#Rex has absolutely taken a holo of them all stood there
tomicaleto · 1 year
“I really need you.”
Anon, I must apologise to you the most because you sent me this a WHILE BACK (I think before July last year) and I'm getting to this right now so I'm so so so sorry. I just couldn't think of a good way of fulfilling this prompt and while I've been saying that in basically all of my asks, it's still doesn't make it okay.
Either way, I hope whoever you are you still see this and enjoy it
Prompt list: Four word prompts
This is set in this AU from a while ago
“Palpatine’s whereabouts are still unknown, and Dooku seems to be laying low lately.” General Windu was saying, his hologram flickering as the signal waved. Commander Cody stood just a couple of minutes to General Windu’s left, as General Koon was standing right in front of him. Across the hologram, he almost expected to see Rex, paying attention as well, but those were just his imaginations. His brother was gone for good and it would be better for him to keep his full attention on the councilman. “And the Senate has been wild these weeks, with every single one of the senators and representatives being investigated after Palpatine’s fiasco. With no apparent new chancellor on the horizon yet.” 
Ahsoka, just a couple of steps behind her new master, fiddled with the tip of her right lekku. Political news tended to put her on edge, especially after the former chancellor had revealed himself to be the man behind the war. Cody did not know the details of how that had happened. He had hoped, though, once the news spread across the galaxy, that it would mean the war would stop and peace talks would begin. 
Instead, as the Republic senate fell into absolute chaos, the Separatists had doubled down on the war, feeling vindicated in the corruption of the Republic, turning a blind eye on how Palpatine’s manipulations had played them as well. 
“Now more and ever, we need to send aid and resources to planets devastated by the war,” General Windu continued. “Especially those that are close to Separatist territories, we need them to know they are still being looked after, that the politicians may have failed them, but the Jedi order and the clones are still on their side.” 
One of General Koon’s claws was playing with his respirator. General Windu finished giving them their instructions for their deployment before his voice shifted slightly and he gently asked General Kenobi. General Koon gave a deep sigh before answering and soon Cody was dismissed and the meeting was over. 
He marched towards General Kenobi’s rooms, ready to report everything that had been said at the meeting. He had taken it as his personal mission, since General Kenobi tended to attend half the war meetings they were regularly scheduled for. 
He finally reached his general’s quarters and entered without knocking, knowing it was useless to do it, General Kenobi rarely answered when he did. The door slid open quietly. 
Obi-Wan was sitting on his desk, his back towards Cody. If he had noticed his commander in the Force, he didn’t give any signs. Instead, he was whispering to a holo picture of General Skywalker. “I still can’t believe you’re gone, Anakin.” Cody managed to hear and immediately regretted entering right then. “I need this all to be a bad dream, to wake up tomorrow and find you across the hall training Ahsoka.” 
Cody considered leaving and returning later. He really shouldn’t be listening to his general’s mourning moment. “But it’s not a bad dream. Every day I wake up and you’re not here, I feel like I’m going mad every time I don’t feel your force signature.” Obi-Wan sighed  and Cody did turn half-way to leave. “I miss you, Anakin, I’m not myself without you.” Or perhaps, Cody thought, taking a step inside the room and letting the door slide closed, he should stay and keep an eye out for his general, let him finish in peace.
“Please, Anakin. I know I should be happy you are one with the Force now, that master Qui-Gon must be there with you, but please…” He paused, and one hand reached for the picture’s face, going through it. “I really need you.” 
The hand fell on Obi-Wan’s lap and he hunched over as if in pain, even though he hadn’t been physically injured in their last mission. Cody remained quiet, letting him have his moment. And then, Obi-Wan turned the holo picture off and with another deep sigh, he turned around. 
“Do you bring me a mission report, Cody?” 
Thank you so much for sending this! Some little clarifications under the cut
So I always intended for Palpatine to somehow reveal his true nature after Anakin's death but I didn't write it yet, but yeah that happens but the war doesn't stop
Also, Ahsoka gets reassigned to Plo Koon and the 501st is either split into Plo and Obi-Wan's battalions or they remain under Obi-Wan's command
Obi-Wan doesn't go to most meetings since Anakin's death so Cody began reporting them back to him. If the meeting is really important, he does get summoned and does go, but he took Anakin's death really badly
Tagging this as obikin because while they didn't get to confess, the feelings were there
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