademark that, dude - we have the previously undefeated, the one, the only, Mister John J Suh!” 
If Jaehyun’s cheers had been a roar, Johnny’s are like rolling thunder, and he stands proudly next to his car, waving to his adoring fans before leaning down to enter his vehicle.
“Looks like our guys are eager to get this race started, and they can’t be the only ones, lets hear it for our drivers!” 
The good thing about being in a run down industrial section of the city, is that there are no neighbours to bother with the deafening sounds. You can be as loud as you want, and you cheer along with the crowd, which begins to move away from the cars as their drivers start their engines.
“We’ve all been here before,” Mark says. “We know this track. But for those of you who are new… ask a friend because I will not be explaining the route.” No one has ever called Mark particularly thorough in his announcements, but he’s comical at least, and many people chuckle. 
“So what do you say everyone, should we get this show started?!” 
As the crowd erupts, you notice a familiar shorty rushing up to you. 
“Our usual starting girl is out with a cold, but I know just the substitute,” Mark says in the periphery of your mind, and Taeil shoves a flag into your hand, grabbing your arm to drag you forward. “Lets all give a big round of applause for Johnny’s sister, Lil motherfucking Suh!”
You hate this. You hate it so much. 
This isn’t the first time they’ve made you start the race on short notice, and you’d told them never to make you do it again- but somehow, you find yourself being lifted into the bed of Mark’s truck, Hyuck following close behind you. The vehicle is positioned about fifteen meters in front of the starting line, and once you throw the flag, it will lurch into motion, speeding ahead of the cars and giving those of you in the bed the perfect view of the race.
It can be a dodgy position to be in, as one bump can throw you, Mark, or his posse out of the truck- you’d heard about it happening once.
“What do you say, Lil Suh?” Mark pulls you back to his chest, securing an arm around your waist, the only true anchor you’ll have once this begins. “Are you ready to see some real action?”
He holds the mic in front of you, and you find your gaze shifting to Jaehyun’s car as you take a deep breath. There are certain expectations of a flag girl, and you’re a legacy here. You’ll be damned if you don’t make it a show, even if this was unexpected.
“Tonight, our city's best racers are here to fight for number one,” you announce, before focusing in on the drivers revving their engines, as is custom. “It’s up to you four to prove yourselves. Be fast. Be safe. And no matter what happens, don’t fucking lose! Get ready, racers!” You hold the flag above your head, throwing it into the air as you scream “Go!” 
The truck lurches into action, and Mark pulls you tight against his chest, laughing loudly in your ear as you all speed off down the street track. The wind whips through your hair, and Hyuck’s screaming loudly next to you, one hand in the air while he holds on with the other.
It is exhilarating to be in the truck, to be ahead of the cars struggling for first position. It’s the clearest view of the race- but it’s also not where you wanted to be tonight. Johnny’s already being aggressive in his driving, giving Jaehyun little space, and your stomach turns again. 
The cars are quickly gaining on you, and you feel Mark reach back, smacking his hand on the top of the truck to tell the driver to go faster. You let out a squeal of delight, grabbing onto Hyuck when your vehicle lurches forward again, the driver flooring it while pulling slightly off to the side in preparation for the cars to pass.
Maybe you’re overreacting about this, maybe this race will be okay-
Johnny makes a sudden swerve, clipping Jaehyun’s car despite your secret fuck buddy’s attempt to avoid it. Just like that, Jaehyun is skidding, and your heart stops in your chest. At speeds like this, even a touch can send you spiraling, and that’s exactly what happens to Jaehyun. 
“Fuck!” Mark says loudly beside you, immediately pulling a red flag out of his pocket, and you all wait to see what will happen next-
Doyoung had been right on Jaehyun’s tail, and the sudden speed change has him barreling into Jaehyun’s back, lifting the car and causing it to flip upside down- miraculously, Jaehyun lands back on his tires, but both he and Doyoung clip a shopping cart that had been just to the side of the makeshift track.
Wheels skid loudly, a screeching sound that sets your teeth on edge, and both cars come to a skittering halt on the side of the road, with Jaehyun half up on the sidewalk. 
The truck slows down, but both Johnny and Taeyong go speeding past, obviously intent on finishing the race despite the collision. 
You don’t care about winners, you only care about Jaehyun, and you’re hopping out of the bed of the truck before it’s even at a full stop. 
You stumble on the pavement, but as soon as you’re steady, you take off running. 
The sound of your heart is practically deafening as you run the fifty meters to the crash, and you go right past Doyoung, jumping up onto the curb next to Jaehyun’s car to look inside. “Jae!” you scream.
“Shh, Lil Suh,” he groans, reaching for the door handle. He looks a little roughed up, and his lip is bleeding- “I’m okay,” he tries to assure you, but he’s obviously winded as he stands from the car, leaning on the door while you rush to support him under his other arm. 
“Jae,” you say his name again, hand on his abdomen as you hold him up. 
“That fucking brother of yours!” comes Doyoung’s familiar screaming, as he also exits his car, coming around the front to assess the damages.
“Don’t yell at her,” Jaehyun states, straightening a little even as he leans back against his vehicle.
“Since when were you two so fucking chummy?” Doyoung rages, skin a classic tint of red.
“Woah, woah, woah-” Mark has finally arrived on the scene, and he also side steps Doyoung, coming straight for you and Jaehyun. “Dude, are you okay?!”
Hyuck’s behind Mark, and he’s watching you with narrowed eyes as he moves to stand by the red racer, not saying a word. 
You swallow thickly, knowing you should let go of Jaehyun- that if you continue to support him like this, Hyuck will most definitely mention it to Johnny- but you can’t bring yourself to pull away from the street racer, so you force your gaze from Hyuck.
“He clipped me,” Jaehyun says. “John clipped me.”
“Yeah, he fucked you big time, dude,” Mark agrees, and you hear the approach of cars. 
Within eyeshot of the starting line, the mechanics there must have seen the crash, and you recougnize Yuta and Jungwoo’s cars as they pull to a stop a few feet away.
“Jae!” Jungwoo bellows, running over to replace Mark on Jaehyun’s other side. “Are you alright?!”
“I’m fine,” Jaehyun tries to brush it off, but he winces a little under Jungwoo’s grip.
“Your car is fucked, man,” Yuta muses, walking around Jaehyun’s vehicle and eying the damages. 
“That’s really not what he needs to hear right now,” you shoot at the Japanese mechanic who has no bedside manner whatsoever. He holds his hands up in defeat, stepping back.
“The race didn’t even stop-” Jungwoo breathes.
“Johnny wanted to win,” Doyoung states, crossing his arms over his chest and eying Hyuck. “Your boyfriend did this on purpose.”
“Woah, now,” Hyuck laughs. “I get all the pussy dude- how many times do I have to tell you I’m not dating Johnny-”
The two begin to fight, and you ignore it, helping Jaehyun to Jungwoo’s car. The mechanic does most of the heavy lifting as he supports Jaehyun get into the front seat. Then you turn to walk back to Yuta, lowering your voice. “Can you fix his car?”
“I mean…” Yuta sighs, cocking his head to the side. “Sure, I can fix it.”
“Then fix it,” you state, motioning to the tow truck he’d driven up in. “Take it back to your shop, I don’t want to look at it anymore.”
“Shouldn’t I be dealing with Jae on this?” Yuta eyes you suspiciously. “Since when were you two so close, Lil Suh?”
“Just do it, Yuta.” You reach out to touch his arm gently. “Please.”
Jungwoo arrives behind you. “Tow it to my garage,” he instructs. “If we both work on this, we can have it fixed in no time.”
“We gotta get to the finish line,” Mark announces, already on the way to his truck.
“Yes, we do,” Doyoung agrees, and you can see his hand balled into a fist. 
When you look to Jungwoo’s car, Jaehyun returns your longing gaze, but you know that if you drive with him and his friend, it will be as good as announcing to your brother that your allegiance has changed.
With a deep sigh, you follow Hyuck and Doyoung to Mark’s truck, taking your spot in the bed. 
The finish line is only a short drive away, especially with all your drivers flooring it, and it’s hard not to look at Jaehyun and Jungwoo as they drive behind you.
“What happened back there?” Hyuck asks, pulling you to his chest.
“What do you mean?”
“You know what I mean,” he says firmly. “You and Jae.”
The words that come out of your mouth next are painful, and they’re only half a lie, “There is no me and Jae.”
Hyuck studies your face. “There better not be.”
Despite the crash that had occured, most of the crowd seems to be in happy spirits as they gather around the finish line. They move out of the way as Mark’s truck pulls up, and he takes out a green flag, ready to declare the winner.
Two cars come barelling around a turn, moving into another long stretch just before the finish. It’s a flash of pink and purple, but there’s a clear victor, and it’s not even much of a battle as Johnny comes racing over the finish line.
Everybody erupts into cheers, everybody except you. You can’t find your voice, you can only clap while Johnny does a victory donut or two before returning to the finish line where the racers are. 
He gets out of his car with a massive grin, and Doyoung hops out of the truck-
Hyuck stops him, holding Doyoung tight while he rages in his arms. “Let me at him!” Doyoung bellows, but your brother’s right hand man knows better than to allow Doyoung to rain on Johnny’s winner parade.
Jaehyun’s right hand man, however, knows no such restraint, and you watch Jaehyun approach your brother, the crowd parting to let him through.
“Fuck, shit, fuck-” Mark cusses next to you, leaping out of the truck while you follow.
“You clipped me,” Jaehyun states, hands balled into a fists at his side.
“That’s part of racing,” Johnny brushes it off.
“Maybe part of your racing,” Jaehyun growls, “But not all of us are suicidal maniacs like you!”
“Every driver is a suicidal maniac, it’s part of the fucking job.” Your brother rolls his eyes.
Then Jaehyun is grabbing the front of Johnny’s shirt, and the taller of the two is looking down at him with a grin. 
Jaehyun is seething. “If I’d had known we could play dirty like that, I would have knocked you on your ass during our last race!” 
Johnny leans closer to the angry racer. “I’d like to see you try.”
Jaehyun pulls his fist back, and you know exactly what he’s about to do. You find yourself jumping between them before you can even think about it, pushing Johnny back. “Jae, don’t.”
His motion stops, and he looks from you to your brother, swallowing thickly. His hand drops to his side, and Johnny lets out a loud laugh. You see the effect it has on Jaehyun, can see his skin reddening with anger. 
You feel horrible about this. About all of it. 
“I’d like to stay and chat,” Johnny says, “but I’ve got an after party to go to. Winners only. Come on, Lil Suh, I’ll take you on a victory lap.”
You feel like a chew toy caught between two rottweilers, and it kills you to give Jaehyun one last look before turning your back on him, following your brother to his car.
Jaehyun is watching you as you get in, and when you close the door, you let out a deep breath you hadn’t realized you were holding.
“I know, what a killer race,” Johnny grins, starting his engine. “Could have been better though, he could have actually died.”
“Is that what you were aiming for, John?” You grab onto the door handle, digging your nails against it to stop yourself from acting out.
“Not particularly. I saw the opportunity to take two birds out with one stone, so I did.” He assesses you out of the corner of his eye. “That doesn’t bother you, does it, Lil Suh?”
“No,” you lie through gritted teeth as the car speeds off to do a victory lap. “I’m not bothered at all.”
“Good, now sit back, and let me show you why us Suh’s are winners in this city.”
You usually like speeding with your brother, he’s a daring driver, and the way he drifts on sharp turns has always been something that brought you delight. But tonight, you can’t find it in yourself to laugh, even while he rolls down his window to let out a howl of victory into the night air.
Your phone buzzes in your pocket and you pull it out, skimming the pseudonym contact name you use for Jaehyun. ‘Slip away from the party. Same place as usual. Be there. Please.’
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It had been a little difficult to escape both Johnny and Hyuck from the afterparty, with the latter of the two even catching you just as you slipped outside. Hyuck had been smoking, leaning against the wall, and he’d stopped you as you’d rushed past.
“Where are you off to?” He’d asked.
You’d used the only lie you could think of, telling him, “My friend just got dumped, she needs me.”
Hyuck hadn’t asked anymore questions, and now, you’re arriving at the motel you and Jae use as a meeting point. The lobby boy nods at you as you walk past. “He’s in room thirteen.”
“Thanks,” you mutter, tossing him a five dollar bill from your pocket and taking the staircase two at a time to reach the second level. You don’t even bother to knock on Jaehyun’s door, you never do, you simply slip inside, locking it behind you.
He’s sitting on the edge of the bed, and with his shirt off, you can see the full extent of the crash. His ribcage has a nasty bruise, which is visible under the ice pack he’s holding to his skin, and your heart breaks for him.
“Jae,” you whisper, sinking to your knees in front of him to assess the damage. “You need to go to the hospital-”
“And tell them what?” he sighs. “That I got in a car crash? Come on, we both know that could never work. I’m fine.”
You reach for the ice pack. “There could be internal bleeding-”
“Baby,” he catches your wrist, “I said I’m fine.” 
You look up into his dark eyes, and you take a shuddery breath. “I’m sorry.”
“What are you sorry for?” Jaehyun cocks his head to the side, brows furrowing. 
“Everything-” you swallow thickly. “I’m sorry for the crash, and for getting between you and Johnny, and for going to that stupid after party with him-”
“He knows.”
“Johnny,” Jaehyun says. “He knows about us.”
“He doesn’t know-” you shake your head.
“He does,” the racer insists. “Everyone knows, especially now. Hyuck will tell him about the way you ran to me after the crash. He’s not stupid. He’s gonna know, baby.”
“No one knows,” you say again, but your voice is a whisper now.
“They all do,” Jaehyun tells you. “They see it in the way we look at each other.”
You stand up, gazing down at the beautiful street racer who you never should have even entertained, let alone slept with- “How do we look at eachother?” 
Jaehyun licks his lips, tugging at your shirt. “Like two people who want to rip eachothers clothes off.”
“Is that all?” you tease, lifting your shirt up and over your head so his hands can make full contact with your waist, pulling you closer.
“Like two people who care about each other,” he clarifies, voice near a whisper. “I told you, everyone saw the way you ran to my car when it flipped-”
“I was worried about you,” you insist.
The beautiful racer smiles. “Are you finally going to admit you’re hopelessly in love with me, Lil Suh?”
You scoff. “You wish, Jeong Jaehyun.”
Before he can give you a snappy comeback, you grab his face, pressing your mouth to his gently. He has a busted lip, and he groans, fingers tightening on your waist to tug you closer.
Your knees find the bed on either side of his hips, and Jaehyun lets out another moan of pain as you lay him down against the mattress.
 “Are you sure we should be fucking while you’re in this condition?” you ask, pressing kisses to his throat.
“We’re not fucking,” he says, applying pressure to  your waist that prompts you to grind down against him, feeling the erection in his pants.
“We’re not?” you laugh. “Then what are we doing?”
“Tonight, as cheesy as this sounds,” Jaehyun sighs, “we’re not fucking, we’re making love. And don’t-” he cuts you off before you can speak. “Don’t try to deny it. We both know there’s something here. Something between us. You might still be too afraid to admit it, but I’m not. Not after that crash.”
Who knew a near death experience would make a street racer so sentimental… but you’re not complaining. 
You look down at Jaehyun, and he stares back. You’re not sure what to say, so you say nothing, instead, you kiss him again, hoping that the motion speaks louder than words.
You’re doing your best to be gentle with him, but Jaehyun has always brought a side out of you that’s anything but gentle. These soft kisses are nice though, and he takes your breath away as easily as ever.
Your hands are on either side of the bed next to his head, and you’re trying not to lean on his bruised chest. The ice pack is pressed between your bodies, and the cold sensation is interesting in contrast to his hot lips and the hands that prompt your hips to continue your grinding against him.
Even while your lower halves are both clothed, it feels good to be rubbing against him, to feel how hard he gets from just a bit of kissing. He’s right that there’s something going on between the two of you, something undeniable.
You care about him, more than you ever thought you would. 
Your hand slips between your bodies and you cup his cock, making him moan. “Fuck, baby, you feel so good,” he whispers, tangling a hand through your hair so he can pull your head slightly to the side, gaining access to your throat.
“I want to take your pants off,” you tell him, already beginning to get frustrated by his jeans. 
“Then take them off,” he says simply. “I’m all yours.”
You sit up, gazing down at your brother’s bruised mortal enemy… and then, you begin to work on his belt. 
He watches you silently, and when you slip to the floor, tugging his clothes off, he lifts his hips to make it easier. 
Usually, things with Jaehyun are somewhat rushed, but tonight, you want to give him all your time and attention. He deserves it - after your brother ran him off the road - and his cock looks so pretty in the shitty motel light.
“You don’t have to-” he begins to tell you, but you cut him off.
“I want to,” your hand finds the base of his cock, and you trace your thumb up the vein that runs along the underside of it. “Just relax for me, Jae. I want this.” 
He lets out a shaky breath, but does as you ask, leaning back against the mattress while you bring your mouth to his cock. You start by licking the tip, and your featherlight touch is enough to have him groaning, grabbing at the bed sheets.
He’s so sensitive with you, and you love it. 
It makes teasing him all the more fun, and you continue your small motions, wrapping your mouth around the head while you stroke his length. You swirl your tongue, suckling and earning more reactions from the pretty, bruised man, who’s completely at your mercy.
“Please,” he groans, and that’s all you need to sink your mouth further onto his cock, bobbing your head gently. 
One of his hands comes down to stroke your hair, and his touch makes you want to please him even more. He’s being as gentle with you as you are with him, and you’re not the one all banged up from a crash.
Your drool is dripping on his length, making it easier to stroke him, and you apply a bit more pressure. Jaehyun gasps, hips twitching, and you close your eyes to enjoy the feeling of pleasuring him.
Your pussy is throbbing between your legs, and after you’re done working him up like this, you can’t wait to ride him. It’s not often that you’re on top with Jae, but if there’s ever a night for it, it’s tonight.
“So good, baby,” Jaehyun moans. “So good for me.”
His praise has you sucking harder on his cock, and he lets out more sounds of pleasure that go straight to your core.
You continue to work him up with your hand, taking as much of him into your mouth as you can while he struggles below you. He’s gripping the sheets, hard, and you can tell it’s taking a lot of willpower for him not to thrust up and meet you- but Jaehyun’s never been the type for making you choke on his cock, and you realize now that maybe he has cared about you all this time.
As rough as he’s been with you in the past, it’s always been because you were begging for it, and even then, he’s kept a gentleness in his actions-
You do love Jeong Jaehyun, and it’s almost comical that you realize it while your mouth is stuffed full of his cock.
You pull off of him, your hand stroking his shaft while you take a breath. “I need you inside of me,” you tell him.
“No more waiting,” he agrees.
You let go of him, standing up and reaching into your back pocket for a condom before taking off your pants and underwear. “Can you move up the bed a little for me, Jae?”
“Yeah,” he shuffles up the mattress, watching you discard your bra. You’re fully naked for him now, and you straddle his legs, tearing open the condom package and rolling the rubber onto his cock.
Then you lean over Jaehyun, kissing him gently, grabbing him with one hand and guiding him to your core. You sink down slowly, and you moan into each others mouths while he tangles his fingers in your hair, keeping your lips on his. 
Actions most definitely speak louder than words, and the kiss is one that has you even more breathless than before. It’s not like any other kisses you’ve shared with the street racer. This one truly means something, and your pussy flutters just thinking about it.
Jaehyun groans, one hand moving to your hip, and you take it as a sign to move. You begin to bounce on him slowly, revelling in the feeling of his cock filling you up just right.
It’s interesting to be on top, to be the one in control, and Jaehyun lets you have free range in your motions. The hand on your hip isn’t insistent, he doesn’t prompt you to go harder or faster-
Maybe the slowness of it, the deliberate movements, are part of what makes this an act of love, not just fucking. 
It’s not hard, or fast, or rough, but it’s still making your toes curl as you ride him, your lips locked in a passionate kiss. “Jae,” you groan, thighs beginning to burn-
He reads you like the back of his hand, and in one motion, he’s rolling you onto your back. Jaehyun lets out a small wince, and you immediately double check him, cupping his face while he slides the ice pack onto the bed next to you. “Maybe I should stay on top-”
“No,” he shakes his head, “I’m okay. It’s my turn to want something.”
“Yeah?” you smile up at him. “And what is it that you want?” 
“I want to make you feel good,” he says, leaning down to kiss your throat, his noze nuzzling your skin. “Want to take care of you. Want to make you cum.”
You whimper at his words, gently wrapping your legs around his hips while he begins to thrust into you. 
“Put your hands above your head for me, baby,” he instructs.
You follow through, and he captures your wrists against his palm, pinning them to the bed. 
For someone who’s just been in a crash, his motions are still quite fluid and rhythmic. His lips continue against your neck, and you gasp when he suckles on your sweet spot.
“If-” you swallow thickly, “If it hurts, let me know.”
“Oh, baby,” Jaehyun smiles against your skin, “Love always hurts. I’m not going to start complaining about it now.”
The word ‘love’ makes you tingle with emotion, and you gasp as he begins to fuck you harder, pressing you against the bed. 
“Can you rub your clit for me, baby? Your mouth felt so good, and I don’t think I can last that much longer,” he admits. 
He lets go of your wrists and without a word of protest, you slip your hand between your bodies, seeking out your most sensitive spot. You release a loud groan at the contact, pussy clenching around his cock, which earns a moan from the man above you.
“Jae,” you whisper, loving the taste of his name on your lips. “You’re so good to me-”
“You deserve it,” he assures you, a hand coming down to your hip, pinning you exactly where he wants you while you work yourselves closer and closer to the edge. 
He’s fucking you harder now, but it still feels like making love, and your free hand reaches to tangle in his hair, pulling him from your throat so you can feel his lips on yours again.
You love the way you’re both moaning freely now, and his sounds only add to your pleasure. 
“I’m close,” you tell him, dragging your tongue across his lip and earning a loud groan. 
“Me too,” he breathes heavily. “You feel so good-”
“Just what the doctor ordered,” you joke, and Jaehyun lets out a small laugh.
“Exactly,” he agrees. “Sex with the love of your life daily, for a week, think you can handle that?”
“Jae,” you whisper. “I’m the love of your life?”
“I’d like to think so.” 
He’s being so soft, so vulnerable, and you wonder how long he’s been thinking about this. 
In your relationships, you’ve always been the first one to say ‘I love you,’ the first one to be in your feels- and now you know what it’s like to be on the other side of that. He’s confident in you, confident in your connection, and it makes your heart swell in your chest.
“I love you too,” you confess, and it feels so right- none of your other love confessions in life have ever felt like this, and you know it must be true.
Jaehyun groans loudly. “I’m gonna cum, baby, you really know how to sweet talk a guy-”
“I’m gonna cum too,” you tell him, gasping against his lips while you rub your clit harder. 
“Cum with me, baby,” Jaehyun says softly, kissing you while you both reach your highs.
Your pussy clenches tightly around his cock, and you moan loudly together, tongues dancing while your bodies move fluidly, like they were made to move. 
Nothing has ever felt this natural, and your orgasm is all consuming because of it.
Your entire body is tingling with emotion and pleasure, and you can feel that the racer has goosebumps, letting out a small shiver while he fucks you through it. 
It’s as if he’s the very air you need to breathe, and you’ve been deprived for so long- there’s a clarity with him, and everything is all the more intense because of it.
Jaehyun groans as you both come down from your highs, and his motions slowly come to a stop, until he’s simply laying on top of you, lips still pressed to your own.
You kiss for a while more, fingers moving away from your clit so you can tangle both hands in his soft hair, keeping him where he is.
“Stay here tonight,” Jaehyun whispers, pulling away from you to look down at your face.
“Stay here?” you repeat.
“Yeah, stay with me. Please.”
You’ve never slept over with him, never passed out after sex in his arms-
“Okay,” you nod.
“I’m just going to get rid of this condom, and then we can cuddle or something,” he says, in a way that’s almost shy. 
You watch him, endeared as he disposes the condom and returns to join you, slipping under the covers and holding out his arms expectantly. You move closer, careful about his injured ribs, and you rest your head against his shoulder while he pets your hair.
“I’m going to tell Johnny,” you say. 
“Uh huh,” you nod, feeling very confident with your decision. “You just told me you think I’m the love of your life, Jae. We’ve already been hiding this for months, and I don’t want to hide anymore.”
“I don’t want to hide either,” he agrees. 
“So it’s settled,” you smile. “I’ll tell Johnny, and he’ll just have to deal with it.”
“I can’t believe we’re finally doing this,” Jaehyun admits. “I thought about it so many times, but I always figured you’d want to keep it a secret from your brother. That guy has some anger issues.”
“Says the dude that tried to punch him today.”
“After he hit me with his car,” Jaehyun points out.
“You have me there,” you concede with a laugh. 
“I love you, Lil Suh,” he says suddenly, and it makes you hold him tighter, tucking your face against his shoulder.
“I love you too…” you put on your Mark’s announcer voice, “the man of the evening, the winner of the last race-”
“I lost the last race,” Jaehyun points out.
“Not to me,” you tell him. “Tonight, I think we’re both winners.”
Jaehyun laughs. “You have me there.” 
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Johnny stares at you in shock. “Sorry, I must have heard you wrong,” he laughs finally, “it just sounded like you told me you’re dating my arch nemesis.”
“Do I have to say it again?” you sigh.
Your brother’s smile drops. “You can’t be serious, Lil Suh.”
“I am though,” you say firmly. “I’m dating Jeong Jaehyun.”
“Don’t you know how dangerous it is to date street racers?” Johnny stands up abruptly. “They die all the time!”
“Not if you stop trying to kill him!” you shoot back. “Jeez, John, you act as if you’ve never had a girlfriend yourself.”
“I don’t date street racers,” Johnny says, refusing to see the parallel. 
“You know, all things considered,” you sigh, “you’re taking this much better than I thought you would.”
“Hyuck warned me this was going on,” Johnny cocks his head to the side. “Said you were the first person rushing to help Jae after the crash. I guess I’ve been processing it all weekend.”
“So you’re okay with me dating your supposed mortal enemy?” 
“I never said I’m okay with it,” Johnny points out. “Look, do I hate the guy? Yes. Is that hate founded on jealousy that he might one day be better than me in a car? Also yes. I just figure, if you’re dating him, you can convince him to get Yuta to change his underlights so they’re not purple anymore.”
“So that’s it?” you ask in shock. “That’s your condition in him dating me? That he changes his light colour?!”
“We all know purple is my aesthetic.” 
“Done, I’ll let him know right away.”
“You think he’s actually gonna change the colour?”
“Of course he’s going to change the colour, this guy loves me, Johnny-”
Your brother blinks at you. “He does?”
“Yeah,” you nod, swallowing thickly.
“And you love him?”
You nod again, looking down.
“Then I’m happy for you, Lil Suh.” Johnny reaches out, setting a hand on your shoulder. “Just promise not to bring any Lil Jeong’s into the world anytime soon, yeah?”
You find yourself laughing, shaking your head at your stupid older brother. “I promise.”
“Good, because if he knocked you up, I’d really start to have problems, even if he does change his car colours.” Johnny assesses you. “You remember what mom always said about condoms-”
“Oh my god!” you scream. “Yes, Johnny! We’re being safe! Holy shit- this conversation is so over-”
“I wouldn’t be doing my brotherly duties if I didn’t make you grossed out. Think of me making that condom comment every time you sleep with him.” 
You’re quick to rush from the room, yelling back, “That doesn’t make things any better!” But you can’t help the smile on your face- you can’t believe that he’s okay with this, that he didn’t punch a hole through a wall-
You think about what Johnny had said, about the jealousy of another driver who could take him on.
Maybe after all of this, they might even be friends. Or, maybe more likely, you’ve simply watched too many Fast and Furious movies. 
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☀️ mlist + an. thank you for reading! There's just something about this Jae- I had so much fun writing this fic
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🔮 preview. Jaehyun presses one last kiss to your lips, grinning all the while. Then, when he pulls back, he flattens his hand over your mouth. “If you need me to let up,” he says, leaning forward so he can drag his tongue over the shell of your ear, “just lick my hand. Got it baby?” You nod, already enjoying the feeling of being held down with a hand over your mouth. You really can’t believe you’re doing this in your childhood bedroom with your stepmom sleeping just down the hall- But at the same time, if there was ever a man who would convince you to fuck inhibition and do this, it would be Jaehyun. He just has a hold over you, and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t love it.
cw/ tw. Unprotected/raw sex, sex while her mom sleeps down the hall, inklings of impreg/cum/being full kink, hand over her mouth, pussy/cock touching, praise, orgasm countdown, mutual orgasm, dry humping, aftercare, etc… I pet names: (hers) baby, angel.
👹 rating. 18+ explicit I wc. 3.3k I teaser wc. 270
🌙 staring. Jaehyun x afab!reader
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It’s the first time Jaehyun is meeting your extended family, at a summer barbecue, and so far, the conversation has stuck to general things like steak preferences and beef versus chicken. However, as you all take your seats at the long outdoor food table, your stepmom finally addresses your boyfriend. 
“So I hear you street race like Johnny,” she muses.
“Yes, ma’am,” Jaehyun nods respectfully. “It’s actually how I met your daughter.”
“I guess good things do come out of it then,” your mom sighs, leaning back in her chair, “and please, call me Myoryon or Mama Suh.” She assesses the way Jaehyun sits close to you, his hand holding yours on top of the table. “You two look good together.”
“Thank you, Mama Suh.” Jaehyun smiles softly. 
“She looks happy,” your stepmother continues. “I’ve never seen her happy like this.”
“Then I guess I’m doing my job right,” Jaehyun gives your hand a small squeeze and Johnny lets out a puking sound.
“I’m going to lose my appetite,” your stepbrother warns.
“I already have,” Hyuck nods, pushing his food away. “Not that your cooking isn’t amazing, Mama Suh.”
“It’s alright,” your mom assures him. “I understand jealousy can upset anyone’s stomach.”
“Jealousy?!” Hyuck bellows, and Johnny lets out a loud laugh.
“When was the last time you brought a girl over?” Mama Suh questions, smiling softly even while digging into your brother’s best friend.
Hyuck sputters, tongue tied.
“And how about you, Johnny?” She turns her gaze to him. “If I remember correctly, you’ve called a few times about some arch nemesis being a better driver than you- I assume this arch nemesis is Jaehyun.”
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ghostofhyuck · 2 months
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NCT Dream when they're dating their co-member's idol!sister! 
AN: I used NCT members as a whole in this one ??? because it's much funnier tbh and the case might be different (I already did Dreamies' sister ver). Also in this scenario, they're supposed to be in a secret relationship but was caught by Dispatch LOL (no NCT Wish yet, I'm sorry! Still haven't get to know them better ><) 
Mark Lee
LMAO. Doyoung wouldn't know how to feel when he learned that you've been dating Mark for YEARS. So the times you went to their dorm wasn't because of him, but because of Mark!?!?!? Plus you were CAUGHT by Dispatch, so that doubled his stress. Unfortunately, your brother loves Mark like a younger brother. So after a hefty interrogation with him, he gives you his blessings and was still bitter that you two hid it from him. He knows that Mark will take good care of you and wouldn't hurt you two. (Mark will be dead if he does so.)
Huang Renjun
Yangyang will feel BETRAYED because Renjun is dating you and he only found out through Dispatch. I mean, that's his best friend and sister! He was surprised that you two were sneaking behind his back, but he'll find it funny and cute, unexpected too because Renjun never shown interest about you. He would probably interrogate you first before dragging Renjun in the scene. Yangyang would probably be chill about it because he trusts Renjun so much, just be prepare for a numerous teasing and pulling the "i'm telling y/n" card on Renjun. 
Lee Jeno
OH it's going to be a tension. Yuta will be SHOCK and the funny thing was that, he was in Japan when he learned about you and Jeno. He probably sent YOU tons of messages and calls while you panic over your relationship being revealed. When you were not answering, Yuta resorted to Jeno who was much calmer than you. Actually, Yuta knows that Jeno's a good kid, he just wants to make sure that you're choosing the right guy, and you did! Jeno was very respectful during the call and even told Yuta that he'll take care of everything. Yuta was in relief but that doesn't excuse him to talk to Jeno personally when he went back to Korea.
Lee Donghyuck
Oh, the first thing Ten will say to Haechan, "are you sure?" he doesn't mind that you two are dating and that you two have been dating for MONTHS. Like the typical teasing brother he was, Ten will ask Haechan if you brainwashed him or something, and you just have to kick him right there. Haechan will find it funny that Ten wasn't mad at all and that he's actually quiet pretty chill, but still, he also want Ten's approval so he made quite a speech about how serious he is about you, and Ten will just whip up a smile and ruffle Haechan's hair.
Na Jaemin
Jungwoo loves Jaemin like a younger brother, so he doesn't know what to feel when he learned that Jaemin's dating you without telling him. And that's been going on for years! He was also worried because you might receive backlash, so he was surprise when you and Jaemin appeared in front of their dorm. It was an hour of serious talk between the two of them and you SWORE that you never saw your brother this serious. As soon as the talk ended, Jungwoo will return to his usual self and ended up asking you two about your love life like a gossipy auntie.
Zhong Chenle
Oh pookie. Johnny loves Chenle so much. Like that's his little brother right there! He'll be pretty chill when he learned that you two are dating but he'll be mad as hell because you two were exposed by Dispatch. He was worried that it might ruin your image so he called you and asked you about it! You assured him that you're fine and things are being settled. Johnny would probably tease you eventually and ask you how you two started dating lol. Catch Johnny calling Chenle, "brother-in-law" whenever the two of them meet. 
Park Jisung
How can Taeyong find out he's in the military. JOKE IM SO SORRY. But the moment Taeyong finds out that you're dating Jisung the first thing he'll think was "damn, both of them have matured." and second, "Fuck Dispatch." JK. Anyways, he would probably try to contact you first. Will ask if you're okay and that he heard the news. You'll apologize to him for hiding it and probably understands why you did it. Then he'll try chatting Jisung about it and will be SURPRISE that Jisung sent a long-ass message about it. That's when he realized that Jisung's genuine about you! He'll be sentimental and think that time flies so fast. 
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ncityprincess · 1 year
pick up the phone, baby
plot: phone sex with boyfriend jaehyun
you tossed your head back and let out a long sigh of frustration. there you were, stark naked and sprawled out in the middle of your large bed. with your man out for the night, it left you feeling lonely and needy. you were trying to find a way to pass some time all alone in your quiet apartment.
it wasn't like this was your first night alone without jaehyun. you and jaehyun always gave each other the space to have your own separate lives and interests outside of the relationship. jaehyun encouraged you to go to brunches and vacations with your friends, and you made it clear that you respect his lifestyle and friendships.
however, you weren't feeling so understanding this particular night.
you kept rubbing at yourself, itching for your climax like madwoman, but it never came. you just couldn't satisfy yourself the way you wanted to. you decided you needed some extra reinforcement and went to go fish for your trusty vibrator, only to find out it was dead. perfect.
why did jaehyun have to have his guys night tonight of all nights…
"fuck it!" you spat out and retrieved your phone from under the thick comforter. it took you no more than five seconds to unlock your phone and call your unsuspecting boyfriend.
jaehyun reached for his phone in his back pocket when he felt it vibrate. Considering the possibility that it could be you calling, he got up from the couch in search of some quiet and privacy. "yo yuta! you can take my turn." jaehyun said as he tossed yuta his controller. yuta merely nodded at him and picked up the controller so he could get ready to play.
jaehyun walked past the kitchen where Johnny and taeyong were making themselves drinks and headed into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. low and behold, it was your beautiful contact photo gracing his lock screen. jaehyun picked up your call with a smile.
"hi my love, everything okay? have you eaten something yet?" jaehyun rambled into the phone like the attentive and sweet boyfriend he was. his innocent line of questioning almost took you out of your horny haze, the whole reason why you had called in the first place.
"hi." was all you said back in an airy tone.
jaehyun scratched his head softly. "um hi, is everything okay?" he repeated curiously.
"how's your little party with the guys going?" you asked in an even tone, mindlessly twirling a strand of your hair.
jaehyun had to admit, he was stumped. this outing wasn't something out of the norm for him. he always got together with his members. whether it was to play video games and order ungodly amounts of takeout, or sing karaoke until sunrise, this was nothing new. he appreciated you seemingly taking interest in how his night was going, but something was off...
"so far so good. we've just been playing the game and hanging out. we actually just ordered some pizza. I can bring you back a few slices if you want? we ordered from that place that we went to a few weeks ago. you know, the one next to the park. Their mozzarella sticks were......uh y/n?" jaehyun paused when he heard your labored breathing on the other end.
what jaehyun didn't know is that you were running your hands up and down your body while he was talking in that sexy husky voice of his. you always had a thing for his deep voice. it brought tingles all over your body. your hands had settled back on your dripping pussy, right where they were before you had called him.
"mm, mhm?" you moaned out, almost not realizing he had called your name. you were so into how good his voice sounded over the phone...
"what are you doing?" jaehyun questioned.
you let out a soft giggle, running a hand through your hair. "I'm laying down in our big bed, all alone and bored." you replied slowly. seductively.
jaehyun got a whiff of your bedroom voice and didn't waste any time letting his mind wander to darker places. he walked back over toward the bathroom door and locked it.
"aww, you poor thing. what's a girl like you gonna do about that boredom, huh?" jaehyun goaded.
his words shot directly to your core, making you speed up your movements on your buzzing clit.
"what am I gonna do about it, or what am I doing about it?" you purred out mischievously.
jaehyun smirked and ran his hand over his jaw. so that's what his girl was doing this whole time. being a little slut.
"oh you naughty girl. that's why you're calling me, huh? can't stand being alone so you need me to talk you through it?"
"I mean if you're offering, yeah I'd like you to talk me through it actually"
jaehyun glanced at the door. the faint sounds of the video game and the guys' intermittent laughter and chatter seemed to mask over what was going on in the bathroom.
or at least he hoped so.
“baby, the guys are right outside the door.” he said with a warning tone. it only made you wetter.
“i don’t care daddy, need you so bad." There it was, the one word that made Jaehyun go insane.
“fuck. you and that slutty fucking mouth of yours…”
“it's your fault. you made me this way.” you sighed out, spreading your legs even wider.
“oh did i?”
“you know you love it when i talk nasty, daddy.”
jaehyun chuckled incredulously and leaned his back against the cold bathroom wall. “you’re something else, you know that y/n?”
“oh just shut up and make me feel good already” you said with a twisted smirk.
jaehyun groaned softly and shoved his hand down his grey sweatpants, ghosting his hand over his stiff dick.
"what are you doing to yourself, darling?"
you bit your lip, excited to tell him every last detail. "I'm grabbing my tits while I rub my pussy. but I really wish it was you doing it."
"yeah? you wish I was home so I could take care of you? touch all over my little baby and make her feel good?" jaehyun spat on his hand and slid it up and down his shaft. holy fuck he couldn't wait to get home to you.
"mhm. I love it when you put your hands all over me. it's not the same without you."
jaehyun felt a tinge of pride in his chest, knowing that he had a beautiful girl waiting for him at home who craved him just as much as he craved her.
"fuck baby. is that pussy ready to be fucked yet? think you can slide a few fingers in?" jaehyun gritted out, feeling himself get close due to the erotic situation he was in.
you didn't hesitate for a second and slowly slipped two fingers inside of yourself. you let out a slutty moan when you felt your fingers stretch you open.
jaehyun chuckled darkly, "I guess I have my answer then. go on, fuck yourself nice and deep for me. I want you nice and stretched out for me when I come home tonight, ok?"
"yeahhhhhh." you whined out and rocked your hips against your hand. who knew all you needed was the sound of your man's voice to get you off. this was way better than whatever you were trying to do before.
"god Jae I'm sooo wet. need you." you whined out, turning over onto your stomach. you felt your fingers much deeper in this position and let out more lewd sounds of pleasure.
jaehyun wanted nothing more than to bury his face between your thighs and hear all of those delicious sounds in person. he was halfway tempted to leave the hangout without saying a word. could you blame him? the love of his life was at home fucking herself to the sound of his voice.
jaehyun jerked himself off roughly, eager to get himself off quickly. not only was the situation he was currently in extremely hot, he was also mildly aware that his friends were waiting for him to come back and join them.
"alright baby, I need you to cum for me. let me hear how hard you can make yourself cum."
you were so close you could taste it. all it took was a few more bounces on your fingers and you were exploding all over them. jaehyun's face contorted in immense pleasure while listening to you ride out your high and before he knew it, he was blowing his load all over his hand. it took every ounce of self control to not make a sound in this echoey bathroom.
both of you were catching your breath and calming down from the intense highs you experienced.
"well I never thought I'd find myself jerking off in taeyong's bathroom but there's a first time for everything I guess."
you covered your face in your hands, slightly embarrassed thinking about what just transpired not too long ago.
"don't come back too late ok? I'm not done playing with you, daddy." you said lightheartedly.
jaehyun finished cleaning himself up and pulled his sweats back up. "aye aye, honey. call me if you need anything. I love you so much."
jaehyun wrapped up in the bathroom and tried his hardest to act like he wasn't just phone fucking his girlfriend a few minutes ago. jaehyun walked into the kitchen to grab some water. Johnny smirked slightly and grabbed his drink. He exited the kitchen past jaehyun, but not before busting his balls.
“tell y/n i said hi” johnny said with a shit eating grin.
thanks for reading! please leave me a little tip if you enjoyed the story and are feeling generous :)
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lani-heart · 27 days
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|| series masterlist || next // previously ||
genre(s) -> angst, fluff, smut, non-idol, hybrid au, poly au paring(s) -> ( eventually ) ATEEZ x reader warning(s) -> mentions of violence, mention of putting down / death, etc. words -> 4.2K
abstract -> “I hope we can get along” 
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y/n’s perspective
“I’ve missed this place,” Wooyoung said as he got out of the elevator first. 
“You know, Taeyong is angry with you” I heard as I saw Yuta and I smiled. “He should’ve expected this,” I said and he chuckled. “Yes… but he needs to bring some sense to Kun” he said and I nodded.
“I can at least text him you're okay and you've made it back safely. Johnny also told me you needed a lot of rest, and to change the bandages once a day at least and clean them. He said that if you feel weak or tired, slow down and let your body rest you just got out of a coma” he scolded and I chuckled. 
“I can clean your wounds, '' Seonghwa asked and I smiled. “Thank you,” I said and I chose to ignore Yeosang’s glare at him. “Please take care of her… and y/n this place is clean but Johnny said avoid your room in case it triggers a bad memory,” he said and I nodded sadly. 
“Sleep early tonight, by the morning everyone's gonna know you're awake,” he said and I nodded as he left. “Come on, let's get ready for bed first,” Yeosang said and I nodded. Preening… or grooming a dog's version of taking care of their mate. I smiled softly at the thought. 
“I’ll make you some tea!” Wooyoung said as he went to the kitchen looking through the cupboard. “I’ll get the first aid kit ready,” Seonghwa said and I was happy to feel relieved around them again. 
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I woke up to Seonghwa’s voice saying breakfast was made. Yeosang and Wooyoung tightened their grip on me. “A few more minutes,” Yeosnag said, still sleepy… “yeah a few more– WHY ARE YOU MAKING BREAKFAST THAT'S MY JOB!” Wooyoung yelled and I laughed. 
“It's already noon, and you were in a deep sleep. It's technically lunchtime already” Seonghwa said and I chuckled. “Thank you, Seonghwa,” I said and he smiled. 
“I did what I could with what was in the fridge. There was a lot of old food so I cleaned it out” he said and I nodded. “Oh. Seonghwa, that's your job now” Wooyoung said and I laughed. Wooyoung did hate to clean the fridge and after he cooked. 
We ate our food while I looked at my messages… Everyone was texting me to feel better and that they were glad I was okay. Kun still hasn’t texted me…
“Are we going back?” Wooyoung asks and I smile softly. “I can go alone, if you’d like?” I asked and he looked sad about that. “I’ll go with you” Yeosang and Seonghwa said at the same time. 
“I think it's best if I go alone… I need to talk to San and maybe see how bad it is” I said and they nodded. At the end of the day… San was my first hybrid I promised to him. I wasn’t gonna let him down now. 
“Are you gonna see Hongjoong?” Seonghwa asks and I sigh. “I… should’ve been more professional about handling Hongjoong. I got too into my head and I forgot the tell signs of a hybrid. I’m licensed in handling red code hybrids… so I feel like I owe him a try” I explained and they looked nervous for me. 
“I’ll have to talk to Kun first, however”
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“You’re… okay,” he said speechless. He came up and hugged me tight… There was a time when my parents didn’t care what I did, they just made sure I had enough money to take care of myself. 
Kun was one of my friends who became like an older brother to me… he was protective and overall cared a lot about my well-being even after my breakup with Hendery. Even when my parents found out I studied writing and not business or a respectable white-collar degree. 
“I saw… your heart stops, I thought you weren’t gonna make it” he cried out and I sighed. “Well, here I am,” I said and he only tightened his grip. 
“When Doyoung said you were here yesterday I didn't believe him… and then Johnny and Taeyong confirmed and– I’m just happy you’re okay” he said and I smiled as he let me go. 
“Wooyoung was really bad. He’s never experienced a depressive episode that bad, he’d at least eat and go outside but not once did he move. He’d stare at the door constantly to see if you’d appear” he said and it broke my heart. “Yeosang’s owner was trying to bribe our shareholders to be given Yeosang but my family wouldn’t give in” he explained. 
“Thank you for trying your best even when you assumed I was dying” I said and he sighed. “Why did you take that tiger with you?” he asked and I sighed. 
“I… I didn’t tell you but Hongjoong got to me when I interviewed him. He mentioned a hybrid would do anything to survive and compared it to them” I said and he looked at me disappointed. 
“You should’ve known better. Those hybrids… has anyone told you about San?” he trailed off and I shook my head. “They said he was a code purple and his mind is scattered, can't tell time, aggressive?” I said and he nodded. 
“San… we originally had them all together when they were first here but he turned violent wanting to hurt Hongjoong. When we isolated him the next day he kept muttering to himself ‘any second now’ as if you’d pick him up. Hours after he attacked you… you came for him only hours after and he thinks that’ll happen again. No matter if we remind him three times a day he'll forget… I'm worried about how he’ll behave when he’s with you again” he said and I sighed. 
“I need to see him. '' I said and he sighed “Let us… make sure he’s okay first” he said and I nodded. “In the meantime then… what happened to Hongjoong?” I asked and he shook his head. 
“He's not going with you–” “He’s already my hybrid… I didn’t give him a chance or anything to prove him wrong. I let him get to me and in return only proved him right” I said and he scoffed. 
“Those bandages on your neck are because of him. Your hybrids suffered because of him and I still want to help him?” he asked me angrily. 
“Kun… when we were kids, you saved a hybrid and he’s still with you today but remember Sicheng with Yuta and how he was just as aggressive. Abused and neglected, his parents wanted Sicheng dead but you made a promise to Yuta and now he’s in a sanctuary in China at your family’s estate. You told me you’d help any hybrid you could and that's why you have this job… please do me this favor” I begged and he sighed. 
“You owe me” 
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It was like it was almost a month ago. 
Preparing to interview him… the difference is I'm not here for business nor do I have Seonghwa’s protection. I took a deep breath and entered the red code area. It had hybrids locked behind impenetrable glass and a metal covering in front of it instead of the curtains the other hybrids had. 
I made it to his kennel when I saw his report… it had a determined sign. He was gonna be sent to a different center… in China?
I noticed the metal covering was now being lifted. They must've noticed on the cameras I was there already. He was in a corner… his tail twitching and his constraints were clearly uncomfortable. 
“Hello,” I said and his ears lifted up… he looked over his shoulder to see me. He shook his head… “You're not real” he muttered as his head faced the corner again 
“Maybe I’m not. Maybe I'm here to haunt you” I joked and his ears twitched… “Why did you do that?” I asked curious if he’d answer. “I didn’t… want to kill you. I-I want… just want to be free” he said his voice only getting more vulnerable. 
“Seonghwa hates me now… I have no one, I'm alone and I'm going somewhere I don’t even recognize. I have your blood on my hands… it won’t go away” he muttered.
“I… never killed anyone. I didn’t… I wanted… I don’t know anymore. I’m sorry” he said and I could see how his back shook. Was he crying?
“Did you know… I went to your show when I was a kid” I confessed and he froze. “My parents were busy… they couldn't take care of me. So they had a hybrid take care of me. She was a bear hybrid, and they made her take me to the Circus… I had a front-row seat, I remember seeing you” I said and he now turned to look at me. His eyes are glassy and red.
“You looked like you liked to perform. I may have been naive to what they did to hybrids… but you were a part of the main show with Seonghwa” I confessed and he shook his head. “You’re not real” he kept muttering to assure himself. 
“I remember a different ringleader than the one I interviewed… he approached me and asked where my parents were. When my babysitter tried to explain, he yelled at her to be quiet. That a lowly hybrid shouldn’t talk to him that way–” he furrowed his eyebrows. He stood up and tried getting as close to the glass as the chains let him. 
“–I told him my parents were busy and she was taking care of me. He laughed and said that bear hybrids belong to the circus not taking care of kids like me–” he now sat down and looked at me confused and probably questioning if I was really here “–she cried on the drive home. The ringleader gave me a phone number and told me to tell my parents he offered a ton of money for her. I know… that she didn’t trust me. So when we came home my parents were already there… They asked if I liked the show. It's when I remember looking at her and she smiled a sad smile at me with glassy eyes…” he looked at me curious and maybe interested in what I was saying?
“I started to cry. I hugged my mom saying the ringleader yelled at me and her, demanding to see them. They were… angry to say the least, and he was fired, but that didn’t mean the place was shut down” I said sadly. 
“What happened to the hybrid?” he asked and I sighed. “She… stayed with me until I had to go to college. That night she tucked me in and she muttered a thank you. I loved her like I did my mother… but one day when I returned from college to visit her they told me she was no longer needed, and so they sent her away” I said and he nodded.
“I remember that night…  men in suits came and said they were gonna sue. The next ringleader was a co-owner of his so nothing changed… are you real?” he asked and I smiled. 
“Am I?” I asked and he sighed. 
“I’d like to believe you are… even if I'd be lying to myself. Can I ask… where's Seonghwa?” he asked and I debated on telling him. “Happy,” I said and he smiled softly. 
“I hope he is. I hope he gets adopted… he loved seeing the amazed kids when he did a trick and even the hybrids. He always would say to me, he wants to be as oblivious as them… where he doesn’t know what abuse is any more” he said as he cried again. 
“I would always tell him… that it would be impossible. He’d have to be human, it's when I learned you could buy citizenship and a species change” he said… the illegal black market in Korea was dangerous. However, the surgeries they offered were hybrids… it was nearly impossible to achieve but an even smaller percentage rate of survival… 
“It’s stupid… that was my plan and now I don’t even want it. Seonghwa spoke highly of you–” he was now lying down facing his back to me “–he got along the best with Wooyoung and he’d explain to him how you saved all three of them. I never understood what you did” he said and I sighed.
“It wasn’t until they told us… San was a part of the illegal fighting rings for hybrids. No one survived over a month and yet he was a survivor of all his life. Wooyoung abandoned and Yeosang prostituted… and now us, circus captivated tigers…” he said as his whole body shook as he cried. 
“Wooyoung he said how… you wrote about hybrid rights, but I thought it was an act” he confessed and I sighed. “What would you do if you were ever given a second chance–” “I don’t deserve it. I’ll suffer the rest of my life like I was born to,” he said and it made me freeze.  Did he really believe that?
“I’m sorry, y/n. I wish you never met me” 
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I walked out and I immediately hugged Kun. 
“Does he really believe that?” I asked and he sighed. “Maybe I judged him a little harshly. Maybe I was a bit biased that he almost killed you in particular,” he said and I nodded. “Do you want to see San now?” he asked and I nodded… I was worried about how he’d react. I was led to an area where the hybrids had no privacy. They were allowed to do the danger to themselves. We stopped at a kennel… San. 
“San, you have a visitor,” Kun said and he looked up and saw me. “y/n!!” he yelled with a big grin on his face. “Hi, Sannie,” I said and he smiled… until his eyes wandered to my jaw. “I’m okay, how have you been?” I said, trying to get his attention. 
“I did that to you…” he said, confusing me. “What?” I asked. “I didn’t mean to hurt you… I love you, you're the only one who cares about me” he said as he put his head down almost in shame.
“San… this wasn't you” I explained and he looked at me confused. “Do you remember Hongjoong?” I asked and his eyes darkened “He hurt you!” he yelled now angry. 
He lost any recollection of time…
“San… who am I?” I asked him and he looked at me shocked. “What do you mean? Why would I forget you? You're… my mate” he said, unsure of himself. 
“San… please get better”
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“Please stop crying,” Kun said as I cried in his office. He wasn’t sure of anything… What does he even think of me? Of Wooyoung… of Yeosang?
“You should get back home… you need rest” he said and I shook my head. “But San… what if he forgets I was here–” “He hasn’t… he’s pacing his room muttering your name. Give him time to finally think for himself,” he said and I was satisfied with that answer. 
“I… I was never meant to own hybrids, was I?” I asked and he shook his head. “You're an amazing owner… you’ve rescued them at their worst and given them a second chance. Give him time” he said and I didn’t know if I believed him. 
“How’s… Hongjoong?” I asked and he sighed. “Are you sure you want to take him with you? He needs to be tested and analyzed first… I need to see if he can go down to at least an orange” he asked and I nodded. “Can I see him before I leave?” I asked and he nodded, leading me out of his office and to Hongjoong again. 
I entered again with the button and went in front of his kennel. I waited for the metal curtain to open and he was right where I last saw him.
“You’re… back? You are real… you’re alive” he said and I smiled. “Hello, Hongjoong,” I said and he looked at me confused and… scared. 
“Improve… you're still my responsibility. So when you go down to an orange, you can live a life like Seonghwa. Or… I can pay for your freedom”
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I went back home. 
I cried to Wooyoung all night. Seonghwa and Yeosang were worried but I wanted to be with Wooyoung. He has been here since the beginning. 
He… somehow convinced San to trust me and now it was gone. It felt empty with San.
“Why won’t you tell me what's got you like this?” Wooyoung asked me and I could only tighten my grip on his body. I didn’t want him to leave… 
“I made breakfast… I’m sorry Wooyoung but–” “She needs to eat, thanks hyung” 
I was suddenly lifted up to my bed. “You need to eat… then you can get dressed and see him again. That's what you need right now” he said and I couldn’t stop the tears spilling.
“Angels aren’t supposed to cry…” I heard as I saw Yeosang. “Eat, please for me,” Wooyoung asked and I listened. I didn’t know what to do…
“What happened yesterday?” he asked and I sighed as I picked at the food on the plate in front of me. “San… his memory is all over the place. He thinks he attacked me… then I reminded him it was Hongjoong and he turned angry… and he could barely tell me who I was” I confessed and they sighed.
“I also gave Hongjoong the option of living here again–” “No!” Yeosang said and I smiled. “Trust me… he doesn’t seem bad. Besides… I also gave him the option for his freedom” I said and they looked at me confused. 
“I… can get in contact with a surgeon to make him look human. I can find him an identity and give him enough for a fresh start” I said and they looked at me shocked. 
“Those surgeries are low survival–” “That's mainly because they don’t have enough money… I would have to ask a hefty favor to Taeyong but I can get in contact with a good surgeon, and pay them enough to make sure he was okay” I said and they looked at me… concerned. 
“Seonghwa, if you wanna go with him–” “No… I don't want to be human. I’d rather live here if you'd let me,” he said and I smiled. “The offer will always stand… for any of you,” I said and Yeosang and Wooyoung shook their heads. 
“We’re happy with you” 
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I was back here… 
I was in front of Hongjoong’s kennel. The curtains raised up and he was pacing almost like he was waiting. “Hi, Hongjoong!” I said trying to offer a grin despite how drained I felt. 
“No offense but it looks like you haven't slept,” he said and I chuckled. “I haven’t… have you decided or need more time?” I asked and he sighed. 
“Seonghwa… is he happy?” he asked and I didn’t know. “I gave him the option to be free like I could do for you… but he declined '' I said and he smiled. “Why are you offering me so much? Thank you for helping Seonghwa… you can give him everything but why are you doing this for me?” he asked and I shrugged. 
“You deserve a chance…” I said and he shook his head. “I don’t,” he said and I tried to offer him a smile. “I could’ve killed you” he cried out. “San… he hates humans you know?” I said and he looked at me confused. 
“He… hated me. Said I only adopted him to abuse him… I admit my reason for adopting him wasn’t too great. When I first saw him I was captivated… but I learned that he couldn’t be adopted because of his past and his code. So I took my chance and did what I could… but he never did trust me. So he yelled… and he taunted me. He hurt me a little bit but he accidentally knocked over a vase I had to push him out of the way so he didn't get hurt. I… got better and went to make sure he was okay but he didn’t want me to be his owner” I explained and he looked at me painfully confused. 
“He loves you… I may have tormented you and planted lies but the way he looks at you… he really does love you” he confessed and I smiled softly. 
“Overtime… he trusted me. He made me his mate… he's important to me” I said, trying not to cry. “Is he okay?” he asked and I couldn’t answer. “Hongjoong, I gave him a second chance too. So… what do you wish for? Freedom or… live with me?” I asked and he sighed. 
“Does… Seonghwa hates me?” he asked and I knew he valued his companion a lot. “He doesn’t… I gave him the option too, you know?” I asked and he chuckled. “He chose to stay with you, I know that for sure,” he said and I smiled softly. 
“I… want to give you a second chance too, and I want to redeem myself” 
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While Hongjoong was getting checked out, I was led to San. 
He was staring at me once I came to view… his tail swishing behind him. He was still so pretty… and I loved him so much. 
“You're… y/n. I hated you… then I trusted you… then I loved you” he said and I felt my eyes widen. “I hurt you… then I met, Yeosang?” he asked me and I shook my head. “Wooyoung,” I said and he nodded. “The fox… he had a pathetic crush on you,” he said, making me laugh softly. Kun was beside me… he also looked confused. 
“Yeosang… his owner abused him? He’s… friends with Wooyoung. Doberman and Fox” he said… he was concentrating on facts. “You… adopted two dogs?” he asked while looking at me and I shook my head. “Uhm… cats?” he asked and I shook my head again. “They're from the circus– Tigers!” he yelled and I smiled. “One of them… hurt you,” he said and I nodded. 
“How long… have you left us here?” he asked me with a sad tone. 
“San… I came back for you as soon as I could.” I said and he nodded. “What happened to you? Why do you have those big bandages on your face?” he asked and I slid. “I was in a coma for a long time,” I said and he let out a breathy sigh. 
“Hongjoong’s claws cut a bit too deep into my skin… so I have bandages on. I woke up the day before yesterday” I explained and he nodded. “I trust you… I know you're my mate and I know I love you my head just hurts” he explained and I nodded. He was gonna be like this for a while… 
“But I… just wanna go with you. Please don’t leave me here again”
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“San!” Wooyoung yelled as he tackled the panther who tensed up. “This is Wooyoung… the fox you met,” I said as I pulled Wooyoung away from him. San nodded and I could see their confused faces of what was happening.
“He’s mated to you too,” San muttered as he pulled me to him.
“Do you not remember us?” Wooyoung asks and San shakes his head. “Dissociative amnesia is what they're calling it… in his case it's because of an event that causes his brain to go into shock. Kun says in his case he should be able to regain memory with everyday activities but… we should also be prepared if he doesn’t” I said and I could see the worry on Wooyoung and Yeosang’s faces as well as the guilt in Hongjoong and Seonghwa.
“I hope we can get along” 
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354 notes · View notes
jistagrams · 9 months
nct 127 reaction to being on a “sex ban”
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warnings: not proofread, suggestive asfk, reader is a lil mean, jealous markkk <33, kinda mean donghyuck, oral(fem & male), unprotected sex(wrap it up!!), voyeurism???, lmk if I missed anything!! 💝
taeil: would be nonchalant about it but in reality he’s in SHAMBLES. no sex just because of a girl who he was not interested in poured him a cup of beer? doesn’t make any sense! “okay, no sex then” he spoke as if he was tired of the conversation, knowing very well he’s sad about not being able to fuck you. But you said he couldn’t fuck you, that doesn’t mean he can’t tease you. The next day he wore his grey sweats w/o a shirt knowing that made you find him very attractive. He would hug you from behind making sure you felt his bulge on ur ass, when you would go to the bathroom to shower he would be right behind you saying “it’s a way to save water babe.” While in the shower he would be painfully obvious at how he’s staring at your soapy boobs, “let me wash you doll” who could say no to taeil? And who could say no to the way he pressed opened mouth kisses leading from your chin to down your neck, leaving small bruises. Definitely couldn’t say no to how good it felt when he teased your clit. “taeil..no sex. Remember?” You whined out softly trying to stand your ground. “Oh I remember my love” he smiled at you when he entered your tight pussy. “what a dumb rule though. if you didn’t wanna come the next time we fucked you should’ve said that.” He groaned in between his words, setting a good pace.
johnny: would definitely just be okay w it, I mean you guys don’t really even fuck that much as it is. “got it! no sex for a week” he smiled at you, he did think it was quite dumb though. All because he ate your favorite food that you were saving for today?
well he was okay with it until he was randomly horny one day and using his hand wasn’t cutting it. So when you came home that day he practically threw himself on you. “What’s going on?” You asked between the kisses he was smothering you with. “I really need you yn. I don’t give a shit about that dumb rule right now.” you felt yourself clench over nothing at his words. “So needy” you sighed out as he lead you both to the shared room, already losing the top you were wearing.
taeyong: would be a little sad about it, like wdym he can’t love on you? That’s not fair :(. You would push him away any time he would get anywhere close to initiating anything sexual, he would pout n go to the bathroom to relieve himself there. Mumbling how mean you are on his way there. But since he respects you he doesn’t try any harder, during the week of his sex ban if he was horny he would give you a small kiss (a passionate and sloppy one) and either go to the bathroom or the room. That was until one day where you were the one to initiate something. You had just seen the baggu jeans mv and you couldn’t help but drool at how good your boyfriend had looked. So once he got home you sat him down to sit right on top of him, kissing everywhere while trying to take both of yours and his clothes off, “woah baby, what’s wrong??” he spoke to you softly, quite surprised at the sudden change of emotions. “Baggy jeans.”
yuta: would laugh in your face and kiss you on ur forehead before walking away still giggling to himself, “sure yn, sure.”
but was he so wrong. It had been at least 2 weeks since he had said that and there was still no sex, some small kisses, maybe even one small make out session but it led to no where. He was on the verge of cumming at any contact you gave him, you both were in bed as he felt his dick get harder as you kept moving trying to get comfy, your ass was right on his erection, you felt his hard on thinking it was just something in his pocket. “babe, u forgot something in ur pocket” u mumbled to him as u kept scrolling on your phone, he whined n held you close to him.he sighed out a no and put ur phone to the side, he started kissing your shoulder while grinding on you slowly, you finally realized that he was horny and in need, “no Yuta” you sternly said while he slipped ur shorts off and his boxers off, “you don’t feel good? Don’t wanna feel how good I make you?” He sweetly spoke as his slid in, “just one round..” u whimpered as he gave your shoulder a little kiss.
doyoung: would complain n whine to u saying “u can’t do this to him” , u rolled ur eyes and walked away, he thought you were just joking about it all, but after a week of no intimacy he was proven wrong. He fucking hated not being able to touch you, or even kiss you. “no doyoung” you wouldn’t even call him “babe” or “doie” and he hated it. He missed you badly he was going crazy, you were losing it as well. You had just seen baggy jeans and crop top he wore that slid up every time he raised his arms up showing his toned stomach was making you miss him desperately, but you had to prove him wrong. But when he invited you to hang out w him while he promoted baggy jeans you couldn’t help but drag him into the changing room and drop right onto your knees right then n there. “seems like I was right” he grinned slightly as he held onto ur hair.
jaehyun: “what why?” He would sit in front of you and hold your hands w his big doe eyes. Confused on why you would put him on a “sex ban” he didn’t even mean to talk to that girl, he was just drunk n thought it was you for a split second,
“cmon baby let’s get out of her- ooohhhhhh ur not yn” he slurred as he walked away from the girl who stood there in confusion.
“Babe i literally walked away from her as soon as I said that!” He pleaded with you while holding onto ur hands tighter, u roll ur eyes and get out of his grip. “you had your arm around her waist jae.” you sighed as u ran ur hand thru ur hair. “Babe I swear you guys were wearing the same outfit, I don’t love anybody but you ok?” He leaned forward to place a kiss on your lips. You didn’t move, he held you shoulders as he dropped u down to hover over you. “Jaehyun..” you sighed out as he started kissing down your neck, unclipping your bra. “Let me make it up to you..show u how much I love you.” He whispered into your ear.
jungwoo: would literally BEG. like you can’t take away his favorite thing to do :( . “babe please” he whined as he held onto you from behind while u washed the dishes. “No jungwoo. I told you to do one simple thing! but you couldn’t even do that.” You would have to admit. It was kinda petty but you didn’t care, you told him to not have his friends over while you were studying, was that so hard? But ofc he still had everyone over. So it lead to you failing the test you were studying for. “I’m so sorry baby I forgot you were studyinggggg” he dragged his words. you sighed as you ignored your overexaggerator boyfriend who was swaying you both side to side as he begged n pleaded. Well you tried. But it was impossible so you broke, Turning off the water and turning around. Still in his arms, “you want me to lift the sex ban? Then sit on that chair and don’t move a muscle.” He nodded and sat on the chair that was closest to him. You got on ur knees and pulled his pants down. “Your gonna be a good boy n let me do whatever I want ok?” He quickly nodded as you pulled out his dick.
mark: would awkwardly laugh about it and when u don’t start laughing w him he starts to realize you weren’t joking. “woah dude, ur srs?” He said as he sat up from the couch to go to the room to see you getting ready, “yes mark. No sex for Atleast 2 weeks” he gasped while putting his hand over his mouth. “2 weeks is so long yn. You can’t do this to me” he whined while dragging his gaming chair to sit next to you. You looked at him from the mirror n rolled ur eyes. “maybe act right next time.” He sighed n just looked at you. you looked like the hottest person on earth, the skin fitting dress you wore that captured all of your curves, the hoop earrings that added character to the outfit, the slicked back hair you had made you look so so beautiful to him, “you look hot” he whispered while going to kiss your neck. You slightly smiled at him and thanked him. “your going out like this?” He said as he leaned in more to deepen his kiss on your neck, starting to suck a specific spot. “with some friends , yeah” he hummed, “don’t leave a mark, mark.” He released the skin he had in his mouth and stared at the mark he had left, “should I leave a few more, so guys will know?” He said while looking at you, now placing his hand on your thigh.
haechan: would nod and walk off knowing he’s so sad about it, but he has a plan to make you crack before he does. He’s gonna yeast the shit outta you, so when the next morning hit he didn’t bother to get up n take care of his morning wood in the shower, he took care of it right next to you in bed. You woke up to small whimpers and whining, you sit up in bed and pull the covers off, gasping in shock when you see haechan jacking off w his phone in his other hand. He took a small glance at you then back to whatever was on his phone. “donghyuck wtf..” you halfway yelled, you weren’t mad. You were just in shock. “What? I had to get rid of it somehow.” He shrugged and continued, you wanted to help him, you really did but u remembered the night before you had put him on a sex ban and you couldn’t go over your word.
“hi yn” he said as he hugged onto you from the back, making sure his hard-on was noticeable to you, “hey” you replied back, trying to ignore his dick on your ass. He held you for a bit longer until he walked away mumbling about how he has to fix something.
It was week 2 and he still wasn’t backing down. Almost everyday you woke up to him jacking off next to you. It was driving you insane, so when he left to work you decided to release some stress by taking out a vibrator, but what you didn’t realize is how you got lost in time and how haechan was already home. He was walking into the room when he saw you moaning like no tomorrow, he slightly smirked at the view, “enjoying urself baby?”  he spoke out, you looked up and gasped. You still didn’t stop the toy though, already feeling too good to stop it. He drops his bag and comes to lay between your legs, holding your thighs as he takes off the toy from your clit and kisses the inside of your thigh, “let me make you feel way better than that toy, okay?” He smiled up at you. “Poor baby couldn’t handle her own ban, had to take out a toy instead of asking her boyfriend. Stupid doll, I’ll help you. But you won’t come till I say so, okay?” He said as he started to eat you out like a starved man.
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weirdkpopgirl · 11 months
Burden | Dream Reaction #11
Reaction: When their gf feels like a burden to them
Genre: Hurt/comfort
Warnings: mentions of anxiety, dark thoughts, mental health issues
Word Count: 3593k
Author's Note: This reaction was requested by an anon, which I am very grateful for. I feel like the theme for this reaction is pretty common in my stories. So I tried my best to come up with different scenarios and not sound too repetitive. Writing this story made me think of how all the members of NCT Dream are such sweethearts, honestly. I hope you guys like this and please feel free to request more! Thank you for reading ^ ^
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Lately, there’s been this growing distance between you and Mark. You hated yourself for feeling this way because Mark was nothing short of the perfect boyfriend. He treated you with kindness and respect. He didn’t hesitate to show his feelings for you and cared for you in ways that no one else in your life has.
But you were someone who carried a lot of insecurities. Frequently, you found yourself pondering if you were truly worthy of Mark's affection. He was constantly busy with his back-and-forth schedules between 127 and Dream. Yet he still made the time to call you and ask how your day went. You felt like you didn’t deserve him. 
One evening, you were engaging in a deep conversation with Taeyong at the 127 dorm. As the leader figure of the group, you sometimes found yourself confiding in the male when it came to concerns about your relationship. Unbeknownst to you, Mark happened to be present at the dorm that evening, and as he walked down the hallway, he overheard your voice drifting from the living room. 
“I don’t know…Mark is so sweet and loving,” you spoke with uncertainty, as you held a couch pillow close to your chest.“Sometimes I can’t help but feel like I’m a burden to him.”
He observed Taeyong place a comforting hand on your shoulder. “(Y/n), you’re an amazing girlfriend and Mark cares about you a lot. You shouldn’t be so hard on yourself,” he tried to reassure you.
You let out a sigh, “I know…but I just can’t shake the feeling that I’ll never be good enough for him.”
Mark genuinely had no idea you were feeling this way. He’d stay up the rest night, replaying your words in his head. You were so important to Mark, and he couldn’t bear the thought of his life without you. Knowing that you felt so insecure saddened him deeply.
A few days later you received a text from Mark, asking you to meet him at the studio. The message felt somewhat random, but you headed to his company building, unsure of what to expect.
When you walked into the studio, Mark was sitting on the sofa with a guitar in hand. At first, you were confused until his fingers began strumming to a familiar tune.
“Oh, her eyes, her eyes make the stars look like they’re not shinin’. Her hair, her hair falls perfectly without her trying,” he sang softly. “She’s so beautiful, and I tell her every day.”
 You couldn’t help but laugh, finding it almost surreal that Mark Lee was serenading you with a Bruno Mars song. But the charming smile on his lips didn’t leave as he finished the first verse.
“Yeah, I know, I know when I compliment her, she won’t believe me. 
And it’s so, it’s so sad to think that she don’t see what I see.”
His fingers continued to strum the instrument as he stood up and walked up to you, singing the chorus with heartfelt emotion.
“When I see your face, there’s not a thing I would change. Cause you’re amazing, just the way you are.” He gazed into your eyes, singing the lyrics with such love and admiration. “And when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for awhile. Cause girl you’re amazing, just the way you are.”
Your hands were clasped over your mouth, and tears glistened in your eyes as Mark sang the rest of the song. The raw emotion in his voice and the sweet lyrics touched you deeply, making this moment feel incredibly intimate. The romantic gesture felt so sudden, making you wonder what brought this all on.
After the song finished, Mark gently took your hand in his. “(Y/n), I heard you talking to Taeyong hyung the other day. And I wanted to let you know that you’re never a burden to me.”
You felt a mixture of surprise and gratitude, touched by his openness and the effort he took to address your concerns. The love in his eyes reaffirmed that he meant every word, and a sense of comfort washed over you as he held your hand, grounding you in the present moment.
"I cherish every part of you," Mark continued, his voice unwavering. "In good times and challenging ones, we're in this together. You can always lean on me. I'm here to support you through everything."
His words were like a warm embrace, wrapping around your heart and reaffirming the love you shared. In that moment, you knew that you were truly seen and valued by Mark, and your heart overflowed with love for this incredible person beside you.
While you were in the kitchen preparing lunch, Renjun was relaxing in the living room. His group had just finished their promotional activities for their latest comeback, leaving him exhausted from the busy schedule. However, you became a bit flustered when you attempted to reach for an ingredient on a top shelf but found yourself unable to reach it.
Sighing in frustration, you stole a glance at Renjun, who was lying on the couch. Perhaps he could lend you a hand with this predicament. But as you started to hesitate when you approached him. His arm covered his eyes, as his chest slowly rose up and down with each slow breath he took. You didn’t want to disturb him when he looked so peaceful.
Renjun’s eyes slowly opened as he watched you walk away. Curious, he stood up from the couch and quietly followed you into the kitchen. The corner of his lips upturned in a small smile when he saw you struggle to get something from the cabinet.
When you felt Renjun extend his arm to retrieve the ingredient for you, you nearly jumped and turned around in surprise. 
Renjun looked at you endearingly and said, “You could’ve just asked me, (Y/n).”
“I know, but you were resting and I didn’t want to bother you,” you frowned. 
In response to this, Renjun planted a soft kiss on your forehead. “You could never bother me, darling,” he reassured, brushing away a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
You blushed at his warm gesture and whispered a "thank you" before returning to what you were doing before. Renjun was truly a sweetheart, and his caring nature never failed to make you feel loved and appreciated.
The day had been long and overwhelming. Honestly, you were just glad that it was almost over. All you wanted right now was to be in your boyfriend’s arms. However, when you entered the bedroom, you found Jeno engrossed in a videogame on his computer.
Approaching him quietly, you softly called his name. “Jeno-ssi.”
“Yeah, babe?” He responded, keeping his eyes focused on the screen in front of him.
You felt discouraged when you saw how concentrated he was on his game. Not wanting to bother him, you took a step back. “I—actually, never mind.”
Jeno caught the hesitance in your voice and spun around in his chair. Just as you were walking away, he reached to grab your hand.
“No, babe, what is it?” he asked, concern evident in his voice. Your cheeks flushed with embarrassment now that you had his attention. Even if you tried to brush him off again, you knew he wouldn’t let you go.
“I was going to ask if we could cuddle. but I don’t want to distract you from your game,” you muttered, avoiding his gaze. You couldn’t help but feel silly for wanting something so seemingly small.
Jeno’s eyes softened at your words, and in the next second, you were being pulled into his lap. He loved nothing more than holding you in his arms and pressing kisses into your hair. The idea that you thought he would reject you, puzzled him.
“You can always ask me for cuddles, babe,” he whispered softly, his arms wrapped securely around you. “I love being with you, and I don’t want you to feel like it’s a bother.”
You slowly smiled and allowed your head to rest on his chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart. His touch radiated so much comfort and warmth that it seemed to chase away any lingering insecurities or anxious thoughts from earlier. For the remainder of the night, he kept you in his lap as he played his game. Eventually, he retired from the computer and proceeded to cuddle you in the comforts of your bed. Jeno just loved being close to you and he wanted to ensure that you never felt like you were bothering him again.
Something didn’t feel right when Haechan entered your apartment. After sliding on the familiar gray slippers you always kept for him, he shuffled through the darkness of your living room. His feet padded down the hallway, guided by the faint glow of light escaping beneath your bedroom door. He paused outside the closed door. Apprehension filled him when he heard your shaky breathing.
Haechan swallowed nervously before raising his hand to the door and lightly tapping his knuckles against the wood. “(Y/n)?” he called out softly. “Is it okay if I come in?”
When he was met with an unsettling silence, his determination urged him to slowly turn the doorknob and gently push open the door. The second he stepped inside his eyes fell on you sitting at the foot of the bed with your head buried in your hands. His heart broke at the sight of your body visibly trembling.
Haechan knew you hated it whenever he found you in this state of vulnerability. When he was present, you often put on a brave face for him. You were always trying to maintain this cheerful facade, even when things were not okay. He understood the effort you made to protect him from your inner struggles. But the thought of you hurting weighed heavily on his heart.
With a small sigh, Haechan closed the door behind him. He noticed you tense up when he approached you cautiously.
“(Y/n),” he started to say, extending his hand towards you in a gesture of comfort.
But you shook your head vigorously and pulled away from him. “Please, just go away Hyuck. I don’t want to see me like this,” you pleaded.
His expression faltered at your attempt to push him away. He could sense the pain and he wasn’t going to let you face it alone.
“(Y/n), whatever it is…just let me be there for you,” he said.
But your head shook again, almost as if your brain was refusing to let Haechan’s words comfort you. Your fists repeatedly banged against your head, the pain momentarily numbing the overwhelming thoughts and emotions within you.
 “I’m a mess, Haechan. I’m broken and damaged,” you cried. “I’m…I’m nothing but a burden right now.”
Haechan’s eyes widened with panic and he firmly grabbed your wrists to stop your self-destructive actions. “Hey, hey, don’t hurt yourself,” he murmured, trying to calm you down. “Who put those thoughts in your head, huh?”
As more tears cascaded down your cheek, Haechan loosened his grip on one of your hands and gently brushed away the tears with his thumb. 
“Look at me, (Y/n),” Haechan whispered. He gently lifted your chin, locking your gaze with his. 
“You are not a burden, nor are you broken or damaged,” he said, caressing your cheek. “Please don’t believe those lies your mind tells you.”
His voice was filled with a seriousness that resonated deep within your heart. The tears slowed and your body gradually stopped shaking. Once he was sure you wouldn’t resist, he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a warm embrace. His chin rested atop your head, providing security, while his fingers tenderly stroked your hair.
“I know it’s hard for you to see yourself the way I see you,” he continues. “But trust me when I say you’re the strongest person I know, (Y/n).”
The outside world receded as his words sank in. Taking a deep breath, you closed your eyes and surrendered to his comforting embrace. No matter how frequently the inner demons resurfaced, Haechan remained steadfast in banishing them. Within his arms, you never felt safer.
Although you woke up this morning with a fever, that didn’t stop you from attending all your morning classes. It wasn’t that big of a deal, and you fully planned to spend the rest of the day in bed. However, when Jaemin sent a text asking if you wanted to come by his dance practice, you couldn’t turn him down. You also knew that if you told Jaemin you were sick, he’d get worried, and you didn’t want that.
Despite you not feeling your best, seeing Jaemin’s smile when you entered the practice room forced you to suck it up. The other members greeted you cheerfully, and their faces lit up when they spotted the bag of food in your hand.
“I missed you so much (Y/n),” Jaemin said. He spun you around in a hug that left you feeling a bit uneasy due to your headache. But you tried to push it off, not wanting to dampen the joyful atmosphere.
As you sat with the boys, you slowly started to realize that you weren't feeling any better. The fatigue and discomfort seemed to intensify, making it challenging to keep up with their energy.
Mark was the first to notice your lack of presence in the group. “Are you okay, (Y/n)? You look a little pale.”
“I—I’m fine. Just a little tired,” You mustered a weak smile as you gathered everyone’s trash to throw away. But as soon as you got up, the room started to spin. 
Jaemin and the others stood panicked when they saw you lose balance. Luckily, Jaemin reacted quickly and caught you when your vision blurred out. The next thing you knew, you woke up a few moments later, finding yourself resting on Jaemin’s lap.
“Baby, why didn’t you tell me you weren’t feeling well?” he scolded lightly, stroking your hair. “You scared me.”
Seeing the genuine concern in his eyes made you feel a little guilty. “I’m sorry, I just didn’t want to be a burden to you,” you mumbled, slowly sitting up with Jaemin’s help.
Your boyfriend sighed and cupped your face in his hands. “No baby! You’re never a burden to me, especially when it comes to your health.”
Jaemin tried to convince you to go home, worried about your well-being. But you insisted on staying, wanting to support him. Throughout the rest of practice, he kept checking up on you. Despite some teasing and complaints from the other members about how disgusting and cute you guys were, you didn’t pay them much attention.
Seeing how much Jaemin cared for you and how attentive he was to your needs made you feel deeply loved and cherished.
Gift-giving was Chenle’s love language, and it was something you still haven’t adjusted to. While you appreciated the thoughtfulness behind receiving flowers and stuffed animals from your boyfriend, you couldn’t help but feel a little guilty. You didn’t like him frequently spending money on you when he could save it for something more important. At the end of the day, you understood that this was Chenle’s way of expressing his love and you didn’t want to diminish that. 
One afternoon, the two of you were at an outdoor mall on a date. The initial plan was just to do some window shopping. But there was a clothes shop place that Chenle suggested you guys check out. The two of you walked around the store for a bit and there was a dress that caught your eye. It was a simple plaid black dress adorned with white sleeves. The classic design exuded an elegance that matched your fashion style.
However, your interest was forgotten when you picked up the price tag. There was no way you were going to spend so much money on one dress. Chenle noticed your eyes widening and followed your gaze to the dress you were looking at.
“Oh, that would look so cute on you,” he remarked.
You smiled sheepishly and let go of the fabric. “Yeah, but it’s pretty expensive. I don’t think I should buy it.”
Chenle smiled and swung his arm around your shoulder. “Who says you’re buying the dress? Don’t worry baby, I got you.”
A frown immediately tugged at your lips. The idea of him paying already made you feel bad. Even if the dress was nice, you were perfectly fine with not having it. 
“Chenle, you don’t have to do that. I’m not worth this,” you said quietly. The carefree expression on Chenle’s face turned to one of confusion.
“What do you mean you’re not worth it?” he asked. “You’re worth every cent of my money and love.”
“But I don’t want to burden you,” you emphasized. “It’s just a dress Chenle, I don’t need it.”
Sighing softly, Chenle cupped your cheeks into his hands, making sure you were looking into his eyes. “Listen here future Mrs. Zhong, you are not a burden or anything of the sort. You’re worthy of anything in this world and I will prove it to you at any cost.”
His words caused heat to rise to your cheeks. But when you lowered your head in embarrassment, Chenle brought your face back up and kissed you. He couldn’t care less about the nearby customers who were now staring at you two.
Feeling even more flustered, you pulled away in surprise. “Zhong Chenle, you can’t just kiss me in front of all these people!”
“Well if you don’t want me to kiss you again, you’re going to come with me to check this out.” Your boyfriend smiled mischievously and took the dress off the rack.
Any more protests from you went ignored, as the boy was already taking your hand and leading you to the checkout area. Chenle was definitely something else, always managing to surprise you with his spontaneous and caring nature. But you were grateful to have such a loving boyfriend. You could always count on him to make you feel like the most special girl in the world.
He was just roaming around your apartment as you were in the kitchen making instant ramen for the two of you. It was Jisung’s second time visiting, and he wanted to become more familiar with your living space. He wandered into the bedroom, instantly picking up on how everything was so neat and tidy. He smiled when he spotted a framed picture of him on your nightstand. Seeing the photograph there filled him with warmth, knowing that you held him close to your heart.
However, he also noticed a small black journal on your nightstand. Curious, he picked up the object and opened it absentmindedly. His eyes quickly widened in horror as he read the top words on the second page. 
It was a list of the things you didn't like about yourself. His heart sank as he saw pages filled with bullet points, each one representing the insecurities you carried within. Dread filled him as he skimmed over the reasons that varied from your looks to what you perceived as flaws.
What hurt him the most was the last one on the bottom, which said: “I am a burden to everyone around me.” The weight of those words hit him like a tidal wave, leaving his heart heavy with a mix of sadness and anguish. 
“Jisung what are you—” You entered the room, wondering what he was doing in here.
Your body froze when you saw the notebook clutched tightly in his hands. The sight immediately filled you with panic, uncertain of how much he read. 
Jisung glanced up, looking like he was about to cry. “(Y/n), do you really think you’re a burden?”
The sadness in his tone only confirmed your fears and caused a wave of vulnerability to wash over you. You took a hesitant step closer, wanting to reach out and comfort him, yet also feeling exposed and uncertain of how to respond. But when tears began to spill out of Jisung’s eyes, you rushed to his side.
“Baby I—” You tried to say something, but the words caught in your throat.
"Was there something I did or said to make you think that?" He fretted, his brows furrowing with genuine concern.
Shaking your head, you wrapped your arms around him. “No, you didn’t do anything Jisungie. It’s just me that’s the problem.”
Hearing your confession only made him feel worse. The realization that you had been struggling with these feelings of, and he didn’t know killed him. As your boyfriend, he felt responsible for not being there to show how much you meant to him.
“(Y/n), I…I love you so much,” Jisung cried, his voice muffled against your shirt. “You’re never a burden to me or…or anyone. Please don’t think that way.”
You slowly exhaled, offering soothing pats on the boy’s back as you tried to comfort him. Seeing how deeply upset Jisung was about this surprised you. It took a few minutes for you to get him to stop crying. You rocked him back and forth in your embrace, pressing kisses into his hair and whispering apologies. Once he calmed down, you promised Jisung you’d work on being less critical of yourself and be more open about your feelings with him.
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starillusion13 · 5 months
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Synopsis: Taeyong cleared his throat, “your dad will be fine but you. The princess needs to face the consequences.”
Every good thing comes with a price.
Pairing:Taeyong x Doyoung x Jaehyun x f!reader
Genre: Angst, Business, Romance, Smut
W/c: not yet
Warnings: mention of drinking and smoking, poor and rich, name calling. Rest warnings will be later in the original plot.
Note: please I want to thanks to people for reading and reblogging. Reviews are always appreciated . Applause to the ones who come up to me to interact and they know how friendly I am. Okay enough!
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you are different from them. There’s nothing common between you and them. They should hangout with each other but you are not allowed there. You are being told repeatedly that they are like the royals and you are just a commoner. But why though? Can’t you be friends with them? You didn’t mind the rich and poor before you met them but now you envy them. They get every single respect and recognition unlike you who is under shadows.
Shadows of them.
It all started when your father moved to this new city because he told you that this new place would be a better place for his job opportunities. You and your mother were really happy for this and it gave you hope that the future ahead of you would be a better one. Your family doesn’t need to be in poverty anymore and your days of struggle will be over. You will be living a happy life with no worry and regrets.
But you forgot one thing people said.
Everything comes with a price. If one problem gets solved then another problem rises up.
Your dad got invited to a grand hotel from his new workplace and you wondered how is he being treated like this. You are not complaining but getting surprised. You have never been to such grand and luxurious places before and deep down you are excited and wondering what it would be like to experience such things.
Will you be considered rich or you are still being treated as low class?
He hummed while tightening his belt around his waist and looked at you through the mirror. He sent you a warm smile and you returned the gesture.
“Isn’t it suspicious that they are inviting you to this place when you are not even a part of the project team.”
“Y/n… I have told you that they are my friends and they are just helping me. Why are you so suspicious of them. We are having such a good life because of them and we should be grateful.” Your dad stated and turned towards you.
You nodded but still you are a bit hesitant to go to this place because of a foreign feeling lingering on your skin. You always trust your dad and if he was telling you to not think about it then you should not.
“I have never been to such places.” You whispered under your breath but your father chuckled on hearing you.
He walked towards you and sat beside you, “come on my child. Cheer up. If you have never been then atleast now you are able to attend such parties. Everything will be fine. Promise.”
“Okay.” You and your dad smiled towards each each other.
“Hello Mr. Kang, Welcome to the party. I hope you have arrived safely and have you brought your daughter?” Mr. Kim greeted and your dad nudged you to come closer.
You were already anxious about the situation because of the grand spacious hall with richness and lavishness radiating everywhere even the dirts under the shoes and all the stares from people surrounding you.
You smiled and bowed towards thim, “Hello, myself Kang Y/n. Nice to meet you.”
Two other men also joined the scene and they had the same cheerful expression on their faces. Their welcoming gestures were calming your nervousness.
The other two also introduced themselves as Mr. Lee and Mr. Jung.
The three of your father’s friends had one attraction in common. Richness. The expensive suits and their great businessman aura was radiating off from them and your dad was looking like a mere corporate worker in front of them. But friends don’t let their money to come between their friendship and you should be grateful that wherever you are today, it’s because of them.
They studied in same school, they had same childhood then why your dad was the only one to suffer. It’s because he was greedy and he ran after money without working hard. But they chose patience and day by day they earned their position like this. Your dad has now learned the lesson. But are they same like before? They will still consider your dad to be that friend when they had nothing. Right?
“Hey dad…I was going upstairs and we won’t be eating here… And who is he?”
“Hey Kang, meet my son Lee Taeyong. And son this is my childhood friend I told you about, Mr. Kang.” Mr. Lee stood up from his chair from around the round table and came behind his son, patting his back he gestured him to bow.
His son rolled his eyes but still bowed to your dad in a bored expression. Your dad smiled but you didn’t. Your curious eyes watching his movements.
His eyes locked with yours and you were expecting his bored eyes but the corner of his lips curled up. The sharp facial features were reflecting the expensive light and texture of the hall. His smooth skin and piercing eyes with the sharp jaw was a perfect combination for the grand name: LEE TAEYONG.
“Who is she?” He pointed towards you.
You were surprised that he even asked about you. You were trying to be out of spotlight but still he noticed you. Nothing. Just because you were sitting beside the man to whom his father introduced him.
“She is Mr. Kang’s daughter. Your new best friend.”
He chuckled and then laughed before glaring at you, “I don’t even know her and she is not even my friend and you are already referring her as my best friend? No way you are being serious, dad.”
“Don’t say like this. They are our guest. He is my bestfriend. Like the way you are friends with them, I hope you can be friends with her too.”
Like the way you are friends with them, you can be friends with her too.
Mr. Lee was serious and his son poked inside of the cheek with his tongue. He was annoyed but with whom.
Mr. Jung spoke up, “hey Taeyong, she is getting bored here among the dad talks so it’s better to take her upstairs with you all, I hope you all will get along well.”
Get along well with him? No way.
Mr. Kim nodded in agreement and Mr. Lee excitedly glanced at his son. His son was about to argue but his father’s stare made him shut.
Mr. Kim called you closer to Taeyong and with small steps, you stood beside him and gulped down the anger.
Did he despise you so much because you are not rich like him?
Taeyong extended his hand but as soon as you reached your hand to hold it, he smirked before pulling it to himself and said, “oh princess. I’m not here to escort you. Remember your place. You are just here because of my dad and I’m showing you the way to where we have to go.”
No one could hear him because others were already at the table and the music was atleast loud enough to make his low heavy voice inaudible to other people around him.
You just wanted to punch him but you curled your fingers into a fist by your side. He didn’t wait to see your glares but already started walking towards the fancy stairs. You were hesitating and thinking to go back to the table. But you didn’t want to give excuses to them and to have them a different impression of your dad.
Reaching a green door, he didn’t even knock but pushed open it. He looked back and gestured you with his head to enter the room. His tilted head and tongue licking the lips with the black hairs falling over his eyes was screaming at you, the most perfect man you have ever seen.
As soon as you stepped inside, the room had a strong smell of smoke and alcohol. You wanted to puke but just gulped the lump.
“What are you doing here?”
You got startled by the sudden voice and looked towards the side to see one man sitting on a sofa scrolling through the phone with a cigarette between his fingers. Everytime he was blowing in, the dimples were pointing out on his handsome face. Beside him, the one with wide eyes and a wine bottle in his hand staring at you. The one who questioned you.
“I have asked you something. No one is allowed here so get out.”
“I-i’m here—“
“Meet our little friend. Miss Kang Y/n.”
Friend? Huh!
The one who was smoking also looked up from his phone and all the stares from three of them was overwhelming you.
You started picking your nails and your hands got swatted away by the one who was smoking, he glared at you and threw the cigarette away. He was so tall that he was towering over you. You were feeling intimidated under their gaze but still you were doing your best to stray strong.
“Don’t do that. It can cause infections.”
You nodded, “it’s okay. It’s just—“
“Don’t think that I’m caring for you. We don’t want to get sick because of you.”he harshly replied before scanning you up and down.
“Oh come on. Be nice with her. Our dad told us to get along with her or this princess would complain about us to her dear daddy. Poor daddy. Can he buy a handkerchief to wipe off your tears?” Taeyong had a wide smirk across his face.
You had enough.
“Well it’s good that my dad is poor and not rich like yours. Maybe We live in poverty but atleast we have better manners and respect for others unlike you who are blinded by luxury. Actually you all can’t even differ between love and money. Emotional feelings and materialistic satisfaction are two different things. But you can’t see the real emotions because of material emotions. You all have an artificial soul built by the expenses and royalty.”
The one who was still drinking at the sofa laughed out loud. The smoker was staring down at you and Taeyong folding his hands beside you was now glaring at you.
“Do you have angel eyes to see all these? Don’t think that if you were rich then you wouldn’t have been like this. You can’t even know the air we breath because you can’t even be in our place ever. This No.1 company in this city was built by our dads, I’m the son of Mr. Kim. Everybody knows me here, Kim Doyoung and everybody looks up to me.”
The named Doyoung glared at you in the end before chugging down some alcohol.
“If you go downstairs and say my name Jung Jaehyun. Then you can see all the ladies will turn their heads to get a glimpse of me. Everyone try to marry off their daughter to me so that they can have my dad Mr. Jung as their business partner and their daughters would be happy to marry their dream guy.”
Jaehyun smirked in the end and leaned to the wall near him.
Finally Taeyong spoke up as if he was waiting for the chance, “Nothing can be more valuable than money, princess. Status can change everything. The facade of innocence that you have will be ripped off the day you will sit on the throne. But fake princesses don’t get the royalty. Only the gold ones get it.”
You scoffed and glared at each one of them.
“I would rather be a person with good morals, good reputation with others, instead of with rich material things which can be here today and gone tomorrow. Riches cannot buy you true love or true lasting happiness.”
“Riches can buy us everything, Y/n.”
Hearing your name from Taeyong shifted something inside you as if you were in a trance earlier. You licked your lips.
“If those riches can buy me true love and happiness then It’s better than gold.”you stared at them.
“Do you think you are better than gold?” Jaehyun asked you.
“Yes I am.”
You turned on your heels and bumped Taeyong’s side, you knew it would make him annoyed and it did.
Doyoung shouted, “where are you going?”
“You only said earlier that no one is allowed here then I should assume that I am un-welcomed. And if you want to take revenge for this like whatever I have said and made you angry with pointing at your attitudes then show it on me. Don’t do anything to my dad.”
Doyoung leaned back and smirked, “are you scared? Oh wait are you requesting something to me, to us? I really can’t hear you.”
You cursed under your breath because that earlier the rush of adrenaline made you lose your temper but you didn’t think of your dad at the time that it could harm your dad’s situation. They might can do any conspiracy to kick your dad out from the job.
“Oh the angel is silent now. Who was being so strong a few moments earlier?” Jaehyun’s mocking voice earning laughs from the other two and your tears were threatening to fall.
The sweet names ‘Angel’, ‘Princess’ are so lovable to be greeted by but they were calling out to you in mockery. They were having fun because you were having happy life at their mercy.
Taeyong cleared his throat, “your dad will be fine but you. The princess needs to face the consequences.”
Every good thing comes with a price.
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sugar-petals · 1 year
𝖘𝖚𝖇!NCT ; { 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚍 𝚐𝚊𝚖𝚎 𝚜𝚚𝚞𝚊𝚍 | 18+}
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[ # 𝚝𝚊𝚐𝚜. ] domme/sub. oral sex. kinks. toys. breath play. semi-public sex.
⟨ AUTHOR’S NOTE. ❌ here’s to a 9-part hc, this time it’s the neos! 5k words total — at this point, i might just name my blog oral fixation central instead of pretty boy central. i picked members who i thought would suit the scenario best, from power bottoms to innocent subs: pick your preference from the little ‘feat’ list below ⬇︎ and if you like what i do: interact and/or reblog ♥︎ enjoy! x
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[ + PAIRINGS.] crop top!mark, shy!taeyong, poly soft sub!shotaro, hard sub!yuta, experienced!jungwoo, tease!yangyang, trophy bf!xiaojun, service sub!johnny, pro!ten x femdom!reader respectively
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⇢ MARK 마크 - All about the eye contact while hugging your thighs. You’re comfortably reclined, playing with his soft flowy bangs. His shampoo smells so. Fricking. Good. He’s kneeling there, ass up, one hell of a sight. Why have one nice thing when you could have two at once? Mark eating your cake, you can check out his cake — and spank it later — it’s a win-win. Mark is the kind of guy who blurts out a thousand thoughts per minute, but when he eats you out, the laser focus he’s known for when rapping returns to its full glory. As if he could read your wants and wishes out of your gaze. If you want clit kisses, you get them. Still, Mark often confuses himself in typical style („Hold on, hold on! The towel goes here below, wait, I got it wrong!“), but! He is not confused by you. It’s more about figuring out his technique. Was more cautious at the beginning already, however not because he thought you were unapproachable or mysterious. Mark loves you very much and thinks you’re beyond hilarious. Which is why eating you out is constantly interrupted by mutual laughing fits, no surprise there. His tunnel vision can only last for so long! You make your boyfriend cry tears by making funny faces. He’s caught off guard. It’s good to lighten the mood. Being funnier than Mark is hard to pull off, which makes it even more rewarding to make his face glow from heat, thigh squeezing, and grinning. One hand on his cheek if you can reach, the other at the back of his neck. Mark has the softest peach fuzz on his nape, so satisfying to stroke. What starts out hasty or confused turns into comfy relaxation and trust, Mark knows how much it soothes you.
One scenario became his and your definite favorite. Mark got his driving license, parked in front of your home, honked, and had the audacity to sit there behind the steering wheel with a purple crop top on such a fine evening. Horny and intrigued immediately, all you did was stare during your drive to the take-out spot you like so very much. His hair had gotten pretty long, it was so cute. But Mark’s body was just as inviting, you wanted to touch and ravage and wreck him so damn badly. Mark barely made it halfway through the city that you asked him to drive off the main street. Innocent mind he is, your baby assumed you knew a shortcut through the traffic. Mark winds up stopping the car incredulously somewhere close to an empty laundromat store, this area of the city was fast asleep and abandoned. When you whispered you wanted to fuck him, Mark’s jaw simply dropped. A perfect exercise for what was about to— come. Perfectly sat on his face, you were deepthroating a whiny Mark laying on the backseat seven minutes later, sucking him off in a proper rhythm, seamless, with Mark nipping and dipping his way into your heart from behind. Mark was ready to die fulfilled by getting crushed. He came down your throat so fast, you had to wait until you could ride him hard: A perfect opportunity to enjoy some more chaotic rapper tongue action before, and moaning out loud when you came on his face. Since you were only getting started but Mark was dizzy with love, you took matters into your own hands and went for the ride of your lives.
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⇢ TAEYONG 태용 - Insecure and shifty-eyed at first, both hands trembling in the pockets of his grey hoodie. Leader Taeyong mode: Disengage. Listening well is his guideline here, he relies on bits of praise and your instructions („More to the left — yes… feels good“) to know what works. Sub training is the word. Since he’s more of an intuitive lover who prefers not to jump right into it, Taeyong will build the scenario rather carefully with your orders in mind. Morning, noon, or night, doesn’t matter. The time spent gearing up, arranging his room with the right lights and a movie to watch first, the mood at the moment, that’s time well-spent. Impressionable Taeyong is a perfectionist of staging something in every sense of the word. His tendency for theatrics and hot as fuck eyebrow expressions extends to licking you up when his new mixtape plays. Even when he’s fucked-out from the day, he still reserves this energy for his one and only. Getting better and to the point as he progresses is always the bar. The hoodie stays on. The inhibitions come off. Once he gets going and the playlist switches to Baekhyun, Taeyong sucks your clit like it’s your birthday. You reach the point of no return in one minute flat no matter how slow or fast he goes. Your sweet sloppy sub is well aware where the most sensitive nerve endings are and caters to your every throbbing, pulsing, and twitching of the legs. And if you’re insatiable, horny at 7 in the morning again, Taeyong will drop everything he does and climbs back into your bed to play with your wetness at the tips of his fingers, sucking them rigorously like the true cumslut he is. The scent of his crisp aftershave will make you cum in no time, he smells so fucking good and masculine. This handsome man’s all yours.
Recently figured out how mommy cums as soon as he moans her name. So, he has to use it diligently, not too early, not excessively. You help him place his hands on the outer point of your hips, use his bubbling spit as lube, and show your boo how to angle his glorious jaw. Sooner or later, he almost looks like he’s posing in an expensive photoshoot, that’s how physical he is. Subspace is always just around the corner, so you make a habit of reassuring him that he sucks you off right, that you love this way of pleasure, that he’s good at it. Which is no lie. His tongue is flexible and versatile, to say the very least. And his room isn’t the only place where your little encounter goes down. Taeyong once drove you out to see his old school — you both just wanted to revisit the empty building for some memories. Taeyong got nostalgic, plus he loves to show you forgotten aspects of his life that few other people know. The sports facilities in particular. But eventually, you pressed Taeyong against a locker, heavily made out, and within a blink of his pretty doe eyes, his head was between your legs on an old bench. Your dirty talk was off the fucking charts. The pet names you were peppering him with, too. Three minutes after you hit the peak, Taeyong gladly heard the janitor’s keys click in a close-by room, so you just wound up hiding behind some trees of the school’s baseball field. Out of breath, the two of you. Jeez, did he dress you in record time, and jumped up, and showed you the door out. Those reflexes. While you wait for the janitor to leave, a very amused Taeyong shows you pictures of himself when he was enrolled on his phone… as if he didn’t swallow your every drop just minutes earlier. Yeah, he’s fascinating.
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⇢ SHOTARO 쇼타로 - Kissy lips, kissy face. Squeals with absolute joy when you offer him to have a go — don’t underestimate how much he worships your body. And how much he loves sex, long as it’s not too rough. Shotaro doesn’t like hard subbing, gentle femdom sounds more like it. He won’t risk anything… yet. Wait one or two years and he might as well be super freaky. Until then, no experiments, Yuta’s kinky influence has not corrupted him, but he won’t stop to take a breather either. The perfect mix of commitment and flirt, batting his puppy eyes at you constantly with a very careful mouth at work. Shotaro’s friendly impression is not going to be blown away all of a sudden, that’s not even reserved for moaning his soul out when you peg him. The only time the sweet smile wanes is when your baby feels like you’re not into it — before you even voice it to him. Shotaro is concerned concerned. „Wait! Should I do it differently?“ is the panicked response, and you cool him down for a solid minute with head pats. Making mistakes is what he fears most: Looking pathetic, degraded, embarrassed and unskilled. Needless to say, he’s not the type of submissive who likes humiliation, more points to soft subbing. You say, you’re Shotaro. How could you go wrong. You couldn’t look awful if you tried. Although `going with the flow´ is a washed-out phrase that’s far too simple as a motto, a little bit of calm and laissez-faire really works for him. Not interrupting himself, not checking if absolutely everything is done right, but going ahead and just working his tongue to get some feedback later.
Where he clearly excels is a polyamorous dynamic, romantic and/or sexual: Hear me out. Naturally, he needs no experience with it. He fits right into the mix, acting as a mediator and mood-maker between three parties. Three is good, although four or five is too much for Shotaro to handle, even if the pairs kind of split into couple units within one room. Like two here, three there, or something like that. It’s better to focus and galvanize all the attention on you without distractions or further chaos that would just make the situation uncomfortable. So, three it is. Not a gangbang, just a triad, and if it’s two girls he’ll pleasure at once, he’s right at home. Shotaro is so amicable, his winning smile could put anyone at ease. As I said, despite his lack of experience, he’s a natural. One girl gets to relish his gentle fingers circling and rubbing, the other girl will see his mouth do wonders at the same time. Actually, Shotaro is more confident with a third party around, it’s puzzling. Until you remember he’s part of frickin’ NCT: Their collective buzzing hive mind has likely programmed every member to be good at poly should they choose to try it — don’t ask why, just enjoy. Being around so many people made Shotaro a little awkward in a one-on-one setting, which doesn’t diminish his affection for his main partner, mind you. But you can definitely tell he thrives on poly dynamics, it feels like protection to him. Shotaro’s number one prowess of being able to please will come through immediately, and he’ll do anything to set up the room as romantically as possible. Scented candles, warm blankets, music. Everyone feels secure, and it’s a night you’ll ask to repeat soon. He’s the absolute sweetest, I know.
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⇢ YUTA 유타 - Enjoys you spitting on him beforehand. Properly. Degradingly, with no hesitation, anywhere across his face. Wastes no time submitting to your sadistic, tormenting deeds. Any viable spot in your living space will serve as a theatre for a great scene. Even the cold basement: You, facing any wall standing, Yuta chained and squatted between your legs to eat his meal from behind-below, begging to be crushed, suffocated. Rest assured you’ll feel warmed up in just two minutes. Nastiest groans between loud slurping noises ever. Moves his head side to side a whole lot. Other people around? „Don’t care“ — Yuta wants everyone to know he pleasures your clit superbly well. Likes, wants, craves the aid of ultra-fancy battery toys. Where’s the excitement, the literal buzz? He’s not happy if you don’t get one hell of a show, whipped cream included (yes, his secret weapon). And, you know… him wearing a red rope harness, even thin heels, hard to balance on as the extra challenge. Dressed for the occasion. Always knows, observes, notices when you love it and when you don’t, or if you think some technique is just eh, mediocre, maybe „time for an upgrade“. The upgrade is more tongue-flicking, by the way. Mister Quick & Sloppy knows what’s good. Yuta shows up carrying a little vibrator collection 70% of the time, some very handy electrical friends that he’s gonna use one after the other while you can just relax. Why just one toy when you could have even more sensations? Alternating with his energetic tongue, it’s an interesting method mix, freaky and experimental. So much more intense, and new. They didn’t lie when they said Yuta had vibes. The things he’s smuggled through crowded hotel lobbies with a stone-cold face just to get you off. And: The toys he ordered online, where Taeyong picked up the package, so Yuta lied it was just another boring game he bought to pass the time.
Looks at you very intensely with his head between your legs, and you wink back by habit. It actually flusters him profusely. Don’t underestimate Yuta’s ability to become extremely shy, this man has such a soft spot for his domme. Especially after she destroyed him totally… he loves it, going past his limits all the time. A cane is all you need to break him, only to get all the head you want with Yuta crying. Hard and mischievous shell, soft and whimpery core. One of the best pleasers, knows you inside out. Yuta has his intricately detailed knowledge about the ladies down. Plus his power bottom tendencies equal the amounts of sheer masochism he possesses: Mercilessly smack him across the face between streaks of sucking, right after he catches a breath, and he will be yours. Yuta will plead you to do it again and again. Never cared about shallow orgasms, wants to make you cum for real, it’s the same with him wanting to scream. Wishes there was a way for you to choke him out while he’s doing down on you, but your hands would reach him awkwardly, preferring to pull on his hair anyway: So he just clamps down on his own neck with one hand, circling your nipples with his spit-covered fingers using the other hand, that fucking perv. That Yuta is crazy you already know, but that he likes to pile on several sex techniques at once is a revelation. That he has the skills to do it is not. Sex god. Your nasty boy deserves to be ruined.
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⇢ JUNGWOO 정우 - Prince of chapstick, he feels super smooth. The face, the same. So soft. The prettiest. Prettiest boy to ever pretty. Long as it’s a chill environment and it’s mostly vanilla, he’s down for anything, your goofy sweetheart. Don’t laugh, you could even put on a random Sunday soccer match on his laptop. If there’s no intense penalty shootout and it’s a little monotonous, both teams equally strong so nothing really happens, that’s perfect as a relaxing backdrop with all the occasional commentary and fan chants, volume turned down by 80%. It would sound weird with any other guy, but Jungwoo makes it work. It could be any sports event, in fact. Ice hockey, billiards, whatever. Or music. Or him wearing a silky jersey himself while he goes down on you, his sporty side is such a turn-on. But no stress, no edge, just being sweet together and flirting a lot. He’s cute and hot and kind at once — the amount of facial expressions you’ll see is astounding. Likes the occasional deeper dive if you know what I mean, though not as in, ambushing you with crazy tongue twisters and whatnot. Deliberate is the word. Is not content staying all too superficial or messy, it has to be rhythmical and make sense, making you comfortable. You thought he would be chaotic, but Jungwoo knows exactly what to do, how to dip, so you don’t worry. Except that you’re an immensely possessive domme behind a generous exterior — with eagle eyes, for that matter.
Since your lil’ pup acts like he has done it before a couple times, and Jungwoo confirms he has experience, you feel a bit jealous and even go on bantering. „Enjoyed it?“ Yes, even if you wish you weren’t, you’re jelly. Jungwoo reacts with a sheepish and embarrassed face, he doesn’t want to spill the beans. What’s done is done, he protects the privacy of his exes, evades questions. You eventually calm yourself to take it easy, it’s none of your biz, although saying his past is his past doesn’t really work as a catchphrase for you: You have to make it crystal clear, have him close in, make him say „I am“ when you ask „are you mine, then?“ Despite his seductive come-hither gaze being a masterclass and his humor being outrageous, Jungwoo is a surprisingly patient lover, hating to just rush it or be inaccurate with his plush tongue. You can feel his adoration. And he’s upbeat. A reassuring smile makes your day, it helps you rid yourself off the stress. Every word you say is appreciated. He hates when someone walks all over their partner, it just isn’t right to him. Listening is more important. Jungwoo hates you being pent up, hates you worried or preoccupied. At work, he can deal with himself. At home, he will vent quickly when there’s a bigger problem, but he’d rather tune into you first. He’d do anything to make you feel like you got rid of your problems, he’s your escapist fantasy turned real. Jungwoo has no problem being considered just that. In fact, he wants it, knowing you can take it out on him in gentle ways: Hands in his soft blonde hair, swaying your hips, cumming when he kisses you.
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⇢ YANGYANG 양양 - Eating you out as his signature move? Well, well. Yes and no. Because seemingly, he does anything but: At first. It’s 99% endless teasing everywhere else on your body. Until, completely on edge, you guide his shoulders and have him get to work. With permission, of course, knowing he enjoys it. You wouldn’t hurt this cutie at all costs, though he likes his head controlled by you like this to begin with. So don’t worry too much, he isn’t made of cotton candy, even if his hair color sometimes suggests that. Ironically, it’s the other way around. He wants to taste your cotton candy. With your hands around his temples, holding him in place. Which makes for a sexy POV from both of your positions. Yangyang is working hard, why is he still so immensely eager, how much energy does he even have? It’s admirable how he can tease your body for so long with ghosting kisses and suggestive eye contact. Yangyang being the master of stamina might come as a surprise, but you know how it goes with Libra men. Pleasers till the end of time. That’s exactly why he indulges you so much in prep. Edging is his thing, though you tend to take back control by cussing him out for licking your ankles like a maniac. „What are you, a deprived Victorian man? You sexy fucking sucker, you, God damn…“ Insults make him squeal and laugh, and soon he’s back to the main event, anyway.
Now seriously, why does the cutie trail off so much? Which, granted, makes you even hornier. Propped onto your couch, Yangyang is humming and licking your thighs with that seductive, way too infuriating grin. Even munching on them when he’s extra cocky, up until you say you’ll fucking spank his soul out if he keeps on smiling like a devil. You’ll mark him up at full capacity, slap his butt, pinch his nose, swear you’ll tickle him until he taps out. But kinky Yangyang is not stopped by any threat of punishment whatsoever. What are you gonna do, smack his ass and hope he stops nibbling on your legs for good? If anything, he gets even more riled up and ready to stimulate you even more. Shit, your body’s on fire from all the attention it gets. So, good luck with this sheer untamable brat. He kisses your belly, sucks on your chest at random. Your fingers, too. The neck. The entire palette. Even the fucking ears. Yuta would be proud of Yangyang’s utter depravity. Little did you know it’s all a tastemaker. In your world, he’s increasing the suspense. In his world, he’s courting you, paying attention to all body parts, showing off what he can do with his lips. Oral sex? Nope, kissing first! Holy fuck, he’s absolutely fucking peppering you. You thought Yangyang was too intimidated to go down on you and delayed it, turns out you misunderstood. Guy is just the king of foreplay. And out of all head squad members? Surprise! His oral fixation is the most unruly and developed.
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⇢ XIAOJUN 샤오쥔 - Okay, prepare yourselves. Xiaojun is a little extra with those kind of things, to say the least. Not kinky, just particular. In fact, he is the type to use his whole damn face. Yep. Very deliberately, slow-mo, so you can see and feel everything. Yes, chin and all. His entire technique would appear lazy, uncoordinated and weird to an outsider, but from your perspective, he’s just nasty, he’s giving it his all: Which is exactly what you like. Xiaojun knows that you’re obsessed with the beauty of his otherwordly features from outer space, and he’s always generous with it — „I’m yours, that’s why“. So why not give it a shot, his mouth can only do so much! Does Xiaojun look down on anyone who sticks to the basics? Probably not, he’s too busy in his own relationship. Being perfect, being hot, being all you need, he goes the extra mile for everything. And that happens to include cunnilingus. The cheekbones, the nose, the forehead, even… You get to feel it, too, not just the lips doing their thing. He’s brave, he’s naughty, he’s sensual all at once. Wants you all over him, after all. Slathered up in your wetness, is this Xiaojun’s new makeup routine? It sure looks like it. The man is glowing for all the right reasons. 
There is a bit of vanity in his style. He’s your designated trophy boyfriend, after all. Gotta look and act the part, doesn’t he. Swipe his hair back while he licks you, put up mirrors for sexy time, doll himself up beforehand with soft and pretty clothes, even a few necklaces. No mediocre. Xiaojun is like Narcissus between your legs, but really, he’s just conscious of how he comes across: And who can blame him. That’s not a boyfriend. That’s a masterpiece. Xiaojun doesn’t need beauty standards, they need him! Few people can handle his awesomeness. Knowing you want his body, his fucking soul, he is all the more eager to satisfy your heated desires with no regard to form: Come as you are. Your PJs, work or uni clothes, naked, near-naked, whatever. He’s the one to look at. Xiaojun puts great emphasis in slow-paced presentation that matches some tender music in the background. It could go on for hours if you wanted. Dejun could do the juiciest and unusual things while a ballad is playing in the background, but you’re into it. Because it’s not torturously done, but well aware that you think he’s stunningly handsome, so he’ll indulge you. Looks good in any position, as one would expect. Enjoys it if you sit on him lots because he likes to be below, this overpowering angle. The same idea applies here: Torturously slow is the key. You’re a strict and controlled domme, that suits him the very best.
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⇢ JOHNNY 쟈니 - Sassy, sassy boy. Talks a lot at the beginning, 100k words friends to lovers. Is this Youtube? Johnny needs to know exactly what you want and how he can achieve it. Fair enough, he wants the juicy intel, all of your boundaries and soft limits, your ideas, your sweet spots, your no-gos and best ways to make you comfortable. And hey, that’s a smart and normal thing to do: He just does it all at once, like an essay. Wow. You can tell he thought about everything and wondered about everything. A caring boyfriend, if you think of it. The whole shebang is kind of cute. Johnny has no business being ignorant; nor does he like to disappoint his girlfriend. He already caught your attention with his tight shirt, in fact, he distracted you while you were going through your phone, so now he, um, takes responsibility for his banging body being so hot. „Do you want any snacks before, something to drink? Probably some water, right. Wait a minute, I’ll get it for you. Do you want warm water or cold water? Okay, cold, right. With a slice of lemon or without? Should we turn on the TV or some music? Which blanket do you prefer today, the lighter one or the heavy-duty?“
On it goes, it’s the service sub in him. This is like fucking Hotel Johnny Seo. He wants to be like a personal butler to you, except that said butler has some impressive dancer glutes and no suit on. Johnny really does leave nothing to chance and you appreciate it: Circumspect, as ever, and it’s important to be comfy before getting down to business. Johnny knows it always makes a difference when you’re warm and hydrated, so he keeps on asking questions to make sure it’s all set. But once he is engrossed, lips on your labia… the opposite is true. Why does he stop talking out of literal nowhere, what on earth is going on. Johnny’s dead silent, focused, in a different mindset. Unrecognizable. He barely even moves his body, even if there’s a lot to move indeed. God, is he fucking tall — a bit difficult to drape and position himself on the sheets, but he’ll manage. Kind of folding himself in half will do the trick. You already blew his literal back out with your strap the day before, so his spine’s like jelly anyway: Bending, not a problem. Once he kneels properly, it’s all tunnel vision. Although to be fair, he moans every now and then — which is very stimulating, to say the very least. Puts his spectacular lips to good use and, if he’s honest, wants to be „nothing but a sex toy“ (his words, verbatim!) that you can bend around to your delights. You were kind of confused by what he meant, so Johnny explained it. The point is that you can adjust him however you like and he’s there to give you a good time.
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⇢ ten 텐 - Red alert, the final boss is here. Let's make tonight your birthday. Ten’s piping hot sexual style puts any existing man, no matter how experienced, to a literal devastating shame. Because he has what? The flavor. It’s exceedingly difficult to put his energy into fitting words. Similar to Yuta, he flaunts some seriously rapid flicking tongue movements, but knows when to slow it down for a minute: Nuance! It’s exactly what does the trick. Despite his quick and accurate manner, he won’t overstimulate or overtake you. Overtaking in a sense of, being faster than the pleasure can arrive, which is a mistake he knows is frequently committed. Ten knows that going too hard doesn’t feel good, so he refrains from going on for a second round right away especially. „Fifteen minutes rest is due,“ is what he’ll say, laying down face to face on his side with you. Presenting his cute puffy lips, and also for a chance to look him in the eyes properly. Those cat eyes. They’re magnetic. After enough tension builds and you’re impatient, Ten dives off between your thighs again. Patience (with stamina) is a virtue and he has it. Paired with the most graphic dirty talk you’ve ever heard, Ten is fully in his element, hands in the right places, hair falling the right way, lips promptly sucking you up. If you know his Instagram, you know which bedroom eyes will await you. On the majority of days, Ten is the type who will crawl up to you from the edge of the bed like a feline. You don’t know what’s first to touch. Grab his ass? Cup his face? Pinch his waist? Fuck it, just do everything at once.
Not a fan of 69, he’ll dedicate himself fully to you. Twisting himself around is his job on stage, but he’s remarkably still once chest down in bed. Or the edge of the bathtub, whatever you fancy. Few angles are too awkward for ten. Talk about bathroom sex: He’s probably the only person on earth who mastered giving head in the shower. Even without a mat or towel under his knees, which is crazy. He stays stable as if by sheer magic, the floor being painfully hard and slippery doesn’t bother him, though you insist he use at least a small towel to kneel on when it’s not spontaneous oral. Ten is only focused on his task, nothing else fazes him. He trusts you with the temperature control, and if he’s getting waterboarded from above with the shower on? Then he’s getting waterboarded. Ten won’t care. He’s the goat, he knows he can breathe somehow, and he doesn’t want you getting cold — „just turn the valve, honey“. You often take precautions and turn on the bathroom heating way before, but Ten insists on his ways and can clearly see your goosebumps. Your right leg over your shoulder, your boyfriend eats you out from below with the water stream trailing right over his face. The divine baptism! You can squeeze, grind, and fuck his face stupid in the most erratic thrusts on the bathroom carpet ten minutes later for a solid round two. He wants to be completely at your mercy, laying there on his back, dripping wet long dark hair, getting you off hands-free. This guy lets you do anything. Any-fucking-thing. Ten is a legend.
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// FINAL NOTE. leave some feedback if you liked it 🍒 and for more content like this, browse my rec blog’s specifically dedicated sub!nct tag. have fun! 🙌
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multifandomslxt · 1 year
NCT 127 and their sugar daddy ratings PT.1
part two coming soon as well as a svt and skz version
Johnny Suh
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9.5/10 ( less .5 because he refuses to use the title of sugar daddy, instead he prefers "sponsor".)
He's a CEO. No questions about it.
The man is Fucking RICH
You met through a mutual friend
talked a bit and you ended up telling him that
you were currently taking a year off because of a financial bind
Lies to you and tells you he sponsors college students sometimes
and that he would like to sponsor you
Of course you immediately accept the offer
so begins the sugar daddy antics
Would spoil you,
And I do mean
The song 'Sexy' by JoeVille
"you can do anything you want when you sexy"
Is something he literally lives by
you can do no fucking wrong in his eyes
you're his princess
went on a business trip once and came back to tell you
he bought you a whole penthouse apartment
just in case you wanted to "Study abroad"
buys you EVERYTHING you could ever want
demands you call him "Mr. Suh"
in your eyes its because he wants respect
in his eyes its the closest thing to 'daddy'.
Forbids you from getting a part-time job because
"I can take care of you. Let me take care of you I'm your sponsor after all."
Buys you an expensive necklace for your graduation present.
Then finally reveals that the whole sponsor thing was just him spending his personal money on you.
and so begins the sugar baby-to-girlfriend pipeline.
treats you the same except
now yall are having sex 6/7 days of the week.
Jung Jaehyun
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10/10 (bitch he's perfecttttttt)
Another CEO
He ain't rich like Johnny though
This bitch right here?
he is ✨ WEALTHY✨
You met while you were at work
Everybody knew him
and you were the waitress in charge of his table
First thing you realized about this man
he doesn't speak to many people
Someone literally ordered for him
imagine your shock when you're about to clock out and your
co-worker tells you "Y/n, Mr. Jung would like to have a word with you. He says to bring your stuff with you"
His security leads you to his car and you step in
Jaehyun is literally staring at you the minute you sit in the car
"I'll be straight to the point, I have a meeting to get to in the next 10 minutes. I want you."
Cue the shocked look and silence
However, y'all start to date.
yes, he's your boyfriend and your sugar daddy
as I said, he enjoys spending his money
but only on very specific people.
takes you all over the fucking world you hear me???
Paris has seen your face more than your local chick-fil-a
the type to buy you anything you look at
even if it was for a mili second
this explains how your closet is now overflowing with designer dresses
also, you're a curvy queen
listen closely
this is his fav so simple yet so effective (he's convinced you're trying to k!ll him)
that dress got you a fucking range rover babeee
and it also got you a few days of sick leave from the "unnecessary job" as Jaehyun likes to call it.
completely reaaranged your guts lmaoo
And the lingerie??
its tradition he buys you 10-15 sets every Friday
"Y'know daddy'll give you the world right?"
Lee Taeyong
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9/10 (he was awkward at first lmaoo)
First off you don't know what he does
but the bitch got MONEYYYYYYYYYY
You met on a sugar baby app
you were just trynna make ends meet
he was just trynna get rid of the extra money he got
his first text to you seemed so damn auto mated lmaooo
"hello, I'm Taeyong! Would you like to continue this conversation?"
you were like "???"
but yk eventually yall kicked it off
gave you his card pin after your third date
"Anything you want Daddy will buy it for you okay?"
the type to set up an account for you just for your hair and nails
he even sends you what he wants you to get.
Just so yk
Them Fulani braids
will send him in a coma
he loves frenchies too
so expect alooottt of special requests
he expects to see your personal purchases on his bank statements
don't play with him.
got his bank statement once and dint see your daily coffee purchase
fucked you into oblivion just for that.
he pays your rent
and is also planning on buying you 2 cars for your birthday
one for everyday use
and the other for special occasions lmaoooo
"Just let Daddy take care of you okay?"
Nakamoto Yuta
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11/10 (Bitch...it's literally Yuta)
You also don't know what he does
but as usual, he got money
somehow WEALTHIER than Jaehyun
Yall met through a sugar baby app
he was experimenting
and you were new to this
has a specific amount of money he must depend on you at the end of every month
over 200k
I said what I said
yes you are his sugar baby but he was very clear
when he told you that he is also the MAN in your life
ain't nobody supposed to have access to that pu$$y except him and you
got that??
s3x with him is surprisingly rare btw
he's wayyy too busy to be around you 24/7
hence the over the top 200k budget
always has eyes on you even when he isn't there
you went grocery shopping n the wrong side of town once
and he called you the minute you got home
"What did I tell you about putting yourself in danger princess? do you want me to come home early and teach you a lesson?"
probably the most possessive out of all of them
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euaphoric · 1 year
“i can give you all the exact same things he can, but a million times better.”
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## pairing — haechan x f!reader / strangers to lovers ? ft. other nct members!
## warnings — smut, light angst, fluff, drinking/scenes involving alcohol, a whole lotta nasty stuff, approximately 3.3k words. did i base some of the conflict on real life events? possiblyyy.
·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·
per usual, it was another weekend filled with back to back partying and going out. jaemin (your new boytoy for now) invited you out tonight so you pull up to the function wearing your sexiest little black dress, making all the heads turn soon as you walk in the club. even jaemin’s friends were eyeing you, they were all pretty hot too which didn’t make the situation any easier. it was your first time meeting all of them properly, you only really spoke to them through quick interactions between you coming and going out of jaemin’s room. they all knew you had a thing going on so they did their best to try and respect that.
“hey, you must be y/n right? i’m taeyong, i don’t think we’ve formally introduced ourselves. it’s nice finally talking to you!” a blonde man comes up to you, reaching his hand out for you to take. you happily accept and shook his hand, “yes, it’s so nice meeting you too!” all of the guys seemed really friendly, especially mark, he can get pretty handsy when there’s a bit of alcohol in his system. “oh so this is the girl i’ve been hearing all about?” mark stumbles his way over to you, already feeling drunk off a couple shots. “nice to meet ya, i’m mark!” you try and go for a handshake like you did previously with taeyong but that wasn’t his style. “pfftt, don’t try that with me, we hug around here!” he pulls you into a giant bear hug, almost embracing you like a longtime friend he’s known for years. you gave him a questionable look, wondering what kinds of things jaemin says about you to his friends. hopefully it was nothing too detailed or invasive, in which that case you’d be heated if he spilled all the tea about your sex lives.
“care to elaborate on what you heard about me…?” you ask skeptically, wondering if it’s something actually worth your time. “i mean.. nah, i probably shouldn’t— it’s like against bro code to disclose top secret info like that!” he recants, not wanting to be the main source of why you might get angry with jaemin. sigh, as much as you wanted to keep prying mark with more questions your vision gets blocked by jaemin who quite literally comes out of nowhere with another shot. “mark hyung i think that’s enough chitchatting for now, just keep drinking and dancing!” he proceeds to hand mark the glass filled with mystery liquid, mark gulped it down instantly and even asked for another. this was definitely gonna be a night full of catastrophic fun. well hopefully. you didn’t drink much so it felt nice being one of the only semi-sober people of the bunch, the club was pretty packed but you were on the upstairs level and near the outdoor patio which had a gorgeous view of the skyline. the DJ tonight was pretty decent too, he played most songs you knew and liked which was rare nowadays. you didn’t need lots of alcohol to let loose and have fun so you make your way to the dance floor with jaemin but not even 5 mins later he runs into a familiar face. “jaemin is that really you?!” a brunette woman comes up to him with the cheesiest smile on her face. “no way, giselle? long time no see!” he hugs her but that hug seems to be lasting way longer than it should.
it’s almost as if you completely didn’t exist anymore to jaemin. he told you he’d be “right back” but it’s been a good 15-20 minutes and he’s still over at the bar with giselle. he could’ve at least tried to hide the fact that he was flirtatious but he wasn’t even subtle when his eyes were glued to her massive rack the whole time she spoke. you know you aren’t dating this man but the disrespect of him to do that so blatantly in front of your face was crazy to you. he’s crossed the big no-no line for you and it’s only fair you give him a taste of his own medicine. you scan the room to look for a hot guy that would make the perfect candidate, settling your eyes on a very, ridiculously handsome man standing a few meters away from you. he seemed to be alone, his facial expression looking almost bored. you never thought white pants looked good on anyone, but on him? he was exquisite. he gave off 90’s skater vibes and looks like type that listens to cigarettes after sex. it intrigued you why such a good looking guy was here out by himself, just didn’t seem right.
you confidently walk up to him, tapping his shoulder to strike up a conversation. the blaring music would drown out your soft voice easily so you get closer to his ear, “hey, i’m just gonna put it out there right now, i think you’re hot and wanna dance with you!” you were bold for sure tonight. the man looks caught by surprise but doesn’t seem opposed by your advance. he whispers back in your ear “the feelings mutual, i’d love to!” within seconds, an array of ring clad fingers wrap around your waist to bring you to the center of the dance floor. you knew you had the full package but weren’t expecting to get this far so quickly, your backside was facing his front, swaying your hips to the beat of the music. a slow r&b song comes on so he rests his chin on your shoulder, “you look amazing in this dress might i add.” the unnamed man says in a raspy tone. “this definitely feels like fate ‘cause i’ve been eyeing you since i came in here.” you met this guy not even half an hour ago and you’re already ready to drop to your knees for him. “i didn’t try anything since i saw you with a guy earlier, that wasn’t your boyfriend right?” you laugh, scoffing at the idea of you ever dating jaemin. you’ll probably never want to see him again after this stunt he pulled. “no, not at all! he’s just some guy i was seeing, but he’s old news now!” “ah, i see. so then i’m allowed to claim you for the rest of the night?” “i’m all yours for the taking.”
the dance floor became a fuzzy obscure entity around you as your bodies collided. the way he danced so gracefully yet so sensual, his hands traveled down your body, admiring your curvy figure. it felt like a steamy movie scene where two hot strangers try and solve the thick tension between them. but your moment would soon be ruined by the constant vibrating of your phone. you tried ignoring it but it wouldn’t stop so you take it out your crossbody purse and look to see who’s been blowing it up. of course, the person who’s been trying to contact you was none other than jaemin. “sorry, s’cuse me i gotta look at this for a sec!” you break away momentarily to check the texts.
5 new notifications from- jaemin (sneaky link 💦)
[1:00 am]: wow..
[1:03 am]: i leave and come back for only a couple mins just to see you with other guys?? you should feel shameful
[1:04 am]: can’t believe you’d do me like that fr
[1:10 am]: funny cause i was starting to have genuine feelings for you too but i guess you girls are all just the same so idc it’s your loss 🤷🏻‍♂️
[1:18 am]: wtv
the audacity of this man was astonishing. you cannot believe him of all people is actually getting mad at you for doing this. you know you’ll probably regret this tomorrow but you tell him off, it’s only right since he wants to pull the victim card now.
[1:25 am]: don’t make me laugh jae, you’re so self entitled that you can’t even see what YOU did wrong. i’m not going to explain myself and idgaf what you think of me after this, i’m thru with your sorry ass anyways. go have fun with your new bae giselle since you wanna mooch it up with her all night which was way more than “a couple mins” btw… you practically threw yourself at her like the manwhore you are and left me to fend for myself! you are the only one who should feel shameful here not me. so kindly go fuck yourself and have a nice day :)
it felt good to let it all out after sending that, you gave zero fucks at this point. you put your phone on do not disturb, put it back in your purse and bring your attention back to the man with groovy dance moves. “why don’t we get out of here?” your ask sounds more like a demand as you pull his arm away to leave the floor, making your way through the sea of people. you reach outside and you were finally able to talk normally, not having to scream over the music in order to understand each other. “my cars parked in that lot over there, we can go back to my place if you want.” he proposes, waiting for you to give him the approval.
usually you aren’t this lenient with just hooking with someone from the club but this guy was on another level, you had to see what he’s all about. “sure, but before i get into the car with a complete stranger, can we at least know our names? i’m y/n.” you finally introduce yourself properly. “yeah that would make sense, my name’s haechan. it’s an honor to have you accompany me tonight!” he brings your hand up to his lips, pressing a wet kiss to it. even the most minimal touch leaves you starstruck by him.
·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·
once you got to haechan’s place, it started off with some wholesome fun. just talking and getting to know more about each other, haechan asked about jaemin again to make sure you were okay but you shrug it off saying you were fine. “trust me haechan, i’m not shedding a single tear over him so no need to keep asking. i’ll be fine, he was just someone i used as a booty call to be honest.” he nods to your response, “good, now i won’t feel like an asshole for saying what i was thinking.” “what were you thinking?” you wonder, raising your brow. “that i can give you all the exact same things he can, but a million times better.” his voice was laced with seduction as he spoke, “i don’t even mean to sound cocky but i’ll make it my personal goal to be the most memorable fuck you’ve ever had.” he presses his chest up against yours, “i’ll make sure you’ll never think about another man but me after i’m through with you princess.”
you nervously gulp, feeling yourself grow wetter by the minute. you’ve never had a man talk to you in such a way that could make you this easily aroused. “that’s a pretty bold claim you said there, you think you’ll be able to live up to it?” you tease, hoping he won’t take it too seriously. “oh i don’t think, i know. it’s 100% satisfaction guaranteed or your money back love— which will never happen.” he chuckles, snaking his hand to cup your chin and bringing it close to his lips. he stayed like that for what seemed like forever, staring at your petal lips, lightly squishing your cheeks together to turn them into a pout.
“so pretty…” he coos, inching closer to your lips now. he presents you with a deep kiss, sensing the raw passion through him as his hands tease the inners of your thighs. you get a fistful of his messy hair while sinking further down into the memory foam mattress, bringing him with you. he nibbles at your lower lip for entry and you immediately let him slide his tongue in, deliciously exploring each other, making you purr as he tastes the sweetness of you. you softly moan into the kiss, grinding your hips below him, bucking up pathetically to feel some action down there.
“god you’re so fuckin’ hot,” he groans, after breaking away from the kiss. “i’m gonna fuck you ‘til it’s morning baby.” that sounded more like a threat than a promise. “you gonna rail me so hard that i scream and call you daddy all night?” you playfully remark, something ignited in him once you called him that, the desire for you only becoming more irrational. “oh my beloved, you have no idea.” his breaths were heavy against your skin, pressing kisses to your jawline then trailing down to your neck to gently suck. he found a hypersensitive area to make you gasp, sending goosebumps all over your body. you feel a hand on your breast, cupping it tenderly whilst littering your neck with pretty purple and red hickeys. your legs squirm underneath from him rubbing your nipple through your dress, feeling it stiffen as he pinched and flicked at them. you were so horny for him at this point, your panties were a soaked up mess. you continued bucking into him for any bit of stimulation, whining to feel something. it’s been a while since you’ve been needy like this for a man… “if you want something darling just ask.” he props his head up to give you a shit eating smirk, wanting to hear you talk just as dirty as he was. “gimme cock, please! i’m so painfully wet right now i can’t take it anymore.. just need you to fill me up” you weakly surrender. drool peaked out from the corner of your mouth and haechan noticed so he licks it up, “that’s what i’ve been planning to do for hours sweetheart.”
haechan gives you a couple more small, fleeting kisses while lifting your dress up, caressing your plump thighs, running his index finger from your inner thigh to your damp clothed clit. “goddamn you weren’t lying, you’re crazy wet.” you blush at how embarrassingly wet he’s made you for someone you haven’t even known a full 24 hours yet. “i’m just gonna prep you bit with my fingers m’kay babe?” he pushes your panties to the side, sliding his digits along your folds to gather your slick. he entered two fingers in you while circling and stimulating your clit with his thumb, your moans echoed throughout the room just for him. he curls them inside you and your walls cinch around needily, arching your back and moaning with pleasure.
you were seemingly going to come undone just from haechan fingering you, all the wetness dripping onto his wrist only making him want you to cream on his fingers more. your legs feel unstable and you twitch as you feel yourself cumming for the first time of the night, your liquids pour out into his digits, coating them with the creamiest mess. your mouth is locked open as you reach your high, another harsh swipe to your clit was the last string that pulled you. feeling breathless at this point, he gave a twisted smile before taking his fingers out and placing them in your mouth to suck one by one, tasting your lovely essence. he rushed to take off his clothes; quickly removing his pants and boxers to reveal his freshly trimmed, hardened cock. your eyes widen at his length, he’s much bigger than you thought, you were figuring out how he’d be able to fit it all inside. he’ll make it fit one way or another.
there will be many more orgasms to come as the night progresses, you’ve lost count at this point as the duvet is now soaked with your juices. he was pounding you into the ground with his cock, producing hefty back shots to your ass while his hands rest on both sides of your waist. he hasn’t gotten tired of fucking your tight pussy since he’s started. “who’s pussy does this belong to?” he pants, hitting your walls precisely, “it’s all mine right? my cock’s better than jaemin’s right??” he growls, already showing his possessive side within just a few hours. a loud slap to your ass comes with full force, barely giving you any time to react. “r-right!! all yours, this pussy belongs to only you haechan!” you internally struggled to speak, feeling faint off of how many times he’s made you cum. you scream and yelp from pleasure that his dick is the best and how good he’s making you feel. he’s fucked your overstimulated cunt so many times but you still subconsciously tighten around him as he draws out and pumps back in. as soon as he’s close to cumming he finishes on your back, spreading his white seed onto you like the filthy cockwhore you were for him.
he had you like putty in his hands, arching into his touch as he digs his nails into your plush hips. you squirt like it was nothing with him, but with jaemin you could never do that. you couldn’t let this just be a one night stand, you have to get this guy’s number before you leave to do the walk of shame in the morning. speaking of morning; you can see a faint sliver of light through the curtains and you realize now that haechan kept his word from earlier. you never kept track of time though, only thing on your mind is hyuck’s cock filling you up repeatedly. his pace would get sloppier as he’s close to his ten thousandth orgasm, hearing a loud guttural groan escape his mouth. he pulls out again but this time he turns you over while manhandling you, pinning your arms to each side while he cums all on your folds, watching it slowly leak down your swollen pussy. he drags his fingers to your cunt to spread your lips open, biting his lip at the sight — he made such a beautiful mess.
with your clit already being overstimulated and sensitive, he flicks his tongue back to it while tightly holding onto your thigh. your whole body trembles as you cry out to him, pulling his hair as he brings you to tears. you don’t know how you’re still breathing right now, waves of ecstasy washing your brain from constant stimulus, you were in utopia and heaven combined. you weren’t sure how much more you’ll be able to endure, “haechan! haechan!” you’d scream at the top of your lungs, body growing weaker and weaker. he was tearing down every part of you like his life depends on it. he forms saliva with his mouth and spits on your already dripping, throbbing cunt; he’ll never get tired of doing this. “i make you feel the best don’t i?” he grunts, slapping your pussy “no one makes you feel as good as i do right baby girl?” “yes…” you whimper from the twinge of pain. eyes roll to the back of your head, that devilish gaze he had could snatch your soul in an instant.
he was completely right when he said no one’s ever made you feel this good, he was most definitely going to be the most memorable lay you’ve had in your life. jaemin didn’t even come close to haechan. you feel crazy for wanting to stay with him and ask him how he likes his eggs in the morning, his cock rewired your whole brain to think only of him, to be of service to his every want and need. he drove you truly, madly, deeply insane. “looks like the suns fully rising now,” he says looking over at the acute sunlight emitting from the window “my work here is done.” “can i just stay like this for a while? i can’t feel my legs..” you croak, unable to even build minimum strength to prop your head up. “of course you can” he murmurs, “i would never kick you out like that. i was gonna ask if you wanted to sleep here and cuddle, hm?” pressing slow, lazy kisses to your shaky thighs, tracing patterns into them. he was a force to be reckoned with earlier but has now turned into a ray of sunshine right after. “yes please, i’d love that. hold me in your arms forever and ever.”
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outro-jo · 1 year
dating an nct 127 member and being besties with another
pairing: nct 127 member bsf x reader x nct 127 member bf
type: scenario
warnings: none really
a/n: so each one is the bestie and it says who the partner is. if that makes sense lol
masterlist | info
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taeyong- besties with doyoung’s partner
so you actually did a little work with nct on a title track. you wrote and produced the demo and worked really closely with taeyong and became besties in the process. you’re more freelance, so your time working with 127 was short but taeyong still wanted to work with you on different projects so he kept you around some. this is also how you met doyoung. you are quite literally the polar opposite of doyoung and your differences made him fall for you SO hard but it took him a little while to actually ask you out. ty was the one encouraging him the whole way but it took soooo much effort for him to not tell you. he was there and helped arrange for you to be at the studio for doyoung to ask you out. the second doyoung left after asking you, the both of you cheered and screamed together. he’s been your and doyoung’s biggest supporter and defender ever since.
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taeil- besties with jungwoo’s partner
from the moment he met you he thought you were adorable. tiny and sweet, like a little sibling. he has a little sister and he’s the oldest in nct so the brotherly protective role came pretty naturally with him when it came to you. he NEVER let’s you pay when y’all are out and he just has a way of looking out for you when jungwoo isn’t able to. you and taeil also have basically the same music taste so you’re always sending each other new music you find. jungwoo thought it was very sweet the way his hyung took you under his wing and grateful to have someone look after you like an older sibling.
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johnny- besties with haechan’s partner
it was just to be expected. donghyuk is pretty much johnny’s son so he had to get to know his new child. at first it started out as a way to protect donghyuk, getting to know you just to make sure he wouldn’t get hurt but eventually you two became very close. as time went on, johnny worried less about donghyuk getting hurt and more about you. donghyuk is actually really thankful to have someone around who might be able to protect you better than he can especially when it comes to the more questionable fans of nct. you had a few moments where he was definitely glad to have johnny around. both of your boys just want you safe. your boyfriend loved that you and johnny were so close… until he became the butt of the joke. all with love though.
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yuta- besties with mark’s partner
you’re literally the perfect mirror of mark, like a little ray of sunshine. all of the endearing qualities mark has like being clumsy, goofy, and sweet, you have and yuta immediately took to you. he’s just as affectionate with you as he is with mark (in a respectful way of course). sometimes he’ll even push mark away when he tries to love on either of you. yuta treats you like his precious little angel and he will fight anyone that hurts you, including and especially mark. he will sometimes call you up on his off days when mark has to work for dream or producing and make sure you’re well fed and not bored. he’ll also just facetime you in general, especially when the boys are on tour. it’s really funny because he never tells mark he’s calling you and mark just walks in and you’re on yuta’s phone. “wait… is that y/n??” “yes, but they’re mine right now. you can call them later.” the thing that warmed yuta’s heart the most is when you started learning japanese just to have something else in common with him… also to shit talk about mark a little. despite being teased so much, mark is actually so happy that you and yuta are close. he’s glad to have him care for you so well and honestly him not liking you would have been a bit of a dealbreaker.
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doyoung- bestie’s with taeil’s partner
funny story… doyoung was actually your bias. the look on everyone’s faces when he said this at your first meeting the boys was priceless—especially doyoung’s face. after the initial shock wore off, doyoung was totally endeared by your admiration and wanted to get to know you for who you were and because you were dating his group mate. his expectations were low, not thinking you would be close but he hoped to have pleasant interactions with you. come to find out, the reason you were always so drawn to him as a fan was because you were so much alike in a lot of ways. taeil actually found it kind of funny and preferred that you weren’t all over him just because of his role in nct. he was glad that you found a friend within the group of boys he’s known for so long and he feels like doyoung is one of the better choices among them.
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jaehyun- besties with johnny’s partner
no one was surprised when johnny started dating a foreigner and he was incredible when you made the move to korea but the new environment had you pretty anxious when it came to making friends. it didn’t help that you were still learning the language too. jaehyun was the first to step up and offer to help you and be a conversation partner. of course, johnny was top choice but it was nice to have someone else. your boyfriend is incredibly confident in himself and never once was threatened by your friendship because he trusts you both so well. at the end of the day, he knows that you’re with him because you love him and not his best friend. when teaching helping you study korean, jaehyun had so much patience with you and never made you feel bad when you messed up your pronunciation or phrasing. this pair is really the best to go out with because they’re so goofy and comfortable with each other and you fit in so well. the three of you are the perfect trio.
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jungwoo- bestie’s with jaehyun’s partner
you and jungwoo were pretty similar and close in age so when jaehyun introduced you to the group you clicked immediately. the two of you started hanging out more often and he would invite you to hang out at practices which threw jaehyun off when you’d walk in and he didn’t invite you. the group called you “the twins” because you were practically the same person and almost always together. jaehyun had to catch himself at first because even though he wasn’t normally the jealous type, he couldn’t help but see how well you got along. he was just so scared of losing you but honestly you and jungwoo laughed when he brought the notion up to you and were almost like school kids saying it was “gross”. truly, you never thought of each other in that way. from then on, jaehyun was happy that his little nct family loved you almost as much as he did. 
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mark- besties with taeyong’s partner
mark actually introduced the two of you. you had known mark for years and one day when you were with mark at his studio, taeyong walked in. he was so sweet and shy but very kind to you, it melted your heart. after that you would do all you could to get a chance to see him again. for months, you silently held on to your crush and thankfully mark is pretty obvious despite knowing you so well. it came as quite the shock to mark when you told him but he made it his mission to find out if he liked you too and set you up. years later mark was telling everyone the story during his best man speech. 
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haechan- besties with yuta’s partner
honestly, this shocked everyone a little bit. we all know how donghyuk tries so hard to receive yuta’s love, when he started dating you, donghyuk didn’t really try as hard with you. he was polite and kind but kept a distance but you’re the one that found him to be so adorable that he couldn’t help but have hearts in his eyes. you’re kind of like an older sibling with him. you care for him, take him out to eat, you listen and help him with his problems. donghyuk being your bestie meant that he’s over at your apartment A LOT which yuta doesn’t like very much but it’s the best time to poke fun at him. also whenever you come to see yuta at work, he spots you immediately and rushes over to hug you. sometimes even before yuta can get to you (which he HATES). most of the time when you’re with the boys, yuta has to fight him off you to give affection but it’s cute that they fight over you.
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astroyongie · 9 days
NCT 127 June Reading 2024
Note: please take it with a grain of salt
love: it seems like he is still dating the same person as ever, but things are again complicated. Taeil have been a little bit more protective over his finances and not “pampering” his partner as much which has made them mad 
career: Taeil has some ideas of what he wants to do after his military service. Maybe we will finally have some type of solo music from his side. he has also been quite protected lately 
self: things are okay with him, his health is strong and he has been leading the group into a better communication overall 
love: This man is finally in a relationship (this seems to be an idol but i am not 100% sure). Also their relationship havent started long ago, probably around the end of April and the beginning of may which makes him being on a honeymoon. things are doing well for him!
career: he has been doubting himself a lot lately, especially when it comes to his capacities of being an idol also because there’s a few things that have scared him and that provoked a lot of emotional turmoil since it could have impacted his idol image. Johnny is also having some type of blockages with his career 
self: he is going through a lot of indecisions, a lot of thoughts a lot of confusion about why life does certain things to him. he feels like he has been screwed around and that life isn't fair to him 
love: Taeyong is also in a relationship at the moment. Despite everything he was able to make everything official before his departure to the military service. thighs are okay for him and this relationship is something that he has been manifesting for so long, so he is happy 
career: i couldn't get much about his career, since at the moment everything is on hold 
self: he has been a little bit “foolish” lately, making decisions without thinking though and overall doing things that are perceived by others are very word and out of reality 
love: he has been dating the same person since april and everything seems to be doing well. Yuta is very curious about them and everyday is a day where he learns new things and where he is stimulated. healthy relationship so far
career: i believe that Yuta was some serious issues with either the ceo of SM either his sponsor, because there’s a heavy masculine energy around him that has been mistreating him and Yuta is reaching his limit 
self: he has been distracted lately, more lazy and overall not so much with his head on what matters. yuta has slowly become more apathetic form things in general 
love: Doyoung is dating at the moment, although the relationship feels quite rush at the moment because they had a huge argument that almost made them split apart. he still has things on his throat that he wishes to say but he doesn't 
career: lately, he has been more on the introverted side. he doesn't spend time with his members nor does he want to be associated with people from sm or his group for reasons that are mostly personal to him. he also wants to be more respected there 
self: he hasn't been play lately, and although he receives some support from people outside, he has been ignoring them as much as he can 
love: HE IS DATING!! pack it up, jaehyun is dating and actually for now the relationship is serious and balanced !! i don't have much information about it 
career: he is a little tired of the image he has. Because that image his fans have of him, does not allow him to be his true self. in the past years that didn't brothers him, but now as he grows older and his career is fixated, he is getting bored of it 
self: he is lost in his emotional turmoil. I believe that doyoung at the moment is just living his life aimlessly without much thought. this is quite sad, as i feel like he  has lost his spark as well 
love: his love life is complicated. He is dating but this person wants things that he cannot give and also because they have way too much influence on him. so he just follows that without putting his own needs in the relationship 
career: some complications but overall he is okay. He just needs to be careful with the type of image he gives to others outside his idol image. because it can rub the wrong people in the wrong ways
self: I am worried about the type of lifestyle he has been living. since these things could potentially have a bad impact on his health in the future. Jungwoo isn't exactly very conscious of the things he does 
love: I believe that Mark is in a relationship with someone else (not his idol ex) and that he is happy with this person but he is still.. well a little bit scared due to how his past relationship ended 
career: he isn't really okay with everything that has been happening. mark feels like the company gives him way too much to do and he often has to sacrifice projects to due others, because his schedule is too tight. he wishes to have a little more freedom to choose instead of allowing the company to take decisions for him 
self: he is okay, he has just been very anxious lately because of some things he has no control over. the fact that he cannot control these is what makes him anxious. But other than that, he is okay 
love: he is in a relationship at the moment, but he feels.. well bored? as if this relationships isn't bringing him any pleasure or contentment and he is just in there because he doesn't want to be alone 
career: Haechan is rather satisfied with his career and how things are going. he has a good relationship with everyone he works it and honestly it feels like he does his job because he likes t and has fun  
self: lately it has been complicated with him. Haechan still uses his unhealthy coping mechanism whenever he's having a hard time. and lately, well he has been overall struggling with his mental health 
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