#and my respectful king
lebrookestore · 2 years
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˗ˏˋ happy birthday bubu! ´ˎ˗
— july 1st<3
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greykolla-art · 4 months
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Don’t know if I ship it, but I do want them to have as many scenes together as possible…
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sadmages · 10 months
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Gale stabilizing all 3 party members from death after not getting hit himself at all and then dropping this bomb while everyone's on the verge of death. So funny of him
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rosefires20 · 18 days
My brainrot today is thinking about just how incredible for a character Eowyn is.
Genuinely. The series might not have many female characters but the ones we do get go so fucking hard.
To me, Eowyn is literally the definition of defining being a woman for oneself. She rejects the roles she is given despite acknlowdging the importance and its mostly because she knows part of the reason is that she is a woman.
The reason why she is obsessed with Aragorn isn't because she loves him but because she wants what he has. She wants the freedom and courage and bravery that Aragorn has at every turn. She literally has multiple conversations during the Two Towers about how what she fears most is a cage. All this girl wants is the freedom to be and not be forced into a role. The best thing is that she literally gets that.
The segment of Return of the King about Eowyn and Faramir is literally about her piecing together what she truly wants. She doesn't want Aragorn. She wants freedom and the ability to choose. Faramir does nothing but encourage that in her. Their love story is literally one of the healthiest love stories I've seen in a long time because at the heart of it, their love is a place to return home to for both parties. Both go off to lead and help their people for a considerable amount of time before returning to each other but that does not diminish their bond. Even Faramir, I believe, falls in love with her bravery and dedication to her loved ones. The reason she went to Pelenor Fields and Gondor with the troops of Rohan was because she had things she wanted to fight for. She wanted to fight for herself, her people, and her loved ones. She is the one who protects Theoden after he is killed so that his body gets the treatment it deserves. She encourages Merry and helps him go to the battle because she sees her struggle in Merry. They feel helpless standing around when there are things to be doing.
Let's also not forget the fact that she was around Grima Wormtounge just as much as the King was. She was exposed to the same poison and awful words that eroded the king. It's even implied that her care for him is part of the reason why Theoden was savable when Gandalf showed up. She had the same power and bravery as everyone else even if she didn't see it in herself.
Then at the end of the day, SHE decides where she wants to go and what path she wants to walk. She walked the path of a warrior. The path of a princess/ruler. The path of a caretaker. But in the end she decides which elements truly mean something to her outside of gender definitions. That is what makes her character so incredible to me. In this she literally kills one of the biggest enemies in that battle with such a badass line.
#i could talk for ages about how i see the struggle of defining being a woman for oneself in her#she rejects the feminine roles given to her but she also doesnt quite want the masculine ones#she just wants the freedom to choose and have the same respect that men are given#she doesnt want to be belitted because she is a woman#thats literally what Faramir gives her and why she stays with him#Faramir loves her for her not anything else#he respects her as she does him#i am someone who is a woman but rejects the definitons of being a woman because they are toxic and caging#all i want is the freedom and respect of being a HUMAN being#i lend more masculine because that is where that freedom is more often but i also see how toxic that relam is too#niether side is good which is why i choose my own path and defintiom#the fact that eowyn gets such a similar story in a series written by a man in the mid 1900s is incredible#i am someone who would love to have more female characters but i do not want them at the expense of them being proper characters and humans#ive read a lot of fantasy women do not always get the agency they deserve#i would rather take fewer well written women then a bunch of poorly written female characters#lotr has that#eowyn arwen and galadriel are all given agency and the space to be their own individuals which makes them incredible characters#thats what i want out of books and ficition#god im making myself insane about my own thoughts lol#i could talk for ages im not kidding#eowyn#eowyn of rohan#lotr#lotr rambling#lord of the rings#the two towers#the return of the king
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moonilit · 11 months
Do you think how Dion attempting to just end the whole world might have made Ultima panic for a sec?
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carrinth · 8 months
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I'm sure it's fanon that the Warden-Commander must make the most random non-sequitur comments about their Origins Love Interest during Awakening or what's the point???
Marzel missing his witchy lover. Everyone then played 'Shape-shifted mage' or 'Actual Giant Spider WTF Commander'.
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fauvester · 7 months
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little moshang fan kid <3
spoiled, aloof, a bit of a bitch, terminally 'weak constitution'-ed, lowkey lazy, prefers reading his dailies in the office and pretending to do paperwork to fighting
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redyrmes · 7 months
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something something ender king something something
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justaz · 29 days
semi-dark king merlin au, someone from ealdor tells king cenred about merlin and he is captured and held as a slave in essetir. since merlin despises captivity and servitude, he’d rather be dead and free than alive and in chains so he acts out and pisses people (especially the king) off so they’ll think him too much trouble and kill him. at first they stick to beatings until merlin manages to get his chains around a few necks and now has a body count so they kill him…..only he wakes back up a few hours later and king cenred is Intrigued and keeps him close. merlin keeps acting out but no matter how many times they kill him, he won’t stay dead. merlin has this moment after waking up perfectly fine after his twenty seventh death where he is hopeless and believes there to be no escape, not even thru death. a few other sorcerers in chains come and help him clean up and give him a lil peptalk, realizing him to be emrys, and then they revolt and take over the kingdom and crown merlin as king and now uther is like “wtf” bc his neighboring kingdom who was kinda sorta on his wavelength about sorcery, though uther did not approve of keeping them alive, is now a kingdom ruled by magic. he goes to war with them but with magic running free and fucking emrys on the throne, they don’t make a lot of headway. anyways merthur meet on the battlefield, enemies to lovers, you get it
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thatonepersonthatdied · 4 months
I think it’s silly how in fics Danny’s like “oh thank the ancients” or otherwise using them as a stand in for “oh my god”. He beat half their asses bi weekly and they only made him stronger. He spits on their names like a Canadian who just got attacked by geese 
He is cocky and full of rage. He can and has fist fought several gods, no way is he respecting them.
Maybe clockwork and pandora, but no one else (nope, nvm on clockwork).
Anyway I think he should curse them out or use them in derogatory ways rather than use them as a curse
Oh fuck the Observants!
You’re dumber than the Observants
I’m gonna beat you so hard Nocturn would be impressed
I hope Vortex goes up ur ass hole
Overgrowth wants to know what ur smoking
I hope overgrowth eats ur mom
I’m not that creative but you get the point.
(This is no way a dis on the ancient trope, I like it fine enough)
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softshuji · 10 months
Whoever thinks hanma doesn't do aftercare and leaves you like that is a bit funny to me ngl like we just know, we know, he's gonna bring you on his chest to smoke a cigarette and make you laugh till you end up falling asleep curled up against him I take no criticism I'm never wrong.
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ryansjane · 6 months
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prem + taking ten's fear of touch seriously
+ ten ruining all of his efforts
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charles-edwin · 3 months
gmmtv refused to give fluke pusit his own series so he went out and got one himself. absolute power move. king shit
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jojo-schmo · 9 months
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Metadede Week Day 1: "Sworn Partners"
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dead-bouquet · 2 years
DP x DC thoughts
Every fanfic and prompt I read has danny either pretending to be older than he is or just outright telling people he is a child.
I’d love to see actual thousands of years old danny who lost his family and has been in his castle for so many years that he’s become a shell of himself. He’s super knowledgeable, super powerful, but he’s just  t i r e d. 
Not to mention he can change his form like clockwork if he wanted to but most of the time he stays in his 14 yr old form cuz that’s the most comfortable.
Now imagine the JL come in. They summon the Ghost King because they need help and omg that is a child on the throne with a dead eye stare but he’s super powerful and helps them for no fee and and bruce is already pulling out the adoption papers.
Dick gaining an older brother figure and learning not everything has to be on his shoulders.
Jason and Danny bonding over being forced to adapt to a world that’s mourned and moved on from them and the struggle to learn to fit in again (because jason is technologically illiterate with all the advancements he missed and you can pry that head cannon out of my cold dead hands).
Tim gaining an older brother who actually listens to his rants and pushes him towards new info cuz danny has lived for so long and duh he knows stuff.
Damian just being a language nerd with danny and learning some languages that have been lost to time (because now he can shit talk about drake without anyone knowing)
Duke just vibin with this bright ass creature but hey? at least there’s another meta in the fam.
Danny spoils the girls cuz they remind him of dani and jazz.
all the while danny slowly gains his spark back and becomes more and more like his old self.
Just... let me have millennia old danny being a shit disturber.
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boltlightning · 8 months
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