#Revenge of the Shadow People
bracketsoffear · 2 months
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Revenge of the Shadow People (R.L. Stine) "Afraid of your own shadow? Vinny Salvo is. Lately weird things have been happening to his shadow. It's grown horns. And claws. And big sharp teeth! Now it's coming after him!
Vinny needs someplace to hide -- and quick.
But where can you hide from your own shadow?"
Lamplight (Benjamin Appleby Dean) "Standard sort of evil shadow monsters made interesting by the fact that the only way to stay safe from them is to be in pitch blackness -- no light, no shadows."
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rosdevw2 · 2 months
⚠️Blood warning⚠️
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The iblis trigger
me: I don't feel like drawing anything and also I have to study for my exams
The knuckles series
me: YEAHHHH MF!!!!
So anyways the knuckles series sure was a series! I loved seeing my son so much, he was so cute and precious <3
I was always wondering why his fists here on fire in the trailer and then you're telling me he killed memphis tennessee!? and you told me that in a fucking musical!?!?!? Listen– I know it was probably just to reference the games and he's not really the iblis trigger, BUT, what if he was? I mean c'mon, it's knuckles, he does not seem like the type to cry easily, so something REALLY BAD has to happen for him to cry >:) think of the angts material!!! PLEASE I wanna see more iblis trigger knuckles content here 🙏
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sincerely-sofie · 3 months
I'm thinking of how funny it would be if Ark and Twig came across an outlaw that they don't actually know is an outlaw. And they tag along, hoping for the chance to steal their stuff for a quick buck.
And then they quickly realize just how bad of a situation they're I'm because these two adventurers, NEITHER of whom are registered under an official guild, are destroying these monsters with ease! For goodness sake, that creepy one just powderized that guy while discussing dinner plans! And he didn't skip a beat! Eventually they make their way out and, ever so thankfully, they're not infamous enough to be wanted in this somewhat isolated town. But now they're crashing at Twig's place because he let slip that they dont have a place to stay?? And they can't sneak out because that creepy floaty guy isn't going to bed???? And they have a kid that can transform but ISN'T a ditto!?!? Apparently they have guests coming later, that's good. Maybe they can slip out when they're distr- IS THAT CELEBI!?!?!?!??
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Anon you have NO idea how in love with this concept I am. It veered in a rather different direction than what you originally provided— hope I didn’t take too many liberties with your initial premise!
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Later on during a family get-together:
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distraughtlesbian · 3 months
sorry for speaking my truth it will happen again. i think my main issue with valax’s redemption arc is literally just that there’s never a moment where the mc gets to actually talk to her about what she did—there’s not really a cathartic conversation, so valax and mc moving past what she did to them feels less like forgiveness and redemption and more like an agreement to ignore the elephant in the room
like sure we got to talk about our trauma (in chapter 17 of 20. lol. lmao, even) to the party, but valax wasn’t present for that?? and like, sure, she says once that she is sorry “for the pain she caused [them]”, but there’s a difference Tew Me between “sorry for hurting you ig ✌️😗” and actually being like “yeah, i abducted you and forced you into a magically induced coma and stole your blood and robbed you of a full year of your life and repeatedly tried to murder you, to say nothing of the grief i caused your loved ones. i did all that shit and i’m sorry for it and deeply regret it, and i acknowledge that you don’t owe me forgiveness, but i will spend the rest of my life working to build a better world for my people instead of being my mother’s pawn”, and a difference between “my mother is unhappy with me for saving you :(” and actually like, giving the mc space to talk about the impact of her actions towards them. like girl you are not getting out of this shit with one sentence’s worth of apology and a sex scene lmfao!!!
during the first half or so of the book the focus for mc is not falling the fuck apart bc they have a friend group to tentatively piece together and they’re averse to showing fear in front of valax, so they’re repressing all their trauma—and by the time valax joins the party, the narrative has gone full Valax Cool And Good mode, and fully allows you to flirt with her and tease her and generally stops taking her seriously as an antagonist. which would be all fine and good if we had actually at any point gotten to be like, “hey, you abducting me and keeping me in a magically induced coma and stealing my blood and trying to kill me has actually caused me a lot of lasting fear and pain,” followed by some set of choices wrt forgiving or not forgiving her for all that in light of the revelation that she did all that shit bc her mom tortured and brainwashed her
like why are my friends more pissed off about the time this bitch abducted me and did evil little experiments on me than i am. free valax she did all that shit bc of her mommy issues but i should’ve gotten to call her a cunt just once. pb stop making all your mcs generals in the idgaf war challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)
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haliaiii · 6 months
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Oc posting 5: Juno
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grimalkinmessor · 10 months
Sasha's got me thinking about Shadow and Bone again and once again I am reminded how much I adore Genya Safin. I'm sorry but the scene of her revenge reveal revolves in my brain hickory slow style all the time—her hissing "I poisoned my skin" when they asked her how she crippled the King echoing in my ears forever.
The ruthlessness!!! The fury!!! The patience!!! The poeticism!!! He could've saved himself at any time, and yet he did not!!!
The King took something from her, something precious, and so she set a poisoned apple in front of him knowing he wouldn't be able to refuse it.
All so she could steal something of his in return.
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theflyingravenbird · 2 years
Over half of the plot and character development of the Four Swords manga is literally just "Stop hitting yourself, stop hitting yourself" and I think that's beautiful.
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tortoisesshells · 4 months
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50 + 271
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yujikuna · 1 year
i do wonder how well sukuna’s whole “i’m going to kill tsumiki’s body using only the ten shadows in order to make megumi fall further into despair over killing his sister so that i can suppress his soul fully” thing will work because i feel like sukuna is operating under the assumption that it will be similar to yuuji and his reaction to shibuya? but megumi and yuuji i feel carry their guilt and responsibility and accountability very differently. no matter who tells him that he wasn’t at fault, yuuji will always think that HE is the one at fault for the deaths in shibuya, but the thought of megumi thinking that he himself killed tsumiki just because sukuna used ten shadows against her is much more far fetched??
i guess since tsumiki is the most important person to megumi he might lose rationality, but megumi really does not have the same sort of self-flagellating need to save as many people as humanly possible and guilt complex as yuuji. megumi saves ppl unequally, and he and yuuji have ALWAYS been different when it comes to saving people and the guilt felt for those they can’t save, so i don’t think he will take responsibility for this in the same way yuuji does. again, since it’s tsumiki this might be the one situation he truly cannot separate himself from, but i just feel that sukuna assuming that yuuji and megumi are so similar that megumi will blame HIMSELF for tsumiki’s possible death rather than sukuna or even the ten shadows themselves is probably going to be one of his biggest mistakes in the series :’)
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bracketsoffear · 2 months
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Revenge of the Shadow People (R.L. Stine) "Afraid of your own shadow? Vinny Salvo is. Lately weird things have been happening to his shadow. It's grown horns. And claws. And big sharp teeth! Now it's coming after him!
Vinny needs someplace to hide -- and quick.
But where can you hide from your own shadow?"
Casa tomada (House taken over) (Julio Cortázar) "It tells the story of a brother and sister living together in their ancestral home which is being "taken over" by unknown entities. The mystery that revolves around what those entities are is largely left up to interpretation, allowing the genre of the story to vary from fantasy to psychological fiction to magic realism to political fiction, among others."
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theheadlessgroom · 2 months
Damnit, she remembers the strawberry preserves incident! Randall blushed with a little grin, recalling him telling her the story long, long ago, just as his mother had recounted it to him with great fondness and amusement: How he managed to somehow get his hands on some freshly-made preserves his mother had just jarred and downed the whole thing, getting himself plenty sticky and smeared with strawberry in the process.
"Oh, it was plenty of fun!" June snorted, shaking her head as she thought back to that sunny spring day-she leaves the room for two minutes, and her son makes an absolute mess of himself and the kitchen counter. "I just remember him sitting there on the counter, all big-eyed, with strawberry...everywhere! His clothes, his hair, the countertop, oh, it was a mess!"
"And he'd just had a bath too!" Wilhelm added, as he looked to his son-who was looking a bit like a strawberry now, given the way he was blushing. "Junie and I had given him a bath after breakfast, I went out to grab something from the corner market, and when I come back, she's got our boy back in the tub!"
He was deeply bewildered by that: He looked at his son, peering out at him over the side of the tub, and then to June, who was dropping a set of red-stained clothes into the hamper, commenting with a hollow laugh, "You won't believe what your son did!"
As Wilhelm continued to regale Emily with some of Randall's other misadventures, June couldn't help but wonder if there was a way to give Emily back that taste of her favorite berry. She had to drink blood to survive, but would it still be possible for her to enjoy what she used to love, all those years ago? Could there be a best of both worlds, she wondered?
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true-blue-sonic · 8 months
The thought of Eggman Nega having a hand in Silver’s “creation” is hilarious. The Robotnik bloodline just cannot escape the curse of at least one of their best creations turning against them in some way.
…Actually, right after I sent that last ask, I happened to remember something. I know it’s been mentioned before that Silver likely isn’t an artificial creation because he mentions having been born, but isn’t it possible in the Sonic universe to implant fake memories? I always thought that that was the way Gerald got Shadow to believe he had to destroy the world. And that was 250 years before Silver’s time, so imagine what the tech from his time could be capable of
I think it would also fit with the fact Eggman Nega is just so bad at being a credible villain that he never managed to get Silver back under his control again. Eggman reprogrammed Metal after the events of Heroes to have unwavering loyalty to him once more, and Gerald was long dead by the time Amy managed to make Shadow remember his true wish (and in ShTH Gerald's video message furthermore inspires Shadow into a second wind that allows him to beat Black Doom, so he managed to undo the destruction of the world after all like his sane self would have wanted).
But indeed, on the topic of Gerald and Shadow, in Gerald's speech in SA2 in the Last Story he says: "I designed its mind to be perfect, pure…", implying to me that he meddled with Shadow's mind somehow (because the Shadow we see in earlier flashbacks is quite kind with Maria, while pondering over his purpose and why he was created). We also see that Shadow at first does not recall Maria's actual wish ("Give them a chance to be happy. Let them live for their dreams."), and instead only remembers bits and pieces. Here it is interesting to note that in those, Maria never says the word revenge or anything urging for it. She just says "Shadow… I beg of you… please," and "Do it for me… for all the people… on that planet…", which Shadow fills in with her desiring revenge. I'm not certain if this is indeed what happened, but I figure Gerald actively repressed the parts where Maria asked Shadow to protect the world and put the idea of revenge in Shadow's head instead, while still leaving enough pieces of Maria's presence and words for Shadow to recall she had a wish for him to fulfil. So from that, I figure tampering with memories is absolutely not impossible in the world of Sonic.
In canon, I doubt Silver is indeed an artificial creation because there is nothing pointing towards it, but I quite like the idea of a story where Nega created him to be the ultimate fighter in his army or something like that... and somehow managed to make a hoglet with such a strong sense of justice and desire to help others that it all backfired on him immediately. I can imagine Nega pulling a Starline-esque move wherein he kept erasing Silver's memories in attempts to this time get him to be loyal, except Silver somehow managed to escape and be free from his control between memory wipes. He'd remember enough about Nega to know he's very dangerous and wants to destroy the world, and he also knows enough about himself that he doesn't want that to pass, and thus them being archnemeses is settled for life. And Nega is never going to be able to defeat him, haha! I think it'd be even more interesting if he made Silver with just some base powers (some telekinesis, maybe being able to teleport), but Silver keeps developing himself further. And now he can fly at the speed of sound! And make knives from pure psychic energy! Some precognition and telepathic abilities, why not? Lifting literal tons of weight at once, sure! Eggman Nega can't even be proud of the fact his creation is able to do all this, because it's only ever used to wreck his plans. He'll be beyond bitter about it!
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trans-li-ling · 2 years
I think we should give Zora a gun and whatever happens to the Shadow Decree happens
#dislyte#Listen I'm going to be honest. I like a lot of shadow Decree characters. But also.#Given the chance I would kill them off in story because of how much I hate them.#Mainly the fact a good chunk of them are like. Okay with child murder? Like hello#The union 100% deserves criticism (hi Luo Yan the cop who got fired bc he thought the law was beneath him what's up w u being here) and#Tiye's story is. Whoooo boy. The union definitely has An Interest In Branding#But again. Orphanage burning was A Thing That Happened#And ofc there's the meta view of like... What are the bad guys ideals? Are they only evil bc they're extreme? And I try 2 keep that in mind#But like the Shadow Decree is kinda... Just full of selfish people. Ofc some ppl are more sympathetic but all of them Are Selfish#Honestly Bonnie is like the only one who stands out to me as like... Yeah the union failed her community and she's rightfully mad#Most of the others lost like. One person either to the union or just thought the shadow Decree would let them get revenge and#It's a case by case thing like some of them probably feel like they have nowhere else to go and that's understandable but the initial#Actions they took were selfish and I feel like dislyte puts too much into making the characters surface level sympathetic (Ophelia) rather#Than grappling with if they view themselves as good people or if they're disappointed in themselves or if they don't care#(forgot to say earlier Jiang Jiuli n Jiang Man r valid in hatred though like the union directly fucked them over and it's understandable#That they fucking hate them so like it's more grey)#(also this is why like... Nicole n Cecilia r some of my faves they don't give a shit they just wanna fuck stuff up and I can respect that)#And Catherine is actually well done because she's full of hatred and even if she has soft moments shes just. Mean as hell!#LYNN I love Lynn but girl you know about the orphanage burning right???? Right???????#Anyway how well known is the burning of the union? Iirc it was both the HQ and the Orphanage so do ppl only know abt the HQ or both or????#Anyway the union is flawed but trying unaffiliated espers are similar and the shadow Decree is 90% people who are selfish and toxic and#Really fucking annoying. I fucking hate Ophelia so much you have no idea I want to throw bricks at her.#Anyways Zora is the best character and deserves free therapy and a lifetime supply or tiramisu and a gun#JASPER TRIED TO FUCK W THE UNION WITHOUT JOINING YHE CHILD MURDER ORGINIZATION
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faggotsonic · 1 year
you know sometimes i get little lonely on here with like 4 dedicated sonic mutuals at most but then i get glimpses of the sonic posts and takes circulating around outside and im like you know what im fine in here actually.
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He created false memories in Shadow and plotted to kill Black Doom behind his back how are you fuckers letting Gerald off scott free like this and instead pinning everything on Doom
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tortoisesshells · 6 months
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(ds: 39, 45, 85, 126.)
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