#Rhian Mistral
anobody277642 · 1 day
The reason that Rhian and Rafal are twins is because they both are filled with the same rot. They cant love because of it. It’s why they go hand in hand with one another. There’s no Rhian without Rafal and no Rafal without Rhian. You cannot put anyone else in each one of their places because no one else matches with the other one correctly. They both are puzzle pieces that can only be matched with each other. No matter how hard you try, you cannot match a puzzle piece with one that doesnt fit the other. Thats the lesson Rhian learned with Sophie.
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rosellemoon · 2 days
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So, these girls (the Biggs sisters) are fraternal twins, but they have the same father. What's interesting is that, unlike your average fraternal twins, they have almost identical faces. I think this could explain the Mistral brothers' case, unless their mother used a love potion like Vanessa did. (Past is Present and Present is Past, perhaps?)
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bellatrixnightshade · 2 months
I'm Tired.
I see how they view you
Always so awed
While I’m pushed to the side
Forget how it’s me always talking
It’s me that always tries 
And I hate that you constantly mock
How I often cry
When I see who you are
And how you act
A part of me dies
What is so hard?
Why are you often sharp?
Can you just stop cutting through me?
Can you just see that I’m a human that makes mistakes?
That maybe, just maybe, i will never be as fucking good as you?
You act like you’re brave and you say that I’m weak
And if not with words it’s by that condescending way you speak
Yet explain why you are the run who runs away?
I want to be perfect
I want to be fucking perfect
Good and kind
I wish I was like you
I wish I didn’t love like you
I wish I had no heart like you
I wish I was cold like you
All I really wanted was your kindness
All I really wanted was one good word
I wanted to be enough
You blame me for seeking more
But why are you never happy with me?
I’m sorry that I got your blood on my hands
Do I even care?
You were happy 
You dared
You were willing to leave me to die
Our relationship is a lie
I want to be perfect
I want to be fucking perfect
Good and kind
I wish I was like you
I wish I didn’t love like you
I wish I had no heart like you
I wish I was cold like you
I guess now that you’re gone all of that is true
To them I am perfect
I am the one
I don’t love you (you didn't love me that much anyway)
I have no heart because you burnt it all up
Now I’m cold like you
I did it. I went in a totally different direction but I did it. I'll come out with an explanation behind the lyrics later.
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liketwoswansinbalance · 5 months
Texting in a Modern AU:
Rhian: My arm is killing me, Rafal! I got shot at the pharmacy today.
Rafal: WHAT
Rafal: hang on rhian im getting my car keys/
Rhian: *a shot
Rhian: Sorry! Made a typo! :)
Rafal: You almost gave me a heart attack, you BASTARD.
Rhian: ily too
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harmonyverendez · 11 days
How old were Rhian and Rafal when they become schoolmasters? 15? 16? 17? 14? 13? 12?.
Cause I'm so curious.
This question has been bugging me forever 🙄😒
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wisteriaum · 2 months
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dragon fire
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luannie · 9 days
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idk but i have mini rhian on the wall of my desk (idk what you call them tbh)
all he does is stare.
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clockthingalt · 17 days
Have a Rhian art dump-
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joeykeehl256 · 2 months
I was scrolling around on twitter, facebook, discord, and even the forum on wiki but never seemed to find any active people! And now I'm here there's suddenly a huge community I'm speechless! The happy kind of speechless 🫶✨️
I read the School for Good and Evil first time in 2018, and the series was so captivating it never left me. I never joined any fandom before so it just always kind of danced around in my mind for a few years.
What seriously made me fell in love, though, was the Rise and Fall series! All the plot twists and drama and easter eggs to the main series, I'm in love with everything!
So glad to see the SGE fandom still active somewhere! If anyone sees this post, I'd really love to get to know you all and share our thoughts and idea and love for the series!
Looking forward to meet lovely people in the fandom!
Btw I made this sketch of the infamous scene anyone who read Rise of the SGE would know - I die for it every day 😭🫶✨️ i sketched this a while ago when I was reading the book for the first time but never got to show it to anyone
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P.s. I've also been editing the fandom wiki to make things presentable since last time I checked it was a mess up there given the twists between Rise/Fall, so many things happening at once.
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abeehiltz1159 · 7 months
I imagine Rafal having like. Minty-green eyes. For some reason. Probably just to fit with this winter aesthetic I associate him with, like the positive sides of winter
I think Rhian and Rafal both represent winter in their own ways. Rhian represents the “cold” aspect, the storms, blizzards, freezing that comes with the winter season. But Rafal is more like the “warming up” aspect of it, the blankets, snowball fights, snowmen, crappy igloos kids build for fun, festive lights, Christmas candy. They’re both wintery but they cover the different parts of winter
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rosellemoon · 3 months
In honor of the great Walrus vs. Fairy debate, I must ask the SGE prequels fandom:
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bellatrixnightshade · 6 months
Okay so uh if there was ever a movie or a show about the SGE prequels, I would like it to be a musical one.
I don't know why, but an SGE related musical would be fun. Not just already existing pop songs but original songs too.
I mean the prequels have Peter Pan and pirates, villains, and twin angst, so why not?
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liketwoswansinbalance · 2 months
What if Rafal couldn't save Rhian in time? Like Vulcan successfully stabbed him with the pen before Rafal could prevent it?
The comedic answer is that I have one word for you: gibbeting.
That's the more "fun" answer, a form of medieval execution/torture, which was specifically intended to make an example of someone, publicly, to deter further criminal acts, and if Vulcan murdered Rhian, well, he deserves the worst death possible! And why not make it a creative one? However, I think, to an extent, that gibbeting could be too extreme, and that Rafal would recognize that if Rhian were alive, he'd view it as an eyesore, tasteless, or simply too brutal, so it's probably unlikely to happen. But, Rafal might not be above it, considering that the Doom Room exists, so it could go either way, potentially.
Plus, there's some added, bonus "fun" here, in how a certain canon moment would come full circle. Vulcan put Rafal in a birdcage (while he was a black sparrow), and now, Rafal would get the pleasure of hanging Vulcan (or rather, his slowly dying and later, decomposing body) up in a cage, a pretty neat form of revenge, if I do say so myself, haha! Besides, Vulcan was a bit exhibitionistic, wasn't he? So, this would also make for an ironical fate.
Now for the serious answer. I hope you don't mind it if I get a little more subjective/personal with this one at some point. It's not quite as much an overblown, narrative-style post, and may be more understated than usual.
I took this "what if" ask to essentially mean: how would Rafal react to Rhian's death and how would he mourn Rhian over time? If I misinterpreted your ask, and this wasn't the kind of response you were expecting, please let me know. Also, everything is speculative, of course, so take my interpretations with a grain of salt. I'm open to hearing other opinions!
I think Rafal's immediate, knee-jerk reaction would probably be to murder Vulcan as revenge, but also it would serve the more practical reason of disposing of the tyrant usurper, ousting him from the School permanently. However, I don't think Rafal would find catharsis in it, not this time at least, considering why he is doing it.
He'd have to act on his feet, and quickly, because, Vulcan would still pose a threat to his own life, which would force Rafal to delay any kind of visceral, emotional reaction.
That is why I think the murder would be done instantaneously because speed is more important, and so is getting the task done right. And, having Vulcan dead sooner for everyone's safety is more important than the potential brutality of any kind of gruesome catharsis Rafal could derive from the act. That's why I think Rafal would go about performing this particular murder in a less sadistic fashion, for once, like how Vulcan died in canon by a stab wound, versus the time when Rafal turned Rufius to gold and shattered him, or did worse to others, generally. If Vulcan had simply been a foe who was already incapacitated, that could've given Rafal the opportunity to go for a worse form of murder, but Vulcan isn't harmless.
Thus, employing a "kinder" form of murder in this instance wouldn't be out of sympathy for Vulcan, but more so, to fulfill an urgent need. And, in some sense, the act of murder would be done out of a kind of duty to Rhian, for Rhian's sake and nothing more. I think Rafal deriving pleasure/catharsis out of this murder could possibly be a bit of a slight to Rhian's memory because this is somber business.
Then, after that adrenaline or rage-fueled clarity and the action taken, I think Rafal would next probably feel some kind of uncomprehending fog next because Rhian was suddenly ripped away from him with little warning. His supposedly immortal brother, who was supposed to be with him forever, just died. To an extent, that has to feel surreal.
The surreal feeling could start out as a detached, dissociated feeling, like the kind of out-of-body experience where you're like a third-person observer, (probably a similar feeling as a panic attack?) Like, what? What has my life become? Rhian is suddenly gone, for good.
(The revelation of Rhian's death being real could also prompt a lot of thought as to why their bond wasn't able to save or revive Rhian, and could evoke guilt.)
Once Rafal processes the implications of Rhian's death, his initial outburst could be the most, actual, unbridled emotion he lets out, at all, if ever—maybe, one raw, primal scream of agony into the ether and that’s it. (Yet, I'm also tempted to say, that's too dramatic of a reaction, even for him. As interesting as it is to go to extremes in other cases, I'm attempting to go for something closer to realism here, so bear with me.)
While there is probably a narrow chance, that under the exact, right conditions, he could be driven insane or become an extremist in some way, out of guilt or by how ridiculously unjust the whole situation would be, I think it's a little more plausible that Rafal would just bury himself in his work. He could devote his life to Evil, and still keep it in balance with Good, without Rhian there to keep him in check, even if he was more often the one to keep Rhian in check, from what we saw. (He could also become disillusioned with the world and the Pen.)
Given how I view Rafal, I think he would shut down emotionally but not functionally. He wouldn't let himself dwell on the grief for long, and he might even (irrationally) resent Rhian for dying, at first, on the surface, because he's now got twice the work. And yet, the work would be a welcome distraction from his actual grief.
Additionally, I think Rafal would become numb and immune to all emotional appeals from other people. Not even a trick like Hook reminding him of Rhian would work to convince him to change his mind that he's already made up in any future instance. He's never, never investing himself in the fate of another person again. Not when he could lose them. He just... does his job. Someone has to do it after all.
That said, I think his paranoia level would absolutely skyrocket, too, as a result of the whole Vulcan incident, and that he'd isolate himself more than he already did before.
Now comes the part where this may or may not take a weird turn, and I could be projecting with what I'm about to say, but I think I have actual reason to apply it to Rafal, purely out of thinking it could make sense for him, (as just one of the many possible ways he could take Rhian's death. Again, this is all just my speculation. I could easily be wrong, so keep that in mind.)
Ok, I'm not sure if this is a common or a weird thing to think and I had a feeling it could be controversial. Thus, I'm going to preface it with this: my intention is not to sound callous, but...
I (usually) do not miss people when they are gone. (Death is different from just absence though.)
I doubt that I "miss" people in what is the typical way, from what I have heard from others? Though, I have an explanation. Obviously, it depends, but missing others doesn't occupy my every waking thought. (And thoughts about fictional characters are a different type of thought to arise.)
I feel others' presence when they’re around, and when they’re not around, unless I'm concerned for them, I don’t exactly think about them. It's kind of "out of sight, out of mind," except for the cases in which I actually am holding something to say to them in mind for our next encounter.
I’m sorry if this is strange, but I think that’s how I operate most of the time. I don't "wait around" for people to return because I always have some thing to occupy myself with. Can anyone relate?
I suspect that the reason why is because, to me, missing someone is what I would classify as an active feeling. When someone I love is apart from me, I'm usually busy, regardless of whether they're present or not (that doesn't change), and I know that when you're busy, you don't have the time to feel, at least not active emotions. They just... don't occur to you? Or maybe they are not conscious?
Now, from my view of things, if something you feel becomes a problem, and interferes with your daily functioning or general contentment with everyday life, that could very well surface as a real reaction or outburst. But, that's an entirely different matter. I also think that I am reminded of people at times, but that I usually don't "miss" them without there being some kind of (internal or external) stimuli that causes me to think about them.
Maybe, I'm just projecting onto Rafal too much because I relate to him over other characters, and this is silly, or junk psychoanalysis, but it seemed to fit his character also???
Sometimes, I just want recognition more than I want actual companionship since I don't get lonely. I wonder what that says about me? That I'm an introvert, or lazy because relationships require regular maintenance to sustain them? I promise I'm not a misanthrope!
Ok, back to Rafal. He's sunken himself into his work and as such, he wouldn't actively miss Rhian. (If anyone would like more clarification, I'm not saying he wouldn't grieve Rhian at all. It's not that.)
And, if we're going down a more realistic than dramatic route, he wouldn’t lose his sense of self, or his mind over Rhian. Yes, not even Rhian. I think the only thing keeping him running and tethered to his life would be his commitment to the School/keeping himself alive.
What this makes me think of is how people romanticize grief or unrequited love, how they may end up looking wan and eventually wasting away (well, if we're talking about being heartsick in literary/symbolic contexts...). And, I just don't think Rafal would be the type of person to fall into some kind of "madness" or melancholic malady. Grief just wouldn’t be so debilitating or all-consuming to him because he wouldn’t let it do that to him. He wouldn’t stop eating or sleeping as I would expect these behaviors more from someone like Rhian, not him.
Similarly, he might not indulge in pleasurable things, but he’s a bit of an ascetic already anyway, so that’s that. He could potentially renounce pleasurable things in life out of mourning, in a traditional way, but I doubt that would happen either, to be honest. It probably wouldn't cross his mind. At least, it wouldn't happen on a formal, conscious level, even if he could very well deprive himself without realizing it.
I just don't think Rafal would be engulfed by grief, simply because he isn’t that much of an emotionally driven person or that vulnerable to being swept up by personal tragedy, when compared to Rhian, who's more "wild." He’d only let his grief manifest so far, assuming his emotions do still remained locked down and under his control.
So, while he may think about Rhian regularly, he might just accept the fact of Rhian's death, carry on, and not miss him because Rafal missing Rhian could (implicitly) mean becoming non-functional due to grief (or guilt) and that would be too great of a risk for Rafal to take, considering his current reality alone. Basically, to let himself wallow in those emotions would be an unnecessary "risk," from his viewpoint. That's why he might repress that reflective type of thought.
Such feelings would be too much mess or potential disorder for someone like him, especially if he realized he couldn't keep them contained, and they, as a consequence, actually jeopardized his fate or the School's, assuming the grief made him unable to perform his job properly.
(He'd probably subtly resent the Storian as well, for not preserving Rhian's life.)
Also, one small point: in canon, was his bond with Rhian really, truly all-consuming? Let's stop and ask ourselves that for a moment.
Yes, for a time, their bond may have seemed like it was priority no. 1, but Rafal was apart from Rhian for six months, and might not have consciously missed him, if it took him that long to return after getting an external reminder from his interactions with Hook. It might have taken something outside of himself (like the prophecy) for him to come to the realization that he had to return and reestablish his loyalty to Rhian (which was arguably never gone, just dormant for a while). And this would mean that if left alone to his own devices, had he never been moved by James, or "awakened" and been made aware by Adela Sader, he could have taken longer than even six months to return... if he ever decided to at all, if the thought ever arose in the first place.
So, overall, it would only be rarely, when he has nothing to occupy himself with, that Rafal would grieve in some quiet way, and over time, the grief would fade. It wouldn't leave him entirely, but it would diminish, I think, the more and more he distances himself from everything else.
Also, in canon, I suspect that he lies to himself about how much he cares for Rhian. He never shows Rhian much affection, but he sacrifices his life for him, on instinct, which probably means a grieving Rafal would also lie to himself about how “little” he mourns Rhian. In reality, he’d probably mourn Rhian a great deal more than he could know, but wouldn’t have enough self-awareness to realize it.
Perhaps, at night, he would be haunted by Rhian's memory, and take on Rhian's insomniac trait on occasion. Also, to credit @cursed-daydreamer, I think it would be plausible for Rafal to take on a few of Rhian's traits, unconsciously, to compensate for the loss, and fill his void; it could be a way of keeping Rhian's presence in his life.
Lastly, I doubt that Rafal would publicly erect monuments or dedicate anything to Rhian. He wouldn’t want a painful, visual reminder around. His rituals, if we were to call them that, any form of remembrance, I mean, would likely be private, away from prying eyes and students. Rafal wouldn't want to come across as weak or sentimental. That’s the last thing he needs at the moment, a ruined reputation, another so-called threat to his own life/power. Because, increased paranoia could lead him to believe that if he were to show any sign of vulnerability, more "Vulcans" could prey on him and the School.
He could maintain the cherry blossom trees though, but it'd always be a sobering occasion, and he'd never take the credit.
Besides that, he probably wouldn’t go eulogizing his brother or canonizing him. He can still recognize Rhian's flaws, and to praise Rhian so completely would be "too much," too public, and the performative (or contrived) nature of certain mourning customs like those would probably strike him as "wrong" because they just seem... insincere. I don't think Nevers (if we're assuming Rafal remains Evil) put as much much stock in praise anyway, according to their value system.
The exception to the rule would probably be if he recognized that it would be Rhian's wish, to receive some recognition or a dedication. Then, he would do it, out of reverence, I think. He'd have reason to "excuse" it (Rhian's dying wishes), unlike visible emotions, which don't have an excuse to be felt.
Also, I was wondering: does anyone agree or disagree? I'm really curious because this ask provoked a train of thought I'd never considered before!
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harmonyverendez · 4 months
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True. But I feel like there is a twist. There is something a lot of people are missing out on.
Where are their parents?
When did they have triplet sisters?
Why don't they talk about the sisters in the flashbacks/Prequel?.
The whole two prequels are so confusing. I see and understand why people are still confused.
So many answers and questions unanswered, the prequels just made me more confused about the main book series.
Soman why?
Just why? 🤧🤧🤧🤧
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wisteriaum · 6 days
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small art dump bc i havent posted art in a little while
this is like the 4th time ive posted today LMAO
(picture 1 is inspired by “In Unrecognition of Rhian” by @liketwoswansinbalance !!)
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discjude · 26 days
Hi prequel community. If I said that I think the reason why there were only two prequels compared to the three that the other parts of the series got (3 TSY books and 3 TCY books) AND the reasons why Rhian's eye colour changes miraculously from Rise to Fall from green to blue (I think he's described as having green eyes in Rise? someone might have to correlate me on that) is because in Rise he's supposed to parallel TSY Sophie (green eyes, doubtfully good, multiple boyfriends) and then in Fall he's supposed to parallel Japeth (blue eyes, fratricidal, insane, gets cool one liners) how would you react to that
#the brackets make this unreadable im so sorry#but like you've got to hear me out on this right. right.#im cooking something I dont know what it is but its being cooked#the downsides ive spotted here is that I don't know if Rafal goes from TSY Agatha --> TCY Rhian that is a problem#but I might've just not spotted it#there's def some rhian sader in rafal cause of the whole “idc if you're evil and I'm the One (true king) we can still rule together”#and the whole Getting Murdered#I didn't pick up much of Agatha in him in Fall but the Sophie parallel was DEFINITELY there for Rhian#and “the One” being introduced as a parallel to “the One True King” makes way too much sense#this is also a convenient explanation for the wrong eye colours (though that also doesn't apply to Agatha. applies well to TCY twins though#is “cool one liners” solely a japeth trait? no. did he get the best ones? absoLUTELY. “welcome to hell then” okayyyyy go off#submitting this for peer review#there's so many little observations I have about prequels that I don't want to make full posts about#for example how the school masters' colours in the movie are the rise + fall ones#but whatever#sge#tsfgae#school for good and evil#the school for good and evil#fotsge#rotsge#sge prequels#japethposting#if anyone spots any more parallels that I missed pleaaaassseeee tell me I need to build a case file for this#rafal mistral#rhian mistral#oh also this was accidentally inspired by a wisteriaum post so thank you 4 that#MORE TAGS oh my god sorry I just remembered that Rhian gets described as serpentine/snakey a LOT in Fall that's def something
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