#Rex exocolonist
ghost--cafe · 1 year
IWATEX - would you fuck a clone of yourself?
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Rex propaganda:
Derek propaganda:
“Extreme hot take but Derek is the best OL1 love interest. He has the best and sweetest confession in the game. You play video games together. He seems reserved until you actually start dating and find out that he's actually just a gentleman who didn't want to be overly forward with someone he's not in a relationship with. He's a family man. You get to blatantly abuse your 'dating' privileges in front of his brothers. He's just so insanely sweet and caring and makes me wanna cry whenever I play his DLC.”
“- Impossible to dislike
- No, like, literally impossible. OL1 will allow you to be indifferent to it's two other LIs, Cove and Baxter but you actually can't pick that option for Derek. Game decided that You Will Be (at least) Friends With Derek
- This boy is so good!!!! He's a sweetheart and has your back in the best way and he's constantly doing his best to make sure the people around him (especially you) are happy
- This is also a complex flaw of his because he feels like he needs to be the best that he can be and to be worth something
- This both manifests in how he treats others (he's exceedingly well-mannered and does everything for others because he secretly hopes that someday someone will do the same for him) and his career prospects (he takes on excessive practice to get good at football/soccer so that he can potentially get a scholarship and become famous all so he can potenially feel like he's worth something. This is actually a major conflict in his Step 4)
- His DLC also has some of the best moments in the game
- He also has a family and they're also really good and you get to see a lot of them
- His dad is hilarious, his mom is gorgeous and their relationship is very cute
- Meanwhile, Derek's brothers are great. I wanna gush about them because I love them but also play Derek's DLC yourself!!! See how good they are for yourself!!!!
- I will say that these three have a really good relationship dynamic and the development it takes in the 10 years between when you first meet Jorge and Nico as little kids to Step 4 where they're adults (and a teenager, Nico is 16 in Step 4) is genuinely very well written
- If you're into the steamy stuff, Derek also has the best make-out session out of all of the boys
- He's also just. Very funny. This boy will invite you to a waterpark and then ask you if its a date so he knows whether or not it's ok to check you out in your swimsuit
- Or, if you aren't dating by that point (but you do want to to date him), the narration will note how he's trying so so hard not to check you out, he's just trying so so so hard
- Puppy dog face. Look at it. Tell me you can look at that face and not want to smooch him
- His confession is also the best, did I mention it's the best? Because it's absolutely the best one in the entire game
- He has a whole thing about having to confess to you on a ferris wheel and he's so committed to it that he actually avoided ferris wheels for a long time before this confession because he promised himself he'd do it the next time he went on one
- And then he went on one...and he literally doesn't confess when he does it because he lost track of time and he had to get off
- so he asks you to go on the ferris wheel with him again so he can actually confess this time
Just. Just vote for him!!!!”
“He's sweet, polite, and out-going and is always willing to put you first (sometimes too willing).”
“polite responsible jock u r NOT immune to this”
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exosomnambula · 2 years
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Who's the best boi???
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wilting-fl0wer · 1 month
art request for @anarchistabsol
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Rex/Nomi is very much an option and let me tell you,
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rgbfall · 8 months
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got excited about rex being aroallo, so i drew him in the aroallo flag colors :) expect more rex content i like him a lot
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elvexen · 5 months
Here’s a list of names for your exocolonist play throughs !!
Calamity (Amity), Reverie, Onism, Saudade
Elixir (Eli), Amorevolous
Sonder, Halcyon, Vagary (Vee), Kopfkino,
Adept (De), Verdant, Solandis
Apricity, Selcouth, Orphic, Incandescent,
Serendipity, Hyperotomachia (Machia/Toma/Chia),
Paracosm, Novaturient (Nova), Ebullience
I’ll keep this post updated as I find more !!
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arcadias-price · 10 months
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trying to learn how to draw some of the exocolonist boys 🪐 still suck at hair
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theomenroom · 3 months
Exocolonist language headcanons
The stratos are all textually established as speaking Esperanto as a first language. There's some conflicting evidence regarding their speaking other languages (Sol has no idea what language Nomi's anime is in, just "is that another language," but Sol can also be a connoisseur of old influencer videos which probably weren't in Esperanto)
I don't think the helios speak Esperanto as a first language. At the very least, the ones who boarded the ship had another primary language, and while it's possible that they close Esperanto as their primary on-ship language, I think it's more likely that they didn't. They're an occupying force. It's unlikely that they'd adapt to the language of their targets before even reaching them.
I think Nomi's the best at languages among them. People don't recognize that as a genuine talent because for the first 15 years of Nomi's life they spent it around the same hundred people who all already had a common language, but Nomi speaks the best Esperanto of anyone on the Helio. They were fluent at landing, and it took them like a month to completely assimilate the dialect differences between their textbooks and the way the stratos talk. They're also conversant in Japanese, but have hardly anyone to speak it with outside of their immediate family, so their dialect is extremely weeby.
@thydungeongal suggested Nomi would speak Toki Pona as well, and yes, absolutely, they would. If they didn't live around the same hundred people, they'd be constantly surprising all their friends with their "oh I can speak that" and would be fluent in at least five languages by fifteen. But they do only live around the same hundred people, so they taught themself Toki Pona. I'd give better than even odds that they can read Tolkein's poetry in the original Elvish, too.
I could see them also dabbling in archeology, and after a decade or so, being the only one who can keep up with Sol about Convergent Domain language (aside from Sym, who speaks it natively. Dys is learning bits and pieces from Sym but the Convergent Domain aren't as interesting to him as the ecosystem)
Rex isn't great at Esperanto, but Nomi made him practice anyway, so his is passable at landing and only gets better once he's fully immersed. Marz also schedules lots of "language practice" sessions between the two of them.
Vace speaks kinda stiffly, at first. He tries because, despite everything about his personality, he knows they have to get along (especially after the heliopause passed through the wormhole), but before landing, he hadn't really tried to learn it so much as he tried to get a good grade in class. Which is why even when he adopts a strato-style name, he still sounds pompous about it. He gets a lot better after practicing with Nem.
I don't have much of a handle on Lum. He clearly speaks it decently enough to parley with the colony on landing (but I could see some of his awkwardness being a language barrier). Maybe when he was shuffled into the paper-pushing corps, he studied a bunch to try to make himself useful as a translator.
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ratgrrrrl · 7 months
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Happy Valentine's day and I hope you all got a databand from someone very special to you
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iamverprost · 2 years
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i genuinely love this game
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creepyfruit · 2 months
Favorite Exocolonist characters? And maybe least favorites if you have any?
I'll give you my character tier list (I decided to include only the kids idk maybe I'll make a separate one for adults)
Answer under the cut ↓
My least fav is obviously Vace. I don't think I need to elaborate but to make it clear l, I haven't ever tried to befriend him so I don't know much about him other than his obsession with killing things, being abusive and a bully.
Next I'll have to put Nomi Nomi not because I don't like them but simply because I've never went out of my way to befriend them so I don't really have an opinion.
Cal was my best friend in my first play through so it hurts me to put him so low but he deserves it. Listen mate I love animals as much as the average gal but you're doing too much. The victim blaming as well?? I'm sorry that I was born on a spaceship set to colonize an alien planet, what did you want me to do? Swim through space and go back to earth? Also your girlfriend's dad died a horrid death and that's still all you have to say? Pacifism isn't a good look on an environment like this one.
Rex is a great dude, there's nothing I dislike about him, he's just simply not as interesting as the others.
Tammy is also kind of on the same boat. I did have a lot of hearts with her on my second play through and helping her be more confident was a very enjoyable journey, she is obviously very kind and empathetic and that makes her incredibly likable. I wish she had some flaws to make a bit more realistic.
This is where things get tough because all the next characters are kinda close but Nem will have to take this one. I romanced her in my most recent play through and she really is just the cutest... until Kom dies and she adopts the whole Helio package. She did become slightly annoying even though I understand her trauma. It's good that you can help her grow out of it, that gives her bonus points. A fun character with some nice character development.
And here comes everyone's fav boy Dys. It took a lot of trying to befriend him, he made it very hard for me and I liked that. I liked how they made him weird and antisocial, he wasn't the misunderstood boy that no one likes but rather it's actually the opposite. His relationship with Tang is so beautifully complex I love every part of it although I still haven't gotten them to reconcile (that damn bar will be the death of me). I would have put him much lower if it wasn't for the exploration buddies relationship that he had with Sol because the most unlikable thing about him (that I honestly never understood) is his obsession with the gardeners. Maybe it's my lack of understanding or the fact that I never really went down that road (making him a gardener/befriending Sym) because it creeps me out but I just don't like his views on the subject. And also I hate his relationship with Sym, nothing cute about a 100+ yo alien praying on a 16 yo boy.
Marz is a character that I thought I was going to hate straight from my first play through. She seemed like the typical mean girl character, who's very pretty has a lot of money is obsessed with clothes and stuff and also bullies every one just because but she's not exactly like that. Sure she has kudos and status and loves her fashion but she has genuinely kind intentions behind her "bullying". She doesn't understand how words can hurt because due to her augument they can't hurt her, she thinks she's helping Dys fit in with her comments and she doesn't want him to be lonely. She's naturally a very commanding person and a true leader but she isn't looking for mindless sheep, she wants you to have self respect and a backbone and I love her for that. Also bonus points to our girl for helping us overthrow the government. I have to say though, all the above doesn't excuse the fact that she can be seriously mean sometimes, but we love her regardless.
My favourite girl, my sweet baby Tangent, who's gone through so much but no matter what you do she doesn't really get a happy ending. I had my eye on her the moment I saw her (her child sprite reminded me of Ino from Naruto that's why) and she was my first romance. Obviously that didn't end well cause my first ending turned out to be tangent's cure (I thought I was just helping my gf bro) and now I'm scared to even talk to her thinking I'll trigger it again but I love her non the less. She's such a complex character I could talk about her for days (special thanks to the person with the multiple tangent discussion posts) her relationship with Dys, the obviously toxic and abusive relationship with Instance, her importance to a whole colony at such a young age, the fact that she's held to adult standards which results in self harming habits and her loneliness, her struggle with mental illness and the death of her mother. I'm writing everything down in a synopsis pretty much because if I start I won't stop. I also love how this abusive relationship was handled compared to Nem and Vace. No matter what you say she won't see how bad Instance is for her and the product of all this abuse is ultimately horrible for her. It adds a realism that hurts to death but is necessary. I also adore her character because it gives us a reminder that not everyone gets a happy ending in life, sometimes the things people go through never really leave them, although admittedly I would kill to see my baby happy, she deserves it.
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Rex propaganda:
Yennefer propaganda:
“She's powerful and ambitious (100% of what she has, she achieved it by herself too. Love a girlboss), witty and sarcastic and confident. And yet Yennefer goes against the stereotype of "power hungry witch" by being extremely caring and loving too, she lets herself be vulnerable around who she loves. Badass sorceress literally tied to the main character through destiny yet destiny isn't what makes them in love need I say more... Bonus propaganda: she and Geralt have a canon love song written about them!!”
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exosomnambula · 2 years
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time for lounge stories!
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wilting-fl0wer · 2 months
art request for @foxgirlwitch
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Sol/Rex smooches for my mutual :]]
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isaquest · 2 years
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make some noise for dys/rex. sorry my contributions to this fandom are all like this
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y’all talking about deep lore revelations in your exocolonist endings while my first ending was dictated entirely by me desperately trying to bone rex.
it’s so funny y’alls first endings were haunting and mine was "living a happy life with rex"
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